The Wingham Times, 1908-07-02, Page 68 MINOR LOCALS. ---ThuXaday, July 2nd, -Canada hoe entered upon her forty - Wand i pear. -m -lime= Old Boys of Toronto are mowing nal Saturday. R"', niat' trrieeilue of Camp Cale dofnia, Sone cf Scotland, alert Monday ^Evening. ***ea' Lockiaow Pipe Band will take part in the Orange celebration at Li -towel ten July 13th. THE WINGHAM TIMES, JULY 2, 2Jt)8 PERSONAL. We shall be glad tc, have coatrtbutiors to. this column from any of our readers, If you have visitors or purpoee going away yourself. drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that effacti. 'The regular monthly meeting of the Town °Dutton Will be held next Monday evening. --The staff of the Teeewater Newel IS holidaying this week and no paper will be publitbed. -Teacher wanted for the school at Winethoin Junction, Sae advertisement in another column. W. J. Boyce has been awarded the contract of tapping, the waterworks eosins in town for this year. -A number of Wingham Orangemen attended divine service with the breth- ren at Bluevale on Sunday evening. -Mre, J. Miller, of Turnberry, enter- tained a number of her Wingham friends at her home on Tuesday even- ing. -A. number of people from Wingham attend, d the garden party at W hite- nhnrch on Thursday evening of last week. -Saturday, August 8th, is the date of the annual excursion of Minerva En- campment, L 0, 0, F., Wingham, to Sarnia and Detroit. -Tho regular July meeting of Wing - ham L. 0 L No. 704, will be held on friday evening of this week. All mem- bers are rt guested to attend, -Labor Day will be celebrated in Wingham. The Citizens' Band and Batebali Club will take the matter in hand and full particulars will be glseu in a future issue. -Departmental examinations are in progress at the Wingham High School this week, with Mr. A. H. Musgrove, .of Wingham, and Mesars. Stalker and ilauYeleor, in charge. -A rink of Wingham bowlers, com- prised of Mesars. D. Holmes, G C. Manners, W. Holmes and D. T. Hep- burn (skip), are taking part in the bowl- ing tournament at Seaforth this week. Mrs J,lhn Terriff. of Sonthanipton, ie viritiag with Wingbena frier;'s Mr J O. Dallas, of BaffalO, is spend- ing the holidays visiting at hie parental !cine is ,awn, Mt. J. fi Elliott, of Eau Claire, Wi8. is speeding his holidays at his parental home in town. Miss Vera Holmes has returned home Havergal College, Toronto, for the sum mer vacation. Mr. W. J. Elliott, of the Iogersoll Chronicle, was visiting Wingham rola tivee and friends last week. Dar, and Mrs. C. M. Walker and children left yesterday for Grand Bend, where they will epond a few weeks. Miss Davis, of the Toronto Conserva- tory of Musio, is spending part of her holidays at the home of her uncle, Mr. H. Davis. Mies MaVannel, B. A , until recently on the staff of the Wingham High School, is spending the holidays at her home in St. Mary's. Mrs. Brundage, of Niagara Falls, has rented Mr. Wm. Nicholson's house and with her family will spend the summer months in Wingham. Dr. J. W. and Mrs. Scott, Sandusky, Mich , are visiting at the home of Mrs. Scctt's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Wilson, Shuter street. Mrs. J. S. Duckett and daughtt;r Dorothy of Wingham spent Sunday with Mrs. D's uncle J. G. Smith, West Wawanosh.-Lucknow Sentinel. Mr. J. C. Smith, accompanied by Mrs. Smith, is spending a few days at Iiiugeton, before taking up his work as examiner of the departmental examina- tion papers at Toronto. Mr. T. Richardson, Seo'y of the S O. S. at Seaforth, was in town on Tuesday arranging with the Wingham baseball club to play a game at the Caledonian games to be held in that town on August 12,h. -Mr. Wm. Nicholson moved his family to Kincardiue last week, where they will spend the summer months Mr. Nioholeon is pushing the work on the new post office building in that town and has built three summer cottages. -Tea is more susceptible to foreign influences than even butter. Tbis is why it should never be exposed to the stir or told in bulk form. The sealed lead packets of "Salads" Tea preserve the tea in all its native goodness. Insist upon "Salads." -At 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, June 18, the Methodist parsonage, at Mateo, was the scene of a very pretty wedding, when May Isabella, eldest danghtor of Rev. and Mrs. J. Veale, be- came the bride of Rev. W, L. Hiles, B, A., of Bayfield, Ont. -The Walkerton G. T. R. station was struck by lightning on Tuesday averring of last week and the building .was completely destroyed. The station was erected only two years ago to re- place the old one which was also struck by lightning and destroyed. -The local defenders of their country returned from the military camp at Godorich on Friday last. They report having had an enjoyable and instructive outing, and bear the nnmietakable mark of exposure to Old Sol's rays - they're considerably "browned." -"The Grand Old Man of Perth lounty," Eon. Thomas Ballantyne, ex- 'afpeaker of the Ontario Legislature, paes- ezd away at the residence of his son, Mr. Thomas Ballantyne, jun., Stratford, on J onday morning at 8 o'clock, after an illness whioh has extended over a per- iod of about two weeks. --The new store in the McKenzie block is about ready for occupancy, and Mr. Elmer Moore expects to have the stook and fixtures of his restaurant liminess moved to the new quarters 'within a few days. When settled there he will be in a much better position to :Dater to the public than is possible in lata present promises. SUMMER COMPLAINTS KILL LITTLE ONES At the first signs of illness during the hot weather months give the little ones J3aby'e Own Tablets, or ill a few hours the child may be beyond cure. These Tablets will pre nt a mer complaints if given mansion lly to well children, And will promptl re these troubles if they Dome unexpeotedly. Baby's Own ''Tableteshould always be kept in every baste there are young children. There lea no other medloine so effective and the mother had the guarantee of a govern- ment analyst that the Tablets are ab- solutely safe. Mrs. E, LeBrun, Catli- ke, Que., sayer --"Baby's Orin Tablets hire the best medicine I know of for re- gulating the stomach and bowels. I It nom h ra 'think of e should beith w oat this astedloine." Bold by medicine de ens Or by snail at 25 oentb a box from The Dr. Williams" iltedicirie Oo., Brookville, 0t The July "Rod and Gun." TEACHER WANT O. Applications for the poitt'.n of teacher of Tinton School Sec ion it" 8, Turubcrry ( Winithtn -function) "Alit be received up to 1''i.dos, July IOth• 1 Cities to commence lifter ktiniraer vtl:ation. W. J HcNT'EI,SON. Winrhatn, P.0 The eyes not only of Canada, but of the world will be fixed during the present month upon Quebec and the Tercentenary of its establishment. The life story of Samuel de Cham- plain, the founder is told in the opening article of the July number of "Rod and Gun and Motor Sports in Canada" published by W. J. Taylor, at Woodstock, Ont. and the narra- tive of the great explorer's life will he found entrancing reading. Of equal interest to sportsmen, if of less im- portance to the„country, is the fine story of "The Trail of the Kawazinge- Inas' by Harry Anton Auer, author of "The North Country.” Mr. Auer describes in beautiful language, the trip he took into the north country with his father and mother and tolls of the joys experienced in camping and fishing far away from civilization. This story is finely illustrated from photographs taken by Mr. Auer, "In the Next West" lets in some light upon the new conutry to be opened by the Grand. Trunk Pacific and shows that new wonders await the development of some of our northern and western regions. "A Schoolboy's Search for an ideal vacation," is a most interesting paper -the search including a trip to the old country, life in the backwoods of Quebec, a jaunt to a fashionable watering place and the finding of the ideal in the Algonquin National Park. A paper by Dr. E. Sisley on "The Fresh Water Trout of Canada" will interest all fisherman and may prove the source of as. much controversy as Oar Vanish - lug Deer, the Doctor giving both eastern and western fiehermen something to think about. There are many other papers of interest to sportsmen and the whole number is one worthy of the high position the magazine has attained as the foremost publication of its kind in the Dominion. ---sem-- -The unclaimed balances in the chartered banks of Canada at the begin- ning of the year amounted to $596,24G, NOTICE OF CLO We the iiill(4o1gtied ,he ors ' f the Torn of winbhaxn, hereby n to close our offices durin,c the rnortths of 'sly and August, as follows; On each we k day, with the exception of Sam day, at 4 p m., and on S. turdny at 1 p m, The engagement is announced of Miss Katharine E. McLean, youngest dough - ter of Rev. Dr, and Mrs. McLean of Goderich, Ontario, to Rev. J. Ure Stew- art, 13. A. of Detroit, Alio!, The wed- ding has been arranged to take place very quietly the end of August 7,2caY �--•. —' BORN. InvtrG.---In Clinton, on June i ad, to ids, and Mrs, David Irving, formerly of Morris; a daughter. MARRIED Sn[nEL1,a-CAnR--At the home of the bride's mother. Mrs. Jas. Derr, on June "0E1, by Rev. D. Perrie, Mr. W. R. Shieils, of Palmerston to Mtss Mary E. (Minnie) Carr, of Wingham, D IJ IIL CURRIE.-At Wharncliffe. Algoma, on June 10th, Mary Turnberry, relict of the late Thos. Currie, formerly of Morris, aged 84 years. Aenros.---In West Waiteanosh, on Jeno 18th, Urs, Alm Ashton, aged 5a years R VAN"TONE J. A MOR EON IIIi'$I frl(lN & HOLIES. Summer Scha1 June.: lily and Augest leads into our Fall term without any brenlr. Enter any time. New C ataloi ue free. Write for it to -day. CENTRAL idtSIISEiS COLLEGE Toronto. The largest, most reliable of its Bind. AV. H. SHAW - Principal Yonge and Gerrard streets CENTRAL id&IS rt STRATFORD. ONT. Is the leading business training ecbool in Western Ontario. We give a thorough, practical training on Commercial Subjects, Isaac Pitman's Shorthand, Touch Typewriting, and in Commercial and Railroad Opera- ting. Each department is in the hand of experienced instructors. We assist students to positions. Oar gradnatee always succeed, for our coarses are the best. Gest our free catalogue and Iearn more about us. Yon may enter now. ELLIOTT filcLIICHLAN PRINCIPALS. ts..101,11,11 4.-11.41.11/bWit,i i PLUMBING and i TIN SMITHINO We are fully prepared to execute all orders promptly and satisfactorily. First•ciass workmanship guaranteed. Reduced prices on Tinware and Graniteware are still in effect, #$ W. J. Boyce • Successor to J. Burg & Son. 1 HOMESEEKERS' 2ND CLASS Round -Trip Excursions TO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA ( CANADIAN ':PACIFJC. -4PAILWAY,' GOING DATES April 14, 20 June 9, 23 Aug. 4, 18 May 12, 28 July 7, 21 Sept. 1, 15, 29 Tickets ,food to return within 60 dayn VERY LOW RATES from all points in Ontario. RangingWinnipeg and return 632.00 between {Edmonton and return $42.50 Tickets issued to all North-West points. TOURIST SLEEPERS An limited number of Tourist Sleeping Care will be run on each excursion, fully equipped with bedding, eto. Berths should be secured and paid for through local agent at least sic days before excursion leaves. Rates and full information Contained in free Homeaeekers' pamphlet. Ask near- est C.P.R. agent for a copy, or write to C. B. FOSTE3, District ?ass, AO., C.P.H., Toronto TAKE NOTICE. ,e ;,t, That J. S, Jerome, Dentist le �i'lietitlir s of teeth for ight dollarsbeautiful , and iusertiru the Patent Airohatnber. All work guaranteed. Olfiee in Chisholm Bock, Wipgham. +OAHADIAt1 HOME CIRCLES Wingham Circle, No. 434 Meets First 1titrsday in each month, at 8 P. m• in hall in ('hisho,m Block. Candidates for cheap, reliable insurance solicited. Ask to see cur rates of any member or officers. Ladies accepted at same rate as men. Ray. T. S. BOYLE, T. E. Rorie sorr, Leader. Recording Secretary W. J. W YLEs, Financial beeretury. THE POPULAR WAY TO THE WEST Is via Chicago and St. Pant and the rates to principal points in Mani- toba, Alberta and Saskatchewan are now the same via this route as for- merly applied via North Bay. DOMINION DAY Return Tickets at Single Fare Between all stations in Canada, also to Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Black Ro: k and Sue - 'Pension Bridge, N. Y. Good going June 30th and Silly let, ,Return limit Thursday, July 2nd. Pull information at any Grand Trunk Ticket Office. `1q'4b 11'• .'1. IY' �, {J'7iI 1 ° ,TU //p/ •i Yti: �Ilyhi l'��1 \1.lYY lu� POPULAR, STALLIONS The Imported Clydesdale Stallion "Badge of Honor" will make the season of 1008 as follows: Monday, Mai 18 -Leave his owner's stable, Bluevale for .e rank Wright's, l;z miles north of Jamestown, eon. 1, Turnberry, for noon; and to the Ring Edward Hotel stable. Wrox- eter, for night. Tuesday -To James Wylie's, con. 6, Turnberry, by way of the Delmore gravel road, for noon ; and to his Owner's stable, Bluevale, by way of the 4th con. of Turnberry, for night where he will stay the remainder of the week until Monday morning. WM. HEWITT, J. W. RING, Groom. Proprietor. The imported Clydesdale Stallion "Drum- burle Chief" will make the season of 1008 as follows: - Tuesday -Will leave his owner's stable, Bluevale, for Geo. Turvey's, con. 2 Morris, for noon; then to Thos. Warwick's con. 8, Morris for nirrlrt, Wednesday -To Jas. Shed. don's, con. 4, Morris, for noon; then to Jos. Miller's, con. 3, Morris for night. Thursday - To John Menz es. eon. 10, East Wawanosh, for noon; then to .Fes. McGee's, con. 10, East Wawanosh, for night, Friday -To John Leg - raft's, near Whitechurch, for noon; then to Or. A, T. Ford's sale stable, Wingham. for night. Saturday -To his owner's stable, Blue• vale, and remain until following Tuesday morning. J, W. RING, Proprietor and Manager. The imported Clydesdale Stallion, "Mascot" will make tho season of 1808 as follows: - Monday -Leave his owner's stable, Bluevale for Frank Wright, Jr. i miles north of James• town, for noon; then to Est 's hotel stables, Wroxeter, for night. Tuesday -To Jas. Kir- ton's, con. 1, Turnberry, for noon; then to his ewner'sstableLluevn1eI fol` t,'Ktlt. u:he1• day -To A1(,$, e2'herson'e Con, 7 Turnberry, for noon; then to his owner's stable for night. Thursday -To n A drevPMitchell s eon. 1 Turnberry, for noon then to,Btunewf k hotel stables Winghatn, until 8 n m. Friday -.At Brunswick B1t ra15, unt remain until following Monday morning. J, W. RING, D. MCPBSR$O, 1'roprieter. Manager, 4 ►TTy,y,',y,,ryT,®.vYTYVVVV ••4....“.4*®ret+Z•ett••••9 > le + + + ► lo► ► ► ► YYyV'YYVYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYV 4r 4 4 4 4 4 The .Little Eaton's Report THE FREE TRIP. CONTEST TO TORONTO Daily continues to gain increasing interest and popularity. Every day the contest is keener and here and there are cash register checks which will certainly be used. If you are not going to use them give them to a friend who is in the contest THEREFORE Next week we will report the standing of the different competitors. Kindly bring in • your checks and let us report them, your friends will then help you. . . Bring Them In Specials For The Meek Ladies' Gorner Now's your chance for a bar- gain in up-to-date and swell millinery. 150 Trimmed Hats at very much reduced prices. Buy another if you al- ready have one you can well afford it at the prices offered. All new, this. sea- son's styles and trimmings. Be smart and get the choice. SHIRT WAISTS—Our entire stock on sale. 98c for any one up to $2.00; and $1.98 for any one up to $3.75• A snap so early in the season. SKIRTS—Regular $5.00 light T weed Skirts, beautifully tailored, get the kind to wear with shirt waists, for $2.99. New goods—rush at it. WASH SKIRTS—Regular up to $3.5o for $1.99. Come while they last; they're a cinch. PARASOLS Summer Fancy white, trimmed with insertion, also plain; prices away down. We have the best i 5c Ladies' fast black Cotton Hose in town. A special, worth 25c anywhere. Men's Gorner STRAW HATS—are ketching it, we have hundreds of the newest, sailors, boaters, and crush—beauties— prices reduced for .quick sale—don't miss getting a bargain. WASH VESTS — (Fancy) — How is it with you? Guilty or not guilty? Well, if you're in for it we can help you out for 98c, regular $2.00; and $1.98, regular $4.5o. 'Tisn't hard, is it? SUITS—Special reduced prices on two -pieced suits—swell light and dark tweeds and worsteds—oh, the shoulders and collar will tempt you, and they don't cost any more than the com- mon, everyday kind so many try and sell—we can save you a nice penny so don't pass us up until you have proven us right. SHIRTS—Negligee, sizes from 14 to 19, all new goods, regular 75c and $I,00, for 49c. See window display. STRAW HATS—Cut, swell - shapes, all new, reg. $1.00 to $I.5o, for 69c. $2.50 hats for $1.69. BLACK SOX—A special 25 dozen lot to run at 15c. Get a pair, boys, they are as good as our 25c ones. BROS. VIN,GH..AM'1 4,2 4 4.I ROYAL OROOERY 4 d Strawberries ! + 4. 4.4. ,i, 4. 4. Strawberries ! 1 4. 3'.d••I'-144'd•-I 44 .moi. .1. + '1' We are handling nothing but , + the best Strawberries, and will * fill orders for preserving at lowest prices for No. 1 Berries. Leave your order early. ' aFresh Berries every day. ••�1 + SEE OUR SELECTION OF + M Dinner Ware, Toilet Sets and Fancy China n + before buying. -+1' .1. . oma 4. Highest prices paid' for produce. ... A. J. Malcolm 4 � ^ c PHONE 54. 3 ÷+÷÷-1.4.44+++++++++++++ +++.1..1 Fresh Fish rridays. I have made arrangements for weekly shipments of Fresh Fish, and will be able to supply them livery Friday. All orders will receive prompt attention, THOSI FELLS BUTCHER. BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service on hit premises Lot 18, Con. 1, Morris, (Bluevale Road; a thoroughbred Yorkshire Boar. Terms -51, to be paid at time of servica. T, M. HENDERSON, Wingham, P. 0 THE POPULAR WAY TO THE WEST Is via Chicago and St. Pant and the rates to principal points in Mani- toba, Alberta and Saskatchewan are now the same via this route as for- merly applied via North Bay. DOMINION DAY Return Tickets at Single Fare Between all stations in Canada, also to Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Black Ro: k and Sue - 'Pension Bridge, N. Y. Good going June 30th and Silly let, ,Return limit Thursday, July 2nd. Pull information at any Grand Trunk Ticket Office. `1q'4b 11'• .'1. IY' �, {J'7iI 1 ° ,TU //p/ •i Yti: �Ilyhi l'��1 \1.lYY lu� POPULAR, STALLIONS The Imported Clydesdale Stallion "Badge of Honor" will make the season of 1008 as follows: Monday, Mai 18 -Leave his owner's stable, Bluevale for .e rank Wright's, l;z miles north of Jamestown, eon. 1, Turnberry, for noon; and to the Ring Edward Hotel stable. Wrox- eter, for night. Tuesday -To James Wylie's, con. 6, Turnberry, by way of the Delmore gravel road, for noon ; and to his Owner's stable, Bluevale, by way of the 4th con. of Turnberry, for night where he will stay the remainder of the week until Monday morning. WM. HEWITT, J. W. RING, Groom. Proprietor. The imported Clydesdale Stallion "Drum- burle Chief" will make the season of 1008 as follows: - Tuesday -Will leave his owner's stable, Bluevale, for Geo. Turvey's, con. 2 Morris, for noon; then to Thos. Warwick's con. 8, Morris for nirrlrt, Wednesday -To Jas. Shed. don's, con. 4, Morris, for noon; then to Jos. Miller's, con. 3, Morris for night. Thursday - To John Menz es. eon. 10, East Wawanosh, for noon; then to .Fes. McGee's, con. 10, East Wawanosh, for night, Friday -To John Leg - raft's, near Whitechurch, for noon; then to Or. A, T. Ford's sale stable, Wingham. for night. Saturday -To his owner's stable, Blue• vale, and remain until following Tuesday morning. J, W. RING, Proprietor and Manager. The imported Clydesdale Stallion, "Mascot" will make tho season of 1808 as follows: - Monday -Leave his owner's stable, Bluevale for Frank Wright, Jr. i miles north of James• town, for noon; then to Est 's hotel stables, Wroxeter, for night. Tuesday -To Jas. Kir- ton's, con. 1, Turnberry, for noon; then to his ewner'sstableLluevn1eI fol` t,'Ktlt. u:he1• day -To A1(,$, e2'herson'e Con, 7 Turnberry, for noon; then to his owner's stable for night. Thursday -To n A drevPMitchell s eon. 1 Turnberry, for noon then to,Btunewf k hotel stables Winghatn, until 8 n m. Friday -.At Brunswick B1t ra15, unt remain until following Monday morning. J, W. RING, D. MCPBSR$O, 1'roprieter. Manager, 4 ►TTy,y,',y,,ryT,®.vYTYVVVV ••4....“.4*®ret+Z•ett••••9 > le + + + ► lo► ► ► ► YYyV'YYVYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYV 4r 4 4 4 4 4 The .Little Eaton's Report THE FREE TRIP. CONTEST TO TORONTO Daily continues to gain increasing interest and popularity. Every day the contest is keener and here and there are cash register checks which will certainly be used. If you are not going to use them give them to a friend who is in the contest THEREFORE Next week we will report the standing of the different competitors. Kindly bring in • your checks and let us report them, your friends will then help you. . . Bring Them In Specials For The Meek Ladies' Gorner Now's your chance for a bar- gain in up-to-date and swell millinery. 150 Trimmed Hats at very much reduced prices. Buy another if you al- ready have one you can well afford it at the prices offered. All new, this. sea- son's styles and trimmings. Be smart and get the choice. SHIRT WAISTS—Our entire stock on sale. 98c for any one up to $2.00; and $1.98 for any one up to $3.75• A snap so early in the season. SKIRTS—Regular $5.00 light T weed Skirts, beautifully tailored, get the kind to wear with shirt waists, for $2.99. New goods—rush at it. WASH SKIRTS—Regular up to $3.5o for $1.99. Come while they last; they're a cinch. PARASOLS Summer Fancy white, trimmed with insertion, also plain; prices away down. We have the best i 5c Ladies' fast black Cotton Hose in town. A special, worth 25c anywhere. Men's Gorner STRAW HATS—are ketching it, we have hundreds of the newest, sailors, boaters, and crush—beauties— prices reduced for .quick sale—don't miss getting a bargain. WASH VESTS — (Fancy) — How is it with you? Guilty or not guilty? Well, if you're in for it we can help you out for 98c, regular $2.00; and $1.98, regular $4.5o. 'Tisn't hard, is it? SUITS—Special reduced prices on two -pieced suits—swell light and dark tweeds and worsteds—oh, the shoulders and collar will tempt you, and they don't cost any more than the com- mon, everyday kind so many try and sell—we can save you a nice penny so don't pass us up until you have proven us right. SHIRTS—Negligee, sizes from 14 to 19, all new goods, regular 75c and $I,00, for 49c. See window display. STRAW HATS—Cut, swell - shapes, all new, reg. $1.00 to $I.5o, for 69c. $2.50 hats for $1.69. BLACK SOX—A special 25 dozen lot to run at 15c. Get a pair, boys, they are as good as our 25c ones. BROS. VIN,GH..AM'1 4,2 4