HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1903-01-15, Page 4.c v ,N ,r • • . t 1. aµitab e.reaolµttpn; co Bring Q6iQ yp -X . , ' •, .. � � .pose, t►ndl tend it %tu l•the a.uitltoritiea•-:of ji$$ LIBBRTR T.O t!TT'*Ra1+iD' Q ,ASoDIi the different ni nict1i patles K.• T$s*.40.9 djrr NQ'1OTHE,RIOTA4E9 • • a;, ---;•••7•r,—,••••'•:-.- o? oo4.is41SNcE ws.p»tl,Sa*,4 4L4 T:4ere •at;e 9 divisipps . f:or gouaty -,, orss.R b1BElxtse•"-• Cuun.1"'furpbses' tn•'• Bruce,.,and a9':: e4677. iv}0ioa,'elects, two. con Lugka�0 yr •'Jaguars 15ih, 19 3 r die's alt• 1$ prembet's of•i ru a CQnnty b., �_,_,,• - .. -,•- joo:ncit "In the;e.of.'mese dtvie�tone° ' . a ° the candidavE were•elected b acclatw t•• , The Clo.te's i•bfty'+sera a*0.' tenon a p S • •iy lop 4X,t� the n�u�th, ii. '.• 4....,.,,-..._,,,,,. lore . • ,Bute&, tlto:deiea of the I?axbX�lintstr} _; �f a:udti tlttt.calp co,"I.orct,., Alaesceett azd �lruptteti auk ate 'hi4 aoe, was .taken bu. ,laic S ,CDonald .alio: w'as a u eyxp tladsWne 'ta fa,r_iu• ii nemaverR ,meat t was ford! 'Aberdeen wl o , ttur of the f;aattty'Ltl>zntr c rr thttr ctnned..the hrase Libersl Conservative olct acp .Col S'got...;....:PI-. htncardinx • ' p iyet=i?; dtd more work In t11,e way of pre;': ,'at deseripttae:taf 'xltni::elfi at;zhe *awi" , .. time reuakn}ehatb•obis Goset nment p4sili� 8;,.1a.nL, ti"tpallthe:;ot3e r bas CoiiPrsaG JLiea)';F clAu•bt'm•l,iaadewrxapvne.dofrouin 'a•d`Wk^•4ddcenot " tand•forr.re elections :Aaron. ,*Moyer: 'T4s ci�ttom9' '04'0040(1a.,oE` °tC}snada r f • or;tbe4tx moiitlas of the euri.".en fres' } lrlerad i3. ere. d t ,usefulMn � ty a of: ,y�aF-up-to--to end' aof'I5eceieher-•,are the largo*" in 'the country's'htsiory.the • couneit Hrho: stood•. for .re..election.. The'l ooks in the Customs'Departinent. buttwere 'defeated, i T1»re ata 11 new ' show a revenue of • #$046',615, a gain,• mombers in tlil .tied CCattnay� V614 -Pct r: The contest fn,? �yar, nenaht gill be be's•. of �07.,1.91,•943'ove.r the OrrespondinG p• • months,•of 1901 r,ir Deceniber alone t.veen ltObt oVats of Wtarton 444. the •inc ease-'wae $39S,$36 �.., 4ia.ai .M...P.chimlea ' of, ior9;n The.• . ' .nmmes.o£'•.'tbA-Gouneil,lors elect are .,' -)+,...1,',;,-,,, 1M•RcDooald :;L.adsaYptL,• ���:Ttte•.(3uat`Dais :7reveive loc:,:,tlte-•K asL .�•---� y' \Viarj+on,, Z' o Mepoug14 Amabel,r' `°grx q?onrha _•;'was-•.-1.8,0J6x615 --�be-, f R s-. -rer eau., a for .tie; in4Rth of pecetplet . C46r**" ; `" ra`ra , ' o.� 3--MaeDnnalrl,- •r -• Che8Iey , Cletrien.t, Eldersltei ,•' 'N'o 4' was • p,?,C67,869, • or' X98,833 treater ••• •• than? for Doeewher•,190'1,, The revenue 1t.Qb, \%•alkerton „ $irre,''13rtlut. �o• - 5 „f cr'the ata months. ending. December Fteher,' Carr ok, Kyn�te Carrick ; • ° ' • " e--B.rinl. 'Iiees.warer 'McKenzie. -id•es TS;0r667 a,, co•mpared ;villi ' Ta, r .894,69e;for� the°same time is 190I, an G mato-ck7; I`c o - 7—L-yoro L•-u-e.know increase•of Z 16,1'• '' • . The increase• .•.MeCharles, .'Huron•; No. S ,Henry; tiincar,.dine; Robinson, iC.ineatdine Tp.; for the ' c rt.reut •hscal ear - :w"'ill lie's?';• y No. 9 --Ricker 'Port Elgin . irea:ni .the neighborhaod of ao,000;000 Bruce. itchu Via' men • ' Nfi s. • 5mlth wishes ,.to infortre the `p:ubli ;_ that .r she* yi . Ties for • `'lit'of Fac ge -dist; received a splendid hssertnae y or Ladies, 'in 'Silk Applique. and'. Bt ttenburg'" effects so silk; Ties`for Ch'lldren. e• 4 Babie's Hoods in . Sxtgora .Silk- -ind Eider DI, w -n, 'also dainty:Sh tl d V iia Thr itserease-of=th poultrytrade f, the I'Euvince; is ladica'e:l' by thefact bhat.the number ot birds elaughtered;in :Ontario has gone y`up,:' frau 4,072 767'in i898`tai 3,674,1'90in 1110n, • One Toronto, 6rrn, the Canadian Grcicer says,` Phipped 70000`'pau nds- of •turkey a to Van'couuer. and " D'a.wson rc Ctty'for Chtrstwas trade It is said that -'.the same rnar-.lceta ivuuld_ ;Lake ti e are.; pre_pa ed. to pal' fOr. ,.thaysands of pounds:.wore.if avitilable.- rust class Maple•d$14 per' riret class•Soft.Elm loss $:14- Although :the'' re:erenduat• did bot' :lirst:c�liss sock Eltn°logs .$l.f '. • .Creann, White and Brack; for dresses. 4. azeoppottcezeoxemors:acemobtmo:too:Pcbnexcoxemos:emoo3:ecemeict !1NGHA receive the number -.of 'votes : necessary' hirst=clas's,„Baswood .logs to bring piiohibition int,i: force, it is :7' ret-classBeech logs $1.2 nevertheless likely;'to', .p, ucluce'some' All kinds'and' grades n of ! ;ood•results.'.' already some: good. re , Call and get our prices.' sults are being shown iu Chesney, says the Enterprise: The local -hotel` keep- ers. there have signed , an . agreement yto give no liquor to, any man' known s a. habitual, drunkard The stoppage •ofoltdhisosaups'p'ltyd.•ubtaoy_mlleow bsemeenvght'hUUun1n pG& S'an . :Ch' r FaCtaf wake: u p to a: realization of -their degta- atR and-affect'a-reformation hd ING- exam,ple of the _Cbesley, hotel heepere might profitably be "followed.hy.,ninny . more in•other,tewns. . or:ctur 0115tou ert Y�"e 'ea1rY.: t o. y •. +9ei"y:CTxyt eSt IY'ire�f.1U}'l1,' 11:;G1'eeeilefc'r ^Yoh' will ii°ua no glieap, i feirlor,goods on oil '7s elves.. puri Teas, Sugars, BiSeuits,'paniaeci Go( ds, -Meats,:'Fi&h,' e•te. We have not.., space' to..:quotxe prices, ,hut you.:will find alien' right. of `.Fsx m: Produce . , sand. • all��� k'ind.a $utter; ;. Fgg , =f r Qo'ods • • The Canada Furniture Mfr Limited: • pperating'the ' ew Muscated,Raisins' is , Packages. N eta Corona, <Bates.. New Tap Figs,: .......... New Cleaned Currants. a N eve. elected "'Valeheia' Raisins dew Pee1s;''Lemon (' ni e•Oitron N:ew Layer Figs,: tt e can.supply ou with the y r best:' duality, of uthese goods a ! �c'e purch�lse nothing blit 'choice' brands y. . 13 InN .a speech inNew York ilie• Other nigh't Prof', ' Felix ' Adler Bald "many, men: seemed to thinit that Christianity applied only, to private life, •not:''to business or politicA:. As fathers:; or husbands they were all their families. could. wish, but in the larger sphere of citiienship'they showed no; principal «: a �y' ••�lnerlcan Family 5afetti whatever, but would�stoop to any 'lase • ' uneBs-" .Ma'have met with 'such { :NVate '`Whi'te for sale in Luck•- Luck r Veen Ci y, Oil Cyo's are the best; you can buy Canadian Pri.m,e White- Oils RR R UCE1-tS' y men. there are''.too manl., who seem• ,nOw ll. -•1 too think ttat':reh ion is; uomethtnq' to I Tpi�s LA Wi;; 1VTCF .136:put Iwo a silk. tile, when goiva. w _ wish t0• callto church; who view t • as soutethano e attention: to, uul -:large', and ,,varied: +uaefu:i in the houi 4.. death;T. but al ° tlgether, uatit for • exposure an; ,the stock Of Tables'; • we'lave theta'.. m elf sizes and :'styles.' If': ;daily •routine.:•,-,'But'it-c7t,h, • , j,'ton .. ,.. : , want a goad table at a -fair ' price call .on. us 'J -,• ' -that people live that 'counts. Our stock~ of Furniture in other lhne$ is ,very conimplete, Par1'or 'Suits, Bedroom ,Suits, Couches, Mattrase ,, Chairs; •A general meeting of'tho Directors; • of the' Huron and Qntario E,lectt is Ry Winlow , ;Blinds, Plettirrs' ancl.: Picture• Frames in ' great Company'•was recently held, in.' walk variety. Prices co•nsistent with,d,ual ty.. erton, ,,The new power' of Attorney,; • presented on behalfof:1M14,•May••wss' read and•; . generally discussed: .• • It ; cb��ered much, of the same ground .as i that gi'en bythe, committee;.but was modified. so' als;to enable the, provision ht. :Directors- 'to retain'control -AM tit the • road is :actnahy :under construction, and also limittng Mr May's•powerilof ., negotiating to'tw.o years: If the road r, is not then' under, construction the', TSE LE.0DIxG T��T)EY,I"1I:E1;. 1\T7..E�IB tl.l EIl Farm,for .Relit. - P, rent,, 150'' eeres•of'.1And• one•rnile east 6f i Hdtyirod let 7.,00n.. ,in towdship 6f "' Kin. low, Well fenced, attesien. well' and creek, 1 a • C rw$• pasture. i' • ,•, Itfit0. MltA.J,' CalUmnet, `Mich„ Bos: R . end a 'Lave t1 e est Manufactured .11 Oak,. we': have The . most " erfect Talkin 1 re r n his 1r1a0hme ill the Wal . Roberts of Dungannon s g edQe, � 1 1 • P Directors'res'uwe Control. ' 1+1r. �r Vii, . �, ,, e H. s r a9, b � t'h , 'CO.,Ctl. a 'T 10 ?if nn otttbn i , N po � Its :�ln t>c`t or, Talkln 1S as. 11YYIler of Hanover wase a ointect t p l ;at th. l' l�lala and dls net ;to _ e� , in,his p1a,Ee 'he�Pcetident.: i y .7 Sac -it ! . :iln dice ✓ 1b•��,,r *:; : •�'_ �• retaiy were, authorized to. give nettles ons•truct tht road etc., Ili "1•i�al this.: w,ondex'fuY. lgstr3. Parlit anent 'f `,'extension "ft 'costs'.' nothing for you to: - :and apply to • , $ :} . of time to c ,. 1 $1 O.0 11:eom ,• Tarin' :foyi Bale. c ,It•1,-4 ik teti4 a 4clinol bn3'.rr,e of ti.'as a ireed'thatin, the meantime the •'t:lelit� -Fri., �„ 0, . •_ 1 .., ' ':e� :. a. O:' s x. r,, b, a' ,•. �, t# n OM c,nntt ent4 '`I lYiFts ,.1r�na stats. mnnittp�litise el rnQ the rtluttrs' e ; •l�e'te. .tM, 'yid rl. ilea . ► is a bat•n 50 x 6o slid• brialt h�,+t�e beosu it a' k i ht}ebli k'. werl. � Owe �' , , iarm hart � be tit d r' tti 7 t of t �' tb ,farm. a`of'a '.tidd slag'gain„tvell'watereI anti {, "el bi.oee arr.44pterl lrr,witi,tr,a al' ,fir'. ran i t i' "thy :lisle 'el'te:5 in 'e'ttin atli�tn 'nt "o ` �`/' • itni a s le `did, state :r,l''tit i'tatr itt,' k•..s' ti; ., .a trai,,nth t:. $5btr,l;.Pr axtr,riir~r, .*.%rite':., , . g K e p r 17 _ fef�cbd Mid . l� , n ..11'., r � r n cats' c.s ..: w .. ...... •.�..• ......� .....:. :�:. , �. , , , ._ ...., �.. ... .• ,. ... � . .... t..t .: i aQj�ed x, 'I,lt r . � .� ••.. e..,.. . B nr'k•1vi�J3l ,teAn3:t is. a d9rre_�.-,-#-x+L,,* .—:W'r..a„»r+__..�.._-,w�_.l,..c:v.vYcr, .�.:.. .x� �r�.l�.._..-.a:s.n1•.. .s''rN,3�., ,pK.i._. 45, �.Y n ',. , C• 1fIC1711:>sf', A(`.'[�tl1V, l+nnc�a,•F'.C1.• 1, .t111r•ty4 EL410'fr'v ;�►+fNclpell, �017# all as trigtructed tlx prepare; a; � Ot4t�ram Vit:,. e,t� l'I It 1c A true �ne .r. �w'ttbeless., T}Jw, Being l01 "a; seriS�rRinn 'it”, tin the tr,wn Phil, ! '� , ,,,� I. , c1�itAi"n11t . •i�10 gabs.. CirI tele B.9nii,our prim,") Dyna 'MAP large ,attetfclatice ajk to .tiegg. u "on their' Dbtlliit{On v , r+e. l� fi 014 tW2 r1 r, +r, r t e alt 'arl4dutif, sell ,ta, h'etan. " g'i'ns. - the ;' re ° e es . A t t y a gsib i g ' , - W • nfa x 30 'there is 10 Acres r,fitw,d bttwly, ibe 1 fi Kr , • tueleti .) 1 xtension" 'Tables; Sideboards; 'Bedroom, • S111t., 'Parlor Suits, Ct.uclieu Pictures :and•;,Pidture ,Frames zWY ndow. ' Shades.. nd . e urtairi:: 004001440, dfillstellt alters, •an d �n a. .. der -" •eters.- a ' 2l. � 7 7 Prc_G.-_Yx.Sk:.k"'=T.i:=R4:-._.^a ,...• Iy,+.�;:k.,•'.• , .. r-..-4