HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-07-09, Page 6a
otldax gas the warmest day thus
Tie Oda sessm,
Regn;ar meeting of Public School
wird next Tuesday evening.
Judge Holt will hal Division Court
Wingbaui to -day (Thurgdnv).
-The population of Goderieh is i 38'3,
itat inoreale of 124 over last year.
Mre. Eve. B. Bart is visiting with
sealiativea and ft:ewes in Toronto.
---Rig I 0 0 F. Pxeurainn to Sarnia
quad Detroit, on Seturday, August 8th.
-- M. an•i Mre ritual Lavery, nt
llarriuton celebrated their golden wed -
:ding last week.
—Regular meeting of Court Maitland,
'Canadian Fr.re;lters will be held on
Friday evening,
Mr and VII Theo, Gregory returned
'sou on Monday after spending a few
"Weeks in Winnipeg,
—Miss I G. Sheriff bee been re.
swaged as teacher in the Gorrie school
►t an increased salary.
—Mr. W Elston of the end line of
Morris had a very successful barn -
raising on Monday afternoon -
-Mr. J. H. Chisholm, formerly of
'$tlirta'hatn has purchased a real estate
and insurance business in Toronto.
—O7nrrie Wilson, son of John Wilson.
V. S , fell from A building on Friday
last and oae of his arms was broken.
—The Caitlin. local option by-law has
been quashed, but Provincial Secretary
Hanna says no licenses will be issued in
'that town.
—Seveutyone dead and 2 624 injured
acre the figures in the Chicago Tribune's
4th of July casualty list. The fire loss
was $525,935.
-••A eleariue Bale of all SUMMIT goods
is being held at Geo E King's store
Read the new advt. on page eight for
prices and other particulars.
—Controller Hnekren, of Toronto.
'will be the speaker at the temperance
sheeting to be held in th own Hal',
on Sunday evening, July eth.
—some people look pon tea ae a
entre drink. It al pends aeon the
tea. "Salads" Te 's a delicious and
refreshing beverage. Sold only in seal-
ed lead packets.
—At the Stretford races on Dominion
Day, Derhy Hal, owned by J. E
Sw-arts, won first in the free -for all and
Bourbon B , owned by Robt. B:attie,
won second in the 2 20 paoe.
—The officers of Maitland Lodge.
1 0 0. F. will be installed by W. H.
McCracken, D. D. G. M., of Brussels at
the regular meeting this (Thursday)
'evening. All members are requested to
be present.
--Miss Kate Hez'ewood of Wroxeter.
pupil of Miss Sparling, A. T. C. M , is
amain to he ern:gratulated, having, pees
ed. with First -Class Honors. the Primary
Theory examination at the Toronto Con-
servatory of Musio.
—Mr I Moore of this town has re-
meived the appointment of section fore-
man at Priceville on the new branch ,of
the C. P. R , running from Saageen
3nnntiau Mr. Moore's friends will be
pleased to hear of him seonring a good
—A rink of Wingham bowlers, com-
posed of Mayor Holmes, Dudley Hol-
mes, D. T. Hepburn and Geo. U. Man-
ilers attended the bowling tournment at
Seaforth Iast week. They won a num-
ber of games but were not able to land
a prize, being within one hot in one of
the contests.
—New granolithio sidewalks are
being laid at St, Andrew's Presbyterian
Church grounds. Two walks will lead
from Josephine street and one from
Centre street. These walks will make
a great improvement in the ohurch
property. Mr. Wm. Fryfogle is doing
the work.
graduate of the Wingbam Bueitlesa
Ooltege has gone to Toronto to take a
good position with the Gurney Foundry
Mies L Duliiiage, assistant Superin•
tendent of Victoria hospital, London
was viaiti.tg for a few (leas tt ilia Mies
Welsh, Superietendeut of Winghain
Wire. L. Merlyn end daughter, and
Mae Taylor Reid, of Toronto, were
guests at Ur. F, Buobanan's for a few
Moo or the past week. Mrs. Martyrs is
a sister to Mr. Bechenan.
Mies Millie Harris woe ablo is return
to her home in W; patter, after being in
rhe Wiughatn Hospital for several
weeks. Mise Harris has a large number
of ;riende who wish her a speedy re-
5:1r John ()roves of Culross has re-
turned born from Glides, Sob's , where
he has spent the past few weeks, Mr.
Crowe hes purchased land in the West
end reports prospects very bright for a
heavy crop. He will move bis family
West next month.
Mrs P. Perterfxe]d and daughter.
Mies Mary Porterfield, of Marnoob, and
Miss M Code, of Blyth, left on Tuesday
morning to spend a few weeks with
friends at Brandon and Calgary. They
were joined at Toronto by Miss Mo-
Night, of St. Mary's.
lYfre. Hope, of Toronto is visiting with
Mrs. Abner Cosens.
Miss D. Golley, of Toronto, is visiting
Sir. and Mrs. H. Kerr.
Dr. D. M Gordon, of Lucknow was a
visitor ire Wingham on Tuesday.
Miss Frances Davis visited for a few
-days last week with friends at Exeter.
Mr. T. A. Mille is away on a two
'Weeks' visit to Winnipeg and the West.
Arlie and Cecil Bisbee, of London,
are visiting their grandmother, Mrs.
Mrs. H. H. Wightman, and child, of
'Winnipeg aro visiting with old friends
in Wing/nem.
Mr. It K. Muff, and Miss Mayford
Sides?, of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs,
A. J. Alderson.
Mrs. Voolrroth, of Seattle, Wash., is
visiting rolatives and friends in Wing -
ham and vicinity.
Mrs (Dr.) Todd of College et., To-
ronto, spent a few days with her cousin,
Mr.1?. G. Spatling.
Misses Gretta and Irima, Kennedy are
vititing with their nnale, Dr. S. M.
Kennedy, at London.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams, of Wel.
lace Tp. Sero visiting for a few days with
Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Adams.
Mrs. (Dr.) Kennedy and children leave
this week to spend a few weeks at their
auminer cottage in Kincardine.
Mr. CaTeck and Mise Chisholm, of
Regina have been visiting fora few
days with Mrs. J. le. Fergaeen.
Mr. and Lfrs. Wesley Wallter and two
Mons of •iiinton were visiting for a few
days with Wingh! m relatives and
, Mr. Jas. Davideon, of Toronto, a for-
mr.r. tve9A riotvn resie,ent of Wingham,
and x fo nc,cr Chief of Pollee here, vias
balling on old friends hi town. on Mon-
Mrs S,isi e i r d two daughters, of
Aurora, aro visiting relatives and
Wends sen Wingham and vicinity,
Mr. and Mrs. 3. G. Stanley and
Mader Bertram and Miss Rota, of Tor-
*tato are visiting Mrs, Stanley's sister,
Mw rad Mrs. R. Maxwell, Master
t3laavton Matwell and Mr, and Mrs. II.
13. Xlliott, rich d wuth Mr. and Mrs.
trugh Rosa at Clinton for over Sunday.
Mr, not 1isthol, fid '1'waf'libe r'y„ r1
Rev. Stephen Bond, Methodist
minister at Atwood, hat retired from
aotive service after 52 years in the
ministry. Mr Bond is an ex -President
01 the L:;ndon Conference.
Another of the brief sermonettes, for
hc.t weather, will be given next Sunday
ev, ning, by the pastor of the Methodi.t
church, on the subject of "Peace."
Servioe brief and bright. No wealinese,
Come. Morning subject: "The pastor's
kindly talk to his congregation, in the
opening of the new church year."
Visitors always weloome.
Thieving at Lncknaw.
Three stores at Luoknow were brokea
into early Sunday morning and articles
of varioue kinds taken from each piece
Murdoch NI( Lead of this town was sus•
peoted and after a day's work the Look -
now Chief located McLeod near White-
church. We understand he was given
a preliminary hearing at Lucknow and
committed for trial which will take
plaue at Walkerton.
Quebec Tercentenary.
The Grand Trunk Railway System
have issued a neat and attractive book-
let in oc.nnectien with the T eutenary
celebration to be held at aebeo this
month. The booklet gi • s concise in-
formation regarding t.- (Ilea of the
celebration, and giv, : the coniplcte
official program .• : t nt will be parried
out, order of the . etorioal procession,
particulars of the scenes of the historic
pageants, information regarding ao-
commodation and p .rticnlars of how to
reach Quebao. Tile pnblicatipn is pro-
fusely illustrated wish scenes of the
modern pity together with bibtorio land
marks. A copy can be had free from
prinoipal agents of the Grand Trunk.
Wingham Won From Lucknow.
On Friday last, in one of the hardest
fought games of baseball ed on the
local diamond in several years, Wing -
ham won from Lucknow by the narrow
margin cf one run, the score being 5 to
4. Johnston and Dunlop were the op.
posiug pitchers, and the goods they
delivered were of an a 1 qualtty, each
striking out 11 men and issuing only one
pass each. The game started off by
Wingham landing at will, but only two
6IearinJ Sale of�\i
All Summer Gods
Our Annual Summer Sale is now on, and for •e next sixty days
wide awake buyers can save money gator= in Summer Dress
Goods, Muslins, Ginghains, awn Waists,
Whitewe . , et
500 Muslins for.... 2uc
35o Muslins for.. , . 20C
2.3o Muslins for.... 15e
20c Just -as Delainea 121e
25 doz Ladies' Vests
to clear at 3 for .. 10c
15 Lica heavy ribbed Cotton Hose, at 10c
3 poo only Bleached Teener, reg. 50o, for 25c
10 pre only plain pink Flannellette, reg l0c 5C
20 Ladies' Oravenette Coats, regular m10
And $12 50. for ... $5.00
The above are only a few cf the many money -savers which we have
to offer from this great assorted stock.
TERMS CASH OR TRADE. No goods charged at reduced prices,•
RIIrii'.1cER 20e.
EGGS 18e.
The consolidation of the Crown Bank
and the Northern Bank was completed
at Winnipeg.
Edouard Clairmont was knocked
down by a cob at Ottawa ar.d left lying
on the street, according to the evidence
of a woman. A street car came along
and killed him,
Ayplieations for the osition of teacher of
tT neon School 'Action 2''o. 3, Turnberry
( W Ingham .function) W i 1 be receival up to
Friday, July lOth. Luti s to coinmence after
summer vacation.
ox 55, Wingham, P.O.
Applicattons for the rosition o eaeher for
S. S. No. 5, 7urnberry, for the 1 mice of 1008,
will be recciv, d up to St,turd y, July 25th.
1 utiesto commence afterrsv •mer vacation.
Applications, stating quad ,lions and salary
expected, to be midi else c�
Wingham P, 0
The undersigned will keep for Fervice on his
premises, Lot 18, Con. 1, Morris, (Blnevale
Road) a thoroughbred Yorkshire Boar.
Terms -41, to be paid at tirne of servica.
Wingham, P. 0.
We the undersigned solicitors of the Town
of Wingham, hereby agree to close our offices
during the months of July and August, as
follows; On each week day, with the exception
of Saturday, at 4 p. In., and on Saturday at 1
p. m.
rune resulted, as young Johnston pitch- IN
ed himself oat of a tight earner and the N
score remained 2 to 0 until the Oth,
when by two hits and in -field errors
Lucknow landed two runs, following
up by two more in the 7th. In the
eighth Wiugham scored one. Both
teams were uow playing errorless ball,
Lucknow started on the ninth with one
run to the good, and when the locals
went to bat the balloon went up.
Yackie hit for two bases; Pelt McCoy
shook his head wheh Dunlop tried to
hit the club house fora two -bagger, and
Yackie cantered home. Pearen ad-
vanced Dunlop a base on a clean hit,
and Britton drove him home amid in-
tense excitement. The score by
innings: -
Wingham-2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2-5
Batteries—Lucknow--Johnston and
McCoy; Wingham—Dunlop and Bar-
7 wins, with only one loss is the record
of the locale.
Barrett caught a good game.
Both parties were unhittable.
Pearen played his first game.
Algie fielded well, but like the other
hitters, had a day off. 1
Moore had a good day at 2nd, but
could not place the ball.
Smallest crowd of the scasan, but the
best game.
Savw--Iit Morriss, on Julie 7th, to ISr. and
Mrs, Joseph ph ` haw; a son.
f41t rel t - 1l1 11ewa•it, on Juno Ind, to Nr,
las. y .11 .bt Graham; a d 1 gh . r.
3fr'r it AIT, irano—In Wi1))tl •flu, on July
let. iry I14,Nr. 1) Perris, Mr. Elwin T. Match to
M s Emma 11 ' i che,on daught. r of Mr. and
Mrs Wm. Attche on both of Wingham.
lir hn ti1e Uot e,Ar r,—Uh Dominion Day at
the Si, tlr d.: t parsonage, t*Jioel, a by the
Ree W. G.do t on, 31r Robert t1, ergo iiC i•r
to Miss I. , ,Ola Avnev 57eH3naal', ni1 of the
township , i:; ist Wawauo h
BYt wl,z ry--r,Ic .nor st the lit of the
brides inotbf-i on June "aeth 1,y Rev. W T.
West of Irwevalo, Jig Win. it. lnude„ to
Miss Maggi II -Anwar, daughter ,f Mrs,
Gilmour, 1,:,t;r of erurnb,_try.
l4nT, tatY,-..T 11211111,..-. to: July 4111, Carrie E.
Sriglcy, two, el years. 0months and :;,,:ayr
Dot c t as—I r Gerrie, c n July WI:. Thomas,
1)'pionglasi,SJ veal's, months and 11' days. .
Ilv�nxr iv In N wb,ritlge, on .Tune 1st, t
('ath, rine Sponoe, kips,l , i:,v„1 u ifo • f air. Pumas 1
livluhaan ag 115 years, 4r.,Otie9awl Ziiday9,J
liomrtctEl.E. Iilve•wl,rule:t, (Al June 7.3th,
Wm Rothwer,a .171 yn it
(;Arun. -I.11 yth, ..ir Jun, .!>I'i. Jane, 1,e'
love,1 wife of Mr.. A. B. Carr. abed `,3 years, 0 ,
m1.flth, n:ti: ! ,lays+.
WILsoN -In Myth, on July 1st. I amma nen
Wilson aged. 27 3' ars.
Uut uev In Mooso jaw, Sask., on May I;1111,
3:irtta Vit4a, e1 ies5 rile&1 ,,f Areh. and 'Mrs. a
fl;rsar rly of ±311:. •Lei3, aged J y c a:s,1 a
month am Ips 1ay-.
t'ti rVr' ., At .Sol(....rtll. ,m Juiy 1st d,
Mize ib'l or, 1, .level. wife of Je.at; 1 Caorab,es,
in her , eth c:.es
rtart t 1, n --I') I.0 aesa 7 r T,aly Ict, V raroit
l ishttii il, fat: tr en airs B Cn rry, t 111a %Ail
8rrAnpr:-4n llil s';olt on ;Euro 'ht. Mary.
CC .1' u rJ et '1 n d1t1 nri0Yiit fo of Junits bliarlse,
(•?ears Louise Drunnncnd, t
of William R. Drummond,
Wingham in the C
gentleman,ldec eased.
AN$HIl' of
infant child
to of the Town
my of Huron,
NOTICE is hereby gi awn at after the expira-
tion of twenty days fr . the first publication
'2 this Notice applicat ,n will he made to the
:arrogate Court nI the County of Huron for a
grant of Letters of Guardianship of the person
and estate of the above•narned infant to
Joosuepthy, Joofhansitdodnl,esoext,hebakCetry, aof cLoounsnn ofn hee
said infant.
STUART ,C' ScANuuETT, Londcn, Ont.
Solicitors for the Applicant.
Dated the Thirtieth day of Jane, 1,"08.
r , That J. S, Jerome, Dentist
is making beautiful sets of
teeth for eight dollars, and
inserting the Patent Airchamber. All
work guaranteed.
Office in Chisholm Block, Wingham,
Win; haan Circle, No. 434
Meets i it;t Thursday it each raonth, at 8
p. m.. in hall na Chishoun Block. Candidates
for cheap, reliable insurance solicit, d. Ask to
ever our rates of any number or officers.
Ladies accepted at same rate as men.
Ray, T. S. ` oYrs, T. E. r:�OB1N.0V.
Leader. Recording Secretary
• W. J. WYi rs, Financial Secretary.
Fall Term
Opens Sept. 1
The sooner yon complete a course
in this school tho sooner yon may ex-
peat to bald a position of trust, Our
courses bre thorough and practical.
Our students alivayo succeed. We
assist graduates to positions, We
have three departments: Commercial,
Shorthand and Telegraphic. We em'
ploy oxparienced instructors,
Cetal1guo fres,
Summer school
June, :illy and August leads into
our Fall 2ernl without any break.
Enter any time.New (aialogue
free. Write for it today.
The largest, most reliable of its
W. H. SPAM - Principal
Yonge and Gerrard streets
We are fully prepared to
execute all orders promptly
and satisfactorily. First-class
workmanship guaranteed.
Reduced prices on Tinware
9 and Graritew_ are are still in
$` .J. Boyce $..
Successor to J. Buag & Son.
1111,%11fr4.0'19. Qr0,9r4100
SIrawberrie$ !
Strawberries !
We are handling nothing but
the best Strawberries, and will
fill orders for preserving at
lowest prices•for No. 1 Berries.
Leave your order early.
Fresh Berries every day. •
'l• , '9
4.Dinner Ware, Toilet Sets 4.
4. and Fancy China4.
before buying. .4'
' .p
Highest prices paid for produce.
gi. J. Malcolm I
PHONE 54. .44+
Fresh Fish
I have made arrangements for
weekly shipments of Fresh
Fish, and will be able
to supply them
Every Friday.
All orders will receive prompt
Vvvyyyyyryy'rryrrrrrrrryryr •+w• . •••�s•s•♦•.r i•••,rnrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
hee Little Eato.n
,., 4',Ci,
J oin us in the heat campaign
U need tb,e comfort so don't complain
Life is too short to suffer heat
You find us next town hall, Josephine street.
Why sweat ? Our prices alone will keep you cool
Wipe the perspiration from your brow as we do our profits in July, now
1-Iave you ever been struck with a thunder bolt? Our prices have the other effect.
hot July Reductions
Our Summer Goods wear nothing but the Cost -Mark. The profits have
run away with the heat.
100 Trimmed Hats to be cleared up at half
price—why not get another? They're just as
good, only season has advanced. A splendid
SHIRT WAISTS—Our entire stock on sale. 98c for any one up to $2,00;
and $1.98 for any one up to $3.75. A snap so early in the season.
SHIRTS—Negligee, sizes from 14 to 19, all new goods, regular 75c and $l.00,
for 49c. See window display.
BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR -12 dozen men's fine Balbriggan Shirts,
WASH SKIRTS—Regular up to $3,5o for $1,99. Come while they last;
they're a cinch.
PARASOLS — Summer Fancy white, trimmed with insertion, also plain;
prices away down. -
We have the best 15c Ladies' fast black Cotton Hose in town. As pecial,
worth 25c anywhere. -
WHITEWEAR.--All our entire new stock has been cut to ridiculous prices
for July—See window display.
SUITS—Special reduced prices on two -pieced suits—swell light and dark
tweeds and worsteds—oh, the shoulders and collar will tempt you, and they don't
cost any more than the common, everyday kind so many try and sell—we can save
you a nice penny so don't pass us up until you have proven us right.
STRAW HATS—Cut, swell shapes, all mew, reg. $T,00 to $I.5o, for 69c.
$2.50 hats for $2,69.
BLACK SOX—A special 25 dozen lot to run at 15c. Get a pair, boys,
they are as good as our 25c ones.
all sizes, regular 5oc, Saturday only, 25c.