HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1902-12-25, Page 54 • w. .:q 41. )11 0 xits . he' nes end 3tc t,A• • tt tt • tt It tt =1 ,mn 4 r • e; M V'+DOOI, III r t,ttttu: ,f. • tug Ei*BB ;:EiEiEi'FBJ*_fB F�iF�if�iF�if�if�if�if�t}:if:• :opt id:a r .4 we would like to esk, through the 3: I golunmes of your ,patter, if there .ig ally it personwho has used Green's, August Flower fox, the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia; and :Iiiyer •Troublethat has not been cured —and we oleo' mean. their 'results,.,,4ugb as sour stomach,, ferrnentatton;.of food, .habitual costive,; asks, n9rveua' dyspepsia, hap•daehes, despondent .feefings, sleep1e$ ness—in Net* Any trouble with the. atomach or. liver, ? This nedicine'has been .sold for nan3 y.eare in all civilzed Penn,. tries, and we wish to. coirespond with vou'and send'. you ,ope of our ,books. free of cost,. • If you.have"never tried Asugust Flower, try one: bottle first.,' •We have never known of its failing. if sosomething moreserious is. the matter with ly ol, Ask '•dour ,oldest. druggist,. ' ' ' G. G.. Woodbury, N..1'., a y, WANTED. • URDOCII oY. . 04' tt tg3 lc uitt4 ,tt 'Kiil4W2'VRTfi; 0: .4 111,17',• 11f! ISTI ALL OTTR GUSTO M ND A .HA O PERO H of iday Jackets ' Two, lines.. of Ladies'. Monte Carlo Jackets, the • latest out, black Beaver rplait i back. large bell.' sleeves with cuff. Sizes 32, 34$ and' .vc ith :inverted.. box >� g. . 36 at 440.00. Monte Carlo, jackets with full box.back, bell sleeves,' ribbon• trim ming, made of fine black .uiceeua, 32, 34 and,: 36 'at $12 50:'. Separate . ski its 'hree in vanes special skirts th is week fresh febm th€ factory.` Very suitable special / for holiday gifts. . w. 6 frieze waikin skirts,cut in latest.st le with and button tritn. ""` Dark grey r gY strap minas, special at $4 00: , • 'Black frieze skirts with: corded flounce and',satin stripes between.,.' A, very npbby` skirt at $x.00, B1aek Cheviot• Shifts wish hair line stripe, satin. self tritntned, ;frills on flounce'.' • - and yoke special' at,: $7,50, tt o s and Ch4dr' en ..s We,arin g .Shoes The famous Williams Brand grand school boots for boys. A new lot of ,.p g; sho es these sh.,es have ,l last been received, also their special make of wearing for n • children', ' Call and'see them. u1U tttntt tt uugli,` tt ,tt;u. 4.4 ss.4A DOO • tt tt tt x u 3L tt h1 [it MOT. V.=Slit' = fe si VgggadOlVf0 f i. • fB tt. cifBFTIttI "JIB BFI.. fBE.i • f3E3fBEBEifIi • Ei}:iiif Lr yet Us Do our Printing 'When' you i sea. BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS; ENVELOPES, .MEMO HEADS. N'o • HEADS,' LETTER HEADS,. . S'IIIPPING•' TAGS;.' CIRCULARS, CARDS, DQOERs POSTE,RS', , Or anything: inf:the printing line leave your. order at, home: ` Nye can satisfy you with our printing as regards quality and• price. S TTI'.EL TJCK.N:OW OSt iVOt1$ or' A'IPeekly,12 Page. 7 ()Outlay • Paper Sent to any addressein••Caliada or.the United. • States for seventy-five Cents • a year adva, VaaJIepictnre. 'premince;umsseAttoluall aubscribere, : ' THE "Western Advertiser • —and- • "Fara ing World'" —seiit for- . • , .$1 :'A•.Year• in Advance / Balance of this year FREE to all 'subscribers' for 1902. • ' Address •: 'WESTERN' ADVERTISER.:: LONDON ONT., 'A ;Good• Farrel. `for. Sale At a reasonable price with pail/lents tth,e.pi�i,�chaser;' The very best grain pt#sture. .Close. to marks;t=with d gravel road to premises, Apply to GTi,.AIiAI`✓I,•Buctttto • to $tilfor gra a' goo w. Bulls for Sale • .Three„S,,lorthorn Bull' Calves froa 9 to 14 months old...; Atso • five Leicester • shearlinfi n rams and a uniber.of good lambs, both 'ski, • •Pt RUES BROS., LucknoW, • House , and Lot for Sale. A good' frame hohse witli: stone •foundation and good cellar, with three quarters of an acre of land, for sale cheap,just east of the station, There ,is good, water au(' several fruit trees • on the preni}ses., Also , a hood frame stable. For fttrther particulars. apply On the premises or to Fr AI K' GUST,. Litcknolt°. House and Lot hi'' Sale,. A good comfortable franii' lrntuie with stable arid cistern As the owner has moved away the property.wild'be offered at a bargain, Apply to . D. R. IiIcINToS1-r; f}tlak.now• Irntidrtant to.1;rteders and H:*seinen. ka •�� Bare ,�TIST10 B;A,LS 1.lYi A. relief), ✓• and' speedy r. „r-!_ remedy . for Curbsf�plints ' •�,uavins,, ,1.1%!.7.,..,0 Sweeny et., t"' orses ',y t! .' and li/in 'p t .::.' •is 3amin cattle "Sott 'paintfh n.tnx MAtt K let which' an- ,• scientific i t ielli' C1Lnt t l ` brittle, I flt.L Nl om lane �>, e i ilt/ +. asNq tion be td dly n 1 .l ht, t ail 'air e er,ent i Ili in eyery case of veterinary. I)ract:de where etlnlitlatngapplidatiionti and blisters lire pre - .scribed .. >re:sorihea'. It had fio srrznipa4 l..vory Bottle said isgiiarnnteedtogive 'satiitfaeti n. Price tiiipr.pet battle. ;sold by :ill tlr (g ists and ttttntry stord+lceopersa. rreparet .•bv `ftr i B'U1d,E1{A VIIIT1•a1LTNAIOt DLEDtcINE OMPAILtit,T,ortdon,Ont., ,„.. , We have prepared for best goods: for 'Fall and Winter ,Canada.' The following are som r.47. purchasing the ar that is made : ju. our. line►s; •' Women's . Felt Bsl and an l' Congres • • stock to sell at $1.50 per_ pair. made. ' • Women's Calf Grain 'Bail lined 'through pair.. 1M'ade by Ahrens., Men's High Cut Grain .13al, Made ` by Dayfoot, ' Extra'vs,lue at ain Foxing solid. t' ese are the best for .$1,75 } per Men's Calf Grain Bad. Beed', a ne.at shoe v lue at $2.75• per pair. Dayfoot's. • ox Calf`. Felt Bal with felt .sole, perfe proof, to sell at $4,00 per pair • •These to 'curlers. ike •eyelets, per pair. is ,good, We have 'received another shipment: o' an and'lmer.'ican Rubbers. Call and. examine t ur s •' 'Repairing. neatly, and promptly, done ♦1 , VV.MATHESON.. ve . Wish You, all' And also'wish to remind you that we •hYave a nice line `of Skates -; Pocket,Knives• Table 'Kriv.es oods: suitable for.:. PEEgE Sii'(r r Knives .S;rer Forks Silver Spoons NSciishsloer �: • I . f •, Razors Fancy Lamps Plain Lamps . 1mi� p s Platd,Teafettles` Carving5eis • _Nickle Plated; TearPots; carvers Cases . Nickle Plated Coffee'Pots• Bread Knives cadar' (apanned:andNiekleTrimmings) gZ 0i1:.RBah and our••::Prices are Very Reasonable. • m.IOS. LAWRENCE UCKI OW We Wish, You • all DENT.28c- 'T „llon<ii t;eadlnate 3n dentistry, Toronto. Venter ( dtr s and actor of .Dental Sttr. pry, Toronto University.' Alt modern plan of operation antbcarefuliiess in t15)rklnansltip Office in Ant'sblot i:, upstai r.. ' I',S''11'Vil1 visit 'Ripley every llttrsdity ,aitcrnoen•. , Far. for Sale • a Being east'hatf of lot 2, it, the nosier n. vi,ton of'sht;eid', on eonotisruen b; cont Lin• inti 100 Ares, The farm i3 weal fertetd :tinrl iii L good state of Ciii vIti )n :There ;t.bLrL 40 a '00 with stabling puler, and good ft •tnid house o4 28. There 1i! a small orchardd and 1$ notes in. fall what 1"Lee acres of liitsit and balance• in' gra: a and plenty of spring Water, Convenient to chbrch and seli,l,. l'dr furtherpartiCulai s aped; ttr • ' Vii'.. RIDDL40, Nrafekirig, MUSIC .TAUGHT.' Lessonsin •. Vocal and instrumental Music' and. Harmony • are taught .by AIRS. •..P. 1(L. `. Fire Insurance.. Irtsve your property'againstloss or dam a'ge by tire,it the old reliable `atsoniland stereen•tile•Coinparties ,:low rat d,, and pine tuan anent ' r l y ' r fleeria,. 14111x; `,Mortgages! Le 'ye s, Agee= merits,etc,, 31etttly' exeCute,d: • ()Mee: ''r'ii '1Call, 1"ue*ciayi`„1`hursd'ais . P an, Saaxrdayaltern dot't • It :1. • e '11