The Wingham Times, 1908-06-25, Page 3e
....�_ LISTOw1314.
The marriage wee solemnized on
Wednesday. anile o1St
Lutheran Chaplet Pith
of WOO..
mina Augusta, only daughter of
and 71re. John Gabel, and greed.
daughter of Mx, Geo. Heal, ex
of to JohnHenry Sob id .
P.Um. B ,BeiAson of John 13.
Rev, M"•
So1imidt, of Philipsburg.
Masuhr officiated in the preeenee of
aaventy five guests, The wedding
Go where you will in any part of Canada you will hear
spoken of most
whereor y get full They rue foW your are orn b motley.
dressers every you,
march was rendered b7 Mine Sutherland.
The ohatoh was decanted with mag
5ueritea, palma and ferns,
Proved Beyond Doubt.
The disappointed victtme of poor do
tarrh remedies ahonld read the state•
went ot J. R. Smith, of Lake Stream,
N. B. In Oatarrhozone hLfoetid inter
abeo.ate pure and says:
any little girl of eight caught cold which
lodged in her ears in the form of Ca-
tarrh. She beoame sick and deaf and
nothing helped By inhaling 0ettrrh.
ozone she got relief and gradua'ly the
discharge went away. She was oared
perfeotly of Oatarrh. Paraonatty I oan
recommend 0atarrhozme tor coughs
and throat irritation; its a wonderful
medicine." ..Sold everywhere, 25o. and
.Gee & Campbell
le A New Orleans woman was thin: 4
Because she did not extract sufficient Z
nourishment from her food.
She took ,Scott'... Ernuts'Iono
She gained a pound a day in weight.
ALL DRUGGISTS; 50c.. AND $1.00
EAST WAWANOSA. 'TIM oeretnony took plane preeleely Pt
11, gr. Wm. Robinson, we are pleased to five o' the presence of a large
report, is able to be around again after II number ot invited guests, ; hiefltee,wh
neral weeks` illness with appsile
ndloitie controlling of the contrling p
nrchased a new thresher taZ4 blower. I P y
iven away by her father gad the conp]e
Vpawanosh, has I Mendelseohn's waddingi 1n at ;h wag
H Craig, of Esso la ed by Mists Skilling, the bride was
After a long struggle with consume).
tion, Mr. Robert D Farieh, a highly
esteemed young man whose home was
near Langside, died on Tuesday even.
Ing, Jnne 16th. Mr. Fetish was aged
30 yearn and 7 months, and was an only
son. Ile' contracted consumption sever-
al years ago and after taking treatment
at a Maekoka sanitarium had partial•
le) reoovered Until about six months
ago he had been enjoying good health
and had taken up the work of the
farm again. He caught a oold daring
the winter, the former trouble return. -
ed and since that time he The bereaved mother
s been
rapidly sinking. mother
and sisters have the sympathy of a
large circle of friends.
from the Bell works at Seafor`h and wilt
be ready when the fall oomee to do first•
otos work for the farmers.
Work has been commenced on the
°reotten of the new school hon? forU
were tea,
B .4.ttended while the impressivq
marriage service of the Methodist
church -vas read by the Rev. H. W W.
MoTavleh, pastor of the bride's family.
e The bride wart appropriately attired 1
S. No 7. The old building hss been the best perfections of the dressVneker's
palled down and work on the new one
is being pushed along rapidly. It is ex-
pected that the new school house will be
oompleted the second week of August.
and milliner's arts and looked more
than usually handsome as she received
the congretnliticns ofthe
company. The happycouple
very beat wishes of a large oirole of
In WAi
To Cure Toothache,
Search over the whole globe and
Acingoh it relieves at onoe.
Fill the cavity with batting dipped in
Nerviline and rub the gums with Ner-
sore,alsoe bathe with , IfeNervil ne face isswandnthen
bind on a hot flannel. This can't fail
because Nerviline kills the pain out.
right. Jest as -good for earache, neural-
gia or stiff neok. A 25o bottle of Ner-
valine cures the notate of the whole
family. Try it.
r'•5•A••••••••••••••••a•••• •••1••••!••••••••••0••i••y
r good, men have fallen by the way—as is
, and many g usual in battles—but our country under the benign.
• -is influence of sunshine and seasonable rains, gives
•,ea . promise of a BOUNTIFUL -HARVEST. And
S anticipating in consequence of such prospects,
-• , ,
we are sparing
J the benefit of our daily increasing KET T
THAT inc easing cusstome s
Our stock of
4 lano •
efforts to be prepsred with the
The marriage of Miss 0. Alberta Car-
der to Fred A. Lewis, of Arthur, took
place, Thursday, Jane itth, at the re-
sidence of Dr. D D. Carder. At three
p. ne. the bride entered the parlor lean-
ing on the arm of her father and looked
charming in a dress of white silk, ex-
quisitely trimmed with satin ribbon,and
oarryiag in her hand a large bognet of
bridal roses. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. W. H Hartley, only a
few relatives of the contracting parties
being present. Alter partaking of a
tasty wedding lunch the bride and
groom left for eastern points on the
5 20 0.P R train. They will take in
Toronto, Rochester, Thousand Islands,
New York, etc., on their two weeks'
wedding tour and will thea settle in
Mount Forest.
On Tuesday of last week at high noon
the home of.Mr. and Mrs. W. w Outer
was the scene of a very pretty
when their danght3r, Eva Mae, was
married to Mr. Charles Black, of Gade-
rich. Tae ceremony was conducted by
Rev, J. L Small, B A. Tne bride
entered the drawing room with her father
while the wedding maroh was rendered
by Miss Lizzie Oarter, sister of the bride.
The bride was gowned in white point
d'esprit over white silk with tulle veil,
and carried white rises. Miss Daley
Coombs, of Molesworth, acted as brides-
maid, gowned in pink silk mnlle and
oarryidg pink roses, Prof. J. R Jordan,
of Goderioh, was best man. After the
ceremony the invited guests sat down to
the wedding dinner. Tae happy couple
left on the 4 o'olook train for Port
Huron and Detroit where their honey-
moon will be spent, after which they
will return to Goderioh where the young
couple will commence married life.
The Roman Catholic church here was
the scene of a very pretty wedding
Taeeday morning, Jane 16th, when
Meas Mary Leddy and D. Phalen were
united in marriage. The bride wore a
pretty dark blue broadcloth skirt and
white satin waist with hat to match,
Har cousin, Miss Mary Ada Brophy,
noted as bridesmaid, while J. Phalen, of
Goderieh, filled the office of grooms.
man. Afser the ceremony the party
drove to the bride's home, whore dinner
was served, the guests being only the
imthediate friends of the contraottng
parties. We wish Mr. and Mrs Paalen
mach joy on their voyage o'er the sea
of matrimony.
Tho Ailments Of Women,
If the girls and women who suffer with
what they think is "Female Trouble"
would look to their kidneys, they'll
find the Bolero of their ill•health. The
kidneys are closely allied with the
female organs, and if the vitality of the
kidneys is interfered with, gr
eat suffer-
ing occurs. There is no better medicine
than Dr. Hamilton's Pills,—they stimu-
late and strengthen the kidneys, assist
other organs to do Nature's
olsaute the system and thereby
tain perfect health. Great benefit and
whocertain onre d for
nee Dr. Hamilton'sPills. all women
Mr. and Mrs. Thurlon spent Sunday
is complete and prices lower than usual in all de•
ideasand. Please i ind look over atch our windows great bargain
ideas and step .n � for a look.
tables; they will pay
in Ashfield.
Quito a number are thinking of start•
ing haying this week.
Miss Brown of Blyth is
sister, Mrs. Weatherhead.
Mr. McKinnon, of Pinkerton preached
in Calvin church here last Sabbath.
Will Todd has returned from Cargill
end is looking hale and hearty. Oargill
mast agree with Will,
visiting her
• •
Mr. Thos. Phillips has a fall gang of
men working at the brick yard this sea-
son. Tom does a good business in this
In spite of the heavy rain on Friday
the garden party given by the baseball
boys was quite a success; the Pipers
were very much enjoyed.
Yon Feel Mite as Indigo.
Yon are sleepless—no energy --bad
digestion—irritableonnerves—everythingeest ouworse. wrong.
Stop it to -day, end your misery by
banding up with Ferrozone. It's a food
tonic—supplies nutriment and building
haustedmaterial—gives weak nerves the strength they re.
quire. With Ferr0z000 you eat more,
digest more, get fatter. Vitality coarses
through your veins, thet feeling health of pth
predominates, vim,
return for good. Nothiag rejuvenatee
and restores so quickly and permanently
as Ferrozone. You'll try it to day,
at all dealers.
Last Tuesday James and Mrs Dan.
oan, 4th line, left on a pleasure trip to
the West where_they will visit relatives
and friends. They have two sons out
there. We wish them an enjoyable
Sabbath afternoon, 28th Inst , Rev.
S, Anderson will preach the closing
sermon of his pastorate in Jackson's
ohurob. He will remove to London
leaving many warm friends in Morris,
Rev, Mr, Oooper will be his successor.
A. very pleasant time was enjoyed
at the Riverside social on the farm of
James Hamel, 5th line, Tuesday even
ing of last week. Thera was a good
a at-
tendance. The Salvation Army
from Wingham supplied the large share
of the program. A huge bonfire was
kindled lighting up the surroundinge
and the evening's performance was
novel as compared with the ordinary
garden party.
Council will meet next
001101011080000601110118611111101111 r•••••easS•0060•1180600011103
l3tOre closes 7
p. m„ except
Saturdays and
eveningsbe -
fore holidays.
New Patents for Men.
THIS WEEK we have opened up FOUR NEW LINES
PATENTS FOR MEN. which are just
than anything shown in Wingliam. ALBERT, ASCOT and
$4, $4.50 & $5 per pair.
.Sainples in South Window.
R. Johnston's old stand, opposite hank of Conine
Repairing done neatly, cheaply amt. quickly,
Piio-gE 129;
W hitewear
You will find our stock large anti'
complete in Ladies and Obild
ren'. Beady -to -Wear Waists,
Skirts, Dresses, Drawers, Corset
E'3� �.. 3 r.wa
ricnrsar!, �.F mule in ant.t rx.tve X
look through this department. Na 1
trouble to show the goods.
CHILDREIS'S DRESSES --Very pretty Whtte Muslin Dreeeee
for ehildrf'ri in mos from 6 months to 12 Years• excellent
work on every garment, trimmings are
of $t Eli a laee a0 nd
embroidery, prices are - $ in
LADIES'leadingtyles, long or short Ladles' Shirt
blab onedsin ithe
back, A 1 value in all styles, prices range from 750 to $2 50,
see our leader at - - -
LADIES' GOWNS—A. large range of
readyto-wear Night Gowns, made of
fine cambric or plain, pink or white
flannelette, prices being at 75c, see our
dollar gown its a big bargain.
Special values in Corset 030(4T8 and
Corset Cover Embroidery, special value
at 25d, 35o and 50o.
1 de and trimmed with embroidery
P SKIRTS.—Nice y ma
insertion, fico quality maSlin, full width, prices begin at $1,50
DRAWERS.—Five dozen Ladies White OambrioDrawere, made
of very fine Lonsdale, would seta in regular way at 500, they 35
go on sale at - -
UNDER3SIR'CS.--Special verge in fine Underskirts, nicely
made and tr.mmed. Yon can save money baying you$1.00
skirts ready-made. See our loader at
FARI&ERS —We want large quantities of Batter, Eggs
and Potatoes—highest paid.
Isard 6‘. Go.
Mrs. Nukes left last week for. Thea-
ealon, where she will visit for the sum-
Mrs. John Gibson, sr., and Miss
Maggie MoKercher, of Howick,are away
to Sootland to visit relatives.
Mrs. R. Miller, of West T,ironto, and
Miss J. Gibson, of Scotland, are guests
of the's cousin, Mrs. F. V. Dick-
Me3erS, Thomas Rae, and son, A. H
Rae, left last week for Ridison, Sask ,
where they will reside, Miss T. Rae
joined them in Toroato.
W. 11 AdcOraoken, W, Martin, J. G
Jones and W. 0. Smith attended the
District Lodge of the I. 0. 0. F. at
Wingham on Wednesday of last week. A monster celebration is being ar-
J. H Cameron has been appointed on
the Examination Board by the Edaca• I ranged hare for the 41atanniversary
of Canada's; N%tat dug.
tion e o we Department and will spend a I to coatosts between the Wingham
couple of weeks at Toronto minati ng I and Barristers baseball tams, the Mild -
rn his duties as soon as the eliminations �
Cannon met on May 27th as a Court
of Revision of the Assessment Roll and
for general business.
The Court of Revision dealt with the 1
appeals of Ball Telephone Co., Wm.
Campbell, W. Bamford, F. Moats, J.
Alton and J. Young and the assessment
roll. was adopted as revised on motion
of Anderson and Thompson,
Conned then met for general business,
Reeve Bailie in the chair. Minato of
lest meeting read and app
motion of Anderson and Murray.
Oa motiol of Medd and Anderson,
Jas. Lyons was paid $12 00 for care of
Jas. McPherson.
The sum of $t00 00 was paid Hallett
Tp , for roadway to Auburn station and drawn up confirming the same.
Tho oleek was authorized to notify
County Council that the donnoil want
a bridge built over Maitland river on
conoesatons 4 and 5 according to the
Manicipai Amendment Act of 1003,
S,otion 130.
The Trea5ttrer's etateneeRt ebOirl
balance on hand of 071,(15; etheledd
and filed on lfiuti' ti of Thompson and
AsduL1 6. Cheques werel Hailed to thee
I amount of about $203.00.
Council adloflfined to meet on Tadd.
day, June 30th, at 10 o'oioolr.
W. S,11100nosfXE, Clerk.
are over next month. •
Jno. Galbraith has sold his livery barn
and basinesa here to John Oliver, Gth.
Grey taking Mr. O.iver's 100 acre
may and B;ussela foot ball teams, also a
game between the Salem Shamrocks
and Iconsidns they have secured, direct
from Toronto Exhibition, the renowned
Pdlsro Bros in their clever, laughable
con., The price
farm in the deal, with crop. sat. Fan at the Mill, lntrodnaing the
of farm is said to be $5,000. Possession I structure t a mill on which they per -
thisand taken on 11 h let, Owing oo form a eerie* of acrobats and trick man -
sale Mr. O:ivar will hold an enation I oeuvres. Miss Eva Onthbart, of Toron-
eale of farm stook, one to implements. ssel, I to, will also appear in.character and
so ae to be ready a mays to Brussels costume dancing on the grounds -daring
and take hold of the livery. He is quite I the afternoon. There will be a number'
a horse dealer so ahonld be at home in of tacos and connate. A 17 j swelled
the bneinese. Waltham gold watch valued at $30 will
F. S. Scott has disposed of the 2 acres • b3 awarde.d as first prize in the 5 mile
on the corner of Sao. Grainger's faim,� Marathon race wit¢ia a radius of 16
Qa.een street, to Mr. Grainger for $350• miles of Wcoxetar. Valuable runners'
It finishes oat the 100 acres ani makes medal* will be given for 2dd and 3rd I
a big improvement to his property. prizae, Wingham. Citizen's Band will
Me. Seat has owned it for years. The be in attendance all day and during the
latter has bought 3,4 acme from Jas' concert in the evaaing' which will t, of
where he will grow his root crop and do
Bargees adjacent to William street .iven by Cam. Emery:
I Naw York, assisted by Patera Bros. and
his fanny gardening. I Mies Eva Osehber.
110 Wien.
The beautiful and palatial residence ! Mc• J. 'W. n'z,ierali, v;ilmutui
tin Ur.. anti Mr1, 1tenry Zarin:Wman 1, oastoms at Parry Soand died nudes
my 1
Wee the 00110 811 Wednesday evening of , The county of Daffodil has no deben-
iaet week Of ii mast interesting evetit tare debt. The county was formed in
when lady eldest popular social ial andenin a ' 1831, i cipal buiilldings.eSes a fine set of muni.
At the Council session
jht to lady l J' P .p
bhtiroh o]retes, became the wife of Mr. last week several adjoining townships
erecteriok Pnilip H. Malatosli, also one I, nnsUCcossfnuy sought admission to its
of H,owick'a highly respected residents.' boundaries.
Headquarters dor
the Best Paints