HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1902-05-30, Page 1V01! A- J IIAAIII CO REAP .f/FF,GE, Citloitit1 Paid• ' up 111,009.0/00 Reserve Fund 1500,000 Total iLSSets, 19,000.000 Jon iar ART. presiaent ' A • . RANsAY, Vice -President. TURNBULL, Gen. Manager. ' . WONOW • •BRANCH OBRERAL 13ANICINk, BUSINEStS TRANSACTED. FallrEaCiS' ii0(0% idiSc011ittEd and, ally:trams niade to farmers to feed s ne .' SAGE NOTES bought and C011ected. rates moderate. Daarrs isSned payable at .all the principal points. in Canada and the • United States. " , •. q vings Department - EV.114 of 451-09- and upwards, received. latereit -allovred at current, rat s from date f deoosit to date of withdrawal'. • 'Chop denositor is not subject to any delay whatecir in the withdrawal of the whole or nig portion Of tlae deposit. ' JOHN SPROAT,4ourri. • ' LUCTESOW. sisT cutilitheibiat INSURANCE PRE AND MARINE CUELPII .11 LEGAL. tititeow•& BARRis X ters"., Fielicitors... etc.. Goderich, , ont, rs. Q ('ass. G•sititew, .. • A. A Lei) At AR RIgTElt. •Sorzettor,(,)nceyancer; etc, , irate:of Goderich).: Office var.bot.,idars Artin's ri4ur hroek•„. • • • • motRitrioN, ne.R.R16-ttat s $ S, trkiahone-r t Warn*. etc. Money to Ewan. OLEN:eon-et Moodfa Barber iME tcaL ;The Rev. O.: J. Oaten left on .Moo - day for a menthe trip to points. in Manitoba and the Territories. , We haver to -day, received anew con- algotee‘nt uf. American' Wall FapPr which we will sell at a sacrifice. ,134) „ not fail to see it. J. Wood &'Co De net "fail to eye Our lait Shipiatetit of Wall paper.; All shades and p# - terns. All prices. J., Wood &Vo. Mr. (Dr.)41licice, of Watford.; spent a few dais in Luckeow this Week, thO,, guest,of Mr.. and 'Mrs. W. 4, Mr. aed IlIrs. C. Fraser Of Toronto, lase week; visited 'their cousins, the Misses McKenzie and others row • „ ‘Langside. Mrs. (Dr.) Raechtel of Winnipeg, land. Miss Lizzie •Moore. of Brussels, „LP, ink • R.•TONSIL. S '-itzi;•..i.,•,.a•-• aint, Acconcher. Sargent' 41417c r 1. pripiott's igri.,cery -stoins.-., • Oce our ftt)1I1th.; Era=tpate rk'S , raid front - 17 'to pdail. •• •• • • " GORDON,. ILA; C.:if..., Fir: 77•tro,, atttJi 'Aixoneher. Upstairs in WO.. Aaia.** new bronTC.,. Residence Rinis• street, h....Twin& J. G. Illaritoch 3t Co's store: "IT O ") 6D :•io IT.er:S.Et ERVir41 , , .olOw. ••• eery • first ecern• roLoadt irt • the Orasgs • Ala. 7iristtitctgt?rstIts Lure. cOrdiialti iniTtteit • •, •••,-;ite„ k•,.1 . irt; t4C • • .• • • • . , '9 • Wants, a Tarm. are the guests ef Mrs. 0., McLaren, this weok Mrs. A. G....Harris and. 'Mrs. John Ell'iett attended 'the annual 'enliven- vention Of the W: F. M., 8-iciety in Wieghain last week.'• , Found—On 'Campbell, street, on Monday eeening, a adies backhir cape:-e0wiier ' can have ....sameby calling at the 'Sentinel *office; To the West -r -A cheap excursion to Manitoba and the Territories Will he run from Ontario points On June 3tdr Particulars 'froai:*the 'agent. • Wanted—a competent general ser - Vint girl.. Family of three. , Wages -.. • . . 2 a :week. Mist -.hive. references.; Address Miss Rotigrie, Goderich: • f Et4cr,••• omer 40011 zeros of 4.1s) EttL•lit lards . Er ....re,. LI :-/07, t5-0+ sad '2..0/' &tree's,. tots 1777.1stantate so.4 A.sigiera township' aenti rand: wish, trottitog- otitti Asap Os sits*. X lc 434 4:14'S'tiUt torsate.:,.• itraoot foe latitlim:: v l",,tocksinitt1. shop, codati-c.i.,a); &lug- a viid business, fon' • ;•vds• cheap,. A -,nerOr Store with Earge• trscre. rtve: riltrzersna....t.a.v,,e.a.taorEnt o f,rnoney.. tolrosin,at .1• per rent. For farther.particurats • ar,pLy to, " S `eillijCZIE, • • 'ritsitranee Avat. tretsrrood. Ldc,AL rroAs • .11 EE, red.'nrued from Torotit •1- I u.‘t week., • •4 4l• 46. 'Porplo t CS'? SkiiwJohristom..' • J., Ltea:-.100, ati. Ettinattk&-# Wingb, lex ut,44,4441"itt'S.OWit 01; mortd%r, uI • ' eft it Itcts0d..ttobetr,, , • • Spent. a tone it1.14 fast•', We'efr.•,. MiSS t li,irr:artclirik.' , • the g*sttrf tY•ltis, ",T.tylatr, this) wee.• fre,sh )vr hand CkAl. oral ;tivrit •ort t • • Taylor**, • . . ••. Sq Strathroy, • 1.4er.ro " the frditt.‘5,1' ,•?1.th • friendS En Wtely of ceg is tu.tikti frie"ittht, : ' • A meeting of the "rei" Will be held at the .home of Mrs Jamas .Bryan, cn ,Saturday eicening next, tI p4m. All the • metnber ar requested to attend. ,. T. P,. ,Stpith, sCientificoptician, he 'initnekinovr, a • t Cain'a hotel; one: r.6. TharsdaY, 1-2th". if I day ,;413.7 °Eind were serenaded b theand Ton areticeibled wi.th your eyesight; . : .7 at • - Notice to /he 9 • Nopoinibly Acquitted LOOKN OW OT.Alt.i0 FRIDAT: MAY 3Oth No Coronation Stamps Coptrary' to somewhat general ex- pectation', it ts reported that it is; not the intention • of the Postmftstet- Genera! to issue a. series of Canadian postage stamps in ceremosatien of the Coronation.' ` Dled In Kintoss • • The sympathy of the %hole ,extended to Mr. and Mrs John MeNenkie of tliVfirst concession of ICielcise, on the death Of their 'daughter, Jessie ;C:. 'Meicenzie, on Monday last, in the 8th year efber age.' Notice • ,. Here we are. aga,in. For first-class home-made buggies go. to Oblheiser. & Melee, Lueknew. Made . of ,the best. niaterial, neat, 'durable and nicely painted, painting being my specialty. Call and see, tbem ; they 'will 'stand inspection., Patrodize home industry. A. Carriage.' make-, imek- Eon-. '• • Having:returned LucknoW, ,X bug tO state that X intend to lake tip my aa 'insiders of house' and. carriage 'painting . ad desire ,to ieform •the •public that I am open Co take work at either. of the above Hoes.: .Persoes'. • bn'ving werle of this class *ill do.well to consult ...Me ;before placing their orders, All work doe with a, neat e'en end ,dePpetch. ' .over. er's* . 'shop; oseph: -A.nderson • Auction -satin •.^ There will e an audio= sale of the household furniture belenvoog to 'Mr. Wallace' Granache, at Alex, Ross' shop, cra Saturday May 3.1st . at 2 e.c.lock p.m. by John 13/arvb auctioneer,, As Mr. Grenache and family are leav- ing the village for Y. this is a good -opportunity to secure a nice iot of furniture at a big sacrifice.' • 41a, en in .winabani ,Thellev.., Air: Smith, vibn ia tesna- ger of a large, publishing. house in Ont was; married in W:ingliiiin On 'Wednesday 'afternoon, to Ms Thomas 6irviv, 'cf Lucknow. • The happy couplexiiriyed in this vil- lage coache late train the seme night, : - their residence: on. Willoughby ,., etreet.. call' and see bitn The Most friabionable- color combi: qeitioninan'be bad free cf charge if yoa-gpt to D. q. Taylotr's. Artists of theSherWin Co. will Prepaire . . the••specifications. . , The Rev.:: Mr: Cetemaa of Manitoba • Wlin was frie,n4 ,liere last week, preached veryaCcePtalsly to, a large corpOegatien in tiw • Methodist charch (=Sunday etrenink last.• • CamPhell and daughter'Leu., of Minehester;• are at preient the .gtrear (Dy) Gordon, havuig 'comae to see Mit. Gordons mother, Mrs Harrison,. Goderieb, who we rrret: to say is very ill at-presient. • ' 'Those of our Salbeicribers.‘41.6 are in arrearia Will:center a:favor Aly sending the aMount or'calling in person With it. We Mike this reel:is:it, because Money- issentirdlyatieceSs latixsieriss . printirri.,-„,, ••• Meat laf' the best/houses.; in town: were : painted with' • ".'the Sherwin, Williams paints,: Some 'finite few• part iaa'n. If yosa want to se 'e h6w- S. W.. P. stands, :Taylor Will , tae you round :to see. these .honies.,' .Afg.,,eand Orange' 't;tehiration, will he re :Etz4" Eat .0401.T, P.. ,titnitfl op Itple llth if anY„tefect 4.,lnar itotarlairiOn • * Wr.•_tthe• re, 'S•57birelY, „Terta•t% • • 4,n'ob t ront\tiy,",‘ friends in Leek- . , inlw; this week Gentri. •••••e4,s tiO• taani,t t rintatliza+ T4• tO‘vlt• Str A• ttAe in• finales end sari ElAaay, And 4 Lt.a95ttl:lie Ot _ ag,> tra, were. ...pti!Itsfiltirriiii Lt«,etfe TheornAlf Sterne pE Haciretts`geltlin-, crerrett wilt be, laidity.11otth - . Joytt ll.ttoknow, on ..Ittfy tgr. „ • ' • • . . ., • .. Reform' sleeting •• The Reform meedcg at Iferlyrnctil .on Saturday evening Ia.:it was largely attended, the bin being packed to the , dan:rs•With entlansiastie electors. The cbair•wai very ably tified by Mr:, Pelter Corriganrand able adclre-,ses were de- livered , by *r.,. R. , Truax, the Liberal candidate in South Bruce a.nd •Messis;.' 'R.' V.: •Camerten and Ell , • • • , • McKenzie. At Dungantivaar Coronation Day on the '26th r of June, will be. celebrated in St./Nura Church, Dunginiten. • service vrill !) he held in accordance with the pre, ll A man aarri. PAthatte, who for rnany; Years travelled through OP part of the °county :selling goods, was arrested:an Saturday last, in Taranto, by c...mstable Araistroog 'on warrant aharging him with \ eted.ling. ef?.0, . in geld t a' trunk Metiavitila hotel in Luek neer nearly two years ago The prisoper was broughtt before Magistrates -Robert :(3ealtain., Peter. 'azirriganand Thos. tawreece, on Wed- , , . aesday afternoon,.lt 'there ,watt• not sine 4ingle bit of. evidenceyrodueed :to • Fine Cattia show' that . he had taken the .,,money, ' Adtn McDOnald a the 6th and without calling on any witness for eoncesSion of Kinloss, one of the oldtst tbedefeece, the Magiitratcs'onorably residents and most successful fainters discharged tliepriarme • )1 Pithcoe 10 the toPoship, last :week sold to WiadefendedIty Mr. 'Hugh Morrinon, Mr., Alekr, McKinnon, .eattle hu,yer,. a bench of the h nes t export cattle , that has . paSsed through the village this Season. They •Were a fine lot of ar tnala and one ;steer, only 39.months old,: weighed :157.0 'pounds and the price paid .for", him Was over the earner stone ef the, 'ite*"- churcb. pays raise good cattle. and no, 'Man Since 'then. the huildink has hien corn in toVcaship .knows how to IOUd 'Pitted and paid foc'hy the congrega, theni better tho,6'Mr• MeDeP110; lien. • Three years ago this c ng,rega ,tion was rated airtioit . a dead Callen Tha Wool ;cue • and 'bow it is arery snauCh. The . As. 'shearing tirne' iapproachea it ['Church fabric :has, cost:lin al about. wonld be to the advantageof fariners 1.82 .600 and the foe nishings/abouf $11 to pay attention to ;th0 e . folloWing m:ore„..ToWards t in ' twelve . . points: :in :..potting : the neW*" clip of •rnOriths„the. etingregatiOn. ye raised. wool the market. Wash all Wool a little overer :There' fireonly on sheep uewa'Sliediveal iS going to ,eighteen.dontributioki. .in . the. • be very 'Ow. in 'priCe and tie no •fleeces congregatien, ihOS it will be 'seen that with binder-tWine as buyers •ebfect,ta ; all have done 'their The Service . . . it,. Owing te. fibers geiting.Mised with cousecration .Was most • lo,eantifn.1.1i wool and derna*ing ..,maneUiettired 1, read by. His Lordship the . . ry,lereds•:..,•Long Bishby *tool mercbanta . after ,, he:. delivered. a 'inest . . of Hamilton, gehte the price of Washed :eloquent sere:mile.. from 'tph. .2::20, in fleenecembing and clothing it ,120 Per,: .which he., pointed • to the solidity ,of Ib and. all unwashed at thafeth\clationteaohings Of the Church :Of 4glatiad;dernaristra.titig,thern to be; 'Froritierny institute • S'eiipttyral, ancient and faire.. ..,Atier ' The annual meetino 'of tbe• South. the sermon the o y :.onnistinien •was •e :" ', Bruce kill' Institute will. be held partaken i by ,thirty A%*. persons .6,, the -fain." 'of Mr: Thomas Maleolin7,,' The 11,evs• ftinless, Tcesday June. 3rd, 'at one-•'.1er'gr Mur -`6°d the 640'0 • 'cietoek tla# afternoon: ' this', bent; ReV.. C. ; H. E Owen, • asaisted dieetieg tf.report Of the varion the .i3iSirop.• The SerViee,lasted.in• all: re.,•I. s affleere viriq be sreeepted',...apd,a,. deei: Over' Oirehours and . though' the Con.: on arrived!' at as to the :.pointi. at, glegati"614 €.11e0 *wil8 Which' the ',supplementary 'meeticia b!1••• fittle 6f..wei6*-9-s • it • . . .c nro!) consecration , Tuesday hat Wag agarp red', letter day wifh the church , pi °pie .f St. Helens. Just a year ago on the 23rd of :May the Disliop was present ta lay will be beld. At the', elese . of •tile . Meeting Mr..:Arehie ' Snaith,. Stiperin- : 'pie fpentonsitragon • : teritlent of the,'Western Dairy - 'School,. , ' The, Firemen's ' demonstration ' in 21§trithroy,'.will deliver an Address on ' Lucklanw On 3londair, last Passed Off • dairyierg., • very sticcesalully,' and despite the wet . and diagreeable weather 'there 'WO a „ coroner, stone iniing • •.' large crawc1. Of Visitors.. in the village. The earner store of the bil-,.: sugar Tbe m-hita.rr• and calithurapian parade oc ii11.0.. cil (iicrer: of rhe .4tchbisior!:f. factoryRct tclittOri win ha laid' rin in the Morning Was very good, and • ... .. . Canterbury, /0.40 a.:,..m.:.., ...foirqwed. June 5th by President Millar Of the inclarled. many tioveI and : interesting brithrio • • AgricuttUral Colltlge, ' . A * .igl'.4:8, . 041rt.. as :'tle . k 'tg Pro' -'686:.'n : .....:)fir5:01177gahrdTeilihseocti:let:iril*L.Irt-r. htebl.de gra,riiiir:o.,,raintae haS T -en arranged. ' Pae,sed" d6Prin the main . street, Was. .• . „ ,.iti‘ti.le tectory mum s u per.the ator Spe!clies 71.rt•li..••delivered. hv..ise,k..r0,1 • heartil •Cheered 4 thi.; .fPetetors", , . •gratma• te .•Wil•l • E': the'. grandest' ,ever. inn and•tlieir playing .throoghout•..the ' • • yqi0.14..NO 1.471f. 31 • • of fine, a..s.tirtyngeg .iitandcvgaricedurstatoeint". through which the summer: breezes may blow without ipjury • In the lower priced lines we cow-. • mend our 35e 50e and $1.00 Curtains, In better curtains you will. find . our $1.50 and $2.00 lines fine quality and 'good value, and 'a,'spepial. curtain of high grade quality,sand 'beautiful design at $3.50. We are showing Frilled' Muslin Curtains by the yard at 25e—worth. Tapestry- Curtains very pretty • pa,tterns. and -fine quality at $3.00.. See our 'range of 'Art 'Mualins for draperies. New designs and latest ' eolorings.at 106,1210 and 15c. Curtai s always suggest other House Furnishings, Our Carpets, Floor Oilcloths; and •Linolenms are right in quality and right in price.. • MERON LUOKNOW • • . cabinet ministers and the masa': t' pro- • TSdi band beaded the proiess- Fees of St, Pani's Ladies sitssionerir meeting - •Miss Panapbell, a' missionary from Iadia will (13..V.>. gtye addrilsa in • • 'offered' outside' of the iurge 04ties.. day was greatly appreciated.• I he Seven bnittirvd voices' will .tinite. in" pio:ridid .brass -.hand of. the 1..tickrow c'ebrus,, Tickets can he purchase('•or, Ntrisie:Ll iiocieti; the Pkger-14 DALCIAtId an the basement of • the .Presby eroin • t ail •tines'of rai!.wa.y ar single fa7e; good : a real old tinier German- 'Band, • were• • church here err,iWednesclly Jane 4thj.. rethru Ott JU'OE," dth,. „. •• aTile in die. procession and each in turn at 145 ixte,. She was, awarded — receivc'd heartY applause. • ein tke • State for her faithfaluesa in 'attending • A 6,0ti aecielohtt hiippensrl Agr a * "A. to the address will; be VEry intete5ting Pront 1.. -reared sorrie two or three a `41.•eat'' deal cif lathes .are toI.4ed :to attend., from tvaikerton, The tiectliiitatat, • flt,ctibb cva4 elc:prseci by: the ,spectO-. tt Was after • three o'cleek be- •raciat by -the (»e& - of the native • ,• • -:•-•—•*""Frreari• the llgor'"s were. hld in •the •• icult r I Park u °win • to the orphan famine children.. *.EI'er 'nesrlay ast, on ti (ire _arm In .1 ardval •.4"at • the base ba and 114' • Special train acconinialtition is being for and a good program Of 'addresses from prominent men. in the ; Orange Order and others wilt be , The Lord' It Supper will. be dispensed • . ' tts.f,it tow. a: Thos.. Millae*lio. ha3 • • Tea the Sont lends. Meech . ca Sat, Dent eg. wire. iYatteeson th :i• iil i h d' fore the lacraSse mat& was Started and li K h . ... , , 4,1' ar rented,Pos out. ti t e fief •r blithi 4,)tene ist.. Divine service at I(l - A.,t tht: residence tit her , •50n--in.-Iilw ., toritio,,,' . sy/iiiv.,. ,i,.1 ,i,lsgai.e. .,61.neibiri„ • b -f nle: if' •Wa..i over a oold' rain set in, 1 eiliek,: • F!..tn. ., Pr4atatory servide *atir...Aie..ratter4orr Kfneardine, on.: .:'",:y. t•torkc With thq. tra,ces and .:Ctilia;I.F tr7.',thf-', r.e.gi'et. of the aldec-, The paStor is to be aisfated 'by, eeventi P.-Pattersoii• departed this life ot the i (),,e cnt,trie,11..a,5 t.$.,1_ rcie,...,e1...., whao ' der,lared The 1 c --se =itch be- lretily contested arid treated a great to rcp n 1 d' Ned" nn•Tri,aradait- as It f.yre•tp, &rm..' 'Thursday,. rs. t got on ro:Ier str.aigliten it oat. tato,r4f ti base bail game had to be of the neighboring -brethern... ' ripe. age of 86 years,. Por •rnany Tong There wilt be ,manyi unprontnents years she tired a consistent elm -tatter": 4.. • about 'town this year stridre..birt-Iding- rife, hated. all forms of ,sbant and p-abtr than wont Mad more: 'painting. Al - Most 'everybody seem to be Planning Emceed:ring t.hrighteriirig the old town up: ' Paint, shingles:. t and aar kinds of huitditag. hardware., for sale at, Tayroe,.. `Sorts of Vginglattni has been orrerectSuco for Damara 11.4.04 but has deelined the offer Ss hellieyes thle great gelding be^ a tine money earner tbrd. season.. paced More 'heats last. year bele* on :the tarand Circuit ttaolts than any other antijo hi's :entire' TT start's SInhe rued -7e fiiiiitat -delieliChitifi Stott Meits,,,t ascends, .and4 tttirct 41,4'. diaty pride bathe° 4E464 behtxtl ih.e money. silow„ • was- modest,.,kind„ patient; in erteweel (-Tile& the oE h4r 1e"."1 arid •S a. says "e kie`c with. tees sect& in the ri di' e and t• rokt o* was tween acar n - t) * of excitement amotigst; the spee- „.1torntietl•hat„, itdd tators.It was a h-tr g ht alt the Sheri, .ttg 'ernisti ef, gt.ney- fterlare v., hot se6a.r to: emit, ben lit, the ...way throur,, 01.7. , t g gre mother. :in 'Israel”, ftitieeal, ! trotti,:.,hir,4, tee ,,rar,„: tifnes,,•sp,,,etdid gain? Of' Was better than ,erut receiC'ed• It may be yo tt delay teniong ,abont those glasses. Eyes should be'etranine4 often • 'thre years at , • ;. • . 'Yen eat have glasses that. fit , 'and give you centfort. ,-• , We guarantee all • Our, frames and put in onlY the best lens.. We are here all .the 'dine" and . Only give glasses where theYTa.re needed Testing Free, G. ARMSTRON Jeweler and Qptician," h d iloha 1. tflUtL esteetned husband,- an .. 'truly 'gal,trae 1e4,111, t„), fea de4.I 1. ot 'ills Indulged •in at, .C.auada's * letding atld eotnic • slingee Tte hi preeee. Mendny ;Slay '..)6.th.; the '-irtztr'.,,.; ' tr:„ • ctiettil.i.. ,lAurcgse;and tit:* Lucknow boys bave.Lrottnd after round 'of applause on each: „ 4ices* at the house and: .grave ere con, I,: dia.;,. reg%);i tite riOns 0, tel foirrf Ktnardtne Th chase for ticIndhiodr ,ehlniogniititiroelpidtt:t70db':faal,tildy, d4c6ct 61r 3T•c"Ear expre:ted.ihe'l tlott there whs. LucLnow rrgisted at the haUSe byl caa. on? greasY was 1513.e et the most greatt?' 'delighted the auvriliehtle: :nit"ht, - Rev.. Anderson of Terentu., . te.e,sc,ti...t.e.,,...;.tthrg,itt et6tting eveatq d the: Itfi6r her 4evera1 selections. • 'closing • large ditMber fien? ra..„.ett_ ot4rittrad,ty ilight he dted. /t4• : long rutt the porkeF',..Was 'captured :•hy piece in gtittuary pttsitig" cession. oppeSite, d lintue an, the.: wite...ato,ot,A1 *4., Win--ftet'Aersoti.' %The Otteert in the, `*e: E'en: in 'the. village and was ihw,tt-lt tit in, th.t.,eyerting; Wa,s the. enoet. ,eetz app auded.„ The baud rrendared tetttil C'P•tiCet5ida (3t "f°1.Ntillar, farraef„ re- • p_adied fitt*.eTilsi :Inn/net r pp. rm. ,tr uttave !Tian? :a. •••• - „ _ . liaieetice ser' .r, .11.n: op eN,Puination he Etl lee:t Prald et' the guud, appearance. -Stiss Florence Stcheity, • tovs:e4 the., renia`ins tolt,;,'inkawnemeter ' • ...I . • I T•e +. ..esarIjhal1 &- iertil entertainment hput there number of tine e I Y aulteperfeted .r.tvert :t e reacit k „ . e ec-terrS an. alto-. • where of the' resurVlzatiOn. when Wilt be cora- ottsr beeil ti,4trifot feee'.'elemth.4 the 4006_ `"?'il;t* allaietige .Saying,,”DeratIt "--." k ana tIN:PrYboci$ ,w414 detig,htNct td :Ith 11/4zetztr—ta -sew , ptetely retneine wer • 4' 04 tl r,etirto.. , 124th, i'%411Vt*DZ • iv/allowed up in ttietell:1., • 0"04.,•+. it:art:tent. e • ..e, pee,,,,.„at tate‘t r„ Jame . 1 month!. L'...,3day*„ ...„ „••••1. • 4