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Lucknow Sentinel, 1903-04-09, Page 4
e • a.l his: week vie aro offering Getiytin©,•Bargains in Ladies Fine .50 pairs, Wo's: Fine ;Shoes* P, . ar We1 worth $ 0a a pe,ir� ars t Le 30 s� Leather Grgo ye. " Viol Kid. • ,,4 .11r; it 4,00 ar z+sx.=, err 4 ryj>t✓p_:,....r u t fox ,• �. t�.rt�I:1 `. . :x �: uc&ndiarffintxual:� 1NB TAMMY To UTTER 41011111-440u »:. t+B$BLYAac o1 DII;1O TOPE DIOTA! E OPoONscIEl1TO1 *BPnI#±1ABOY34LL QTH&R:-6110-11T107 3men7eVorko1'a,"610#.4+40 1P 33Lttou,- al til)) b ol. •St olp Geod. Valueat ;io..,OO for .... «• ••. " Wometes_Dongola Wines, Lac!, and •Button, pat: tip, solid leather, insoln for , , .. '. , , : • ... ... ....• WL, • Repairing neatly 'and promptly done • Your house barn, fenee, ‘buggy, wagon, furniture of ',any- ' thin else* this spring. sWe have a full line of " the 'Very best grades of , 1111 11116 for all kinds of *Ea. hucknow April ;Oth, 1908 ; The Tj'w Yorl4 Journal says that'• ;tire cigarette tater, •given employinen"t •taa.large and presumably high-priced' prove: .that the ' popular. ,prejudice, again , cigareettes -ie Dfounded, ani hat xthe. 'prOdt ctn of .the tro era rear calculated -An the rhignest:degree, toti•promote ,the .phy6cal, mental . and amoral' health'ef the community., Not with'staneing the Lyingradvertisements sown broadcast by .this literary 'bureau the fact: remaius,that any.. young Imam attempting to secure employment with the Journal would' find hid, chances reduced 30 Per cent: if: /he smoked.. cigarettes, and his chances of. keeping his- job would. decline 'another 130. per �'cent- if he continued' tosmoke after he „got it._ Cigareti,e smoking clouds tie_ brain and saps ,the•.nerves. Nobody ever- regretted ileaving it alone, • bub a goodn tany.".4 C Qple . knave . regretted, -.beginning- .it r J:1VIOR..GI1SON, LVOKNOW A. Generale' Insurance. $usineSs. - P.anaotec,r = T GnnAAAN'TEE, nUNDS.;; .0101.C. • Cr.° N!INCHAAt E INSUp;NDRAFNCE;: �I MAitiNE • GUELPH ° Carriage and Furniture Varnish Universal Varnish for Inside or Outside Wood Filler, Hard Oil Finishes • Carriage and Wagon Paint, (xtfaii) Varnish Stains for an purposes. Messrs.' Leyfis. Weatherhead an Xr.,,DJ;Todd, sen. has' been quite -We hope to,:hear Of' his - complete re brotherkin-law of Mr: T. Joynt moved 'to the: hicase Mr;°,Joyat'S farin anti, will lontri after' .One of Mr: • to loan, Office over INAPFons' Xarlier ShoP) Accoucher. 'Upstairs in Allin Rest - "deuce RoSaatreet, behind G. Murdoch & SfEINICE;-51:11,•:"43.1VI.' Residence -;House `of late Dr. Tennant, and,' office,. over Rlliott'S Grocery. ,Main ,Strbet, SOCIETIES Masonic -Halt, HaVelcek every Frioay evening at -$ o'cicck in their eif- Tap. Figs, • these g,96ds as we put -Chase notbinetria choice bre:Plis. RRICAN BRO • 31 tl, Pickering, ' Reid, _LA 'Canadian and third Tnesday eVenings, of each nionth.rin the Odd - bell street;-.I.,uck• now. Visiters are cordially invited., LABASTINIE all the best shades. LO WATER PAINT in 'different colors. • Rev. McKay, of Gederich took ,the • • • Lucknow,„ineets evezy ors - Monday, of every month in the Orange Hall. been ill of late •and - is yet nOt' very. Chief Ranger.' Ree -Sec. work . in. ,Calvin 'church On- Sunday Visiting brethren are cordially invited. ` strong; his delivery `was pleasing, clear and forcible and freighted with trUth, Lucxxow Low,z ix- • . and life lessons:. • • • Foresters meets .in the ' On Tuesday evening last,the home second and 'fourth Tues - of ,mt.., and. mrs John, minee ,wa.8 , the, di.a3y0,00f,cicaocckh_movnitshiiinags., 44 44 44 44 44. 44 44 44 44 Pi - 14 ;most: Oa td, optical.goeds; ;con Sistiin'g, 'of 10 an d' -14k ',Pit frames ar6 unlimited auarantee as td wear. '''We v.lso -14 auarantee he t and 'as we .orily. keep the finest lenses., ?s• .made in the world- persons wiskina anything in, the, ,•2* optical line should vive Me a call enaaaed •• 4- Canada 'to' visit iny place , reauhr• interVals dates of •• 4, which will be olven lqter 4fty and Sixty, froth St Helens, Dick-. wh 'Li brethren' are...cordially, 'scene of .happiness and Pleaeure invited guests, nninhering, between now' and,Kinloss, gathered to Celebrate the hir.thday 'of 'Miss . Maimie .,A join in Wishing her Many happy re-' oihg. Paint . turns of the day. ezcutAn COO UOKNOW LODGE the OddfellOws'liall, on the-seconti-and last Motuihy even, of each month at eight o'clock. . Visiting brethren: .cdrdially invited.. J.' McDianiiio. Master. , • 41. • based on regularity '000d deportment • • • raonthly -mecLings in ,the • _ Orange Campbell' street, '.X.Jucknow, on lr De night on the second 'Bueiday-' • Caves...Autstialsign4c__EA„eturne Grown II-klerVy Webb, Jessie, Weoherhead,' s‘„,31., Secretary. The • most ,perfect;TalkYng •". Its 8ingirig ot.Talking is as, lain and distinet atthe hum - nothing for you' to 'hear( this .*onderfal instru, COrae.„ qnd heap it. 'JAS. 'Pennell, .Seh'II—SteWart Anderson- . We believe-, more :new varipties'of Oats hayebee4lae4 before :the PUb . : Chrissie Tenn, Ellis, Jas Ear • hulis or poor weak straw, if fne-.,-,6:02 -Sen Iy:7•J'ean ing el4e)-...- When, therefore, wc ...,:-,Enderson,, John Miller, Cleve' Joynt,, lug immenSeerops,A it also thin in 'DurniQ: Jut' IV—Agnes Cliff, Gee Colored straiv,, Fittpacte .uprigh% Miller, Althea Oliff,-Etta Carrot, Her - in almost all kinds' of.'Weathet: We -‘are tilips, un Leaving,77.Dona d v,v9 eaough to enlist 0,16 Clark, Lizzie 1V1iller,',Stewart Witt) .and elineatp of this cbgiitrz' Waverley.ieyeatly to, ,h est about the sayne iiine'as other setts and is tbe heaviest. Weight ,Oat we have eVer. L'AtI HIER d d 'tel after' .C. A. Tebutt,,Teticher. • ' While the, hull Is quite fine, and , thaVt) ()Vet. 4000 Acres bf choice farrn landa- ! for 'gale, in 114 and ZIOnotta4: ICatiA gooa buildings 0110 Hold cheap, .on..eaHy.. ' Safe chit*. A genoralstore With largo trade, aweat; large and meaty, Its,,'„ te ,London Was thorn?, attending the mar-, lioine after spending, •the winter in • • Is plepajed to give lessons on 'Mandolin, Guitar, • *MS jagretli7 .11e. Legs Teacher of ' Organ, an& Theory . Pupils Prepared for Conservatory Ei,:amin- Deatai College; and DoC-tor„ of Dental Slit r,gerY, Toronto UniverSity, Alt -modern plan via RiPley every Thureda,- Oat 'foe Canada, 'and We pred'ict ati • Mr. X, NIcicoile• visited become Icnown. • live village, Also a large amount Of „ o • • est n Oak we hal're Easels, 'tables; Paper mid tiVlbsic Racks - TAUGHT . Lessons in Vocal and71.nstrUm,enta Music and'Earniony age by Atoll)) the old rellable:Nationitl and tuft phymeitt Extension arlor Suits; Fancy . 'Chairs, Couches Pictures and PiOture -Franie Curtain Poles Etc • • • •