HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1902-05-30, Page 44•
riilniurY'}'O II'}'T72841f0'TO £ROU!
Ql! OON,i0110NQ WIi PNIZ1a►8QyI4LL
O'je sa LIDSETIUY: •
704oicnow.,. 3ca eC 1002.
The ,death •of Lord,Paancefote is 2,
Dart not only to (xret Britain but to
the English-apeakrng,. world. The Brit-
ish Glovernmen has nor shays been
fortunate la -the choice.of it* represen-
tirtiYo8 at Washington, but Sir Julian
„made r.o minim! e's. and contributed
much to the 'present cordial under-
standing between ' Great' Britain and
the 'United States. • • . There. can be no
doubt that bis astute diplomacy has
greatly helped to smooth the path of
his own .Government, during the Boer
war. •
The 'Don» pion Government has pas;.
sad an order .in-connoil selecting50
. 000 acres of cosi lands in' the , vizinity
of ,Mcrrissey Creek,' in' the Crow's:
Nest. Paas coal fle:ds. An officer of
the'Interior Department who' has some
apecial knowledge on this subject say s'
,, l
there is;enough of coal' in 'the lands
selected by the Government to clear
elf the public debt:' These lands•were
obtained from 'the C. P.: R. " as part of
that•coni an 's concessions . in
P 9 retain.
o thew
o a
read: The Government's' possession
of the coal will prevent the sqccess of
any potaible combine. °t
The,work of bniiding rap Ontario is
going. en rapidly.' 'The rash"of 'settlers
'to the Temiskaming townships,' which;
ret • in last year, is. being continued
• ,this sprue , and the season' will wit -
news a, very large accession to' the pop.
elation,: The number sf settlers who
bought l'te in 1901 was: 957. Accord.
leg ` to the latest returns from the
local agents, the nurnber.of.lets taken
rap tbis.tear rap to May' 15 'was 306.
Comidering the short period tbat'hea
'.elapsed since the opening peeing of navrgs-'
tiara' and the difficbltiei, of [evens by
land to the new .townships this re.: a
-remarkably good • showing. The :Ad-
winetration'have-,made .every effort to.
bring the advantages of, New Ontario
hcfore 'tire, people by dbatr buting
lite titare and in other ways, and -their
• exertions are beginnidg to bear` fruit.
Mr Robert Perish lost ;a valuable'.
colt the other day: ;'
Mr J. B. Morrison had the misfor
tone to lose ane of `his cows last week.
Mr George: Carter, and daughter,
Jdinerva,'spent Saturday : and Sunday
with Mr. Carter', 'sister, near Clinton.
A• polities meeting in the Foresters
at'raogsrde, • w>as`7argelyattended
on. ]Monday -evening; (People,;aceeanii
ons about' polictial meetings. just now).
re are sorry to' bererrelste of the,
illness of :'hit and; Mie.. Pettypiece
their daughter from !Bandage, 'is borne'
to wait upon her' parenta we hope
'they will soon recover,
Mitres Lena and ',Minnie M'cj ens
et, Gedencli spent the 2.4th ,among 2
friends in this neighborhood. ; "
, Nww,rarPr�
l 0 i4in the.Second
d, Range South • of
the., Plrham• Rnttd and lots. 13 arid
14 in the: Second' Range South of the
D,prham Road., The .following, ac-
counts were ',•paid by cheque;
James Johnston, putting culvert on
10th sideline, $6 ; Jacob Miller, guid-
ing cop ;2 and . 40 sideline con :1,
$22 50.; D Beaton, half,dgy work' on
gravel road, 50c ;, Samuel 'Nicholson
repairing bridge.con 6, 75c ; ' Michael
Kenny, culvert con 8,, $5 ; Jag, Found,
lumber in 1901, $1, 25 ; Jas Webster,
'timber and' work on boundary,Kinlose
share, (p50; Robt Harper, tile, 250
James- Kenny, per cartage on wire
' fence,• $7; . Frank. Henry, council fees,
$10 ;'.A ' D, McKenzie, council , fees,,
$10 ;, D; McDonald,: council: fees, 'WO ;
J H Kaake, council fees, $10"; Geo G
Moffatt,•part salary: as clery, 8,50'; 3'
McDiarmi!l , Salary as ae;easor, • $50.
Apportions me . made . t e ` Broad divis-
ions : Frank Henry'.$)00, John. Mc-
Donald $125, Don.ld. MoDaonid 4375,
Alex ,McKenzie $75, John 11 Kaake
$75. • Gravelling 20th' sideline, $500,
divided as follows' i Between 4th and
6th concessions, $100,'between the 6th.
and 8th. concessions, $200, between
8th and'Kinlough, $100, between :'gin
ough. and Kinloss, $100. 'The Coun-
cil then adjourned to meet again and
receive the. tenders, for gravelling 16th
rl'deline pp tih one o'clock on Monday.
June 9th.
Moffat, Clerk. •
Junes composed on the d
eatlt•of Hugh alclYab
McIntosh,' who died' on Sunday April 27.
• at the early age of ,8 years; 7. months and
• ; 27'days.
In the bosom -of earth we laid him to rest,'`'
There now he is silently sleeping
Twos; the will of the Master;; .tC must have
:'Arid yet; for our `*Hugbie" we're weeping.
Oh the' days seem leo short that he dwelt with
ua here
For life at *beat is. but fleeting, '
And the yearsswiftly glide and, like moments
Om hearts.; their own dirges; are beating. •
When forest aid field' a green robe did don,
When spring; birds in gladness were sing -
On that cahir Sabbath: eve bis Virit'hedgone
"Plummy alonesiill we are clinging.. • '
So we bade him 'farewell �a long* long farewe f
.Masi our 'Dear Huabie^;were weeping.,
In. the bosom of'eaith we laid'hrm to rest
Withogr•deauea departed hes sleeping. '
Grass Farm: to Rent: -
150 acres, Well fenced,: pplenty of water, on
the 8th concession of Kirks. east of Holy'-
rood For fattier panic 'laza' apply
Lanrium. Michigan.'
trite of N eiv' York, Philedelphia'
and ,Toronto :'Colleges,' -will be at
Cain's Hotel
Thursday June 12th, 1902.
Call'early and avail Yourself- of his
•• valuable serricea.
--i6.7"."7661,91fko Rditik &mini
Is prepared: to give lessons on
at her h at a on. ,
Canfpbel! ,St,, ' LUCIflO1*
.,.�. • �. Slit : a
'�' A/Mt big }
Blacksmith' Shop .For. Sale..'
For sale a blacksmith sh in St. Helena
fiirit. class locality, doing. good business. In.
connection 'frith the shop there is
six acres
of land cod brick hours and stable. -Will be.
sold cheap. Good reasoas for selling. A
quantity of tile for -Rale. For farther partite
ulara'apply at St /{ales; brickyards, ,r to
THOS. PHI'LILTP. S,,St.'Helens.
Souse. and Lot :For•. Sale
Good house and; lot for male on Clyde street
,in the village of Luctorow. The house has
been newly painted and thoroughly repaired
and is in good condition.- •There ` ie. 'a Stat-
eless lawn, and several fruit trees' on the
place For further particulars apply to,
GEORGE GIIVII1i,•Lncknow,•
A:� fstrator s Notice.
In the matter: of the Estate of Robert
• ' C. Brotchie, deceased.
All persons having' any claim ' sgaiast . the,
estate .'o
of 'Robert rt'C
C. Brotchie, late of fire
Township of Sinless in the County, of Bruce,
yeoman, d who
wed. ., died on or
about the
.. $he 4th dayof January, 1902, are required'. n,
or before te'15th day of June, 1902, to send
tip .the nnderaigned solicitor• for' the admin-
trator of the estate,; full .particulars: of their`'
claims, and . the securities (it` any) `held 'by.
them. duly verified by affidavit.' 'After •said.
date the. administrator will proceed ' to distri
bete the estate among the; parties entitled,
having reference only to the claims of •which
he ahall'havereceived patine; acd after 'each
distribution be Will not be responsible fir any
part of the estate to any :creditrr , of Whose•
claim be shall not have received notice at the
:tune of such •d itrtbntion'.• . This .i:otice is
given parsuint to the statute in that •behalf.
Dated• this 20th day of May, 1902.,
P: A. 1141 I MSO�I!f,
• 4. $olidtor.for Adwia strator.
Hhuse and' Lot 'For .Sale.
Good house add. let, for oak on. the corner
of :Haveloek and Willonghby streets; A
deeireable property: ' The House' contains
aeven.rooms, good; sellas and well... ; '.There, is
also a good stable and several' fruit trees Fur,
T rulicslsrs apPly to
We are: still in the bicycle' re-
' pairing business,,at'the old
stared. If ,yon want' your
wheel fixed Hp,, new
rims, handle bars, or`. an
thing: in the line' of repairs,
call on' us. We Keep, the
best'' .-Of everyehinj:. 'and
guarantee' satisfaction: • -'
Prices moderate..
LLchNO '.
Mr.,. ,Henry Brown and. •
roved to Lavat• near Paisley last week.
ass -line Ried 'of Paramount
and, .Miss Jennie McKenzie of Kinloss';
Were gueatf. of Mics Annie McLennan
on Sunday. , ' • ; ' l
Alrk W. Fyfe, of Palmerston' and
" Mr. • 1N7ortis of i incaardine.' called, oe
friends in ti:s vicinity, en the lith.
miss Sidle McIrsytre was the guests
of Mies Madge Rntherford on,Strnday.
Mrs Evans sand' Mss Madge 31e-
: Inytre, attended'' the teal her'a coziveiy-'
'tion which 'was held' in Goderieb on.
Thersdat and 1+'ridajr of last week.
....net., , Mr. sa*yer, of Bruce1ield, '
helped Rev. Mr. Miller with his Cum-,•
munion laat Sunday. .
Mist Madge McDonald, who is at
leading Goderich High ;School, spent,;
her holidays uuder•'the parental 'roof;
, It.ISLO'
The "Council Of the Township • of b�
of Kinloss met on Monday .May 251h'
as a Court of Revision. There being .•
ao appals, 'the' Roll was eitamined by
the Council and 'cont rnoed. fie
Council then met ei* the transaction
1v siners A Ry=9`awr -was`
coadlalla+altrlr� totes / t$. r� u, .,. ..., ,,r,.. ' ..: ''r � n' ' � ' �. � ,-�r -' ��r/ .�,.
� � ���,, LUCK
"T•TgAca$s OF
no, Organ Viol n,
Voice .Culture,; Thorough •
Ba`ss,�Harmony and Counter.
porno ;
Pnnils prepared for Conservators'
RESIDLi NCE Ceimpltell str, eet.,
_ • TAUGiiT
• g': Tressonsan •
Vocal and Instrumental
Music and; Harmony
aretaught by
E 3\T . T S; T .
• •Honor 'graduate in deatiatry, Tor.
Dental College, and' Doctor of Dents •
gory, Toronto L) niversity, All modern plan
otoperation•and c'arafalness in workmanship
OficeinAllin'slilock,upstairs . •
1'.3.— Will, visi I ipley ever Thur/ day
of ternoo
Fire ' Insurance..
age ale Don property s�inst.loBs or dam
by fire, in the old relia.tle. atienal and
JiercantileCompanies,low rated, and Prime-
' um" payment,
Deeds, Wills, Mortgages, Leases, •Agree-
merits; etc.'; neatly executed.
`Ofce Town Hall. Tuesday, Thars3ay
and Saturday afternoons
Farm • Property for.; Sale:
Being lot 7,; .concession 1,4, Western Divis-
ion of Ashfield .containing• 75 acres. "Sim
acres . 'cleared. , Conveniently located, 'to
school and post:oftice. , Ras been' uuder.'pa,-
tuts for five years , Apply t�
2624 Liberty st., Calnmet, Mich
Threshing Outfit �"for,Sale:
Conaiisting' cf . one 'Dicker separato , coin-
plete,,One Correll endue; ai good' ass new, one
water • tank. • All in first cissa .eondition
3Iust'be %Al to close estate. apply to
• Lnchnow, P.:O.
Public_. N,otice
As require '' by Sub-Seetion t of Section.
il, of the Ar men Act of IS+gi.. Notice is
hereby' given that a Corot for the Revision
of the Agent Roll for the Township . of a
Ashfield, will be in the Council P.gnm .on >:
• Saturday the 31st day of , May, 19ft2, at two 4 S� 3�aet and
I: o'clock"ih the aftetnoon... •
Wit.• ST•OTHEES clerk.. •
1 '� ..:
Court -Of Revision.
�'- ice• ;:
For .our cu tourers We -carry' : the.
Very choicest lines in, Fresh Groceries:',
`Tou will find no cheap,inferior
• s
• apo lllfel for goods
on our shelves.'. Our Teas, -Sugars,1
Biscuits, Canned Got: ds, Meats Fisk
etc. We; have ' not Asp ce
, pa to quote
prices, hut' you will . find them"right.
Butter, . Eggs ,and all'kinds. of . Farm '' Produce
t� en in' exchange, forgoods
exchange . �
eft•mimel ,$treat'
We leave 'a fall .line rof all the leading varieties, . in
Flint and D- c
Dint Corns. anc.lidlnt, •
azn +/ to
rptan's Early
Improved .Leeming
The Court of P.evision .for the ',In . ;i fr o-
rty of the Village,of . Lncknow will be -bels
in the Town Hall' ;Tuesday the 3rd "of lane..
1902„ �, at 8' P.m.., trhear' dud; detet7zi ire, sriy
appy egainst:,the Asae - tf T,yy for the
present year. .:
• HUGH 1 °RBI a ; Clerk..
Lucknos..May $th,1902
Hungarian Stec
arO �l1'J,i� S
is • - - J.'- _ .+ra- v,.�.,,". -.,.. �. a
Notice, to OOntraetors..
Tenders *Hi B e .e ice3 an t . Jl' y 15th,
tor the excavatio; of a cellar rod the Fooling :®
e•'f tbe,dwellir•g now r,etar;sdect.iy,>lr :imps.Banter to the' lot bordering tea. the tic.•
Aisothemosik; of the.fr«ne stable ✓r tie
the]. t no w) itis it .1.2091stands; For
paeft:dale*s,,;.1vt. ,
If yoa .a -e !belting' fir a separator that isl •'
0 ts]ly operate I, ,ct i.= :y• ;le•lht df 'se:0, reliable
ant, durab:e, ,l ley til ,Sfa rl6 t: The. owl ,is','
iii ;parted, at. b th e i ls. •avoid/ lg Undue'. wear •
on the beads, -who .:10e stron;. ,:;11`_•vdj tai.
;Ind nd fleJiifilw; enribtory,in�• the C nrect. rtt,e,-'
(),14nical':prin 'pit.. file lli .h..peel The run:-
nln ( pairs are :fear, si tnpte. and ctiv(r,t1 1G11 : •
machlne..14 s''trJ r ,tut: its rnleritl. , f at,4lfttnfuredX
,by •,,,:'
The Petrie Taylor M'fg, Co.
• G'L e1ph,: Ont... .
•s ihe:place to, 'go Ithen -Jou require a,:ly •'of the
firlltrtt iris atttclos
Bedroom Suits, Springs and Mattresses,
Gihair3' r
r .. and "I'a..lrr Snits..
Sideboards, Extension. or Ce
tire Shades Curtain
dei, and Curtain
,Pictures and Picture
f)lir goods : t>ra11;5. framing•:
Alla• ,11r lr r`' 'blot ors.r3 sody.
J." -all and be d,"tatr'rtt
.•:eonioat. 'ill d't err . rest-
Wren ce ,JoAns
for tbti'cloeing up .of s portion'