HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-07-09, Page 3!STRAW HATSI"904s* You can buy Straw Hats at this store this week at less than wholesale prices. We want to make a clean sweep of every straw hatin the house. Sailor Straws, etc., this year's goods, clean, fresh stocks $2.oa Regular , $2,25 and $2 50 reduced. to - - $1,50 g _ Regular $1.5o reduced to - $l..00- .� 5 Regular $1.00 reduced to - - Men's and Boys' Crush Straws and Crush Hats, feel eft in.Sailors, etc,, just a each line, all will be swept out at greatly reduced prices. tarAterANNAre (lptendcd for lost week.) School pleated on To.leday ter eurittner holidays. Mr. and tiara dames Scott a led tardily, of Crillia are vieitilig at Aar, W inflate iailiottna. Mr. Robt, Amir is busy beildiug a cement foundation for hie new driving shed these days. Mr, and Mrt. James 1Koffatt and family, of North Dakota, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. Robt. Muir have returned to Gilllea Hill, �.^,-•-•stn-^---- leaver Ory finita. You may be we eleeplees, nervone, -digestion may be p tor, but don t dee pair. Never aay die till you have used Ferrozone, the moat wonderful body builder, the best nerve and system toaio known, Ferrozone gives tone and vigor to the whole body; it makes yon eat, consequently it provides inoreaB d nourishment. Pay by day you, grow in strength -weakness, lose of (deep, ap- prebension all pass away. You. get well, look welL Do try b'errozoae, it's sure to benefit. All dealers in 50o. boxes, %.404404141,14.5444400410440040 Soptf,r Emuts tpn strengthens enfeeble4• nursing mothers by increasing their flesh and nerve force. It provides baby with the neeeasal and ,mineral food for healthy growth. Z AU. PRUGOISTS; 500. ANP $1.00. 041.100:44.4440141.11404404140441:404 fa • SST.11ELkirde, fora Iittis theal. 'Y' u also gat a kindly invitatton into a tinkle3f tree, but iu- Mx. A. Stuart is busy at work on his variably have to pay 50 Oats or more new barn. to get out. A dietresaing aaoiddnt was Mr. ' W. McDonald, of Itiversiale, witnessed iu which a workman painting preached in Calvin ohurah on Sundaythe ank ioingof whichehe museum fell to dinr was g and last, The local branch of the Woman's Ia• which vans not securely fastened, and stitute held accoeesful mtettngs bare on died shortly afterwards, It would Tuesday afternoon and evening. There t nit flesh and blood are cheap; plants was a loge r.tten aims, R number of and nails are deo. Wiogbam ladies being oreseut. The addresses by Mist Laura Rose. or Guelph oirLttOsa and dliao Olarn l', Ellt +tt, of Hamilton At a bare raising at John Ireland's were very helpful and mane Rood point ere were given the ladies pres:ut. on the second concession, on'T'hnrslay one of the timbers slipped, throwing three young men to the ground, iujar V oitDsvzcrl, Ing all three John I Aglia fell across a At high noon. Teesday, June 30th, timber, breaking an arui and leg, alto the marriai;e took plaoe of alfare+srat inably die.him Tbn other Y. Ieen,will nam d rob- Adole au 1rst daughter of Pea, - Kell and McDonald, were not serious - enderand Mrt. Gibaou, to Aar. Alex- 1 hurt. ander Hill of Mitchell. The R:v. A. Y the presence13 Dobson performed the oeremooe in The A pleasant event took plats on Friday, of the immediate friends Jane 20th. et the school house of No. 1, wedding march was played by Oulross, when the teaober, air. Couto- Jane Pearl Snaith of Listowel, Tuts ant, who is leaving the secttnn, wag bride wore au Empire gown of whits presented with a handsome gold search silt; Lunn over taffeta with Chartotta chain by the scholars Reno Mahoney Oordae hat sad married a *Mower road the address, as given below, while baguet of lilies of the valley and Yarn*. the presentation was made by Mary Etta Velem Willis and R eita Harris, nieces McGlynn. Tha recipient, who was of the bride, acted as ring bearer and agreeably surprised, made a tette-hie flower girl respectively, Valeria was and feeling renin. The addreSt - dressed in pale bine silk. each carrying Mu. Cot 1U1 s:- a basket of pink and white races. withDear Teacher, -Wo, the pupils of 8 maiden hair Pero. The groom's gift to S. No. 1. ()tangs, regret to know that- tee hat tee bride was a baneeouue gold wnc`•h rho Danes dainty t which hind ns as taanhar mei and outdo Fultmwlug the Ca[Hnlmny a punits are about to be severed. 4v e have lunch was et.ved and 111x. ova atwaya found as you a pQtiaut, halptnl tars. Hill left on the evening train for friend williutI to do anything within eastern Points to spend their hent>y•your power to help on our advancement, moon The bride t1 travelled. in a tailor and in tryiu;z times sail begrime with us snit of cadet bine with tan hat and patiently. We trust you may receive beeven's rio:,eet reward for your faith loves Mr, and hitt Hill will reside to Mitchell. fel service'. We regret to lose y0a, awl ._-...---,e•--_ vet we feel that you ars called to nth- r Are Your Joints Levee? fields of activity, and thous,b relactent- ly severing our ties of friendship. we Haven't you a weak spot. a place bespeak for you toe greatest measure of Where cold and ir.flimtnation always snoceaa as you j inrnea alouR the path of settiee? Whether it is in tee neck, side, life. We ask you. to aooept this little joints ur limbs -the cure is simple -a presentation as a slight token of the . good rub with Nerviline and then apply respect and esteem in which we bold Nervilina Parous Plaster. These great you; and we treat that you will tt ink rubefacients invariably cure strain, kindly of the pupils of 8 S No. 1, Cul- .. ii,. C, weakness and musonlar rim roes, when we are no lnnger together Eloping again that you may met with good muftis. end trusting that yon may haus God's riohest blessing, we give you ahearty yet sympathetic farewell, Signed on behalf of the scholars, sOwnos. At 10 30 p. m. Jane 21st, 1908, after four years of severe illness, Mrs. Samuel Hyndmaa passed peacefully away to the Mansions prepared for all them that love Him, Up till her last mom- ents, She was able to converse with her family, brothers and sister, who were present. Deceased was born in county of Fermanagh, Ireland. Feb. 6th, 1843 Emigrated to Canada in 1847, Parting- ton Co , Derham, where they remained for sevonweera, removing to Ho wick in 1854. Nine years after she became tie wife of Sainue1Hpndman where through toil and preservance auooeeded in mak- ing a comfortable home. She was of a. quiet disposition. a kind wife, and a loving mother. She leaves a husband and eleven children to metro her loss. 1 McGee & Campbell LCLOTHING AND MEN'S FURN H NGS 0• •••••••••••••••.•..•.-•-•-•-•-•..•..•.. 0w400004010100110000140010 • 0 • s =Bargains, Bargains BargaillS 3 m 20 �a Table Linen regular price 40e per yard, now •30 pieces fine quality Colored Muslins. polka dots and w figures, regular prices from 15c to 25e, to clear.... .1'.2 • 3 dozen Ladies' Blouses, nice quality lawn, tricked, • • hemstitched and embroidery trimmed, long and w short sleeves, regular prices $1.00 to $1.35, now... .75 s 6 pieces Corset Cover Embroidery, fine lawn with. pretty • open work patterns, some with e and some with • two rows of tobeading; clear >0 20 pieces good quality Canadian Prints, light and dark patterns; sale price • • • 0 0 a • 0 • •• SHOES. 24 08 Besides the irresistible price saving for this week in various parts of the store, we have a table w SHOES all sizes, regular prices from $1 to $3, 99 are clearing at Also table of remnants which are being sold at great- ly reduced prices. Ask co see our washBelts.. M GORDO i hest prices for Butter and Efgs. • • 0 • 0 • • 0 w • • • • • • Are You A. Dyspept!ct Nine people out of ten suffer from dyspepsia and dou't know it. Half the pale obeeks, poor appetite and sleepless nights are the direct result of dyspepsia. The cause lies in failure of the stomach and kidneys are clogged, and unable to do their work. Nothing pato vigor into those organo so feat as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They tone up the whole digestive system, regulate and strengthen the stomach, absolutely cure dyspepsia. r Simpltry e r. Hamiltons Pills. cnre,- ..,---•fir•----� JA1,IESTOWX. 1 There is no myatery about this tier After a prolonged illness, more or lege chine ie ttthe most p y etrating tia vpliniment the severe, Mrs. Joseph Coombs, an old trouble reea ly is. Ntlivilice Parona and highly esteemed resident, was sum- ?fasters are great healers and draw out monad to her eternal home on vTednas• congestion. Be sure you get the day, Jnly 1st, passing away at the regi• genuine, sabstitut,aa't do the work donne of her on, W. G , of Molesworth, where she was visiting, seven weeks ELYTI1 ced of ago when she was subject to a third The ergegement is announced stroke of paralysis and from which she Miss Katharine E McLean, y lay unooncions until the •time of her daughter o-Rev. Dr. Bud r RM.'• d th 11i yea's ago the first strobe to Rev J L re S.ewa , Lean, 0 0 0 • • • • 0 0 • 0 w • 0 • 0 w Hg • • A Ure rt B. A., of ea . , came from which she recovered fairly Detroit; Mich. The wedding hie a titibeen well but last Christmas there was a arranged end of to ou,tnbe P ace very q' y repetition of the -shock which told very e e Dominion dap a vary pretty wed - 1V ! aTi• • • w w • • fC•0••000a00aa¢s11a000000AtE• aos•O Ope••0s•••0.••0•••• 1111.111 • usiue Ex Shoe peelers Store closes 7 WILLIS ab CO p. m„ except Saturdays and evenings b e - fore holidays. $3.00 Shoes tor Men I materially on her health and vigor, ding was held at Lha Mrida's Moms is h maiden name was Kii w}•en Mass Annie sr dangh• Di Ile. Ma 11i.G'.ynn. Mary EgttaM µGlynn. Irene Kirby. Deceased, whose Mo op, Eliza Hillier, was born at Tiverton, ter of 1�Sr. atzd dies Jae' Mann' was Devonshire, England, and came to Can- united in the holy b ands of matrimony to Fred Anderson, well-known to tile when 14 years of age, 55 years ago residents of Biyth and viointtY. R +v. she was married at London to Mr. J L Small, B. A , partotuiad the Coomber and shortly after they took ceremony. possession of their farm here, In ad- In Blyth 0n Monday morning, Jane 39th, hire. A. B. Carr passed away from dition to air. Ooombes two sons, (W.G., of Molesworth: and J. E., of Southern this i carrng Wad kne eeA en after R A 11 Sask) and two daughters, was 60 yea=s nine moot A B a dee her husband 'Girt REM' i1•' CONSTANTLY IN STOCIC exceptionally sold igo d Shoes for men, at 65.00 per pair. Shoes whish are t stores for $3.50 we have them, in Patent Colt, Dongola and Box Calf, and i �� NTEE 6T SGK UV�fY P1R �41 UIQG Ut1 SAbtPLES IN SOUTEt WINDOW. • WILLIS <a2 CO. nner Sets Free TO OUR PATRONS This beautifnt iinp3rted Sdiu I'yraelain Danner Ware (GIVEN .AWAY, piece by pieee, in any gx•tntity to ox.^ cash elite n3r3. We're after 13I'3 BUSINES fir the tnliti of JUL?��� and in order to make this one of the LAR ZEST and BEiT S 1,14E41 iii the history of THIS STORE, We one special I DUC E\1I Si VS to those who buy for C A.SII or for BUT TER and EGi'S. In every department prices writ be amazingly tow, sold in a�i�.Ftio;i to eat priees you wilt receive a. coupon for every peeoha'e of twenty fire cents. two coupons with a fifty Cent pureh is s and e'I on. li lid yo'.l' coupons until the first of August then bring them in and gat dishes tor them, Tots ie a very easy way of getting a, nae Tait or Danner Set of imported Porcelain Ware. Coupons given on purchases of Ken's and B sy's Clothing, Hats i 7- Beats and Shoes, Carpets. Ra,s, 0:t - cloths, I.inoteatns, Blinds, Curtains, Dc+'ss i,r )na.3, Silk'8, 'W'a.ists, Wrappers, Underwear, Hosiery, Clavas, Parasite, (J rsate, Prints, Gin hams. M:astins, Batts, Collars, Ribb,3as, Ia to -3 ani. all 013re'1 rediae excepting the Grocery D ;partmsnt. Remember all our CUSTO1IERS will share alike and have the same chance of getting these be -tattle dishes. Pa"ca; .yes fru' one dollar up will start you on. the dishes, Fear eoup ins secures one Fruit Saacer. 4tuttt'S. The C3crt of Pevi-i+:n met acoo:diug to adj moment on Jens 29th. alma• bars all present Minutes of last meet- iug rears and confirmed. A1r. Jas. Pariah was Petered owner of north i_ tot 27, con 8; Jas Netnery eut- ered o,vaer of northeast is lot 2, con. 0; gobett Taylor e::.tered owner of north part euuth Lz lot 3. cos 9, On moti„ a. of Campbell and Taylor the Court at R»v'simn was than ctostd and the roll eararltebe3 as the asses,• meat roll for th current year. Council business was then proceeiel with. The 1+.'u, iueer'e report on the Johu• *ton 11113 McDeuale. drains were present• ed and aooepted, Taylor, Moved by Shaw, seconded by that the report on the Johnston drain be rand at 2 o'clock p m and the B,ieD •n old drain at 3 o'clock p m on Jnly 1 Leh next. --Carried. Oa motion of Campbell and MoOei- obeoa, the Clerk was instructed to ask for tenders for tees constrnetion of the Mason and GraMby ddra3 so o'clo ock S t r - day, Jnly m. Granby .drain tray be tendered for is panels. two pane The Co:zrt of 1i,�4i+i?S'. on the Grash? .r a 3 , occ p drain was one seal at 1 co m _t An cel.w, was mane by tele a . _ hs and nine Qui pas e. nd alae leaves (Mea. Jas. Oatt, of Blyth, and Mrs. A. days, ei McDonald of Oraubrook) survive to hold 0118 80 daughters, Mina i01' Toronto, and and three in loving remembrance the Life of a de • Lily, ail of Blyth. - voted wife and loving mother. Oa Dominion Day the residents of '4►0---- Blyth were sorry to hear that Minn after a 'd a y A P'riahtfut Death. Susie Wilsonchad die u 7 illness Deceased Mai about years Is one from suffocation and sometimea age ..handed school at Stratford and follows a bad attack of Asthma, The 4 d a poG t.a t in Ta old fashioned remedies may relieve, but tier where she w never cure. Best restate come from Oatarrhozone which cures Asthma after hope is abandoned. It's because Ca- tarrhozone kills the Astmange iabth at t'n snails k g. Start Right in to Thursday, Jllly Come early and often anal you Satisfied. 1 after passing secure a {saottco r ronto as stenoorap wits : Cr. T. R. Cs akaiast their aoiessntent as employed tial feat may when she Gomel I said drain. Mr. annul:air, o' Lrusstle Moms owing to has be a bad cold. , was present on bsil:.lf of Sims cotitpuwy• 1 h been unwell ar=d, E a .. gcRsr t:' -t b lag present, a, a u , a. •, v li;u ,+e J•z, C�7 t3 n : nod". Saturday . trn2 i tat a R. J`obnaton's old stand, opposite Bank of Commerce. Repairing done equal to the best city work, all rips on shoes bought fS of us Sewed free of Charge. I'no*;1a 129. It a nr 8a sen-' breathing are relieved, suffocating moth r, a > t n '^lo•k o tr chid rico. and loss of bzeath are cured. h rsistJ s �Orern. cot tq were o. _era Buy on 2nd. will b3 wail MUSLIMS -10 places Farley Flowered wad Spot Si talkie, dao value up to 153, sale price • • ' WAISTS-Lodiea Wbite Lawn Shirt Waists,' nicely made. • 03 atziS up to 3S, July sale. DRAWERS -5 dozen Ladies Cambric Drawers. file melee 3.i of cambric, vales up to 59o, oar cut prioe TABLE LINEN -403 Bleached Linen, wile, on sale. LADIES VESTS-SPeoiel line on sale, only, HOSE -5 dozen Ledifls Black Osshm3re H ise, all wool sale .`25 PARASOLS -A line of White Parasols, fat 25 value for.. $1.00D MENS TIES -250 Hook on Ties, on sale your choica....<. .19 LONG GLOVES -Special value in 'Black or WhiteLeng d and .7,i Gloves in L toe or Lige No room here to quare mere prima, the store i3 fell of B trgei ns. 28 .10 H. E Come and see for yourself. 1 Isard 601 qua IMPORTERS, WINGHAM. PHONE 68. Prole that m1 she aH ngia ra at last w ble to leave Mar had. ; pov'd by 1` for ?x' sac i ' do bywas leaves S he as nus to mourn her lora, her Shaw-, that they Court of Revi+•o i key brother, Jambs of Euet Wa sations the system, and Asthma venaold obtonios rom e perience immediate relief and lasting cure. Equally good for Bronchitis, Throat Trouble and Oatatrh. Sold by all dealers in 25o. and $1 00 sizes. Get Catierrhezene to -day --4t does onre. wanosh, and t res € d to be pail at Vint, of Morris, airs. Acooanu. Shakespeare, and Mardis at home. fellows: -Jas ;fee a n 1 ri,p plowbroken Deceased arab a member bright the Presby grave,, w� r tartan church and was a bright and good { on road, $'i 00; Jae. Rome 1, horse :the living young lady. on grader, $5; Ohas, Procter, drawing gravel to 1taerond. $6; Wm. Thaell, _ operating grader, $`3; l'�m. Thueil, tiv Irurlecat'. t I's. blacks mithing a00Ount ca gra-er, $5,40; Bates and Taylor, work on west bound - Haying has aommsnced. n Ary, Si 70; Jac. Oaseraore, repairing Mrs. A, Merrily and two children, 0. appraaoh to bride $'� James Kelly, Walton, are visiting Miss E. Peddle. engine Mira anal wood for grader, the bides of .the roads are running d Bird,iwood and ight° hire GREY. It Dost the township $234 to recoat the McFarlane bridge abutments with cement. This was neoessary in order to save them, although the abutments built few years ago $`3 �0; Wm' er rd under - far gra a ; drat*, $110 00; R b^uohi4q end digiEiug . MtMurray, damages hau.ang gravel, $3; secant �il'J.1t1; TMOa Wild with daisy and other weeds and they will become masters if oo•operative action is not taken to down them. were Only til a ' The btiok work at the Haut xetidence The Presbyterian garden party was a , Gerry aha Walkerbylaws, $2u; Iiltiin D grand success, the proeeedi amounting ( Miller, making tile, $51.69; W H• Kerr, for Alex, Barron. is Completed by- , to over $100. The Luoknow Pipe 13and Gratby drain elm +t, t05. in was the attraction for the evenintf. Ali For gravel: --Jae. 3 IV chola $G 18 TJas. A. Lowry, of Breese's, It is 20 st feet, 1 story Arid a half with a kitchen 18 20 feet, Thais. Newsome has the contract. The fine 132 afire farm of P. J. Ryan, West of Watton On the boundary, has been Bold to W. H. Anderson, of present rt A evening. Farmers in this section are cot leave 11117110 $6.70, ,D s. Agar $0 2"7'. r E E. Ward trig of the fact that Hien win not leave { $,5,`?5, See. Nicholson $1.83. Jas Kerney the town to work ng the farm 1a aatr• Wei. Little $3 1'2.5, Irvine $`.t• , olds need thinning and workers are j Thda. McCall $15.ii, 11 Birkby $.. et, Headed an the hay geld, The 4re,.dq t (.gym 'Kno9e $o.c3. •tains will mens some past gas1t t' hey 1 Bylaw No. 7, autheriz.ng the Reeve eaaon. d TreA3urOr to borrow money to meet t repo a vs y pleasat+t THE FALL FAIRS. rr ��ly J� jt �J/,/}g� J _ Sept24--25 C �.7 �+-� l[ T x f. l t L' ncloo Ae, . 29 Sept. 14 Laadmn Sapt. Ii --1'J Uziderwoad......... .., Oct. 1S Oct. 6 Teeswasa Oct. t;- Teeswater Sept. 2i1-30 Ripley Pain •ratan n Danaaanon lfordwich F i;t-+.-Al Thnng's our mill was destroy - ea by lice on 5iendat right, we still have a large stock of LUBBER AND Sf14gLES on hand, and can all all orders. CO_fl£s and ClEUI INT also on Band for sale. DUFF STEWART. • S. pt., 23-24 t , -5 Oot. Olt:. Stet. 16-•17 Blyth .. Sepk.20-30 Brussels ..,.0 t. 1-2 The cad of a 2e foot Gtorgista Bay t- ex- 'tit ON 40 000, •• .d at + a.P •. Ohne:. is tie sial elusive of land damages. ilia length would be 440 ratios. The surveys al- r.sadv have 0051 $50,000. as n ht a for t ad . 1 ra adu 00.� s 3 3:, Wes y w,nrev m ofi. the n,, as � ^end It is atowel foraiangele did not o mu) up ae g0 • the nenegtary ex, e is g well located property With 1 one would Expect, cousiderin„ the i and passed. extra good buildings. TMs parehaser ehawexy weather. So ue oro fi�}in T i 4 On matron of Mo...o. aeon rind Camp' l the 1st or sant dpots wits tarn r , , bell, Mr. 11. I'roctm: \yes apt salary at possession until the va + o okf. eaarrent year at dOeB not g p K g collector for the fora a oh. AIr. Ryan had the nils• biIAnd and li ht Bole era o is a tt atory of �s$5 00 on meet$ orraancs of the fortune to loss the Bight of one nye beet he g� a n� i arty' on Thursday. MAO, Baotirity for the disc p And as the other has been some dad vitae a snecesaful affair, and the Ladies' ; work, fleeted ti spsolaliat lase r C4i3rtrid Aid of the Metltediet Olaurch are tO be Oa Motion of tCampbell tlpeellaand tint' affected j ham q eboon t lith no0 at ten a Ohauga front outdoor to indoor Din ,ongtatulatud. The Wing • 1 d rho Harmony, n,nd bit. `meet Again on Jelly W. Matto, Clerk. istomais pioyrnent hence the decision to sell. Mrs. Anderson 'WAS iernierly' Mae Sholdioe SO will be no stranger in taking rtli residence here. Mr. Anderson 001d his farm in Wattage township during the past year. tette step .e Graney'( recitations brought forth nota•', o'clock tt, ma stderab e 1 mirth. Some of our citizens took in the Cherries are plentiful rials year and excttreiarc to Niagara V4183°4(1 learned, { _ people know heel to Targe ae big pact the birds are having an extra good foeel. Prom Wiugh Pial ra via Chicago and To Man. `end class Winnipeg," . $:1.00 Portage La Praise, MAIL- $2.1.B5 Brandon, Man. $ 23.00 Regime, Sask. - - $27.50 Moose Jaw, Sask. - - $28.35Stskat00n, Saab. - e $30 85 $e31.8:5 P.•inoe Albert, Sask. ;nicnton, Alta. 139d Deer, Alta. $37.55 Proportionat0o other point, in Canadian North•Wsat. Trains now operated through St. Clair ir Tunnel by Electricity. ev linespdPo 5t. Baui covert ipiSt. i Poll information at any Grand Trunk Ticket 0ibioe. LOWESI RTES to t. NORTH-WEST by any route, aro glean on C. 1' It. Homeseekera' Exonrsion8, which are nos' run via new Muskoka line. hoots Saved on old sohed'le. 60 day return tickets to ail North•West Points, rates ranging fr)m Winning return. $32 00 Edmonton retitrll., 812.50 r.EAVIMtt DATER: r ,inty 7, et. Aug. 4, til. Sept. 1, I.;, e Comtortalile L.+rti,y in tourist slew-dim: wdim:rly east -at surall t•xtra cost. Apply r ar.,•ommodatiou 'ARIP To MUSKOKA To Parry Pound or to any of the delishtfe Georgian Say resort~ IR most eomtort811 and quiettly made by 'inking the G.P. Fast trains over new 0ircet iinP >:t'rrl6 time and equipment witht ut equal. for any ' torn;nhon lee At't nt or wri 0• i3. l'ostt1, ITh;. Pose. lege it Toronto. {