HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1903-03-26, Page 5• ii iv • mow: 4•••• ,1Av9'ii Mib +.V r n • ",ti •• f•. n d V11 wPr .. �} 4.•' H• T x lji., .m„..64,445,44r f,_Jl,�E. ��il � '.. '. ! E ii0 Fils,11 14Ho.4•0 .11li0,1rr1 -Jr-t Efkl: r i3...ttaze3 •ta0,42..,,0lairais- ia li '• te, )t u . pttt • i tt i#, i •-ltt • 22 .1 Yt ii EAS SEASON: eon: behirel Ile;da new Sil , t Shoes This• Storels the a ne.w ire � •'�Q`sier T -and U'Ioves, Hats'and . , ,. 14 ate ur 'enstomer' 'wanits, .an ace: •ta Inak0 _ ectlans... ' We anticl _.... .. P•. m, �,. yol� seT. ..... . � � e, Targe .assortment• a id sell•:at close profitts: ' » NEW,. BELTS ij it :d; • 1ti ft 2ZJ �itli .tl�e new_ E� sten>(� stume�.:: l bell_ lY lie ;xe u ;etl to cQm :lite. tha:: aut, We arc showing twovery, nice lines 9 ti;•: Oc 'each• • 4 some more`„ • elaborate oi.es at $1,00, 1,23, X1;35 and •41,50.• • SEP •. ARA SKIRTS' FOR r ' THE GIRLS. Y r. r • tt This.'week We have opened out some' nrtre thins ui .::`se ar ate skirts for Girls •=.nude. tn ihet atest, st -les` col'or's; 'black nay and ,ire , s- 'to ; sell at -$2,00.; -tt r y > >, �' � y r tt fitArit,6S7S COUNCIL (k uuei1 Met itr:'Township Hall Holy r•aid•Mor . Mar, i,6tlr,.1903, pursuant: ua to arljourrtnpent, ;all -rnerrnbers present-, si• John IeKenz a the newly;.,electe.d` counLillrr__, hszv nn isubscribed�'to the. iieceasAry.'declarstirktte? tookbie. at wit the botr,';Cumuquriicatione arid ace - -Our) and dist, i td of ea ;fellows. viz: ContlYuniaat.i n frut:i J -Ii Honor. Judge lil' in,we klu_prtu•l at Walkerton,;, or ered to be filed Account f7row Htit irei �'1T k -v,8 n 4z: X 111. tt ,'44:1'. t � °.k;�f Jovt r' till next m,eeG!„g, QGatson, o Caulay preeen, ed a• elaicn of $50 tk,.e vain e•:of a horse which died when: ordei'i d Pntasf. r, t the council- declined o h . . ru � take any. action until, they enquired: inore fully;foto th m.,atter.,. Cheques: n �r Mauro ss i"as _md:�lobert:`119alcolm;< t_ �a blind iiue' 01.653; Duncan)'icKinnon,: .rernov-ing timber trom:river.lot l`l, con h,' 'e24.00; ;John McKay,•• taking; down _ anal' rebuildiri fenoe. lOtli, S D $3 00; ,The 'klu.victus," The ""L,'el'l or: •Hagar"' and The "S! u z„'' The best goods made in Canada... • ii si tt tt u .tt u tt tItt [tt [211' Istl tt S2.25 and.. $2.50. BLACK SILK 4 WAISTS` Lathes' 7 lack,Silk Waists; uicely;tucke,d, 1V edalliou fl irninings, special.', at $4.00 each: N, SPECIAL SUITINGS AT- $1: A11 •ivau"1 cheviots iii : blaclr curl • nairy, 55 inches wine i r►ts aucl heparate• Skirts;These goods; were worth ' t'.25 wntile: they -last -mill be•' +1 00 per, yard:: •• suitablefor Ladies-;, et'' . yard, the iprice MEN'S • ' BOYS :-REA13Y —MADE : GLQTHIN( )\n. dvaz�c4 �hi��:irerr*`o�' our spring ._clothing his.' ,lush been opened•,.iip.'... ',They y ai a sure t:' ilease you. -&A's ,usual we. will •have some good values . to show :yoih, . Some of the leader's. are", Men's 'Navy: Worsted Suits .at•'$5:00 X6110'::00 and '. ,�91_,"? \h�p' ` ,70. ,. ts::att'"70_, : 3.50anCl :$16.00. . `Spring :Overcoats.:at'. ',7•.•••,;50 :arid :$10 ()0. Waterproof C ray'en(tte, Overcoats inRaglanette•-;stle at $1:10: -..anal $12:50. Special Values, in Men's odds Trowrer. at $1425 'and $ 00 .` .Aho' in .Cluleli "u',a; gird'.i u •'� :(''ltithincr Ass tosPe :cur,INtorfelk' ,tvles fit.;' the children.". y SOOTS ` .8z : SHOES. a t � .�,. The • 1 h.la mut of our store. is sure" to be of interest :to' you •�h�s : s rrnb, 1 yp. sr _ c ' n occupied ied bygroceries is no d voted to suoes also.g'ivilig' : us a'; �.1�.`' Q•w`hzcli•: was cc,c p,:. _� , et .. exceptionally >? • grt t deal ,more room ,and''1iglrt Besides this in all lines -cave...• exceptionally. .,gonad cvtihres`; for ,1'' 2U ' 1. Goods, tha,t';are- well' made',and well' •bought, from the'• best. `manufacturers' few lires 'Worth..of tt' en s:dot If I3sls v itlx _inediiim w-_er -ht e\tenslon sole;_no toe ca �ve1Y , ` p # Special at.'$.2;•60 _perpait\ . n - "t o-ine s-1 nc 17��;rr���o 41%rt s rov>tli iiic rum ieel�and�aelt ;ti ,` Sovefeiign n P .inal.e .:rt $1:50,10r tt_. C:HdLDRE1V'S SLCPPERS • u u u� tt i:• YL 'lrrid'ren's,� UO�rf-Sl,��:s 83 t V}3•t3l:.13 1llairrs” inado`•of fine patent leather`with turn, soles and satin: laer p• air L 00 u n Yt u u u tt tt tt u • u ii tt 1* Yt 21 u x • K u Itt u • YZ X iJ • We have ,never- been able to show ' uclr: ; t alues y in' ' ail l n s-.of''OO EA,Z, � �.' ,a,s,we can gls•-5 ,ring.. In: =aver-, . line. ,off lioe , ... ,;�'• , y n . �_ . s we sarewell stocked both. ..., , ,'if fineF :arid heavy .Goods. In Diie . �oods -``Me w .ah_ •; e . x . . �....� __.._•�_ , for ..:fid.- ,.. _ .,.,��.�.. have: • .Janes. Mc:Gregor.,, filling t lot 22;con 6, $4.00. •A Bylaw ,was passed for coinwuting statute. labor' at the rate of `50.' -cents -'per. day-in,"tive. road divisions:' in'the south-east, corner of the Town.- 'ship, the laid eornmutation to 6e placed on the •Collector's roll .and •collected in e the same manner as other taxes are ecollect'ed; A 'Bylaw was; passed • appointing the• fellovv. er .,•,, Path uiaste re,• Wes.. ley Pienderson,' James'• Wiibster Jno • Graham; H >jry 1VIirtliets ThoS, Agn or , John' Craig, `'Robt; '"Taylor, Thos.; ` y Moore;, .Pragk , en y,.,: Fdw. in_ g.aun. t,.: Arthur• McLoan, John ;Purves,, Don. ' rcLecd,•,John .'McLeod, '.Thos Alar;' M'alco,m' ,McInnes,' J4IM .Mci)dugald Geo` MeD bald,.••• •Rod•'•McLeod, 'Graham,.: John Lockhiart; G•eo•Ferrie; l:toderrttr• Ross;: John •.A.- Taylor,' JOhn J Johnston, Jas 'Taylor; Henrq°.Rich:',: ardson, :David I+a`coner,• M 'Kenney, john Jates Sutherland; 1h:rbt 1VIcGillivary, ,:Jas Ross, '.Tames, Joh°neton,-Thos Henry,.'Albt Salmoi2;: Alex Langford;:•:, Inoses • Thompson, Joseph'. Johnston, J' .W Cox; Thos Oolwell;. •Wm `Ryan,^ ' Harri-Pinnell,, • Geo Malcolm, .W K Blackwell, Chas,. E lis, Nathan .Bashell,'Itobt Nesbitt; •. Iteaben•, Stauffer, John; Mcly iece, Geo Colwell:,: Albt Jqo' Winter - stein, Wm .Montgomery, Ed Thacker,. Poundkeepers Fred lempp, Win Mclean, .John 'McKay, :Ben`-lughes,. Kenneth; McKenzie; lot 10, ,con Joshua • Dawson, Win •]3arbour, Janies •Crowston. Fencebrewers:=John ,ii 'Kaake, •Thos Malcolm, Peter Oorrigau Peter 11 McKenzie, ` Jhmes, . Gaunt,,... II �D • •Lenderson. • : • 1 The :•Council then adjourned to met : again on Monday May2 t.h 'and hold a court of revision. • Geo. (x. Mrof'att; 01 k• Langiiide; M•ar. 20th.•::1903. Pw Prints„ New Muslins, New Lawns and Organdies,; .41 • Golden Vend.Ce3qori• Try ',oar 250 Jltptiti Tea,. Try 041.r. Pa radiSe '0,1trrgnt.S; recleaned Tor (no,JEktra 'Selected Raisins Try :our, IVL apt e Syr bOttleS* 41. Belay', south quarter of lot 13, 'concession 13 , West 1VaWrimirsh, Containing fifty 'acme. A good concrete house 'with' kischen alio barn 30 X 50 nit frame Stables.. Perin •„weltwater- ed.and.iery'suitable for stock or grain,, F for Sale Being lot45, cOucersfpn 110' in the township ,Af--Ashfieldtsczintaiping 100 acreff.. on the farm there is x GO, and. brick , honk:, , 20 x SO. There is,10'acres of good bush; The farm is of a good clay lorun04 well watered an& feneed and hi a splendid state of cultivation. Brice•reasonable and terms to suit purchaser, MICITA:Bt.•ALTOg, Lanes, P.O. Oahe undersigned offers for sale 100 A.Ci`CA improved,land..being east half a lot 2, concession, 11,; township of A.shtield. The spring trot). A quantity of good hardwood bush on proulises, Halt mile from atone, poet ticplarkapply to s. FAMOUS' WAVERLEY OATS Gives' Astonishhlln ''Returns`GFT wn 4 in Canada• . :We belreie 'more newvarieties of` Oats have leen 'placedbefore the pub - lieth•an•"any�•other: kind •of seed -grain;-- ••Many heavy croppers have been intro dadreof late,, but on.` first trial'. thea' are rejected on account of thick.. coarse •hulls• or poor weak strawy" if for; •cloth ink else. ' When, therefore; We state that -in addition to the' Waverly .yield': 'l ing:'immense crops, rt it _ also 'thin ,in •j` the hull and •has a clear .bright . amber; colored straw, 'which :•atandsr •upright , in; almost all kinds of weather,' we are 1 sure we have said enough' to enlist• the''! at,ention:of fanners everywhere, ; -I Our snips' have satisfied us that ia' wonderfully adaiitedl toi both the soil,`1 -and climate of•this-co'u•ntiy '.Waverley cs ready to harvest about.' •' • the same' time as:other•scrts and.,is'the heaviest. weight' ;Oat we have ever. • seen,• while the 'hull is ` quite fine and liglit.� The kernels are so unusually. ,aw;eet, large and meaty„as to appear: lilts marnmoth'Rye grains,• The most :. distinctive feature` of the X ew Wader Joy zs its producing three ,grail s' in., a spikelet, svherelts most all other oats only 'produce but two. Of im rnense' ,4} We haee: extra, values• in Dong Kid and Celf,'Shoes in the "Invrctue" and • •` "^:?t)er: Bell' makes to cost you p pair, ° The Seuez Box- 'Calf and--onKid'.-mare . to at•42;5Q-Per-pair ,, M. are "unbreakable" In Pine' 'Footwear. for. Women we have' the celebrated'. "BellSb oes and "EmphRe Brand" also: the'Peerless,. • They Bell _Kid Shoes 'tor sell, •at: 1;3 00, 32.5: and 3.50 pet p , ; They • _ .. .. are gold �fit'ter®-and; stylish,:, , �-�,._.:�.,•..4;;�., ,..•, ,�=,.=-G�__ The Fsmpress Shoes arch 111udels • of neitness and' up-to-date, shoemaking . +, • we have them to .sell at S..?. 00, .2.50; 3.00, 3.50. and 4.50 per pa` only, a's°>;few; i,airs left of our $• 4;50 lige, Ask ''to see' than:'• ,TO -"Peerless" ,to Bell at• $2.0Q, ,2.2..5 and :2: 0 per pair. • ', They are an.^:. • extra dura'hle shoe "'fo ' thae -_ __ `" We. grvol•<5 all and examine .our •st oc 1 and', see' our Vliieh are meeting with: e, ited :popularity, value's, interesting prides. • 1 onnets. w si b ,'I" o: oidere • . �v'exyt in to "Yna .412 AAre Wish.to 'bail attention. to. .our large `'.'iind varied ' great proMise Of beconun the leading • kouse, for Sale., thrgrt1:40411164,641"'tirl4til: ii1E"41**Itrri/tii°8-C'ZI146, M60 PT.30:1)11.:i":1;T;Akirt'N'tt' ALNIER; • •