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Lucknow Sentinel, 1902-12-18, Page 5
r (fry .� • T Pn r r tt'tt"nrtttt x.tt,tc'"gr4ZRfctt tttt ,. Ei43F3£fElfiiErtrif EiElfIii:ii'igiF i}-.!rtn• $'Y . .' 0, i 41 tt. Kl .t.: Xmas.will•soon be 'here.., Do not delay tbe 'purchasing of of ourgifts' till .the last' innute • Now is the iilne, .when the stocks are not broken and not - too large, a crowd. We shall -only he too pleased to •show you our�goods and u0 e, Tic , . rx l pi'i esi . or to have put away any seleetio'ns you may make... ttl tt tt LADIES' '.BELTS Aye ',always 'acceptable - at Xmas. di • or anv othertime. •The range includes n both silk' and velvet material in a dozen. different styl s to .sell at 25, .50,' 7a, $1, and $1.25:. tt it lT tt tt, Itt :;l x tt, j. tt; KID. GLOVES • We keep only. the , reliable kinds in Kid Gloves., You will find all sizes:• here for the Xmas, season :'.Also a ,, splendid variety of ,shades; : only , two prices, %1 and .$1.25'per• pair, NOVELTIES ' Ladies' Band, ',Chatelaines, with chain,.' at 7u, $1 and` $1.75. Grey'Mocha Chatelaines with O x- idysed ch:airr.and trimmings tit $1. Cut: .Steel'Chatelaines I)oz Linen Handks in neat boxes- • with holiday greetings at 35c ' Plush ; Handk Holders With gilt triinnlings containing : doz'.linen°,hclks at w$1.75 and $2 each. • A special line . of •Ladles' Black Silk Mitts, la,ney embroidered:'. ,backs' to sell at;32apair. -IANDKERCHIEF5 ; ` . We have a large, showing of bdkfs' for Xmas* again; this 'season Don't 'miss .seeing. there•.' ., C4ildren's .Pictrim Flandlks' 5c or G •fail 20G.'. White Hemstitched I-1 s?ndks.5c or:: - 6' -G for'.?5c. White" frandks with Lice edge 5c.• ot. 6 for. 25c. .• • White I.Iandks fancy l'cce edge 7e • or '4 toe 25c. „ �l large range embroidered' -and lace edges at 15c it nd .for 25e. ' ' ' Fafcv:.lace • andembr `i er - o el ed kdks at 20,.25; x'30. and 50c: Lathes'lain .lh •. p , z .nistitelied 'handles at 15, 20 and'25c 1 Tidies' and. Gent's,. Plain• hPlri- sttched silk liandks at 25, 35;"50 & •�.. k . Fancy Brocaded •silk law ldl..s spec ,ial zt 756. . ;, Coloreds dks ilk'lian��- at.5" :i ..n, 30,. 75 and $1. 1 . CHILDRENS' 1 EI ERS Ttitkish.,Toweli:ng Feeders ,"For a ^•pod Bozo,"'' and ".Fora, good Girl"' 'pecialat 1:5c•eacli.' Child's feeders OW. Lire size and:. covered with pictllres''a.t 1'Oc each. LINEN 5 O'CLOCK TEA' CLOTHS Alt Irish hand work very neat tt patterns, and 'about . half the .price it k�.'. would 'cost you to make thein' Vel'y :z • suitable,for 1ilias .gifts, Prices' 0 r k : 75, ,$,1, $1.25,.$1.50,S2 and $'> each 4 Pu RUEFS FOR. XMAS.. •1,�lliildi en'4 white wool "ruff',' ,vel y' • / tiufl'y, one yard, 'loo, 3 :;� 1 yards lon 40c...• ; • • Black Coney Iiuft's• at 7:5 & Buick opposunl ruffs at $3 ?0 a,nd ,7r. • ' Ei Seal rufff's .Lt 8..... ti gal: is 4.lhle tuffslat•`6 0,$7.50 $8:50 and $ 10. SI •A, Alasltatt .S:Lble iutts,at .$x0, :$1G and.- S4.: , • f • . Virginia ,Barb 1e' l)oas at 810,. p'12 and ,13.50. ; CAPERINES FOR X1VfAS. Black Coney Caperines : $2.50: $3.5.9 and $4.50.. •Oppossun, and Astrakan at $8.50.. Black Astrakan at $9. Wool Seal, Virginia Sable and El''' Seal at $10•; . Black.oppossum,and El aSeal $17. ..Virginia Sable IVlintos, puce $17' To• Vsir inoia Sable ;and El Seal,:. To- mos, p20. rix r . • Persian Lamb trimmed ;with4• Vir- ginia Sable, ' a28: Alas,Pkaersian $La35m. b trimmed 'with .' Sable. `LADIES' . • NECKWE • AR ' Fancy Sill.- Collars in ;different, shades and styles` to sell at ...from' .25c to $1:75.Yti 'Fancy ..Silk ''1Ties iu . plains •'and` •tancies to sell. at 50 -and 65c. Nee, Collar Tops •iu ''embroidery, :'special at 1Oc'.each • LADIES •' : ASTRAKAN JACKETS How about •i Xmas present . for. your..wife ? There • is nothing:, would' suit her•better than an Astrakan Jacket We have Still n' nice • lot. of :. `"th'eni: and: . x: at reasonable prices, 'We just received'tt word last week rof 'advaces in thefitt .prices on Astr tcl<tan Jackets 'of from t $4 to S5 each you can still' get them • 'here at the. old prices, $25 to '$05 r,r 1$ -S ERS' , Ladies' Comfort Slippers at 25',,'35 45 and -50c a pair. Ladies' Felt Juliet Slippers, turn: sole and fur trimming at $1.25. Ladies' --;ongola Kid ., � 5 � ,Felt °Lined •:' Shoes with high leg, fleecelined,,' coin. Portable; warm and durable, •at $2.50. • •r. Men s MEN'S • MUFFLERS Silkaline mufflers at 25c CreamY•Ca hn ere with silk stripe Brocaded silk square mufflers 75c Men's satin ' mufflers black 'with, cold backs special at 50c • - Men's corded silk and figured ,mufflers, self and fancy backs:,at 50, 75 and $1:225: it 5 • Way's Mufflers in black and''blue at 50d. 1VIEN'S NECKWEAR' Our .Xmas Neck Ties are here in all. "the newest patterns and shades. .A splendid variety to ©hoose from at 25, 50 and 75c each: BOY'S ,and 'MEN'S 'GLOVES. • 1:en'rs Kid dined'gloti es at50; 75 ' and 75c each. ' ` 1 Cells i1I • oc a , loves' at' , :• x.1':25 • , s Men's" Calie' 'with i� , dog fur cuff,:. � .00l 'fleece $1.50; , , l s Silk Lined Swedes at1,5- 0. • Men's ' Mochas 'at Si.50 and $2,00. � 00. XIVWAS - HATS.-- '. Eatest New York.Hats for XIrias . 'Wear at, ;2 00 to $2.50 each. • TttwrLe u*ITW410 Te!:rufit'r sftg tttZg. it W Llt tt", 21 tt SQVTR BnuoB.. RUI¢AT„ [''rlhng sub, No 1 �; Rf 2 "f. 4 if: 6 f' 9; •«:1. e. ' z For 29 •43,. 38,. '50 34 •�:51 38 • o r. 352, • " :a ,3i '" - 41 564 . 85 2 . 105.. 33 27 44 56 ... .r.6 5. - 81.' 16 • '53 .17 38 "4' et 5. Against 27 16 11'. 11 0• 25 18 38 rr 7 8 • "4' 1. ^o{{ J .� 4 if 6• 7 .e • . 41 1 "2' • "r,.4 , 5 :North ' Sonth 204•, .486. CVLRoS." 2212' -75.• , 1.4, '4 , 8T' 681 r 46 15,' • .24 : 28 " •51' '13 290 '. 184' • ILRLOSS ' 7.2 82 . 65 40 304 LUCKNO`Y' 82> .i2 . ,134... TEESWWATER.• "1.,' 68.: 18., 5.8. ' • 1'0..'. Q., East Centre , South.. bleat 124 28 WALKERTON r' 63 ' 654 , 5,4 86 ;. .48 • 62 ... 31 30' • • 195 243 Thetotal vote in the riding is 5,114. Total vote. cast 2,864. Vote cast in same riding last May for parliament ary election 3,813. Majority for the Act' 342. Rejected ;Ballots' 15, spoiled ballots 4. 15 'MONTHS,:' FOR $8 The. Editor of The Toronto Woria w: F. McLean,, M P , is' 'desirous of increasing, the circulation of the To=- ronto'World to 30,000 before the end of the yeah' ; The World -is,. considered the brightest newspaper in Canada. It is published every week -day morning at 4.o'clock:' Its market reports po is are • the most accurate, ' particularly those in which the -farmers; and merchants are interes'ted.' Any reader of tbis.paper who •men„=' tions, this offer and who sends $3 :be.- fore the end of the year will, receive a ttt•. receipt iip to Apr. 1.1904.• The regu tt, price of the• World ie $3for •one. year ' It is the only one -cent -=morning paper tt �� published in Canada: • • A sample copy of the World, may be seen at this office.,' Orders with the. $3 should be sent by ` registered mail tt: or by po®tial . note to The World News- paper ew s paper CO., Toronto •r. ir. 'WVANTED-FAIT'RFU•L PERSON To • travel for a well established house' • in a few counties; ' calling on retail merchants' and agents. Local ,terriotory. Salary $1024 a year and expenses: payable $19.70, a week . in cash and', expenses advanced Position leer •Eanent.' litigant -at successful and rushing, tandard House, 334 Dearborn St., Chicago A' Good Farm For, Bale • At a reasonable price 'with. payments to suit the purchaser. The very Wet; boil for grain or pasture. Close to market witha. good gravel road to premise's; Apply to .•,111 GIiAHAIii, >;ucknow.• • Bulls' for 'Sale:. • 'Three Shorthorn Bull Calvet front '.0 to .14! months old. ' Also live Leicester rehearlrnp' rams Amin number of good lambs, 'both sea, PU R' E''S BROS., Lucknoa. House and Lot ''for °B'ale. • , A good frame house with stone foundation and good .cellar, with three-quarters of an acre of land;for sale cheap, just east of the station. There is good water' and several. fruit trees 'on - the .premises. Also ,a• 'Rood frame stable. 'For further particulars apply on the premises'orr to , ItRAN K GI/BST, Lucknow. • House and tot for: Sslo. • ,e.have prepared for winter by purchasing the., • best goods. for. ,F'all'vand Winter wear that , is :made in Canada. The following are some of our lines .'omen's Felt Bal and and Congress Grain, Foxing 'solid stock••to sell at St 50'per pair: These are the best" made. ' Women's Calfho u Gra,in 13a1 'lined: thro. .., . ug ut for 41,75 per pair. Made -by Ahrens.' Men's High Cut. Grain Bal, lined,' Klondike eyel dts,:: made by Dayfoot , Extra value at $2.75 per pair: Men's Calf Gram Bal, lined, a neat ` shoe that is • good value at $2.75:per.pair ; .Dayfoot's..' Men's Box Calf Felt Bal'with,felt sole, perfectly water.. proof, to sell at $4,00: per pair. These are a • boon to: curlers. . We have received another shipment of Cilia and American Rubbers. Call and 'examine our stE • : _ R aps,iring !Kitty and .pi. on ptly. done... ►TH EsO.t W ish'You all And also wish to emend' you that' we have a nice a line o oo , s• Skates Pocket 'Knives Table Knives ' Scissors fancy Lamps'' Nickl ' Plated Stied Tea Kettle s prickle: Plated Tea . Pots Nickle Plated ~Coffee. . : Foes i •. itable for • Silver Knives' Silver ForkA. • Silver Spoons. Razors Plain Lamps Carving Sets• ;Carvers `in' Cases Bread Knives !Ismail� Carp,# ..0wregpArs Nit -411e apd kle Trimmings) F4nv> O • and,' our Prides are Very Reasonable.,' 1WRENC f J J UCKNOti Wish..You all. INTT='�ST • -NEWTON r , Honor gradnate in dentistr"8, Toronto Dental •College.' and p Sur Doctor of:. Dental gery, Toronto University, All modern plan of operation and carefulness in viorkmanyhrp- : ,iEe.e in Alien's block, upetarre.. ° • . ' P s -1vi[l visit. %t pley eV ery Tlitttsday • A good comfortable frame hotise with et,able • - and cistern. Ae• the'owuer has moved ayyay t Fal m for Sale the property will be offered at a . batgain, l• Apply to D. R. McTlvTOS1I, Licknow • A Wonderful Preparatlori 'Rakco :Cereal'Cofee,' pure, 'whole 4Usne,'Tarri,liing. ilighiyreconinren- ltd byr'ph3 iiivinns. I1okco. is equal to U: , rive, hitt Coatsshirr r}' thepi-ido • rI is lived at Our trio -4.1g instead .et .„ i.r,iruitsteltand coffee. 10epackagei,. rb,. ot�'2 lbs.25c. Ask for it. •er.ale by All Grocers.. 13eing east half of lot 2, in the 5"aeteru Division of Ashiield,,on concesiio g,8, contain- ing 100 acres. The £anal is well fenced and in a good state of cutr}atfon: ;There ie .a barn' 40 �t g,0 with atabirng under, •and good framo i house '14 x 28. Thea is a Small orchard and t 18 acres in fall, wheat. Five acres :of bosh' and, baja co¢ iin',:,ar s, and plenty•of,.a��iiring wafer.. Coiwenieni"to:chiir h and ec'h?iol; For further $tticulars apply to \'', 1IIpDI;It1.11fafeking.• 4 Mt.SIC- TAUGHT, Lessons'jn . Voce' and lnstruinental M lsit; and HarmoII: are taught by MRS. P. BEE .. Fire In'urance. age ilia D me rr Q iiad !nail re your property against 1088 or dam . by fire, in the old reliable 1`i'ational and.' icantileCompanies,ldw'rated; -and pinto •. paynien t 'ends, 'wills, Mdrtgagea,: Leases, Agree pte.etc„neatly executed:•. ffioe:'Ra112''i'ues .,, .: • Satnrdayafternoone. ` T»nrsday •