HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-07-09, Page 7hf1 THE WINCiHA1vI TIMES. VOL XXX.VII. —NO. 1901. WINGHAM, ONTARIQ, THURSDAY. JULY , 16, 1908. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Brownie Cameras $2.00 to $9 00. KODAKS 85.00 to 835,00. A1,YECLY CAN KODAK Full line of Films and Camera Supplies cn hand. ' Keep a record of your summer pleasures. Our dark room is at our cus- tomers' disposal. eiMMIN Waltonikon THE DRUGGIST Macdonald Block, Wingham. drook•keepers 600 Stenographers and Telegraphers trained by our man- �"r" agement last year. Experience counts. Graduates most successful, Special Course for Teachers. Mail Courses. Send postal for particulars. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. Wingham Business College GEO. SPOTTON, PnrxcireL. Properties for Sale FRAME COTTAGE—Minnie St. FRAME COTTAGE—Patrick St. FRAME COTTAGE—North St. FRAME COTTAGE --Frances St. FRAME 1?! STORY—Victoria St. FRAME 1i2 STORY—Edward St. FRAME 13STORY—Scott St. FRAME 2 STORY— Minnie St. FRAME lie STORY—Frances. BRICK 1i2 STORY—Victoria St. BRICK 1 STORY*—John St. BRICK 2 STORY (new)—Victoria BRICK 1 STORY (new) —Josephine BRICK 2 STORY (new)—Catharine Properties in Pleasant Valley, Lower Town, Town Blot, Greenville, Chisholmtown and in the central parts of the town. Call and see ns. We can snit you. Don't all speak at once. Choice farms at right prices and on easy terms. Insurance—all kinds. Farm Loans—low rates, Ritchie 86 Cosens REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE. Griffin-Vanstone Block, WINGHAM. Phone 123 • Wear Oreer's Show and Rubbery Wingham'sCivic Holiday. Thursday, July 30th, will be Wing• ham's civic holid y and on that date the annual Sand school exoursion will be run to Kiaoar ine. This is one of popular outings f the year for the people of Wingh m. Bills have been issued giving the nil particulars of the excursion. Special prices on all kinds of furniture at WALKER'S Furniture Store, The Jolly The cantata, Party" will be gig this (Thursday) direction of Mise of children and part. A. drill, " Revel" will ale° of young ladies. 15o. and 25o. Walley's drug et, icnic Party. "The Jolly Picnic en in the opera house evening, under the oughton. A number uug people will take he Mountain Maid's e given by a number The admission is only ith plan of hall at re. Highest price paid for hides and poul- try at T. Fells' bntoher shop. Drowned in Br Mrs., Robt. Irvin, r eoeived word on T her son-in-law, M been drowned at B. C., on Monday of sending the mes been recovered, b the acoident are a will be remembere readers as he was fo a resident of this position of engines ture faotory for so There's No Doubi Aboul 11 livery ounce produCes the desired effect. There's satisfaction in every sup. The flavor, the strength, everything that The Tea Lover Likes has been provided for in the blending. Just Try Them, WHAT ABOUT FRUIT? All hinds of Glassware, Chinaware, Crock- ery, &e. at big reductions. Bring your predate here. JHenry Christie ish Columbia. f Lower Wingham eeday morning that John Walsh had New Westminster, tening. At the time age the body had not t no partioulars of hand. Mr. Walsh by many of our a number of years town and held the at the Union furni- e years. BRING, along your shoes! We do repairing and WE DO IT RIGIiT. Lowest prices. W, J. GREER. Prizes for Some interesting the Wingham Bov,11 two weeks. The 0: prizes for rink oom be four prizes of rink winning the and four prizes to Consolation eerie every rink will Anyone wishing of the Bowling 01 bis name not la that the draw c week, Bowlers. sport is promised reduring the next ere purpose giving tition. There will qual value for the Association contest, the winners of the This means that have two chances. o become a member ib will kindly hand in er than this week, so n be made early next Wingha The Direoters of tural Soolety are for the Wingham f September 24th list is being revie for distribution in particulars regard given in future iss Fall Fair.. Tarnberry Agrioal- ow busy arranging II fair to be held on d 25th. 'The prize d and will be ready he near future. Full ng the fair will be es. ' STEEL WIRE H and cheapest, On DINNER SETS FREE at Isard's. Read how to get them in their adv. on page 5. Knox's aro going out of wall paper. 10,000 rolls to be sold at cost. Now for bargains. • Division His Honor Jud Court in Wingh when a number o of. Judgment wa of Pocock vs. Co Davidson. Lister an action -to re separator. Judg $26. Agnew vs. to recover amore ment for plainti Hamilton vs. Kr amount of ace plaintiff for $8.5 adjourned until t ourt Cases. e Holt held Division on Thursday last, cases were disposed reserved on the case or, a guaranshee on Co, vs. McDonald— ver price of cream ent for plaintiff for A. Wilson—an action t of account. Judge - for $71 and cots. se—action to recover nb. Judgment for . Other cases were e next court. DIDlooxs are the best $3 50 at S. GRAOEY'S. Excellen Mins Hutton, Co. ; Miss Shiell Mies Burgess, Miss Wilson, A are a few of the Wingham Busi The W. B. 0. is the graduation et placed. Positions. ith the Ford Motor Toronto Yiavi Co.; °belt Union Co. and R. Bickerstaff & Co., positions filled by the es College last week. good school to attend dents are immediately $10,500.--F $2000 cash, bale for quick sale, o 200 acre farm. e at 4%. A bargain RITCITIE & COSENS. Dead Some one wit statistics has b Waikerton's ce that there are fiv buried there tha town. His figur passed away in t past twenty-five comprise a town $18.55 to Q ebec and Return. ceed Liying. a thirst for gruesome' en counting heads in etery. Ha figures out hundred more people there are living in the, show that there have at section daring the cars enough people to 3,500 inhabitants. Great stock of sideboards and buffets at cut rate prices at WALKER'S Furni- ture Store. Track Re rd Broken. Darkey Hal, the fast horse belonging to J. E. Sweets, o his town, broke the Michigan record fo a half -mile track at Port Huron on Fri y, going the second heat in the free-fo all pace in 2.07ee. Tho record was h d by Darkey Hal himself, being mad in that oity last year. Kingsmore, arkey Hal's only competitor in this ra , made the mile in 2.031., a mark the mild have brok- en the reoord but for Hal's phenomenal performance. Via the Grand runk Railway : ouble traok lino, swoon t of the Ter. - . tenary celebration. The many spec' >1 features in connection wi, • this -rent event, including the vies • of . R. H, the Prince of Wales, a d-tl : British, Ameri- can and French 'l e. s, together with the many thousan, soldiers encamped in the quaint, his orio old city, will make this one of ti a greatest military and naval pageant seen in modern years, Tiokets good going July 18th, to 25th. Return limit August 3rd, 1908 Proportionate rates from all points in Ontario. Tiokets nd full information from any Grand i unk agent. Officer At the regula Lodge, I. 0. 0. following offiber triot Deputy Gr of Brussels: -•-N V. G., Norman Groves; Fin. - Id. B. Elliott; shank; Con., G., J. T. Le: R. S. N. G., S. A. Magair Gillivral; L. R, S. S., W. Hanna; Ohal OonolusioiT 0 repaired to retrekhment Every pair of Ladies', G s', Misses' and Children's Sp in nd Summer Shoos must go. C ing sale starts Saturday, July 18th. W. J. GREER. Instal led. meeting of Maitland +'. last Thursday, the were installed by Dia- d Master McOraOken, ble Grand, Jos. Guest; +ry; Rec.-Seo., John l'. o„ T. J. Elliott; Treas., Warden, R, A, Orniok- . Walton Mckibbon; 0, nos; I. G., J. W. Dodd; ohn Lamont; L. S. N. G. ; 11. S. V. G., Jas. Mo - S. V. G., 1CI. alinsoliffo; Britton; L. 5, S., G. 0. J. W. Haines, At the the lodge the members core's reetttarant, where Were served. C. P. R. North est Excursions HIGH SCHOOL ROMQTION EXAMIN IONS. Maelts not report fails,' 'Candidates n of merit. FORM 1.—Florence Mae Ballagh (hono Edna Biebl, Minnie Brydges, Edith Boob Laura Currie (honor - Russel Flxter, Fran Haines, Roland Hende Bertha Jone)), John Hector Mutton, Flo Allan Pugh, Gordon Ritohie, Milton Ro Shaw, Elsie Shiell, Gertie Stewart (hone (honors), Howard Thompson, Ethel Tip vit, Roy Turvay Wallace (honors), Mil Wilson, Gordon Youn. FORDS 11.—Jean Bro Irene Clegg (honors (honors), Harry Dore, Lizzie Ferguson, Ten Hazel Jackson, Gretta Knox, Rose Maxwell, Mabel MacDonald (h Orr, Edgar Patterson, Stackhouse (honors), Freda Vanstone, Mae ors), Flo Imlay. unless candidate arranged in order itohe_on (honors), ), Clara Beemer, Bosrpan, William nun, Bert Currie, , Edna Dioheon, Gillespie, Ada on, Lizzte Johns, tehell (honors), Price (honors), Riaiopi, Mary house, Luella Emma Stewart, ), Mary Stewart ewart, Norman ng, George Ter. •onort) Andrew .n White, Helen The next Ho.. •seekers' excnrsidn leaves on Tuesday, July 21st by special train leaving Toro to at 2 p. m., carry- ing through ooloni t and tourist cars To catch the speci 1 intending passeng- ers should take • •ruing trains to To- ronto. C. P. R. cursions are run by the new Muskoka route, making a con- siderable saving i time, and the advant- age of travelling ,y a through car line, without trouble of transfers and pos- sible delays, is o. vions, The local O.P. R. agent will be glad to furnish free booklet giving ra es and full particulars. Reports from th + West indipate early crops'thieyear, nd within the next two or three wees announcement will likely be made of the low rate Farm Laborers' Exoursi ns, The Ne Work was com the new 'bridge a Josephine street. bridge and will be is completed. A ri secueed over the Messrs. A. Homu property. This arr it very convenient others coming to time this bridge has been found t built last year, son low, the ice and against it at the ti Work was comm raising the bridge a ments will be built concrete floor will bridge. Bridges. enoed last week on the north" end of his will be a large ome time before it ht -of -way has been fields in front of and S. Mitchell's ngement will make or the farmers and ingbam during the 11 be building. It at the new bridge of Wingham is too driftwood working e of the spring flood. need last week in d the concrete abut - two feet higher. A also be put on this k, Fred Corley, , Ruby Clegg, Stanley Elliott, peon Glenville, ennedy, Lizzie eorge Moffatt, nors), Simpson rnie Shaw, Roy homes Taylor. "illiamson (hon. On Saturday, July 18th we start a clearing sale of Sp ing nd 'Summer Shoes. Every pair go W. J. GREER. Sunday Scho• Lessons. The first Of the seri s of questions on the Internatioual Sun ay School Lesson by Rev. Dr. Linscot• is given on page two of this paper. he conditions and list of prizes for the Bible Study Club will, also be found • n page two. We would like to see + number of our readers join this ole• and in order that the residents of this di Wet may have a chance of getting the 11 course of les- sons, we will send the TIMES to new snbsoribers to Januar' 1st, 1909 for 25 Dente. Subscribe early and get all the lessons. A new story ' i11 be started in the TIDIES in a few we Its which will be alone worth more t an the prioe of subscription. Wingham Five rinks of law water oame over noon and were met by a like number Wingham club, Af games were played, result:— AraER Wingham A. Porter, ek.,.,,25 D, Holmes, sk...21 D,T,Hopburn,sk.21 G. Manners, sir..18 A.M.Crawford,ak13 owlers Win. bowlers from Tees - last Friday after- on the local Green f rinks from the ernoon and evening ith the following S - es Just what is wanted this hot weather; these in 5, 6, 8 and 10 ft. wi and pulleys, all ready t them, at S. GRACEY.S, CON, Teeswater Habkirk, ek 12 +'arquharson,ek10 hapman, sk 12 rink, sk 10 rill, sk 21 65 EVENT 0. Itnechtol, ek..18 W. Holmes, sk,..12 P. Deans, sk '7 D, Holmes, sk13 A, Porter, ek13 G3 for verandahs, amboo shades the, with cord hang up. See nrniture Store. Bali Game and G Thore was not a ver at the friendly baseba the park last Friday Te eswater and Win water boys are goo not able to hold leaders in the Lak Wingham battery playing. The Boor 123 Teeswater 1 2 0 Wingham 0 0 2 The garden part under the auspices was largely attends ant evening was s Band furnished an e mesio, and a good ments were served. prize was won by M the rocking chair b the Bluevale road. G. hapman, sk... 9 abkirk, alt....13 rill, ek 14 rink, sk 14 arquharson,sk12 62 den Party. large attendance 1 game played on ternoon between ham. The Tees - players, but were heir own with the side League. The one some excellent by innings: — 56789 000000-3 0 0 3 0 x held in the evening f the baseball club , and a very pleas- ent. The Citizens' cellent program of supply of refresh - The work basket s Viola Isard and Mr. Geo. Elliott, of Business Cha Mr. Henry T Zetland has pure business at Beim and took possess one of the best in tbis district. telephone cfiioe old stand. Th district will fin good citizens a wish them ever ge at Beimore. Thomson, late of Bed the general store re from Mr. Mallouph D last week. This is neral store properties The poet office and ill be retained in the people of Beimore and Mr. and Mrs. Thomson the TIDIES oan heartily success. WANTED.—A m hospital, Apply t superintendent. O r Wingbam Ss. J. E. WELSH, Serious!l Mr. Charles Barb oident on Wednes will lay him aside time, and which salted more seri Mr, Barber and hi a cement silo for of Morris township ing the rings prepa the last tier, when cement work colla fell about thirty sustaining severe t and breast. He his home in tow tended to. Hi serious injury is. Injured. r met with an ao ,y forenoon, which rom work for some ight easily have re - sly, if not fatally. men were building Mr. Henry Mathers, and they were lift. atory to putting on rom some cause the sed, and Mr. Barber feet to .the ground, Uses about the head s at once brought to and his injuries at - escape from more lmost miraculous. Guaranteed Patent Oxfords for ladies as low as 52.25 per pair. Read ad on page five. WILL'S & Co., phone 129. The Domi The Dominion their statement for ing June 30, and i ing. Taking off t tions, the earnirg amount to $323,38 now amounts to paid up capital is bank holds praoti $10,000,000, of specie and Geyer valuable feature 1 posits, viz, $700,0 of the year. De tercet now amo savings deposits We have for sale the celebrated Lehigh Valley loaf and best brands Portland Cement Doer & STEWART, Blnevale, Orangeme The members Blue. Young Bri with a number o places, attended Paul's Charch,la preacher for the 13oyle, rector of ham, and forme sides tho memb turned out in lar a very largo c hear the former Rev. Mr. Boyl praotioal addres thereof the wor clause of the th' of Jude. Upon the members e tion of the e hearty vote of th expreasion of gr ed the choir for and the church Attend Service. the Wingham True on and Orange Lodges, visitors from adjacent divine service at St. t Sunday evening. The warden was Rev. T. S. Christ Chureh, Chat. ly of Wingham. Ba- rs of the Order, who 0 numbers, there was gregation present to rector of St. Paul's, gave a forceful and , taking as the basis s found in the latter d verse of the Epistle returning to the hall reseed their approoita ellent discourse in a nks to the rector. An Rude was also tender - he appropriate mnsio rdens of St. Para's. tonBank. nk have published the six months end - makes a good show- s customary deduc• for the above period The reserve fund $4,973,333, while the now $3,075,756. The ally eV cash reserve of hioh $5,000,000 is in ment notes. Another i the increase of de- , since the beginning wits not bearing in- nt to $4,303,945, while re $30,606,000. ORANGEMEN ELEBRATE. At Ripley, on men of West Br contingent from braced the 218th Battle of the Boyn was highly befitti creditable to the details of the arr The Grand Trunk about two hand Wingham, and a Whitechuroh and rounding country tribnted its qu gathering, and th thousand vteieor on Monday. Wingham You 11, headed .by th baud, and the Ora the citizens' ban creditable appear from their hall t 9.30 o'olook to tak Arriving there, Kinoardine brass the celebration 00 well after the comf of their guests. Shortly before tw assembled in the from whence the among the lodges in ham Lady True Blu and L. 0, L. No, 79 Bervie, Amberley, L Maple Grove, Kinlon Music was supplied Luoknow and Wingh Wingham fife and d number of others. A lengthy march, the gat in McIver's grove. Co Miller was chairman, a welcome was delivered M °oney, editor of the The speakers of the aft Hugh Clark, M. P. P , Rev. T. S. Boyle, of C. E. Perry, Past Sovereign Grand L America, the residen othere. • The addresse order and were listene attention by the large g In the competitions L was successful in the largest number o dressed lodge and the 1 greatest distance. In competition, the Win Band captured first pri now second. The celebration was one, and the untiring charge were amply doubt if Ripley ever h crowd within her limit NOTES nday, the Orange- oe, with a strong orth Huron, cele• anuiveraary of the , in a manner which g the occasion, and mmittee having the ngements in charge, special trap took up ed passengers from large number from Lucknow. The aur - for many miles Ion- a to the extensive re were probably three in the "little town" g Briton Lodge, No. local fife and drum ge Lodge, headed by presented a very ce as they marched the station about the train for Ripley hey were met by the nd and members of mittee who looked rt and convenience Victoria Shoes for ladie generally acknowledged to b: the • •st Canadian made shoe for 1, die:. WILLIs & Co. are sole agents el "Ingham. Read their ad. re guaranteed patents on page five. Wedlock's On Wednesday the residence of Baer, Alfred at solemnized the daughter, Miss Lewis E. Tomi prosperous iner The decorations white and gree with a profneio pla�ss and ferns. tastefully arran pink and white. performed by th pastor of the Bap standing under an draped in white a was given away by tor. Ovens, Oculist, London, ..4n.sgeon MoKibbon'e drng store, Mexide.y, July will be "at limn August 7th. The Thane jails with Eye, Ear, Nolte and Threat will be at 27th. Hotire : 12 A.M. hi 8 p,itt. GlasSed many friends in hearty congratulatiOns to the neWly-wedded cOuple. properly fitted. 'fe Contract. at 12.30 o'clock, at r. and Mrs. Edward eet, Wingham, was marriage of their eatrice Mae, to Mr. neon, a popular and hant, of Woodstock. onsisted of drapings of artistically arranged, of marguerites, house The bridal table WM ed under a drapery of The ceremony was Rev. H. Edgar Allen, st Church, the couple arohway handsomely d green. The bride er father, the wed- ndered by Mr. Cory s attired in cream and was attended Gertie Baer, who mmed with lace m was assieted be en Tomlinson, of eddy" Musgrove of usher. During egieter, Mr. Cory priate solo, Miss o'clock the lodges grioultural park, roceseion started, lino being Wing - Young Britons Ripley, Bethel, oknow, Culross, h and Tiverton. by Kincardine, m brass bands, m band and a ter a not too ring assembled my Master E d an address of y Mr. Geo. H. ipley Express noon were Mr, of Kincardine; hatham; Rev. aplain of the dge of British clergymen and were of a high o with marked thering. irgham L. 0. nding first for members, best go coming the e brass band ham Citizens' e, with Luck. Henry Irwin, Westgate, A Gray, and Bro. Bluevale Lod el, the mule fe by Mr. W. Fryf and Mr, John T don, Tt a quell not equ lied, it large number of ellingtoa; Bar. H, U. od; Bro. Allen, South rawford, Walkerton, celebrated at Listow' them being aupp'ied te, fifer of Wingham, lor, r+rnrnmer of Lone y of their masio was is said, by any of the competitors CHURL H NOTES. Rev. A. C. Wi sets, will preach i next Sunday. A page out o Dutoh Annie, a N. Y. State, Rill W. G Howson, to of next Sunday mor dist ohuroh. Sub je for his lost child." brief sermonette on, we live." Servide o less. Oome and enjo diction. most successful e orts of those in rewarded. We a more orderly The decorations wer Ripley Orangemen The smart appearan freely commented upo The Lady True B were given the place The fears for the su celebration in a local now be dispelled. Arches, banners mottoes, flags, bun a gay appearance. The local G. T. tickets sold for Ri and 78 for Listow Wingham Yo "walls -'over" in t largest lodge in th elaborate. are royal enter - art, B. A., of Brun - St. Andrew's Church the life history of otorioue woman of e used by the Rev. lustrate his euljeot ing, :n the Metho- t: "God's search u the eve:,ing, a Things by which er in an hour or a twili,;ht bane e of No. 794 was GO of Wingham The boys and girls Church next Sunday the pastor will give black board talks as p service. Evening s bright, helpful and ev body come. of honor in the cess of an Orange option town may with appropriate ng, eto., presented R. agent reports 191 ley, 100 for Goderich ng Britons had a e competition for the ir class. About five tho excursionists fro Bruce wrestles th the Battle of the B re invited to at - at the Baptist morning, when e of his popular rt of the regular vice at 7 p. nge,istio. Every - 100 mattresses to sell at reduced prices tor next 30 days Ett WALKER'S Furniture Store. and Orangeraen and Huron, Perth and onged Goderich on the anniversary of yne. The town was g at the piano. elaborately decora ed for 'the 00Cagiell pony enjoyed ' an with arches across he streets. Speech - The table deoora- es were given by Re, a W. Lowe, Loudon ; arnations, and the t young lady friends oodstock, Brantford he large number of e presents evidenced in which the bride is 's gift to the bride he bridesmaid a pearl oomsman a stick pin, Baer a gold -tipped gifts inolnded a silver inet from the brothers bride, and a handsome membere Ot the Wing- ing Peeple'e Union. resent from 13uffalo, don, Stratford, Brant- oderich and Thames - Ere. Tomlinson left on T. R. train for a sheet southern points and Direct To Q The Canadian Pa through line with a City, affording pas freedom from tra For the Great Terce a single fare rate round trip tickets go 25 inclusive. Call office or station for Rev. W. H. Grab Mr. Durant, Lona which the town wa visitors. ra, Ohathem; Rev. n, and others, after turned over to the bec City. ;fie is the sfe and delays. •tenary Celebration d going July 18 to t 0. P. R. ticket The Dand Inlriew of the fa in Wingham are o limns, the following is of interest : "Th the dandelion corm better," says the done it. I have a up my lawn eith.er. dandelions out. I f ully every spring watch for their the summer, thus avo Every spring nett grass seed on my lawn it with seed that is 1 of frequent cutting. when I am digging d pooket full of seed pinch of seed in each New grass grows up hole and chokes the da lion Pest. that many lawne mu with dande. am the Denver Poet re are those who say t be killed. I know riter, "for I have lawn 200x150 feet , and I didn't rip How do I keep the g them out care - and keep a close peare.nce during ding the seeding. plenty of blue and thus supply st to it by reason ot only that, but ndy and drop a ole I make when from the sod. uickly, fills the A new electric rail ay between Ot- tawa and Brookville is rojeoted. Mrs. Henry Harp r, near Mount Forest, was beaten on he head with a club by a tramp who e she surprised in her barn. The tram ran away, tut w. followed by the ired man, who in The glorious t fth was celebrated at Listowel M nday in a style that will not be forgott n for many years to cpme. There wa a crowd of fully ten thousand people present. All trains Were packed, and s the day proved an ideal one for the oc salon it was enjoyed to the full extent by young and old. The MothOdist, glish and Presby - talon churshes pr viaed meals for oaaer three thousand an all were well satis- fied with the spl ralid and generous servicas meted out them. The grata was conduoted ha fi st-olaes order, The aadreeees at the als. were given by County Master eph Walker, Bro. Col. Scott, Walkerton; G. H. Dickson, Moorefield; Rev. (1 H. Tauckland, IThe Leading Shoe Store Clearin Sale 1 SPRING AND SUMMER SHOES MIST GO, ON SATURDAY9 JULY Eh, We comtnenc, a Grand Clearing Sale of Spting and Summer Shoes. Good time now to buy. Lots of Summer weather ahead. Good Shoes at little prices. Remmber, the 'date, Shop early.