HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-07-09, Page 82 No Disease is so Quiet and Stealthy in its Approach as Kidney Disease Mime feiollitiee of the °gentry, that the money for the building of it goes direct ly into the hands of the people and its completion will add to the general pros- perity of the country. Do not forget that the Liberal Govern- ment has brought telegraph and tele- phone linea under the jurisdiction of the Railway t)ommission, which ensures a 8gaare deal for all the people, Do not forget that provision has been made for the funds which will build a railway from Le Poe to Fort Churchill on Hudson Bay. Do net forget than the Liberal govern- ment has taken the civil service out of politics, and advancement in same will go by competitive examination and not political pull. Do not forget that Liberal govern. ment designed a low tariff which pro- duced a large revenea and made it pos- sible to build great ,public works with- out any large increase in the public debt. Do not forget the grafting which went on under former Conservative govern- ment and the millions of dollars the people had to pay in consequence Do not forget the report of the Royal Commissioners on Inenrauoe whioh gave to the world the methods adopted by Geo. E. Foster to evade the law when dealing with trust funds. Do not forget that several of those Conservatives who were in the nest of traitore expedt to go into the cabinet should the Conservatives win at the next election. Do not forget that the Conservatives were compelled to borrow money to pay the ordinary expenses of the country. Do not forget that a return to power of the Conservative party means a re- turn to the days of high protective tariff and heavy taxation, stagnation of beef• nese and hard times. Do not forget that a Conservative government in Canada means an end to the prospeeity enjoyed under a Liberal administration. The time has Dome tor the people to refieot upon Canadian political history and look at the reapective records of the men who govern Canada now and men who governed once and desire offioe again. Men who make serious soon• nation against the present administra- tion and have been found guilty of the same offences are not fit to hold office. These charges were proved against the Conservatives, they have only been al The Blind Shares scandal, leged and not proved as r gainat the The Oxford and New Glasgow Rail- Liberals. No member of the Conserve - live party has ever mustered up sufficient oonrage to make a definite charge against any member of the Liberal government and the policy of the government hae never been even aerione- ly criticized. The people know this and are satisfied. That is why it is so dangerous. It may become deep-seated before you realize the danger. It is therefore of great importance to recognize the early warning symptoms pain or dull ache in the back, er pains, smarting sensation when urinating, frequent or surpressed urination, sediment in the urine, etc„ because in its early stage kidney disease is easily cured by DoAN's Kereerst PILLS. Mr. Elgin Brisebois, Vernon, Ont., writes: -I wan tronblod a great deal with kidney trouble. 1 had to get up four or live times every night. my urine contained a thick brick -dust sediment, I had a pain in the small of my back, and could not sleep at night, I commenced using Doan's Kidney Pills and in a very short time I was all right again. I am very thankful to have found a curs so speedy in its action. Doan's Kidney Pills i're 50c. per box or 3 boxes for $1.25, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of Iiid ey Pill Co, Toronto ,OntThe Doan . T.1111 WINQUAM TIMES, JULY VI, 19Utl _� _ - -� -�-•- -"' • BOTABLIBBED 1872 I 1 humor 2nD Philosophy By DUNCAN M. SMITH Block THE SPRING AFFLICTION.. International Newspaper Bible Study Course. Salient Points in the Lesson for Sunday, July 19th, Given in a Series of Quo$tiofe by Rev. Dr. Lin$COtt.. SeziUEL WARxs SAW. ATI) THE PEOPLE. -1 Sam, xii: 1 5, 13 25 Golden Text: 0 fear the Lord, and serve him in truth with all your heart; for consider bow great things he bath done for you. -1 Sam 12: 24 Verse 1 -When individuals or the people °;loose a wrong thing. can it ever be made to work out for their goody (Tnie question mast be answer- ed in writing by members of the (iab.) Verses 2 E -Whet proportioa of men in authority can truthfully claim abso lute integrity and .leanness of bands, as Samuel did ? Notwithstanding Samnel's undoubted integrity, whet grave faults was he guilty of ? Verse 13 -If we have embarked upon a policy that Gad did not favor, bat afterward permitted, what wi.l be God's attitude toward us concerning oar pres- ent and future snooe88 ? If we can compare conduct, or a life olicy, as good better and best, what TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes mist be left at this noon. ee not .for changeter than s must be left The copy not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of eaoh week. ESTABLISHED 1872 THE WINgnA I r.�IiIES. ii. R.ELL1OTT, PIIBLISUER ANDPROPRIETOp THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1908. OTHER TORY SCANDALS. The great Pacific scandal in whioh a public franchise was sold for contribu- tions to the election funds is well re- membered by the i.eople of Canada - There were many others of greater or lees magnitude. Here are a few of them: - The Lengevin Block. The St. Oh aloe Branch. North West land grabbing The Carequet Beltway scandal. The Tnrootte whitewash. The Dead Meat Soheme. Is it possible, in any single case, for a man to disobey God and escape iujury, or not suffer lose ? Verse 16- What is the .great thirg tint God does daily befcre`oir eyes ? Verse 17 --Dees God in these days ever perform the miraculous ? Why was it wonderful to haveein the t country, rain and thunder at harvest time ? How did Samuel know that God. would answer hie prayer ? Dees God' answer all the prayers of the faithful ? Do all the really spiritual know when their prayers are to be answered ? How would the rain and thunder be a proof that their sin had been great in asking for a king ? Verse 18 -Are sinners generally troubled in the presence of a great calamity ? Verse 19 -Was their repentance gen- nine ? p When we turn to Gad only beoanee will .be God's attitude toward us if we we would otherwise be destroyed, will adopt that which is lower than the beat? God accept ns ? Verse 14 -Wbat reason is there for tbe Verses 20.21 - Does God acoept the opinion that God sometimes does athing vilest sinner if he turns from his sin ? for us, at our etro.tg request, whioh he What is real profit ? Is it money, knows is not the "beet" for us? (Ver,12) health, ability, friends ? If one person in a family or partner- Verse 22 -Why may we be sure that ship or society, is true to Gad, and the God will never forsake us ? rest are not, what effect will he have Verse 23 -Do we sia against God if upon the success of the rest, and what we do not pray for one another ? sort of a bleseiog will he get from God ? is it our duty to teach one another ? Verse 15 -Is the hand of Gad always Verses 24.25 -What is the essential in against those who disobey him, and if order to obtain the highest good ? so, how is it manifested ? Da all who rebel against God get equal Lesson for Sunday, Jaly 26th : Saul opposition from him'? Why, or why Read the byt re he ohs 1. 1 Sam. xv: 13 28. not ? TOWN DIRECTORY. Banner 7 p m SSeindayservisne at School at 1lamand 7 p 2:80 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. H. Edger Alteu, pastor. B.Y.P.U.• meets Monday evenings 8 p.m. Abner Colons S.S. Superintendent. METUODIST Canaan -Sabbath Beryline at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday Soh ol at 2;80 p m. Epworth League every Mon- day evening. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings, Rev. W. G. iI9weon, pastor, F. Baohanan, S.S. Superintendent. Pnirsenena AN Cameos -Sabbath ser vices at 11 a m and 7p m. Sunday prayer School at 2:30 p m. meeting on Wednesday evenings. Ray. D. Perrie, pastor. Dr. A. J. Irvin, S.S. Superintendent. Sr. PAM'S OHI&OH, ErisoopAL-'Sub• bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sun- day School at 2:80 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. T. S. Boyle, M.A., B.D., Reotor ; Ed. NashRobinson assistant Superintendent. E. SALVATION ARMY -Service at 7 and 11 a m and 8 and 7 p m on Sunday, and every evening during the week at t3 o'olook at the barraoks. TUE WINGh1AhK TIMES. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Office, Beaver The Tinies WINGHAtd, ONTARIO, TERMS or SuB80RIPTTIQN-$1,00 per annum in advance, $1.60 if not so paid. No paper disocn- tinued till all arrears are paid, except at the option of the publisher. ADCRnrISING BATES. - Legal and other (menet advertisements IOo per Nonpariel line for first insertion, Oo'per line for eaoh eubsegnent ineertterton. Advisements In local columns are charged 1O ate. per line for first insertion, and 5 cents per line for eaoh subsequent insertion. Advertisements of Strayed, Farms for Sale or to Rent, and similar, $1.00 for first three weeks, and 25 Dents for each subsequent in- sertion.. OONTRACT RATIO -Tie following table abowe. our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periods :- SPACE, 1 YR. 8 go. 8 MO. IMO One0olamn.-..----$70.00 $40.00 $22.50 $8.00 Half Column...... -. - 40.00 25.00 15.00 6.00 QuarterColamn--- 20.00 12,50 7.60 3.00 One Inch - 5.00 8.00 2.00 1;25 Advertteemente without speoiSo directions will be inserted till forbid and charged Record - 'ugly. Transient advertisements mast be paid for in advance. Tan ,Ton DEPARTMENT is stocked with an pexeive rint- int, aaffording assortment faciliities inotguieites rn equalled in the sou, county for turning out first class work. Large type and o propriate onto for All styles of Post - ere, Hand fanoy type for the finer ad the test e s ofyprins t ing. H. B. ELLIOTT, Proprietor and Publisher way. The Yamaaka Dam. The Farnham Post Office. One might enumerate hundreds of atrooioas scandals oommitted by the Oonservative Government as the result of whioh they were thrown out of office -Would they be any better if returned to power? No, rather they would be worse, having been twelve years in op- position they veonid be hungry ay their fingers on the public treasury, and the scandalous doings of early days would be repeated ten fold by a horde of office hungry politicians. Iu the face of a dirty political record such as the above given in a faint out- line only, the Conservatives have the audacity to think that the people of Canada will return them to power. They put on a semblanoe of righteous- ness and charge the Government of Sir Wilfrid Lender with extravagance, graft and other forms of wrongdoing, and forget in the meantime that they were turned out of office for the very came offences which they alleged against the present government. The people of Canada will not hand over the government to the men who proved faithless to their trust, or tarn out of offioe the only progressive government Canada ever hid. • CONDITIONS ANL/ PRIZES. side only. No answer must exec ed two hundred words in length and may be less. It will be a convenience if students will write their answers on letter paper, about 8S4 inches by 11 inches. 4 Each answer meet have the name and address of the writer at the bottom of the answer, so it can be identified, given a number, registered, and then the name cut off so the examiner may know it by number only. 5. Students should be careful to un- derstand the question before answer- ing. To do this, the lesson text must be read and especially the verse or verses, upon which the question is based. 6. The answers from this Local Club must be delivered to this office, and they will be collated at the close of the content, and forwarded to head- quarters for iudependent examination by competent examiners. The prizes will then be awarded according to the highest number of marks, won by members of The International News- paper Bible Study Club, and prizes which may be awarded to members of this Local Olub will be given out from this office. THE PRIZES. First Series -A gold medal to *each of the first five contestants. Second Series -A silver medal to each of the next five contestants. Third Series -A Teacher's Bible, price $5.50, to each of the next five contestants. Fourth Series -The book "The Heart of Christiauity," price $1 50, to eaoh of the next thirty-five contestants. Fifth series -A developed mind, an expanded imagination, a richer exper- tenoe and a more profound knowledge of the Bible and of life, to all who take this comae whether winning any other prize or not. Each medal will be suitably engraved, giving the name of the winner, and for what it is awarded, and in like manner each Bible ,and book will be inscribed. All who can write, and have ideas, are urged to take up these studies re- gardless of the degree of their educe- -tion, as the papers are not valued from an educational or literary standpoint, but from the point ot view of the cog- ency of their reaj9ned ideas. Persons may join the club at any time during the year, bat must, of course, newer the 62 questions here- inafter explained, to qualify for the prizes, it is, however, desirable that the questions are answered as the lessons are studied. The I'iternational NewspaPer Bible Study Club is for the purpose of pro- moting, in au unfettered way among the masses, a wider study of the Bible, the basal truths of Christianity, and the problems which enter into every man's life. It Is composed of all those who join a Local Olub, and take up the simple course herein outlined, barring only ordained clergymen. We have the sympathetic co-operation of the latter, but it is not considered fair to have them compete for the prizes. Sunday eohool teachers, Bible class scholars, and ohuroh-goers generally, may belong to this Newspaper Olub, also non• churchgoers, of all shades of opini an. All such who have not joined are warmly invited to do so and to compete for the prizes. The TIMES hes snared the right to publish the International Sunday School Lesson questions by Rev. Dr, Linsoott, which have aroused so much interest elsewhere, and they will appear weekly. One of these questions each week is to be answered in writing, and upon these answers the prizes are to be awarded. Tho TINES is authorized to form a Local Newspaper Bible Study Olub for its readers, and guarantees to all who join and falfit tbe conditions, that everything herein promised shall be faithfully carried out. WSW WANrsN0811. The following is a report of the atten- dance for the months of January -June, 1908, for Maple View sohoot: - No of legal teaching days -121. No. of days school was open -114. IV Sr. class-0,ive Clow, 113; Victor Emerson, 40; Robert Laidlaw, 95; Allie Morrison, 101; John O'Oallagban, 70. IV Jr. cless-Annie Laidlaw, 98; Herbert Laidlaw, 104; Roy McGee, 101; Willie O'Callaghan, 75. III Sr. class -Ethel Clow, 110; Lavine' Hutchison, 26; May Morrison, 9; Elmer llfowbray, 79; Archie Paterson, 53; John Pardon, 101; Samuel Thomson, 78. III Jr. class-Ameda Clow, 113; Lytle Emerson, 106; Arthur Newman, 8; James Paterson, 53; Edna Thomson, 101 II Sr. class -Ethel Ford, 13; Maggie Laidlaw, 100. 1I Jr. olaa r -Evelyn Naylor, • 97; Nellie O'Callaghan, 101; Richard Thom- son, 101. Part II Sr olass-Willie Morrison -82 Part II Jr. class -Edith Ford. 16; Freddie Newman, 11; Joseph O'Oel- legban. 88 Part I Sr. clogs -Mabel Pardon, 13 Part I D. class -Gordon McGee, 41; John Ford, 7. Part I 0. class -Jean Eaglestone, 39; Annie Morrison, 30. Part I B clans -Cassie Pardon, 84. Part I A class -Nathaniel Thomson, 3 Aggregate -2413. Average 21. EDNA I. CtYLER, Teacher. Do Not Forget These Things. Da not forget that the Liberal Govern- ment is building through the west a powerful competing railway. The Na. tional Transcontinental which will force down railway rates, and establish com- petition. Do not forget that the Liberal policy opens up vast areas of Dew country, agricultural, eral and forest la nds. rl , min ' That it greatly increases the transport - PosT Orrice -Office hours from 8a m to 6:30,n m. Open to box holders from 7 a m. to 9 p m, P. Fisher, postmaster. PUnLIO LIna&n--Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5:80 o'olook, and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'olook. Miss Ethel Elliott, librarian. Town OovxoIL-W. Holmes, Mayor; Dr. A. J. Icwln, Reeve; David Bell, Thos. Gregory, D. E. McDonald W m . NicholSon,Goo. Spotton, Geo. 0. Hanna, Councillors; J. B. Ferguson, Clerk and I Wingham, Treasarer; Anson Dunnage, Assessor. Board meets first Monday evening in eaoh month at 8 o'clock. Sian SCHOOL BOARD.- John Wilson, (ohairman) Dr. J. P. Kennedy, Dr. P. Macdonald, Dr. R. 0. Redmond, J. A. Morton, 0. P. Smith, W. F. VanStone. Dudley Holmes, seoretary. A. Doswell, treasurer. Board meets second Monday evening in eaoh month. PUBLIC SOHOOL BOARD. - T. Hall, (chairman), B Jenkina,H. E. Isard,A.E. Lloyd,fi. Kerr, Wm. Moore,Alex. Ross, 0. N. Griffin. Secretary, John F. Groves; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday eveningtn each mouth. HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS -J. A. Tay- lor, B.A., principal; J. 0. Smith, B.A., classical master; J. G. Workman, B.A., mathematical master ; Mies Helena Dodson, B.A., teacher of English and Moderns. PDBLIO SCHOOL TEAOHRRS.-A.. H. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brook, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Wilson, Miss dummings, and Mise Fraser. BOARD 08' HEALTH --Thos. Bell, (chairman), Rorter, Thomas Greg- ory, John Wile , V.S., J. B. Ferguson, Seoretary; Dr.s J, R Macdonald, Medical Health OIioar. TP KENNEDY, M. D., 41.0.P. S. 0, • Member of the British Medical Associa- tion. Gold Medalist in Medicine. Special ren. OMoeeid to honrs it to 4 p. seases of 7 to Women p anphild, DR. MACDONALD, Centra Street kink cin e ITCHING ECZEMA Fct tie skin troubles of b ilheod Dr. Chase`s Olrtrnent acts as a tragi.. cure. It is wends:cul how promptly it allay: the talion and stops the suffering of tittle ones who are to:tared by terrible itching, s.ineine enema. Tviotaers sten find themselves helpless before this aaaoyieg ailment which torments so many young et, Aien, but we have yet to hear of a tngie case is which relief was not obtainedby use of A. Chase's A. W. Chase's THE LOVE CNG. (Punch l It is said that the men of to day are far lase passionate in their lovemaking than their ancestors. I love son -or at least I think That very posatbly I do; In common honesty I shrink From statements not pre0isely true, But still it's Safe to say I'm pretty fond of you, I cannot swear a mighty oath Towor hi blindly till die, In face Ishould td be rather loath To form so very rash a tie, 'Unless I knew a most substantial res• son why. I shall not, with a valiant air, Pour out my life -blood for your good. Nor even boaatfally declare That if I had the chance I wotild, 1�� Because, to tell the troth, I hardly !! think I should. I 'Fbh soothing, healing pteperalior. is alto "nnrivalicd as a cure for chafing and ell skin in:$inti nc. Mothers who once use it for this parpo.e da ►tint think of returning to pores cl , ,,:n,, unsanitary powders. 60 cents a box t ail dealers or Edmanson, hates er Co., Toronto. Mr:. Lois 1'deKay, Tiverton, Digby Co., °i. S. writes: C' My children Ivere taken with itching, Iiarti :g eererna and tore their flesh'until it was tore and bleeding. The doctor failed to help thenn to we nerd. Dr. Chace a Ointment. It did its work well and has entirely cured them. They tufetcd to they eould not sleep bights, and i was newly crazy from anxiety and loss of steer Ontario. DR. AGNEW, Physioian, Surgeon, .to. OtIloe-Macdonald Block, over W.MoKibbon's Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. DR. ROBT.0. REDMOND, M. R. O. S. (Eng) L. R. O. P. London. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. CONDITIONS OF THE CONTEST. 1. Each contestant, or his or her family, mast be a subscriber to this paper during the continuauee of the contest, in order to qualify for mem- bership in the International News- paper Bible Study Olub and this Local Club. 2. Each contestant in this , Local Club must answer each of the written questions, for 62 consecutive weeks, mmeAC for Sunda9 , July 26th and in co i3 sees- in the posses- sionanswers mast all be P sion of this paper within two weeks of the close of this period, wbich allows two weeks grace after the close of the contest. 3. Each gneation must be answered separately, and the payor written on one No knightly deeds have I to do, And no impesaaioned words to say; Still. I should like to marry you, If you will tell me that I mai. And also kindly name the most eon- venient day. I can't eaplaln the thing, you know (They used to tell us Love was blind.) Bat since it happens to he so. Forgive my weakness and be kind. Or. if you're not that way disposed - we IL isposed-well, never nand CANADA'S OLDEST NURSERIES Office, with Dr. Chisholm. Oli, that blessed. tired feeling Which about the first of May O'er the soul of man comes stealing Like a burglar In a play, Making flim o fine and lazy, Iiin almost .1.0 pure delight, Calling up a vision limy Of a lake 'where fishes bite, 'Winter with its weathev racing Gave him energy and But spring has no trouble chasing All tltoso notions out of him. 'When the birds begin to twitter. '.Ghon in chaste and classic sianB IIe desires to be a quitter And to lot the work go hang. He has tugged away like fury, Buckled to. 1t every day. Nury 'II ould prescribe he thinks ea spell of pjudge and laY, Would encourage him in slipping groin the busy haunts of men .And across the fields go tripping. Feeling almost young again, Trading �espringy e off tP offeeling Finding thannature's edverhealing in truth,. Giving him au added vigor, KeLike`ed tl the delicate right, do icatehone, hair trigger On a forty dollar gun. Quick Lunch City. 'Where a few months ago the weary prospector told his troubles to the sad eythe town else to coyote est' because s there .h of Rawhide Nev., now rears aloft its tented head, with 10,000 inhabitants -boomers' count -daily papers and municipal probleme. Building towns in Nevada is one of the simplest things in the world. Somb one goes out into the desert to a place wlicre there has been no town before, digs it hole in the ground a few feet deep, looks down into it earnestly for; a few moments and then shouts, "I see gold!" Tile entire floating population of Ne- vada gets the message by wireless that I veiling, and by the next morning it has its residence packed ou a mule or in. an automobile, according to its station In life, and is away to the new town to become the oldest inhabitant. April. The pearly tears of April Are failing one by one. They call the hidden flowerets To come out to the sun. They wake the buds, brown coated. That And bidslumbered mthedonttheirgh the old leaflets And in the air unfold. They trickle down the tree trunks, And brilliant grows the moss. They llows To flaunt their silken .floss. Now, everything considered, Don't you agree, dear Bob, The pearly tears of April Have quite a Busy job? ti ' VANSTONS, R BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, RTC Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rats of interest. Mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold. Office, Beaver Blook. Wingham INTENDING PLANTERS of Nur- sery Stock and Seed Potatoes should either write directed to us, ow see our nearest ageut,before planing their orders. We guarantee satisfaction; prices right; fifty years experience; extra heavy stook of the best apples. 25 Cents AGENTS WANTED. J A. MORTON, • BARRISTER, &o. Wingham, Ont. %L. DICKINSON Whole or part time; salary or liberal commission; outfit free; send for terms. TRII1 THOS. BOW3IALN & SON, CO., Ltd. RIDGEVILLE, ONTARIO, DIIDLAY HOMES DICKINSON & HOMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Rte. STONEY To LOAN. 081110n: Meyer Block, Wingham. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Lloentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Ofiee in Macdonald Block, Wingham. TAT• J. PRIOR, B. S. A., L. D. S., D. D. S. Licentiate of the Royni College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Office : Beaver Block. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. ALEX, KELLY; Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Huron. ,ales of all kinds conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at the TIMES offioe will receive prompt attention. A NY even numbered section of Dominion Xi. Lands is Manitoba. Saskatchewan and ,,, may , not reserved,y 8 and _, Alberta excepting Albs be hmnasteadud by any person who is thsole Ikea,' of a faa,ily, or any male over 13 years of age, to the extent of une•quarter section of 110 acres more or less Application for entry must be made in per- son by the applicant at a Dominion Lands Agency or Subagency for the district in which the land is situate. Entry by proxy may, how - over, be made at au Agency on certain condi- tions by his father, mother, son, daughter, bristlier Meter ther or of an int:mding homesteader. The homesteader is required to perforin the homestead duties nailer one of tate following plans: (1) At least six months' r,asidene) upon and oultivatioa of the land in each year for three years. (2) A homesteader may, if he so desires, perform tee requiredr, sirleuceduties byliving onwee ri ectal by hien not less than ei land 0 Y eighty (5U) acres i 1 extent, in the vicinity will not homestead. requirement. rship in land (3) 1f the father tor mother, if the father is deeeas.. d) of the homesteader has permanent residence on farming lanl owned solely by him not leas than ,eighty i MJ t acres in extent in the vicinity of the h i nestead, or upon a homestead entered for by him in the vicinity, such honestealler may perform hie own resi- dence duties by living with. the fathur (or - mother. ) (4) The terra "vicinity" in the two preeed- ing paragraelts is defined as meaning not more the width of roadallowanee line, exclusive lneasureraent. 151 A homesteader intehding to perforin his residence dnties in aceordenee with tie above while living with parents or oa farming land ewnel by himself must notify the Agent for the district of seek intention. feix months' notice in writing nrust'bo given to the Commissioner of Dominion Lane at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent, W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. 11.I3.-b'neuthoflzed. publieatlon of this ad- vertidelnent will not bo paid for. pay for the TIMES to any address in Canada from now until January lst,1909. Wingham General Hospital (Under Government inspeotion) Pleasantly situated. Beautiful fur- nished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians, RATES Fon PATIENTS- (wbich include board and nursing), $3.50 to $15.00 per week aocording to location of room, For further information, address Miss J. E WELSH, Superintendent, Box 223, Wingham Ont. M; y • Beat Him to if' "When' doubt, say notit- jai;" "But ev lien not in doubt?" • "Don't give the other fellow a chance." - ”)', More Responsibilities. "DO you think a man should. kiss 1118 wife as often as he did his sweet- heart?" weetheart?" "No, Indeed. After a man is married: to a woman he should devote a part ofll his time to making a living for her.". RAILWAY TIME TABLES.'"" GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. TRAINS L1Ava TOR London 6.40 a.m-.- 3.30p.m. Toronto 3East]1.03n.m8.49n m.-- 2.4Op .m. Kincardine -11.57 a.m... 2.08 p•m.... 9.16p.ui, AnureB ramie Kincardine ....6.40a.m_11.O0a.m-.- 2.40 p.m. London 11,54 a.m-- 7.85 p.m. Palmerston 10.30 a.m. .. Toronto & East 2.08 p.m.. - 9.15 p.m. L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham. • CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. TRAINS Leave SOR Toronto and East........ 6 65 a.m.,.. 8.89 p.m. Teeswater,. .... 1.10 p.m .--10.08 p.m. �A.utIVE FROM Teeswater... ....... 6.5.5 a.m..-.. 8.39 p.m. Toronto H. BEi11M Ili, Agent,Wingham. p.m. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE He Had Friends. > "You have a terrible cold." eyes!, "Taking anything for it?'' "Only advice." PERT PARAGRAPHS, A stupid woman to be charming must either lie very pretty or very, clever. There is only One reason why the women are more talkative than the men, and that is because the women won't give the men a chance to prac- tice up. There is only one thing the matter with the ,1030 of a generation ago, and that le that they are gone, Every fad Viet gets a good start is less •- as effective in keeping g the rest from Mischief as vaccine is in protect- ing rotecting from varioloid.` - Nobody likes to bo beaten at his owls game, nor yet at the other fellow's. ilfteaar tHAPPY Tinton MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a eketeb And description may tiii:eltiy ascertain r,ur opinion pee w totter an Invention is probably patette a ommnntea. none strictly conadentinl. IIAtt08O0 onPittent8 sontirnee.Oldosta eneytoraeeunng stents._ P falest(Ce)`w(thout Charge, la them reQO(ra �$cknli i n¢ricat A handsomely tlustrated weekly. i. Largest elr. Can�da i7 ani 7iiiirspoatOMse igepla4,1eHoldby all newsdealer& MUN Co Seirtres i• New Y90 . d, ii u, 0 cc G if et., w•wihlagton4 . . I "0 uekislXkik - i , i iii,. ^..1,... --1.. T 11 o person who does some- body good doesn't always do it by defog gooa to some- body. TL'you want to have a little fun telt an ilupossi• I ble story, anti; gomo 0110 will at Once set to work to prove it, Do all the good you can and can no good you do, There is nothing in ninatne unless it N it bank account. As between the uncOtlilriled rumor and the confirmed liar the confess VA