The Wingham Times, 1908-07-02, Page 4THE WINGUAM TIME $ JULY 2, 1908 KERNELS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges1 -,t 'defeat a men aetrrrpts to Stars np for his friends by lying. Worry ie one et the most fruitful weenies of conenmetion. Vet my "Pork No 4 For Wcmen " It well gm week wtmen name, valuable anairest•irne of relief --and with strictly toafidential medieel advice ie entirely rete. Simply write Dr Sheep, Remo. Mr, P. The book No 4 tette all about Dr Shoop's Night Oure and how these seething. healing, antiseptic supposi- tories can be sncoeeefuliy applied to correct these weaknesses. Write for the book. The Night Cure is sold by all dealers. It's a poor way to bring men to heaven by el -raking them over hell. Naman is en great that he can afford to ape rise even the least man. Great records are made not because of •dveretties but in spite of them. Inflamed .Eyelids. Whon eyelids become rad and infl•.m• :ed and there are feelings as though particles of sand were in the eye you -will know that you have granulated s'yelids. Oar readers will bo glad to team that Dr. Chase's Ointment is a •oomptete euro for this trouble and :abonld be t:plilied at night after washing the side with warm water. Ho's a wise fool who can induce the world to laugh with him instead of at intim. Haw many men do yon know who let their religions interfere with their bug - zees? DR, A. W. CHASE'S og CATARRH CURE ... &Mc. a. • Is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and Cures Catarrh and HaHay Fever.Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co,. Toronto and Buffalo. Grover Cleveland, the last Democratic President of the United States, died at Painceton, N. J. William Wallace, a mcnlder, oat of work, drank carbolic avid at Port Hope, and died from the effects of it. THE LADIES' FAVORITE• lama -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite enedioine. They cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Billiousness, and Dyspepsia 'tivithout griping, purging or siokening. Donald Joienston of Harwich is dead atom blood -poisoning, haying scratched ids hand on a thorn bush some time ago. In 1868 there was not a foot of rail- R'oad track in Colo.ado. Today only :,ono county remains without a railroad. Piles are easily and quickly checked with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. To prove it I will mail a small trial box as a leonvinoing test. Simply address Dr. ;Shoop, Ranine, Wis. I surely would 'riot send it free unless I was certain that Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment would ,stand the test. Remember it is made expressly and alone for swollen, painful, bleeding or itching piles, either external er internal, Large jar 50o. Sold by mall dealers. The sulphur mines of Sicily employ 13,000 men. Sometimes a man can tell what a 'woman means by what she doesn't say—that is if she leaves anything 'unsaid. IC arta Eit'VCSRiA- Metre the The Kind You Have Always Bought Ilfanature '- ef Sir Sandford Fleming will give Hali- fax a park of 80 acres if a memorial tower 100 feet high, costing $20,000 is 'erected. It has been announced that the 0. P B. will make another extension of their fi Western lieea, this time tram Mcose fi Jaw to Ontlotk, a distance of 123 miles, through a'fine stretch of country, i Few men are in moral (larger as 1 {creat as those 'who proclaim religion FO etrennonely they feel no need to 1 practice i$ It is reported that Mr. W. S Ding. man, of the Stratford Herald, may be I appointed to the vacant Registrarship of North Perth. A gold watch, a pair of valuable dia- mond earrings and $499 99 were found on a women beggar in a New York police court. Cr-EA.Ra1301CIO ISC.XA. Bears the The The Kind You Have Always Bought eigaattire ,/ /�-I�<�C 1; 44 of l�i/ The German Empire has about 4.000 duels a year. France about 1,000, and Italy 270. Most of them are fought with swords. Gederioh newspapers state that 305 passengers were taken on by the King Edward upon the occasion of its excur- sion to Detroit on June 17. Sir Mackenzie Rowell distributed roses in the Senate from a rosebush which he brought from the Yukon three years ago. Tenacity, courage, a cheerful heart, and a hopeful spirit, exceroised even ander difficulties, are distinguishing marks of high character.—Germain. SFRINO MEDICINE, As a spring medicine° Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones np the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent inthe spring. Boston cepitaliets are entirirg upon an extensive plan of dredging the Fraser River for gold. They report very rich returns from test holes made. One of the New Krupp guns cost $79,000, and van be fired only 95 times. Each shot costs $1,650 for projectile ex- plosive and oheoking apparatus. CA t"X'OP.IL=.El,- Rears the The Kind You Have Always Boag 8ignatnra of mreteeje • There was a record "show day" of f ish for Gocd Friday at Hull, England. Trawlers landed between 10,000 and 15,000 kits of fish, representing 700 to 900 tons. Doan's Kidney Pills aot on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure backaches, weak back, rheum - edam, diabetes, congestion, inflamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder Cut rhubarb into inch lengths with out peeling, allow three-quarters of a pound of sugar to each pound of the rhubarb, and proceed as with canned cherries. Amherst, N. S. is supplied with elec- tric power and light generated from the waste products of a coal mine. This is in accordanoe with Mr. Edison's pro• phecy, that the future site of electric generation would be at the pit's mouth. Pain will depart in exactly 20 minutes if one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets is taken. Pain anywhere, Remember! Pain always means congestion, blood pressure—nothing else. Headache is blood pressure; toothache is blood pres• sure on the sensitive nerve. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets—also called Pink Pain Tablets—quickly and safely coax this blood pressure away from pain centres Painful periods with women get instant relief, 20 Tablets 25c. Sold by all dealers. Dr, S. E. Dawson, 0.M,G., and King's Printer for the Dominion of Canada, has been granted leave of absence, and will retire from active service on nperannuatien, He is now seventy ve years of age. On Wednesday evening the 17th inst. the home of Mr. and Mre. John Monroe, north line, Kincardine township was the scene of a happy event when the marri• age of their denghter Annie to Mr, Daniel Mc.Ritohie, Tiverton,was solemn- ized by Rev. Dr. Murray, pastor of Presbyterian Church, Wash, stem and stone tart cherries. Save all the juice that flows from thein and allow a pound of sugar to every pound of fruit, Put them in the preserv- ing kettle with the juice saved from the cherries and let the sugar become en- tirely dissolved. Add the cherries, cook until the syrup Is very thick and then seal. The government at Ottawa has pass- el an order in council, which pro- vides that no person shall be allowed tti Nettle Canada, who it not possess- ed of $200 in cash. This does not ap- ply to countries with which special ar• rangements have been made, and is intended to keep out Seiaties. It hits the Chink hard, for in addition to this WO, he mast pay tr, head tax of OIRENITO THE GREATEST BLOOD PURIFIER IN THE WORLD. L Good brain food. 2. Excites the functions of the liver. 3. Promotes a sound and quiet sleep. 4. Disinfects the mouth, $. Neutralizes the surplus acids orthe stomach. 6. Paralyze.; hemorrhoidal disturbances, 7. Helps the secretion of the kidneys, $, Prevents calculus concretions 9. Obviates indigestion. 10. Arevenr t' a the P against nt g diseases f the throat. ° 11. Restores all nervous energy and re' vives the natural forces, THE OXYGENATOR CO. 42 ltfarlsord Street, Toronto, Ont. !!'oil') BY ALL DRUGICOSTS. 11 THE CHARM OF BEAUTY Nothing of More Va1w tU IA omen, The glary anal satis antion of heauti ful wernau hood can bo known only to these fosses-ing the un imlted advan tames of health. iv'o weak w omen can be happy or "njoy halt the pleasures of life Pal- lid oho= its, sunken evesexhausted nNT v a, all tell of a terrible struggle to ket p np. What the wt.ak wotrt'n n.eda is Fer r, zo. e; it rem wa, restores at vitalizes instantly —We a "womat8's remedy"— that's why. F -rt.( zone /pekes women strong, plump and healthful beoause it remarks lots of nutriment, the kind that forms muscle. sinew, bane and uerve. Vitalizipg blood courses through the body. making delightful onlor, happy apliits, true womanly strength. To look well, to feel well, to enjoy the unlimited advantages of robust. bounding health use Ferrezone; sold by all dealers in 5Oo boxes, and refuse a substitute. To every pound of hulled strawberries allow a quarter of a pound of gran- ulated sugar and let the -sugar and berries etand together hi an earthen -reseal for an hour, Pat into a pre - sex ring re•sexving vessel with a Jakob of alum and let them simmer quietly for fi'teen minutes Dip out the superfluous juice. tnrn the fruit into cans, fi'liug them to overflowing, and seal at once. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Weak or It. flamed Eyes. —Frequent ba'hing with milc,yselt water is very beneficial. Another remedy is boracio avid; take as much of this powder as will he upon a dime, dissolve in a onp of warm water, bathe the eyes freely, using an eye glass if possible, then make little pads of a soft old linen handker- chief, dampen these with the solution and place oyer the eyes wbile lying down. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re. ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Oure. F. .7 Cheney & Co,, Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F J.iCheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in al] bnsiness transaotione, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Weldipg, Kinnan & Marvin, wholesale druggists, Toledo, 0 Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi- monials sent free. Price, 75c per bottle. Sold at all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa• tion. • An ingenius Japanese snail - fruit grower in California has rigged np an aerial railway in his strawberry fields on which the trays of fruit are carried to the little packing honse. It consists simply of a row of posts, a 34. inch wire, two barn door hangers, and a frame for carrying a dozen trays. We suppose the thirg is ran by gravity and anyone with sloping land could rig up one similar to it. "The gold outrut from the Transvaal mines last month," says the Springfield Republican, "made a new high record for the season—amounting to $12,325,- 000 against $11,139,000 in the month last year. This is the largest output record- ed of any month excepting only last De- cember, 'when production was $12,393,- 000. It now seems certain that the year 1908 will surpass all records for gold production in that quarter, and possibly for the world. Here is the great reason for believing that no very heavy fall in general commodity prices can come as a result of the business reaction, and that therefore the depression will be much shorter -lived than that following 1103 or 1873." Was Troubled With MS Back for Over Twenty= five Years Got Him Every Kind of Medicine, But DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS FLNALLY MELD HIM has -t Mrs. II, A. Tipper, Fesserton, Ont., Writest—I cab certainly recommend your Doan's Kidney Pills, My husband had been troubled with his back for over twee• tyflvo years. I got him every kind of Medicine I could think of, but they dill Lim no good. A friend advised him to get some of Uos.n' s y Pills, Kidney c so h 0g of two boxes and they cured him crimpletoly. He feels like a now man, so lie eases, and will never be without a box of Doan's Kidney Pills in the house. I n•moining that dctertivos were ou his trail 11'r.nk Yung of 13.nmitron gave hub,' It ep t Oh:- pellet), and (weftased Oast he fines' meima 18 bnf us cheek on the M1tr,:porn.n 8 k, Presto, iu June or !set veer. ti]t.oe that time he has wat•der,d from place to plane, always with the cos vioiien that the detectives were on his trail. u' -til he decidsd that would rather fade the O nerquenoee then continue the s ssp neo. The etoel works at ho Ginadian Seo" are expected tore open this week. which will go a long toward ending the d pression which his ex sted there for :vane time pact. The blast furnace will not oontmeuce immedlate)y, as there is a big accumulation .f pig iron on hand but the other furnaces will be ruuniug this week. The tfforts which the man- agement have m de to get things run- ning amain entitle tat m to the greatest credit, as a great many men were enf- Tering from the enforced idleness. The essential inng-hoaliug principal of she pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfect oaoh medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway Pins, Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a artra,ntee of aatisfaotion. Price 25 (tents. 0 iina's first school of forestry will soon be opened at Mukden. The Chin- ese empire is usually pointed out as the worst example,, among modern na- tions, of forest cbstructicn. The floods which are neriodioally prnred down from the denuded mountains are de- structive beyocd comparison with any o her conutry, and the want of forests is assigned as the chief cause. Wood is scarcer an China than in almost any other region in the world, although the country is wEll adapted to the grow- iug o1 trees. C.inton lost another of its earliest re- sidents on Wednesday, June 24th,by the death of Mrs. Marten, widow of the late William Herten, who was in her 81st year. Deceased was born in Clifton, England, came to Canada in 1863, mak- iug her home for some time in Norwich, where she was married in 1858, With her late husband etre moved to Clinton in 1832 and has*rosided here ever since. Mr Marten died about 20 years ago, since whioh time she made her home with her grandchildren, the Misses Bentley. Many years ago a man named F Parlee, a steamfitter in the 0. N. R shops at Winnipeg, bought some fifty shares, which were sold to him at 20 Dents each, and wbioh he threw in the bottom of his trunk and left there for a bad investment. Casually, a short time ago, he remarked to an Edmonton broker that he had those same shares still, when the broker told him that they were now worth $224 per share, and that acorned dividends would be due him. In all, his oil stock were wort to him just $12,000, and he has left f California to claim it. • THE BETTER THINGS. To try is better than the things you try , To hope isforhigher than the height at- tained, To love le greater than the love you sigh for, To seek is nobler than the object gained. To wrestle with the angels this avails, Althoaeh the motive for the wrestling fails, To learn is more essential than the knon, To know iewidegeper than the wisdom found. To live is grander than all life's be- stowing To advance more faithful than the van- tage gained, To give is far more blessed than reoeiv- ing, To tell the truth needs not to force be - To speaklievis voioo eternal in vibration, To blaze a trail is safer than hewn road To think is power of indefinite creation To trust is finer than to see your God. To think—to act— these bridge the 'world's abysses; To—die—no soul has told a soul what that is. .•, aw Chronic Bronchitis 15 Years Mrs Jamie Burne, Sr„ Waller, Ont , writes: "MY---huaband..-Attae ill with ohrouio bronchitic for fifteen years and was attended by several physicians w shout success, By the ase of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen• tine the bronchitis bas been entirely oared and his system late been built up by the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. I'LL FIND A WAY OR MAKE IT, [John G. Saxe 1 It was a noble Roman, Ia Rome's imperial day, Who heard a coward croaker, B fore the castle say : "They're safe in each n fortress; There ie no way to bhake it !" "On—on," exclaimed the hero, ' I'll find a way, or make it t" Is fame your aspiration? Her path is steep and high ; Le vain he seeks hor temple Who is content to geze•and sigh: The shining throne is waiting, Bat he elone can take it Who says, with Roman firmness, I'!1 find a way or make it t" Is learning your ambition? There is no royal road ; Alike the peer and peasant Must olimb to her abode; Who feels the thirst of knowledge, In Helioon may slake it, If he has still the Roman will. I'll find a way, or make it!" EMERGENCY DANCER When a Harsh Catarrhal Cold Fast- ens on the Breathing Organs a Lite is Threatened, or There are times when a Hyomei out- fit is worth a life and having 11 on hand will save a life, no safer precaution can be suggested than calling at Walton McKibbon's drug store and getting a supply for use in following cases. When a child shows the first sign of croup a breath of Hyomei through the inhaler will check the trouble perman- ently. When through catching cold yon seem to be choking up, difficulty to breathe, pain or soreness over the lungs and other symptoms of pneumonia, the in- stant relief from Hyomei air is marvel- ous. It penetrates quickly to the inner re- cesses of the bronohial tubes and lunge where no liquid or moist medicine can reach. When an asthmatic condition presents unnsnaI sneezing and oppressed breath- ing. Hyomei will bring rest, complete outfit $1.00. A beautiful and impressive ceremony took place at 9 o'clock Wednesday morn - Ing, June 24th, in St. James church, Seaforth, ' when the marriage was aolemnized of Miss Margaret McQuaid, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas M,Qaaid, to Dr. Thomas Mulligan, of Grand Forks, N. D. The church which was crowded with friends of the bride, was beautifully decorated with fine flowers, and the altars were Iovely with flowers and candles and shaded lights. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Corcoran, assisted by Revs. George Northgravea, J, Noonan, of Dublin, and Hanlon, of Clinton. Heat prostrates the nerves. In the enmmer one needs a tonic to offset the customary hot weather Nerve and Strength depression, Yon will feel bet- ter within 48 hours after beginning to take such a remedy as Dr. Shoop's Res• torative. Its prompt action in restoring the weakened nerves is surprising. Of course, you won't get entirely strong in a few days, but each day you can actually feel the improvement. That tired, lifeless, spiritless, feeling will quickly depart when acing the Restora- tive. Dr. Sheep's Restorative will sharpen a failing appetite; it aids diges- tion; it will siren„then the weakened Kidneys and Heart by eimply rebuilding the worn-out nerves that these organs depend upon. Test it a few days and be convinced. Sold by all dealers, 1 farm his Far to t wit SaEu a yE big wro him cow hie gnu whe Hie hors bone deat and Wrin work bone meat of hi a Ora hit The price of Doan's Kidney Pills is 50 read emits per box or 3 boxes for $1.25, tt ell crook dealers, or will be mailed direct on receipt twin of price by The Doan Kidney Pill Cat, He s Toronto, Ont. - gave Because He Gave Up Paper. About two months ago one of our er friends dropped in and stopped paper'," says the Osborne, Kangas, mer. "He said he couldn't afford eke the paper, and just had to do hoot it. Ha dropped in again 1811 rday and planked down a $1 50 for ar in advance—and then heaved a sigh of relief. Everything had gone ng since the Farmer ceased to visit Hie chickens refused to lay, his s got on the alfalfa and died, and hogs got the cholera The rats wed holes in his granary, and Ws at ran oat and the birds ate it up, windmill blew over, and killed a e, and his beat shepherd dog got a in his throat and choked to h. His children got the measles his wife smashed her thumb in the ger, and couldn't do any home - Thieves broke into his smoke• e, and stole his winter's supply of s,and fire destroyed to ed several y a stacks s alfalfa. He bought groceries of veiling fakir, and never got them, e his neighbor weaned because he in the Farmer to watch out for e. His days were Ailed with whi- ne, and his nights with bad dreams, toed it for two months, and then np the unequal struggle, s m: There has been some very heated dis- cussions of late regarding the moral situations in the city of Dawson. Pres- entations made to Sir Wilfrid Laurier, regarding the immoral conditions ram- pant there were met by vigorous protests o1 all kinds, The latest news on the ques- tion is, that from Rev. J. R. Seymour, a recently returned Methodist minister, who said that he was not opposed to the reform work being carried on by Dr. Pringle, but that, as far as present status and conditions went, the city of Dawson could not be called an immoral city. Dance halls have been wiped out, and policemen were exercising a close over- sight over all questionable planes, Biliousness, Liver Complaint If your tongue is coated, your eyes yel- low, your complexion sallow; if you have siok headaches, variable appetite, poor circulation, a pain under the rightshould- er, or alternate costiveness and diarrhoea, floating specks before the eyes, Your Liver Is Not In Order All the troubles and diseases which come in the train of a disordered liver, such as Jaundice, Chronic Constipation, Catarrh of the Stomach, Heartburn, Water Brash, etc., may be quickly and easily cured by MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS Mr. ' fIme' r,ch Zurich, h Ont, 1 had suffered for years with iver com• plaint, and although I tried many modi- einca I could not get rid of it. Seeing Milburn's Laxa•Liver Pills advertised I decided to try them, and after toting bhotn four months I was completely cured. 25 cents a vial or 5 for $1,00, at Ai dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co,, Ltd., Toronto, Ont. OIL FOR DOMESTIC W:tEEI, S, Old white wash skirts can be made into pretty baby ocats.. Fresh haddcok should be cooked from eight to fifteen minutes. Blooke of putnice-atone served ad- mirably piled over the burners in a gas. fire. Have a small pair of saw horses made on whioh to set trunks while packing. To cure hives, wet the 'effected part with salt and water, then apply dry sulphur. Give children a spoonful of sweet cream immediately after a dose of bitter medicine, To keep wooden bread boards in good condition scrub them with sand or salt instead of soap. To replace a worn band place the now band on the wron;f side of the skirt a seam's width below the old one, then out off the old band, turn new band over, and stitch on the right side. Ir the housekeeper who,finds it hard to keep carpets or ruga smooth on the floor will sew a loop on the corners of the carpet and nail a small taok on the floor she will have no more trouble. Fresh oold water is a powerful ab- sorbent of gases. A i'owl of water planed under the bed of the siok room and frequently changed is among the valuable aids in purifying the air. If those who find th'b banana diges- tible would, afterremoving skins, scrape lightly with a knife to remove coating of pulp (whioh is indigestible) they w mild have no more trouble in that way. To preserve butter for winter cooking, place the vessel containing it in hot water until melted; strain through a piece of cheese cloth into pint glass jars, adding a little salt; securely seal and wrap in paper. When baking a layer cake, if you have forgotten theflavoring, put a few drops on the layers, cover it with a pan and place it in the oven. It will pene- trate the Dake, and the flavor will be as evenly distributed as if baked in. • To make "strawberry eggs" take the whites of eight eggs beatr stiff, two onps granulated sugar, and one 1°evel teaspoon cream of tartar. Bake in a slow oven for two hours. When cold out in slices, spread with sweetened orushed strawberries with whipped oream on top. - To make corset covers from waists, cut low in the neck and rip out sleeves; finish edge of neck and armholes with lace and beading. If worn under arms use sleeves to mend. WHAT THE KIDNEYS DO What Booth's Kidney Pills are Doing For Wingham People. All the blood in the body passes, through the Kidneys every three min- utes. They work night and day to daily re- move about 500 grains of impure ;natter. IC they fail some part of this impure. matter is left in the blood, bringing on pain in the back, headache, dizziness,. irregular heart, hot, dry skin, rheuma- tism, gravel, dropsy, deposits in the urine. ,Booth's Kidney Pills make the filtering right and overcome Kidney trouble. Hundreds of Huron County residents have found this out. Geo Fretwell, of Minnie & Viotoria• St , Wingham Oct., says;—"A dull, heavy pain had settled across the small of my back from hip to hip. There was a soreness and tenderness there that would cause me to suffer both night and day. There was an national soaldieg in passing the urine and it was filled with sediment of a high color. I had need so many different remedies and found no relief that I had begun to think nothing would benefit my condition. Booth's Kidney Pills were advertised and I pro- cured a box at Mr. MoKibbon's Pharm- acy. They did me so much good I. oontinued the treatment and the second box had entirely cleared the urine and taken away the scalding. My back strengthened and the pain left it. The. rheumatism with which I had suffered for over four years has also been greatly relieved and I am stronger and better than in years previous and van only thank Booth's Kidney Pills." Sold by dealers. Price 50 Dents, Thee R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont., Sole Canadian Agents. WE WANT A RELIABLE LOCAL. SALESMAN for Wingham and adjoining country to - represent "Canada's Greatest Nurseries" Largest list of commercial and do- mestic fruits—large and small; orna- mentals, and shade trees; flowering shrubs, vines, roses, flee seed potatoes, one of our specialties. Stook that ts' hardy comes from us. A permanent situation for the right man, for whom the territory will be re- served. Pay weekly. Free Equipment, Write for particulars. STONE & WEL IN Gi TON Fonthill Nurseries (850 acres) TORONTO, CANADA' ••••eN••ece•ese&••••••••••i • • • • • If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon or make a better moose -trap than his neighbor, though he bui;d his hoose in the woods, the world will make a beaten Hath to his door,—Emerson, ••••s•e••er►eeceese•c•ss•••I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 .• f, • e • 1 i Get on the path to the door of the Times Printing Office Where mouse traps are not made but —where— Good Printing Is turned out every day with neat- ness and despatch; where up-to-date materials and machinery are used, and were mechanics with up-to-date ideas are employed; where quality characterizes every piece of work and service given every buyer; where cheap printing is never done, but where good printing's done cheap; where the. kind of printing is done that will lead the world to make a beaten path to your door; where particulars may be had by following up the path to the office of THE WINGHAM TIMES or by calling up 'Phone 4. •1 401•• eel' . •• •• •i <t• • . •• • • 40