HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-07-23, Page 7ese
tl .
VOL XXXVII.. NO. 1903.
Brownie Cameras
$1,00 to $9.00.
$5,00 to $35.00.
Full line of Films and Camera
Supplies cn hand.
Keep a record of your summer
Our dark room is at our cus-
tomers' disposal.
taiton McKibbon
Macdonald Block, Wingham,
In what ? In Real Estate ? No 1
Prices have held firmer, and more
properties have changed hands in
Wingham during the past year, than
in any other town of its size.
No other town in the vicinity is
building so many new houses.
Every year shows solid substantial
growth and Wingham continues to be
the smartest town of its size in West-
ern Ontario.
With a falling tax rate and pro-
mise of an abundant crop both at
home and in the West coupled with
good prices, we confidently look for-
ward to
business for our factories, our mer-
chants, our meohanics and also for
the Real Estate and Insurance men.
In the meantime we have a few
properties on our lists, that we can
sell at rather less than their true
value, as the owners are leaving town,
Better oall on us to -day or some-
body will get ahead of you.
Ritchie 86 Cosens
Griffin-Vanstone Block, WINGHAM.
Phone 123
• Sea. -
Running Over
is what our store is with the
good things that make life
worth living. Yon won't
grumble when you dine on
the eatables got here. There's
both quantity and quality.
These are lines in which we
specialize. We blend the
best teas grown—are agents
for the finest Cocoas and
handle unexcelled Ooifees.
Ask Us About Them.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Sunday Scho I Excursion.
The annual exo recon of t union
Sunday schools, Br seals, wi be run to
Kincardine on T esda , menet 4th.
Baseball teams a d ling matches
have been arran d. The Luoknow
Pipers Band will be in attendance.
Come and enjoy a ay at Lake Huron.
Cream of Wheal and Farina
Our stook of these aro the
best procurable and are posi-
tively fresh. We have also
on hand rini HIGHEST AND
other farinaoious foods.
Highest price paid for hides and poul-
try at T. Fells' butcher shop. •
Miss Fres
Miss Fraser, w
Publio School to
time, tendered
week, owing to
mother. A epeci
Board was held
when the resignat
the Secretary instr
applications for th
✓ Resigned.
o has been on the
hing staff for some
er resignation last
the illness of her
1 meeting of the
ast Friday evening
n was aecepted and
cted to advertise for
vacant position.
A11 the leading
Book store.
agazines at the Big
Clean S
Messrs. H. E. Isa
advertisement on
issue announce t
Olean sweep sale
Saturday, August
til the 12th of
will be given in g
ing, boots and
Read the advt.
the prices, then
secure some of th
J, henry Christie
eep Sale.
d & Co. in a large
nether page of this
eir annual ten days
which will open on
at and continue un-
ngnst. Big bargains
eral dry goods, cloth•
oes and groceries,
d get familiar with
visit the store and
The few baby oar
will be cleared out
in price at WALKER
ias we have left
a great reduction
furniture store.
Book Sto e Change.
The business of •• a Big Book store
has been purchaser by Messrs. Elliott
and Watley and t e business will be
continued in the ol. stand. A complete
stock of :all kind= of stationery, wall
paper, fancy goods fancy china, picture
post cards, eto. • ill be carried. The
new firm will be .leased to have a call
from all old cos omers and pleased to
meet 1^,ew onus. Don't forget the Big
Book store whe in need of anything
that is carried i stock. The firm has
an advt. in anot•er column of this leave.
Read it,
At the regular me
Encampment, No 4
following officers
D. O. P„ John F,
Guest; S. W., J.
R. A. Cruickshank;
son; Trees., J. W.
Civic holiday 13 (to -ria Thursday.
Store closed all day, nclam all holidays;
also each evening at 7 /o'clock, except-
Saturdny nights a evenings before
holidays. Vines & Co.
The funeral o
plaoe on Saturd
late home to:
There was a 1
a number be
points, the d
in this secti
were beautif
from the busi
boarders at H
others. Mr.
of deceased,
bearers were
Samuel, Davi
Chatham; toe
Orr, and a co
grave were co
acting rector o St. Paul's chum
ing of the Minerva
re installed by D
roves: -0. P., Jos
Elliott; Guide,
T. J. Elliott; and
At the condos-
oortne restaurant.
Wingleam and B1
played a league ga
Friday afternoon las
very one.eided one.
third inning the se
f avor of Blyth. Th
eturned and Blyth
The end of the g
19 to 3 in favor of
day afternoon the 1
Goderioh and had
of the county to
game of ball,
soore of 3 to 1.
argely: Attended.
the late Alex. Orr took
e • Teeswater cemetery.
ge attendance of people,
ng present from outside
ceased being well-known
n. The floral offerings
1 and inclnded wreaths
ess:men of the town, the
tel:Brunewick and many
rr, of Chatham, father
as present. The pall -
three brothers, Messrs
sons, Will and Orvie
sin, Mr, Nicholls, of
vices at the house and
ducted by Mr. Tully,
th baseball teams
e on the park on
The game was a
At the end of the
re stood 3 to 0 in
n the tables were
boys quit scoring.
me the score was
inglaara. On Mon -
cal players went to
game with the boys
n. This was a good
The program
y ear's Exhibitio
instruction and
body. Kemp's
Hippodrome per
company of pe
Western Fair
Indians, Cowbo
bronchos, mule
stage coaoh
"King of the Ai
Sisters, and m
each evening,
” Railway DIM
tion of Mount Pe
come to Londo
this year. Prog
Seoretery, A. M.
Fair, London.
e of attractions for this
is one that will furnish
amusement for every -
Id West Show and
orraance is the largest
le ever presented to
isitois-118 people, 35
Band, 65 horses,
, etc, Chariot races,
," the Biokett Family,
, Kronoman Bros., the
ny others. Fireworks
ocnoluding with the
er" and the "Destro°.
es." Everyone should
for at least one day
mines and all infor-
application to the
unt, London,
Fox SALE.—Three geed dwelling
houses, conveniently ideated in the
town of Winghana, ill be sold at a
bargain. Get particulars at the TIMES
Loyalty to
The following
from the last i
Publisher :—Ther
in this province, 6
have not made
house. This has
tercet of the ho
out money e,nd
editors of the la
advertising rates
against these en
diamonds. Now
man appreoiates
is willing to take
try editor has for
price, What oth
or professional
business to help
ly as many of s
in the least to r
or even appreciat
Local Paper.
aragraph is taken
sue of Printer and
are but few editors
ys nn exchange, who
vigorous and con-
inst the mail order
been done in the in -
merchant, and with-
ithout price. If the
d had received regular
"or all they have said
ies of the country
nid now be wearing
he department store
dvertising space and
all the average omen-
snle, and at a good
r class of business
men would refuse
heir friends, especial -
d friends never seem
turn the compliment
The Popular
Keep in mind the
excursion to Sarnia
held on Saturday,
oheap trip gives the
kid a splendid opp
few days in Sarnia
Detroit. See advt.
for full particulars.
nd Detroit to be
ugnet 8th. The
eople of this dia.
tuoity to spend a
Port Huron and
another column
Leave your orde for daily news.
papers at the Big B k otore.
The TIMES ma
ooraplaints during
against the practi
doing their statute
arid Jaly. The ne
roads very bad for t
of the year when t
its very best. It
if municipal Coo
this work is done
he Roads.
has heard many
he past few weeks
e of the farmers
labor during June
gravel makes the
availing at a season
e country is looking
ould be a good move
oils would see that
n the fall.
We are selling all kin
cheap as the oheapest—i
cheaper. Read adv. on p
& Co.
Dr. Ovens. Oculist, London, Surgeon
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at
McKibbon's drug store, Monday, Aug.
properly fitted.
Bridge Wo
The work of rai
new concrete floor
of town has been
opened for traffic
day. The water
sufficiently to pe
the river and far
Wingham will no
out of their way.
road has caused a
venience, and far
will be pleased to
will be ready for
Death of) Mrs. King.
There- passed Itsvay early Sunday
!morning at her Immo on Shuter street,
1 Mary Henning, relict of the late Geo,
E, King, aged 153
been in delmate
off3.oe. and for several
- fined to her be
roduce, was held in hig
crop this year is a , circle of friends.
this Province, owing Wingham for the
portanoe of our dairy , spent her girlho
oddick, Dairy Com- township, her fa
ly gave evidence be- : Henning, being f
tee of Agriculture in Reeve of the tiownship, She was a
regress made by the ; member of the !Presbyterian church.
ry of the Dominion Being of a brigh
e theory that because tion she made a
a shrinkage in the ex- who will hear o
reduce to Great Britain I regret. The de
ely increased local con- sons, Messrs, Th
said, is in the main , daughter, Miss
ave figures to show that They will have
and 1007 the value Of circle of frienda
er, Cheese, raillt and con, , bereavement.
rodueed la Canada grew . beautiful wre
,000 to $35,450,000. In. sympathizing f
airy batter and all other was held on T
the indastry its annual D, Perrie. Th
0ountry is about $94,000,-1, noon was iargel
ars ago, be said, no eon- I being conducte
Vag PrOdtleed in Canada pall -bearers we
t there are several factoriesiA. 11. Musgrov
titput Veined at nearly Davis, Geo. Sp
The large hay
valuable asset fo
to the growing i
interests. J. A.
fore the Comini
respect to the
dairying indue
and discossed
there has been
ports of dairy
the industry ha
way, The lay
exporte, He
between 1000
oreanlery but
dewed milk
from $29,a0
eluding the
products of
Thill0 to the
000, Ten y
&allied milk
and ht prat.
with an
shoes as
ost oases
ing and putting on a
n the bridge south
mpleted and will be
wo weeks from to -
as now gone down
it driving through
rs residing south of
be obliged to drive
The dosing of this
reat deal of incon-
ere and business men
earn that the bridge
raffle in two weeks.
during August. When e say special
Special prices on all.liArri furnitrire
prices we mean it. goods marked
in plain figures at WALKER'S' furniture
ears. Mrs, King had
ealth f or some months
weeks had been COn-
. The deceased lady
esteem by a large
She had resided in
past twenty years and
d days in Turnberry
her, the late James
.r a number of years
and cheerful disposi-
large circle of friends
her death with deep
h of her husband in
a severe shock, Two
s. and Robert, and one
thel, are left to mourn
d and loving mother.
he sympathy of a large
in their time of heavy
large number of
ths were sent by
lends. Private service
esdity 'morning by Rev.
funeral in the after -
attended, the service
by Mr, Tully. The
Messre. 3. A. Morton,
tton and W. A. Clan:1p-
Home fro
The members of th
who took part in the
brations in Quebec 1
home on Monday
members of the oo
from Wingham rep
onting and were wel
Letter Wr rs Beware!
The dead letter , fficse at Ottawa is
being flooded with otters bearing only
half of a teroentenar etamp, the stamp
being twice the sh e of an ordinary
two.oent sticker au heisting the two
heads thereon some people cannot see
why they should ot cut one head
off and use the eta .. p by the halves,
making two cents cover two letters.
These mutilated eta ps are bringing in
letters daily from al over the Dominion.
One royal head s ems to mean one
postage stamp to good many people.
The two has led lo astray,
Huron Regiment
eroentenary cele -
week returned
orning. The six
pany who went
pleased with the
Baby's cloak lost
Thomson farm gate
er please leave at K
n road between the
nd Zetland. Find -
g's store.
Bridge W
The oontraotor
o f the abutments
Josephine street
side rable trouble
away. Crib wor
the pump has b
week, but the wat
Tine t rouble will
keep the roadwa
time than was ex
rk Delayed.
ho has the building
r the new bridge on
rth, is having con
n getting the water
has been built and
en working all this
r keeps coming back.
delay the wcrk and
aided for a longer
BRING along your shoes! We do
repairing and WE DO IT RIGHT. Lowest
A Big
The Sons of So
annual oelebrati
August 12. The
landere Band of
gaged for the day
oeen air concert in
is a good progra
feature will be a o
match between W
ton, two of the be
western Ontario.
be in Seaforth on A
Mrs. J. A. Morto is viinting with re-
latives at Kincardi e.
Dr. Collison, o Lindsay, was a
Wmeham visitor I et week,
Mr. lid sun and es Mann, of Toronto,
are visiting with ss Belle Elliott.
Ingham friends.
Ulster, of St. Clair,
f her aunt, Mrs.
Miss Winnie M
was visiting with
Miss Bernice Mo
Mich., is the guest
Mrs. Kechnie, of
with her parents, M
Miss Jennie Hallid
spending the holiday
laome in town.
Miss Lizzie Gilohri
holidays with frie
Clemens, Mich,
Mr. and Mrs. Camp
Mrs. Edward Bosman.
Mrs. J. Boobs and s
kich., are visiting at
Mr. Robt. King, of
town on Tuesday atte
of the late Mrs. Geo. E.
erlin is visiting
and Mrs. Thos.
y, of Toronto is
at her parental
t is epending her
de at Moant
ell and children,
g with Mr. and
tland will bold their
in Seaforth on
famous 48th High-
oronto has been en -
and will also give an
the evening. There
Ina of sports and
d piping. A special
mpionship baseball
gham and Foliar.
amateur teams in
very person should
gust 12th.
Canteens at ilitary Camp.
At a meeting o the Executive of the
Huron County Br noh of the Ontario
Prohibitory Allis e held recently, it
was recommende that the following
statement, with r ference to the Can-
teens in connect on with the recent
Military camp at Goderioh, be sent to
the Press for pub oation and a copy to
the Minister of M litia.
"We regret th notwithstanding the
government reg ations forbidding the
sale of intoxican s at summer encamp-
ments, these r es have been grossly
Seotion 10 of t e Military regulations
reads as follo s:—"Nothing in the
King's regulatio is and orders for the
army, so far as they relate to the es-
tablishment of ca teens, is to be under-
stood as permit 'ng the sale within
the limits of cani grounds, during the
annual training o the Militia of Can-
ada, of spirituous to include wine) or
malt liquors of an kind : their sale
within such limit eing strictly pro-
Officers corataan ing camp of in-
struction will be h Id reeponeible that
the above order is c rried out, and they
together with o cers commanding
units of active mi itia, will, in these
districts where th law so directs, be
liable to proseoutio , in respect of any
liquor sold in tent or any other prem-
ises sobjed to th i control, in addi-
tion to such tithe penalty as may be
inflicted for a brea la of military disci.
No doubt these clauses are clearly
understood by the °Mode, and yet at
this camp canteen were allowed to be
established where liquor was freely
sold, sanctioned y officers who are
aworn to defend ur country, uphold
We believe the eliberate purpose of
a great mass of th people of the Prov-
ince, and the ri lit thinking citizene
everywhere is t t law should and
must be observe , will demand
that the militia sl 11 reSpeot the law,
and until this is seamed, every self.
In looking through the eto we find
we have too large a st h for this
month. All high.° ss tirniture will
be 6old at a lai reduction during
Auguet at WALKER'S furniture store.
Returns to the
Health from 713
ince give 843 o
eases with 240 d
1,023 oases and
1907. The tots
causes was 2,117
2,070,000, makin
in 1,000, and f
month of last y
Provhscial Board of
ivisions of the Pray-
ses of infectious dis-
aths, compared with
40 deaths for June,
deaths from all
from a population of
a death rate of 12.2
r the corresponding
ar 2,078 deaths were
reported, causing a death rate of 12 1.
Last week five
formed at the Wi
the patients bein
and Mr. Peter
are pleased to rep
now doing nicel
filled with pat
from outside po
that Wingham
an institution
McGregor, wh
some time is ab
very much imp
annual meeting
be held next
the annual repo
the Board of Di
ospital Notes.
operations were per-
gham hospital, among
Mrs. Wm. Davidson,
Deans, of town. We
rt that the patients are
. The hospital is well
ants, a number being
ts, and the wonder is
as for so long withont
this kind. Mr. Wm.
has been a patient for
to be out again and is
oved in health. The
f the shareholders will
nesday evening, when
will be presented and
he home of Mr.
oderioh was in
ding the funeral
Mr. John El'artley, incipal of Clin-
ton Public school, wa calling on old
friends in Wingham la week.
Miss Hattie McCrea n left on Tees -
d ay to epend a few we ks visiting with
her brother and sister London.
Mrs. S. A. Maguire nd ohildren left
on Friday for a few eeks' visit witb
relatives at Campbellf rd and Trenton.
Miss Jennie Stru hers leaves this
(Thursday) morning to spend a few
weeks with relativ and friends at
Mr. and Mrs. bner Cosens and
daughter, Miss ary Cosens, were
visiting for a few days last week at
Mr. Will Orr came home from
Portage la Prairie attend his father's
funeral and will ep nd a short time at
his parental home.
Mr. Riley, of God
position as assistant
Singer Sewing Machi
quarters in Wingham
Dr. Nelson Tait, of 49e Spadina ave ,
Toronto, will be at the Queen's Hotel,
13th, for consultation dieeases of Eye,
Ear, Nose and Throe Glaeses fitted.
Three rinks of
and Blyth visite
last and had f
local players.
were winners a
scotes were as
Win Holmes,
Alex. Porter,
D. T. Ileborn
D. Holmes, s
Bowlers Win.
owlers from Brussels
Wingham on Friday
endly games with the
he Wingham players
d it was a very pleasant
evening's sport, The
Brussels Public scho
Monday booming t
Hartford, Conn., are
nosh, It is 18 years
sister have seen each
Ross, sk. 10
Monteith 20
GO 43
ich has taken a
lesman with the
e Co. with head-
eieenegeephers and
trained by our man -
Experience counts.
Graduates most successful. Emcial
Course for Teachers. Mail Courses.
Feud postal for particulars
Wingham Business College
on, Principal of
, was in town on
Brussels union
nd daughter, of
isiting with her
, in East Wawa -
nee brother and
Rev. John Burne
will conduct the s
drew's Presbyterian
The District Epw
vention will be held
and 8th.
Rev. W. W. Daniel
for Baptist Missions
West, will deliver a
"West and its needs
church on Wednesd
Rev. W. Lowe, of
well-known rector of
conduct the services i
next Sunday morning
work here on Sunday
The first quarterly
year, in the Method
held next Sunday.
service as usual. Su
dress, "An intense lo
satisfactions." p.
ette on, "Christ and t
Sacrament of the Lor
adminiatered at the el
and evening services.
Henry Eden
a travelling
fined $25 W
, interdicted in
Dr. John 13
vine died on
ds, a colored member of
edieine company, Wal
odatoek for supplying an
With. whiskey.
Sondey evening, tit his
residenee. was the oldest practioing
dentist m Ontario, being 72. Ho trod
of heart disease.
t, of Molesworth
vices in St. An-
hurch next Sun -
th League con-
n the Methodist
on October 7th
Field Secretary
in the Canadian
addrees on the
" in the Baptist
y evening, July
Wingham, will
St. Paul's church
The new rector,
1 commence his
August Oth,
ervices of the new
st church, will be
ovefeast at 9.45
e room. General
ject of brief ed-
ging; and its rich
., a brief serraoia-
e crowds." The
s Supper will be
se of the morning
W. S. Becher, a 1.1 aeon's Bay trader
since 1873, is dead a Winnipeg.
It's easy to please woman after find-
ing out what she w ats—but there's the
The fewer credi Ors a man has the
easier it is f or hi to look the wOrld
in the face.
waye will hereafte enter North Bay on
tracks of their otv
$eatO, was stole from the jewelry
store of 3. 3. bbin, Qembee
Monday last,
Pay lists Of the et y of Montreal have
bon TO/501101.1 to ave been staffed to
the tune of $18,000 by one Obarti8t,
feretnan in the roads dovartznent.
is what you invariably get
order for clothing at this
Clothes bought here are
guaranteed to fit well,
look well and wear well
—and they do.
Men's Furnishings
of all kinds
Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties,
Collars, Underwear, etc.
The very newest of new
goods are here.
Come in and have a look.
Roil Maxwell
IThe Leading Shoe Store
Shoes ! 1
Shoes ! I
All that's left of our Spring and
can't ignore, and that will foroo you to
Children's Footwt ar of any and all
sorts must go.
You can't Word to miss it, nor cau
yctt rIff••!,rd. take what's left.
New is tho to shoe the
C•ome early. We'll carry nothing