The Wingham Times, 1908-06-25, Page 4inklettelteeeteetline neon Ti#I w1NOilAM. TIGiki3, .1UUN1w 25, 1l908 Rheu in at is m the Sanctum MR t.,, tip Strength Ramis the Fjoint3 Prcvt.nts i1�ttXa. Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. 'Laughter In Paella 1 s considered ef- feminate. The straw bat usually ehawe which 'way rho wind blots s. C:$ .4.. "St y' r:, wt. DILI You Iac Always Bought Sways ties _/i Algarttare of if-FrE—c?„, A shook of cart! ushe wars felt at 4iorawall. Andrew Carncgie'0 incomo averages $71,CO) a day. Money talks, but it hover get a chance to say much at a bat gain sale. lir, t'ha^o'n ()Int p-6 Cuontisccrrtco 4 ' and r;uarantew' Curoforcarshtind every form of itching, h1eCQinC, r anti protruding spl1os. Soo tenthnonials in the pyre:, acid ask VOWoitt'`iimneYhaolc�i@ Lur,t.iuti'1, 60e utud ]gre(Ri tit'.1'DVAtA . JIA•ridn& Co., Toren to. Ono man was !gilled and one fatally tojnred in tho launching of a brat at Squaw Island on the Niagara River. When a girl suddenly discovers that she has a voice it's a sign there is a vocal brainstorm browirg for the neighbors, Tho essential lung -healing principal of the pine tree half finally been auccesofully separated and refined into a perfoot cough medioine—Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sol by all dealers on a guarantee of satiefaotion. Price 25 I onto. 1M I CH'ASE'S GINTERElpai`l% Dr, Dawson, King's Printer at Ottawa yKtill be auperannatod. About the only difference between n Ave -omit and a ten -cent cigar ie a nickel. A. woman is as sensitive about her afresides es a man is about his bake head. Where tits Vine is Needed. 13illiouenees—too mach bile iu the blood. Coretlpation—too little bile iu the intestiees. s awak- ed to action by Dr. hen the liver i so Cha's Kidney - 'Liver fills it filters bile from the blood and pours it into the intestines. The Sresult Mood,is a b tteransing of appet appetite, firm pe roved purer lion, now vigor and good health. UNCHECKED, • It Filially a^slides the Heart and Kills its 'Victim. An FlagHiYll tourist was doing the Szcittish the tilentie, and foregathering ''frits the villa . poncelnen in an Oat ot• the -way plitee .std: psuppose tbr you haws pian'" WW1 for K dist:t: n my marten r Well. I pearlsook- tog r•ptt d th keeper 0 be wooed the lengthy (deans. r, ' yon ore the longest I've of en yet." The to sirs of Winrron is np fig ,i,i t a big dart agntnst the Oenad . Fo•nitnre Or., tee S'emea Boo., and Chrietein Hill, on the yrrneds;hat rhey have not frefiiled the conditions of their meet gage The O trade Farnitare Oo bud housbt the fectery tram St•'naon Br, 0 , and are o'' king to show by two reasons that they bad no tight to 4n1fi'1 the eon '3itlone It will likely he hard tieht be fore either party owns* it to beaten The inerriage of Mies Annie Nliggie Grant, eoungest daughter of Mr and I1re James L Grant, of Goderich, to Keneetb tines le Ker zie. o Laurier, took place at noon, Thursday, 1lthinst., at the home of the bruises parents, P.cton street Rev Jas. A Aude:non performed thd neremeny, which was witnessed only by relatives and a few iuuniedtate friends of the bride and groom. The Wiarto^ Canadian, formerly own - el by W J. Whitlock, has been sold to 1i-esre. Scott & Cook, late of the Brant. ford Expositor, for 52500. Both are young igen of ability and will be wel- comed by the newspaper fraternity of Brno(. acd may be depended upon to conduot a good journal. A very quiet wedding was held at the house of Mrs E Ball, Gederioh Town- ship, on Weduseday. Jane 17th, at high noon, when in r sister, Mies Mary J. Carruthers, became the brie of Wm. Y.,nng, of Sheppardt;,n. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. Jae. A, Anderson, and after congratulations and good wiehee. the guests, inoluding. only the retativee and immediate friends of the bride, sat down to a dainty luncheon. On Tuesday evening, June 16th the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morgan, Queen street, Kincardine, was the scene of a very pretty wedding when Mies Clare E Johnston, granddaughter of Sir. Morgan, was united in marriage to Mr. John Henderson, a popular young man of Lucknow. The vers- mony was performed in the parlor, the bay window of which had been barked with cut flowers, terse and palma, glen ing it a very pleasing effect. Here the young couple took their station unat- tended and the Rrv. Dr. Murray pro- nounced ro•nonnced the words that j lined them in holy wedlock. Fred Wellbouse, the Kansas apple king, tells a story on himself that ex- plains why he has not succeeded in poli- tics. He has not told a lie since 1864. He was then held up by bandits, to whom ha handed over a small sem of money, and declared that it was all he hats. The urban bandits didn't believe him, and searcbed him, finding a pack- age of money that he had hoped to save. They were so incensed by his dieregard for the truth that they threatened to kill him, and it was by the merest chance that he escaped with his life. He then made a vow that he would never again tell a lie and hue stuck to it. It originates in the blood and developsmost !j rsone who arolekly in the run doom an systems pe leeking invital ity. e`fi'r of AL:t, firma et RbeThe only' Sr uinatieut is solveet for' the tole µ cid anhick] is d feeta s;,lcndie etimulaet for the kidneys and liver. Na remedy 14 se sunn"esfut as Ferre zone It hue never ratit d to cure, be cause 11 attnoks the rause of the diaeabe in shy b!o.d. neutral'z s the rite acid poieovs, quickens rhe sluggish cir• culattan, and rel'evre the system of all irritating matter. Every rtistrrssing symptom Is mired, musclesswollen r lieved of thit pain aching a dis"aswvrtiti not return if once oared by F.rrrzme. which does its work thoroughly. Its Oures are lasting. Unlike other treatments, F.4rrrz'ine does not depress the heart or dead eu the nerves. It rebuilds the system, p'o motes better hearth, establishes , ood em it t front appetite, sound sleep and freedom weakening pains and aches. Tt e perfection of all rtienm.itio reme dies is ionud in Forte zme. I' is in tab let form, easy to take, oonvenlet.t to carry, guaranteed to cure, and costs only 503 per box, or six toxesl for to 2.50 at all drugs tees Ferrozine. Ada Baker of The rneefotft took poison tit a London hotel, and she then tnraed the gas on. She may die, but her little boy will recover. Niagara Camp opened with about five thousand five hundred men in quarters. Tho Ross Rifle is being used for the first time in the history of the Damp. Doan's Kidney Pills aot on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure baokaohes, weak bank, rheum- atism, diabetes, congestion, infiamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other Moansarising nfrom wrong action of the kidneye dder Health is the only riches that a man ought to set value on, for with- out it all men aro poor, let their estates be what they will. The world may owe you a living, but try to colleot it and it will have as many entities on tap as a man who is asked to pay a bill. Hypodermic injections of a serum similar to that used in the treatment of diphtheria are being suooessfully em- ployed in scarlet fever oases in New York oity. C'!AfSiwit 471 VI.=A. Romeo The 1(1nd You Have Always Bought Signature • of The child who is as sharp as a razor is anally needs a strapping. Three hundred and fifty fishermen ;stave been drowned en the coast of Jap Files aro easily and quickly checked with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. To prove it I will mail a small trial box as aconvtuoing test. Simply address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. I surely would not send it free unless I was certain that Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment would ,stand the test. Remember it is made :expressly and alone for swollen, painful. bleeding or itchin;r piles, either external or internal. Largo jar 50e. Sold by all dealers. 'The complete control of Manitoba's telephone System is now vested in the roommission, John Rodolphe, hotelkeeper of Tara, was fined 520 and costs for selling liquor on Nomination day. SPRING IlLEDICINE. As a spring medicince Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones np the system end.removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling s0 prevalent in the spring. Serious forest fires aro reported near 'Dawson. Fifteen miles of the Yukon telegraph line has been destroyed. Mies Mary Tweedie, danghter of the `Lieutenant -Governor of New Bruns- wick, eloped with the family coachman. The director of a matrimonial agency says the young girls ask only "Who is he?" the young widows ask, "What is his position?" the old widows "Where is he?" Says an exchange:••—' If you wring a sponge out of cold water and rub it well along the wooden part of the window every morning in the ily season you will not be troutled with flies." It kills the eggs. This cold water cure takes a very abort time to perform. ts•ware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as mercury will sorely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it throngs the mucous surfaces. Such artioles Should never be need except on presonp• tions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do ie ten fold to the good you can po,stbly derive from them Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Oheney & Co., Toledo, 0., con tains no mercury, and is taken internal- ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Is* buy- ing Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists. Price 75o. per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for con- stipation. Have courage enough to review your own conduct, to condemn it where you detect your own faults, to amend it to the best of your ability, and to make good resolves for your future guidance, and to keep them. CASTOR I A Icor infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought "Bears the Oignature ofa 1444 Weak women should try Dr. Shoop's Night Cnre. These soothing, healing, antiseptic snppostories go direct to the seat of these weaknesses. My "Book No. 4 For Women" contains many val- urble hints to women, and it is free. Aek Dr. Shoop, Raoine, Wis., to mail it. Ask the Doctor in strictest confidence, any question you wish answered. Dr. Shoop's Night Cure is sold by all deal - DAD'S IGNORANCE. Mint eve•y day when I'tn at school The reacher tells no tieing* About the birds and animate And the prod -lento and kings, And then at night when I ask dad 1r what silo says le No, ft) rode enays ' Oi,1ds t know 1" Ona day she told tis that the world 14 sound just like a ball, A•^d that there's nothing down below Ir's eten'linn on at all I asked dad if she tolyl the truth, He reed hie pap r through, At d put his feet open a chair �� And said Ob, 1 don't know l .And onre the tseeher said the sky Ain't heavens a •or, and trier! To make ns* think no ample wal,r Along the other side, Aud that night I asked my dad, And all he said was--' Oh, D'n't bother inn about such things, I'm busy -1 dunnol" p1NKELBF*1 1.'S F.PPY f1liAMS. (By (lcorge'V. Hobart Homo, Lately. Mein Lieber Looey'V0 hof remelted your letter from Fonda and vo vee gist N !tear it dot your Melt' la .1111 acmes• WORK THAT WEAKENS.' 800th'e lxlaney P1111 Have Done. Or eat Serrlce for People Who. Work in Wingham. this Many Wingham people work every day in some strained unnatural position Ve tea alt Yell i t h40f8 telt tier eggs' , bending constantly over a desk, riding reprion dot I lint made up a few loose on jolting waggons or cars, bending over remake vich your mother says I should heavy house work, luting, reaching, send you, as following, to vit, yet: A fool and his money is der root Of mnoh laughter, Tomorrow's headache von always in tonight's highball. Ilope vow a su000es because it alvaya keeps as guessing. Der world has a poor memory for many dot believe demeolfs famous. A Miss is ae good no a mile of Misses, if you buff der girl. Binglehaneer says honestly is der best polioy, because he has tried both. Vaulty is der name of der maohi.nery dot makes for der swelled head. Pleasure travels mith a brass band, bat trouble sneaks in ou rubber shoos. Der vorld is full mit fond talkers, but a good listener rs few and far between. It is so easy to find fault, but it vas so hard to know who to gift it to Yen TO find it. Dor hardest chop in did world le trying to find a vay to lif mitont working. Der man dot is stirgy mit making a promise is always der most liberal aborad 'keeping it. I used to think somehow That my dad kn •w a lot— Bat that was wrong, or if he did I goose this he's forgot. Slnoe I've got started into school, Moot every day or so I hear about a hundred things Dad doesn't seem to kno N. DR.C�UP• •A O00.11 in old Dr Oheernp when the donde Iegin to thiolien; Ha oau help you if you'll give him half a chauce When you leave your food untested and your hears begins to sicken, When your mirror shows a dullneea in your glance, Call in old Dr. Cheernp, with his look of healthful joy, And his never failing greeting: "Hot Why, you're all right, my boy!" Oall in old Dr Meerut) when the girl has lett you lonely; He Oan give you the presoription whioh you need. Do not sit alone, supposing that un- ceasing sadness only Shall come plaguing you wherever you proceed Call in old Dr Cheerup, with his never - failing smile— He will help yon to forget her 'in a very little while. Call in old Dr. Cheernp when your hopes have been defeated, When others have upset your dearest plan — When after patient efforts, you have cruelly been cheated Of the triumph that is dear to every man, Call in old D'.'Oheerup, who can quick- ly make it plain That a million reasons urge you to take heart and try again. Chas. Conn, of Lexington, Ky , died of a rattlesnake bite. Conn said he was a snake charmer, and took the reptile out of an exhibition case in a spirit of bravado. He was bitten twice. He be- came unconscious in a few moments, and raved until death ended his suffer- ing. ere. No tenders were received for the plant of the Clinton Thresher Co., and an order was issued last week for a piece meal sale of the effects. What will he the final outcome of the affair is still uncertain. TELE LADIES' FAVORITE. Walton was the scene of a very happy function on Wednesday, June 10, when Mr. F. W. Scarlett and giss E Mand Sholdice were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's sister, Mre. W. W. Smith, and was conducted by the Rev. H. M. Langford, rector of Bruesele. Cg1�°I'©Mt IC Bears the /) The Kid You Have Always Begg ii Signature of • pulling. All these strains tend to wear, weaken ey fall behinnd d their kidneys filter- • tog the polsous from the blood. Booth's Kidney fills oure sick kidneys, put new strength in bad backs, Winghama cures prove it. Mr. Wpi. Dore, of Shuter:St., Wing - ham, Ont., says: "I had suffered with attacks of lumbago across my back for many years, It would come on mo after taking cold or being in the damp • iss- t0 any extent, settling in the small of my back and the region of the kidneys end extending into my sides. I would be unable to stoop over or lift anything and I could scarcely straighten myself up. The urine would become highly - colored and world contain an amount of sand like sediment highly colored and odorous. I had been using different remedies for years but had not found the desired results until on ethic() of" our druggist Mr. McKibbon I used, - Booth'a Kidney Pilly. They quickly re- lieved me, my bank strengthened and. the dull, heavy pains had soon gone, the: - urine cleared to its natural color, I am, stronger and better in every way and oouid not hesitate to recommend Booth's Kidney Pills." Sold by dealers. Price 50 cents. The R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont.,. Sole Canadian Agents. Efery time dot yon stop York and stare at Snccese it gets np and levee der room. Dar poet says dot buff is blind, but lnff doe end haf mach trouble in finding some von to lead him around. If yon vish a man to Bink dot you was olefer, den yon ehonld try to make him dink dot 3 ou dink he was olefer. D. Dinkleepiel. Call in old Dr. Oheerup, when yon hear the people shouting For your rival, who is favored with good look; He can quiokly give yon something that will cure you of the doubting, That has caused you to forget the need of pluck. Call in old Dr. Oheerup, with his never - failing joy, And his hearty, wholesome greeting: Hol Why, you're all right, my boy t" A certain young man took his girl to church. The evening was warm and Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite the young lady complained of feeling medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick faint. The young man smiled sweetly Headache, Billionsness, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. upon her and took something ons of Ms —+-- vest pocket and whispered to keep the David Easom, of the Maitland Con• tablet in her mouth. She shyly placed cession, Goderich Tp., has a sprightly colt that is an hermaphrodite, combin- ing both male and female sexes. It is a lively youngster, and gives every promise of iivirg. John Hutchison, an inmate of the Essex House of Refuge, has inherited a million dollars in Manchester. Stand up for your rights, People may not like it at first, but they will soon learn to keep out of your way. The Alberta Government bas granted $10,000 to the tenebeo Battlefields fond, ,and Mr. E B Osier kris Riven $1.000. 1 94T4RR .i '+G If you "want a acre cure for CATARIM OF THE BEAD, here it is, • • ' ' OIYaEKftT 01 TIIE REASON WHY t IIECA'USIi . HEALSOXYGENATOR !'he rnueous membrane being in an inflamed condition, reuses runningat the nose; bi lett when thin• membrane s fertltd the discharge,eaeea, I•;,•ery r (fort should bo matte to ogre (letarr►', for it leads to ratarrh of the 'Throat, Stomach or Madder, Ccnsump• Wen and !might's Disease. Oxygenator" is put up in large size bottles. reit*, Sem. et.Oand 50e. Oxeee "sod by all wholes ale emit retail aas The Oxygenator Company oranto, Cmnadw. To stop any pain, anywhere in 20 Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. Paiatmeane pulled off her glove and out fell a minutes, simply take just one of Dr. it under her tongue, rolled it over and over, but it failed to dissolve. She felt muck better, however. When the ser- mon was over she slipped the tablet in her glove, being delirious to examine the indissolveable little substance that her "steady" bad given her in the house of worship When alone in her room she A Danville, 111., hen recently laid her thousandth egg. This is believed to be the record. After a lingeting illness of creeping paralysis there passed away on Wednes- day, June 17th, one of Clinton's old and respected citizens in the person of Mrs. William Murphy. Coming from the County of Fermanagh, Ireland, in the year 1842, she settled with her father, 5 brothers and 1 sister on the base line. In the year 1860 was married to Mr. Wm. Murphy, of the lith of Goderich Tp., later taking np' their home on the Gravel Road where they lived until the death of Mr. Murphy, 10 years ago after which Mre. Murphy moved to Princess St., Clinton, where she has been living ever since with her sister Mrs. Cottle and her niece, Ida Murphy. To Hold it. Thirty years ago, in a poor aohool- house in a bank district, a boy at the foot of the class unexpectedly spelled a word that had paned down the entire class. Go up head, said the master, and see that you stay there. You can if y on work hard. Tho boy looked down his nose, and made no answer. Bat the next day he did not mise p word in spelling. The brighter scholars in the °lase knew every word in the lesson, hoping there might be a chance to get up head. But there was not a single one. Dave stayed at the head. He had been an indifferent speller before, but now he knew every word. Dave, how do you get your lesson so well? said the master. I learn every word in the lesson, and get mother to heat them at night. Then I go over them in the morning before I come to school. And I go over them again at my seat before the class is called up. "Good boy, Dave l" said the master ; that's the way to have success. Always work that way, and you'll do. Dave is to -day manager of a big lumber com- pany, and he attributes his start to the word, "Go up head and see that yon stay there. Yon can if yon work hard." Success may sometimes come nnex- p• c'edly, but work alone can hold it. —Christian Endeavor World, if one feels dull and spiritless, in the spring or early enmmer, they call it Spring Fever." Bat there is no fevern —ueally, Is is the after effects of our winter habits, The nerves are mostly at faule. Tired, worn-out nerves leave Ae larg aid, lifeless and without spirit or ambition. A few doses c f Dr. Shoop's Restorative it i 1 absolutely and quickly change all of these d• pressing symptoms The Restorative of course won't bring yon back to health in a day. or two, but it will do etongh in 48 hcurs to satisfy yon that the remedy is reaching that ''tired spot." Druggists everywhere are advising its use es a splendid and prompt tonic. It gives more vim and more spirit to a spoonful than any other known nerve or constitutional tonio. It sharpens a failing appetite, aide diges- tion, frees sluggish livers and kidneys, and brings new life, strength and am- bition. Test it a few days and be con- vinced. Robinson Leach of Chippewa an- al n3nnces his intention of jumping off the congestion—blood pressure—that is WE WANT A RELIABLE LOCAL. SALESMAN for •Wingham and adjoining country to - represent Canada's Greatest Nurseries'' Largest list of commercial and do- mestic fruits—large and small; orna- mentals, and shade trees; flowering shrubs, vines, roses, fine seed potatoes one of our specialties. Stock that to hardy comes from ns. A permanent situation fcr the right man, for whom the territory will be re- served. Pay weekly. Free Equipment. Write for particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON• Fonthill Nurseries (850 acres) ToxoeTO, OAI ADA. ••••••••a•O. • •t*•••A•••oi ••••••••••• •4g••••••••s O • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • all. i trouser button. She is looking for a i steel arch bridge into Niagara River on Dr. Shoop's Herdache—or Pink Pain Dominion Day. Tablets—v:t11 qui kly ccax blood pres• 1 new fellow now. sure away from pain centres After that, pain is gone. Headache, Neural• gia, painful periods with women, etc., get instant help. 20 Tablets 250. Sold by all dealers. Professor Schnstes assert that animals' leek moral feeling, none of their acts being immoral or moral, in the broad Sense, and that they have no trace of a sense of shame or of honor. Their emir - I age, he declares, is "a mere impulse of nature." People sometimes ask how a debt could be cc Fected frcm a mini •it e1 cor- poration even if judgment were given• again it by the courts, if the council 'refused to pate an order for payment. The town of Dundee was recently in this position and what happened was re- ported inthis way:—"That tawn Owed a debt of 05,250, whish the council re- fused to pay. Then the sheriff's bailiff 1 commit' along, emoted the chief of pollee, I seized the town hall, put the keys in his 1 pocket, and then served notices on the Imayor and members of the council that the town wad under seizure, and that they bad nothing more to do with it. I Then the council held a hurry np meet• tog, find In two, minute. pained a Motion 1 to psy the money." Debt is the beginning of Slavery. A creditor is worse than a master, for a master p0ssesee8 only your person, a oreditor poesessea your dignity and oau spurn it with a blow. The following petition was recently presented to the leader of a church choir in Wcodstock by the male mem- bers of it: "We, the undersigned male members of the choir, do hereby peti tion the esteemed leader of the choir, PIM; "Whereas, we aro deprived of the ; pleaetre of Geeing the minister while he ' is preaching; bed whereas. we are un - i able to tee the members of the eongre- 1 Ration, and whereas, the daylight is net been in use for over 30 years, and is ' shat out and eve are ruining our eI e• considered byi all who have used it to ba , sight, and whereaet we have gone to the hires?, ost medierno for Iooneidetable eirpense in purchasing new I n Y garments, clean Shaved andhaving g our 1 mouetacbea curled and other improve. BOWELS �1 �t i menta made to our appearance and all 1 BAD D ® YY I~i L /7 f to no avail, and, the "Merry widow" i B AD B R E A T 1 !therefore, we urge upon yeti four of It will thoroughly renovate the entire the following remedied: f f) ]late thole y hate off; er (2) bate windows in them; and red acid make the blood pure, rich ; or (3) raise the rear seats; or (4) a115w and red�cnr;ng Moils, P,mples, Weems, Ringworm, and all blood and ekin diseases. ne to occupy the front Mesta; (4) the minister be put on a ate bidet'. BAD BLOOD Women's Ailments • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • te • •• • • • • • • There is no need whatever for so many women to suffer from pains and weakness, nervousness and sleeplessness, ancemia, hysteria and melancholia, faint anti dizzy spells, and the hundred other troubles which render tho life of too many women a round of sickness and suffering. hats have canoed 0s great annoyance, • • • • • • ••1 • • • • • • • • MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS Have Restored Thousands of Canadian Women to Health and Strength Young girls budding into womanhood who Buller with pains and headaches, and whose face its pale and blood water, or women at the change of life who are ner- vows, subject to hot Rushee, feeling of pine and needles, etc., are tided over theme try- ing times by 111,1b urn a Heart and Nerve Pi !a. .d. , ».+.carr 1 Th�ye have a wonderful effect on a woth's system, snaking paine and aches vanish, bring color to the pale cheek and Sparkle to the eye, The old, worn out, tired out, languid feeliege give place to strength and vitality) and life aeente worth living. Price 50 conte per box, or $ boxes for $L25, at all druggists, or Mailed direct on receipt of price by Tali T. Mei,xmtn Co., Lrb,,'Torohto, Ont, It a man can write a better book, preaoh a better sermon or make a better mouse -trap than hie neighbor, though he bni'd his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door.—Emerton. Get on the path to the door of the Tines Printing Office Where mouse traps are not made but —where -- Good Painting is turned out every day with. neat- ness and despatch; where up-to-date materials and ,machinery are used, and were mechanics with up-to-date ideas are employed; where quality characterizes every piece of work and service given every buyer; where cheap printing is never done, but where good printingis done cheap; where the kind of printing is done that will lead the world to make a beaten path to your door; where particulars may be had by following up the path to the office of THE WINGHAM TIMES or by calling up, 'Phone 4. • • • o' •• 4.- • e • • • • • • • •, v' •� a N w 111 • • • i •t • V. t. • .♦• r: t. z. r ,t »'''" 100 0.1 x..110# *t' . OA Ott* 6