The Wingham Times, 1908-06-18, Page 7THS WINCHA1vI TIMES. VOL XXXY1L,—NO 1898, FREE ! FREE 1 50 cents We are selling $1,00 bottles of Flaxseed Emulsion and Hypop- hosphites for 50 cents, Flaxseed is best fat producer ever discovered and «lien com- bined with Hypophosphites is un- equalled as a SPRING TONIC and as a remedy for Colds, Bronchitis, Exhaustion and Nervous Trouble. $1,00 Bottles for 50 cents Walton McKibbou THE DRUCCIST jte.donald Block, Wingham. 1 New Spring Goods We have just opened out our new goods for Spring and Summer. To say they are the nicest range ever shown here is potting it pretty strongly, but really the Snitinge are beautiful, both in design and material, The prevailing cohere are Ele- phant Grays a n d Browns i n stripes and plaids. Of course Blacks and Blues are always cor- rect, and wo have a Large range of these goods. HA 1 SHHUIUIit A choice stook of Hate in all the newest styles. Furnishiogsll A good, new stock in all lines - Shirts, Underwear, Ties, Collars. Gloves, Fancy Vests, etc, COME IIT. ROBTI MAXWELL Merchant Tailor and Men's Furnishings WINGHA C, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1908. Si A YEAR IN ADVANCE GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Weal' Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Fal! and W The dateof the winter assizes for have been annonn will be held at G 22nd before Jus non -jury assizes Justice Mack Ma ter Assizes. ntm= sittings and he county of Huron ed. The jury assizes erich on September ce Anglin, and the December 1st before n• Special primas on all kinds of furniture at WAl a's Furniture Store. League The league baeel the park Iast Frid Kincardine and W a very one-sided on, in the daily paper of Wingham. T9 boys were;,blanke how many runs t � aseball. all game played on y evening between ngham proved to be , The score reported was 4 to 0 in favor ae, the Kincardine , but we will not say local players snored, WooL WANTED. -50,000 Lbs. Wool wanted. Highest l.rioes paid. G. E. KING. Moved to Algoma. Dr. Bethune lei on Friday last for Emo, Algoma, w re he will reside with hie son. Before 1 aving Wingham the Dr. was presented with an easy chair and a purse of m ey by his numerous f riende in Win hath. Dr. Bethune, duffing his long r eidenoe in Wingham made a wide cit a of friends who will join with the Es in wishing him many happy yeas in bis new home. BRING along your ehoesl• We do repairing and WE DO IT RIGHT. Lowest prices, W, J. GREER, Grading Daring the past Barber has been in grading on d town. The gradi more tidy appe work rias also be end of Josephi stones which ha centre of the road before a first•ola pleted. FRUITS etc. The pick from reliable roamer. LEAVE Us YOUR ORDERS. GROCERIES The very best that money elan bay. PURE AND Orman `ri US, TEAS They're unequalled. We please others, let tis try and please you. Tbore'S nothing like the best and when that ie reasonable in prise you might as well bane It. 1100100. COME IMRE J. Henry ChrIsiIe he• Streets. wo weeks Mr. Chas. ing some good work erent atreete of the g gives the streets a ranee. Considerable n done on the north street. The large e been planed in the ay should be broken s job will be eom- Local Optio At the regular m Local Option Assooi day evening, the ale left over until the July, It was deoii public meeting in Sunday, July 19th a appointed to arrant; suitable program. Association, ably meeting of the tion held last Fri. tion of oMoers was regular meeting in d to hold the next ie Town Hall, on Id committees were for a speaker and a WANTED. •—Lerg and tub butter. quantities eggs 18o; Geo. E. KING. Child was rowning. Taut Friday aft moors Mr. W, G. Gray saved a child From drowning. The little son of Baud'.: eter Jarvis, of the Salvation Army B nd, was playing at the mill dam on t • : end of the water• works race and fe into the water. The child drifted dow to the iron bars on the race and was •suiting on with one hand when Mr, f ray happened along, heard the cries o the child and rescued him. A few Juntas more and the TIDIES would th e week be recording a drowning acoid: t. WANTED—One with or witbou couple. Apply a r two fnrnisbedrooms meals for married TIMES Office. Statio Mr, S. Benne planing mill, has for the interior 0. P. R, stations over and Paisley. siderable work mechanics and f Wingham work Mr. Bennett had several of the at Goderioh branch Fittings. t, of the Wingham eoeived the contract stings for the new at Walkerton, Haan - This will mean con - for Mr. Bennett's ther shows that the ives satisfaction, as a similar contract for ions on the Guelph. fthe C. P. R. Highest prloe paid for hides and poul- try at T. Fells' butcher shop. Gard A garden part , of the Ladies' Ai drew's Presbyter' held on the clear day evening, Ju at 8 o'clock. An ments will be ser Pipe Band will f the evening. This ganization and g given. The Grand of Scotland is defra the band. With go miser to be a splen tainment. n Party. under the auspices Society of St. An- n Church, will be h grounds, on Tues - 301h, commencing undance of refresh- ed, The Lnoknow nieh the music for is a splendid or - d mesio will be Camp of the Sons ing the expenses of d weather this pro - id evening's enter - We have f• tale the celebrated Lehigh Valley 1 oal and best • brands Portland Cemen DUFF , STEWART, Blnevale. Excur•ion to Erin, Arrangements • ave been completed by the League of the Gorrie Methodist church and the t uild orf, the Presbyter - fan churoh to rn an exoursion to Stan. ley Park, Erin, i nt., on Tuesday, July 7th. This will .: an exoellent outing for the young pe • .le as all the enter- tainment possible is furnished by the proprietor of 5 nley Park at that summer resort. Watoh for posters which will anion • ce the fare and the time of train. Women's M1;fsionar The fourteenth annual the London Conference o Women's Missionary So in the Methodist, Ohnr commencing on the 9t 100 delegates assemble stone daily to diecues rep addresses from other societies. Among thos from this vicinity were: Goderich; Mrs. Rogers, Joliffe, Clinton; Mrs, M towel; Mrs, Danamore, 5 Brown, Varna. Mrs. J. the delegate from the 'Win Mrs. F. G. Sperling District Organizer for t district, and Mrs. John J now, assistant. Next Wednes Wednesday of ne Day—will be a holi ed that the stores a town will be closed. .day on which the Ti in order that the eta with other law•abi loving citizens, be ens off, next week's issue be printed on Tuesda respondents kindly 12 ns their items a day Oar advertisers, 'too us by handing in. t not later than Mond ay a Holiday. t week—Dominion ay, and it is expect. business places in Wednesday is the s is printed, and may, in common ng and liberty - led to take a day f tliis paper will Wilt our tor- te this and send artier than usual, ill greatly oblige o copy for changes y noon. Society. onvention of the Methodist iety was held h, Strathroy, . inst. About for three see• rte and receive hutches and taking part ire Acheson, eaforth; Mrs. Oamns, Lis- atford: Mrs Morton was ham society, e appointed e Wingham yet, of Luck - Fon SAL11— Buckwheat, D2illet, Scratch Food, Baby Chink Food. Flour and Chop, at T. A. Mitts', Wingham. Dr. Ovens, Oculist, London, Snrgerm Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at Mogibben's drug Store, Monday, .Tune 29th. Hours: 12 a.m. to 8 p.m. Glaseets properly fitted. Death of Lily Ann Dar William, Baird, Away suddenly o year. Deceased the past few we and friends and health. She c A, Frallok in evening and We passed away of Deoeased was dents of this e high esteem. from the rest Whiteohtiroh, 0 tO Wifiphawi temeterj'. Mrs, Baird. h, retiot of the late f Turnberry, pasted Monday, in her 89th had been visiting for s among bet relatives as in her usual good e to the home of Ur. Ingham, on Sunday taken suddenly ill had er a very that illness, ne of the pioneer ret;. :'tion and was held in e funeral took place nee of her ton, neat Wednesday afternoon, 100 mattresses to eeil at reduced prices for nest 80 class at WALKER'S Fnrnitnre Store. Orange Celebration a Ripley Orangemen are n sive preparations for th there on July 13th, and ii there will be a large gathe An excellent programme ranged. The members L. O. L., as well as the La and Young Briton Lodg brating with the brethren will no doubt make a st At the semi-annual nee Huron County L. O. L., ham on Monday, Mr. Ge secretary of the oomm; was present and ennuis+ by encouraging words of a most successful ce Great stock of sideboards and buffets. at out rate prices at WALKER'S Furni- ture Store. Pocket Pic Mr, John Leath the Farmers' In Guelph on Friday city had an exper' soon forget, Mr a street car to College and in t book was lifte suepeoted man police notified a a fellow givin Jefferson, Toro Leathern ident' description of from his pock appeared bef was sent up f Leathorn di with him. T ing other peo ed Consider him. ed at Guelph. rn, of town, took in titute excursion to beet and while in that nce that he will not Leathorn had boarded o to the Agricultural e crowding his pooket from his pocket. The was spotted and the d it was not long until the name of Frank to, was arrested. Mr. ed his man and gave a the way the bills taken were folded. Jefferson o the magietrate and he trial. Fortunately Mr. not have much money e thief had been bothers le for when he was searoh- e money was found on Ripley. king exten- celebration is expected ing present. is being ar- f Wingham y True Bine , intent cele - t Ripley, and ong turn out. ing of North eld in Wing- . H. Mooney, tee at Ripley, d the members the prospects bration. Making Im royements. Since taking ov:r his front street property, Mr. M. 0 2erbrigg has been making iwprovem nts in the stores. He has enlarged hie photograph gallery and has redecorate • the interior, making it one of the very b st gr Ileries in West. ern Ontario. The rant of the building has been treated to a new dress of paint. Mr. 2urbrigg bel eves in having en attractive place of •usiness. WANTED. -1101 tubs choice Bras batter; any quantity eggs. Highest prioes paid, either cash or trade. GEo. E KING;•. Huron Fruit The next provinoial held in Toronto earl Last year the county $25 for prizes to conn $50 for expenses in m Tlie County of Hero a table 4ft. x 30ft. orably commented o newepapers and fru; report of the exhibit County Council she meat of the money, 150 parties from diff county who oontrib exhibit. The Coun with the result la lar grant is made growers in this can in • this exhibition t of this county ea second to that in a vince. Outside the should compete classes. Anyone c and information re exhibit by writing Goderich Horticnit East Hu The Distr East Hum held at the Haire; Ethel Represented Molesworth, were pteeen ports were r chem which was also the reoeipta for the expendi.t omcere war Mrs. Wm. Pres., Mrs. Pres., Mrs, Trees , Mrs. Directors, Molesworth, Mts. 5, Cole Choice v music was g branch, luso Doer" by MI the business served en th spent after home eater With the on Women's Institute. et annual meeting of the Women's Iastitate Was home of Mrs. John Bolt- on Thursday, June Lith. es from the Fordwich, Gerrie, and Ethel branches to the number of 78. Re- ad from the various bran- � ere very eneonraging. as' District report. The total o past year were $102.06, re , $85 81. The following elected: District President, oggins, Fordwich; let Vice S. Cole, Ethel; 2nd 'Vice John Evans, Gorrie; Seo.- anleti Armstrong, Gorrie; ordwich, Mrs. J. Wade; s. D P. Stewart; Ethel. Gerrie, Dors. (Rev) Farr. el and instrumental Ven by members of oath recitation "At the Stage Pomeroy, of,Ethel. After seting ptosed, lunch Was lawn and a pleasant hour blah all wended their~ way ming thetnsetvee delighted t Unreal annual Meeting. Owers. hibition will be in November. ade a grant of y exhibitors and ing the exhibit. exhibit occupied d was very fav- by avby many leading growers. A full was made to the ing the disburse• d names of some rent parts of the ted fruit for the I were so pleased year, that a amt. his'year. If fruit ty take an interest e fruit production be shown to be part of the pro- ounty exhibit we the provincial Bemire prize lists peoting the county to W. Lane, seo'y al Society. Let your feet en oy Dominic• say in a pair of our core rtable ex •rda, Wr: have them in bice , tan auvas. J. GREER. Change on rand Trunk. A new time tabs : went into effect to the Grand Trunk Railway on Snndesy last, and while the e is no change In the passenger train sot ice to affect Wine - ham, the freight tr ins are changed oosi- siderably. Ia futu e the freight tra n up from Paimereto+ in the morning will turn at Winghane a • d return to Paimer- aton, leaving here : t 11.10 a. m. The freight trains on th L H & B. will in future run through o Krnoardiue. This ie the first time in wenty years, that the crews on the Lo, don line have been ordered to ren thr... gh to Kincardine and it means that i. future no freight train orewe will r main in Winghem over night. This • i11 likely make it necessary for Mr. H Fixture, engineer on the London freig . t, to move his fam- ily to Kincardine. Dou't forget the them look well o once you see our S hoes. FOR SALE — Buckwheat, Millet, Scratch Food, Baby Chink Food, Flour and Chop, at T. A. MILLS', Wingham. Having sold out t we wish to have paid before the e Payment may be Store. Mr. W. J. Boyce, 1 seoonnts due us d of this month. ado at Mr. Boyoe's J. BUGG & SOL Died at Mr. Walter Cord D. T. Hepburn, his home in Usha week, in his 80th Hepburn were at funeral. Mr. Co Dumfrieehire, S this country with young and settl northern part of ed to Oshawa i manufacturing b Maraca lidannfao later founded t Company, Limit favorably known manufaotnrerS o menta. This firm nese for many ye six years ago, so Weed Company 0 after continuing t couple of years, their own plant. took a keen int a strong Clonmerva great worker for t and Nerved in n honor on the Tow for a period of ai served many ter oil, and was Slee 1899. He leaves tars and three so the exception of ries . shawa. ard, father of Mrs. f this town, died at , on Tuesday of last year. Mr. and Mrs, ahawa attending the ithard was born in timid, and came to is parents when quite d at Manilla, in the bis county. He may - 1875 and entered the sines, first with the wring Company, He e ()onithard & Scott d, a firm widely and through Canada as agricultural implo- did et sucoesefnl bud- s, And finally about d out to the Trost & Smith's Falls, who, e business there for a malgamated i; with t. ConIthard alwas s st in polities, being tte. xe was also e benefit Of the town. arty all positions of Council, being Reeve teen years. Be also B on the County Coun- t:d Warden intoe year family of 'sirs dough- '', all of whom, with ne daughter, aro mar• iidren'efireet—have Do 'on Day. Be line of Children's W. J. GREEK. Insurance R At the meeting o of the Independen held in Toronto la rates were raised o joined the Order p rates mean an bac oent, To give en o •ease we take a age of 25 and tak The old rate was the new rate is $,1 cents. The mem are raised iu the me proportion, One of the options a •ggested by the S. 0. R. his provided that the be retained, but the Iioy reduced, so as to proportion of $1,000 ae re paying were of the some cases, for those ge among the oldest cies will be cut in two, acoepted. The old ed into three classes, prior to 1891, whose ally be reduced most, es lowest; those bet - 1896, and those who 1895 and 1898. The ere affected is 112,076 insurance carried is e salary of the Supreme diced from $7,000 to Treasurer from $7,000 daces' from $2,500 to es Increased. the Supreme Court Order of Foresters, week, the inanran0e alt members who for to 1898. The new case of nearly 70 per illustration of the in - ember joining at the ng $1,000 ineuranoe, 7 cents per month and 12, an increase of 45 ars at different ages MO`4PAY EV ING'S STOFOL Goasiderable Dam 'n'he eleotrio stor d;goribed througho 43 very aeroe, but !a oonoerned it wa ge in This Section, of iaet Friday was t Western Oatarie far as this aeotiot not anything like .inch a severe storm as that which came to Ibis locality s • ortly after seven o'clock on Mond • y evening. Two alarms, one from th south-east and one from the north-wes seemed to meet and for some time the sky was lit up by lightning of the m:et dazzliog desorip• tion. There was very heavy down- pour of rain and the wind was very high. Oonsiderabt: hail fell, but it is not thought any •amage will result from the hail. Th . high wind did not do damage to any : reat extent. There was no damage fry al the lightning is Wingham, but the e are several losses to report in this section, Mr. Peter McEwen, near Wr'xeter will, as far as we leave been abl: to learn, have the heaviest Ices. Th barn on the Walker farm, reoently p • robased by Mr. Mo - E wen was struts and° burned to the ground. In the ,arn were about 500 bushels of grain, + binder, mower, seed drill and other i .. pienients. The con• tents were cove •:d by insurance, but the barn was rth some $1,800 and $1 000 insurance was carried. Mr. Mo - Ewen is not lef without barn a000mo dation as he ha: two good barns on his other farms. M , D. 1ldoparmick, north of Wingham, ha i a mare and ooit killed, Mr. Mc0ormic was standing in the doorway of h : house watohing the storm when th animals were struck. Mr. Daniel M Tavish, who lives` two miles north of °'roxeter had •a thrilling experience. H: was driving to his borne from the viliag:, when the horse he was driving was in:tantly killed. Mr. Mo- Tavish was sii•_htly stunned. It is re- ported that tw • tarns were burned in Howiok and o • e in East or West Wa- wanosh, but w have not been able to get particulars. The storm • as pretty general in Western ()ate • and damage was done in different se dons. The heavy rain caused a wash • at on the Southampton branch of the a rand Trunk, near Mile - may and the niht train was wrecked. As a result Eng neer Aliward is dead, Fireman O'Kee er and Baggagernan Bonrdy are bad y injured, and the hun- dred and twen odd passengers were given a severe shaking np. That the Inas of Lf ii so =mall is providential, as the train was r nning at a high rate of speed and the shout was co plate. was adopted. old rates might amount of the make it the sane the rates they w proper rates. In over 42 years of members, the po if this option members are div those who joined petioles will eat as their rates we ween 1891 and joined between number of mem and the amount $140,816,528. T Secretary was r $5,000, Suprem to $4,000, and $2,000. Beautiful ne • patent shoes for men, Read advt. on page 5. WILT4S & Co. Morrie The Brussels riage of Mr. Ira follows:—"At 5 evening of this knot was tied by "The Maples,". eels, between Ira of C. ohrane and Mies Minnie, d Naughton, of performed and presence of a Instead of t March Miss C: voice that br: bride,wb0 woe. Was nnacoomp: a becoming c • over peau -de -s. fel bemuse A oompany sat d• The wedding popularity of numerous, vol Among the nu table from the Sabbath School in Which org• been actively a for years; an• young men's 13 Patter was the er. After au happy couple "Wingham whe ing with there supply of tic: wishes of el list a happy aiid p at Brussels ort reports the mar- rker of this town as o'clock, Wednesday ek the matrimonial ' ev. E. G. Powell, at ?•rinoese street, Bros - e, Parker, of the firm arker, Wingham. and nghter of Ronald Me - own. Ceremony was ✓ a floral bell, in the ergo number of guests customary Wedding, tie Hingeton sang "The thed o'er Eden." The Ivan away by het father, nied by attendants, were :tume of cream de sprit e, and carried a beanti- ter congratulations the wn to a dainty luncheon. THE FALL FAIRS. Wingham Toronto Loudon..,r, Underwood, , , , Tiverton .„ Tees water Ripley Palmerston, Drogannon, Fordwich Li.to gel. , B. th Brunels Nothing to e "Vic; ria" in Cana- dian made eh es fri) women. Every pair guarantee . twee. SL Co., sole agents in Wingiam. FOR SALE.—Singly, or together, two matched half Clyde Mares—one 4, one 8 years old. Inquire at H. E. Isard's & Cloas store. Aug. 20—Sept 14 Sept 11-19 Sept 29 —30 Oat. 2 Sept, 16-17 • Dominion ID Oa summit of Grand Trunk Ra issue return ticket tween all stations Detroit and Port H Buick Rook sod N Y„ good going renaming on or be Secure nekets fro Ticket Agent, way Spits .. will at ring fare be - on, ti ich., Buffalo, aspension Bridge, ane 30tin July 1st, ore July Mad, 19C8. any Graud Trunk BLUEVAIGE SAW MILL. Though our mill w estrOy- still have a la stock ot LUMBER AND SHINOLES on hand, and can fill all orders, COAL lured CEMENT also on band for sale. DUFF & STEWART. til SUMMER SCHOOL.. 5 -- JI 111 WINGRAM. BUSINESS COLLEGE Geo. Spotton, Principal. Nonce —Dr. Bethune h left his ac- counts with David al or collection. All accounts must ettled with him at his made store efore the first of August, 1908. Deaths in G The Goderioh mi perience on Sunda saying that trouble In the afternoon Kenzie ot E Comp ment, died as the re at the sports held in °amp on Saturday Porter, 18 years of a 4 company, Thirty whose home hi in CI his watch near the in River in the mornin ing along with his went neer to see Being unsuceeesful, swim, but as the el oare to go in he sai the beilk until Ha lack to Camp. out about twenty suddenly he dim 'aeree by an unclad moment and calI i3hore for help, bat ter cotald get to hi A boat WAN proem found a half hour was a dealt in derich Camp. *my camp had ex - of the truth ot the never come singly. ivate Douglas Me - ay of the 26th regi. nit of over exertion onneetion with the aftetnoon, Harry e, a private in No. Seciond Regiment, ton, was drowned ath Of the Maitland , end be the °Vela - other Howard they they could find it. er brother did tot he Would wait on y tetsdy to go °Wig Porter waded et from shore when eared, being °foaled Mut. He arOse in to his btother afore the elder Pox - he was out of sight, a end the body was the floyai Bank M Properties For Sale FRAME COTTAGE—Minnie St, FRAME OOTTA.GE—Patrick St. FRAME COTTAGE—North St. FRAME COTTAGE --Frances St. FRAME 1X STORY—Victoria St. RAME las; STORY—Edward St, FRAME STORY— Scott St. FRAME 2 STORY— Miviaie St. BRICK len-STORY—Victoria St. BRICK 1 STORY—John St. BRICE 2 STORY (new) —Victoria BRICK 1 STORY (new) —Josephine BRICK 2 STORY (new) --Catharine Lower Town, Town Plot, Greenville, Obishohntown and in the central parts of the town. Call and Fee us. We can suit you. Don't sat speak at once Choice films at right prices and on easy terms. Insurance—all kinds. Fara! Leiths—low rates. Ritchie 86 Cosens SEAL ESTATE & INSURANCE. Griftin-Vat stone Black, WIN GRAM. Phone 128 The Leading Shoe Store Itnox`e ere going out of walt paper. 10,060 rolls to be told at oust, New ftir Glorious Shoes FOR DOMINION DAT on the First, milesS yoUr feet are in toinforta quarters. We have jest tie styleS tar Sliznrnor Shoe Comfort. Shoes end Gkfords in Patent Kid, Patent Golt Skin, %SU or CtinVe8 for IttE1.1% WOMEN' AND iCillILOR 'Moderate and reasonable prlees for Day if we ilrets your feet •