HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-07-16, Page 7reer
▪ 41 et.e14.
asmer ,
$1.00 to $9.00.
$5.00 to ?MOO.
Full line of Films and Camera 1
Supplies cn hand,
Keep a record of your summer'
Our dark room is at our cue
tourers' disposal. •
Walton Mckibbon
Macdonald Block, ' Wingham.
.. -... - . - ,-.• -•-.•
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Scotch athering.
The Sons of 5o land of Kincardine
will bold a big monstration in that
town on Friday, ,tly Slat. A special
train will be rn from Palmerston to
Kincardine. Tru' will leave Winghsm
at 8,80 a.•m, an the return fare is 70
cents. Return special train will
leave Kincardin at tZ p. m.
In what ? In Real Estate ? No I
Prices have held firmer, and more
properties have changed hands in
Wingham during the past year, than
in any other town of its size.
No other town in the vicinity is
building so many new houses.
Every year shows solid substantial
growth and Wingham continues to be
the smartest town of its size in West-
ern Ontario.
With a falling tax rate and pro-
mise of an abundant crop both at
home _and in the West coupled with
good prices, we confidently look for-
ward to
business for our factories, our mer-
chants, our mechanics and also for
the Real Estate and Insurance men.
In the meantime we have a few
properties on our lista, that we tone
sell at rather less than their '.rue
value, as the owners are leaving :own.
Better call on us to -day or t:ome-
body will get ahead of you.
Highest price paid for hides and poul-
try at T. Fells' bntoher shop.
Ritchie & Cams
Orifun•Vanstone Block, WL'GH 935.
Phone 123
,c, Busin ss Change.
Mr. J, D. Burn: bas sold his hard.
ware and coal bus nese to Kenneth Ray,
Richardson, of To.
g will be commenced
e new firm are ex -
are securing a good
rns will move to
of London and M
ronto. Stook-taki
on August 4th. T
peri enced men and
business. Mr. B
Graduation Examination.
The public echo
i nation takes the
sohool leaving exp
discontinued some
eight candidates w
and the following
successful. With
pass E25 -No. 6, H
art 526, E. J.
Walls 615. Wit
keeping -No. 6,
Butohart 425.
1 graduation exam-
lace of the public
illation which was
years ago. Thirty-
ote in Huron county
in this section were
rt and book-keeping,
wick -B, M. Butch-
arding 525, Lillian
out art and book-
Howick-Stephen E.
The next local gall
Lakeside League wi
t)Wh. park on Fri
Blyth playera will b
interesting game m
Blyth team is the
tested .'the local
Game called at 4 0'�
of baseball in the
be played on the
ay of this week.
the visitors and an
y be looked for as
ly one that has de.
ayers this season.
look sharp.
BRING" along your shoes! We do
repairing and WE DO IT RIGHT. Lowest
prices. W. D. GREER,
DINNER SETS FREE at Isard's. Read
how to get them in their adv. on page 5.
Restaurant i
Mr. Elmer Moor
his new store on F
has one of the best
Western Ontario.
larger and more c
putting Mr. Moor
serve his patrons
Mr. Moore ma
in his new promis
Thanksgiving Day on Monday.
Thankegiving y will be observed on
a Monday this ear,- instead of on a
Thursday, as fo merly: Sir Wilfrid
Laurier made'the nnonncement in the
House in replying o a question by Mr,
Kemp. To the la er he 'said the Com-
mercial Traveller ' Aseociation parti-
cularly had *urge the change. The
Prime,;,Misister s id the association
named had made st ng representations
to him, and it hen ben cf eially infor.
med the. neo change would Le eeede.
New Stand.
moved his stook to
day last and he now
estuarant stands in
The new store is
nveniently arranged,
in a position to better
The TIDIES wishes
years of proeperity
Sunday S
Next Thursd
oivio holiday in
be the day of t
esonrsion tb
sign has alway
by Wipghamite
a large party of
the day at the 1
will leave "Wing
ing in Kinoasdin
will be attached
veyance of bask
fare from Wing
adults and 35 ce
turning, the train
about 7 p. m.
ool Excursion.
y, Jaly 30th, will be
ingham and this will
annual Sunday school
incardine. This exons
been largely attended
and with fine weather,
townspeople will spend
e town. Special train
am at 8 45 a. m., arriv-
at 9 45. Baggage oars
the train for the cen-
ts, eto. The return
am is '70 cents for
is for children.. Re.
ill leave Kincardine
Sarnia and Petro
Keep in mind the
excursion to Sarni
held this year on S
This is .one of the
the year. Exalt
Wingham on the
the return fare to S
Sarnia the trip to D
magnificent steam
the return fare is 7
ists can remain in
p. m. boat 'on M
arriving in Sarnia
speoial train whio
running thropgh t
Army Barrac s Repaired.
The carpenters •.nd painters have
been busy for some imemaking repairs
and alterations in t • e Salvation Army
barracks. The build ing has been thor-
oughly overhauled •oth inside and out.
This will be a gra t improvement and
will go a long way in making the ser-
vices more brighand helpful, - To
make these ohange- considerable money
has been spent andthe local officers will
be pleased to reoei' : donations from any
of our • citizens ho wish to help the
good work of the - my.
gig what our stor' is with the
good things that make life
worth living. You won't
grumble when yon dine on
the eatables got here. There's
both quantity and quality.
These are lines in which we
specialize. We blend the
beet teas grown -are agents
for the finest •Cocoas and
handle unexcelled 'Coffees.
Ask Us Abont Therm
Cream of Wheat and Farina
Our stock of these aro the
best proonrable and are pool-
tively fresh. We have also
other f tinao TAPIOCA On !ods., and
Henry Christi
88 cents per pair for
fords and mostly this
that -you can buy
Willis & Co's, on
opular I. 0, 0. k'
and Detroit to be
urday, August 8th,
ery beat outings of
ioniete will leave
40 a. m. train and
nia is $1.90. From
trait is made on the
•'Tashmoo" and
cents. Excursion.
etroit until the 2.45
nday, August 10th,
time to catch the
leaves at 10 p. in•,
WA. oaMISSfor
3. E. WELSH,
hospital. Apply
,l les fine Ox -
aeon's goods at
_ at this price at
riday evening at 7
o'clock. Read ad, on page 5.
Work of
The electrical et
early last Saturd
severe one and whi
is reported, the 1i
funny prariks in
barns and one d
'notion, were stru
serious damage wa
Johnston's house
shattered and th
know of the aocide
built in the stove
would not burn.
0 nnningham'e bar
th:• fire was car
Among the other
those of Henry De
and :i os. MoBurne
Without oundation.
.A report has ga • ed considerable cur-
rency in this sec ion that the town of
Kincardine is exp:riencing an epidemic
of typhoid fever, : nd on 1Kgnday Mr, F.
Bachannan visit:• the lake town and
learned the facts which show that the
rumors are al .. ost entirely without
foundation. U•on enquiry from the
health inspecto , the town clerk, and
other reliable so • roes, 'it was found that
there had. only •een two deaths in the
past six months and one p1 those was
from appendioit s. At the present time
there are only three cases of typhoid
fever in the to
rm in this section
y morning was a
no serious damage
htning played some
et Wawauosh. Six
elling house, in one
, but practically no
done. On Mr. Wm.
the chimney Was
occupants did not
t until the fire was
nd it was found it
rafter •in Mr. Jas.
was shattered and
'ed into the hay,
barns struck were
con, Jas. Robertson
Mr. Alex. Orr
landlord at the
sway early W
r e
e l
52nd year. Mr.
health or some
took a serious t
trouble develop
bowela and he
on Tuesday in
life. Deceased
Chatham and •
moved onto a
Twenty-eight y
livery business
mained for a f:
phased a farm
worked for a
years ago cam
chased the Fax
went to a Gor
wish and five
the Hotel B
widow and fa.
liam, of Porta
and Misses M
home. The b
the ay mpathy
in their. efliio,
Riau at 2 o'•lock Saturday afternoon;
interment in :seawater cent-
Rev, A. H. Ra ton Weds.
Rev. A. H, Ranto• the well-known
Toronto evangelist, who conducted
special servioes in the "ingham Metho-
dist church, and who is well-known to
many of our readers, was married on
Saturdayafternoon t• Mrs. Jean Har•
rison, of Strathroy he ceremony was
performed by Rev. ichard Hobbs in
the presence of only t , e immediate rela-
tives. Some months : go in the course
of his evangelistio tou of the Province,
Mr. Renton conducted ervioes in Strath-
roy for several weeks . nd there met the
lady who is now Mrs. ' anton. Mr. and
Mrs. Renton left on he evening train
for the Maritime Provi ccs. Upon their
return they will rest • e at 620 Euali,i
avenue, Toronto.
West Huron Ex
The following is a
candidates passed by
eminent for West
marks obtained by e
card giving the mark
has been sent to eaoh
tifioates will be sent t
fore the beginning of
Special prices on fur
You will find it o
call at our store
The 3 rd at Quebec,
Tie 33rd Rog flout is being represent-
ed at Quebec b one company of forty
men, composed .1 five men Prom eaoh
of the eight co••paniea. The company
is under the command of Lieutenant
Hemmen, of Ex: ter and left 011 Friday
for London, w • :re the composite regi-
ment was -mad: up. The run from
London to Queb:o was made via C. P,
R. on a epeeist train. The bellowing
I from Wingham are members of the
company:--Robt Carrick, color ser-
geant; Harold Webb, Alex, Stewart,
Cecil Knox, Herb Dore, L. Beecroft and
Harper Simmons bugler.
iture for July.
ur advantage to
need anything in
our line. Call • • d -get prides and see
our large stock at WALirBR'S furniture
store. -
The regular
Wingham Local
held in the Mieei
on Friday even
Groves was elect
A. Dulmage as
officers were re
decided to hold th
on the second Su
Controller Hooke
the speaker. Some
mea ting thought i
to submit the by -1
to wait until the an
ities are voting o
then the exonee c
trade would be dr
as it is hoped to
the other mnnicip
tion Meeting.
onthly meeting of the
ption Association was
n hall, Victoria street,
g last. Mr. John F.
as President and Mr.
ecretcry, The other
elected and it was
next public meeting
day of August when
, of Toronto will be
of those present at the
would be better not
next January, but
rounding municipal-
the question and
ld not be given that
ven from Wingham,
arry Iocal option in
Good E tertainn'ient.
The concert gt en under the direction
of Mitts Houghton& in the opera home on
Thursday evening last was largely at-
tended and wee very much enjoyed.
Yrao cantata, "T a dolly Picnic Petty"
by a large class of girls and boys was
given in a man r that showed careful
training. The a os and choruses were
wall rendered. he drill, "The Moun-
tain Maid's Rev 1" was pat o11 better
than anything of he kind we have ever
seen in Winghn . The young ladies
kept perfect tim Miss Houghton and
all ryh0 assisted itt the entertainment
deserve great tee for the splendid
entertainment Ivan the people of
Never in the history .1 Wingham
have the ladies of the to n had such an
opportunity to b c..ap shoes as they
will have on Pride :vening at 7 O'clock
at Willis & Co's. Read their ad, on
page 5.
artial list of the
e Board of Ex-
ron, with the
h candidate. A
in each subject
pupil. The car -
the teachers be -
he fall terns.
No, 11- iolam McB ; rney
.ierson Irwi
n 503
Luella Shiol.
16- Fern Patters
WEST WAW = '021t.
No, 1 -Evelyn Kear
4 -Margaret We
Durnin Philli
Nina R. Wood
No, 7 -James Fiuleo
Matilda Fora
12 -Emma Wood -
Myrtle Webs
14 -Robert J. La
Aloysius Mo
15 -Ella D. Thom
John Jeffers
17 -Charles Nivi
y 392
✓ .395
ieOII 418
8011 390
n ..8is4
George Case
Cora Allen
Melville Glen..-,.
Lorne Young
of Alex. Orr.
for the past five years
otel DrnnswiclF, passed
nesday morning, in big
Orr bad been in poor
weeks, and Ms illness
rn ten days ago. The
d into cancer of the
nderwent an operation
last hope of saving his
pent his early life near
ver thirty years ago
farm near Menohester.
ars ago he pnrohased a
t Blyth, where be re -
years and then pur-
. ear Belmore which he
ime, and some sixteen
to Wingham and inn -
House. From here he
le hotel, then to Ford -
years ago he purchased
unswick. He leaves a
of two
e chi den na and W
e la Prairie, Man., Orvie,
bel, Mattie and Nellie, at
reeved family will have
of a large circle of friends
on. The funeral will take
A special me
oil was held
consi der the
provements at
and providin
nepeseary mon
considerable di
pass a by-law t
20 annual insta
interest. This
special meeting
ing and will pro
ment sof $561.
will include a
K. W., 3 ph
This new mach
the machine re
of $50 per ni
will carry all tl
required in Wi
ed to put new
service the ma
vice as well.
would save a g
they would on
to once each
now in use net:
day. Anew c
on the east Sid
two new up -t
ba installed.
along the nigh
that with the
and new water
be obtained fro
way and in the
plant oan be
payments will
ings. We are
Council is taki
matter and w
ments compre
of the fall are
at Lighting Plant.
ting of the Town Ooun-
on Monday evening tc'
nestion of making im•
he electric lighting plant `
means of raising the
y to pay for same, After
ouseion it was decided to
raise $7,000, payable in
menta of prinoiple and
y -law was passed at a
held on Tuesday even -
de for an annual pay -
he new work to be done
ew and up-to-date 150
se, 60 cycle generator.
ne will take the plans of
ted last fall at a rental
th. The new machine
e load that will ever be
gham and if et is deoid•
closed street lamps into
hine will give this ser.
The new street lamps
eat deal of labor in that
require to be attended
week wheras the lamps
t have new carbon every
ment flume will ba built
of the power house and
-date water wheels will
hese improvements are
line and it is expected
ew maohine, new race
wheels more power will
the water and in this
saving of salaries, the
o run that the annual
e easily met in the sav-
Mra. Alderman ie 1isiting Sonthampton
Mine Jean Dalt
friends in Hewittai
Miss Duncan, al
with Mrs. 0 Giloh
s is 'dotting with
Toronto, is visiting
Miss Lizzie Rennie, of Walkerton is
yam fiiends.
J, Alderson visited
raring the week,
visiting with Wing
Mr. and Mrs. A
friends at Clinton
Mrs (Rev)
for a few days wit
Mr. and Mrs. Pat
treal are visiting, Wingham relatives
and friends. •
Mrs. R. Vanstpne is 'visiting with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs Thos. Bell at
Mrs, D. E M: Denald, and Miss Verna
are visiting friends at St. Helen's, Holy -
rood and Bervie. •
Mrs. Robt. Arbuckle, of Winnipeg, is
visit irg R ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs
Hugh Hamilton.
Mrs. Knowles and two daughters, of
Brantford are visiting at the home of
Mr. W. H. Rintoul.
. Allen was visiting
friends in Toronto.
r S. Fisher, of Mon -
Rev. Robt. Marti
Chnroh, Stratford,
e t. A
services in n S
Ohara. next Sabbat
Rev. Robt. Thyn
charge of Un•lerwc
The resignation wi
the September me
Dr. Ovens, Oculist, London, Surgeon
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at
MoKibbon's drug store, Monday, July
27th. Hours: 12 a.m. to8p.m . Glasses
properly fitted.
C. P. Ft's Magni cent New Steamer.
The liatedt addl. ion. to the Canadian
Paellio's Upper ake fleet is the "As.
and on her first yap mho has proved
herself to be not nly the largeet pas-
oenger Teasel on he Upper Lakes, but
also the swiftest She will sail from
Owen Sound a out 5 50 p. tn. eVerY
Saturday for Sa It Ste. Maxie, Port
Arthur and Port illiam, the connec-
ting express train
pasdengerd, with
alid many new f
passengere' condo
loes10. P,
The Ne
Rev. C. E, Deaki
St. Paul's Church
work here on Sunda
Deakins is now to
before taking up t
charge. Speaking o
Huntingdon, Que.,
the issue of July 1
The departure of th
has been accompani
tations of regret as
any clergyman in le
2nd unit, the menthe
cion of St. Paul's, He
dinner under the mal les adjoining Mr.
Oogland's residence - id which was a
memorable occasion. On the 9th the
people of St. John's • ssembled to do
him honor. The even g being warm
instead of going indoors he first part of
the proceedings took pl ce in front of
the church, sate being .rovided while
a row of Chinese lanter s was strong
between the trees. 41, gistrar Brace
presided and after expres ing the regret
of the congregation in pa ting with Mr.
Jeakins, galled on Mr. D •wick to read
an address, at the close •f which the
church -wardens presentee a purse of
$65 in gold pieces.. Mrs. • B. Kelly, on,
behalf of the ladies, re' an address
to Mrs. Jeakins, asking • er aoceptance
of a cut glass bowl, .rad the. S. 5,
scholars followed with another gift.
and apt ac -
if of himself
eakins Wel also
ewel by the A.
arse of $36 by
gation, At the
rch was crowd•
members of the
d deep regret at.
opular Rooter.
, the new Rector of
will take up Ms
, August 911I. Mr.
ng a few holidays'
work of his new
his departure from
the "Gleaner" in
h, says in part: -
Rev. 0. E• Jeakins
d by such manifes-
as never fallen to
ving here. °On the
of the oongrega-
dman, gave him a
Rev. A 0. Wie.
eels, preached in
terian Church, las
excellent sermons
Mr. Wishart'a wor
The pulpit of th
be supplied for the
by Messrs. Clarke
stock College. T
cellent singers b
duets, and a nine
peoted at every se
Gospel preachin
Mrs. and Miss Harrison, of Hagers•
ville are visiting at the home of Mrs.
Haslam, Frances s'itreet.
Miss Houghton; left on Saturday to
spend a few weeks at her summer
pottage at Kincardine.
Mr. W. H. Wallace, of Dauphin,
Man. was calling on old Wingham
friends on Wednesday..
Mr. Howard T.;Oampbell has taken a
poettion with Mr.JH. 'P. Thomson in the
general store at Delmore.
Mr. and Mrs, (has. Quirk, of Buffalo
are visiting with Mr. Quirk's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Quirk.
Mist MarjorieFisher was among the
suocesefnl cans dates at the Toronto
Normal School examinations.
Men who are o
creeds, are spec
Methodist church.
ing, when the pa
interes:ipg questi
creeds, as we ha
destroyed, what
brief sermonette fo
will be on, "How
trouble, those wh
illustrated from 1
Good music. All w
. pager of Knox
will conduct the
rets Presbyterian
•e has resigned the
i and Centre Brume.
be dealt with as
ting of the Brace
art, B. 4, , of Brns-,
Andrew's Presby.
Sunday, giving twQ
The pastor took
at Brussels.
Bapt•st ohnroh will.
next three Sundays
nd Wright of Wood-
ese gentlemen are ex-
th as soloiate and in
cal treat may be ex -
vice, as well as good
Everybody made
ideal as to religious
lly invited to the
next Sunday morn -
tor will discuss the
; '•If our religions
them to -day were
ould be left?" The
the evening service,
od delivers out of
trust in Him,"
fes. Short service.
Mr. and Mrs.Spedding, of Toronto,
were visiting with the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs Gso. McKenzie.
Mr. Will Paterson, of New York is
spending hisholidays with his parents,
Mr. and fare. . soh. Paterson.
Mies Flora McDonald is spending a
few weeks at Sault Ste Marie, with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Todd.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Smith and daugh-
ter are spending a few days in Quebec,
taking in the celebrations in that city.
Distributing he Revenue.
ons departments of
in would if made
e the r' _ • ere of
as b:-• gathered
k - . lway System
1 few years not
n dollars in double
e, and that pioneer
ow operates the
ouble track under
he world
The reports of var
a great railway syst
public, often surpri
current news. Is
that the Grand Trur
has spent withi the p
less than fifteen .. i11;
tracking the m
Canadian railway
longest stretch of
one management in
In addition to th s they have spent
other millions is stations, shops and
other improvemente,ithus increasing the
cerrying capacity ofithe road contribut-
ing to the upbuild'i• g of the country,
e affording added
d property of its
tallation of block
k tine could never
diture of all these
y are direr:buting
phare of it, among
Dr. T. Chisholm, M. P. bas returned
home from Ottawa, the work of the
session having been completed on
Mrs, A. 3.1 Irwin and Master Arthur
are enjoying, a two weeks' holiday at
Kinoardine, the guests of Miss
Mr. and ;Mrs. L. McLean leave on
glad to report that the e'riday for Clxillia where they will spend
g up this very important
hope to see the improve
d before the dark nights
Only a few
repaired and
prices. Call a
Chisholm block
morn we 'Its urniture
•oovere ieasonable
see us; Workshop in
THoMso & NASH.
Prize for Na
The Northe
Trunk route an
leaving Tormato at Mr. jeakine made fedi
"Assiniboia," has knowledgement on be
dation for 250 cabin
ve cabins de luxe
clorte dinner saloon,
and smoking rooms
Wes conducive to
t. Intending prie-
stly application to eongregation exprese
for aocoramodation, the departure of their
and of his wife." Mr.
presented with a G. 0.
his St. Paul'm CO14,1
farewell eervines the el
ed and the different
e of New Steamer.
n Navigation Grand
maces the launching of
year, and have offered
me. She will run be -
ort Arthur, Fort Wil -
It is intended that
11 be the largest and
in the Lake Superior
and complete.
are the conditione to
let of one woral of not
n the Line' oharaoter-
hat th
t wo weeks vtsiting with their daughter,
gar Allen left on Tuesday
Toronto. where he will
n, and they willnepend a
lidaying in and about the
name selected
the history or
Rev. E
afternoon fo
join Mrs. Al
few weeks h
member of the
for a few days
relatives and fr
must give their name
ly in sending in their
will be made by en
ttee appointed for the
honi the names of the
will be closed on July
eoision announced by
d prize to the enc.
will be given Of two
s including meals and
ngwcod or Sarnia to
any time during this
rip next year on the
'one should be ad -
Nicholson, Trait)
n Navigation Co.,
opes marked "Name
. Elliott, editor of the
‘vociate, and a former
Taos staff was visiting
ast veeek with Wingham
and at the same ti
security to the lives
patrons, which the in
signals on a single tr
Beware, By the expo
millions in Canada t
the revenue or a goo
the people.
Maxwell's sale is dill on
people are getting the great°
in gents' turniehings ever
this town. They say the
how we can sell s oh
remarkable, bat a 1
If you have not bee n to get some of
the bargains, it will pay you to call.
Evetything in furnishings at prices
away down. See advt.
nd the
do not see i
p, -it is very
just the same,
--The raembers of the Woman's Mis-
pieniced very enjoy bly at Lower Wing -
ham last Thureday fternoon.
411553551111"91111.117Graduates mostExsPu:cresisefilY e
600 Book-keepers
Stenographers and
Telegrap tiers
trained by our man -
IConrse for Teachers. Mail Courses.. I
Send postal for particulars.
Wingham Business College
It is reported' at N"ancouver that
PreMier McBride may enter the Federal
political field,
The Saskatchewan Legislature has
d new election will
been dissolved a
take place on Au st 14.
Owing to choler in the herd, 180 hogs
belonging to Mr. Joseph W. Boyle of
Woodstock had to e deetroyed.
Rev. James F. D er, a veteran Metho-
dist minister of T ronto, died at his
stimraer home at Geimsby Park.
A man fell asleep the fourth storey
window of the City all, Montreal, fell
to the ground, end Coped with slight
Ily the new enactm nt regulating the
sale of opium and ot r similar &legs,
dealers are given only three months in
Chinese merchants of he eitn of Van.
couver have complaine that this thee
is too eleortt es they he a now On hand
!stocks valued at $5'0,06 , and have atked
for an additional six in nth, in wiaiob to
!sell Out, which has bee granted them.
IThe Leading Shoe Store
Shoe Sale
This Shoe Sale is a Family
affair, because it's of interest
to every member of every
It's time for vou to Bur, and
it's also the time for us w sree„
and Infants' Shoes, Oxfords
and Footwear of all kinds.
All to be forced out of the
store immediately by the
power of our
This is a Shoe opportunity
that doesn't come your way
every day, The Shoes must
go, See our Bargain Tables,