HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1903-02-05, Page 4x -r
. £pued nh�iax►�c�Life first
,P-.-pA.. _„'r,n.G
t1p° tqsrcuituraS.actiel..
1 ti E I4 &OQQ, D NGITO! U DOT TT8 G nd„uct ogtbeearry ,Markets A pdfairs
de a£
,02 a(MioiNiivailv*?R11411A.Aoyna,Lk The, rePert else gives Klarge: amount
Ana e
has just receivedo splendid MSOrtOr011t Of FatidY for
lso 'Ties for Children.
' in Cream, White.and Mack for dresses.
' etehtrt.e4tahr.:::
:several merchente haie been. taken in..
net* is slitite a scare °among .t
the ruah to Canada. it is 'said that
.43,robably a million. head of, cattle "ill
he moved:0 our aide ofthe. . next
Spring; Then -let tnele'Sam
have, the befit business, if he does'rit
feel.Ilke paying them...:
weights, and, measur,eii_to-Lour educa-
tional 'initituttons, hat re a goo
way 'of:,fathiliarizing the yburig. with
the new system,;'. the Older:people will
'btit, as the children. grow up.the, task
of”. intrbdicing the 'Metric System will'
Health. bas notified, the Public that
'view of the fact' tti4 smallpox is at.
present foand in soin,e parts of thepro,
should '.reepobd'.tia ,the call - the
better ,than to be., afflicted . With: ''t hat
dread disease.,,
CAM „ittenclect .to Night ir
trees iS how, at. hand,' and
'a*are 'Of the olainie Of the 4'.ruit
Mirka Ante' whiChcOmpele thippers
.grade their ., apples, you see. that the.
fruit treee Must be properly.' pruned
and cared. for, 80 as to. rause tb,c3,-. best
scraped clean otall'tEe; old:bark; so as
'to:reinove any,ipeeOts.that may he tin-
thetime and Will. pay You. Aut
good 'pruner 'to. do It for 'you,' it, ;v7il!'
:Wei is werih two :.of trash. It Must':
Moab, be teniembered ,that 'we 'have. tb.,
compete With -61116i' great frig.. grow--;
;C,Ow try to Hie in the'
:front rank' In . Western Ontaric0.,by
'taking, Prep*. care -of 'orchard.',
Let ine 'give Toe gOe 'yen a'einnPari
0,,ShirimalutS. Of- 0,6 Year
year Up. io January let t '
shipments Were 57292,Cij this' year',
to Same date. they *ere: f.874,596.
Would ask' yon%to folloW: these few re --
be rewarded for your trouble. '
40'6 bbderiCh
Horse Sli.c)ein
anno4ifee to the public
do all kinds of general 'black -
horse shoeinig, .re.
pairing, etc., On' shortest no-
e can suPply .you with- the, -yory :best quality o
iinfurt 111 1 IV ti
tieing tot eoe..4e1-41,',0 11% 114.. t44r4Itip
of oiloinit, On II,.
Price isia4ansiblettft4,,t;rut4 to 4ai;
• anciation' Fairs 'Exhibitions
asels,„ Tables, Paper,a3i(L.Kuit6 Racks
xtensioh 'Tables, Sidelioar,c1s;-re—dfoom Suits
arlor Suits Fancy Chairs; Coudhes
iotures and ;..10 Yrames
Curtain Poles, Etc
fhe highest cash price will
.13e paid for all kinds of...1ogs-,
Cedar,, Sett Elni, 'Reck
froth the4usiOss „wishes
they will.bmitiOue;t6 .extend
who exhibit' et faire, end thnee, who'
'are yisitora. ift?e,:atiotial report issued
Ontario Pairs and .exhibitionk, for.
.190.2; )uat i.5sn'ed... by the Department
of Agriculture, Toronto,. 'contains tn any
We are :preprtrecl ,t 'for
.rirst.ltigs•Icec,t. logs
All kinds if,pd grades '
The Canada ,Furniture., Mfrs:
flints of interest to all: 'concerned in. Prdperty. For Sble •
fixhibitions. The ,first parb of the
roport,onfisists of au acoeut of elle'
papers' and, discussions on present day, Canadian , • „
tut topty to 'Many' qUestions),
tliroWs ,10 nob light ; the. peoviii?ati
(ft' the Agriculture ,atid Arts Act, ',so'
'4,Ippondix ,t9 the report of i'• most
rt vet for ti welt es.t1„bliheiti„hotvie ',a „ '
Af'S. ;taffies;