HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1903-01-23, Page 5WOW— XIMPMB WWWPO n ' LKINGr Just- thekind dor the deep. , S o i.� Good arm, fittingskirts,"4 excellent values __.. 3.00 $3:50,:. $4:00 ani. ,_ W:00:.' ila�.� Blacks,' -r - n no.: 1�Ta � . e% G s YBr•� � s� a u ii tit —M st • zi tt ERS'r ;c.XING"rS . • � � omen -s sa�zes at, `2 • 3 40 and' 5, of otCh4 dren's-warm- woollen izes6 2 to48 at 20c per pair, ckin s. TOMEN'SF omen's' Kid Foxe ineda at $1.35per^ pair.. T ;8 I a�s an • CHILDREN'S KITTS • 'Chided- :-edict Wi.str-a,an.T- lacks, special ''at 26c per :pat". CHILDREN'S - CARDIGANS �i' es' - up 'to ' 10 . at $1, ; `11 to 1: at $1'.15► pair.. • )VERSIIoES 's eeia line of Women's Overshoes . wi terpro f top � d .: o n gs ; : at en's Felt gaiters , wo d lined at new lot of:Men's #eece underwear jus arrived to sell at' $1.4 filer suit. ashion Sheets for February; e. Patterns kept in `stock. PIOt3::Eli:3 013. , •St•.::•k3 u a11' and yet n • E-10 • Eire • EMI • • t3Fie6103tlit3EL 4.1 :• d • e,:,lon lea (xoldeli ;Blend C• � Ti your Try . olir English .E[op Tea r'Try our 25c Ja,pax� Tea Try, our Pickles in quart jars Try 'our;'Coffee,• 'Seale Brand:- , y • Try our.25c Coffee our:_i'aradise Currants,` recleaned. �Tr y our'Extra,Selected'�Raisrng Tr Tr_y._our California Evaporated. Peaches Try our Maple Syrup ;in bottles •,•: •ly" ur + hc�ice-Prunes r O y lm r-„ir : t:iF:iOEl11,r_r1111F3f31fd3IEEl • I3tri MT: ;TE +�i�3f tt1Elc; Ouse .and Lot' For Sale a- a; rent London :Daily That leads;,all CoWpetitors, f4N • Ftt. PREsp Ill- THI?. G' REpTES7! NEW$13. 1FA:PER • IN WEBTi01N4:010$R4Q; SQ1hE " P,Pec14:,. FgA.1'UI%Es '.�0E 'I.CW':•PR10E: IAT •WEIGH 1i�N:-�MPEE: POO:W:4 A: 11 $oyll:: •.: •Wbetondon FreePress Printing Cern pan, .Limited. have, entered.'u,poo 'the' :near Tear With :,fresh ;ev;ltienee of the itti elant.etlteiptiee: it xell Stas ala eya cheracte`rrzed, thy,. Ugv►ilest. and most wideawalte 'of the great dailies , of•tl e: wesq. :To expense ;ie;spared to ob- tain the latent news, The rhanegiiment of`this ;importent daily. have filet established a special corps, "of :vigilant ; news, ' gathers ,in., every ;rectionof the western part of the-Pro.ince. These specie' correspon-. ,dents lade hid: placed at their Imine- date service .the • telegraph' , wires of the -country,. and can berelied upon to, furnish -in quick and crisp style every .leppeuing of interest. ' The great news -collecting aeucie ;of the world will continue;to supply the Free Press. with.'cotnplete,cable and telegrapic reports - - The•aporting .events of -the day with readible-cominent-gpon-past ;end pros.. °pective'incidents in all departments of ep'ort,, will be given in • •compcee, hensive` manner.. As',an • Illustrated newspaper; the Free Prose leads •in'Oanadianjournalism Portraits of notable people and repro duetiona=,of ecenee.9f interest, are'r .,gularly furnished; The latest'Iind: accurate, market re— porte:,are made •a specially impoctenb feature:'-•Furmere and business men who bave - experienced' . Abe :volue of I• these reports find them indespenslble., - :The•Women'e Pagnis ,t► ;feature—of Saturdays -Free' Press , .atcontaine teresting news;for he"*omen: of`On-. trio u •A serial story>of engrossing inter et ie among the numerous, .oth'erdepart: menta `.of 't bis popular journal. The' Free Press is now a 'ten page newspaper daily•with'sixteen.'pageson Saturday: Itis—issued in three editions, r- -morning, two o'oloak and evening. The early. morning ;issue eoyere; the ,weat'from,five. to • eight hodra' ahead• of: other ;-competitors: Ib 18 Circuits-. ted �q.everycity� town •; and •village in;. Western ,Ontario, '1 he price` ie $3per year. Ldelivered''; 'at .any post office: -The two: o.'eIociS"a`nd evenang. ,editions forart a lest ger-prepared for wintersby fl sine oo p for Fall arid; W ntex wear - thot:.;is Made n 'fo ii• g.a- omOffo .^!; lin a. • om.Felt a1 ane , a�Id Css Grain %. ` stoepck's o sell at $1,50' per parrongre, ,Y These=are Foxing the beoolidst" made;' Women's Calf ,Grain. B:al lined' throughout for A t • pair,. Made by .Ahrens. en's, High 'Cut Qrain -13a1' limed, ':Klondike 'eyelets, made `byl.)ayfoot._ Extra value at $2 75, per pair... eii's....0a1£ "Gra.n Ba .1iilma_mat--egos that ...is Tbrood... • 2.7-1 Glue at $2. 5 perTpalr. Dayfoot's: • • Men's. Box :C41f'Felt,Bat wwth feltsole perfectly -water=' proof, ,.to Sell at $4,00 per pair.: Mese area .boon, °o curlers. z e have; received another shipment ofOanadian and American Rubbers• Gall and examne our stock. 4 , '• Repairing neatly'ad promptly done. +� ' are each $2 per annum . at your poet; office , Tho ever increasing ctrculatiion has;. made:. it ..necessary'to install the very. lateat improved;, fest-running;'.preeuea and visitors'to the city will always -be welcome • callers, The ` press*. can be seen in operation at the hours of 4 a•.', m'. and' I to 3'. 30 4ertise: Farm .for :Sale.,,. l3eing'eoutli quarter of lot 13, concession 13 West ' Wawanoeh, Containing ° fifty acres. • A good concrete house with Michell also barn Cds" '36x50 and frame stables. 'Farm ,well water- ed and very suitable'for stock or grain, • MRS.• FRAM► JURY • Luckaow. ; '• flood house and lot'for sale on'Clyde :atrget in Vie village of Lucknow. , The house; has •been •new,tyt painted- and'.thoroughly repaired • OpLi-S limn There +• t . blase' dawn ` and several .fruit 'trees' on the place. For further:particulare apply to : Lambs .Est• ray • Strayed ontotHe , premises of the under ifigned lot•; 7, concession 7; • Kinloss, on.. or about the,:30th of I ctober,,'two 1$wbd. The' owner cad have them by paying e�tpenses'and proving property',; . HUGH NcINTOSH,Holyrood: House.and • Lot for; -Sale: •uod€ranie-iionre-With.etelio foundation and good' cellar, with ^three.gnarters of•'an .acre of land, for sale cheap, just.epst. of the, station. •There''ris tsood• water and several. fruit.trees on the premises. ,.Also a good.' =frame stable For •1 further particulars apply on the premises or to • ' ' > RAN,K GdUES'P, I.neknow, ,(iEO1GE ,0:31; 1,ucltilow!, T1V ,THE LOSTaWEL • IlEGI19 (yN ; �dostdaj Settembar"gist, .1002.. • Vire rate • • 'are ..' reasonable -our 'coureet of study thorough', and - prdc- d Sen` f r, or our• -Journal O, se®''ar ' ,. t hat. 't a teach,a• • • St dents rth .. " . o y enter ft.:06y tlme. • . Two' Cour es°of St ,s! ndy,•m �omercinlr iiia• Shorthand. •: , iAl'1I min * F'rsd8, yrei. xdnSebiretet.. Arr s�= • •.: Importan'tto treelerrsand IIoraemen . 'Vurekrmary, CAUSTIC `BALSAI • -. A irelfab an'd "speedy • remedy• for • eCurbssplints: navine, .. Sween3,etc. , eco. iii horses 1 h and L u m p Jowitt cattle. "See pamjlh sant Mains .• let Which ;ac- oompaniencvery brittle, g ivingecientific treat gent iii the various diseases.,''«it cat be Used in every case of veterinary practice where ,tltn"ulatng pplication inti bli,te"re are pro., seribed. It hasn0.8..t rEaiott. • Every bottle r, M�Iold•ist�unrat�t�tredtngrve"extiefacttori. „midi. 76e per bottle. ' Sold' by al� druggists' and• country' storekeepers, Prelia"ted by THR ITREKCA •,V ETL1tINARY Mi..i7'ICINE EI T'I:S '. Ar , NEWTON, :. 'Honor • grednate •in , dentist"ry, ▪ Toronto, Dental College, and Doctor of Dental Sur. ,fiery, Toronto University. All modern ' plan Of operation and oarefulnees in worktninehip' Office in Allin's block, upstairs visit. Ripley etery Thntsday! afternoon.. • , Fai�ia .- f`or " Sale l�'eiog east- -half of lot 2, in the :Easter"n Division of Aebfie'!d, on eoncesiion 8;• contain-' ing ;100 acres. The farm is Well fenced; and in a gond state of.cutiyation, .:There Is a barn 40 x Ery with stabling under, and good: frame hoose 24 28. , There is' a email orchard and 18 titres to full wheat. Five-' Itcree of bush ' a1i8coin' eriesan d•clentd of spring Convenient to church anschoI For further partioularepply to f' a - '444.44.,4.44.1444.AMM t TAUGHT ;;000068.1.4:•,, Pocah and �lnsumeata Musio; and Harman} ;lire taught, by • ItgP' r a .;. Fire Insurance.: 414. • InsureTont ;property agagnstaoSs or iatm 7:' age by 6re,.tn the old. reliable National'And , .. Mercantile Cofnpinfee;low cited, iod Pune tug l,piytttent ' Dee...s Wille,,.:3fortga" es• LeasetS A`-r`ee• •. 4 g. r s g taents,ete.,'neatly'edited Office', ToRnill ', Tues day, Thtarsda '.. • t4itSatnrdi,y'afferpooae, •y ��.., „ „ �.,. -•p-.ton .�• •� ; :•w„