HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-06-18, Page 6THE WINGHAlkt TIMES, JUNE 18, 1908 --Qat your wed;bog invitations and visiting cad at the Tunes offioo. --Dominion day oelebratipue will be -Mr. J. F. McNamara died suddenly at the G. T R station in London on Tuesday morning. Ile had been in poor health for some weeks and was on his way from Chicago to his home in Walkerton. 1141 Ai WrOteter and TeetWater. 11 -Alderman James Halea, of Toronto ai... ! fi • �C -A report of tiro proceedings of �.-- addi.ea°d' EhQ 16u1I?0'cf3°tl@ meeting in Canty Council will be found on page Ivro of this 16d1t9 µ- oic1 gtdnley, Earl of Derby, a for. saner Governor General of Canada, died at his home in London, Eng., on Sun. allay. -Annual excursion to Guelph model arm on Friday of this week. Special train leaves Wingham at 7.28 a. m., fare $1.25. .--Mr, Ira C. Parker of this town, was married to Miss Minnie McNaughton, sat the bride's home in Brussels on Wed- aleaday evening of this week. -The congregation of Eadie's Church will hold their annual garden party at the home of Mr. Henry Young in Tarn - berry this (Thursday) evening. -Wingham and Kincardine baseball teams will play a league gams on the 'Wingham park on Friday afternoon, Game called for 5 30 o'clock sharp. Lawns! It is conceded by all wearers sof good shoes that nothing equals Hagar and Empress Shoes for style, fit and'. wear. See them at W. J. GREER'S. -The races at Listowel, next week, June 23, 24 and 25, are well filled and the best horses on the circuit will all £telt. Reduced railway rates on all trains. -Absolutely all packet teas and most 'bulk teas show the grocer a larger pro - lit than "Salado" but few of them :Show as much satisfaction to the con - the Town Hall on Sunday evening last. The meeting was not as largely attended am former meetings. Mr. Halet3 u":': a good talk along tenlpdiduoe linos. -People going on the "Greyhound" excursion from Goderioh to Detroit on Saturday oan also vitt Cleveland, Ohio, if they wish. Steamer will leave De- troit at 10.30 p. m. Staturday and arrive back in Detroit in time to catch boat on Monday morning, Fare, return, De- troit to Cleveland is only $2. PERSONAL. J. Brown was killed near Windsor by an eleotrio power wire coming into con• tact with a telephone wire he was hand- ling. John Tolier'uaio, who poisoned him• self with morphine at a Guelph hotel, left notes taken during the apprQaoll of death. RAILWAY TM TAIIL> S. GBAINID TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. TRAINS LEAVE TOR London 0.40 a.m.. - 5.20p.m. Toronto dtEast 11,03a,m8.48 a.m.... 2.40p.m. Kinoardine.,11.67 a.m... 2,08 p -m-. - 0.15p.n3. Aiurvx PROM Kincardine -...0.40 a.m _.11.00 a.m-- 2.40 p.m. London...... ......... 11.54 a.m..... 7.85 p.m. Palmerston...... - ..... 10.80 a.m. Toronto & East. 2.08 p.m..... 0.16 p.m. L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. TRAINS LEAVE EOR Toronto and East0 55 a.m.... 8.30 p.m. Teeswater -. .....- 1.10 p.m....10,08 p.m. ARRIVE E110I1 Tosiaoritar.- _ ....... 0.55 a.m. _ .. 8 30 p.m. Toronto and East -i, 10 p.m... -10.08 p.m. Miss Vallance, of Gagetown, Micb., visited for a few days with Miss Weir Misses Hazel and Verna Moore visited Miss Mabel Oantelon, at Clinton, last week. Miss Hannah Wilson left last week for Toronto, where she has secured a good aituation. Mrs. 0 L. Laing, of Berlin is visiting at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Macdonald. Mrs. Chas. Rowell and little daughter, of Woodstock are visiting with her sister, Mrs. W. J. Wyles. Mr. Chester Davie, of Toronto, was visiting for over Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis. Mr. W. J. Wyles is in Toronto this week attending the annual convention of the Dominion Electrical Association. -The new 0. P. R. line from Toronto to Sudbury was opened on Sunday. This now line means a saving of eight Notre on the trip between Toronto and 'Winnipeg: .r. �.. neeeina., At:ent,Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Walley and Miss Dorothy Walley were visiting for over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Batton at Luoknow. Mr. J. H. Thompson, who has been relieving Principal Musgrove for the W- i. ;feint G. Scott, of Teeswater, 1 nest few weeks returned to his home in underwent an operation at the Wing' 1; t'ratforn on Sati.rday. Lam hospital on Tuesday afternoon and we are pleased to report that he is doing as well as could be expected. Dr. Nelson Tait, of 498 Spadina ave., Toronto, will be at the Queen's hotel, "Wingham, on Thursday, June 25th, for consultation in diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Glasses fitted. Mr. J. J. Cunningbblll *ea in Toronto last week attending the meetings of the Foundry Men's Association, Delegates w ere present from all parts of Canada and the United States. SHORTH RN SALE An auction sal plane at "Rivers' 8, Culross, on Th 2.30 p. m. An imported b foot, heifers and for sale. Terms 60 days. -The Ladies' Aid Society of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will hold a lawn social on the church grounds on Taesday evening, June 30th. Eull particulars will be given in our next issue. -Any person desiring information sconcerning the Salvation Army Band must obtain such from the Commanding Officer, by corresponding with the Band Secretary, Mr. Harper Simmons, Wing - ham P. 0. -An adjourned meeting of the Ladies' .Auxiliary of the Wingham Hospital will be held next Monday afternoon, at 4.15 o'clock in the Council Chamber. All members are requested to be present. --The regular monthly meeting of the Wingham Local Option Association will the held in the 0, O. F. hall on Friday evening of this week, Every person interested in temperance work is invited to this meeting. -Mr. 3, A, Morton can eaaily have the credit of having the first sweet peas to be in bloom this season. Mr. Morton pioir.ed sweet peas on Thursday, 11th Inst. This is extra early to have these flowers in bloom, J. of Shorthorns will take e Farm", lot 28, con. rsday June 26th, at 11, cows with calf at elves will be offered TAKE NOTICE. �. That T. S, Jerome, Dentist is making beautiful seta of teeth for eight dollars, and inserting the Patent Airohamber, All. work guaranteed. Office in Chisholm Block, Wingham. LLIES ESTATE. CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES Wingham Circle, No. 434 Meets First Thursday in each month, at 8 p m.. in hall in Chisholm Block. Candidates for cheap, reliable insurance solicited. Ask to see Ladiesur ratee of accepted at same rate as men. or fllcers. REV. T. S. BOYLE, T. R. Bol1INSON, Leader. Recording Secretary W, J. W Ymmrs, Financial becretary. Sum&SchooI I June, Ally and August leads into our Fall Term without any break. - Enter any tame. New latalogue free. Write for it to -day. CENTRAL BrSINESS COLLEGE Toronto, • The largest, meltreliabie of its kind. W. ft. SHAW - Principal Yonge and Gerrard streets CHURCH NOTES. The pulpit of the Methodist Church, will be occupied by the Rev. W.A. Finlay of Whitechurch, who will preach morn- ing and evening. Strangers always welcome. Next Sunday will be Children's Day in the Baptist Church. The singing at the morning service will be led by the members of the Sunday School and the Pastor will give an illustrated address to the children. All parents, young people and children specially invited to be present. In the afternoon a grand rally of the school will be held at 2 30, at whioh suitable musio will be deliver- ed. It is specially requested that all mothers bring the members of the cradle roll to this afternoon service. On Friday last ordination services were held at Monk, setting apart Student Pastor Younger to the regular work of the Ministry of the Baptist Church. Mr. Younger passed a very credgtablo oral examination before the Council in the afternoon and was duly ordained before a full Church in the evening. Dr. J. H. Farmer of Mo. Master University preached the oermou, and Rev. H. E. Alien offered the ordina- tion prayer. -Tho Tufts property at Belgrave was offered for sale by auction last Saturday and was not sold. Mr. R. E. McKenzie has since purchased the property. Mr. McKenzie has secured a good property at a reasonable price. -There was quite a heavy frost dur- ing Monday night, but as far as we have been able to learn there was no serious damage. Many people took the care to cover tender plante. The 15th of June is rather late for frost. -Saturday of this week is the day of .the annual "Greyhound" excursion from Goderich to Detroit, The single fare to Detroit, with one trunk parried will be $1.50. Seo advt. in another column for full particulars. ANXIOUS MOMENTS FOR YOUNG MOTHERS. The hot weather months are an anxious time for all mothers, but particularly for young mothers. They are the most fatal months in the year for babies and young children, because of the great prevalo of of stomach and bowel troubles. These comp almost without warding, and there is danger the little one may be beyond aid. It is the uty of every mother to use a reaso able precautions to ward off Bu nm complaints, For this purpose no r medicine oan equal Baby's Own Tablets. An occasional dose will keep the stomach and bowels from offending matter, and will ensnre the little one good health. If the tronblo comes unexpectedly the Tablets will speedily ouro it. Every home there- fore, should keep the Tablets on hand always; they may t e the means of sav- ing your child's life. They are guaran- teed free from opiates and narcotics, and may be given with perfect safety to a new born babe. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont, ' -Dr. Kennedy is having bis dwelling remodelled and veneered with brick. A cottage roof will be put on and the house enlarged. .When the work is completed Dr, Kennedy will have ono of the nicest homes in town. -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McDonald, of the 2nd. concession of Grey, celebrated the 25th anniversary of their marriage on Wednesday evening. Mr. D. E. McDonald and Misses Flora and Verna McDonald entertained the company in piping and dancing. -.Our readers will be pleased to learn of the continued success of Mr. W. L. Argo, who won such distinction mt tl.e Wingham High Sohool Iast year. This clever young student bas jut taken first in first-class honors, in his first year at Toronto University, and also oaptared a Science Scholarship. -The Young People's '[.inion of the 13aptist Ohnrch will give a strawberry festival and lawn social on the chnroh grounds on Tuesday evening, Jane 23rd. The Salvation Army Band will be in attendance and render an excellent pro. gramme of music. Admission Ido. Proceeds to be devoted to charitable parposor. Everybody tveloome. STRATFORD. ONT. Is the leading business training school in Western Ontario. We give a thorough, practical training on Commercial Subjects, Isaac Pitman's Shorthand, Touch Typewriting, and in Commercial and Railroad Opera- ting. Each department is in the hand of experienced instructors. We assist students to positions. Oar graduates always succeed, for our courses are the best. Get our free catalogue and learn more about us. You may outer now. ELLIOT & McLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. rvvvvvi ►yryrrvvvvvrrrrrr►yr► yyYVVIII 'ryryrrrrrrYYYVYYY' MINOR LOCALS.• !I The Little f]aton's ► ► 1 THE FREE TRIP CONTEST TO TORONTO 1 + Daily continues to gain increasing interest fand popularity. Every day the contest is keener and here and there are cash r elis er checks which will certainly be used. y are not going to use them give them to a friend who is in the contest ♦, ROYALOROCERY '11, Leave your order at Malcolm's for Pineapples, Bananas, Oranges, Rhubarb, Lettuce, etc. ♦1, ALSO 4, Tomato and Cabbage Plants. 4'343'+444'444. 4, d• 4. d' 'p ÷ Fresh Bread daily -try a loaf. Highest prices paid for produce. Fresh Groceries always on hand. Try our Tea and Coffee. HOMESEEI(ER5` i,cANAUTAN'. ":.PACIFIC; RAILWAY;' 2ND CLASS Round•Trip Excursions TO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA GOING DATES April 14, 28 duns 9, 23 Aug. 4, 73 May 12, 28 Jury 7, 21 Sept. 1,16, 29 Tickets dooa to return within 60 days ,,VERY LOW RATES from all points in Ontario, Ranging 'Winnipeg and return 132.00 between 1.Ednionton and return 142,50 Tiekots issued to all North-West points. TOURIST SLEEPERS A limited number of Tourist SIeeping' Cars will be run on each excursion, fully equipped with bedding, etc. Berths should be secured and paid for through localegelit at least six days before excursion leaves. . Rates and full iiiformeticit contained in free Homeseekors' pamphlet. Ask near- est O.P.R. agent for a ,copy, of write to C. B. F0St>?8, DistrictPass.►dt., 0.1.11„ Toronto 4. A. J. Malcolm 4. PHONE 54. .4'•444.44+4.44.14+++++++.4-1, Report Fresh Fish Fridays. a. • I have made arrangements for weekly shipments of Fresh Fish, and will be able to supply them 1iOR1+f. TAIMITER.-In Wingham, on June 12th, to Mr. and Mrs, John Toucher; twine -son and daughter. YOUNG. --In Wingham, on June 12th, to Mr, and Mrs. Leslie E, Young; a eon, laoT.MEB.--In Wiugham, 011 June lith, to Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Holmes; a son, OftureKoflANE.--In Wingham, on June Oth, to Mr. and Mrs, R. A. Cruickshank; a daugh- ter. MonFATT.-In Turnberr , on June 0th to Mr. and Mrs. John 3. Moffatt; a daughter. Mr, Snd Mrs Thos. Stacy; 5 son, 13th, to MARRIED SAVAOx.MIonT^.L,-At the Manse. Crain brook, on Juno 10th, by Rev. D. B. "feline, Mr. W. ,T. Savage of Hoquaim, Washington State, to Miss Amelia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Michel, of Grey. m t the residence of the �. t">"x>rII. A Z'IiO Ae B bride, Met, a plants, on the 16th na , b y the Itev. W. ti, Howson; Mr. R. M. Thomas of Toronto. to Mies Mildred Deemer, third daughter of Mr. J. H. Reenter, of Wingham. DIED Attnr:Rrx,I('In Bluevale, on June 12th, llta- tilda Elliott relict of the lata Arehibald An- dersen, aged 61 Wars, ♦ ♦THEREFORE Next week we will reportthe standing of the • different competitors. Kindly bring in yo checks and let us report them, your friends will then help you. ♦ Them In (Bring Every Friday. All orders will receive prompt attention. THOS. FELLS BUTCHER. THE POPULAR WAY TO THE WEST Is via ,Chicago and St. Paul and the rates to principal points to Mani. toba, Alberta and Saskatohewan are now the same via this route as for- merly applied via North Bay, asimmenimsaWariminnwei DOMINION DAY Return Tickets at Single Fare Between all stations in Canada, also to Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Bleck Ito:k and Sus. pension Bridge, N. Y. Good going June 30thand July 1st, Returnrn limit Thursday, July 2nd. togeoftworarliralliiinerneesalo Full information at any Grand Trunk Tioket Office. BOAR FOR SERVICE. • ♦ ♦ + • +; +, 14� ♦ ♦ + + + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ♦} • i + The undersigned will keep for service on his premises. Lot 18, Con. 1, Morris, iBiuevale Roads a thoroughbred Yorkshire Boar. Terms -t1, to be paid at time of service. T. M. HENDERSON, Wingham, P. O. i.;,i.IJD��:� rOrrL u STALLIONS The Imported Clydesdale Stallion "Badge of Honor" will make the season of 1908 as follows: Monday, May 18 -Leave his owner's stable, Bluevale for :Crank Wright's, 131 miles north of Jamestown, con, 1, Turnberry,for noon; and to the Icing Edward Hotel stble, Wrox- eter, for night. Tuesday -To Tames Wylie's, cos, 0, Turnberry, by way of the Belmorn gravel road, for noon ; and to his owner's stable, Bluevale, by way of the 4th con. of Turnberry, for night, where he will stay the remainder of the week until Monday morning, WM. HEWITT, J. W. KING, Groom. Proprietor. The imported Clydesdale Stallion "Drnm- burle Chief" will make the season of 1008 as follows: - Tuesday -Will leave his owner's stable, Bluevale, for Geo. Tnrvey'e, con. 21 Morris, for noon; then to Thos. Warwick's con. 8, Morris for night, Wednesday --To Jas. Shed- don's, hed- doris, con. 4, Morris, for noon; then to Jos. Miller's, eon. 3, Morris for night. Thursday To John Menzies. con. 10, East Wawanosh, for noon; then to Jas. McGee's, .eon. 10, East Wawanosh, for night. Friday --To John Leg- Ratt's, near Whitechurch, for noon • then to Dr. A, T. Ford's :ale stable, Wingiiani for night. Saturday -To his owner's stable, SB1ue- vale,and remain until following Tuesday morning. J. W, KING, Proprietor and Manager. The imported Clydesdale Stallion, "Mascot" will make the season of 1008 as follows: -- Monday -Leave his owner's stable, Bluevale for Frank Wright, jr. 1?.i Miles north of James- town, for noon; then to Esty'S hotel stables, Wrexetcr, ,for night. Tuesday -To Jas. Kir- ton's, eon. o, Turnberry, for noon; then to his o*ner'e stable, Blue'atb, for night. dWedne s- {,-Tg-x�lol`iCrloa d c on.7 Tarnbtrr y, or Hon; heno 7t9 OtllHPriM i,,.tib for night. Thnrsdny-To Andrew Mitchell's, con. 10. Turnberry, for noon; then to Brunawlek hotel etableb, Wingham, until S o. m, Friday -At Brnnbwiek hotel stables, Viffnghani all day, Saturday-te life owner's stable, Bluevale, and remain until following Monday moral W, KING,. D. »4c Kant:ger, .0116. Specials For The Week Ladies' Gorner Now's your chance for bar- gain in up-to-date and swell millinery. 150 Trimmed Hats at very much reduced prices. Buy another if you al- ready have one you can well afford it at the prices offered. All new, this sea- son's styles and trimmings. Be smart and get the choice. SHIRT WAISTS -Our entire stock on sale. 98c for any one up to $2,00; and $1.98 for any one up to $3.75. A snap so early in the season. SKIRTS -Regular $5.00 light Tweed Skirts, beautifully tailored, get the kind to wear with shirt waists, for $2,99. New goods -rush at it. Men's Gorner 41 4 tort 4 :ff- 4 +1 Lr 4 1,41 4♦. 41. ... 4- Lto ♦, ♦i STRAW HATS -are ketching it, we have hundreds of the newest, sailors, boaters, and crush -beauties - prices reduced for quick sale -don't miss getting a bargain. W &.SH VESTS °--- (Fancy) -- How is it with you? Guilty or not guilty? Well, if you're in for it we can help you out for 98c, regular $2.00; and $1.98, regular $4.50, 'Tisn't hard, is it? SUITS -Special .reduced prices on two -pieced suits -swell light and dark tweeds and worsteds -oh, the shoulders and collar will tempt you, and they don't cost any more than the com- mon, ev eryday kind so many try and sell -we can save you a nice penny so don't pass us up until you have proven us right. 70 Days' Race B 1 of the Lucky 7 NNA BIRO \ALI N G 14A M