HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1903-01-08, Page 6dozen 'Mee Were' fOlind
e. Wett the,,Mall from.
144 ah,clUt wea,ther. .4144'41,01116..•
'iiitiOng' *AO.
cifeet,er as fast"' as A.dee.r.: eau lumP
. ;At that half a. 'dozen, rose naro ; to. •
14:44 bi.tegatiee 1_043,
419. agiting tor truh: !aid' ;the
ippor• folio*. We Wag eXaz7; And
'1 knew yea WOO hUngr$. 130' 1
'Tears like. Icaiet'• KO, enTigh
f011Ow. eatablic;, but, the post.'.
Ottaaster stenped4them :by Saying that
ithe,-_,Rommet;clal trafeller and said:,
614tposa you've Seen it, good -many
Storms worse ;Thar) this when &own
-1W,C4'110... I do. Dot think . tine, will last
• knager than midnight or
;rabbits, but rim seen starinki dostrn •
tnejles 'and a halt thick. 'with a 'big, . , •S.:c6ii''$ Eriillisigli° i',§litlitr.
it *or their Fal'ieer •bn't they Cut' lt ..a. Milk ' ifk!ptit'e'•:;C9PlAyet-: oitr,
giin salted 'thein and, 'putting a' hit Wan' SolIi... flypOph.OSpillia
a suet in next to the powder,' with -I
carefully,. and . fired charge,: After ' ,..• _
Charge off. .to 'tha,t starving, Sailor. b S -f•441
broiled, the steak arid the••Stiet melted • .
into„ •• gravy, ' Every, piece of, .fiteolt
struck tho Masthead, and! the Sailor r ' -•i' '
caught thein ;as theY reel:Monde& ..Tbei •gri.of .the: fiiledy.alieg. just' as,
three 1.kounds: arid five .onnets or. throe, na r
iftit- ...ft. 'Stretch, -with the. alt. to
'miles an hoar` and better everY'
eay. though, 'the worst -'one was OVer
eq., -4440 Long 'Island' _shore-, -.tlempr'
-*teed Ileaelt, they cat, it.. :When.
of that StOrin at, Onee. 1 never 'saw
rae,0 eat fati131;! 0.40 .or the
supposed:. to ..be. antherities on'
s 'leek matter hits tieen that the habit of
-fr,om ,Tr4S,rks. Island tONsw Torte, leas One. it' is I now,- stated,, according
-Mike-gale arm* bor when see: • was' to ;recent •luvestigatiens; "that' a lit4,
•a,tiowt •forty.,' adios down 'the Denolur tle, water, ir cold, is ' bene-'
' held her th. it, and tshe. Was able tt$' rip.ter .the. gaetric, , juice, and
Awoke- More ;headWay.,411an he calm, ,too co.d lowers the temperature of
lated. At least that wad, what 'they, the .s.tburcti•wo.w. tiqinalp 'thils'im-
'..!•atalci: afterward,' for Just before.lay-. pairing .digestiOn.. If; hco.wever. water
pounds- and. seteU-ounces7do,,It° 'WAS
ate: every „blired ot it. Yea see how' ,
is4 the most -satisfactory treat-
t..De sure that this picture in •
thrforar'ef.a label is on' the
Torent.cii--•2. Ontario.
see, and ‘i.a.t; t all druggists,
110W the Old1Ron-tans SOlicitecrPuBlie
.that,... was 'the ,wor•a-t• "Cher action...of- le' gas Flo r•r, ',Here ie. one. nen,r-Eciaie
'Another; 'enterprising' man ,..at •I13.01•.
wherever it touched. Arka.,..tbde the 1. -meals Is • recommended,. hecauSe • 'At
Storm, I saw aleng'ShOre,• 41141 ,)•W 'th,e .period ;Of rest 'Phlegm. Or
not in, ;the., The tembbr.ati:re stomach: beirg,very ten-
, why, (4, c.eion'e...prevents•ilce free. flow of gnem
w.u.11iel•;.abi-45.4i.3. the wreck trio juice for ,seme time, hence, delays_
•• the : ...Water froze. 'in a..'eco,t• of . ice digestion. A. driak- or water before
miles, from 'Refine,. wheie, of. ecnirse
.eti..* of that schooner Were *i...1) aloft leesellS and wen sh es -aWay 'this de-
',. With the :.,wilarvierehig..-trodigh them'. l'' POsit..ef .-inuens, thereby- ' permitting most -Of -phe eeetetnereweato-he Etble.
and.. the. spray,•reaching! up te•:•eover !I *he mi,..,:irre .jethe., te,,....„..o.tee4: the f9gd.. tif knoW• whether 'they; really,' .had•
: Lyons; :Which' Mak. 'ha-paraiihraiied.'
:. that , Were la • the,' 'rigging, Wheu---1i •,, bed and breakfast -Ile Who. has been'
here. before will be:treated,all the •
:To the beach a long;time.alleati of Me.
these life-SaverS,..•, and :rthey've 'every-
... • . Mee , hesitate 'fp, deciare• that hiss hon.ee
Ifrfnitre :Intended tor people or'inoden-
, „.:,;(f_Wiiiii ioo Much ;even for, them. , , . They. t :' faslhon .. 1.1r .put up :Wit y u ' but,
.? . brought' oti..C.their little 6:Innen 'and 1 ' obeli' bee-ghat:lied Of, having you."
• . tired. a line right throngh:.the :rigging :... ..-; , - ^ ',;Peiliapsthere are :,a, grtp4 .. paatm:
. fileSei te the, 'sailor% !jut, When 'One of .... inaderh lietete. cOndeet:04.0n,.: •thifit
the. unfOrtunates :let .go.' his hold 'tip• Who is an expert in making Minte plea. He
. reach .the.1.....ne ilew*E; 60:001d•that he has charge. of making all of Libby's Mince Motif cas a. rule, :q.nite sci,,frank in eir'
,lnkit tutabled overboard.- And bielde oV Meat. Me uses the very ehogest 'Materials; -spi',:eSting. their sentirdents4 • .• - . i • ,.: '
DO: TaliqUe‘.-Olever fellow; -that V-
,. this 6017, ' id yet to be told. The, 'one '''' - ' waYs says the right' thing. iii the'
the ,topenal . was furled,' arta,- after' -• Pe, Tp.nquet-I did . laSt night. :He. was,
. • gaaket -• (tha.t Xs . the ropejhat _tied,. Ever sold4.and he does. ' Get 6 Package at
° . the sell. Into g tielit avad);. It e".work0.3 your grocer's -.enough for two larke pies. You , . . . ., ,
' • US way 'into' the .wed: as, if it were a will•never use another kind again. Libby's
Atlas ot th'e World, with' 3a:rieW maps, sike 8xt,t -.' :' He that IS dOWn :need fear no fall.
hag, And. there -he Was, 'out' Cf: the inches' sent anywhere for to cents m etamps. '
Wind and clear' of the' spraY:,... .. . Our bimklet,."How. To Mast Coop Times
. sailer stuo,k ..his• bead And shoulders ''.'7, -°P•fgaso*tnert'Sauttndeil'i:s•-zy ' tO,ant.le 'de; daY; 'C''
out •Of the. bunt of the Sall arid began
to wave 'his cap, to_and fro, •making
what they, c g; signals. Tli
The 'King's
,•-• the. eckle, of., course, ,a.nqi,:a'nsWered.• . • arid heals,; and the tiettor taltbei the:
new' ,king EdWard
• ; • try tO get :me 'off' till 'the: foniid-•irtn; way. to,I,Ondoir, Irene' . ' "Eno, ..hoo,"' whimpered the little
tn the, city within the 'olaSt, feW •. ." ,eS; got One that hives ine • jot,-
ittil fei.% or then' were 'Paid out :14.;nan.:11;14,-'-'t-r e;•.Y.
daYs. having arrived sin a .coriSign- • '131011'0d. sh° ''s*Yg1 '&1'tiSe she'
tve.•ln arrangement td US'
froth, Which. the
Bri•tish poirtS are. struck ..are,
tug sornetiling Of the. ilelinaeles". Of !
shertjt in general., eiroula-
tion;• though i• further' intnlirY at the
peCted, and the puiSle. is I still.
wn-Sick with a Cold
if Conid Only conviniCe 37,04 how entliS,'
611Y S Syrup
4 tee -trial Matti
' "DoetY she Speak'
Prof, . V'ergeo,,easell: tier
Prenalt IS,' •':gOoti, no :any...Snake:it in'l ' Jimmy • .(ort the' inteic
not ',.tinee• to write it,-MettereiCh.
Buffalo COMMercial,
4,,,,P0444t1P`ijnding't0'4# 4.411,00411* plece :Cif 4. )A4440,444 011 it thar",
'An • pergsh,, inn. -in , nil ,ntlior glti(0,, •SPda,: ,and YOU,' Wilt •filA Via *eel Will
: :destroy' 'their .019thing/:":etlaPecifteatii.!
,:ti.:11t;twx.e7r,o04fotil?!..ilf, 4441o,V.9.,1,p104:.tpot,„te..:4::".11t: al/e• gry4'.1z4Ver:fit4 •Or 1191•0444 8'40.
--stationxi--for-slie" ni•iald7Ilave ia'.'ner. lyerld ever,. eivi ,i'!g4 'freedom from free
,-•-44.411;; 41,1' henea ,ot, red ..rbeek and, •alle. i 0,ikali-Or.Peustic bee het*: deMonstfat.eci.,.
.!s.ugkteSted_thigt.. im'Avear• a, lent' '3-.1,O, :1,)),,,.. -the., 111g1XeSE ,timilleal alithorities.".
..ameng the men there, WAs ode , 'who
•.$1,ipalir Meet in . tide. fakiblon. . • ..C.4eili 1d -44 -Never mind '; . they. :. Won't
always ,be used for ,Phildreto Teetoing.,
.noothen the Child, softens the cams. cares wia.4
tity Utmhted wood; suitable 'for Prick
tk01'1141g;,^40V5111Medtate 1Ma; state:' call' pride
f.o.b. your station. 1:l1=Psilh.•
Terouto lamer Toronto' telephone At &loan •
, professions
4pard'„ii. .1,4ititinent cures Y0,10", ._11.er• Name 'for 'Aim:
hitn. alto he pool", found oceasion , 8tella-L,Yoit held, :your ;age iterY.
wrote 'to. Ms father:, Thel,eitter,..rani:.
pear ;Father: '
13,1:Ck , 1. garlan magnate offered the hospital-.
Whoi said, she'Wae, the reverend'.
report. "waS
•;said that they were:collecting...money..
and.: during: th0 poiS et their
-Perfectly honorable in all business trans- , . • .. •
ether a ,conSiderable 'Sum which;
• Ildoi G. y;',' , • L ' ' they explained', 'was for. the".4onvetit
:Druiridsts,' Toledo; O. ..they i140 mag;
•Hal -Ps Catarrh Cure is. tal:rn internal] .act- aie's fax.-allY:' were. enchanted • witit,
lug -directly upon'the blood -.andorticoue
face oi the. syetem, ", Testimonials.' sent . free. Atha •ttiro. VoSta IS, and his ivif e .uped
's are the•best.
• suddenly Vtknish.ed; and' With' them .
ed. aild',ArrbSted the :Magnate's gOod;
think that : had been. ,kissing, a.
Male- ruf flan ..tWiee ' day for' five
' or Loudon:
• anY ease of•Cittarrh that cannot be eared hy.
Cp., Cauailiet'Largest,Tallors..117rIrkte,..
.4631'110r -.041
bit 10 a),4164i
ono tiedifl,
tick ts.11,a1)11
the WI
07; fter
fileY 1-11
$03 Cr64111
.itother do
ds, er
it lintelg
there /vont
1.'wes, after
rid, soft
'Ono it L
mime j
;Sink tha
• Butter market, limner and, large: •;;31la , •
• choice batter in good 'demand. 1, If any'lnitter `
• •to offer please advise., Will ,pay so cents! per
lb. for Bgesway's delivered at, Toronto. IP
VOSIgnpien p5 and correspondence solicited. ,
:,...6.,:lik .....,..00,111,..,..6.14...„el,06,
. ...
. :. CAMERA :
.7...u.,:::ii,,,:::::il:Ii ot-p.:Pill dtf:70 gY tit: .an,:fo , .
, jt-'"cashjs sent with order I will pre.
Guaranteed Clear Havaaa Filled
There, were tWellie Santa 1Plauses'in
• passages, stops drOppings in the con.rting her ; •lieeri§ ;the* bY ber all. '
UndeServed Credit..
' Cleveland Plain, Dealer.
-"Silas Brinker says he stayed un-
"th Wall.. if that's the Greek for
liar youtve hit it right fust time."
If s you Want to 'en,14,..eachl Meal 'to
the utmost ettent and, feel that your
Dar pamphlet on the, use of this saperior
tonic sent in ekchatige your.inone
50i per- bOttle at, all. drugnete or sent -pre-
paid beredetpt of price. ,
6f1R50,14 MEDICINE; 00 ToitOri'T
ell herd; Soft or eallon'se4 'Lu rape arid
!sheet front..; bort:fee* Curbk,
• most -wonderful: niemish Cure. ever- Irligtva,-
. that Clears $i,706 e. year. •My
0.• Week 'next Aya71
haitia'' an Mint;
ohm* qUOted' at 63. ,Tell inie,
"Wait,* site; replied, "till .1 get 4
Aystahtlar—Sothe,hoor getting
•. There are'threepoints
Which tifdlie,a.I`ROle."
We have expert inowtedloOf
' We select personally every
mend/entering-our stet:1;7.
Eyrie' Bros.4
Yong'e and Adelaide,
, Streets,
Toronto. ,
' seem
, Whitt. happened, to iifary.
.Shp' found' 'it rather.teiugh. '
And. When, sho, Couldn't eat it,
She kicked „up rather rongh::
And on him -wiped • her 'feet.
should :yo'ia 'Use ao 'oda ma,
The sauey •ntaid. replied. ,1,
Snot then- l'copper", vvanderml
.-The',...reeord that they • kept tn. jail
telfs a girl; 'any ,A11`1, that she , 'Is
always •takes it" es atetn.-•1.
Bred Co
When toned u
fier will give as
much 4114 as rich:
y -
cow whin
will wonderfully tnerease her veld;
of milk. It saved feed too, lieeause
food satisfies the demand% 'of they,
stshinent sticks.
50 cenhi package.
7 WAnnet°.•all,dU'fAT8131:11d. tiale:I.1611.1'Orii:etialllt•':'orWt:leficehe.h30 15:*'olld Gold-tifittoh.
..,', Made, Rend tat your name and, address' at onee,_•and agree to se) ouly
-grand reinecry and cure for all impure and Weak.tonditions ,of' the
'disorders, .rhenniatiera And fenuillettotibles. 'A, grand tonic and,,life.
builder. ,. ThOiesreottr regular Edo: •sish•J. they "are setleY. tO sell/ Isit•
eneh' easterner who haste a hex- tif pills front yen, 'retei4ree.g Prize
'Ticket, Which en title§ them t6.6 fine piece Of silverware. '1111061,4itint
the chimes of your life. Send tis Tour order and we,will send ,the
' delighted with there. 'pig je a kleribas opnertunity'to geta line wotehwitheututiyint
, ,,:antlin.s.: Vionatd.e::43:1-1.?.e.
a pa
' pair