The Wingham Times, 1908-07-02, Page 3For The Hot Weather 1 Two Piece Snits Cool and comfortable, up-to-date in every particular, perfect fitters, prices from $7.50 to $16.00 Special 6 only 2.pieceregular - $5.00 $7.5o, 8. and $9.50 extra specialpr, Outing Shirts of all kinds, with and without collars, suitable for Bowling, Tennis or street wear, Hot Weather Collars, Wash Ties the correct thing for summer wear, in stocks,four•in- hands and strings; Belts, Underwear with short sleeves and knee trousers, Fancy Hosiery in light weights, Straw Hats, Land and Water Hats, etc. 'If it's comfort you want, call in and see us. Mcee CLOTHING AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS. TIE WINGITAlf TIMES, MY 2 1898 tris W*WANU`1R. or, 'r., -is having a well drilled by Mr. DavideOn, of Wingham - Ed. ("mites, evangelist ot Ohicago, is visiting friends in this neighbor- hood. Miss Gussie Haines has returned to Wingham to resume her study of millinery, after spending a month at home. John Oole, of East Wawanoeh, sold a fine heavy draft 2 year old colt, sired by Sanlight, to John Armstrong, of this locality, at a good long price. This oolt has never been beaten in the show ring. Geo. Nays � Is Your Bach weak? When the back drags and aches, feels lame over the spine,—when there is in - indigestion, headache and constant call to make water, beware of etck kidneys. weakness Land soon you'll be unable this condition to work. The one remedy you oan rely on to Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Every symp- tom of disordered kidneys they cure by removing the cause, You improve im• mediately, day by day you will ex perience benefit from Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Best for the kidneys, liver and stomach. Sold by all dealers. MORRIS. Township Connoil met on Monday; Minutes in our next issue. Tuesday morning of last week James and Mrs. Danoan, 4th line, left' for a trip to the West. We wish them a re03,4344040463100:4414•30.3400)0109,34•314141 dr arisA New Orleans woman was thin. Because she did not extract sufficient 2 nourishment from her food.401 She took Scott'.S Emaision. l• Result: She gained a pound a day in weight. 02111:44400484.00430409)40:4104:44:04 ALL DRUGGISTS: 50c. AND $1.00 CULROss. T. AUGUSTXNE. Tuesday afternoon, Jane 23:d, saw I A sad accident 000urred at St Augae • the passing away of an old resident of 1 tine on Sunday, Jane 21st, when the Oalross in the person of Mrs, William10•year•old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heath, who lived with her son, Mr. 1 Mose shot and killed his little sister, Wm. Taylor, on the Gravel Road 'aged 4 years. The two had been play - north. Mrs. Heath had been ill since ling out near the barn and got hold of an last February, and her death was not old gun. The first intimation the unexpected. She was a little over 77 parents received was when the boy ap- yaars of age, Her maiden name was peered - at the hoaae with the lifeless Sara Sprague. but before marrying Mr. body of his littlet siisstte ine his i a ms.on a He manure Heath, she was Mrs, Taylor, and she i mad them fork tand the parents of course en was twioe a widow. accepted his word. A doctor was sum- moned, who found grains of shot in the body, which proves that the boy's story was untrue. It is not known whether the aff:sir was aooidantal, or intention- al. The ether of the child is so pros• trated with grief that she bee not been made aware of the facts. J Ati1ESTO W N. Mrs. Thos. Currie, sister to ex -Reeve James Turnbull, ot Grey, died at Wharncliffe, Algoma, on Jane 10th., aged 64 years. She had been in failing health for some time, stomach trouble and a weak heart being the cause. Da • ceased's maiden name was Mary Turn- bull and her birthplace Ayr, Ont. She was married 45 years to her late husband who died years ago. They lived on the 2nd line of Morris at one time but moved to Algoma, where the past 20 years were spent. 2 sone and 2 daugh- ters survive. Mrs. Carrie was a faith- ful member of the Presbyterian church and was a most excellent woman wall worthy of the high esteem in which she was held. good time. Jno. MoVettie and David Agar, both of the second line, met with Imes by lightning, the former having 2 young cattle killed and the latter 9 sheep. M. Clark, of Chicago, returned home on Monday of last week, where he holds a lucrative position in the largest mercantile establishment in the city. Mr. Clark's relatives and old neighbor e on the 5th spent a pleasant time toget• her though his visit was brief after an absence of 19 years. ••••••••111••••s••••••••••la •••••••••••••••••••••••••- ;Bargains, Bargains Bargains • • Table Linen regular price 40n per yard, now 20 •• 30 pieces fine quality Colored Masiins. polka dots and • • figures, regular prices from 15e to 25c, to clear.... .12 • 3 dozen Ladies' Blouses, nice quality lawn, tricked, • hemstitched and embroidery trimmed, long and ;i short sleeves, regular prices $1.00 to $1,35, now ... 75 • 6 pieees Corset Cover Embroidery, fine lawn with pretty • open work patterns,'some with one and some with 24 3 two rows of beading; to clear '.. 20 pieces good quality Canadian Prints, light and dark08 patterns; sale price .• • • SHOE'S. • • am Besides the irresistible price saving for this week in -41 -• various parts of the store, we have a table of SHOES • all sizes, regular prices from $1 to $3, whieh we 43 1 1 ID. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11!o•••!••••••••••!•• - are clearing at sold at Also table of prices.riAsk i so see our beingh are eat - ash Belts. Highest prices for Butter and Eggs. M. GORDQ 99 ' WIWS Ex c lush Shoe Dealers I 8b CO. za • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Peculiar Weakens in Women Many women 'suffer un'old torture from nervous debility arising from disorders of the feminine organs. Day by day they grow worse. A false sense of modesty prevents them using a good remedy like FerrOzaae,—and it would care them. Lost nerve force is brought back—new vital •energy is supplied— irregularities disappear. Ferrozone does restore weak ale women. For those who suffer and find work hard to bear nothing supplies the health and vitality that Ferrozane so surely brings. Guaranteed free from alcohol and sure to oure, 500 at all dealers. BLUEVALE We are pleased to state that Messrs Duff & Stewart iatenl rebuilding the saw mill, whioh was recently destroyed be fire. In the meantime the season's work, cutting of logs, etc., will go on without interruption. The congregation of Knox Church are arranging for a garden party to be held on the sohool grouude here on Tuesday evening, July 7th. An interesting time is expected. The Wi.,gham citizens' band will furnish music, and addresses are expected from Rev. Mr. Andrews, and Rjv. G. P. Danoau, of White- church. Tea will ba served from 6 to 8 o'clock, and the admisai312 is planed at 25 cents. The members of L. 0. L 766, augmented by a large number of viast- ing members of the order from Wing - ham and aggrieve, attended divine ser- vice in the Methodist church here on Sunday evening, when Rev. Geo. Baker preached a splendid sermon. About eighty Orangemen were in attend- ance, and these, with the unusually large congregation present to hear Rev. Mr. Baker's closing sermon of a four-year pastorate, completely filled tha edifice, and many were unable to gain admis- sion. The speaker dwortparticalarly on the freedom for which Orangeism stands, and his address was thoroughly appre- ciated. In a few words to the members of his congregation, he expressed his pleasure at having labored amongst them for fonr years; he had tried to do his duty faith.nliy, and exhorted the congregation to be united in the work. On returning to the hall the hearty ap- proval of the Orangemen present in re- gard to the appropriate discourse was WEST R'AN"ANOSr1. Thursday morning, June 18th, the angel of death visited this vioinity and ruthlessly robbed Mr. John Ashton of West Wewanosh of a fond wife and his little boy of a tender age of a loving mother. Mr. and Mrs. Ashton had known only 4 years of happy marital re- lations when the grim monster entered the home and without warning claimed the life of the young wife, who was bat 23 years of age at the time of death. Deceased had bean afllioted with au affection of the heart for a number of years, but no serious consequences had been feared, and when death came in the form of heart disease it was with terrible suddenness and altogether un. expeoted. -Deceased had been a lifelong resident of Wawanosh, and was nniver• sally respected and esteemed. BRUSSELS. Alex McKelvey, of town, passed his 4th year in Medioine at Toronto and is • now doing duty as House Surgeon in the • Queen City. Miss Barbara McKelvey • and George Buohanan each took 3rd • year Honors in general proficieoey at • the Toronto Univeraity. Miss Ethel • • • Scott, formerly teacher here, secured 1st in Moderns in her 3rd year course and captured a Scholarship. • Many will deeply regret to learn of the • death of James Holmes, of New War- ren, Sask. He passed away at 4 o'clock • on the morning of Thursday, Jane llth. • • Mr. Holmes and Mrs. Holmes, spent the • • past Winter with friends is this part •• and returned home on Saturday May •30th and the following week Mrs. Holmes • was taken ill with congestion of the lungs. • The deceased lived for seven years on the • 12th oon. of Grey and leaves a widow w and family of three sons and one dangh- 0 ter all of whom reside in Saskatchewan.•• • • Store closes 7 et • m., eSC P aturdy a a and a- fore venin holidays. Warm Weather Shoes for the Little Ones COMFORTABLE SLIPPERS FOR LITTLE FEET MICE We make the Children's Shoes a special feature of our business and doubt if you can farad a selection equal to what we are showini; in this town or visinity. Take a look in otir north window or better still come in and look. You are under no obligation to buy. WILLIS � CO. ISARD'S Big JULY SASE Dinner Sets Free TO O U R PATRONS This beautiful imported Saari PJraelain Dinner Wire GIVEN AWAY, piece by piece., in any gio.attty to our cash wait.) 11 %r3. We're after BI "s BUSINESS for the math of JULY and in order to make this one of the LA.RGEST and BEST S.ALI,� in the history of THIS STOR1+i, We offer special INDUNl4EN VS to. those who bay for CASH or for BUTTER and E,GS'aur. . In every department prices will be amazingly low, and in alditian to cut• prices you will receive a coupon for eve.y pace`lase of twat%y five cents. two coupons with a fifty cant parch tse and so ort. Bold your coupons until the first of A.a„ast then bring them in and gat dishes tor them. This is a very easy way of getting a nig Toa or Dinner Set of imported Porcelain Ware. Coupons given on purchases of Men's and Boy's Clothing, Hats and Caps, Gents' Faraishings, Boots and Shoes, Carpets, Raga, Oil- cloths, Linoleum, Blinds, Curtains, Dress Goods, Silks, Waists, Wrappers, Uaderwear, hosiery, Gloves, Parasols, Corsets, Prints, Ribbons, L.teas and all march Mise Ginnhams, Mnslins, Belts, Collars, excepting the Grocery Department. Remember all our CUSTOIIERS will share alike ani have the same chance of getting these be.a.atiftit dishes. Parehtses one dollar up will start you. on the dishes. Four coupons secures one Fruit Saucer. This Combination Always Wins. How ofteu vve hear of people who have had an aching jaiut or niuscie for years. ` No more speedy remedy can be adopted than to rub on Nervitine and thea apply a Nerviline Porous Plaster. At once the musolas begin to resume their wonted vigor and flexibility. In• I voiced in a motion by Bro. A. H• Mu Sesame;ore symptoms and pain disap• by the moastt del pear. Nedel Plasters oan be wornicate child or aged per. grove, of Wingham. Thanks were also son. They are invaluable as thousands extended to the trustees of the ohnroh, have proved Used along with Nervi• and the choir. lite they are guaranteed to permanently drive out any muscalar ache, pain or stiffness Try these remedies, and or Ndealers,e for yourself. 25e. at all 0.Polon & Oo., Kingston, Lost his Voice Entirely Mr. J. H. Woods, of Point Rook, experi- ence.Oneida, d a hard "A Co., ad attack N. aof catarrh setled in my forehead and the pain over my eyes was so intense I thought my head would burst. My voice grew very and ht night, , had E g hoarse and I song y through the winter oouid scarcely speak. My voice was gone. Two doctors didn't help me at all. The next doctor ordered "Oatarrhozone." It cared me and now many others here use it also. My doo- tor says he doesn't know anything en good for Oatarrb and Throat Trouble as "Catarncczone." Use it today. you're bettor to•morrow, 253 and $1.00 at all dealers, Try Oatarrhozone. EY. cx Wm. Machan, who lately had the well•drillers, is erecting a windmill on his new property and will have things handy. Lightning killed a cow for Mrs. Jane MoNair; a heifer each for John Bryans and Joe Jaoklin and two sheep for Jas. Douglas, • Miss Rands, teacher of S. S. No. 9, was unable to teach last week on ac- count of illness. We trust she will 50011 be alt right again, The barn on the di farm of John K. Baker, 9•h line, had a close call from destruction from lightning. As it was two raftet's were damaged and a largo section of the roof will rtguite rolling. ling. It was a weirder the building was not set on fire. 1 R. Johnston's old stand, opposite Bank of Commerce. Repairing done us served Ir best ebargelk' all ripPiton; sonshoesbought AUBURN. Rev. J R. Mann, B. A , was inducted as paster of the Presbyterian Oharah here on Thursday last. Mr. Mann is the son of Alexander Mann and Eliza- beth Thomson. Isis public school train- ing was received in Hamilton township, love is apt to be painful — for a abort Northumberland County, afterwards , time, attending the Oobourg Oollegiate leets- \ .A. wide man never tries -.to please tube. From the collegiate, ke passed, himself and a woman at the same time, P is to a he e whioh la. Ornuking slim g m on to Toronto University, If you aka a a graduate in arta with honors in phipublic; woman ill it's a sign she isn't osophy. Ilis theological training was 1 received at Knox College, Toronto, and bus wile. I A mal has an ax to grins or else he et Princeton Theological Seminary, 1 Princeton, New Jersey, and from the turns the grindstone for some women . latter ho graduated in 1801, having also who has. girl doesn't think aha is a full• taken a post gradnste oourse in Prince• ; A ton University. Immediately upon fledged woman until she has made a graduation a call was extended to Mr. , man's heart aohe. Mann by the Presbyterian church of I And the wise theatrical manager Ashland, Pc He served in Ashland ; hitches hie wagon to a star rather than church for about three and ono -half to a girl in the cher". years, when he was called to the pastor -It has been remarked that love levels i at s..m whod the river E a t �w�cloved a e o 110. w e .� ate of the Scatahcown church, Neve all things and the man side. So p York, y in January, work with the fiat that levelled him. ids. that and men found t and lost knows t .a� it ` Sunday in 1895, The Sootoh• � A ni:l will forgive a young man the water to their shonlc.ena before —Will Mounting the town church was serve by quicker for hissing her nearly seven years w le � than for not being in eras i d as evolved by tae Genera I the seal encounter took place along the 1 1 1al Start Right in + 1uy on I Thursday, July 2nd1 Come early and often and yoga will ba wall Satisfied. MUSLINS —10 pienas Fanov Flowered and Scot Mastitis, 10 value up to 15o, sale price WAI3TS—Ladies White Lawn Shirt Waists, nicely made, Dg cues rap to 33, Jaly sale. DRAWERS -5 dozen Ladies O•►mbrto Drawers, fine make S5 of cambric, veins up to 50o, our out price TABLE LINEN -400 Bleached Linen, wide, on sale....... 28 LADIES VESTS—Special line on sale, only 10 HOSE -5 dozen Ladies Blaok Cashmere Hose, all wool sale .25 PARASOLS—A line of White Parasols, $1 25 value for.. 81.00 MEN'S TIES --250 Hook on Ties, on sale your choice...... .1`J LONG GLOVES—Special value in Black or White. 0 andg,7.i Gloves in Lace or Lisle No room here to gaote mare prices, the store is fall of Bergai na. Come and sae fur yourself. 1 By a Woman Hater. Birthdays, holidays and weddings are what keep the average man poor. Every widow who knows her business knows when a man means business. Somehow a compliment is pleasing to a woman even when she knows it isn't sincere. The hart resulting from falling in �. Isard & 6 I IMPORTERS, WII�TGHAM. PHONE 68. GODERICH SHAM FIGHT. The military tactics of camp Goderioh terminated Thursday with one of the most h eperrito y. The fialdham tofsaction r seen in this territory. ex- tended for miles along weber aide of the broad Maitland, through the wood and over steep hills which overlook the 'ver. Staff cerebra were issued Wednes- 1 I western Ontario, and these, with the thousands of farmers from the surronnd- ing country added to the citizens thronged the banks at every point of vantage. Thursday night was given over to a military tette on the Maitland fiats, par- ticipated in by all the regiments. Bril- liant illuminations from various colored torches, throwing a blaze of variegated. light over the expansive fiats, presented rt day night that an attacking battalion, a beautiful sight as the several bands consisting of four regiments, would • and regiments passed in review, and march on the town, 'while three others • aaiisthenic and flig signal drill was ox - were detailed to maintain the defensive emnlitied, the whole terminating with a rd. , akD stwor e y of fireworks. r sw .a a d � � n dna k nifi�e t from the Grand Tran y mag P Promptly at 11 o'clock the outposts and 1 The camp brake up at daybreak Fri - signallers reported by heliograph and 1 day and so sucsessfally have the ar- flag signal code the approaoh of the : rant;ements been canted out by the attacking party from the east. Soon yellow ofiioiale that the rill:era and the boom of the artillery auneunced to !men are bond in their praise of the ne- the citizens the approaoh of the slap- op up 1 tural beauties of the camping grounds posed enFmy, who appeared over a range and uuaniniaus in their desire to have of country extending from Dunlop to Goderioh for the permanent annual Benmilier, about five miles across, camping ground for • weetern Ontario. Steadily the attacking party pushes With the comp'etion of the Wast Shore aof woods, part forwa"d, under cover of the donee wo I;tectric 'Railway through this to the River Maitland, where on arrive the order was tamed to ford to the south. Grey to guilt') voters' list for 1008 is out and was first pastel up Thursday , last week. There are 1057 games in all, 1 890 in part I; 112 in part II; and 46 in part III, 607 are competent to serve se Jaren. Clerk DlcIntosh takes the lead in the early preparation and completion agi1m of the list, the county €xcellent facilities will ba available for the tranapostation of mon and suppli. s from the town to ilio camp• the cilioe15 The 1 t`ielrhiln copu;i any tarrived home {{ on rtidmy morning and tb > big, expanse d Mr. Mnun against her v,i1.1 reaching the other silo. flunk as well pleased with their 1 n he returned to t t sd enough to +banks and clambering to the summit, °titre; at Go;Erich. Ontario an w try, Assembly at its in Sturgeon. in Jun ,1 a woman attends a dramatic Grand Trunk yards and commons, 1902. He Preached Sturg:oa Falls, and a I Many hat she will know how to ; where, atter a spi?iced attack enuring ! George S * a�l.11ing ot :fit. Thomtia, than vacant, early in January ther a in sohool in sot 1 who gave a boy ten caste to hosat a a the leading role in a divorce of infantry and attillery the sham battle vanes Froin a oytel, was santessced to was called to become pastor there i ; act in court if ells is over called upon i grant deal of spectacular February, :wthe asent. and g a s 0 ply eventually eroded in a victory for the ut- i 0110 year ill the t antral. backers. The whole eilaipment of the there Usti: the present. Daring las Casa. Mr. & ler. l iaise of Paris, Ont., has pastorate at Sturgeon Falls the church! — 1 itch Field Ilettery, Army Service Carpe I , ., Sou.b Waterloo Liberals nominated ;eta all the lufaatry participated in the ;taken his ten -year-old eon to 1V'taty York been Tabani and row's+ seated at tO , to have him treated at the PC et, uv In- t titute, He was bitten by a deg lately. npD coat of $:800; a new manse was built Dr. Sylvester Mayer for tl e Commons. action. hrtiOnment with 00 Ther i ave beenbeac at a cast' Five hundred mei: and a large number I After a slight rest and app of $3000. There have rgon' falls and 02 teams are at w tk en the repairs to I of ratioeo to the man the regiments communion Tolle in Sturgeon Cornwrali (`ane?, and it is hoped to have were assembled in marebing order Cacho Bay 150 C Onirlln There during the work den© within a month. I again, and paraded through the centie the many paetilssal as No have also n dismissals as Now Untatio Mrs• Perron, chambermaidmEd fo i�rlall Colborne. ot the town, ThOnsande of the exaure excursionists boon ala y is a ptaoe of changes. Sturgeon Falls ona hotel, has teen eon morning Pacific from sed in their flue I' a charge of stealing a sum of money I came d in during ate i eOamorning over tho Caving Bay increased 2 heft by a guest under his pillow. Dial giving! from. $110b to $;,fi00, A C P. R. passenger train on the near Sudbury line was wrecked near Totten - hem en Saturday night. live ears roll - ea over into the diteh. There were 200P passengers on board, but no person WA* sericuoly i:: j tired.