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The Wingham Times, 1908-07-16, Page 3
More Comfort for. The Boys THE WINGHA.M TIMES, JULY 1G 190'9 81ORu19. Mrs, W. Wilkinson, of 11Iorr°e1 ie able to be out again after being on the poorly list for borne time. A large 134 story kitchen has been built at the residence of Walter Yeni11, East grovel road. We are glad to see these evidences of prosperity, Mrs. Harry Jackson and (laughter, Miss Mande, left for Edmonton on Tuesday, of last week. They purpose being away for two or three months and will visit relatives and friends at Winnipeg, Tisdale, Eetevan, De'endne, Vanoouver, B 0 , Victoria, Duncan and other pointe. This will give the ladies a fine trip which we traet they will heartily enjoy. Don't fail to see that the Boys are dressed properly for the hot weather. It will cost you merely a trifle to do so. Boys' Wash Suits, Norfolk styles, made of a good quality of Denim, reg. $2.25 for $1,50 Boys' Wash Suits, Norfolk styles, made of a reliable Union Tweed, reg. $2,25 for $1.50 Boys' Wash Suits, sailor styles,,made of a Grey Union Tweed, reg. $i.75 for $1.00 Boys' Wash Suits, all styles, some of these are slightly soiled, reg. 85c to $2.00 for 75c Boys' Shirt Waists, Blouses, Odd Coats, Knickers, ers, c. at reduced prices. McGee :Campbell oruvuwv - CLOTFIING AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS. i Ie Your Throat Bustcy? Thin is the first step towards Catarrh, Everything depends on your remedy. A cough mixture slips quickly over the weak spots, drops ioto the stomach and does little but harm digestion. It's al- together different with Oatarrhozene— it cures beoause it gets right at the trouble. You inhale Cutarrhozone, breathe in the vapor of healing balsams that strengthen and restore the weak throat tissues. You'll not have colds, or ooughs,—Throat Trouble and Catarrh will disappear with the use of Catarrh - ozone. At all dealers 25c, and $t.00. Get it to -day. WEST WAWANOSB. Council met as per adjournment on Jane 30th. Minutes of last meeting confirmed on motion of Thompson and Murray. Treasurer's statement showed balance on hand of $350.14.—Filed on motion of Medd and Anderson. The claim of Alfred Errington; was left in the hands of Thompson and Medd. On motion of.Anderson and Mur- ray the Township rate was etruck at rate of 1 4 10.mills on $. Reeve and Treasurer were empowered to borrow $400 for township purposes. Ed. 0. Face was appeiuted Township Engineer. Cheques were issued to the amount of $326.00. Connell adjourned to meet on July 30th, 1908, at 10 o'clock. W. S. Moi nosgra, Clerk. 0)9904049099000040100104040 The effect of malaria lasts a long time. You catch cold easily or become run- down because of the after effects of malaria. Strengthen yourself with Scott's Emulsion. It builds new blood and tones up your nervous40, system. ALL DRUGGISTS: 50c. AND $1.00, TURNDERRY. On Tuesday, 30th of June, the an- nual Sunday sohool picnic of the Ho• wink and Tarnberry Union Sunday school was held on the grounds of A. Longley, superintendent. Tile Metho- dist Sunday sohool from Selern church had been invited to j •.in and with the scholars, friends and visitors made a large gathering. Ia the afternoon a program was given in which the sobolars largely contributed Appropriate ad dresses were delivered by Rev. J. R Belmore and Rev. A L. R assell Wroxetr. Refreshments were after- wards served and the young p:ople enjoyed various tports. The fine and genial weather sent by a -kind Prov.dence seemed to add to'the seoial harmony and enjoyment of the occasion, Have ton Nervous Dyspepsia? How it shakes one np, invades sleep, destroys strength, adds real misery to • easssseeseecesee060.00". 00s®Of10.1moseeesasss00sses life. Not the stomach but nerves are ass 49; B effected. Starved nerves cause the ' A ar ans far airsg Bargaills 0 Table Linen regular price 40e per yard, now 20 ca 30 pieces fine quality Colored 1Vluslins. polka dots and 0 figures, regular prices from 15e to 25e, to clear.... .12 0 3 dozen Ladies' Blouses, nice quality lawn, tricked, Is hemstitched and embroidery trimmed, long and Jo es short sleeves, regular prices 51.00 to $1.35, now... .75 r 0 open work patterns some with•one and some with 0 whole trouble. You need Ferrozene 0 +� pieces 6 (;ors et Cover Embroidery fine lawn withpretty two, rows of beading; to clear 24 20 pieces good quality Canadian Prints, light and dark 08 patterns; sale price to 1^'a 0 c0 c:^.r: x✓ 0 ti e r'c:tC3 ilz 4 •, . s, SHOES. Besides the irresistible price saving•for this week in various parts of the store, we have a table of SHOES all sizes, regular prices from $,1. to $3, which we are clearing at Also a table of remnants which are being sold at great- ly reduced prices. Ask to see our Wash Belts. WT. ass Highest prices for Batter and Eggs. yews 99 because it's a nerve food. It euppliea 6 rthe elements that are needed to make • a 41 0 a 3 In 63 0 a 0 0 0 0 00 0 a 0 a a EAST \VAWANOSE1. A special meeting of the oonn•wi1, was held on Tnb•sday afternoon, July 7.h, to deal prtnoipally with business pertain- ing to muuicipal drain; members all present but Mr, Chiming. 13y•law No. 10, 11108, and By LIw No. 11, 1908 known as the Jlhaston and Hallaban Drain By-laws were both advanced an other stage and proviaioually adopted. Won d those patnmesters who have not already done ao, kindly return their lists as soon as possible, properly certified so that all ae ounts due for gravel racy be paid for at next m3atirg of oouuoil, July 28th next. ALEX. PORTERFIELD, Olerk. Paralyzed By Lumbago. Manual labor -or even light exercise is impossible with lumbago. The muscles stiffen out like steel— to move moane agony. Only a powerful remedy can penetrate deep sorest relief coenough mes from rubbing in Ner- vilino. It sinks into the very root o' the trouble—penetrates where an oily liniment cannot go. To prevent `lum- bago returning, put on a Nerviiine Porous Piaster which removes iLfi•sm- mation and strain from the muscles, and acts as a guard from draughts and exposure, Nothing will so quickly cure as these remedies. All dealers sell Pal son's Nerviline and Narviline Porous Piasters. Reran all substitutes. 'V ROXETER. John Morrison, who for a great many years has resided in the village, left for Hanover on July let, where he has a good position on the 0. P. R. Mre Morrison and family will remain here until the Foil. A prize was offered by a Magazine Pablishing House in Stiotland, in the shape of a free trip to N.rway for the beat essay ou the live question "The beet means of securing contribntiuns for Missions " It was won by Rev. R. S. G. Anderson, of Glasgow, formerly Presbyterian minister,, here. The rev- erend everend gentleman wielded a vary facile pen and hia many old friends here con- gratulate him on hia success. Rt. W. Bro Brown, D D. G. M. of the 5th Masontc District installed the following °f e -ere in Forest L idge, Na. 162, A F. & A. M. Wrexeter:—W. M., J R. Wendt; S. W., 0. Reis; J. W., G. Davidson; Chap., R. B. Harris; Treat; , 3. Davidson; Secy„ Jao, Booth; S. D., W. M. B. Smote; J. D , R.ibt. Blank ; J. G., F. C. Edwards; Tyler, Jas. Stewart. rich red blood. This is the savings bank of health. The richer the blood in.xed cells, the richer you're sure to be in health. Ferrozone gaickiy makes blood, strengthene the nervous system, invig- orates the digestive organs and presto 1 the nervous disturbances disappears. You'll try Ferrozone, 50c. per box at all dealers. CULROSS. There was a pretty wedding at the Sacred Heart church, Teeswater, on Juno 29th, when Mies Catherine Cecile McDonald, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Alex. McDonald, 4th line Oalross, was oa married to Mr. Edward Lenahon of Detroit, Mich, Rev. Father Corcoran performed the ceremony, Miss Sarah Crowe, a cousin of the bride, was bridesmaid, and Mr. Frank McDonald was groomsman. After the marriage a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. A large number of friends and relations who were present spent a very onjoyablo afternoon and M- mud Mrs Lenahan will a 0 e 0 0 3 a 0 0 0 eaQ 0 0 0 v.,,Gu4e-:lY�'ICAICOe)0.,,0641,t �',i.'9'1��^V✓EWai0^t.1'' :•,r, 8 Store Closes i • , . p.m•, (•`;cent i i i"• la ' Saturday:4 and �': C If�a � � t 4 E 1. 4 `. +tit^. V `l Ullt � k •,h 9 ^a .1 + h = t fore S1100 id C rye pNlil '•� _ � VYp t •d DEMONr•, F +•� lea 1,:, •fit �..`� qty' �S Guaranteed Patents at reasonable prices. TO IBLD1£VALE Rev. \31:''J and Mrs. West and chil- dren are spending the holidays at their summer cottage at Pine River. In order to meet, occasional requests for the eervices_of a referee for butter and cheese, Mr. Jos Burgess, a member of the dairy commissioners' staff, has been assigned to duties at Montreal whioh will permit him to examine on request shipments of butter and cheese over which those is a dispute" as to quality, Examinations will be made and certificates given only when the 3 'v 'p ! •'ate , 'ld °,:.x1e chain and P ; address, 'az i:,1i3`ii . -:,,i, 12,:,1,1.2.4",G , u , w: t,,e);i. ., .ji l .1 my nf;, U 13 • il�tte.i C f ,,. vita of throe menthe n `1 oils. Dcar Friend•—" b11 throe fart: vo 4 tJ rS,..,..t..•.,,,,,,, . •+3.us. :a r ���;' � ,� �l � �� g •tn�t ' ;: epee in our eehcdl 'r.".A°+ t?n�'tP:.yea , r a '; � c., 'r.�`^etrott. (ilia "nay i t^a..:] ^,v� but ., r , � e i a" t s ^^cr I: to �t' dJ "� PER PAIR t at"0 at, , of on ai friend. Th: ��'.jj,i•-� C lett C>0 a�•,•a ti �` `vyF+ fA �' Robt. dwrnJ l 1 3 rutile 2f1 pent with us has Leen ,:J , ,,, t ,5 9 , a� 1• E,1 ui:.] r c,�l al a p,. 2. + ^ .i... ex e .ore I;nlo where nc ern^ia1 (lar futrix. is of S,e�:>t i .t 5. •' _ nil her dal.; 011,:,,r, . .. •. , t F •., l>.� v . ,,;,c e nt 101, tin.°3'u to a Pan `e. as u., 1.; 1•Nc lel due ,, •rt n BIICSSELs. The annual union Sabbath Sohool Excursion to Kincgrdine will be run by special train on Tuesday, August 4th. Territory includes Palmerston to Lek e Huron on the W. G & B. Arrange - meats are being made for a day of real pleasure. Henry Hoist has disposed of hie house and lot on Queen street to Samuel Crawford, of town, for the sum of $465 00. Mr. Hoist will remove to the U• S. Mr. Crawford, who was propos• iug to move to the West will remain in town, to which no one will obj tot. Tuesday of last week Hagh McIatosh left B:uasels for Calgary with a car of settlers' effects, including 5 horses, wagon, buggy, agricaltnral implements, &o. He purposes farming South of Calgary. Mrs. McIntosh and children will follow in the near future. The 50th or Jubilee year of Bruesels Methodist Sabba'h Sohool will be veto brated in a fitting manner on Sunday and Monday, Sept 6th and 7th, Ser- mon will be preached to the school Sabbath moruiag; open session of the school in the afternoon and address or request cornea from bath boyar and E addresses to the adults iu the evening. sailer. Mr. Bargees may be ad.lresao . i Monday afterncen whiah will be Labor at deportment of agrionitura, ouatoni i Day and a public holiday, will be de house, Hiontrcai. voted to- sports for the school followed It may be added that Mr. Burgess is I by tea.on the church lawn if weather well qualified to perform the duties of permits, if not in the school room of the a referee. He is an experienced cheese' church. Oce remarkable feature of this and butter maker and has been on the golden anniversaay is the fact that B. Dominion dairy comniiesiOeer'e staff Gerry, who was Ibm rarer ,'"",n1 e.11ltfndent since 1902. He was superintendent of and who he'd the di=ce for 19 years is cut curio room at ' ood-1 still a teacher in the Sarday Sebreal acid ISARD'S Big JULY SALE Di ne Sets Free TO OUR PATRONS This beautiful imported S.:n Porcelain Dinner Ware GIV �N AWAY, piece by piece, in any quantity to oar cash. castoin.re. We're after BIG- BUSINESS for the mv'ltit of JULY and in order to make this one of the LARix'EST and B0i T SALE'S in the history of THIS STORE, We offer special IyDUODAE Ps to those who buy for CASH or for Bli P PER and Er.44S. In every department prices will be amazingly Tow, and in addition tel cut prieea you will receive a coupon for every pzr„'iase of sweaty five cents. two coupons with a fifty cent p;lrehtse and so on, liold your coupons until the first of August then bring them in and gat dishos� tor them. 'nig is a very easy way of getting at nteo Toa, or Dinner Set of imported Porcelain Ware. Coupons given on purchases of lien's and Boy's Clothing, Hats and Caps, Gents' Farnlshings, B»ts and Shoa3, C:trpats, Rap, Oil- cloths, Lin,oleume, Blinds, Curtains, Dress Goods, Silks, Waists, Wrappers, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Parasols, Cgrsets, Prints, Ginghams, Maslins, Batts, Collars, Ribbons, L.teas and all m.rch 1ildise. excepting the Grocery Department. Remember all our CUSTOMERS will share alike and have the same ehnnee of getting these betutifal dishes. Parch tiles fr•am one dollar up will start you on the dishes. Four coupons seeures one Fruit Saucer. Start Right in to Buy on Thursday, July 2�d, 1 Copse early and, often anal you. will he w�I„ Satisfied. MUSLIMS —10 pieces Fancy F.owared and Spot Mauling, 10 value up to 15a, sale prion WAISTS—Ledies White Lewn Shirt Waists, nicely made,• .OS sizes up to 33, July sale, •• DRAWERS -5 dozen Ladies Cambric Drawers, fine make of cambric, value up to 50c, our out prioe TABLE LINEN -40c Bleached Linen, wide, on site. 28 LADIES VESTS—Speoial line on sale, only. 35 10 HOSE -5 dozen Lenient Black Cashmere Hose, all wool sale .25 PARASOLS—A line of White Parasols, $1 26 value for.. $100 MEN S TIES -25c Heck on -Ties, on sale your choice 19 LONG GLOVES—Special value in Black or White L -ng Gloves in Lace or Lisle 40 .50 and .75 hers to quote more prices, the store is fall of B irgai ris. Oome and see for yourself. No room E. Isard ISIPORTERS, WINO-HA;lt, ' 1 THEFALL FAIRS. pL`),4--26!4, c���r,=r...—,...m..^.._,...0 Winghwn ...... r �) — t 24 -pt. 1a (�� ? —` TcrOiltu.,.....,.. ,.,A3,,. , t1-19 r3 tC".1'U AL Lorrion.... ..,..,•.,s*Lo RiIoV 604 PHONE 68. Oct. 13 .O�t. 6 Oct. 6-7 tp„ z:l —37 evening. • .< t , the Gave. r,ln g ° reside at DEtroit,. where silo hes 1 -ecu i u i ]..a a a� ..Si\ 731 f mare in the office of tor toe i `- stock, 'Ont., 'until iL' v. ae cloyed 1 t 11Q(9. hos Always bean ;aaocla.e3 with the for a number o a � ^, �' cr• tr."a' i wi�ico thea he leas heel. iusite::t.•r t.. v>...'- ,ince Tien- :nen . ......•••• Tac;s, ,ester ... ...... 0 11 ti Frederick Stearns & 0o., and .where cit- «t� (tair�' .".ofd COl(1 f tGrR$9 brE:L'; = ^.n vm' ;.ir(Ar. ° Z4 ,. t Boy Lenahan has a situation wit`i a ; C'r ernes. y ....ii .,,.O.:t• il i`li•>:i 1 ai• 1?lilt e} t destroy- !i' I O,t•. Barronghs Adding; iI 01?lr ji0, r ('t'a, e'PFv)ur'eh a^ Vt F•S e. antes .. :CD.+ .,C3 f.(t . ; i ? tc• .r 1 (?:d 1t�' flee ail el ?,l d Li r l,.., } we 1: Ian.:- doe::: ,f July Coro For �ur(;4 , omen• ;1 Ii .e: Ji ... ,,, : t' S: we ,SF,,iS i t t,••',. xd k1..�. aC b, m. Ii ,xq <•li iii;.':;,1 .t .1.1 ..,1 !LA :L,. (t.Y�., h. t •'11 t, tae errs � .i a C .t"w.111''.• ,., t : . u , a:.. -..d. � ti t,., to 5t3S lr r t 1. , S C`Y t, ` 10,. :y... a r'A:. .. .,e' cc.......,.... .. %t 1 i ;. tie. ,•,,`t ..:_ arcsa, 1,s . tet' e II ,i,, i e in. -..3 ,,.a. G\rh Pl pains at.t ':' :irCwi3 the F,il I l:� tt , t ,.t t 1,et',r et his "�: ^c..3n c -a> a •. and lOt7;to ail b.°) sT'1, s , : .:. Sim. • � I h t0 stoop 0•' ^ rr •a t;�(:iz1O 'it'pasPiecae, Tr• 13 , t S )kali Ci`tprcd i.? �' `:.� °'a'" t. ° •, 'a t X^,^(� t'� FICA � �. ,� pR@5 u —• ' On t ^r� � 8 'va1.111N , 'til1V l 1 ;au !, ..ed r '•.z a .itch flu iiia o y when P t. le Y a rs w .. f't fi 1 i t1 1' i C° � f •r ver t..L a. e t i 1(1f•s• L1 id t0 oar, Dr. Iia_ 1 :,h'p 1: -:.•-• ) p., rile — lilt- ll' e •irl'F Cl° 7f (ii t.z t...tS•l !.O eases e a .,__,,„.,..t....A.. 1'1,- to ....,,V Co ! j„, ±, Ls ct`,d:C P itieo dieappeae, ,i d (.n , a est^ oo, l•rark trouble LI fJ r,Wt °1 The Virg t;ici: v,,�lnan ;, c nt a +tit improves ixi looks, incr:.ces i.s 21":.t by using Dr. hlnmilton' fills. They Gime the e torust ,zLV o t, a " -1.2 i Perrin h.,t8 r .Ei ;nod tO take re"" LI: co y'- i e 1 i 1 c, ton's I'tl' i. ` a •, n i till tie al ae. air till .a. i .. �� ..Y•..-62',.---^„•' :i,, t�,�_ .... .. jet me -eh -fent 4,.v,".'u:i 't.:.,: iF1.71' y d7 �`. ( �?.n'il �i 19x+ tEOte^ICP{. s. $7; d: a 1 C a J a.a +Y 1 i a. i. i Asa w „r. t .t t1.;+at � .. rK. .. three ear . - t M• , S,".. ,,;s. lard -it-.,.d,;,,ai , ya•- r. ,.a .>.. .... ,3^ n. .. ., r• 4 • ,�'• vJ 9u.Aae. a.. .es t'(41,t"i'.:nr., Sit ac.... (y 1' and Tnrnlea" p, r_... .. ':� +,�• a,.u. 1.,._. civ ,ZC. morn �...-1,--„a r: .,i �. 9 i,. k>` rF cr 0. ditione tient 'all !?oo h cf ul',it s`r ;1H a' vigor,il No. 13. F7os.cs levo 'abode ire',ne fall. Oa Monday aft * c 3' ibg, 1 .:1_ t:, groun(la by the r, eau Juua'9th, the scholars presantae: ' .k c. , f,tr, Perrin With a handsome gold i it ing i S = o ' it•, , 1 co. i'1•, 'sora tone, n0„ only no c me -S ua ', q,c) '” Vs Every pair guaranteed. t E � e;e Nab :.;.o intrad � yon have a ' largely determined by ,‘,.ha', yon . y , ) N tn. td zt } 1u k4 every Shoe which guarantee, either b} repairing fora charge. , } PO 1 „soma i t ro '.,i( . VII�PCni I 1 :CGU io'hd.;ifyYc�L�h•uarali;reel?L�rhy,westand behin..TrlI(ntl 13f]t • 7? ,la4tdo�eya•-^•sloewhicheitherbSrelgn�, - � � C•T r . of chs Y( .. f E t .nil, d d f r pix c ill higher and get 'tearer t �; ?,,J31, 1 ! ••� ,�+ •liter of Wm. � mark than we coultl mirin summoned to her BC 160IDu Gv no �"y'm ' back over the pest Z e u C yowl, LLLo 15rJiGnl e Illi, 4,, ci 0v0 ^„Y. i;lm r u " have ria `olth0 t' 10? "0,>,r , •. o r z )alrin 3 ,: .o...C, <yCa�lu, eldest lr . tt influence n.td li.zil and ,v v 0.nu'.vit:C..'.R�ann, lt,.'�i tun , C bray, ' t GOnile9l. VtEIGn ill rile CL+•;�::�,:, S?-�,.^, , Z . � 1 On 160 J home tlr :snit n rete ec Le m I so m noun sum..... . day, June ,i,' k over the past and peels to s e we ge or by giving a fair and reasonable rebate. s 231t' 3o^B E all c�. e �:cm I to Church, a State w e� t t � 4� c � 1 w e f S' Ai; ., 'e or b giving a fair and Mon Ike b3, �• t fi$ � �, 1 h A f tri pr^tions r” ix:.ln� a � e � 15 1t 3, LI. A K r .•n Y t. u ars 6 .�Pt, reasonable rebate. J 29t' do^pita tLr't i�e.licel � in Ohnach and brain we ri>a 11,.., ( ! � a 4u3 z e,r �� ^ yid � � � *" ' • bac She C11111:3 671 ,o.,T Uv i a 3 ,. , 1 C+, . e',auY •' as+ f>, m•�les of o 9e.t11p1ea of (> otd and hied nursing nil �� I flnpc^. pointing that 9i c �" �rcn 18 years and 4 d 7a 41d V a ��� 7�u tho 6ig1 3 t aid and kind nnraini; ecttld do, u© finger pointing in that dire( thou. We ; ` a6 Si; yeATt3 and 25 days old and tail wish yon rho higheot rn3 n.,t ;cr Zorn our Guaranteed Shoes for Ladies bright little stet 11. -olio nova her ua�s�io¢e�wme s future u e cu a ��e[. ti , .3 Y h ,;lo n,.,,, i r u vv n ('s c ! t ', a C v' ur North til Guaranteed Shoes for Ladies i ht little girl it"lio bore leer illness i of success in your future Ila -e �.t., t .. u 1 l..s 1 t i br �i ... ,.. [:C '.tui et tzc^' � s)ni' cheerful t mayremember an i11 al' the CC,.loi�. i.1 i i'r s' ..7 rt ' 3. r 1 . 1 t ., , ., 1,c4;U,. C to 1..,.. cit^.l, in I\Torth C�indow• 4 with great lin patience, always cheer yea „ , y 0 3i IA u.,L ':� e,',.:1".`',',1_ + and smiling. Her going away caused, year6, Wo ask you to accent'. f:.ouL yen:, y s Y e, friends in this gtn,0 l this c (t:n c.el, v A 1 ;: sr;e°. o '' i { ' e. her no alarm as she aseure3 her loved memento. Sigoecl on ' f f 3 neat :. e. , C:t' 1 ^511 PiEll?.. t .,:i i 4 byres loft be her heavenly 1ko�a e tv :wait 'els can ? /Teary � i�titit .0 WILLIS �. C�� Bind that oho wits going to, ,ai�L•?' dotal a Wear '-, -�. F their c , nag. fl She i ' d t her mother and 1 �� }y, Pathos tb e0 ;,rotLet0 ill °3 1 V • 3, 3 a a n0 E"si 05 e ' i'. Perrin ill 1"v t',' Ccr.11..ct0 y til:: t �ti z? i^ t i boat of friemia to mouth n tho lose et boa surprise kcd but tho pf i'ls ow men-chosen hotse r t kriid' r"v, rf iJiuds ,fell obi a "ei,', ; ever cheerful face, for wherever Jessie than 1t"dulile6E1 Alio is for then."s iGrmel knife i! his t aria :.TI E:f a •: gin• `- t: l I�°INk Sii07J RI;I'�IIIIINd A SPECIALTY, PIIONIS f."9. ® Went; oho rap town by all With whom thon;;.-*.a , heart, coot ''eta'':' r .'n ''� tube eaeio in contact, ill the yearn that are to come. R. Johnston's old stand, opposite Batik of (iolulllerce. ' lc c i!' ri CU a tri i-' 12, have made arr:.nu ' mt nt' for we(:kly shipments of Fresh Fish, and will be ;tble to S11f;ply tht 111 . t 9 1 l' t =' All er.!er5 will receive, prtiinpt l.ttentie)n, FELLS THO&i u....