HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1902-05-23, Page 6t
a*+*****+++++ PW
-DRAP'n ir
+ Wt
the r + k TPOCTOR,
eso t _e, rtlon, an z
. e� zg .
O-Nposure to limt an +
4, cohl or S r. T
4'0� , I AIP Wr ENI 40' OAVOI stp* a. Thrilf- - No' 41 N frm. whatever. euse. a eaf A%
JP.Jr epe tre-Oed' que-c -by lie. imely
o**+++r ......... 0�* thorough tim last Tpro!-jo, .rubblnj Is neces$. TWO annual Meetlig of' the ow-ldyliaz b�,q time oar,ptlipr
oiU, who Relates Ain SbOuld be Applied elation of Militaxy. Surgeons of
btkovi nobudd kn OZ� grode up un't:1
at least tiventy' minutes, Two- or llle'UfAed States Major John. -Ngn R,
hy 0.11 . 449.pc Pabee is no-,, hDeoartw
of " Imes, dall o 'Cod Liv
just ln� er Oil is the, means
----------- -
y, wheir, all pain, IV, THADE vor�q !q �bq�t 4 U.to make 4 rofful MQNT iefis, and� Eitiffnee it) �ourae of his life,and,,enjoyrnent0 -life t6
, speecl%
will be ire ccept�
f-tT1. - E;;
.-Zeand noR bar tr llQnle. frpiIn'
6ok-lct�bn paients, z Vie 1'91101WL'n -tbr.,- - r i babeez Ir - 111 ltwellty4o r. hours, It will Ing th& PrOsidenCY otrthe a Que.. 12($peclal)� In th4:xrudd4 ku tree en womi%R� -d. It or forcon
tuands-M n
told I d
ngthen and hards,0 V.,Ioit
the runs. y V, ey hian
aut %yoe�ver C%ehringe and
cles. Footba w as ng,
players, Ocillito , 0.
bav thatz the t rds of an over -&a dod t�il , itary -n.
110t 13al1.V' en Or WOMLITI. li:t; tu. k0ap. ,A udy as P4 tile chil4re
-1, Itz life. I ge�s Building. Tprout 0 It,
e pA>,d lic aw
r gYmI13,8 8, and all. athletes Will rind WO W,... e
911' such a terrkbte I ial as Mr )ar -L-,3pz away frunt �-,r, j�6l;r hospital. wbe
reepil ;a( ptep4l. k When appe-tite, fails, it r
Oil; .4uperior a she suddeply., ellc9ti-
'Drappr,, of ip -ez- babeei 4, e: o any ter�d two, tile TO It L'17 k �ace Mr. Draper, hollur ire th
Aores - it. Wbep� food
remedy for outward .;,t.pplkcA- Yot, ondon. or
WY pursp 'bl the doctor tion, TO� the 'eA a f pked 'At,
T tu a , a Ing o
'!About four years Ago I - waft t,ie r, son tti lt4, getiop' en,
fak- azl'oA 6 1 stock -brinz, the e 10 plider-
ainitim;o ileenit lifts hurd
6abeOz xche stork: li a, bxArd tu ilu an M WiO w4at 1, thought d. 46 effect W", On Tit y e n you
OushAdil Of Peop ed, Loudon.
IGMTel.( � t. W r �
t*',iviie le all over t ose esh"it brings i,
n'.4 babee furst
the :world and. jeeommepd! . 'St, You 001119 there, my
was sah ppeziz, tz: . d'nofful ftinnee look�' a
reiln men iass of'health iB g, gre acob, Oil 11 so. enes oat paJ6, to I*ha T
0, Octor ),r: uluiwuliiI the plulxl�n
lie gaveme some n Tiv wui I . I I - � I . -Up p g rowr;,
zk',4 reel in babee They'lOoked At 'Iferi And - is har.( tank W
An 9 A� bottle 1.9, quite sufficient to provoL. Of. tit! When Nvork i �nd
-Jz gger than a'good, 15j; 'fheip i'palav I al),t
WOd be w9" call, It 01 ed its effic4ey.,. In— cases bplre muscu- . Y, no moAr nor 1"What' ;,ire we,- do
Ing we
Od 6"ba' uppi and. don't ilar , porenips: :1.9 compilpated with are making a c4f n
ff dutyjs he4vy, it,pakes life eftme twkO, alibire a I full
rg-, IQ pou-ndr oar lea awl redd like any, disease, wilich c, 1)right *;t�yen on,. pliltaber, H,
requires an al- r
"lars'I wae, a lirtII3 f 4z. if' it w.,uz'a. Injan jnd,'itz' alro. bed 'z terotve, Wtter butl'zt6t at all 0draltive com- seh�L thin edg6 of: the
well i a'". awl balld like pawz i don't seq,,vFity asked-, 'For whom It i�. t]
004 A4,0ther lidd .1, tit d k
ey out uzD 'bare resstoarur: on a are you, ma Ing a coffin.?' W6�
-dir&, the'thick enais food.. yov.N
babeez bed., we had a habed. at our we
�'For that I o' Ver 'there In Iwith
howsw wan I of :&64r: "This, -time sent forotweltber doc- Jule w1ch lvpz mpar balm. isd HMO J3Ut W ati�L the it I Cetit rat a $15,0i)0-WIS11eq, to Corr"
sou'River, that b6& ])on$ you see It in
about' h us
sarne, result ago, Rattrosdi.
9. a ere t hub ot e, adir. looked -direction ate 4:060d wife
ye In the,
14� WeaerM, ree and'bhe The Above. —a le a hotliO-liolid. It
all the, so much sojierza e iz ma ndicated, and qaw.'4'man a when you haieit.�ndp
lz xeellenqg. of. n good" �'o'ndf Pplim
mi sliqtur when. maree,wuz a -ieel,- -word
Wid. -the, spimrior e tion and `;ivaihlng the. g
mak advised mo 'Vp, 'A
eo. she didn't
sfioe� he t 11 Ir'OR SAIM4�ONX,
. try 'nu 13ab hai6 senb� the ond' should be � stiffibielst, to gt� operation, vilth greatL interest; S
said tha but 'maih l0'n-6i-de;adL and,� guess . -.":'Why that,' FRUIT P. ii4als. y vmz never, no peop e, now tbatthe -V
4EA dijit I., the
9 bab�e) tbafi�� oil as it, he W,
=Aber., summer rate li, the, siLMe -to M6* York -'and "W:not look
e, wu about indeed, he as h�tt rhakeg
Liv�-r Oil is thefood t]
WOdId, t ty Awl s4e dun wuz tq lay around an enat.a I a you poi Winona, lo,miles from, Hamilton 0"WO
ght �tll(!M And Can t
by 4;,.hq)r lines no fur-, going tO;MeL etpoile this Wacrosin&]l 35'�of which in to fi'W%'
9-01k, a 11;6r And om recommendation should. be sioifia�b ways. I in, Din, to take sleap awl the time's couldn't even Or work L oscild
t. mostly peachee
you forEet� your Will I one P'S
Okin righk awity. talk. -tile u&m btijEarybody. the mep sAld. IVwe post- -it you aVe not tried; send. for divid -- Ill
in !4 At furart 1101W 11' yuli� I No an't id into lor;s'of I acres to and=
fre'hadt tak- %and when -she wautftd enhything, she to the The doctor old iii, �o make fole. Its sureeab 0 taste Wl [I. chasA big Is' a 'Winops
the, d bu I JonailiallL C46Ipoqt#r�
.0b s, wild r about a coffin.' and, he knoirig what he
first 01006, 1 a stoate
40 rge L aft, a.': 11041%, aLlaq in four divya .2 =11 r r0'T'r&N0WNE.,Ch mists. 011!!�o
hollar til you llaul'h6eilte th
gave -him.l
z mar.", diddunt have no.teAth OW York rmy And Irc Toronto.
ofter I pasised aiqtber 'about the, e )��t k;Ue didthint care Joiarnal.
fbar a long tim and S1.004 all dru"sts..
his Of,.& of barley. ANTED
kox she didduat 'ete, nothing but (Waithington0tar jAELIARLE
gave grea. t Ob the life of ft.'st116t ii -i lwi- men and. %vo,
8: W
1101 -And I milk wich is not esma Lifebdoy 8o�p--4HniufOetant--i& stron I-
I . 11 1 ; A Que
Commenced t hard,,to �chn maree I L . . L travelin, to in-
)16xtal�'- erSiR1i-IJeAn Alaska menin'ev
-0 better
The OrAt st Once. bz got m6ar sexl* now than'she, had
. 4 L Ti%, o6ifietb1mg- pedullarly ead McOmMen".by the m* ' I profession as 'And keep our hoir
ImProvem continued aqd� I -'when ehe wm keel nu and mel),64 The* atartling suicide of J ti,;ing initter t4cked up In con-'.
hn Daly.. trodtice a new,� discoveri
be U� he-irdl.-wish thait.�he a safe� �a �.W"oi d of'Cowley. ikpar, B---9nett,,'ou cards'and advkrl
sained , stiength very rap gqim a ise 22 aou.4 places throughout the toivn i%nd
in, A#.:0bdrt time 'p'c year,
t Id tork brt, bU-th6 WhiteTwis and Yukof" lilt' tile y eniglrmen
will be'mn;��t like I': Am an day
WOU hadn't - n Ra.il-L 'c W paW`. in Waff. thO. tj e=i,, ad,
hii'll' wish that be lijqd. a %IL 6r Sk�d%%�aywhea oo ormlarr., on.00 per month a
maree tu one howee 1 -have got 'a e Dolphin departed z-oilth Iasi Stin-
topst ranch), 4 dAy njight. The, man, t oo k a bure-and,
8 agO.'auld eWrlite for particulaq. , -TosEofficii box X17T,
in aiver. f air,, th uses, not;o exceed.12 54) per"daY:
gun � now and if that stork ia�rver
aganp. it tvll:,wis4t It oug )CINE c6,. Ldndd� ont.
1ft*0 riot, held thp sughteit ir�tu*fb of - ku= arodild S hi C 'h shiDulif�tfiiiikl would be, a 1�ft of effective 'methoj of- Elluffling 01" this, INTE NAT110NAL MED
Giuce6 so'th&t I know �and *orks Olt the cold. t to.
(I of stade Awa. -and tendiad tu r
t or a ma'n pick out h.w mortal coil , Hn cut' 'a hol. in * the i
Slow that my curp, -was an
Itz ean bigness.- onume.- Boston i�4xittiv6Brould Quinine Tablets care a cold Own cattle'!,from aWng, P
So L Many..
it one day., em*, N'o,p F 25 cents. i0e,, or,the -creek sniall e.noligh I U..L
ay'.. r*e , Cowbpy-04!, that's lan''eavy. mat- L 'is: ... , , , it. 's Int.;Af
to. s throng,. queezed li
tLp the L 8 .04. The -trouble. bi�g!ns'l when..lib down in the, gper u're. lit rt difficulty of
joloru'rinallsm OVILL CURE
Bliss Long DrisisIu. onit. her M. lbreat, ingl.
picks out some ot zi'il Cattle. -pold 4tex-,, iind
'Wichitas-dainnable negro.:shiet Jar U ar\ ex�ur, 'd CL� before
am afraid.L that , young reh.� Fri ftv� Mciy'23rd, a po�' I refers to the I edi vor of th under the 1�e foe sev6ral fe fig itnes
eily. wW6 calls -so b traini *111 VW r is paper an OR you on..' y regu
4, throat
'As. bumbs MCThe man' th6-chesi, u.-asting aWay 0 flei 1rather, a' fast' said a kv� 'the Iiallroad. the fare: Rome,,of hls� friends be:'. beel " thco' n'sc;-6u'-s,.',
young. man, by D.Fta aat,,vrarwl6'g and madPL tmrtaitt'of his dc.kth.' He.eut thd h b'
rather to hi Wr consiIiiiption, oug s,,.catar-rJ.R
Topeka, Ka�n., journal published' e uble,
be,ag only ten dollars (S,10.00),for the at'b61 Plaster Is,- the in ., small th t;tlfere was not On
"Oh, Iio6,.he-Ifiml rotad triphFoin Susp6fldlou Brid-e or colored people. 11W6 want this fool 'to, abI6. remedy for sprained. stiff, painful mus- e aia-And
father", replied and cles, " it, Is. the fmos� -efficacloas. 'Wear it �chance, in a thousand 'of... ever ASAMPLI ME BY 111AIL16 every suffery -
Butral0l. inid, ticketa goo'd underst. hat it takes men,of More
"the, ttl6 prothe sPre- hndL*i[f6b 'J rreturn, handle clotiniMfisly-1ot a time It you. hiiyelumbajo ing :back through. h r
r., who'. 1, lit eal br�,, T en,,. ve PUL -10 is for*sIa1e by ;i I druggists at
Maton lotellig
If his ha -th4n him. Ak Ide upon. a ook of oo,:,pe, r
une 2nd Bps or sciatica. lie t
What do you;, k t ur�. course we r t d r�Liarge bottle, and iS cints.f6
ROW About Nril forz:ed- his bod r down beneath the
did in 8 -be rilroa paSs" . I Featherly ? demanded, he no ter, a i we'don't-44a:ve to'b6.' Arnall.kptile' di direct 09-
6a . ellose a I y � I an. -v e !*be- elled .', b Ice as 0
HEALT tinqk - and ()0 'THIE PU -ONT.'
selEcted to it , P1, ulab a j 10119 HINTS' ONTO
owl t 6 littl 0 gro MOZO., T R
"that" 1. 0 man re- West ShoreAgents fu sheet h&t wa he scarified 'the- o.n Iiis. sb.oul-,,-,
heaJ4 himck asksifteIr 6r lk
Daily, Tiiues�.
& Fr
bin"aii Offlcil Circular by- llhilllialo
night, and'she,
Xi�. Virn emh rhat'r, fts�
One fX he Would'. 'Heal h OffleerIi
onePaink Davlsl� tkfio* Th6 ia
r n wfi
about,. it,;. but, it It Is the b�et t VE'p It T, q. is ONTINENTALI
was the 3+4 a 4arth or summer com LIFE,
thht; 1,�. ever savir." 4. plaints... - So d Thank you pride 0" ho u. aeiircely
Voiiieu wduldL 'not,, 'ear 'long .contain .00 My':.
Ung s1drts it thowish of H -h E. ftr�suIr,
E WAXIM l9volutloik of,'Evld tra OPAL*
ijer DityiI ...... P
�belleve I' i061 .h.wed re' b
i er'ei ob96ivN MqARVS LLN ANT will t n.1 marks 16
A'Inarriage inuat be -one' !or two "Have the lettel.9L been uly.: ex-; TNVQ'*4shing§ 'urith Su ikht
a. I , � L . �. I I hicreas.es.'over I Ing items:
Ouie'ever" case of biplitherl Wa�4.esteiday 'I L 900, in,th� foilow
thin hapl It * isr an amined' by .'the lian'd*ritlhg'expert?1- for gral th
ly or un ppy
ul ous clrculatifiin��. . Dr. pap wear the lin-ren ess, an ew, u
n LO, some: of
ere,bu 'one condition your`� h000r
BAKER. exi"ence Wn S b y
Greene calls atiint - 16 Prrtalutzi income lncrease by $9312
aYou', are janpreniqly best IfVery well.,.Let -the balid*r1thig .'wherciby eq--mum-ptionis *ith- cd.mm
the iizeaas wash on Soap. Total ineorite intmazed by ....... W You u e I sim-' .xPe As�ets fncr�ai�ed by .... vie'vda66 growtA or, hair are 4�ruelly,',o rsM. TkL rt nowZ be,' e�xaznined 'br the,in spread.. He declared th"- - the, Adrt
ppy, inarriT. Insurance in force fiucreWwdbj� 1,399,'166'�
PAe -ruli�3, governing a., ItA satiLty e rt. -I
"E 111 -4. or women, dragging on the
um 6il& -k so, streets
%.age.may.be f6wid in the following
-t cars: tend sik up
and' in' stree ontinefital Life Pollefe are u#exce led or:
L in a_v. D1
en, 'Cold, Iberallty.' Agents
:'IdeviiiLiton from" 't Whird'sIliniia
he saxne
7 .. L.,.,�, ... - ;, , -. .. 1. �; h Iiie thus C�Lteiedfro'm gimplieftF and wante
Ept,ensure di, cer- '. * L :.' , ,
e. 'ri Fe'
isicord, but it, la66.. to ' backh6r. �EO: 9. W
-h tainly�,j)rIeve4i accord.' Rezkd�them -Mbe oar '31an is. *U "Wom6n should -Mot Wear., ski'to 1. ' -
orek a 1 1 . r . . . �re TY
eral ager
safrl Wil iq��Wbat id Dr. Gre
ike, best ousehold remed'y ouf earth. ad"thet very amplici 'ituakee. - " : . itan st
4 oU each W th4t,drzig a 6ne., "Itiv
-the iithbr4ijl ap�eak'- look Worried T �Me i
Liii, FPX& -daty.- t6. Y"
r -it.*' -0 dthti %f "womeh' or their., own
R6'er&di,- tit. gL 'k
M only- slight but tri�lal ; "'t upon meNailddrin fke�j told it h0alih,'Azid fdr� ifie 'health of th(),S�
thein gr
muceift'and you'll -find 'iftan't them to wear slarts.'", NSF...
held RTY
Fnifig happlue4s,ilie, human' Come "back b*a mmuto.an& treat; Dr.`Gre�ene's pa a it
molilet 6. lIg
ctat-m 11he Qn,''VbL :t
at -ndw.- I daii"t know wlteth4 b '&.,.te' I hil
irdulosis, s36 ddsoa
316 Actlis P i. Husbitridai and � witi'ves should have no U. tor. tube or consumptiolti. For D
artei-&4 or a. doe he gr dangers of fe(
of L i a
Bluff -4); -Ned Wil" spateto fr6m each other.; 46t 4h6 AO- Year 1901 calthparls6a h
ktV: WD-0�`-knbther by - ''llibard-is lAnfi number A Mau Tour ally
:Asroposed-io ii2erilem b6l Mont ran eaftsi from :cons Ild er-
ware. gigd,'
Miss, -Sharpe--That so?.M.h was t -that not eit each, 0" 'ek- lilt
given as 'Common.
relating tiba' with : illoge from other causes
OtItTl A:
your, friend, Tbni Burns." 61lown.,..Wnsumption, : .11 ; I '.. . I. .
-as � compared
-You Yeat ida d' IlLk�' td to of cary
e Jk wlr� The Sam Ill Is
Y. an eep her busbei 163s. Bluff -He pioposedl.Aoq� Did. fi6m. v�audering from hilp, Owfi fire-' cer, 136 of d! OW _rOUNING. ORE
phthel:1a'. 98 of red Z
meWyAren't. yod1he mant46 wboili OUNWIg".coug powder orpoll.;h .80
e b�-. rOV'dlngL fit gi- Piee of c�xkd. recentli t� me, Jttsz�brfak rub-.
you the At I pholld fever. 64 of wh
'45, W, I scarlet' f6v er And Jo, 'of in w1th th
ead. ot "exactly. e said AraOtloitir he sioks'ahip
Tramp -Yes;'' maam Dick's jBibod ivid.; b itencourage and the
oposed, to. tbo�"4C&tbolie Hasb�Liiidi - b IUVO� ou been. ;�6rktn'* stifles?" the t
4 ould T
vaundard cheor their .1 ..ma am preen i-ve measures fier will give alagle. -Prki 25c Pltal ever since. IDVC
trivesb7takingan Ili er-. have been I& the 'recommended, by Dr.� � Greens Are- draggist"'6r. bt alan
.1 -est in.domestleoffairs
consunipt 0 -should -ghlyL
ould'attfoy .'liti IV Mother '0, I�CH 0 i%16 a
a -brtdaristbintti O.;St.cathailneii,
EL, her Mind, ziid'keepo up, with. the:.
Kriat samples free.' Trade supplk&
es, tb " ''h C66silmlAiVes Ediduld never marry..
IL A Thils, no modern,. up-to-date hotel tim so, Set Jersey cowgi
-at s e may be a com�,
ever.. sleep� with Consanip
W for 'the � r6dep, on or, her husband. 'd 1 n ary
CATMRN C1 -in 901.� It iii 64 u*ated In th fair divisloa' seat, &red nsumptivee should not
Cb -or
to tbd disessed be kissed.' .."fed. imd HA. JLT'
give hisi-wif& cowed blow In' e -ver
centke. of the d6st bgh er
1.ZLki, ul;er.A. C:e= the aft &to
va&oh 'in America, known qw. th A e --leap "i- ,y ease of chronic
e ulcers_
half he eak's. hd Offave a d 02MU o6asy% reah Of a P ssagesll"Ips dra In the, Ap'. QM the'spo TO'. T�
ada. 'and. d
principal D nt-use publli� Arm ing cup
points in- Can throat i
1 4. The -.ire should- nitrate mefitL her gl
the. Unittal 'Stat�The -interior of the frm AlldealemqrDr.&W CII2341' M' EL
rD yk
specta ps
tweet smile. uedici�te C- 7ra-so snid
-in husband iviien he. retu 9ome, wti;h are thoiroughIV L rinsed lt�
plz ied' to the best. adv ll�
top " e0t the, Ilt K St"
for comfort, - and d6tivenlen6% manL'shoald neyer:negl Avoid, towels. that - havl�. been, ueM C. .4, :L IN
slulk at ed. by others -in. t
I thm.bein%g1ren'to ven .As public places; or ow
t16: hittefitl6tis. after' mArr �p M
and -Toronto 1:,>o-
arrangemonts, lagq that: ;age. never� seem'- properly AdIio 419 111"If" b eonsuimptiv BLOOD: orm
n he was a care- ard Fri ays du�,nle
he 4hoir4h! -wife.
06§tb,d in film worlO,? said 'th' The lined of tpbeiculoas. p rsons
eOU '0: must t dig' I ri 4 P rfi gny her ]�eld and On eng tuan.' iiafected 'or bo led before. It Saves feed. to� beCaine -Vi.
be w "Pdr fitstaticer 91, being . M con with the Df rain:. -s all rho-, wirq-s�hoaid. rou Tup-, Thars.
M, -�li rin4en':, of �1-11 nd And
-eep b Od
Illerz,,cutstne, aha sekirlee aie the.146st- libirself �oung and be�dft-' ave otIser - time -'and others. naller'aniotintof reilVdigeted. Are
aga* Open A-- jg�uests June IStb, For. fur�i tiral, in order' to'. rel�iln hk� fascina-� that- the,. people -with the most e,%4 Any a ttibeiculotiii f6o4A n&. ofihe. "tiol .;,. !;at ther P�trfveular aerilitf M'Lt and- tLaSte$--ni iftimber. should- use ejctr�t, preca�,u- xrZ and e,,m of Uour-
des t�ir i for Ost -iitivArldbi re:
y ha for
Ithsbaitti shoul.� al�C,o eet theM.?,L on 0e L
0 in
t4t; least mon tl6usi'wherevek 'Lure6t T&OntotL em
L.�trict' P!20e; -01b 0. ntr6al%
Or s wife chepr!13� througii d"ches:
I.."Ming. Miles
wants to ''go out in 0 Ull lk -11-016131 IN ON clothing. or DA .4hould r alko" C11"ZIP ra .. t ea. to Nf6nt.,
Of tnlls�lnent tak� t�xa.tfve Bomb. Clitirline 'kablets toratIP4, and egailarly
W�`rnan �;hw eV ning. retattl zhe,monery it It falls.to allse and d! t
cle. jWOC rooln�, of, r4-11 are In fIfee.
W in X tith. horhe 31,1Y onIr
pa- -Cattle anAA�� �f
-r late
High. wages prevall la� Salt fakii M fit .l
: . . . skirts should 'be
ci; n -Xing. U%6 Sa t I�,ak, �n--An h4-rAtuA,,k lij c�irdren-. rite of. p
city.; ATSi_ short di; f]iot to tough the, Mrs. wMeal 's tow f� r undei
'h" wreneq. 4ri r1older
12 1 *w
always be zised for,'Childre'o Teel 1119� tu t1l
F �AS TA;Nums. cl, cures wii1d III 'by &ever
rai!i�ig saithos the child nii tbegura
BesIad, oDia ho". n�
Jereii ir
r up. th latent . ba '111. coliand to the =medv f Agent, U
New 1�xterml
$3 to� -11-31 ."C cooks. Kndor3Ad bj Iixh inedidflournaI3.
toP- eippet SuOpil
1�ld to eiritisri j pastoir oqr buildlngq fte A
of the
S Im
�I M-k�� L tuoutit :�Oor alUOrdaiind T,.t:bl"- Lump� Xhtirch,' or Bay 0
Peopleo'BaptL-3i o n Abscesses; aid Sores. Ulcers, riali4s, Skew has: a P. luotri
two tip ckx A art
Dlza�a;gex, Ecocla, pimp disedered brain t to$, Stiff' Joint$,. a
i Vtolted.numbei, Rhaticiatism., Urnbagai, S i3ruI303, .,of de�;troving -rats., There !an. Pr'116. but pr3fns. eC PTI 0' BEST pa.v
Get able
lastft �tat.' Meft co Pat
Files, Cute. Sore Feet, Pleurisy.
ent on either.
Spid Py DrliggiU. 25c. Tr once. nywy Ma ditrev
pal it,
adopt Preveoted', and, Cu d
It fiLre '.ri
HOWS firs Sir. Bet. ist., not onfr* a p'astor but.; '1462W 103"otis .1i;m reme011es or aN
basement 4nderers mia;
T. �drtlgglst, -lr� the' ding this pqpw� IN44"w
rriie lofigbeen.atwaf othlsdkug..stqreLthcreap CureforTubercukallsCousiaboa
E0 peafgd�ajme
rrh C.%nIltit i", eoi+d bt. th:it'lt IVIII line a-19. a sluall armY of rats. -The
t tiod,'W"k LUE Catn
coul-In't u'dekstand
lk'ast: ll Pl- ro
We, capabe 0 what,-Attrricted. them, but -there tile
I".�ts were, nd ' wiir of"ex'tetminw. whl a
tiod',t�ds begun against thdia. t- ro
in q'.j tp,n ri tiz, a pt',a�er t
actfilrO br. 1 �!t I Olt; tv, t.), -P frIt" -t proo One:da:.- 1.1st, Week-' a big' ball-sha� FREE
V4T, A -V P iter, 61 ra. with which 3�agility
siem ed 0
Tedo, 0. Acconiplil-,-hrneot, Do.your. lunigs, pain yols, ?
WALDUM ' it' * -n
.1- . �d and kili. T,
n. JJLUtGPsY:*as
it sord and inflamed
.19 your thro.
Dra9r, do pqrfoibaed the body and it 'dls� p
0.1-16tilA'Al not ea ache?
Do you spit b
We Of what %rag the ettf4�01013 till Does yourl
thli ratsi
They Is'yourkoptit bad lit �tj*
out ifint -rrri- 11
a eyou astrig,fiesh.
PIPICe i0i sP3'19;e , d t h d Are,yod pate and thin?',
rL n i SAY
11, %la Particalar rit hid;
4wolle,-- so,10tidli. Insile bib
Do you lick ? Vel With difficulty.� That 'Th-�sd simptoms ire proof at �Yoc 7 t I k- 0
T,� *1 64. . -- -.1 . .,. ii �t
n COtAt",
ek Znle' his rat ridding dd� yourIbO4 thet seeds if
'14 `6�3 1;1. t v AVo b -f JJf J- e4r%t :n th Jno3J
asdtigerou rite ady that Over deva-s.
i'�u r 'to the ice fitile-inelilsi t'I 41*tio� nlOt nok 'n
tioezidh heir ibirigt *re;wital to: test th;s mt�niiiz e6 EW 'Ith y
It tat. h"r carrik-w r�, rV
jj� a the earth tofturaptida.
el"' Z�"t' 0, W'�q � rL e a r n btN e -ge anif Cheese vidth basins of
. � t.o n I tb Ot P
-g zhal r3,t, )10 M- vator to lfyiDU &&46 Z�� h�f �r� for
g. are left foe 25o
to help alon
Evert moriiiig there FREE *R T
wa. IAL TREA" Ell
a Or rats. -till; 40i)n "this andthi'lFccr tree Prepc�'Scm willSefbrwarcWyad Pastor 'wa ';With &OMp�� aiteCt;ons for use.
pAge " P
ffiract catl:� laid' AILCO. U SV
onIr feltAble fozwo for fid1dint 96di 69;hn
t4 th, for all Ltet bro, t
to th* cnatlnuo spiral, sp= o., o Tr&Afes arva Mso� �toa b
Y FlesIL. Coughs. Ca
poun&, pro�p�ctbrs: It' Ataskx' 44 ba 1<1,
al ld train geaft Tmublei� 7 *tr *w
the T� A. &6ann
obe, 1"OW r43ft to
W6ven farthei �dhd acc6mol stral; ar" re=X*=
ard -,w Wept. Tamem ork tid� M, , " 'M� A --T bu V.
V"Kpcalt cdfzbe�and erp— &W the fiW,
the on any. other ratilom, sec& Siocirm,cure) win he
It, ""aft"
A C4,..'1JAJt Wilk Jfj
itdiai' M ent foe the
M 0
RON oitr
Of A
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . ....... .. .