HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1903-01-01, Page 8IT ' A„ • ;nit foimiroot support dur'-. 400004w0.4osiitg • h i a.w: qq t nue& I '-wil i n • c r� a ishan :b. ` alt � a �' gY pl?Y w I'ur� D'iuga. { .he>Gk Petunia . 1.0 .011. o . he Council Board pare fb ..1903.1 h ve now been ygor epiesenttive'14this c acity for #rw. Q ears;: and of my past rabO%d'has been• rOdifat9r7t ': ' is&e this hieans,,ttf a $:,for your fortlier sgpuort. ' . Tha>iiiciip •you for ',Pot' fa»vors..and ., i :.ours,"feithf'u • _ T. Nom:.' • *los Aso 9Ettil.itunw and 48,1 intend Being itr-tthe village 1, 'Olivia* :the 'entire year, • 1 take, this. 'opportunity of asking your yete and influeneepand If erected. wilt. do writ, tinl yours very truly;'. • tter:— To the Ratepayers of Ijucknovi: , 0 again .write gwe your '. reek, nzteasentr, which we are trnly lour* excellent adethe Farms. about kii,slitlhteris'‘,..4Wo-strii:bundreds Of '.,iyiefriity! turned oat iS lying ;pain* tempertk-: 0'4)40, feel the..notd.,ab Mach eel*, CO rich. ;that Ode's, iireedeal Uneirhailetable.'„A.41:theAereals grow.: 13401:- Tfin,neortige'yield'- With, „fair; Mirencylinshela to the:, liersiw.'that„•le -burnt tar.'lli„Jteinarkahre. 'and; the". sky 'pre.: broken 'the 'subsquent 'ploughings., are. gang. plbaglia nisi; ,u864 .cOMPared.., with those regiOne where he feireilt:Must'he deviii' before .*.harVesk pan,. be reapecti :They -ire • are .nothing to' those encountered by , our, fore:fathers when,. there 'were nrk cleeptog, beneath' thefervid blazing oriason. dyed., ruddy.' glow of Onset ate listl? „ When the rolling WaVe 4460 gletthi: the pain' nmenlight like' foam :Creet, i.: the atmOsphere • that tha. range Of teethe Pembina. hille twenty dietent With iheir lines covered, theeien 0*, .4.46 nbr dee svIly' tp-Ore teachers net:, Wish Yon; , EditOri- 'and). all. :Having been igainnoininiteclis fully ask fOr yoir vete- and influence for ;that'Of46e, and if: el8cted _will do ',Wishing „yen all a_HaPpy. and'MPst • ti* `$elie, M1aeL Han, A./.,;(7.4. oedQu is bow T her holidays. i •, nd ),Iry"Lauq,awl faamily, of . ••Aderich..coli Christwhs at ik r. Stewart'8. • ^.• ,Boasts. Knechtel arid•Simqu tits ailit Mia' Nannie Stilee,, who hav-been: it rraine. fqr°over a ,year1 arA e hQme oLt Yisit , _. ,fir.;Palk-7'Alatheson of • . frien,cd urrio¢ nr#Rw«days wck► at n tb. • Mis�r� Mionia acleatwattend ifg'hubi<nyoailetefiwe&athans=spent Sunday witk er-auat ra ;^Mac Meeser..;Rod. MacLennrata ,MacGregor 'w•ho °ars`.ttmlie; - roder•ich,vssrti..,hon3Q1414,77V,mate; 4 Mr. Mlilcolua ••MacDonald,'who s etudyng•low ,at `oronto, 4;0'; Miss. Aida who ie" -attending' business': col- lege there are visiting under the ,5 lost - ental, r»egtal, roof. " blase Math„ ie• Grant,of Goderich • • • • Nisi Bina, alcAdOust Of. Buffalo, R • ..FR- is4... •.�'.e 4�.• � o !�2 �' �h�011• lam>an�D •• ��� " ' d a?n�q.y � j e. ttd• ar� i'" 'v 1. ,1:3 •:.dc'svl er , • 040,SupPorh •d.rI� -.tba ye hope. :by haet,and, 'R 3r'� tGe@, . ,Ng • • • they have reposed iu tis. • • Qua1it:. , not':quautity, is our motto if ou. are: l ok n f(*.cheap drug` or a Jew j'eve:.shot.ii. ours is not the ptace ':udr- alai is to , give :t e ' best • . _ • at. „rico',consiste .wit , ` ai ▪ • MARRIED - otticiatingtninister. :Bev. A. MoKtiocoli December 24th.Mr, Mattson James &ids first cones:dog of Einloss.; on 'December bella, fifth. daughter of the late Mi. Rod. - Gonna to Mr,' Adblphtm, :Julius Schoen;, teCtion Card • spectfully asked for the office of Reeve At the Village . of Lucknow fer ,1993;-, 'arid. Use 'every effort- te. proinote the best ;interest •rif the! village and the ratep'ayere uenerally.. ;•-• Wishing all a 'Happy and :Prosper. Otis New Year. ec.tiori Card... ,141)00 dirinr.Gitziaumniv lorrthe „LiicknoVr- -.!for 1603, is --resPectfully WiShing yen all' the, cem—Plirnents Of the Seaion. 1909 dance of mernbers is requested. 'Dated this 2Pth day of;Den 1902:1 , • • • • • • TOO stool and in Whatet eir atr:OPake A. tol te Strayed onto.the prescso.s the, .under signed lot 7; concession 7, Kinloss,p on or oiltner can have them by payht,;texpentses and: ' Tit GH Holyzood.' t. • Ac oucl • Salkeld Brew., Will had:their aniline]: salo of Pure Bred Shorthorn Cattle on TueSdity the consisting of .eieht bulls ranging in age from 8 •These are the best lot of cattle they 'have ytit. offered, .and [Contain Members' of:the 11401Y' Jane, SansPareil and' Beauty Families Terins eight montbPeredit.„ Bare to ,be held -7.0n, lot tlectibri Car Having. been again nominated for Conneilloi of, the 'Village, ,and..• net take. thia opportunity et asking your, vete 'end influence for that olfleejoi ‘,4,90,3': and if ;elected !gill do what I tbinichest,in. the interest of the rate-. payer's: 'N'Vishing yc;o.4)ri-HnPpy and' and pro'sPerinii New. -Year, -r P41.eeFf4f ours? , C1EO. n, LAWRENCE.. ctiori Card:. aloe to re ',ars Helm, late of the Village of .Lticknow, in. the on 'or about the eeeniid day: of' August ./1;•.D. 1902, are required to send 13y post prepaid or to deliver to James J. Taylor 'at Luoknow ...estate, on or before the 26th'day jamiary. Triptiona awl a full statement of particulars of Itheir claims and the nature - "A the • security (if. ai4y) held by them.dtily certified': and that :after the said elaV. the Executors will proceed to (*tribute the assets of the dec'eased ainong, the parties, entitled thersto; Wing; regard, loins .' eitn the Electors of, the ',Village 'of LADIES' AND .•GE24TLEMEN • Having agiri been nonnhated es Councillor for l 003, I beg to' solieiit 3'0,dr, Support and influence, -Wishieg you the 'compliments Of the season, '1 remaio your obedieal- ,D, SHERIFF. tectioo Card. • ,„. METHODIST CHURCH. • 2.451.,u.—Sunday ScifOol and WEEK -NICHT SERVICES 'Wednesday eveiling,•Prayerilleeting:' Morning Prayer,atli-a.m. EV ening- Brayer ,2,af Bible' bliss' and choir p. ece.' Wed ts before tl oi:vrebel7:11.r.: No e very IP] A. McD '°F1.-4- — -IL jril id:: Art-c7d:Ks1,11 ' 11144felll:IPo'bliall's:' ill eye dings The, : meeting 'of 'the •Paramonot 1 Cheese' and Butter 'efonapany Litnited,; will. be Tenders. wili.be reektrecl up to said date for: rAtesfOr hauling the milk be. let by To ..the. Retcpeyeit Of Luc It now. tAi' the* tiMee of 'Village Qouticillor for' 'possible -to, see. yoe ell.Spergenelly, to piorii-Ott t.he,vfrellisA, Of the titeLseesott,.1 eta, years truly,. totrediters Alp Donald,. of the TOW -0 'Pursuant te See. 38 ;of Chanter .120 of' the Revised -Statutes, of Ontatith`1,8870: notice is hetet:Ye:yea that all„ 'creditors and ..i)thet 1431)1nW(1'. bite of the Township cif Einlesd -oteboa'p the 14tiul day of, Noveinber: A. 1): 1902, ere, er•befOre tit4 tit; day 9t.iebroat, ,A;1.). 1903, to 'Sold' bv• post. Orenani,vtek ffugh, Christiaii.natnek and surtutmes,•addresses and descriotions, the Anil 'pattiejilark of their &aims, st ate me I it ;Of 'their accounts end the r.!4,or.e of the Panel', 'estillittly) had bV them atlo after the, day aforeSaid the, Executor said deceased amongst ,the artieS entitled Which initiee mien have teoa given 'its !tin, the mut akeeni -or anY part thereof to,.any notice:AA-111ot have been, reteived by, than. at tittle of Such distritution. ' • natod,:atliteitow„thi# gat day at' Deterd-.. f% kietit MR MC. cMORRA 7i0141! lgandolin, .1. Guitar,. RESIDENCE SAYELOCK ST. House for , Sale 'For stile; in the village of ttieknOw, a spren- house is heated by ftirnace; and is Otted with all modern improvements, nere half, an. etre of ground with good, ..bartcand carria made by the oldest; thq larges a an e West WaWanosh,-,-troittsining :fifty , Acres': ' A good concrete house With kilchen also barn. t 50, and frame stable's, Farni viten-water • NI& gage . Sale ;second al, brethren PHA C the Oddfi. en the -last WM MdDl lain Mortgage whielt be. produced: at the time of Sale. there will Sold by Pnblie handfed gad ninety-61nel (took and . five bun,. dred,"(500),, with tilleWasiee Of It' street on the torth sida not Jesi. than thirty feet Wide, tun. 'loge of LitoknOst tliel0eaStY. tliree4Onitlia 'of an. „ There is W. Terilitk -$50.00 in at thud Of sale, I -.TAMES HON BY or to 957 ecP • :etioire(17:°11y11.1