HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1902-12-18, Page 4l -!
For a good durable shoe.. ata 'fair. price go
Agnew's Shoe Store.
We have a large assortment to choose 'from an
uarantee yon good value for your money..
Repairing neatly and promptly 'done.
o I
We are ,clearing out our Dress Goods belo':,,cost.'
It will pay you to come and see ;the rare values':
we are offering.
A very fine assortment of Neck, Ribbons...
Quality. See them.
We have; just received • a case of`Beayer' " Hats' in
White,' :Black and 'Natural'. Extra>value':. in
plumes and :tips.
. E
Lmoknow, Dooembor.
The Manitoba De•
partment: of Ag.-
riculture,'has ,lust' issued, its "official
report, on the grain. trop or 1902 for,
that province. It estimates a .total, of
100,052,343bushels, while the average
yield of wheat; per aore is 26 bushels..
It is.probibtothat, the present, dif-
ficulty in Venezuela. is the direct re.=
suit of the "shirt sleeve ""message of
that amen potato politician of Cleve
. -
land's Cabin et, slr,•Olney. The trucu
lent Yenezuelansj were quite. incapable,
of understanding the calmness of
Great Britain' in the face of that in-'
Solent communication; and they ran
away with the' des ':that they were
quite safe'in being' as inean- as' they.
liked as long. as -.Uncle Sam . would
stand up beside them. And they. are
acting, ac�ordiogly
Sec,ion 26 of the. Dominionrailway
act provides that at everyrailway
station in Canada at which there is a
telegraph office there shall lie a block
board put up in a .conspicuous ..place
outside •the station house,' and : when
a passenger train is half an' hour late
the agent or other person in• chayrge is
ceggared to write on the blackboard
•with•ehallc a notice, stating, when such,
train is expected to reach the station.
-,,Every-station master whe neglects or
refuses to obey the provisions of this
section is Table 'to 'a fine /of $:i� .•and.,
costs of each omission.
• The people ofs•••Untario decided on.
Thursd'tv•last net 'to adopt 'prohibi.
tion in the province just yet, ,though•
the, proposal',wai • more :strongly sup-
ported than expected; In the cities•
the vote wile very large and the, . act
receivcd a 'majority in almost' every
case. The• country vote was not . as
well' polled, ' 'The: total vote polled up'
to,.date was li 1 880';for "the act and
91,906 against it,. making a majority
Qf 79;276 for the, act..Tut; outcome
of th'e vote will bean agitation tostill
further restrict the traffic.' as the lar;e.
:majority .seciired indicate a great lin.•.
provement in temperance• 'sentiment:•,
Frank C. Carpenter, the well-known
American 'newspaper correspondent;:
has gone to New Ontario, with in-
structions' to ' 'prepare.•,;a series .of
articles for the fifty or more influen=
tial: daily. papers he represents : He
will drift. west • before returning
." •Just •at'present,"'says Mr. Carpenter
$-" everything in the way of immigration
tenda':toward Canada ''It is not .only-
tie Canadian Northwest, but all parts
of theDoi ninien that are''sharing this
attention; I' have been: giving the.
siibject, a good deal 'of attention'
recently" and : aoq; amazed • at the.
progress the Dominion • has made in
the past year. I believe for the nett
few•years: the States will supplya
million settlers a year..'to.• Canada.
• It costs nothing for you to
This:loss cannot be•. easily made u .
either, for' these settlers are the
ND we wish° to 'call, your attention' to the fact that at we'
A .•
Dished product and icost desirable' II
prepared t• Wet citizens" ` Canada•has?been waiting plete, —
• are better for Xmas...than- ever. before lice
• patiently and long' for herbooiir 011ie, •
a tom'
hav• u�, �,� P
� t 'received' a►Y Iaroe� stock of pictures , suitable.: for I but it is epidently.here at. last.' ....-
• sari
Xinas, 'gifts We.'also 'have a well assorted• • fitock. of •FFancy b�peakin:at a ban uet n
• otn.e and h •'t
• ..,.,- ... . '� , .. .P g q, noes thn•
e s, Fancy Easels•and • Children:'i'; Tea,.' sets, in. fast aupiees.. of the 'Guelph' 'Fats: Stock
Rock r.
• .. •. • • Club,. Hop. 'Sydney 1 igher, Minister
everything to be found in an up.=tr)..date.. furni'tiire store. • of Agrieuliure, raid that in' this
r ` Dtrninton,.,'.'.egricultural'interests are
' r R handle only
P ,'. They supply the .greater:
Give us a call and'he rayrl�-ltii:�;j' that>
we handle
the' best. Our Undertakir 1Jepati rrr¢nt lis, r r,.mpir to in pay
L• hulk of our expos s, It 'is the
y rut:fttfur,i.hriee.trxportgsa%thwhch We•.I
• pay our hills till over the world. ; It is
. our agri'ultural.production which'sup '
phew„ the great :bulk of the ` things'
w111C11 Otte 'transportation companies' :
,o111*, whic`}i .our 'inercantil r
e agencies
hav,; to handle, ant) which our people:' ' Wishes.'to`say to file public
• have to Make their'living oat of. As if i general• that ate` has.' moved'
lonw as shat in the case it is , well that `' ' •-. .
. • that. to flits paint shop. formerly,
our people +should , he' • generous and r
their •experidituro .. in the ' t)t'(:upied''liy• Mr, 'Ohlliei er, in
wi5w; in . t
L fntereete Of this great country, I tun ' blr. ' Uise s shop: shop,. wherG�
disposed to urge our farmers toy' frit' he.ii-bettel`•preparcd to .tt tl
and'p,odiice amore and More, 'because.'
, I,to'ail kinds of carriage, emelt-
' our •experience in the last year •or two l
ins. As winle is fast 'lt[3+";
i has been that the only' Raiff • to our i , .. •
' STRATFORD, O!V"1`.�: i sales' hie been that the Daly limit tel pi`oa ink britis..alon ; yottf`'
• slei h8 and Cutters and have
A'la a ro esaiveachool tad anenfthe our sales ]las been that the only Jimit ' g a
hest on thug ontnent, This, le a atrnng state to' our salee''has i sen our own, c,►paeity then) shined` up Neto 't3 it Seth
inept hoist ie a .frac one nrwerthelevY. The Et) od' O tt".•..
traaon our school bee sueh,,t large attendance r..p u G n, and tire' more rapidly 11T•
ie bc'cat,ae.'it is A. wide awake, huetlina, work= seal. Blore earru-stly we ten 3i1t eerie
king, reault•producingschooi• Recent gradua- 'Iliit't:a aaity,•the •ure9ter will be ..is' 1
tem have accepted position4 :•►t ealarlea ran in}, p {S. b
freta $fir a mot th to,8800 ter annum,. Write prosperity flat Only of agriculture, l,ub
for our new cataloguer • : • ; fJ V r /1 � R {„� e'
= of ou't whsle t)omitlion:"' (Loud tip-
W: J; TY Prineipnl pJzfuse.) �.Li�iKniOltrl/
• Wo are, pleased to state that, "Mr.
Jno. ,McKenzie is improving from, the
effects of•the burns` which: he• received
the. morning his barns wine burned.
Mies Ella Harris of Ripisy is:. visit
dng friends, around here.
, M r. and Mrs. Jas, 11 c Donald and,
family left here last week for Sudbury
We wish them success.
Mr. Geo, Oollinson has, fiurchased a
driver Rona Jas. McDonald: Which is a
very fine animal. George drovo•from.
Abe village; to Crewe in 30 minutes.
last' Slonilay night:. •
.Lisrew '
Monday September list, 100,2.
• Our. ' rates . are reasonable -our
courses of study; thorough and prac-
Send for our Journal to 'see , what
we teach.
Students may enter at any time..
Two. Courses of Study, Commercial
acrd Shorthand:
Ci Ai Fleming . A LI Mclnt e
'President . ' • 'Secreta
een Ciy Oil Co's 'Oils.
are the,best you can.buy ,
Canadian Prime White'
American. "Family', Safety,:"'
Water White for "sale in Luck -
now by
For our customers. We. Garry,; the,
very choicest lines in Fresh. Groceriere%
You will find no cheap, inferior goods.
on our shelves. . Our Teas, Sugars,
Biscuits, Canned "Gocds, Meats, .Fish,:
etc; We have . not space to quote.
prices, but you ' will final, them right.
Butter, Eggs' andall kinds of . Farm Produce
t^ien in; exchange` for goods.
CCxjpie l Street
. wr
•tton, OMMFBMFrierna is • esu= • F
3 RIBE3Fl#E3f3E? • F 4 3 :iFi Llfll'iti±f. :�
N, Musoated'Raisins in Packages.
New Corona Dates/.`
New Tap Figs.
New Cleaned„ Currants.
New .Selected: Valencia `Raisins,
,New Peels, LeifOn,Orange Citron
New Layer ±'igz.
We can. supply yOu with the • very best' quality of
these goods' as we. parch/Se 'nothing bait choice'` i rands,
The , ` , most: perfect . Talking
Machine in the World:. ;
Its Singing or Talking is as
plain and distinct, at the hum-
an voice.
heat this wonderful instrit-
JAS. B.. G
Outram St,,,
every branch,
Calls attended :le Night or,,Da?'
Farm .for Rent:
• To rent, 100 acres of land 'one mile emit of
Hotyrood let 7, con.. 7 in township of Kin.
lose,. Well fenced, artesian well: anr1 creek.
*.ttood pasture.'
h;Rg. Afci€AE,
Calumet,,' 111ich , Bove It
Farm. for Sale
Being lot..i, concersion 11, in the township
of Ashfield. containing 100' acres, On the
farm, there is a barn ti0' x 60, and brick House
26* 30. There is 10 acres of `good bind). The
farm is of a good clay' loam, well watered and -
fenced. and in a;,plendid state of •enitivation.
i'ricefeaeonable•and terms to suit piiichaaeri
ytiGwifA,Et', A f,'I'ON, i; wnea, '1'.c►,
Winter Teri.. Opens Jan
gOCR Rs z KNW.
CO .
w, is6iTtt l !gral212Agi TitTs�' Ttt ttFJthtttiicini:grtt
Alia Ivo Itawe the
In Oak- we have ,'...
Easels, Tables, paper and Music Racks.
Extension . Tables; Sideboards, Bedroom Si is
'arlor ., Suits,' Fancy Chairs, Couches
Pictures and Picture . Frames ,
Window Shades and
'Curtain Pols , Etc
Dealers l=s 1T an , .
NT. .