HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1902-04-04, Page 2Vo.
tw'e of 100 Men,Several
iuns and tlis Supplies.
•. •
Vo4siri,:coereti so: rliies'io 24 Houra-,----Cholerit*Takes 1;119: 11
' Miss Stose Comlng to England•se-kePort on
. • ,.
. South'Africa--:-Badly Cured ,Fish Blamed for Increase. •
vest's in Two"'
, • .
soners, 45 cartaa'and wagons, awl a
thoesand cattle...
, Lealdoite.eMarch 31..--Incemplete re,
• 4PoTto :Of the result tit,/the comblned
.;japirement..or British, cOlamne 40.4110
,Gen, lielarey; have. 'enabled LOrd:
"-Hitehener to announce the capture
or .about a, Inindredoopristenerit; three.
•::liftePn,Pieuedeis .two ' Pornpciras • 'and:
qt titles . of, etock, *wagons, etc..,
ogen. , elarey ''appears to latVe StIC-;
• neePOTully evaded' .Lord Kitchener's'
.eOrdtin. ea, the offset, 'In a 'despatch
dated from Pretoria at noon 'yese.
terdnYt: Lord K4chetter says:
;clusk.:on the.. evening Of •Mat.ell
23rd the combined inoveMent againet
. pejareY was undertaken: ,by columns
"'"..or 'nit:muted men; without guns or
linpeclimeatteo of . 'any sort. TIM col-,
annuls startedireen Commando Drift,
I•heir "Pull R.iver, and rap-
all eight, • and 'at diteen on. March
.24th: deptipied positions ..,along tile
;Aloe, from •Coutinandet. Drifi' to ',the
•e;Lielitenburg 7blockhoupe. line.. The
troops moved rapidly eastward,
eontieu,oits • line, With the object,.
of driving.;; the "enemy' egaInst.- the
• hle.ekhOuSes • or forcing . an _action,
, The *emit has:et-tot Yet been ," fully
reporeed. ociluam, after
the COmmericement 'Of the action, cap -
••tared three ;fifteen Poupderse two:
petnia, nine prisoners, and a; 'hun,
.;ICitchener'S bolumn eaptured o89 pri-'
. ,
'the ..3ectirespoodent Of the Daily
oVeleg to the. neeeesite'')or the eon,
otruction of •fi, speeial•eartia:ge fOad.
Irene lettiewayo. etet.preseitit, there IS
.notitina .neore, , than it bridle. path.
• Wprk am title road, liae alr.eadY reeOleo
begun, Completioa will re-
aciaire one month.' • •
Rhoeleta Executors+, ,
London, Friday, March 0.8.-A, de-
spatch to the Tittles from'Cape•Toeen
,steys that Efor..*Ithedes' oexecutors are'
Lead ,Itosebery,. Earl Grey, Messrs.
Belt and Eitewis'aleY, 01.^...Itieneeoneatid
Mk- Mitchell, Who. is. the 'Cat.ae TQW4-
manager of the Standard .Banle
.Londeei, Mau
'Faye it hada a position.. aepert
that Cecil Rhodes left the 'bulk of hi*
fortuaet outside of isonte,personal and
famlly becpiests, to, the. proinotion of.
his Yat Intperial plan, 'of ;eductitiCtia
This project embraces every land
Where- the Union Jack 'rhea Its
r • r •
'purpo4i3 is the intellectual better -
Meet of the letritish race throughout:
etno. world and the olosterieg .or the'.
• •
The troeles bovered 80 miles in
hour. • sThe total .number of pri-
aoners is 135. o
, • Choiteres Victims.
Constatal.inoPle, Taesday, March 25,
4 -Alt official bulletin on the subject
of cholera at Mecca and Medina ad-
mits that 1 P9 deaths from that
disease have:. occurred, at the two
cities mentioned.
Miss atones Courting.
Roumelia, eittereh
MiSS . Ellen M. atone, tae American
missionary, has 'started. for, London:
Thence she will sail for America.
Leprosy in South Africa.
ImPeeine dentiMent. •
The,.Daily'sdnil'adde,that this `idea
•of !better fitting "younger
to .cope SifeceesfnilY
tionalities was. Jong a. dotaintent
scheme with Ceell Rhodes, but that
even "the closest' friends little im-
agined the absorbing hold lt bhiained
taxm itim until thisewae diseloSed by
•the term* of his wiii.. t • •
The details of this plan of eduatt-
tion will be made pablic init few
Cecil Rhodes left the Dalham Hall
estate et. Newmarket to his brother.
Col.. Francis W. Rhodes. This es-
tate vas purchased by •Ceeelk.RhodeS
last. December, :
t 11 - ..,,,,„..4).,4, kind of Silk stockings
..,. coet $20 ft• Mir, need the ittee inser-
thee, .jeWeled; and 'other Taney Ones
si2 000 , .4,..t.:.::,,,,,,,r.,rir:::.:00P4dr•rse:p7tic!ti see.et.tr
Beriosiely,, not to go too deep into.
m v. ost elthost OW 'price, up into
e I the mysteries of a woman's IOWA I
.S.IsnalltivtlrIbtnihiet etatler:tvrionfi.grourrerlittnidlirtettleIV101111
' i
on ous usband
, 40 ir ts at $30 each. 1'100
ii . . • Nioeone-,a137jeatioirtok WoOoinekettint,.sht,ttail 'ksit;iv:.. ,
, . .....,,.......
"”.. A ......... $ OOP
s a How. • 40 peignoirs at $20 eatili ,:. 800
80 robes/ de; twit' at $20 each '. 1;600
London, han'
flutchinson, former 1,y President' of the
Royal College of Surgeons, .who re-
cently , returned to •England, after
atadyingthe: causes of, ileproay in
Routh Alricae has arrived at th.e con -
elusion that the primary cause or thp
disease Is the tfoe,, as 'food, .Cif badly
cured salt/116h, -arhieh • 18 sent' inland:
from' Cape Toven a,nd elsewhere :on
the west •and osouth•coaats and t is
largely :communed by thea'aaniers-and
in the industrial centres.. While giving
this as the chief cense of. the diffusion
Of leprosy,,Dr. 1.1Utchin son .olytained
colic...Waive evidence thatit:seri:jay, in
• •
very excentionartarcumatances, may
be coeinennieated front pereoa to pere
ar•ite He, Cloes not believe' that it is
either Olfedt10111,9' or contagious in:the
.proper seape:or- these words ; but. may
-her eon:in:tut:000 edebere eatlegefooct:eon--
tantiattted by..lenere' hands,
0111(11111111,FELL 1011 FEET.
ost His Balance an Bridge-
at Nein/. York:
Shot Sweetheart- Suspecting
--Her of Theft..•
. , , , . . „ . ,
. New York, March 3a.-Hundt ecise of Ne* York, Mareh most pa -
people tragedy, caused -by an un -
people SerrYboats, and other
0.a..rf°1"riitii 6860 the death laSt reVealed at ,tirecoroner's court .at
•happY misunderstanding,. • has heen
ng ae George Sha.uer, an iron work- CO1VI7Y11 By says a London des -
„eel', who fell 'front the centre span, patch. • On Monday a Young 'man
. of the new 0East Ilieer- bridge' into named David'Richards miseed a small
" the. East River. He fell 168 feet box , of 'money belonging .1,0 the shop
and Wail -the first persdn eto meet of which he was manager. . He re-
quested his •sotiseethetert.•Lillian Keay,
,NOIID. was the only. one who sasv him
„put the 'box of .money away,, to .re-
store it,- thinklag., she had taken it..
She odenied an knowledge of the
• box.- He thereupon shot her dead,
andetnrned the revolver upon 'Wm..'
self and kiiied himself, too: .
/ Li:Wring the hapiest on: the two
bodies Richards' employers rualte'd
intotliecourt holding. up the missing
box, Which had been the cause of the
tragedy. It had been :foend. elem. the
place where the unhappy,. natecie,rer
end -suicide' had said he put it.
• death "Irene the :suspended structure
dace the 'cable work was begunliiy
• the Roehling Sons' . Company. last
• •
Shatter.was 43.*ears eld and went
to 'work on the new. leridge _three
Weeks ego. TAiere *ere four *. foot
. bridges used. by 'the workmen in
.atretching the 'eables. e foot
bridges are, connected by narrow `
, Passageways,. alld workmen ate!'
warned. to use 'these when creasing
Xrom' One footbridge to. another.,
oflhaust disregarded this tv'.a.rni ng.
Hp tried to etep fronts one of the
anath ofoot bridges to the next. oxie
and probably lost: Itis balance: When
• . fell, 'Joseph Keen, the .foreman,
end 14 cable,Workere and bridgethen
were :Working near by. " Shauer
sere/tined and they saw . hinit.turn-
ing eothersaillto ,after somersault
/to lie /Mot down to the • water. There •
were many' ferryboats on the river,
but nOne near enongh to lielp. • •
. Shauer struck' ,the 'water • head
•Meat with •a, great sple.aht He reap-
' Peared a few mintriee laterebut,
luecliately ea,nk again, Ilia hat float- _Lille.. AcT D ni A f% r •
Sng. Twice niore hp rose and. dls- 'Tn.° 111-4•43" 1" la
Lendon, 31areli 2?.;--Ceell Rhodes
;appeared, „ again.. • Each' time 'lie
meemed helpiese and ,svas prolealay
Insensibl,e. He had disappeared -when' never publuiely aVoweci tile reasons
• , o. aseistar.ce reached the spot.
• Mite bodYeavae, pot recovered. ,
Shauer's fellow Worknren were so
',affected hy, his •:death that Work,
for the. reet day Acaff qua -e
vended. Eloen reported the niall'Ff
• death to the pollee, and said that
• „nobody knew 'where he lived,
She Was the Blether. of “Carmen
Sylva,'? Queen of Roumania.
Berlin, March 31.-- Advices from
Neuwied, Rhenish Prussia, state that
the _Princess, Marie Off Wied, mother
eir Queen Elizabeth of Roumania, is
dead. • • •'
. _
The Princess Marie of Weed wA,s. the
daughter 'of et he. Grand bake William
of Luxembourg, of the House of alas -
eau, and was married too Hermann,
•Why, Cecil' Rhodes
Organized it;
And Parsim
j:111 I II 1C11:1•Wier Talks • About Cost of
• Thengs Mete Meridiem:W. Net:little
AboutrAt.. Little Bill •
; eio* the Motley Goes.
• *
New Net*. March 'ale -What mane
* • .
'her inan ole this Raymond S,„Bens
htuu o ,ChiCado, ` a
protest becantie his Wife Spent $32,-
060 on silken underwear and other'
lingerie during four months of wed-
ded life?• ' ' •
Of course, ' he has an Object in.
Making the coMplaiet, 'foe hie • wife
sued hid- for divorce, allegingaruelty
and all sorts of, things. "
"My _wife's, passion for underwear,"
declared Mr. Benham,, "almost ,
ed me financially."
On top of this charge Mr. Ben-
ham brings others; • that his wife
married lane not • for teed', but for
his money; that she 'flirts with
other men ; that t3he uses intoxicat-
ing liquors; that shedented hhirap
invitation to hie stepdaughter's
wedding although he was -"after-
ward compelled eto pay for the
printed, cards; that she plotted
against his: life, and that she taught
their baby 'to' say it •clid "not :like
"'the charge .a,boat the underwear
is as ridiculous and crazy 149
Why he:organized the 4antesori raid;
They are noW Set • forth. in, his ' own
w,ords by. one of his blogettAers. Ile
.atiOteS Mr. liahodes as saying: aTliete
,were three reasons. In the firatailitee
I found that :Old Kruger wag an in,
'shp.crable• obStacle .to the union . of
, . South Africa, even for coininercial
THAT litalfV,17,01ZUM11/11?:, putopeSes;.and for the developtnene of.
the coantey. I fried,. bum in every
•Wiee- I ;conic! .oit Whitt you may call
. • % • ' • • ." 4rrikander princeolete, but it Watt Of
' Highlanders Lost Tug • or Woe But no use,' and eo long as he tided the.
, Aeon -sea Much • Eethuelnatii. Transvaal the brake was put. on all
prdgress iti Seutli Africa. ..
Ilew York, afareh 31. -The Kitties ehe secteral retteon Was ,that there
Irian' Canada were the inteeeeting wagon EnOlsIteeteaking.ndriority op-
. feature at sthe eillitary 'retiree:anent posed ,to is -reeve°, lea ;IC: Meat as
at Matasen kettiare garde !eel.' nighl,
. Much. opposed to • fifTing • Soutlt Afe
teen. undrote the elleitisn flag. Thae
when .1raysr set!). Low • was the re-. was, titen a small ininIty., but ,: a
viewing : o4 mei'. • The„ Mayor arrived.: groveitig one, Ilea' if ler to . develop ;
' at' the -arena at 8.3,5. P, ni.,:iind Was' it, Nt...Ould haft!. •in•eorne. it Majority./
-cheered heartily ell the way to itie 'When tlto ' hour , 'a ole .to get rid ,of...
1.16,x In the ern-tre of tit 0 garden. •1 Krieg; r • thata'wotil 1 have balked the
,Phe 48th iligitliendera. titer:toted: ft,. ti , policitt, tof w !licit / hat/ , s L 1, h kgica, nii
• . tiniele attelaitte. and received ' even iny lifre-Lo thake aleittli Africa an, in.
tegani part of •the ilealsii ism pire..
o ' "Tili? third Pen:am; tetta-Vott eanntit
' make et:Vela-1.0mi in . these . dap;
withotit 111.011fgy„ • find I had' at my
ettentrande al -that tinia a, combine.
. tete , of, milliotatimos ten(ly. to, eel).
poet eiroawhont t might tweet', be able
to get togeelter; ageirt.." • , . .
, ,
• la lattices"' 1 4itAt, IteSt,tilk ' Piece,
flood of the U. S. Army, Who, it is Said, Presidmit • Roosevelt
I Will Retire.: '
Prince -of 'Wieel, dir aune.20,'1842. Ile
died it 1864. Besides her 'daughters
the Queen of Roumania, the Princess
v, ; one son, Wipliate,'.Prineo Of
. Queer! 'Etizabethi of•Reumaniaisivell
known by her nom de nIume of "Car-
neeta•Salva;" under Which she publish-
, eil several vOtlunies.'lor: stories' . mad
poems, and lute tranSlated. Rounian•-•
Ian folk „literattire into Gertnaq. ner
parents' henie at Nettvlried Was a oen-'•
tre of literature and art, and In her
..she became -acquainted.
with the chief Gerinan writera, poets,.
scholars and artists of. the 'period,.
t...41:1e. wee a t1•0000101113 ehiid..
. • '
Mete ttriplattee:thait they did •oh the
OPetiing' Increased •entini.
01(4001 ttop..fired to appeal espeeialfy
to thr 1101.111d f'1 or thte Ifeee dread,
and 1111 gyrn tons causpd five titO:ts.
atals of speetateett eft:rear -their rip• .
prOval. tlii tettritet 1 hie epee 'like pis.
ton rociti, and ‘v,itIt a' siruniStick in
each handt hat.get.I Abet 'big 'draw
nt.Ver before seen •
• ,etrikes theo elettiti •heed eviter each, Innrion. Meech ....,8e -in a 'ileseeetell
dew:Ward it F/ileaett dothe 418100ue frOm Cape' Town the oeotatesipoutient,
• AA, ). . ve' ... . . ,
in elle return whon the .41pplattse here. of tile Va fly' Mail saye t..
that eed
. beeeme,deereetena he • trailed . with , a. • Itifedee seletted the' Spot 'Where. Ite
(ioAtiui ,f) 1)0 1)0(44' T, •neet Diet:ream'
Ott ..er cress arm tuosearafttti -with
, :elm „a/eel:elate still 'riegince to. the an otteelliteet about the memorial to
te reef, . And !redid: -not mtge.& $4 polo', . bo 'elqh,,ted ,,, 54I1E*11 ite *beet 'visited
. e ' . 'Tile oallstheniee of the jelities tvere elatoptet 111110.. The place Of . buten,'
aled well done tilitt,ro:eived hearty ' is beneath" at nittutal imitate Or giant
-applause. • _, boulders.' Ott .11. kettle', Adjoinirig that
• 0:0-10 ,.irs.o!' •or the •IPth Ifigitlarn11: ea 'whit+ Major Wilson's little, force
et& were 'pitted eigainst ao tettat ' cif 'made 'ILA twit steed.' The.. tnethorial'
• ' ' font .frOnt tile ./ lIll Milted aqatett ree to he ereettel will ho a • 'prominent
titlark la a trial heat ity tlin Itig•Of. i•tentlIte of the .ntrikina landScape.
'. War, The tegnin,r0 „tct)rt by Li ist.l'o, Thieclaea of etio interment or the
itio.40 at tt t .1.1, •leatel. I4l.tielgetio. ' ,,['60iTY er tte...'ithodes le iloubtfid, 811y8
. • fl , • •
..bastinee •iteeovered 1l4S Own Money
and 'More
Gesheleol%, Y..; Mareh si;‘,--
etn.1 days a ntan who 'said he was a°
wealth* N.eta Yorker hits been haegeo
lag arou'nd Shasentigenk for the als:
leged, purpose of buying a' farm. "Ile
eleiteci .f. Nearite't large' plaee tOe
day. A calf btrrether, 6.10o ofr ettainget
to Nearns,o drove tut •eociree alter has
ciertval" altd. Offeredto buy 14Ome Of
.earns' caleee. Finally.. Ito ettnl. Lite
stranger eat clown to piety three
Cara -mcioate. Within hall araliOar. the
1.14tclier lost 3100. Nen rne iotiked leave'
to play. (tnd weett JO the beititte' for
350. 'Ile leaft It itt• fifteen ettinatee
• 1111(1.,svent beck for more. Ile pro-
curedteece reeelVera and !Men 14s
retnrio creteed halt • Men and Old
them to 'abed out.' o',
. His Fib wag retitrned at .Onco-,' but
'ilk dentate:led 'ail 'they; had,. and tin,
der great .protest they gaN.e lt 1.110.
Thon .`N earns'. droVo them away,
'(8 1•ltFl.deciaree tete will 'keen' the lexurioue lingerie." • •
liorley to teach biliteo • ineti • it great hove abveyti telind thitt „Chiengo.
•ineii Were unfeelingly ' Mater-
iitoral, tosser), •
,that tte0.ttjilOnt or women'
. •
'nary Broeensinin • accuseP .witell they 081110 'Game tdoo•tlfe • divorce
118111 Mita 111. tite TotontO • ronito," • 0.14 Miou Ittiee011..
Court OT Atenting, $O0. from her.. 'lite Chance* tiroAtiiitliid-IieiOtrlf0.;
'She eWore that •liteeobtalend '. that , Mad eleVer spent 'hair of $8,000 a,
antount„ prontisingt04 seettre n di., year On lea. entire' Warcletelte, let
Veriest' for her froth het entstbattel, 1 altehe hetellihgeria.to '
and then ill'sappedrett Alt! *.uitte Ittig
,ttA: 'gteitling, settee :Of the wonin,n ti and loves hie Wife, Wattle .WIIIIngtSt
Ii1011e7, lett he gelid thn aintkint Waal` 'steed Oat' nillotillt Of InOileYOfl
Vt.), Ile•Wast tent to jail tor titIdayo, gatinento.'
.7Ilc$3.°ir:I3al-r'l;.'.a• ,.1.:
TilPreisi°ublatYakQa:il..°er':itraitting•f0tii1iselie• t
The 'Grand Trunic 'is going 'fa builtl
a new freight shed tit• Stratford; •
Salomon, the Stuar.thern, Man.„
wife murderer, has been found. guilty,'
With her 'first engagement 'ring ti
, girl i flhilgl 11 5 11 fil ,for her ..bne.
begun. ' •
Ma 1111
.:a.1171:1:Zti61",a06 Ill'''. 7111 1'71" 'au
independent rend between •'Victoria
going to get batik at , Gen. Miles by
roptri:isnigdel7i;oase.v.eit 581(1 to be
• .
Very heavy seas, are :relining itt
the English Chattael and, the • 111 sit
-en. o number of :vessels are he
distress.. , • •
P Sargent' dettieS that., lie hes
been officially offered -the IL'S, Com-
• . .
missionership of dmmigratien. •
'Tito United Statee. is prepared • id
retaliate :on 'Germany by 1.,:jtjliiig
heroiinvriyn.e and • malt olianOr6 from the
o • , .
The Allan Liner P:trisiati, at IIAli-,
faX front ttiverpool,•brought eeer*400
'English and Dish farm lalieeeis to
settle in the WeSte " o'
It is ostated. that. there Will be
• i100 colonial troops in London for the
,Corpnatioe. Practically • every: colony
Will be represented. 'to ,
High Up .in U S. .Capitol
They ANei'e United.
Ileoeght elPoning oteCeete -Up With a, • ,
Jerk-:Whe 10.'11`111S " laird ,Mas-
. , ,
d'ofialipSpoicen efeareateminetlet
of talatanatice.Quite interestitte.:
'Washington,- Di., Ce March' 28. -la
- add ttiot: • ty:laugpting lock101m,,
at. the:ex:1.6'nm of the; stern' t.;:aat...0-
• tu: love liklay enjoyed 8.19W:stud:ea .
• la no. of the' capitol as the result of ,
the. inatrinemittl uniell et Senor An-
• (ires Elias :tral Mies Catherine •
"efcConehee on tho Weevily ourrountis," -
ing the lantern above the -dome df •
'the capitol, Iteciproted relatione .bee
t N1' een, Otteada•atai •Quna, .tv.e..."re't.sstab-
honed, by ceremoity, for Senor,
'Masts a Cuban and iris it
Toole event tt crOwd from gathering, •
in theedente effieera were satel'eyead o
• • A nurabee of reeltienres. on Park'
avelitn:;,---i'Stai-Yotk„ talermi tie(1. b -.1,7 -the -
rapid tr,ansit. 'excavation:4,
. sank 11110 the eeetir. o' •
The tietale'orattnized Terontd Bar-
. . •
bet's! Union swill. trY to tee:40'1111.ton.;
Soriai .establishineute 'at .8 'pule' ex-
eepting 8aterclay nights.
. .
trite' plant of the Wolverine 'beet
sista-or factory at. ...Benton liat!her;
Mich., hue been pureitestal 'for 10
000, and will be moved to Berlin; Ont..
Firo in tlie. BOYs';• Home, Toronto,.
endauaered. the7-Iteee- OT;Ite ieeitet toe, -
bet by thecoolness of the ,etifierili.
eendent and nareee \hit 'get one. safely..
conepelSory, industrial alt
tion .curt has been •establitYltecioat
Sydney, N. S. W...,Tlini metabersitip
ineludes representatives: or eniploy-
ers .and, ethployees: ' • ' ' • ..
•' The 'Offictial Messenger -says that
from :Moscow' alone 05 students have
beei banished to Siberia,..ena
a:dui:ye been imprieoned: An Amer ,
1.1108e.:'.1n.ei'llien tote 1110,, parte.•. incite:led ;
a lieutenant of police, sey OffIL
errs • a rtopreseti tetrit e "tient/ '1. he Hoe- •
geatit ettetrin ; lite 811(1i 11
colored ethelteae erten, elie ulfic•e: of
..1110'.'suprrint.l,..lettl of o the eApitt.)1.
''..One • of 'eln'o relit:eat:re. raeleeel 11411-
self alonesitle the ,groota. as "beet •
Mete' 'e the (.V1.11(ir teek"te pteet ten e
hi the etete of the bride :tett -,erial• to
jeadk. 11110 "nh
eiel of.,otit,ore; :,•Tho
•rvent-eitttiiingbuineii • a'. paferoll 841
and the :officers' leattine respectful..
.The gi'eaut 'wee: :, i toe,. td so. t he , o
-rail with uoth litt dee ete.zi itg Itoi
eeetiue in en alietteieted scrt of way,. "
,when ;the. eistiee `beanie "Joel seetr'
right " 'Dies 'pill .a t Cathie •' •
• to the retnarke but, Use :Itist'onelite. •
,enatch.ete his hanti lrein .tlaeliale.one,: •
grasped it: firmly in. her, owe, iind .-
the • ceriete
urti began. , It. Coeseited.
merely' ettiliounm
ceent 13,y the
itt the different marances
LG 1
(14.111.10tatiway. anti' metructed O.
tt1I.) itIl Leit the wC.X141.ilg'pli,rty Ad-
tutteanpet .was.lutea ,p4st noon •
. „
tvt.th Aviiite whiskers:giving. !line
a t.ruly tether -1y eipteetrenee, 11.12lc10
•1111: e8( stele:thole-ling 'to
the' de at., -Here he found tee(/' tieWee.
palieruien and ate artist. in Waiting. o
Tile latter hadeoueceteled "at .gitinitta
ittimitta nce' af ter, being are tett eo 410:',
kO.iifiti`ed gtinriCreten for.
hear for. trytag to .reactl. 'tee. delete.:
.witheat, permiseion: . •
.eftea. luta ottit wale the bridal
,cauple joined' tiAt tiztety; mini all Jetta
•ceeited :mt. another tild stepii to the
lantera, consitlereble., over • 200 roet:,
when eltietice, of the Peace Hillery, '.•
above tite pa) t, . ,
ijustice that the legal formh
s ad bean
•cdn has been arrested. r
The. Ogilvie efillittg'Coinetiny. ha ye.
just completed Abe. sale of a train -
lead. of 0.gilvites HungArian fleet' for
shipment, to A teetreli
...Seven abridges in Now nrees-wiek
and it let of•leMber itnee been osieept
away by t1te-1160;1Si. One wentatt :Was
cirtewned Id York `eitunta.
Mrs. Dale, recentlY. tried.for Poison-
ing• her Child with strychnine, iths
been tlivoreed bv Moe husband in
Chicago She nettle noeleftonce..
-Tite Earl • of • IZOSebery is it ea in
trufferiag. , froih olistinate insomnia,
and. hati :rhartered a, stonni yacht
for a cruise en the efteliteeraneati.
• Ills. Majesty's Theatre • at Sydeey,
N. S. W., wtts• tlainagi,d lev fire The
propertliftinti ecettery of 'akin iltir,"
valued'. at £14;0000, were destroyed.
• ,.. . .
' Pare, the Nape nee ha n IC robber;
' will. -lee releaseti trona thce penitee-
tiary neet month, 'and will. entia
the Hotel .1)1e41 .for IliNIWAT ' treat-
. -
actienieltave been for the last two Meelat • . • a . , .
years," said afre. Benito:tie, ;iihneet 'Two :little ehildren plaYleg en the
- in .tears,, 'when elle . heard of he
ebeestight fonward- "one
i111 _f,• 'tars ft lid ' (Ai 1111-1+11* +f-it-StrOttf ,.10 Mid
:Charges NV lxich lienhant's lawyays el):311-ilet.1111;•,13,(`;11°i1710entttleilliP:iiell,Vdrili`,.11,74.1til:/741:1:0);411:1,.‘e:).!i:";.,;:c.t
me and the children.; enough elleeeY (has eke
to buy odecent :clothing, -let • alone
, each. 'ektrovagan t. gat ruientS as that.
We have to call • in' a pelicentate
abottt • tivice, tt.' week to protec,t our-
' selves."
In tIi,e opiaion or Many • actresses,
Mrs, . 13entiant, might ' easily have
spent $8,000 per yeser 'on lingerie
withoat creating atter excitement
amotig the clerks Who' ntight lidve
been called upop to take her „cirdere.
complied 55111ailti 11(0 ,.11118Wf:r4to.
tlio -And opteationitee....
Yeta • man , a " lee rains tile,d,
dud rettieretulated the couple heart- •
Is His toe:inlet° MIS renewal' by • 11 '
teresent.s. • •
• ele. Ditteohial-previded; himself with •
cameee, /LIM 8411 r 1110
lte 1 ittk pit ilires ,of 'jostle* Iiundy
LiltI Nhie. Dine 'seperattely .atiel, to-
,gethey, Tato bridal temetie holt.. for.
YerlettIii, e ft ernoon, wtIlf
:s4i11' for Spain oe. a , std ting trip. '••
Thee . will reside in 11:ir.rtnn,. ,where
the groom has large busitieSs inter- •
- to 4144 ie the enlininae
.tion eremite a I1141e..reinapeee oThe
grootti tuts for -teems .thite .beeeono ;.
.the cutetti volt -my iti °Nett- l'Ork
Citytvlitor'y he atti'ittel the eaeollietie
den or hieenetie(o jeland„
8114•41).11.,1p11rtinINe1lie his pen: Some
time ;Igo hp met elieS elecottelfie,
NV11,0\ {V.:I 14-'011 11. 4 iit 110111 'Clinadil • •
:411(1 the tete) ftoll in .16Ve.. AS the. ,
,time .4I1e1' nteir sfor 1111e itistAilation ." •
of likerittnent 'end the
return ttf if :to lailee they. de-.
videcl to. get 1(4 1114 and cit
(1111111 ;lathe pews, for t ie teremon .
Nir4. 1),Ins lieurs 'it strong resetuliln ce'
LorIllt;kedotuilti, ;tort iS 8:0 'bet ,
1(1 IIIN 1 t lo initrringe• C'ertificate,
(1, ' 'ttnstii lenient. ,111 Jiistiee"
11101.1tvrithig. '",11:11-rliql: • in.
1114 111(111 or 'clip capitol :it 41 1111I1 g -
ten; 1%5 V. MI1140.20,
Off:er.r glefer, IA. Detroit
' Das quarantined .tweleto ea 804 . tit
141110 IP0,,S; adnotig 'thecelorts1 ptoople.01-
' Detroit, • ',The gertea .tvoore brought.
front t'lla them, Ontario. , •
\\it'd. Itlitteltantld ndoled to
Itis Malty :gift's' to Alt:tint rt,hersity•
by giving $20,e00 towerds tht, Rh1
rttry otif tiro unIstorsitev, whit't
wili now be IttegelV larrostecod
1.ik. '1 1)1 /11 (It veteran .o,1 tt-
• tiaten, antjlr • nreniller. of :the ' etew
ttf• the hattlesh,p otter:on, was id-
Said Mips Lulu .iiintser, tate she sat , . ,
„ movi oistniitik: kph.," ran .h..) it
in' her dressing, room at the lierald e,f1nFf, 1.8' ( r '"No ''''"3)1”r '''; 13' • ; (;f4otql• '
SqUare .1lietitre last night : • .,. Per; leafs!: et,00 'teem" 111,,"" 4".11''.10 of hide ‘isitor*
" I Can• readily eee'llow a vain, fool- e,,'" • `,,e; te, '1‘ 10 'N1111114: itertnatt,„ 4 1.1._ FIN 1,4 n ,
wOmen cottld sitend 38L/000' per "("18" ..Otlimm"s; ;11 11 0'11 t (' 4 •(41 t
.of otber romi i•,:np.,1 al .61,,n,flon
year ort under garinerits'fo her per -
iOn ti aSee tend 11 ill 111 ave known, of, . I"' "ffini" I hat.: 1'''th';.111'111..0 nIc.of rent
t. in:ifor •eitlej :tp t, ers, tr, the411:,,;: nuteireishgrwomenbearingheeuotpujk• hth..1.th
eenosfe moetix
dintrenlbatitt1111 41 a th1111 \‘ith. t(In..
on lrign,g
1: to le, girett
tto el; •,.1 el' petati"; 1•'',1",:" 'tgri°"1;111'; reike,,, a t -I ;11 1))1. ''
seam ,a • little 'strange to a great Imnr .. el IA/nth/II oi or.e., ieoettoel oe, . 1;.'"1.'", 1 eleet• i tl. \, .... a,. p,,se,. 1.'leree
many peolilo ' tieet so emelt money week. , , „kee,11 es set. e ee
o'eo'a•a,t' -'•o. , Ieo.,e., ,„:-,• • ,;tt . :1.1 , ,, e ,. . ,.',
) I ,t. .
o o(b,l!
shud be used for thadlenont of .Mt". etlnett, t0e.s o It • roten:
IL. lady, When it let so little seen,these\ eeseeeale, .' ) p .1 ttteter';
but asde froin publidiSphiy, .111m pletteof toedr,- et 1. l!'le• ' is an 'mitenSe satisfactitsa in knew- 0111no Ag •te ,- , 't ' a e.,, ,,.tpl
log that you are Wearing.eomething of thlatt:•,,.e ,, 'I ,), .
110011 01,,
^ *.
better thee alinost ittlybody else In Stottlflor Llt;
ta t Pti ha ,t 1
• 111 f1
,,,,t,1titt1111,y0.,1t411:r1)::11,,:;..tf •
1,teceents...e 1 A ,
A, tato) t; ..1? or ot,
• 111144l0, be f, ^
1;"':• ,•e':',
.tte elettioet Lake •
The Pelt •01 „,
the tva,yof nether garments.
The, sort ;,Frencli t4; I le or.'Itid
Jaren triinnital With lace of the finest
sort,, feele a great deal better to the)
wearer than the oedinala# garment,
and 'besides, the cettateletteriese that
'yettl are weaning something. better
than your lady acquaintancee counts
for et great deal. I eati, tell you. Call
It fed, or anything yo1 like, you
cannot prevent women who ilay6 the.
'taste rind the Means from buying
l• .
,,OTINP1( r, rip:; . t o • „ .
West Ittrita. sees Ire t • :1
tll'Ospr et. 'of It f,N'
k!".ts:to Ir'1)1iste ,
titeneof the, ism it •7 •
; The' Viitsiootel
titairreett the': tiewee,
not Pfly •, ;•.
dant t fel P. .01 -t
tq in -it ertti,iit'-1,,, • • 1 ,f m
the aiste t,41
; • ;4)4
• •• F
4 1 11
151 ..';'V
I ,• r:4011 ,41
41 !
o 1 to...1,t0
Its' relit "end,
anti* ,
1 '1
; 1' tr • 't.r-rittl/il,
1 i)t
3't1 artily ••
,,, 0, T.
• 1 :1 eit Ce) 1110110
•tort: eel tteto ewe," nt • 1110
Di worelliti
oi ter ate, louleitee. ollat ehtv ,
• ' I; 'e'ted .1., I pi
o 'N.
; 1; t`1)(1c,rt1(,ittti
ett !elle ".° ot. leer trite. are dire' •
e• (tee fee 1 1y11 ft:eta:teethe):
Itaf:teittet.. ;
S•-• at:
• 0.