HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1902-04-11, Page 84
GigOd blood iiialtes'good muscle.
timber 'It takes exercise to
dsvelope that` ,timber.
.ean't do that for' you. You
• , must have the Material or you
can't work up the muscle.
Lochead's Iron Pills. are the
- darters. 'They make the foun.
dation, They make blood, good
red blood.
.They give you ambition '„to
, „gat started. Nething like get..
• ting a good .early„start and if
you Are feeling ,run downsyou
nre always behind like a clod;
thai hag, not been' ,wound up
'These rill, intake you
unergetio it sorbing can. Will
help 'to. work oy that tire,d,
•Try a box 25c,
"‘ CHEMIST AND nauccisT
2.45 1..11.---Stuiday Sebdol and Bible Glass.
Monday Evening, League:, .
Wednesday evening, Prayer Meeting. ,
litanday Schotd and Bible Clare at 9.45. a.in
Writing Prayer ' •
Evenini Prayer at 7. p.m,
Holy Communion first Sunday ,o "[very
0 a OVO
cros rut
To Mr.' Alex. 'toss' old'
stand where we Will be pleased
to meet all linir old ctistomera
--and as -manY new mo IS pos-
sible. Remember we carry' a
• large and, complete _.stock • of
tive4thing intim' furniture linif
IlOur extensive experienee warrants
W3.in 'Calling spanial•attentton to
this,branch of our business. Yon
will find us prompt reliable at-
" tentive aid efficient. Calls at-
tended to day or,night. •
We eelicit'pestronage on the Merits'
of the goods we. sell and the services
. giver
We wiSti to antaittrice
that in the' bicycle repair.,
ing bustness, at, the old
stand. If you ivant,,,Tour
1. wheel fixed up, ,new tires,
rinis, handle bars; or any.
thing ln the line of repairs,
„call'On ns. We, keep the
Prices tatordera▪ te...--.
kOopeos. in, farming de•
panda largely en' thefet'tilit'y ht .the
land, vet'y Opp kriii.we of many ond,s,
,fertile•tarind.which are Pot new pro,
diming half Fhat they ehould--r-scarce-
iy..enough to paY for, the. labor.
Gary to produc! a crop.. It is. Mere
profitable to farm BO as' to maintr41.1
nnprov,o 0E01 it is to reb .:the
ito4, of its, 'fertility,' 'and, la the ouii
oor greatest loss Of .fertility thel
drouth'' A. -clay soil 'devoid of
lutifpk and hard', and vi
not •retain moisture very long. w.&
,ino*tbe effect on the crefi, add the
'great nonoant Of labor re aired. ie
farm so ail tO produce and' lelVe
,0711101,1:11OMOS in the groiind ,es
'hie.. 'This is best aeeoMplished hi a
0.S;tiOS 'iiiisfould' be Clever; 'Which is oUr
greatest :soil renovator. : We Should
aim ' to feed 'everything, 'nenir'll
everything Prodirced 'en the farmornd.
if we arida little: toran'Or concentrated
feed to thel ration of each anirnal, nod
snve and. 4p07. ol the ;poi.-
.1%fany adyacate :the ,plowing under
of green crops, but • Unless ,a.
practice; this, unlese it be to buiy a
too iiko. 44 owe soicto
• •
e womarrwith Sunlight Soap will 'do
Ark for the Octagon 0
If your grocer cannot supply,lwritit
1JIHTED, Toronto, sending bla nein**
trial wimple af Elnnlight.Soap will bei
the to
but lt
te415111arten7–asked as' Merit
gh'srben :UM World; grown condi-
low of its; nie:acurcfu',*.
all •
ways he soivp. whenever it. piece
grettnel-liernalig7itilia—cliirmg the 1911
and winter.. Many' times we haYe
piece lif.Stublrle .whIch We' intend • to
plant to cern 'er potatoes: On this we
lbaarrgl7;reoiwilith7atiodf e'Yttitle4.p'
in time tcr.Plant corm This adds lsrgs-
.elyte the humus of L.,,the Soil, and 'Will
tend .(9' carry ther..croP through a
drouth without injury.
Ai I said; it should he our • aiin te.
feed nearly. all.we raise on our
the fertility of Ore–him, and ,believe
it to be More prOfitable to eel! onr pro-
ducein the`,form 'of butter, beef, pots,
believe (Mr kOdilpe.fed good:Stdck
will, bring 'ner niore than twiCe whet it
%will sell ter en the raarket. . Por ex—
eau feed a. dew. for :12!:, cents
per 'daY and have her bris* in425 cents
:per day or More for 'butter alone, 'and
belieVe the same to bo, time with al,
Other lands of ,
al fertilikebs. Of Course, the basis of
ell fertility! is the amount of.tritrogen,
potash and phosphoric acid a scil Con-
-When• we consider.. that an
ordinary githr o'f wheat Of .25 bashels
per acre remoyed abdut $8.75 worth
of these elements from the .seil, and'
crop of Cern nearly as much, We eon
ed of' these elernerits;.it is quite ex.:-
pensiVe to replace them hy tieing com.-
eur crops en tha farm, We can return
about. 80% Of theee' element's to the
soil„in the manure, and, at the sante
Nine get twi.,:e the market yalue of Oar
producei, we c,ri 'readily see thst it i;
more prefitsble to itarM so. is 't0
prove our' soil, than Efeli odr crCpri
on the:marker, and eit the same timo
be losing heavily in:tho
would not ad4acate the keeling of
Wheat, bat: wOuld sell it„and purchase'
has about double, the manurial value..
If I, sold ,innehiVhestt I Would use cora-
tcereial fertilizers ireely,"for it is
poisible to keep up the. family iell
grain ,Wiihotit their Use. If We grow
All the forage crops we can. ,,Fid',fieed
them ori the fern), carefully Save add
return the manirre., we need hey,: brrt
little' fear aharit the fertiiiiy of the
Lice Stock Clorninissionet!.
Street: yrne property of the late Sfrg.jamea
Flour, Per 100
.palf Wheat':
tutter per lb ,
rggi.per dor„
Potatoes per bush
Apples, per barrei
, fulland accurate, Toronto Mar,:
•iret Report see seventh page.c-
Desirable Grain and Stock
Bang seuth;half Of lot No, 12. in
the townshin of Ashfisid, containing
acree about one Mile ()nth of the villc6 of
Lack'now, where their is good railway ,and
other faCilities. A never failing sprin,,,, near
the barn supplies all the ,waten re'quired. A.
large orolmid of. Choice fruit • trees. about 20
acres of choice timber, 'A large bank barn.
and a fine brick mansioNliard and Soft ivater.
The farm is well ferieed with cedar and viiie
:fencing,. and has been "tinder pasture for, some
Years. Ql&,,ige mid. inability to worh, the
sole reasOnfor selling. For furthei,particu-
lars apPly to John Slurclochi ;Box Blyth, -
or to John G. Miirdech. merohant,Litchnow,'
- Ne.'wet Designs and Colors:
1000 of Glimmer paper from 5c
. 'per roll up to 10c. Berder
'1200 R„olis Gilt paper from' Se per roll,
.25c:• 9 and '18 indli .bordeik to
Lots of 8 rolls 6,ach, 5c• paper for
5c per roll. Border amt., *ceiling
Xhese'papera are suitable, for bedrooing;
PLAIN, r DADO ANP 'LACE; 'A.14.1,- coLoPs.
Extra values. in Spriw Foot:W.ear
Tenders will he. receiVed . the Clerk of
West' Wawanosb, Up to.Monday April 14, for
two good teams. of, horses (Weil equipped),
caPable of operating:the Road. Grader, under
,the' supervision of Mclionalo, operatnr'
grader. For further PartiCular. a;Iply" to the
clerk or any of the councillors.' ,
ouse and Lot For ale
Good house and lot for sale'on Clyd street
in the village of Imcknove. The house has
been neWly painted and thoroughl'y repaired
and is in good /condition. There is -a first-,
class" Iowa mfi-d several fruit trees on the,
place. For furth-r particulars apply to
flouse and LOt For Bait,
14nt--tte berme arid lot lately occupied
by Mr. McMillen, floral" enst of the, station..
-The house . ,frame, 'there is a good well,
stable and five acres of land. Apply to •
MRS. uatnew.
Boar for "Service.
at lots 2 and 3, Huron; the thoroughbred
ston, Streetnville, Ont. Terms, $1. •at time
of service, with privilege of returning.
N. •, Solicitc COmmissioner, Notary, etc.
Money to loan. , Office over 11.roody'04 11;ert.rx
The Right Kind
To buy is the that
will lo'ok netter on the walls
of yOur,rcorn than, it 'does in
our store. It looks handSorne
enough here, b'ut every person
knows that a. good design al-
ways loOks better when it 'is
hung correctly and a good 'de-,
sigh 'alwa'ys grows in,• favor
the longer it is on. This is
the only kind.we,Stoek. • Big-
ger, brighter, 'better bargetins
in, wallpaper cannot be found
Split gettgreskg$1,0046....$150'2.
Mett'S 'Grain ..Plev.f.' both lace 'arid- bitekle
4 et
patterns,, ye never were ,betterstipplied„ See what we -Cali de'for you
.NpW Patterns in Lade' Curtains:
Extra Value at 75e, •and
Our "Milliaery ,llepa,rtment was iieyer more attractive than at
. season's. Oobitina." MiSs Ma tbewSon will giVe orders left
: With her, prompt attention..
And othgr honse cldaning aches are 'saved 'by using
ek 11114111V
To he Obtilin•ed from.