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Lucknow Sentinel, 1903-02-19, Page 5
7---•+1': ur ;>r • Q: tt • a ti ii ii u st 3i iY tt 3:- tt si tt tt� 7t 3t ii n1 • :,14T i3Eifiiikxltl 01411i111'IMI r1A 1 iFi,i1.1111031111R4't11 :• u Ts u ii itFfY7ftottettattixlt!►xtrat6�s scu u u hr ° li tt; uauru'uax.ue a ,t11; Fxt)fi14rn -„:•—,....,..---'-.-.--,—�---.7_,l._.la,.�L�..�_�,,�-.a-�,,,•�. �.�,..w., �-•-,-•303• • • awl,><.°.,w:�r.+fi':•R::n'7.'..,,. °` • WORD: • ABOU.' '.LINENS: Towel- Towelingc 'Fable 'etc:: has--just'afriveil. 1 : show :them' ,to you,,. A . ".`.and, been.marked-off. v'• ' • �e o cal` d s o bee We will onlyb too t p ( few, of the new goods. and,prices. ) . • 60''anc, Cream •BI -h • . efi,inen extra Doll `% el lit at G an Bleach 'r�lbl � �, ,~...:� special. at. •.�.. -- _ --r< .�� �.�_ _ , , .�.i;-.���,. tai-•.. fi$ ,::,:; `� _4c. ° n pup Leader., t Ble�ached'Table Linens per aid' 5'0c .75c a is .i 8 .� 1 t:.. Broached: able Cloths w ole order all. around size , a Q feetat ',lef checl" i aisle C1otl (Napl�ms. G�x`l 1'c2`t i `t; rt'tJY;0 . 4- a, Z•abl.e Na kins:at, er dozen; 'A, $1,50,':$2,.30 >.;�0, $3 and,. dwoliii s. �'1 n, Fine,: soft Cro;:h'c:s 2.2 to 2'4 inches wi'd'e at 10c,: ° 12-1 and; :Lac c •B $1.00. L50:' 144 j:l_ . l i'sec op1he rn,,.;,tea LW lo' Je.ne• [ nx*lvu. kt ?,•,. tierutr0.1 this lift, o i ,in,,y 1t; lbt}`''11n : .Lig•UL nt rtra r:Ittothe.4t •iiia) e', 14r 1:117..11113,1113• ul' b`grJthev tttreeen ve set:toith rluarq• ; Putt thy ! ti' ^ AZU lrann4 xutt fl,ld i tt1T am dying, HUre'1r dune'0, rrn is vs,.x 11t mina WO ',:a.41}..: t} ln;'yo tiff nttii; { li, k or lid' fol w. sy LL e ;,rax 'la"t t s I li;;,. iu yuurler tti Sravts �'.drd„ 1. al, Harken "tiirCeFAO rt, Birt .thave s,7n4, _ri1: ,• _ 11114(gT wuutl tit ..�r•,Y,:. ` Ere the -a .11 tzty,:yihi ,t :tJu}1 t a it 1 g'o• fit,ur:' )heart o Itwrag•r• . r t . t+ , 1 axix a' 64 t•tlrt;ll goxtx g,.I It `n1' }:vo• viii ,la ftrl- , -'•ie etron�, ° - 9 sol 11 anawilfl, g pain., };.oissvir f. t}iri?S .He 0..,(VtkI, 'xrotigoa. wron•g-,,, „0-, -e a , To thy lit'+otlaan, Yi.liti.ThYtiir Lfreet'4ivas;thatIn + '13di' 11}s f l lrxyed f ,r lriin Pt yeci eta l u 4V cin; alit l toil et i.xfrl :tb 4t y y•e,. aye" prepared ••oor winte•r--by •purchasing the wr?i111,twat'Nfttelrriji,kiti, n .ir: ; 1 Jl n v ►err n er; l c riir ; n , rf 1f't+” i, ,. ixt•an .a. 1 ;t .r t 4 Q'4. 1 ,1 k y ,„ �' h of It d •��:r inter eaz that is pas .e.. �-- •hl+}xieirc�iarriJn"t ;�. U��lz goods � Pall, and Y: rt. ut tiu•ttl » wviildtl ,:iii ,r if ',tt 1 e t; 'ret' t ° at'nrf�} •:SFrr •1_t 1t=f,�M:,„ .. ,. : �-.� , x -.. y �3, ' y ;-y y-� ro'.s 0,,,,,,„6.14, .,,� r.}:rtS 4 F {, [� •t y� p tit : " ` ''".•. -"-!-' 1if.k..Al t�r.• . 0 �;1:Viiyl�tlil,..d6,^atii.4 3 'A t�l� __.,.�tl'F•, ,.. •..— �.. `°'S -..n.. Zl' Liste rt lttotberr. .0 ttelt I;:L(;h , hi,;.p r, itl6 My ' . ,• " ' — tt M ' ,. ,, "l3rnthl r 1 Cpl al. w It Iiii T j4 oil, 4" ' .14'11 Uh tt 11 hurt li •w 1'uu b7 1 l i:,r wher, the ' K) Vi;eehg.ntiut lir,w;. x 4.i , "'sltilflr tynrdl� Y wt fol•get it : F 6 • r t 'i > OXln�, SQild ♦' ,. t loll Klin ni,tlfei" cin+, l' lite It, kt1' tt \Vc • s• bit) S't ell >al an ancl" Con "ess:Crra1 luf 1Ceel,tlze eve 'ui,,nta t1tN cr,tt,J,,i t}r`e hx»d StO(;k` tf) Sell°at . ,1.30 per pi1it, :.:. l.hesse itre the hest {t 1• � u kin L t rii . tl r 1 1 ^th In a.cl :. ,.. sell giro he must kzy+. al r ,>rt raw UkN kiss• 1 l est cnitir c e„ t ♦♦♦ .Jv aF -.p. or -t- • . ,:'.' .� ' w t..,.,-.. t .o -A ••:. a r r , , r r . ..• •..� 5 :i � v . J' -Y Gill'lYt°•301,•`tFit"2y.'F'�'t7�'Yf('F^17°A'tiTj`I,7''rC°tY. TI'l7'PJ,;; •WIICY: C�.—.. tt ' mnrtalt'fnbtriti p h,4t11 n 1t' hr-'wnl, F= Or lar hath heard its ,}oy', p»ttinti. t,!l itis t]'1tet;' in (soot For H'e,ne'tei• will f+,roiikr h4,1k;4); ho'eaye oto ��3il `: in hili word: "• �; (St1 ;'Oh sit :fr oda Iteavr:n:•ihle-o t1t iii t1ie, v,ere _. i�'refl :`, 1T1t:;�h Gut �3ra.in r IB1t1• . hucd'� _::1.�.1orldike :eyeletsr l k 1 u" -'30'1"t , , .. • . _ _• , , , tt , . u t . a n� . � .., lue at 2.7� .er. _. .. .. , .. lzzacic. Cl . U� :foot, Fula, wal � . P �� y y .. P --�u� , worzlrl'.1 uQt31'rl once nanrt: eras' 1.heU,t,. ure,T- , , s} • sink' in ilrath'it ct,1d}' wave,,, r f at .I'appreriate thrir liin<ine;, f4 ,in. t,ua •arid: all, t' 4 ` tt what laybopes•wt+re1'll• tiot'i(•i1;•' . A'ZtllS (.,alf (.A'ram L:a'l, la'ec1., a neat $'i10�' that isL good' 7.1 i, 9 . I have aine lin i ' t tat time 'ch' 'ev'tr, s `. ,: t gained .a t e i, t t _.+ n 1' "$ 2 5 , l 1 r' '• T)a •foot' : w ue at ,, _. 7 )e �,z 1 tt destruj , 11,+ dt,th•tyll• tout w well. II l 1 s= ;"Tell my aunt T emeuiter ever'. kindlyi part'- t xa el al Fel w to �, • : � _ -;.�„,...4„.,,,: �,v_�,. t......r. - :_.� , • . ': , with _ � , .. 'feet a r x, .. � ..,.,: �.,,...,...< �Tcii s• Eos Calf Tc.r, I�al `v-1�h iti�_s:��i]e . , er.. _ .. ' . ' :Ana my. heai .has: been acept ,trn<!ur ity' the _ ..•_. .. -: •, Ira .ttjtr fr.m tnnry stirred roof, to sell, a.t-'' +' ei air:. Cll;ese are a , booi x `# x ie-'nir a AY, - s ., j W. 3e . • .„.••.,_..._..,..-„,-.—..�., a�.,. •.. =• . ; �l1°,�v"`_ n, w. ttr ohne hat o =sr}Fstren F1h ztvsy,,' to' 'enr1 lrs •That made, me..1Cng fu"r silo, t ies,• tole never, ' , , ean.decyly.. Mdt 'tr 1'.tirge`v'c3'a11 n sem; re taut entrance. h h k 1•, .f for'will'find t 1 r 1. h r youae t y 'Faith is le,Sns and repetrtanc tv,tt seance.f:i>; cacti n wlsarr_� Z',,T., TEt 01 »!..t..a`.iT try Flet , , t,u . ,, , • iiey%'..7, ktsow h}e V')iC' en well -• " a�, ,...,_. mom. ..,.... .... .: .... , .. ,,.,. t71ir 1nipQrt older of la; st is dV'.omn's,C".alf CYi•aii11 Bal lined fli ,i_ ” pair.,: \!ade by'Al'rens• to>' ;fi iper" 0) tt _r e is l ; 2:' h s wide t•'.... 24 in *ride .12 Glass (�ot'hs :�°wo'specl hl 'values, , 2��nc, a • 1 l a 1Oc, w e � t ' 1-1 Towels--Hacl abaek-Towels .at,(pea. Rail) 25c, 0e, $1',ancl;' I. 3t ii 3i u 3t it 3: a• 'APLE SECTION: ,..._ _,.Sih le Counter.yo find a ..,.'7ice for "-s,fwi g Asplen ia'of-Cana ,_�.'" p•i' ` 1 in . e of ('aiabI ie'- from �L to 20c ' p'1r' ard. Flannelettes a -'5c i1l.dark'aiad:lig,ht 'c `loi's. Also •a s)1':Cllfiif •'i -tinge of piee patterns :tit, 10'e and.. Special Bleached Shee,tings 9;1. pit ..,uc. .Ticknigs .at,18c,.20C, 22c',and` 25c ' Shi'tin's:at 10e ,12&e aria 1.46: ' ' ( a I1t E pis :'sit t l'ble ;'for :Shirting or; l Soy's S-ui'niner Stiit'ilbs at,, 1 )c.:'' rmiarr GENTS FTJRNIS% GS,. ' tit e:'irl a slit wln��'rt new ,ullat` this Nr f'ek In 2i and 21 inch,: 1.5c each or,:two or 255 ' :Also ii new -ratio of n'e w colored. print shirts -at $1 "WG&.•11 , l,,,y ry 51a -r -t «e.seliYou tliat,'fades, we • els!;t e *it.h'a,now. one tree' of BOOT ,A ECTIl9N ii 'I :t he Iio bt of nirr•hnhi 10"'rr' •lr1 » r t t1 u Tlle411.1 i.'hath faded tit, tit,: :'`The Josyel thadi-Va row erRef , rind n»i;ht'trmaiuuth bttJ, cls} ii •This ,,ill remgo,fo eaA' ` ,, y zi 31 'Puneuth the anuiiur•t'a vn nd, t 2 r of r i am 'env '!ur' Int •'1 . '•131t the, } f < it t hrxr . ie. -' It � �• •. •.. , :' , W, wil.l'1Nwrr'vt t'IN=lt 1 Of Loll ■ .iiia ■ eI I s n 1'■ ■ • ■ ii • tr z,. '. '. r . ..tx,t• , , ' Yfr�'1'� n ■ eYa.r. c tr a*� � o"a� a.tra'r s: r• i"r. r.�yti. aYtrl"tt�fri>�'fi�irirlaSl'*-r�f4- ._' .••-° ,. + y Jirs• a. n .Toby. lin t' .,) L , t e. 1'V11'en'I' t•nx,: one''-Oh.&'int bo, tveel,u,�• mlither,,t near May last fa'reaie11 •y, 1 y a fr tend hitt nil anti_ \ -.Airs 1,n15Ut unit11:[c l can, : •�•: ,' P;1», ar Z a11ey, Ont, .s- ,• Lines •ori the"lest sf'•Furnr„•.fr,rl'ostnae • dedxrixi;_,..1•uinnzy ..ia1) 1,1t13i, ��en-r - e, have :received. another shipment of Canadian •e '] Q R1A1L►' '.' � `'•ill ti\i o >�._ t . 1 •. }....., . ,. � rs - �..:� ..�WtI and.�'examine:.0 Ra ,it'lnl '" heady .. and promptly, done, • s t • st a 3=' ter • CB t. iceru r years. and five lirltlrti ••0• . ti ' • •In tnwinnry, cif the' hitP A1, x •MacSivaiii who died in 1lich Ti,jittry 14.;•••03 Deat'h's cold ici 'Ua d. 11 ig •'eel, in ,mr tui.t f Ancl haw taken t 1at'e:dand t v,y Dear: f ither, we Will •stripy rui -1 • th e, ' a.�llt Alas, thole coltf ret rout staff When 1)eioth has lived erf ht t ii-r�i :Arid h tw takrn a (1(1 Ulls , elni,,'.1 Ali huu,an still is pnwitrle,, • AU. ii ortal help t, t i:r • J\o ntore >vitb•uw;ttill you ApiIi Ie.;''.• ' ' As in the-d,aysi roup, sly, Death has, l3,rnken Cht in°l rlrlit`lfifti!1 1 it 3 it And �er;ore l.ahe. ni'tr,t33tlwtie:,;' ' u . Yon dere•t tkeii x rt \ ,3uit 11' leery grid det.ly .your„ +incl tt .Sudden•d'eath:.:tuens sudden•_ 1c,ry,,, • '• '',5'UCl(lell Crn.tvnttti,•':uf itiit-heftd,: ,tttj , But we reiww yoli lit ru, di* tr f tit $err; i .I't or, opr p1x_ce iti 1 0cant ,til iib . . Blit itletkndw' your s f-„.ia iter ,il,d With .a crow to deet:• }uur''hsoty ,.Then fareiyrll, ,lenle father t f Tb,'iu art otily ol nu hr fm ', X •' Soo41.0it snr'n we mnst;fi•ilaw tht'e ,.'Aeioww io die other shore.,, • _Maggie Ai lie l-nns.;-Lu kaon'. This : al t' oaf c+ilii 5torr' fids' undertieile'a' ch'�l ire this °wee' The shoes are ♦. '•'c .. an -41- more 'ct nveni nt-i'o r cit stozners. ' A.,”great -'.man of the.: ' k ual�� net� he is�;;t [ o e ,., �. . g ...,:.. ; y 30 ,. g -..t,31'0.' , e: here, :'� •cad fo ' :'ou a i alnl,.oxltr them the' 4 m©u-s-'Soveri-gn— new pranc,s al cd�.. y : � Y , � � , :,. �`� , • . b Ix; : • ,, .' rr shoe v ilido.4\T .tlii- w k• Besides . oven' •i, ._ SlltJe. ol,,nicn �,nd ,won e111.•�c.e ��l sue �e S . ,.., . . g Ott.. 3t S110Cc it',wil ,.contalll. onie of the, latest• productions in Silppers and:.S'anda.lg, , _ • DE-E-RED"C O- THING 4• V{fhien l'Pa;ving \"Jill, order' 'Tur void' spring suit., don't, forget the fact that we .71e 'still selling ,•:..-, -B1u'e Landslide S iitln s .a'.t,SS1(_ .w ith:...the ,best>'linings . and triiiiint,s. Ourncw eeds 'for S i in, arealso-sure,to lease You: ' 'r' •':... i xtte' �3: SS lilt u'i1,,it'°J: Stili �i 3 3t1 +'30,,33 x t' 0131 • • 13SB' - i e t r Y lil�n' hl�kndi•C ' lon- �Tca; I,1 �( OLlI ''(zO y ,Try our'°Englsh ;.[)p T;e., a ''. e�a )iii f f;,.a )ii i .. �. • • i • • 'n - uart ai-S. �l'C • . �rt•1 ,.Y ic,i{1E.S f q .:, til r,. 1' ,tad ' 1 �iZ O �(,e 5 e1 v, ,, i, z, e. (h,fi e c' ,•, , .•......''..\_., 1. 1• ilii 1 Y. " i�' :"' ' ' alae I • ' `� - ' ril:.. l :Iii' dose (.�.tiriet,lats, i c,l,lc, wl .1 c t e d 'La,14 1� Y, t l e c, of Tot c .c •"litwy chip'. California °l+yvaporatcct'''4, (ilii ;,s• . t P('.1 � :- : • "i' ':'hillues •�T'ry cyto ,p, y t • iii. ,,1 ri i 1 c l•L Y tltYr log. b . 1 11. rM t313h '*e A�:duse� and.' Lot�or Salo �, d Good h.., o.s and lot fox sale lin elyd4'str :s Thousands ; ;:off#` ositions ARE bl''l \ 1t9;'I',[1n51 15110 t ,t•\ FICA; r Toro- '`' : • d'�11RLfe�.cr-i5 neocicci:3a> the ltcliei--.l�o:ts, latttl•c's,' l)tlil's;` '',. that's. 6wlat we are with 'o. line of cooktn'g. utensils I you.-•�valrt�-to-�smlle, `!,:--�---`�-�' sTRa'1 FAQ;, c are t,l.��l� lei i.`u • i')i" � �•� fa l c. :r.. o, Av1ou • of Y ,seIisome.' o OtZT 11 0 0 • •ha sins. Properly rae,).iiursstudiut I»i•.:- n<Id 1?u-...i .� ::_� ,,.•- _;.. ':... . a„_.,.�+ _ ., ., • . w :' �-,_� ,toms. :lxti .,»x • h'. :hlltil 3;4 I t.,lckte•tsot. ,: .1. 1).. ti l �L[1,?�ie i'-1Tltd. • lel t.. 1$.!• it.. si {:t Short, ui113 - .i_ xi 1111.4sliili ' nci ,Lt•inti tet ; ,' Chnwe'q=hn <a»ui,t att+tid'' otti az;Uhlli,tIfl (aq:tdTdutio• "S11)i Qhlo s't7]'(' Z o-1Tt1Ci}xs: