HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1902-12-11, Page 8r • lOCHEAG DRUG STORE eadquart. a• LUOKNO ter, or Actor Incorporation of above Railway Company, should; •be renewed' or re''vived,:PO that they should im-` mediately '.recommend to. the ,Coe, vellie of their respectivewunicipalities: that, they abu1d lend then' best assistance' to secure such renewal or vival; and that they •should eac'i contribute their, fair ahaxe•of the ,costs incident "to. the applicetion therefor, and that with o. view to such renewtcl Public Meetin,,s should ue called' insuch places as have notyet held such,4.Qarried, Moved by •J. W Bundy, seconded' by Dar, D,' Robertson, that M, J. S, $nechtel act as Treasurer;,: --Carried.'„ Moved by Mr. .R E. Truax, secon- ded by Mr L. A Brink, that .the following be appointed -as an Execui tive committee, ander whose' decisions' the Treasurer would make payments of moneys in..connection with the ex tension of the' Railway 'Charter Qillies, Teeswater ; M.r.' of cKechnie., Durham ^, Mr, Murdoch, Lucknow ;, Robertson; Walkerton , De Mearns,. ; Hanover.—Carried The 'following was` decided as amount that should be, raised at once by ,variou•s municipalities and remitted to ' Ma J: S, '• :Knechtel, Treasurer,. Durham,s Ont.:_Walkerton,, $75 Hanover,'$50 Durham, $50 Sin— cardine,`$50 Teeswater, $25; Luck- 7(rnas cods , ONTARIO RIP: RAILWAY Ont., Dec.' 5,,1.902. of meeting held at Saugeen �' ^ • nnection with the Huron do ; .last shwa commonly referred 7, ' Electric•' Road. seting wasop ened by Mr..A. .'0.,'explan ng the reasons for e meeting. Mr.: M. McNa— said,having stated at; a public, recently•held -in : Walkerton; ae8n ''menta. have'. been made coi npany. for the •building bub'ib was first 'necessary: e present` charter extended,.. same would .expire • under; the n Apri1.26th, next, and that in • er . to procure such:e tent n,, an xpenee nf; about', $00'weald` be -need- ed to cover the government fee and, expenses in, connection with the same. The eastern end of the. 'proposed . rail- way 'interested had agreed to raise one half the' amount, and we : wereasked to find the:.: other' ;half, namely,1250. The "meeting was then '"organized by' electing Mr. C. W'.'Cryderman, .Mayor of:'Walkerton, to the chair; and Mr. L. C. Benton as Secretary. The following is a list of the delega• ttE;s present:. From Hanover, J. S. Knechtel and •Mr. Balt,,, Durham'—Gl. 'McKechnie and N. McIntyre. 'Teeswater—Dr. J. Gillies, D:r. D. SteAart, J. S. McLean, L. A. Brink, • Reeve S. R. Brill, *J"." Fartpiharson.• Lucknow e: Reeved Alliu, J. G. Murdoch; John' Murchison and James Bryan. Walkerton—Mayor Cryderman, H. E. Truax, M, P P., ; J udge Klein, .Shaw, K'. C.,: M. McNamara, ` Vegan, Dr: Stalker, W. Farquharson, J; W. Bundy. J. Heiinerson. Mr. McNamara addressed the meet, ing briefly,' giving the history of the undertaking to date; and stating that, they now bad a chatice'•of• getting the road built, and he thought for_the small 'amount required • to .obn• taian extension of the charter it would be good •policy'to tate the' chance. * The Directors had entered into an arrange- ment with Mr. C. F. May, of Toronto and as, that gentleman was present.lie would now ask .him" to state how the .: matter stood, Dd r. May then addressed the . meet ing. He stated' thathe had suceeeed in securing the assistance. of ii good firm°of capitalists who had' agreed to build the railway within dire years, and will be prepared to commence .the • work as soon as' the snow is• off the ground in the early spring, bet they would not •complete the" agreements already prepared' nail an extension of , a the ebarter had been secured. kn,+' After' a lengthy discussion'tne • fol- lowing mction was inoved by Mr. 'G. McKechino, Durham, and seconded byJ. Mr.. 'K. • McLean, Teeswater, that Vie the members of 'this delegation from .Hanover, Parham, Teeswater, Lucknow and Walkerton, having Met -hereon Walkerton.. after hearing the statements of Mr. C. F.: Maw of Tor-, onto, and Mr. McNamara, the ,Presi- dent Press. dent of the Iltiron. and Ontario Iiai'l:' way Ca., and fully discussed the mit ter;• are 'of the opinion that the.. Char. • fi • 'dow, $25. Mr. Mai having, agreed m to comun- aicate the names; of prop )sed ,capitalists 'he acommiltee selected byths meet ing the Chairmaaappointed as, a Com Mitered for such purposeCans; : Dr., Teeswater,'; Mr. McKKechnie'Durham';; 'Mr. Murdoch, Lucknow.,' Said com:: mittee; retired and after.. 'consultation with Mr. May made:the following report -Gentlemen of, the Committee, the es ern Advertiser,: t A. Weekly 12 -rage 7 aultitun Papery 6 Sent to any address in.Canada.oii'the United States, for Seventy-five Cents a'Year' in advance: Valuable picture ' preWiuggs Beut to all, subscribers. THE . " Western Advertiser" "Farming. World" ?Tile seb7.-eoinin;ttee appointed 93 '1 to confer with .M 11�layregarding'' the business: and 'capabilities of ' con 'atrnctiog; the: Rurun. and: Ontario Railway, are quite satisfied ;with the information'". conveyed, and 'believe: that "the." Companies" interested ere quite,capable of carrying out their•. share of construction. ; :Signed G:••. McIKECHNIE, Chairman,' Committee. .Repor"t of :.above Committee . was adopted. • After a 'vote of thanks' to the Ohairman and Mr, key, the ' meeting_ adjourned. 0 A' ••••••••••••••••st••'S•••••• •st•••••S*••••r•••,•••••er. • • • --sent :for• $'1' A Year, in Advance Balance tf'this year FREE to all subscribers for 1902 Address.; • • •. • • • • • • •, • • •. is WgST•ERN• ADVERTISER LONDON; ONT. R.D>C,McMORRAN is prepared to give lessons on. BERRet• .4M eea•ee e••eee••••••.•ee••••• • • • •, • • rai •. • • • • • •. : • • • F s • Christmas will soon be here, and it:•is, none too: soonto, be buying you:: piesents. e have a large assortment, Bibles; Hymn 1iool s, Boy's Own; I3'el>yty's, ' ; . • ks=all kinds.- ds,` To°let sets' in Ebony * and Rosewood. Perfumes ivies. to ' . Toy Boo >� •.i suit. everyeody. Games' Of .all kinds= -Parlor ' Tennis,' Croklnole, Sheba,. Trek, : • • Nations, Lost .Ileir, Etc, Etc. Sleighs` and 'Doll's' Carriage Dolls all colors paid *, r • tin .lies., 1 oy s-iun >• In andwood, solve. ' wonderful mechanical, Ones. ' Tlme : and • space will not permit'us '• to.particularize, come and see for yourselves • • ••• • 7�'ELCCME ' TTRYBO]Ys . • ••' • • JOHN WOOD. COF CHEMISTS. & D.RITGGI,S• S • • • ••.••••• �•••.•.•.•••..••.•.•'••••a••••.'.••��••.••••�••••�.y.•�•• • 1• • • .e{ • • Violin; ;Mandolin,. Guitar, Banjo, Etc. Terms Veru' Reasonable RESIDENCE HAVELOCK ST.. House ` for Sale For sale, in the village of Lucknow, a splen ,,did brick house and beaulifull . ground The house i3 heated by furnace; and'is fitted' with all modern improvements. There is half an acreof ground with good barn and carriage gads, It is ono of the hneat;homes .in the village. For further': particulars ,apply to ALEN. ROSS, Lncknow. :FETING NOMINATION• Seventh County Council Division County of .lgrnce Notice is here'iy given that a meeting of the Electors will be held at Town Hall in the -Village of Ripley on the twenty-second : day .of D.ecrmber 1904,. between the hours, of• one and two 'o'clock in the afternoon; for the purpose ;of nominating candidates _ for the office, of Comity .^,ouncidor for the Seventh County Connell Division of: the County of. Bruce: `if a greater /number of candidates are nominated than are reiurired to be elected, the polls trill be opened at the polling .,places for each of the polling 'sub -divisions within the said distri t on N1in9av the Fifth. day of. January 1903 th; polls to . continue open from nine o'clock' in the Morning anti five o'clock in the afternoon and no longer, . Dated this sixth day of Decemb4r1992. '• .ANG'US;'MMARTYK,, - \ominating offi^er, aute AT WINCHAM We 'are, prepared to pay. for First-class Maple logs ... $14 per M. First-class Sott••Elm logs :.$14 First-class Rock Elm logs,.$lb First-class Btjswtiod logs..:$16 _ First-class Beech logs ..;•'.$12. ...All' kinds. and grades wanted Cali and get our prices.. • Farm for . Sate •. •. Being south quarter of lot 13, concession, 13 West \Vawauosh, .Containing fifty acres. A gond concrete house with kisclien:also barn 36 x50 sad frame stables, • • Farm well water- ed atered. and very suitable for, stock or grain +' SIRS. FRANK JYTRY'. Lucknow: Property For Sale The property -on Ross street. in this village. belonging to alis,.' George Ke rr• rs ft;r sale,. cheap, For Particulars apply at Sentinel of fice House' For Sale ° The large andcommodons, house on Rose 'street:. Tne property of the late Mrs. lames Somerville Apply to N CONNELI.. Two Farms for Sale. ils I intend going west; nest spring, 'I offei my two farms for sale, consisting of north half. of lots 11412,4nd 13, con. 6 Kinloss, and west 34 of lot 19. con. 7, Kinloss, The first mentioned farm contains 160 acres situated on the gra% el road' four miles north of :Lucknon , all cleared • but, a few acres, soil an: excellent clay 'loam, ;abundance of cedar. fencers and fence rails ; hay been all pastured for 101620 years,': has a never filing: spring, lane in centre of farm without a foot cf waste land,also never failing well at buildings. On° it ieerected two fair frame. houses and new barn 52 x 85 with 23 f wall posts,and straw' shed attached 46 x 6 18 ' foot posts. all on a stone basement .10 eet high. one . of the best and most modern barns in the.. County: One half mile from school, 34 mile from Holyrood, post office, stores; saw mills, black. smith, waggonmaker;:and ;everything found in' an up -to date village. • The other' farm, 75 acres, is situated two miles e,st of Holyriocd, no rel :ab:ebnL.mrtc, 11 f, 3 d watered it a never, fsali*v for a lam term of years.forms-Fiat -purpose t e r::f s isl- ly adapted, though' S) Tres t of ..:s . *SOO, lent -grain lana. " ` ••:. Z •4N••••••N •N•NN`ON •••NN•••••••NMNa ••••••••• F'ur. Goods V' • A. change to colder. weather will increase the demand for .Fur Goods. ' • change ,....•.. • nearly all• lines of •..' this season will get the. -best value as nes r y _ �11e -early buyers hove advanced, and late buyers.will have to ' pay tile' adyaance. fur. goads ., ,, _. t gar-. . 'tr k •n Jackets'is still' well assorted and every ga "Our stock of Ladies r1s a a , bought them. Get your !Tient is Werth :3•.00 to X5:00 more than- wheli eye. bou� •• • t, r � sent rices. coat now agd'saye'nioney. We cannot repeat a., p e prices, . ool . Hose :a . in Lathes Heavy Wool <Hose at 2:ic per.; pair.. �• a have a � bargain • y and want .a fast sale Also ` a' line.: of . heavy 7 hese goods. came .in •fate we hoses for' boys ;t. 30eper .iii. ribbed•wo:sted in largey p • • Millinery lhe...stock is new' as we Our Millinery Department stillftll`attractl keepbu �in the new lines. g. T TUCKT D W 0'N T •••••••••••••••••••••„ NETHODIST CHURCH• Rol,' A.0 Harris. Plistor, SABBATH. 10. a.m.– : Classes. 11 A.M.- Psstorr 2.45 pis:—Sunday School and Bible Claes. P.]i.—Pastor., • WEEK NIGHT SERVICES, Monday Evening, League. \Vednesday evening, Prayer Meeting.. SEATS FREE,. ALL WELCOME ST. PETER'S CHURCH SUNDAY. Moraitog Prayer still Sunday School -3 p.m. we fence4, an xing,Prayer at 7 p.m, creel It also ha been pastured Holy Ccm iunion first Sunday of every anth. Bade Class and choir. practice Wed ! egia. ening ;at 7 30 p.m. • These farms- -ate Set vmr7er . ^!r tar. • I. . 1 g ether Or L•f_•para.�. y F:F T+ -e- ,;.: a-zrt,.:.as :. i c a .,.. Possession...�1:f .y..-.•. �..,�r sly .Y • Nrb.` .`a . Out. pure Bred ' Leicester Ram Lambs got by a :Iambs for Sale; Rims for Bale: —m—• "Ten t: 'e•,a 1.;ticester Rams for sale. They were 1= +t i W. "-mita' f Maple Grove and are f *•-s t.a4 c,-nrlitiol., Prices' ressmtable ; in=.peett:n to it- 1. For' further:, particulars apply to• ,) AMES, LYONS; .Jun. Liicknos . The Canada Furniture Mfrs. Limited: Operating the • � FSC for . s t heir Bu�to�'�& ��s a� • y r. WiNGf;1,aM, ONT. House for Sale. • • fA cnmfrirtnblidwelling bonge•tor sale, nn L ictor1a etreet.,T,ucknnw. There is a good' Mable and tlrivin}thouse on the phice.. For further particulars apply to .1. W, rifoise, hueknow, or'to Albert li laming, W ngham, ” .. Ram Estray;} • a Came to the lireiriise+t .1 the un lersiari;eri' `lot 3'•). 'eoiicilasioti One, lrinI s,'' en ar'ahont the lith of Noveuiher ja't. a while a;ed ram. The •wner is rrrrluest':l to Blore liroperty,,• pay exbooses at,d take him away. • 1). f: , , . I t.r.rl::s 1`,tlr.'knr,nY • 3-,0 lb.:.eire:bred by James Snell, They have of bone and ,u'.stance. Prices within the reach of all, Call and inspedt them be.,, `u•,re buying elsewhere.' , ,G. A. G1tEE1t, • • Hillside Farm s.Lucknoty. !fait. mile east of Lucknow. Try our Golden Blend Ceylon Tea Try ,our 'English Hop Tea Try our -25e Japal, Tea • rry our Pickles in quart jars Try our Cottfee, Seal Brandt Trybur 25c Coffee Try iParadise ( irrants.recleaned ► Try'enti Extra Selected Raisins Tri. our California. Evaporated • Peaches Try our Maple Syrup in bottles Try our Choice Prunes •. Vii...._ -:.�. The' :+han.cel l.lor..' Steel'. range made b he oldest: the lar est 0444 moss; exteansiVe.,..clealer in Canada. They last, they g v : se►tisfac- . M thy economize Our personal, guarantee aild that of .the • mak r e goeswith'. each. LUCKNOW . :MM•LL W�..7x..: .