HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1903-01-29, Page 577. s eee i.P tpYiV_t ttT L _fi FIiEitiJrtB "fit .i134:iF.l TL x p3'• .1++4+++.4ttt•++4,-0+44.44.4+++"+++44-.+4.44 Great.-' London.: ;wily That leads all ,Competitors.. , k• • {}t • 73 • St It • • ter ` ` A beautiful• wash; silk 27inches ` `.:-,,:: e� wide, firm quality,..will ';Wash and will'.. not., cut,'suita- ble for'waists: and dresses. • C olors:: I31ack;Navy•, fiThite,'Cream.Pink Pale _Blue. Ye l • .,: � . , , , :. Y.. • 1 ��.,--='Parrs alis Resrda Special price per`3ra,rd 50c. ' APPE ETTES ht piece -M pude uilts. Regular r• � N E LET: English Flannelettes inchOs wide tra quality. In check patterns Only,: regula 1-2c goods for 10p.. ` anc--y `rapp=erettes Suitable f -o3, , r c par yard. for l Qc per 'IIF.•YJ{EB"') xn H IS ;. 'H�• ;GREATEST rEWB TAPER 1N WESTEIt,N ONTaIU0, Spatz:• SReCIA>::'FEnTURre Low} rdi .,AT VAiiic,I 'ITti=."Tifti EIiITIt1N8 ARF'` ��o,;I) { - 1rata t'=loiiFrcePvisss'Piiuting pony, Linuted, bave entered Upon the new*year, with fresh 'evidence of tbe' abundant enterprise Which has-alway4: he cracteried that newsiest • and meet wideawake'of'the great, dailies of the vest. No . 'expense is spared ,to'ob-> tain thn latest news The itianagPment of this,iwportont dai]y,have juste established .a,v,specal. corps. of .vigilant"' newp . ahem in. every section of the western part of�', the. Province. These'•epecial correspon- dents have had ,placed at their:imme_. -dikte service the telegraph wires of the country, and,.can 1?e;.xelied:upon to tt furnish in quick .and crisp style; every :.happening of nteree; The great •nowe.collecting' agencies 32 2f0e world wi]1::continue, to supp17y the:•Free Press with completea.cabl'e and- telogrania reports; • he sporting' eveute of the: day with readible,comment upon :::past and pros pective incidents in all:departme°nts, of. sport;•will he given in. comprehensive manner;. Asan illustrated newapaper;'the. ,Eree..Press•leade-in-Caneidian-journalism Portraits ,of notable people and repro dpuetion.of'scenes.'of interest, 'are •re ,guI rly furnished ' The Iateet end'accurate, marketre ports are Made a • specially important feature Furniere and. !'business men'' „lithe ..baye..,experienC ho_bave.eexperienced-:volae ;of these reports''fiid.them indeepensible. The'Women's:`. ago is a feature --Saturdays :Free:Press-i, it-Oontainrin teresting news £or theWomen of On Carlo. • ;g>y A serial story of: engrossing interest is'among the numerous f other depart.; ments of this popular- journal • The:Tree Prese is /now a ten; -',page neew'spaper daily with sixteen pages 011 S turday. ' i t isn ,issued in three editio morning, two o'clock and evenink he early, morning; issu'e' covers the • gwest'froni five to `eight: hours, ahead' f others competitors I'd' is circuli d in evercitf town a:n'� a in estern Ontario. The price is' *3 per ear. delivered at' 1 any ''post office:. he two o'clock and ebvening •editions: re. each $2 per'annum ' at your .post tt • Ltt- u LL s 'O n• hog, f a sp Blab 1uetre` for moi' Gists :anal 85c, '5C c acid 75c` : per yrrd:• :Lustre •54 inches. ide at 5Q; NDER A Y• � endid' range o Suits, ;at 25c our ' speci,a Two lines �►f 1V. en's Unshrinkable. ibbed Underwear Extra ,value$. at 75e 1.00 each' garment SL,i;al,Kietff'! #ttttXSi;ttStsSinixXt 4i.1�'Ssmifil It SL ®f3f3 • int -ea u u tt Elia TION ti • ' St• ; Tectiiiaiiixiudz,i g4fli Bine u,F ;giulttgf:r;l tau",ulfigg ttrtte.3 -a Sf �tt a tt is ;pVrarett for pnrohasing tJ fest goods;TorTill and moi• Winter wear' , that ;is made anadae The following are::some of our line : .' Ls. Women's Felt Bal and and Congress.. Grain Foxing„solid stock to sell 'c,t $1:60 .0 per pair. These are the best Vonien's' Calf G ain. BaLlined!_.thr'.o ghc t for *1.t.5 per pair. Madeby Ahrens. Men's High,Cut:t'''rain Bal, eyelets,: • . - .•.made,,by Dayfoot • -'-Extra value at $2;75 per pair~ Men's Calf Grain',Bal, ,lit.'ed,a' neat shoe_ 'tliatt ig;'.. goot ▪ value at $2, 75 ,per pair... Dayfoot't :; YAWS Box (calf Felt Bal math° > elt`sole;' perfectly vvtr iter prOofp t�Tsell- at 4MO pea7:,.p to. curlers.' • We have received' pother l>t>< , .:. . -,.. �' Q r sptent of Canadian and y merican Rubbers.„, Call and examine our stock. Bepairing"irea�tly -and promtitly' done. THES 4 .i. The ever increasing leireulation h'Lie' ade;it necessary to install the'Sery 11: test. improved 'fast -running preseee' nd visitors to the city will :alowaya°be elcome callers' •The ' presses' can be en in operation at the hours. of4'' a. .' and I ;tel 3 30'iP m tt 'tt tt tt =Q Try otir Golden Bland Cey lo•' , Tea' Try our Buglish•'11 op',Tea , .. Try olir 2,5c •Japat,' Tea• ,.rry,our Piet les in quart. jal's Try our Coffee, Seal Bra ld� " ('r our 25c Cofee Try, our. Paradise Curratlts,u,ecloan'ed' -Try our Extra Selected Raisins Thy our California Evaporated:' ro Peacrs Try Ont. Ta,i>ite Syrup in•botf'es • 'Tr:' our. Choice Pruiics e 'vier•ei►••••Oet►elr 4.t>esel►:' f • base and: -Lot:'' _For . Sale eaq e4 ee e• rn the village, of •Lucltnow. 'The hones• has' .been•newly painted,'and thoroughly relpnired and is in good condition, There ia..a first., class law, •and several fruit• trees on ` the Nate* Tor further' particula•rs apply'. to • 70E OWE GII V;IVit,ILncicnow. &LL TERM.. • IN THE • Lj,,,5`Tow4 • '.• 13EGINs'OlY Atoadar teptitiinbelr let, 1002. Our 'rates are 'reasonable -our: courses of study thoroug and; prac; tical'. Send for our Journal to ee what we teach. '• G'uden ' is May enter at .!iny ' 7 wo'Courses of'. pttidyt ;Commerciai' and Shorthand. '1 1 I cl p C8 k preelde"ri t; . ' Jsr}it etas 41 Farm; for Sale Being eouth'•quarter '4 1.t 13, concession 13' AWest” . Wawanoeh,' Containing,fifty :`acres. ; ; good concrete.hoase with ki;chen:also barn 30 X50 and :framebtables. Farm well water.. ed and ;very suitab e for Stock or • grain. MRs.'FEANK JURY Lucknow. Lambs is estray Strayed ontathe .preimiees of . the under- signed 'lot 7, concession 7. 1 inioss,' , ou or al)out'the SlYth of October,. two lambs: '.- The owner can have` them by paying expenses and proving property. I1L:GH, 1ST ol fTOSI1,11olyaood:. House and Lot for.Sale. A good frame house, with stone foundation and good cellar, with three.Ruarters of an acrebfaland, for: side cheap. justeast of the station.' There lei good' water aud several fruit trees on the premaeee. .Also a good' frame Stable...For further Particulars' apply ,On the premises or to • Flt,,AN11 GUEST, t.uckn'ow important to Uebeeieeiiand,"%ioraemen, . laurekanar�• ' CAUSTIC BALSAM A ' relieb aigd speedy l;mnledy for' C'urbsSplinta `goavtne,. S•weeny..etc., 'eft: 'in° ltorseiJ': m z, sea and Lump. +Jawin tattle, t" Se's 1panip RAI)1t MARK let wbfcli ab coinpanienbvery'bottle, 1-tringielentifictreat 'inept in the various diseases.' tt can be used in'tevery' case of veterinary ractiee where- stimulatn applications anal blisters are pre, �scribccl .m t«baa t c sL 1'E R101L.. `very •sold,isgiiaranteedto give:e" atisfaction, .,Price •7Sonor bottle, Sold by a11' driigg'iit.�,:rnd ctturttr;v `EUR1:KsAtornkee er... Pr.eparMe1dLJhtI„Tag hlb+NY.YToty1EdoRnINAntRY • fT; ▪ G,. `NEWTON', Honor graduate in ' dentiate Toronto Dental College., and Doctor of Dental 'Sue. gery, Toronto University.; All modern 'plan of operation and 'Carefulness in workmanship Office in A111n's block, 'upstairs, •P,S. Will visit , Ripley every' Thursday afternoon, • Farm for 'Safe • Being east half of lot 23: in the, Eastern. Division of Ashfield, on concesilon 8. contain• '414100 -acre., ' The farm in well fenced and,in, a•good state of outivation, •:There, 3� a, barn 40 k 60 with stabling under, and good triune ,house 24 x 28, . There is a small orchard' and 18.' s_i f L . �.: .ac n sl w at.� e i:e v =adtrr •:of�bia be �' 7 t .and balance in ''grass and plenty of spring. water. Convep ient'to church and school. • Fot'•fuither psi'tioulare apply td ' .' W. ItTIDDLEE.;, Mafeikinga USW TAUCH Leseone in.• Vocal and, ,instrumental '' Musio and Harmony are taught ,by. MRS.`: P .KEE 'ire Lnsuranee:+ • Inenre your„ rop•et11 against losii. or •daia'•::, a"ebyS re in B the" y , old re1i81i1e 1Vatinnal and Merc*ntileCompanies',lo r ated,• and'pitiio„ ` ttia 'Ir*yitien t . Deetia, Wille, Mortgages,,.Leasesi Agree• nietits,ec..neatl e*e = • fith'aet _Tatra If all Ti eed*y, TiiutEiYrsy Ind Satnrdiftitfternoone , .,�,.�• MIR •