HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-07-16, Page 4.?t TEM WZNURAM T1MZS, JULY i 1. 1. u8 FROM THE SANCTUM M1LL ,..ter, I\ interesting Paragraphs from our Ea>~changes. Don't forget that a thing isn't done boettuse you intend to do it, The entire native population of Si- beria does not exceed 700,000. tee .El. lE3''3" Cr mete. Beantho Tha Kind Yoouu'fare Always Bought of One way to faoa dif eulties is by turn. log your back On them. Women do not admire the line work 0t. Father Time. DR. A. W. CHASE'S 2g - CATARRH CURE ... C. is sent direct to the diseased 4.1 parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanently cures Catarrh and flay Fever. Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo- Girls aro partial to automobiles be- canse they have sparkers. Many a man's awakening is due to his wife's dream of a bonnet. True friends are those who lf.ten to your talk when you don't Bay anything. U .A. S nil 4Z, re. t om. . Bears the The Kind You lime Always Bought 49, 1 Celebrating a wooden wedding doesn't always demonstrate that the husband is a perfect stick. Lives of great men all remind ns how important it most be to have a good press agent writing our biography, Nobody but a loving mother would weep bitter tears over a lost child, and then spank it when it has returned. Signature 'es of A girl who is always fishing for com- pliments seldom hooks one worth while. Over 6,000,000 French women—half of them married—earn their own living. 11 1e said that British capitalists are negotiating for the purchase of the Til- bury oil fields. The essential long -healing principal of the in tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfect cough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guuarautoe of satisfaction. Price 25 cants, The total area of Africa is eetimated at about 11,500,000 square miles, of which Britain owns 2,713,910 agnare miles. You can give a man good advice till you are bine in the face, but give him a good eoare and yon will get results. You'll find there's a lot of time to kill in settling an estate, for well we know where there's a will there always be a wait. Of '700 church edifices inspected by order of the Chicago fire mafshal 10 were found to violate safety laws and ordinances. The Transvaal department of Agri- culture has provided the sum of $50,- 000 for the encouragement of the to- bacco industry. Some men are so convinced that they are going to wake up some morn- ing and find themselves famous that they can't sleep. The list of great buildings York now numbers over a office buildings more than ten high of which eighteen are now stories in height. Beare the / The Kind You Ilaue Always Beagh All lard to fry fritters and doughnuts vaunt be very, very hot before putting in the batter. The man who keeps everlastingly at it is apt to accomplish a lot of things that sire not worth the effort. Mr. Charles Wilson has been appoiut- ed governor of Oxford County jail to saaoeed Mr. John Cameron. SFBING MEDICINE. As a spring medicine° Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the iryetem and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. Richard Depew, in the Kent County House of Refuge, is reported to be the 3teir 0!4 9,000,000. Fred Johnson of Guelph, aged eleven, leaved a girl companion from drowning lin a heroic manner. America is still the largest consumer of cocoa. The cocoa crop of 1906 amounted to 149,020,695 kilograms. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. , The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of -44.444 in New hundred stories twenty Signatara of 4444. Nervous I,)o You Brood ? Have Morbid Fears ? Toss in Your Sleep? TGT FEIMOZONE, All the vital aotivities of the body are quickened into new vigor by Farr - ozone, wbioh oontates. ell the oanstit- nnte necesaary to make nerve strength. Its first actiou is upon digestion, It stimulates the secretion of gastric jn'ee, ensures perftct diegstiau and prepares the food so as to be easily assimulated. Thais everything yon eat is converted into nourishment that enrich s the Wood and lends new strength to the nerv.a• By l errezone the mind is relieved of those trocding tendencies, of morbid unnatural fears, of unwillingness to concentrate attention on things that should be done. Won't you tre Fetrc z :nt ? Won't you Rive it a ohence t0 'win you beck to health; it will do it. ja-t as it did for Mrs. Creighton Zinek of Palm St., Lnnenburg, N S., Rhe says: "I want to give my experience with Ferrczone because I believe it will be of aesistanoe to thousands of women who need it badly. I was very thin, run down in fifth and lacked color My nerves were in a dreadful state. It anything fell I would jump and start. At night I would suddenly wake np, boort palpitating and all keyed up Ferrczsue went right to work. It re- stored my poles and balance, gave me self control, cured my nervousness. Ferrezine inoreased my appetite and my weignt came up so fast that I simply didn't need to use it any longer. Eight boxes cored me." Why won't you use Ferrc•z,ne also, it certainly will do you good in many ways—sold by all druggists in 500. boxes. Illinois oil fields producing 100,000 barrels daily. Three residents of Fergus bad a nar- row escape from death. the horse they were driving being streok by lightning and killed. over EAT WHAT YOU WANT The voters list far Hallett for thud year coutaine a total of 932 venous t 13 - titled to: vote at all elections, tinniest 051 last year. Those entitled to voteae municipal elections only, 173 Those entitled. to `vote for the L gislative Aa- sembly only, 41 1h3 persOes entitled to serve on j tr•y nnn+b:r G29 There 35 widows on the :let, On July let the pot respecting the standard weight of bread canto into !ore: in Ontario. All other bread oth r than fanoy bread must weigh either one and a half pounds, or three pound p r lou!. Fancy bread must w igh eithe- 16 or 20 ounces per loaf; ami have affixed to the bottom of the loaf a lab;l showing the name of the maker, the weight of the loaf and that it is fauoy bread. Oa Sunday, July 5th, after an illness of about three months, Jane M .Q iillan beloved wife of Mr. David archer, passed q ietly away at the family home on Rose st., Lucknow, all the immediate relatives being present. Dreeased was danghter of Mr. and Mos. Edward Mo Quinas, of West Wawan, sh, where she was born and spent the ea: ly yeas of her life Besides her pare..ts, dr ceased is survived by her husbinti and one daughter, Laura, at home, and by four brothers and two sisters. Germany has, says the U 5 Consu. lar and Trade Reports, now fifteen crematories, in as many °Hies-- all, to active use. There seems to be a grow - Mg disposition to make use' of this method of dfeposing of the deed, as the number o? cremations in 1908 shows au increase of 40 per cent. over thoee for the same period of 1907. The total number of oreamatories dur- ing the four months, January April, 1908, was 1,441, against 1,028 for the same period last year. 144.4 - iod of 190 -But Find the Way to Digest What You Do Eat. Building a pipe organ of the ordinary church size and installing it in his father's home is the accomplishment of Wm. Barnes, 15 year-old son of Chas, 0—Barnes, in Chicago. The building took three years. In a Vienna newspaper appeared the following: "Wanted. by import- ant firm, a commercial agent; good talker, arrogant and unscrupulous; good salary, with prospect of increase it satisfactory all round." T. W. Gibson, deputy minister of mines, eetimated the value of the min- eral output of the Province of Ontario for the first three months of the year at $4,249,176 85. Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure backaches, weak back, rheum- atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong motion of the kidneys and bladder Rev. Herbert J. Belting of New Brunswick, N. J., announced that he will donate all his marriage fees dur- ing the next two years towards a sum remodelling his church. A party of six men and several wo- men from the United States arrived at Pierson, Sask., with the avowed inten- tion of "freeing the Donkhobors." The party is armed, and the Mounted Polies have been instrnoted to look after it. There are 35 banks in Canada with Done'nion charters, and these banks have 1,929 branches. The total paid- up capital of these is $95,827,992, and the surplus or reserve account is 269,- 827,992. Andrew Carnegie's library gifts am - Inuit to $50,000,000. .A girl will forgive a man quicker, for kissing her against her will than for not being interested enough to try. Sometimes a man can tell what a woman means by what she doesn't say— that is if she leaves anything unsaid. 11 has boen remarked that love Ievels sill things, and the man who bas loved and loat knows that it has leveled him, Windsor keeps np its reputation as the Gretna Green of Canada by 672 marriages for the fast half of the year, Nature's Remedy La grippe, pneumonia and intlu- enza often leave a nasty cough when they're gone. It is a dangerous thing to neglect. Cure it with OXYGENATOR "Nature's Perfect Stood Purifier Cures All Germ Diseases" FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS THE OXYGENATOR CO.,, 42 tfarbord Street, Toronto, Ont. The filet thing to do in the case of indigestion or stomach weakness is to strengthen the mnecular walls of tbe stomach and intestines, so that they will Dare for the food that is eaten. In no other way can this be done as well as by taking a Mi-o•ns tablet before each meal. This restores strength to the stomach mneoles and stimulates the pouring out of gastric juices, then the food digests readily and you begin to get the full benefit from wi'o.t yon eat. Use Mi-o-na whenever you have sick headache, heartburh, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, spots before the eyes, sleeplessness and the many other symptoms that aro the direct result of indigestion. Walton McKibben gives with every 50 cent box of Mf -o na a guarantee to refund the money unless the remedy cures. THE LADIES' FAvOKITE. Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Billiousness, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. Never use soap in washing silk stookings. Bran in water is the proper fluid to use—four tablespoonfuls to one quart of water. Rinse in severed clear waters, preseing the water out. Dry stockings in the sun. The marriage of Mia Augusta A Roe, daughter of Mrs. Jae, Roe, of the 4th con. Howlett, to Mr. Wilson B Fairley, merchant of the Garden City was quietly celebrated at high noon on Wondeaday, Jane 24th by the Rov. E. N. Baker, D. D., in his home, 29 Euolid avenue, Toronto. An event of more than ordinary interest took place on Wednesday, July let, when Mr. Samuel Reid, of Ashfield twp, and Mies Tilly Jarvis, danghter of Edwin Jar's, of Lucknow, wore joined together in the holy bonds of wedlock, , T ho ceremony', w o omen hi h was performed by Rev. J. E. Ford, assisted by Rev. Mr. Findlay, of Whitechurch, took place at 6 o'clock at the oltl family home on the 12th. con. of W. Wawanoeh, under an arch on the lawn. After the ceremony, the n g este, to the number of nearly 100, repaired to the dining room and par. took of t1 dainty sipper. lbw's Tinns? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J Cheney & Oo., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F J. Cheney for the last 15 rears, and be- lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Welding, Ktnnan & Marvin, wholesale druggists, Toledo, 0 Hall's Catarrh Cure is takeu inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testi- mouiale sent free. Price, 75c per bottle. Sold at all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. A large number of people attended the funeral of Mies Carrie Moore to pay their last respects to a popular young lady. Miss Moore was an active worker is the Methodist church and bad been President of the League, teacher in the Sunday School and a member of the Ladies' Aid Society and the choir. Mise Moore was preparing to be married. Her death was a shook to the commun- ity. The bereaved ones will have the sympathy of the community. ,Canada has one of the largest single canal looks in the world at Sault Ste. gado, and altogether the largest lift looks in the world, at Peterboro, Ont. She hes the best niokt;l mines, and the richest silver picket depoeits in the world. Tho tbiokeat coal seam in the World is at Shellarton, Nova. Scotia. Protect the Lunge By using Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lin• seed and Turpentine at the first indica- tion of throat irritation you overcome the cold before it gets a hold on the bronchial tubes or lungs. No treat- ment has ever proved so successful as a cure for chronic bronchitis, asthma, croup and severe chest colds. This is why Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine is et standby in most homes. Mrs. Elsie, an inmate of the House of Refuge, at Clinton, celebrated her 101st birthday, on the 2nd, and in yet in good health; another person is 95 years cf age. Was A Total Wreck From Heart Failure Itrtl.sertbt.ble Turf ure of Fllee. Mrs George 11 Simser, Grant, Russel Co. Oat„ w,itee: "For Haven years l; (teetered far bleeding, itching and pro. trttdtrg rPes without suecese, The tor. tare I suffered at tunes was beyond des eription A friend told me abort Dr, Chase's Otutment. Ia broneht rel of at once and cured me permanently five years ago. There passed away Frilay afternoon, July 3rd, at her home in Tuckersmitb, Isabella Story, aged 57 years, Much sympathy is left for the sorrowing friends, and particularly for her sister, with Ishom she had lived for some years, and by whom her Toes will be keenly `alt. (RAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEIVT !. 0.0. F. EXCURSION. ON Saturday, Auust ��- Water Drinking. The question of water drinking, re- cording to Harper's Bazar, is one that is open to discussion, and one that may best bo solved by individual ex- periment. The theory of some is that it helps toe clear away the waste of the system, and hence favors reduc- tion. The most extreme exponents of this theory :eoommend a glass of bot water upon rising, one an hour after each meal and two or three just before retiring. Undoubtedly, it does help to clear out the system, but some will find that it adds to the weight instead of deoreaeirg rt. This may be entirely due to the weight of the water itself, and to the fact that it does not pass out of the system, bet accumulates—not necessarily to the fact that it makes fat. There are theories both for and against drinking with the meals, brit the argu- ments for it are negative, so that it seems the wisest rule to dispense at least with water. It can then be taken an hoer afterwards. Those who propound tbe theory that water dirnking ehonld be restricted even to the limit of three small glasses daily say that thirst re- duces the appetite, and that the body will feed upon itself if water is not given it when it is wanted. This is oonoeded to be a dangerous method to follow to extremes, because tbe kidneys and other organs most have a certain amount of water to work lot they shoula. Some 1780 vessels intended for traffic on the great lakes, and 14,000 marine laborers are idle, according to Detroit reports. These idle vessels rep-esent more than one-half of the total tonnage represented in the lake carrier's associ- ation. Depression in the iron industry and shrinkage in ore shipments from the Lake Surerior region are largely re- sponsible for so small an exhibit of activity. Leat year the ore shipments reaohed nearly 40,000,000 tons, and the prediotion now is that they will not reaoh 25,000,000 this year. Mr. Cunningham, secretary of the Clinton Public School Board, has re- ceived oloial notice from the Govern- ment that the Modal School there will be dicontinued from this time. This will make considerable difference to the School Board, which last year received $150 from the Government and $150 from the County, owing to it being a Model School; ndd to this amount received froin pupils, last year $225, a total of $525 that the Trustees a i11 not receive thie year. Prom this can be deducted the salary of the assistant employed during the model term, $150, and the loss in $375, On July 2nd, at high noon, a very pretty wedding was solemnized at the residence of Mr. Allen McLeod, Luck - now, when his eldest daughter, Donalda Evan, was united in marriage to John A. McLennan, son of Mr. Malcolm Me, Lennan, of Strathavon-Laurier. The bride looked sweetly pretty in a dainty gown of Point d'heprit over Allis trim- med with insertion and ball trimming. The ceremony was performed by Rev. D, T, L McKerroll, B. A. In such cases the action of MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS in rluietirg the 13/..art, restoring its nor- mal beat and imparting tone to the nerve centres, is. beyond all question, marvel- lous. Mr. Darius Carr, Geary, NIL, 'Crites : ' It fy with the greatest of pleasure I «iit� you a ft's linea to let you know the „teat ble�•;in„ your tiilburn's heart and Nervy 1 Itis !rave been to Inc. I teas a total wreck fro -a h;art failure and my v if, advised me to :take your Wile. After using two boxes I was re,torel tr) perfect health. T a:n now 62 years old and feel almost as well a5 1 did at 20." Price 50 cents pet box or 3 for $1.25, at all dealers, or mailed direct by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, C. P. R. Extensions. DAYS OF DIZZINESS Come to Many Wingham People Minerva Encampment, No. 47, 1. G. O. F., •'Wingham, .have. completed arrangements with the Grand Trunk Railway System to run a big Excursion to SARNIA Via HYDE PARK From the following places, on Saturday, August 8th, 1908,, returning Monday, Aug. loth, at the following low fares : PLACE TIME PARE Kincardine 5.49 A•.nr. $2.30 Ripley 5.55 2.20 Lucknow 6.10 2.05 Whitechurch 6.23 2,00 Wingham... 6.40 1.90 PLACE Belgrave. Blyth 7.03 Londeaboro ,,7.10 Clinton - 7.50 Brucefield. 8.12 Kippen 8.23 TIME 'PARE' 6.54 A.m. $1.65 1.60 L60 1.60 1.35 1.35 CHILDREN over 5 and 'under 12 years HALF FARE Returning, Speciul Train will leave Sarnia on Monday, Aug. 10, at 10 p.m. Arrangements have also been made with the White Star Li re to convey passengers from Sarnia to There are days of dizziness, spells of drowsiness, headache, sideache, back. ache. Sometimes rheumatic pains after urin- ary trouble. You are, plainly told that the Kidneys are sick. Booth's Kidney Pills cure all Kidney ills. Mrs. Runstedler, of Leopold 51., Wingham, Ont., says:—"I had suffered with an attack of pleurisy which had greatly weakened me and left a bad effect across the small of my bank, a severe pain had settled in the region of the kidneys and extended around my sides. I could scarcely stoop over or straighten myself np, Headaches and spells of dizziness were frequent and my eyes were' weak and painful. Booth's Kidney Bilis were recommended and I tried them. They soon relieved me and the pains and tenderness left me and the headaches and dizziness were likewise quickly re- lieved. I believe Booth's Kidney Pills to be an exceptional remedy and will not hesitate to recommend them." Sold by Dealers. Price 50 cents. The R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont., Solo Canadian Agents. Commencing on July tat, the C. P. R. began the operation of 61 miles of new braneh lines as followe:— From Lynwood on the Guelph and Goderioh line to Listowel; 16 miles. Erom Sangeen *Junction, near Proton, on the Owen Sound section, to Hanover, passing through Price- ville, Darham and Allen Park; 27 miles, From Embro, on the Louden sec- tion, to St. Mary's; 18 miles. The opening of these new lines will add important territory to that already Coveted by the Canadian Pacific Rail- way, These branoh linea are expeoted to be important "feeders," and, need - lees to say, the farmers of the section of country through whish the pass, g w y P , who bave been looking forward to the opening of these lines will consider Dominion Day this year as having a special significance for them. The line beteg opened from Sangeen Janotion to Hanover is a part of a line whioh is being btt:t to Walkerton, 'The sec- tion from Ilano'ver to Walkerton, it it expected, Will open on August lot. For Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Stomach - Cramps, Colic, Summer Complaint, Choi= era Morbus, Cholera In- fantum, and all Looseness of the Bowels There is no medicine Like • It bas been a household remedy for 63 years,_ You can always rely on it in time of need to do just what we claim for it. Do not allow an unprincipled druggist to palm off a cheap substitute on you. Tho genuine "Dr. 1?owler'e" is instant - featured by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. THE ONLY 1'3 CURE 11012 DIARRHOEA. "I have used Dr. Mrs. llobt, Rahm, T' owler'e Ext. of 13arl.eton, Ont., Wild . Strawl erry writes:._„ for diarrhoea, and I think there is nob a better remedy to be found, es I have a largo family and all subject to it. I would not b without it in the house as it is a quick euro, and the only thing' that will mire thom," DE'I'ROIT r per magnificent Steamer "Tashmoo," on Saturday leaving. Sarnia at 4 5o p,m., at the low return fare of 75 cents.. Tickets good returning on any White Star Line -boat up to and' includinz 2.30 p. m. on Monday, August io. This will afford an excellent outing and an opportunity for excursionists to spend Sunday iii Detroit. Everyone Come and Enjoy a - Pleasant Outin COMMITTEE : H. B. ELLIOTT, 5, W. DODD. w •••••• N4•Nt4•�•••• ••••• • • • • • • If a matt oan write a better book, preach a better sermon • or make a better mouse -trap than hie neighbor, though he • build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten • path to his door,—Emerton. • • • Get on the path to the door of the •• • • • Times Printing Office • •••••••••••.••s••s••••••••* • •• • a - a 4. •' •,. • • • • • Where mouse traps are not made but • • —where— • • • • • •• Good Printing w A s • • • • Is turned out every day with neat- * ness and despatch; where up-to-date •• materials and machinery are used, •• and were mechanics with up-to-date ideas are employed; 'where quality characterizes every piece of work and service given every buyer; where cheap printing is never done, but where good printingis done cheap; where the kind of' printing is done that will lead the world to make a beaten path to your door; where particulars may be had byfollowing up the path to the office of • • • • •• ••• •. • • • •. • • • • THE WINGHAM TIMES or by Calling up 'Phone 4. ritc s lr