HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1903-01-23, Page 4t• 6' •�r • . Xis. Smith. wishea `toilifornne the publish :311e h'as just received a splendid .assoftment.of Fancy -Ties'. for or. Ladies, in Silk ; Applique.' and $attenburg effects. Also silk Ties for Children.. 0 Babie's 'Hoods in Angora -Silk -arid . Eide n also dainty Shetland -Veils. • ucknnw rnitnr wrgrr.'yv w Nos#t: Qounc}l: met; acoording', '9, :statute. gilt 4444, RTY TQ'UT!>pRL ♦t:D;;1'9 AkalT ti ThQ newly elected meml:ers after sulm- 114sl,r,Y40 0 D1!GT0T, az Di &'rEt 06ti iag to,the•;neiCesearp ,tleaiaritio>!; o r•oON@o.IINos WI! tt#ts4$o'S1•41 i ° stili qual $oatlon papers, took,. , their gzaa OtBsaTtse'; places at the boirc( The of icere of;i last year were,' • re appointed; :at the Laokaom, , 4111.11147.24114,' 1903 , uvunl,. srio,rtee ;'W E.: (3prdoa;gnd B.'; , • T, Crawford" weee, appointed qudtsbriti, Hou CIiU'ori Smftop still•iue:,energetic Twe fo11'o,.,dog chercjues;were ipeued • Deputy,'51.1.!,,-;84'41:74.1"0.'tr+tgg,a tie!" i p b S B° 6 27.•,:� Gull,o�s6,e, t work' on plan to: Ket:imiwegrants f om ritamn , election, �rapepcee•and suppue11.1. _$4O,Q for wthe Canadian, •NprthYrest, Forty �'rter 1Vatsof,;.rep bridge.Z B: representatives fatn►era ce ll gn. to It gest rattan of Thrthe, MA Q:'f1-6' 4Q 4- 4004'; '41* lit.t _ %tlK dt,-cril..1 411 a 003 4 :0i r..'04tt. rOon t io coUtctr p slid answer questloes' as' r r " " .a.rq�nsodaltols, �z9 00,' colleotore salart. t9 the' resitkta'•of their: owb,=etcpariesce • t76.-40;,..(eo.. Mo .esti,, gravel,; ' $8:567` a �t4a �►i ee tbttr ' e a t~- elects . ibra>=y •='1ustit, C0 }0 tattoo is that rnatny ' th.:4„ cls. of � � 14laocheetec I:ibrary ::grant'10DO;' xarmerp aua €arrc 1a»oJte a rvmi},Esus* '"Reave, 1.day on„F''tn�nctnl St temegt,, be Induced to, settle in Canada. � $.400#. T; 'Vphyarci,V-•40, is Moan; drain, cbn 4„ $4.00. ' : Couo. cit adjdurnect to Meet on . Wednesday parent . who had ,lost a child. by a coatagcous,4v ease wrttee'to a Ta �on February 18that 10 o'clock,'' to c oer a pathetic, protest'againet the: criminal concesili4nt of,cases ea'lead,, • ing t.► the., opreaduig'of * .the disease., Physicians, itis hinted, have connived, et such `biding,, thus' imperiling she, health pf Atbe .cocnuu.nnicy,; It. is a pity, that .say iutelfigent person stibuld:.. be guii ty "of such. ” u grave offence "agniinpt eooietyi:end"o greater'pity, tE it be.trae that. any phystotpn +hot ld. be a:'party'telt. ' 'The puniebment of ' the` law is not too severe for spch.. 111 reaM,..White and Black for dresses. • • 5 e wish to call attentioU to our' large and. varied • stock of Ta,bles. We kave them in alt. siz,es and styles. If ou want a good table at fair price eall oti us. Our stock of FurnitUre in 'other lines is very complete. Parlor Suits, Bedrooni Suits, Couches, Mattrases, 'Chairs,'" Window,_Blinds, Pictures '',and Picture AFrames in great . variety. Prices consistent with quality. MR.D.0 McMORR • Isplepared' th igive lessons ou `l-,-..:. ' . ' in •,ui. ar Violin. Mandol r G t . ,, Banjv,^Eto. --Terma•Yerv,Aeasonah a -- - _ '.1t? s1 kE"'' "$ VR) Q.CK ST• Justice Nel,edith,'in referripg-to-th, ese ot_ten.:persons_in_ Londen..jaiL`wbo: ehould.be iic.an asylum ; 'pointed'-: oat: that ,thero.:had;,been no. •uuneoeasary delay in the,matter...He reminded the Q•rand .i ury that "insanity done was. not sufctent . cauee::'for _confining- a. e patient to .an asylum.' Information must be laid that the person so cb rgsd; -ts -not sc�fo -to' die at .—large" : Thersrio- an erroneous iwpression> abroad' that' thig,will do'eoinethingrtoward correct The committal• of'''persons tti.:aa insane 'aiyl'nm cannot bik✓surrounded' With too' maw eafeguards.p Lamb, Estray :. e Oanu to. tht9tprern Ike „„it -cl►e endersigned, lot 6, condeeuon 6,•Kinlgess, on or about the _brat oMovember last, a clap lamia. !The_ ovaner is regineeted to 'prove proper fy, pay nse"e! and take•it' away, . SAMUEL 11t,cDONALD._ Holyrood • • Orr:ur:eiritlomersr"• 6 'ea6!''r EITi very, choicest lines in:p11 resp Gr eerie. 4411;sflnd-'n.Q ciiesi?, ili1'301`,00ds on ourshelves. � Our Teas, S.'Agars, • . , Biscuits, Canned Goods,,'Meats, ,Sash,: etc;, We lave, not spice: -.. t0- quote prices,but you will find -_thein _ right,: a • �>arttox .:F : 'a d . a 1' kinds of -.Farm Produce; en in ' exchange k for goods. -'. oha we .are prepared' to pay, for rePerted theah' coins 'l'EElirr434.t.7114iallafil"t'Soalt).11146g.lt;attil. .been found at a' depth Of,. f100.:feet . First7.plasuBaswood lOga; : hien*, gold alloy; sect te'prove, the' All ;.!ndsifinit.gracip8: Coil and get.ouriidee. .the. earth revolved friar' north to seith • - equater,'Ttill adounialatiOn, .of 2.• • -Perhaps 'seine of tkeet.thof-.,the,enter1.-: ti hl` t • Yukoner. may discover .the. froien elothealine on, which Dame Eve • . Walls of the CI -Arden' Of Eden, tbe dried her sg clahing .Ftefering to, the .redistrihation .of. of the Doininion Parliament; the' Sea:: forth Prpositor siasys:r,-"Aithougb: we doubt bat *hat wa eity win be found' to be pretty nearly correct. '• Vsborne, ed from, the eoanty "at the list gerrp-,- mender, will be re -united to the coati-- andrthe diiiinons.will to Made Very •nufeh 'the same -ie they now are. for the Legislature. There; Will 4biple division lines will ,; observed: For instancei, the whole of Cloderieb. West Huron, and to liven•Up thepoPu- bition the 'town ef Winghiun and the' Village, Of Blyth ;will." be plead Bast -.Which se one eau 'Justly 'complain, end :it • woulclibe well if the imine!cliVisiou , were made ,for the .Legislature.. It tha instiirar division of the Country." all* .itteuded to Plight .or 'Day Farm' for. Rent. To' rent, 150 acres ef land one mile east of loot ' Well fenced; arteilan ami, creek:, Calumet. Box it. • 8i d.06ObriliOn 11* in the teVoilililp barn 50 60, 'Mid 'brick honed 'faith toOd olit9 Well Watered and V,Iiiite'r Term CENTRAL 'best Oh this.continent; Tlits is strong State karat brit it Is Or' trite: one nevertheless,. The ,have.sedepteil.inisitting.at Salaried, ranking eoiircetivere-, .1,239.52 total expen wee.liaid- oh the othitch "Mortgage. death apon the congt4tatiort riOW 100. an eiteemed eider of the,- coligregiition.. The deaths I' th. 'Songrossition were .11enderilati; the /god •7;0efeite. )(toad and Iterinedy„ 'While the rank t of' .youth settered' .by . port ii hopeful 14: foriVard loOko • .Ne* -Corona Dates. New Tap Figs. New' Cleaned Currants. Selected 1Talehcia Raisins iew;%1Pee,el6;1.iiive'iliiirti-n. the,s..goodi as we -purchase nothing but. chOi&e. brands. .Queen City Oil' Co'S• Oils Canadiaw:.'PriMe: White American ..".Family Safety Water White for sale hi Luck - MATHESO —The %most perfect Talking, .11Iii,chine in' the World; Its Singing or talking is as. alt;t7c!"0esills. all' g. for yo'ti" .Conie and hear it, utram Se, • 13. two t n Oak we have Easels, Tables, Paper and Milsio Racks . pictures and PiCiiire F,I:am,f§• Windo* 'Shades Pales, ti V.