HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1902-05-30, Page 44• aackuow�i�i� riilniurY'}'O II'}'T72841f0'TO £ROU! IftRELTAl:OCOIDI1PG TOTRg MICSATZJ Ql! OON,i0110NQ WIi PNIZ1a►8QyI4LL O'je sa LIDSETIUY: • 704oicnow.,. 3ca eC 1002. The ,death •of Lord,Paancefote is 2, 1 Dart not only to (xret Britain but to the English-apeakrng,. world. The Brit- ish Glovernmen has nor shays been fortunate la -the choice.of it* represen- tirtiYo8 at Washington, but Sir Julian „made r.o minim! e's. and contributed much to the 'present cordial under- standing between ' Great' Britain and the 'United States. • • . There. can be no doubt that bis astute diplomacy has greatly helped to smooth the path of his own .Government, during the Boer war. • The 'Don» pion Government has pas;. sad an order .in-connoil selecting50 : . 000 acres of cosi lands in' the , vizinity of ,Mcrrissey Creek,' in' the Crow's: Nest. Paas coal fle:ds. An officer of the'Interior Department who' has some apecial knowledge on this subject say s' ,, l there is;enough of coal' in 'the lands selected by the Government to clear elf the public debt:' These lands•were obtained from 'the C. P.: R. " as part of that•coni an 's concessions . in P 9 retain. for's, bo an sfi o thew Cr o a Nest Pass read: The Government's' possession of the coal will prevent the sqccess of any potaible combine. °t The,work of bniiding rap Ontario is going. en rapidly.' 'The rash"of 'settlers 'to the Temiskaming townships,' which; ret • in last year, is. being continued • ,this sprue , and the season' will wit - news a, very large accession to' the pop. elation,: The number sf settlers who bought l'te in 1901 was: 957. Accord. leg ` to the latest returns from the local agents, the nurnber.of.lets taken rap tbis.tear rap to May' 15 'was 306. Comidering the short period tbat'hea '.elapsed since the opening peeing of navrgs-' tiara' and the difficbltiei, of [evens by land to the new .townships this re.: a -remarkably good • showing. The :Ad- winetration'have-,made .every effort to. bring the advantages of, New Ontario hcfore 'tire, people by dbatr buting lite titare and in other ways, and -their • exertions are beginnidg to bear` fruit. LANGSIDE .r Mr Robert Perish lost ;a valuable'. colt the other day: ;' Mr J. B. Morrison had the misfor tone to lose ane of `his cows last week. Mr George: Carter, and daughter, Jdinerva,'spent Saturday : and Sunday with Mr. Carter', 'sister, near Clinton. A• polities meeting in the Foresters Hill at'raogsrde, • w>as`7argelyattended on. ]Monday -evening; (People,;aceeanii ons about' polictial meetings. just now). re are sorry to' bererrelste of the, illness of :'hit and; Mie.. Pettypiece their daughter from !Bandage, 'is borne' to wait upon her' parenta we hope 'they will soon recover, ")AIIBIE1Z Mitres Lena and ',Minnie M'cj ens an et, Gedencli spent the 2.4th ,among 2 friends in this neighborhood. ; " , Nww,rarPr� • o l 0 i4in the.Second d, Range South • of the., Plrham• Rnttd and lots. 13 arid 14 in the: Second' Range South of the D,prham Road., The .following, ac- counts were ',•paid by cheque; James Johnston, putting culvert on 10th sideline, $6 ; Jacob Miller, guid- ing cop ;2 and . 40 sideline con :1, $22 50.; D Beaton, half,dgy work' on gravel road, 50c ;, Samuel 'Nicholson repairing bridge.con 6, 75c ; ' Michael Kenny, culvert con 8,, $5 ; Jag, Found, lumber in 1901, $1, 25 ; Jas Webster, 'timber and' work on boundary,Kinlose share, (p50; Robt Harper, tile, 250 James- Kenny, per cartage on wire ' fence,• $7; . Frank. Henry, council fees, $10 ;'.A ' D, McKenzie, council , fees,, $10 ;, D; McDonald,: council: fees, 'WO ; J H Kaake, council fees, $10"; Geo G Moffatt,•part salary: as clery, 8,50'; 3' McDiarmi!l , Salary as ae;easor, • $50. Apportions me . made . t e ` Broad divis- ions : Frank Henry'.$)00, John. Mc- Donald $125, Don.ld. MoDaonid 4375, Alex ,McKenzie $75, John 11 Kaake $75. • Gravelling 20th' sideline, $500, divided as follows' i Between 4th and 6th concessions, $100,'between the 6th. and 8th. concessions, $200, between 8th and'Kinlough, $100, between :'gin ough. and Kinloss, $100. 'The Coun- cil then adjourned to meet again and receive the. tenders, for gravelling 16th rl'deline pp tih one o'clock on Monday. June 9th. Moffat, Clerk. • NESIOEIAla Junes composed on the d eatlt•of Hugh alclYab McIntosh,' who died' on Sunday April 27. • at the early age of ,8 years; 7. months and • ; 27'days. In the bosom -of earth we laid him to rest,'`' There now he is silently sleeping Twos; the will of the Master;; .tC must have :'Arid yet; for our `*Hugbie" we're weeping. Oh the' days seem leo short that he dwelt with ua here For life at *beat is. but fleeting, ' And the yearsswiftly glide and, like moments ippar. Om hearts.; their own dirges; are beating. • When forest aid field' a green robe did don, When spring; birds in gladness were sing - On that cahir Sabbath: eve bis Virit'hedgone "Plummy alonesiill we are clinging.. • ' So we bade him 'farewell �a long* long farewe f .Masi our 'Dear Huabie^;were weeping., In. the bosom of'eaith we laid'hrm to rest Withogr•deauea departed hes sleeping. ' Grass Farm: to Rent: - 150 acres, Well fenced,: pplenty of water, on the 8th concession of Kirks. east of Holy'- rood For fattier panic 'laza' apply Lanrium. Michigan.' COMLN COMING' P. SMITH S • NTIFIO OP'1.'IIAN. trite of N eiv' York, Philedelphia' and ,Toronto :'Colleges,' -will be at Cain's Hotel ONE DAYa• ONLY Thursday June 12th, 1902. Call'early and avail Yourself- of his •• valuable serricea. EXAMI_' ATIO • FREE • --i6.7"."7661,91fko Rditik &mini Is prepared: to give lessons on PIANO AND •o.RGAN at her h at a on. , Canfpbel! ,St,, ' LUCIflO1* 1' • .,.�. • �. Slit : a '�' A/Mt big } Blacksmith' Shop .For. Sale..' For sale a blacksmith sh in St. Helena fiirit. class locality, doing. good business. In. connection 'frith the shop there is six acres of land cod brick hours and stable. -Will be. sold cheap. Good reasoas for selling. A quantity of tile for -Rale. For farther partite ulara'apply at St /{ales; brickyards, ,r to THOS. PHI'LILTP. S,,St.'Helens. Souse. and Lot :For•. Sale Good house and; lot for male on Clyde street ,in the village of Luctorow. The house has been newly painted and thoroughly repaired and is in good condition.- •There ` ie. 'a Stat- eless lawn, and several fruit trees' on the place For further particulars apply to, GEORGE GIIVII1i,•Lncknow,• A:� fstrator s Notice. In the matter: of the Estate of Robert • ' C. Brotchie, deceased. • All persons having' any claim ' sgaiast . the, estate .'o of 'Robert rt'C C. Brotchie, late of fire Township of Sinless in the County, of Bruce, yeoman, d who wed. ., died on or about the .. $he 4th dayof January, 1902, are required'. n, or before te'15th day of June, 1902, to send tip .the nnderaigned solicitor• for' the admin- trator of the estate,; full .particulars: of their`' claims, and . the securities (it` any) `held 'by. them. duly verified by affidavit.' 'After •said. date the. administrator will proceed ' to distri bete the estate among the; parties entitled, having reference only to the claims of •which he ahall'havereceived patine; acd after 'each distribution be Will not be responsible fir any part of the estate to any :creditrr , of Whose• claim be shall not have received notice at the :tune of such •d itrtbntion'.• . This .i:otice is given parsuint to the statute in that •behalf. Dated• this 20th day of May, 1902., P: A. 1141 I MSO�I!f, • 4. $olidtor.for Adwia strator. Hhuse and' Lot 'For .Sale. Good house add. let, for oak on. the corner of :Haveloek and Willonghby streets; A deeireable property: ' The House' contains aeven.rooms, good; sellas and well... ; '.There, is also a good stable and several' fruit trees Fur, T rulicslsrs apPly to •y' CHAS. PAT]LARE�. BICYCLE REFAIRINT We are: still in the bicycle' re- ' pairing business,,at'the old stared. If ,yon want' your wheel fixed Hp,, new rims, handle bars, or`. an thing: in the line' of repairs, call on' us. We Keep, the best'' .-Of everyehinj:. 'and guarantee' satisfaction: • -' Prices moderate.. B- SNE•LLGROVE LLchNO '. • Mr.,. ,Henry Brown and. • family roved to Lavat• near Paisley last week. ass -line Ried 'of Paramount and, .Miss Jennie McKenzie of Kinloss'; Were gueatf. of Mics Annie McLennan on Sunday. , ' • ; ' l Alrk W. Fyfe, of Palmerston' and " Mr. • 1N7ortis of i incaardine.' called, oe friends in ti:s vicinity, en the lith. miss Sidle McIrsytre was the guests of Mies Madge Rntherford on,Strnday. Mrs Evans sand' Mss Madge 31e- : Inytre, attended'' the teal her'a coziveiy-' 'tion which 'was held' in Goderieb on. Thersdat and 1+'ridajr of last week. ....net., , Mr. sa*yer, of Bruce1ield, ' helped Rev. Mr. Miller with his Cum-,• munion laat Sunday. . Mist Madge McDonald, who is at leading Goderich High ;School, spent,; her holidays uuder•'the parental 'roof; , It.ISLO' The "Council Of the Township • of b� of Kinloss met on Monday .May 251h' as a Court of Revision. There being .• ao appals, 'the' Roll was eitamined by the Council and 'cont rnoed. fie Council then met ei* the transaction i' 1v siners A Ry=9`awr -was` ANDRE. ' yyBST OW coadlalla+altrlr� totes / t$. r� u, .,. ..., ,,r,.. ' ..: ''r � n' ' � ' �. � ,-�r -' ��r/ .�,. � � ���,, LUCK w siy�i��rwy� . V .MRS. A. M. ARNISTRONC. Piano, "T•TgAca$s OF no, Organ Viol n, Voice .Culture,; Thorough • Ba`ss,�Harmony and Counter. porno ; Pnnils prepared for Conservators' examinations. RESIDLi NCE Ceimpltell str, eet., MUSIC _ • TAUGiiT • g': Tressonsan • Vocal and Instrumental Music and; Harmony aretaught by MRB. P. SEF E 3\T . T S; T . C: A NEWTON., • •Honor 'graduate in deatiatry, Tor. Dental College, and' Doctor of Dents • gory, Toronto L) niversity, All modern plan otoperation•and c'arafalness in workmanship OficeinAllin'slilock,upstairs . • 1'.3.— Will, visi I ipley ever Thur/ day of ternoo Fire ' Insurance.. I' age ale Don property s�inst.loBs or dam by fire, in the old relia.tle. atienal and JiercantileCompanies,low rated, and Prime- ' um" payment, • Deeds, Wills, Mortgages, Leases, •Agree- merits; etc.'; neatly executed. `Ofce Town Hall. Tuesday, Thars3ay and Saturday afternoons 9Pzrn. • • Farm • Property for.; Sale: Being lot 7,; .concession 1,4, Western Divis- ion of Ashfield .containing• 75 acres. "Sim acres . 'cleared. , Conveniently located, 'to school and post:oftice. , Ras been' uuder.'pa,- tuts for five years , Apply t� HUGii CAJI.ERO\ ' 2624 Liberty st., Calnmet, Mich Threshing Outfit �"for,Sale: Conaiisting' cf . one 'Dicker separato , coin- plete,,One Correll endue; ai good' ass new, one water • tank. • All in first cissa .eondition 3Iust'be %Al to close estate. apply to GLORG'R BnOTCHIE, • Lnchnow, P.:O. Public_. N,otice As require '' by Sub-Seetion t of Section. il, of the Ar men Act of IS+gi.. Notice is hereby' given that a Corot for the Revision of the Agent Roll for the Township . of a Ashfield, will be in the Council P.gnm .on >: • Saturday the 31st day of , May, 19ft2, at two 4 S� 3�aet and I: o'clock"ih the aftetnoon... • Wit.• ST•OTHEES clerk.. • 1 '� ..: • Court -Of Revision. • • 11 �'- ice• ;: 40010 For .our cu tourers We -carry' : the. Very choicest lines in, Fresh Groceries:', `Tou will find no cheap,inferior • s • apo lllfel for goods on our shelves.'. Our Teas, -Sugars,1 Biscuits, Canned Got: ds, Meats Fisk etc. We; have ' not Asp ce , pa to quote prices, hut' you will . find them"right. Butter, . Eggs ,and all'kinds. of . Farm '' Produce t� en in' exchange, forgoods exchange . � 45 r sr eft•mimel ,$treat' a''c We leave 'a fall .line rof all the leading varieties, . in . Flint and D- c Dint Corns. anc.lidlnt, • • • azn +/ to rptan's Early Improved .Leeming The Court of P.evision .for the ',In . ;i fr o- rty of the Village,of . Lncknow will be -bels in the Town Hall' ;Tuesday the 3rd "of lane.. 1902„ �, at 8' P.m.., trhear' dud; detet7zi ire, sriy appy egainst:,the Asae - tf T,yy for the present year. .: • HUGH 1 °RBI a ; Clerk.. Lucknos..May $th,1902 Hungarian Stec arO �l1'J,i� S is • - - J.'- _ .+ra- v,.�.,,". -.,.. �. a Notice, to OOntraetors.. Tenders *Hi B e .e ice3 an t . Jl' y 15th, tor the excavatio; of a cellar rod the Fooling :® e•'f tbe,dwellir•g now r,etar;sdect.iy,>lr :imps.Banter to the' lot bordering tea. the tic.• Aisothemosik; of the.fr«ne stable ✓r tie the]. t no w) itis it .1.2091stands; For paeft:dale*s,,;.1vt. , C. TAYLOR. aI'ateri If yoa .a -e !belting' fir a separator that isl •' 0 ts]ly operate I, ,ct i.= :y• ;le•lht df 'se:0, reliable ant, durab:e, ,l ley til ,Sfa rl6 t: The. owl ,is',' iii ;parted, at. b th e i ls. •avoid/ lg Undue'. wear • on the beads, -who .:10e stron;. ,:;11`_•vdj tai. ;Ind nd fleJiifilw; enribtory,in�• the C nrect. rtt,e,-' (),14nical':prin 'pit.. file lli .h..peel The run:- nln ( pairs are :fear, si tnpte. and ctiv(r,t1 1G11 : • machlne..14 s''trJ r ,tut: its rnleritl. , f at,4lfttnfuredX ,by •,,,:' The Petrie Taylor M'fg, Co. • G'L e1ph,: Ont... . • •s ihe:place to, 'go Ithen -Jou require a,:ly •'of the firlltrtt iris atttclos Bedroom Suits, Springs and Mattresses, Gihair3' r r .. and "I'a..lrr Snits.. Sideboards, Extension. or Ce tire Shades Curtain Tales dei, and Curtain Poli, ,Pictures and Picture f)lir goods : t>ra11;5. framing•: Alla• ,11r lr r`' 'blot ors.r3 sody. J." -all and be d,"tatr'rtt tct+d, DIIR UND RT`laNG- . DEPARTM NT .•:eonioat. 'ill d't err . rest- •r>i�e'.' Wren ce ,JoAns ST•olE NEXT DOOF, TO POS r�o e t LUCKN for tbti'cloeing up .of s portion' attends t • • r