HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-06-18, Page 46 THE WINGRAM TIMES. JUNE 1S, 1U08. Kernels from the Sanctum Mill Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. Gaines . Both A vary ple,setng event took place on In Strength W. dues .ay semnitte, June 3rd, at the hem° of Di r R ei sitrte I nk, Southat h Cl Weighi.t. • Liu() Iiittear+ifue "eti.. lvbeu his second dt>,ughter, Mies Caroline, watt netted in • That Proves ffie the holy bonds of matrimony W Mr. Another Edwin i{t rn Alerts 0 a The license branch of the provincial secretary's depertmect heti issued. a I+lvor netioe thatpsbortly rafter doatroy- i When putting 8hioldea In n await, Stag anything you ala use for it? t never cow them in. ow left. 'R ch illiam CherTy'e four-year-old end of your abitid, and sew the oyee to son was drJtertea at Paimereton. the armhole. To carry a heavy mattress on the he grape of old t take t p to a r Ce.,E+.. riL't ICS MI. $ora Kind YoAhvau u Nate s Mgt! i ilwritito , The �.,. Kap eiders and put one loop on each iliguet re 4 y+-- side. Two people can then handle it of . -t' "'fes esar with eaea. et roller nes r Br oSnyder wee vun r by :ntpton and tilled. Mr. 3:%mt=8 Smith, Sr., formerly of Ripley, lure been appointed Postmaster at Dat 1.u, Rainy River. 1paeDyo,bladder a d urinary on gt thes only. Tufty cure backaches, weak beck, rheum - mesion, lenh m, diabetes, congestion, gravel, Blight's disease and all other dinoaaes tariafun from wrong action atria kidnepe and bladder The Canadian Pared() Railway has opened its new service between Toronto ,and Sodbury, Chester Butler has been arrested at ¶•ileouburg on a charge of setting fire to the Queens' Hotel in that town, when three persons lost their lives. ?Pilot are easily and gniekly oheoked Shoop'with De ' prove fit Iwilt ail la small�trtrial box as a convtnning teat. Simply address Dr. Shoop. Retsina, Wis I surely would not send it free unless I was certain that Dr. Shoop's Mogio Ointment would stand the test. Remember it is de expressly and alone for swollen, painful, "bleeding or itehin!r piles, either external tor internal. Large jar 500. Sold by all saealere. Thu Kind Yea Nave Ahvay_3 BodL13 every weak woman. It, curt s cello and saves doctors' bills, MRS R Defoes " No tonin eo certain, so he1prnI. so safe; try Fern.z ne ycuroelf, 50a. per ' I ben at a'l dealers. Bears the 8ignatere of tr 6T' ERS w OiCONE notice to alt the livens() inygsotota o[ the previews to the t•fftof that they will be the "I was in pooren-aa et; . Cruse th nearly Wake' egardiug liable p eveotion that fires in law wi1:6Nr,,, wrx 11•1(1, Ont. " 1y oPleatte was verieble, heteis was eutorced in their seyeeal dia. I was weak and nutit for work. I set triers. fered ago d dent from nevus }.roe tration and paipitattcu o the heart The Rev. Robert Walker, prison chap ?iiy ditteetint sae generally out of Iain, tells of a pethetie intirvtew which order. By epriugtinta I pact lost 11• eh, he had troth a pri•toner. The man was a Dolor, anti Panel a bad Conger. The dem hardened eriminai of the worst type and ter didn't help rue very much, PO I (bedded to try Ferrozeue. It did the had spent many years in confinement, ever sa much good in one wet k, I Mr Wa iter went to hitu one day and rt• Rattled sue nth Wetted anti felt a lot ,rEkr+cl: " What have you learnt d in p better. \V hen I had u -ed six box a trot 'Thar. every athlete bas got sixty of Ferrc•zoate I weighed mve It rind found a teen of fiteeu ;meanie. ie. Fer• seconds," replied the man. roz tote rebuilt my oeustlturten, and A glut in the strive berry market is made me anew wurnaa. Y consider the predictien of fruit defilers in nearly P.M zone swarth its weight in gol• d to all sections of the ouuniry. Reports from the growere of, berries indicate that the coaling cam will be better Wan for marry eeasone, and show that te larger acreage has been devo'ed to the fruit It is predicted that lovers of this ensonessfui fruit in many Northern cities vtill be able to eat all the good berries they want at moderate prices. Mark Twain once edited the Vit' Rini t Olty Euterpri8A. He tele of a snperetliious eubsoriber who finding ask to a. ^ P. wrote a spier in his paper, whether hie die •overt' was v sign the to good or bud luck. The reply, answers to oorreapondente' celamn, was ae follows: "Neither good luck nor bad. Tho spier w e9 nerely look- nd out what fust over our pap merchant was not advertising, so tilt t t eonld spin its web acroee hie door and lead a free and uudisturb.d exit tense forever. To warm over cold breonrts, dougbunte, and even corn bread, try this: Tie them up in a paper bag, place m a het oven, bt;iug careful not to burn thew. No application is better for easter leas hair than salt. Rub well into the roots of the hair at night, then tie up in a large handkerchief or wear a night cap. •ttr- sERINO ti MEDICINE. As a spring medieince Burdock Blood Bittern has no equal. It tones up the Syetorn and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. High heels, it is said, owe their origin to Persia. where they were introduced So raise the feet from the burning sands. John Rudolph, proprietor of the Queen's Hotel, Tara, was fined $20 and Poeta for selling liquor on Nomination Day, Stem let To remove the odour of perspiration place about two tablespoonfuls of am - =cilia in a basin of warm water and apply to the affeoted part. Spots can be taken out of women's skirts and men's trousers by pir;seinti; under a cloth wrung out of a baeiu of water with a dash of ammonia in it. The postmaster General of Canada bas announced that the series postage stamps to commemorate the Champlain tercentenary will be issued at Ottawa on the 3rd of July, which marks the exact anniversary of the founding of Quebec by Champlain. Paint an old chair without a seat a garden green. Then fasten a Jap grass mat on for a seat; also one on the back This makes a nice chute for porch or yard. To make as good toasted bread on a gas range as on a coal fire, place a pie tin on gas burner. When hot place bread on a toaster, turning ae it { browns. Colds on the Luufi . i. hiss John A. Wilson, Little Shippe- psn, N. B., writes: "I cannot praiseDr. Chasent Syrup of . seed and Tur- ppentine too highly for in it cured my chile .drew of severe colds on the longs and -when they had whooping cough gave them relief from hard coughing and noon cured them." This treatment is a positive cure for croup. Weak women should try Dr. Shoop's Night Cure. 'hese soothing, healing, entileptio enlpoeteries go direct to the seat of theee weaknesses. Aly -Book No. 4 For Women" contains many val- urbl•' hints to women, and it is free Ravine, Ask Dr. Shoop. Rao , G9le., to mail in Ask the Doctor in strictest confidence, any q +estien you wish answered. Dr Shoop's Night Cure is sold by all deal- ers. Old farmer (who is experimenting with youth from oity) : Now, then. young man, how long are yon goin' to be with that 'ere milk?" Young fel- low: "I cannot help it, Gnv'nor, I bin watohiu' her harf an hour, and she ain't laid any yit 1" 'lrHE LADIES' FAVORITE, Lara -Liver Pulls are the ladies' favorite medicine. They ware Constipation, Sick geadaohe, Billiousnese, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. Judging from the indications it looks as if Kincardine would have a local option campaign there at the municipal Pleotione. He who mixes with unclean things becomes unclean himself ; he whose as ooiatione are pure becomes purer each y.—T sera- . Tears tas Pe'1'91 aEa2 keteet -moi 'et er TEACH YOURSELF HOW For Your Own --Your Children ard Your 1% lends Sake. Confidence in I r. obese. The wonderful ocn it•f•-nce whioh people have in Dr A W Chase is rounded on the reliability of his fsmons R• ceipt Book and the exceptional onre- tive preuertlee of hie areal family rrledl (lues. Fnr example, Dr Chase's Oint Most is the only positive and gnaranteed cure for every form of itching, bleeding and protruding piles. Chief Joetioe Blalock has dismissed with costs the motion by James Conwell to quash the looal option by-law in the village of Hensel!. Probably if it were not for the confid- ence man and the promoter of fake fortune we Should grow so bonest that the millionaires would drop dead out of shame for squeezing us so. Twenty -erne pelmets were killed and several fatally /teased in a tornado in eleammra Aar=pas and evade= Nebraska. Dishes that food has dried on before mashing may be washed easily by eoak- ing them a few moments beforehand, lace downward. Theessential lung -heeling principal of the pine t roe has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfect cough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway Pito Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a Naraatee of satisfaction. Price 25 oeuta. CASTOR 1 A For Infants and Children. Tim Kind You leave Always Bought Bears the ignature of DR. A• W. CHASE'S 25c. CATARRH CURE e . t•.^ is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Mower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and peimanantly cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower frMedicine Co,. e, All Torontto r. and Buffalo- PSYCHASTMENI . A Physician Says This Is One of tilt! ICU. c Punkt]. Causes setf The panicspanicsthat rtArt in Wall street cet often begin. in the 'Morbid tiny -seta' fears of overstrained brains--psecllate theula. Psychasthenia snakes panicle, writes 1?r. Clarence Ilughes in 111e Alienist and Neurologist, r knew n mina overburden - re St,, Winghara conclude lie was coming to want and I Oat sayer ' I tweed frequently suffer would not be able to pay his taxes { w,th a dull, bearing down pain eerose when his income was $40,000 annual- I the small of my back and extending ly. Ile milked bis own cow, he hart t around nay sides. annual - Tide was P',ttioalarly uessei his Diva horse clad cared far it , noti;eapie when I would find occasion (sold the others), dismissed all his ' to atop or tit in one poeitien f •r a time, servants rind his wil'e's and had' in- The and wag gaAlthough iI nets ndl'tired feel- aotrllll:l, but finally recovered complete- rev inamivity on the part of the kids with less income or more • SAMPSON'S STREHGTH Will Not Resist the Pulling Down . rr Back.. Aching' Il if C a ti faKl Y r ao iite.c °I 1 n The strongest man or woman with as back =entitle, oohing Mule daily exist- ence a straggle. Its the same way with I urinary troubles, B•oth'e Kidney Palls V o once cure thtse cll.nente Winghatn people ed brain overstra}lled elan suddenly prove Ibis statement. I. Keels, of C nl Diseased parts of the ear passages can beet be reached by dry air. The br n 'atrial tubes and lunge oau only be reaotr• ed by dry air. Hyomei is a dry air treatment from which you net the Bal- samic effect of living in the Pfue and Eaottlyptio Forests, where oatarthel and bronchial troubles do not exist. Ell omei destroys the germs that cause disease of the breathing organs; you simply by the use of a rubber ieba!er, mix icy, mai air with your inward air as it reaches the diseased parte where catarrhal, bronchial, croup Cr pr eumelda germs are multiplying by mithcni th'ir life is snuffed out. as they are the rife= ease, their ex ermination menus gaick imi.rovemen1. Walton McKibben has the agency for outfit ei for t$1 C01 undershthe guarau guarantee lete to satisfy. Kincardine and vicinity during the last few years have been losing by death a great many of its old piotieers, and on Tuesday, June 9th, another bighly re- epeoted cit zen died in the person of Wil}itim Morrison He came here from Cavan, Couuty of Victoria, some forty years ago, and had reaobed the ripe old age of 88 years and 3 months. if ane feels dull and ppiritiess, in the spring cell it Spring rFever "snBut there his no fever —usually. It is the after effects of our winter habits. The nerves are mostly at fault. Tired, worn•out nerves leave us 1ang..id, lifeless and without spirit or ambition. A few doses cf Dr. Shoop's Restorative will absolutely and quickly chenpe ell�of these en pressing symptoms. The Restorative of course won't bring you back to health in a day or two, but it will do enough in 48 hours to satisfy yon that the remedy is reaching that "sir.- d epee" Druggists everywhere are advising its use as a splendid and prompt tonin. It gives more vim and more spirit to a spoonful than any other known nerve or constitutional tonio. It sharpens a failing appetite, aids diges- tion. frees sluggish livers and kidneys, and brings new life, strength and am- bition. Test it a few days and be con- vinced. .The Port Elgin Times reports that construction of the Carnegie library being built in that town is going on rapidly. The town treasurer received a cheek of $1.000 the other day from Mr. Carnegie, this being the first in- stalment of the $8,000 grant promised. • ]y. Others n' e rs, seri 1 h several remedies, yet I fall through brain overtax into the i ct.ald metaled the derlreel regrets until I same morbid way of feeling and thin}.- procure%f Booth's i{ dnev Y;lle at M. Ing MoKibbon's aid cream: north their use, soon de - "Ono ,,ass c lR,n "011e ltilld Of 1llSauCid is a man { 'the ei..l pain and we acts underthough he were Intal ssaue, but bas of any kind tarnt.d�t�Iwfeel, and bettera9Let acel eince st orger acts as the l; { eneral and although I have not been not the disease of real insanity to ex- , x- j acoustcmod to having my name used I cuso his actions. I fFn1 that Soo h'e Kidney Bills are re - "Ile hovers on the verge, but does ! liable end worthy of recommendation." not pass over into real mental aberrae t S oId by Dealers. Price 59 000tt. 1 The R T. Booth Co , Ltd., Fort Erie, tion as he Appears to be going. He docs and says such odd, unreasonable Out., Sole Ca'Iadian Agents. and annoying things that his friends h would pass into genuine insanity, so that he light be properly and lawfully restrained or that ho might happily extinguish himself by 1 suicide. Sometimes he does commit suicide or become fealty insane, and we thea know wlrero to place him." often n ish o The U S. Consul at Bristol, iu a re• port to leis Government,' says that the store windows there are bright with lithograph signs of Jamaica and Cana- dian fruit ehipments, but very few American placards are anywhere to be seen, although oorrsiderable American fruit is regularly brought iuto the port. In general, it may be said that if one were to judge by the prevalence of such card advertising as "Canadian apples," "Canadian fruit," one would imagine that no fruit reached the market from the United States. The reason for the illusion is easily discovered, as Canadian shippers send plain and beactiful illus- trated placards with nearly every con- signment, while the American shippers send little or no advertising matter. Be ware of Ointments for Catarrh tha_ Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous Burfooes. Suoh articles should never be used except on preserlp- tions from reputable physicians, as the To absorb fat from doughnuts, as damage they will do is ten fold to the you lift them from the frying kettle, stood you can p0lsibly derive from them lay them directly upon a piece o F.- tl Catarrh Cure, manedo, 0., by brown paper placed in a deep dleh ori F. J• Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., con• tains no mercury, and Is taken internal- ly, acting directly upon the blood and Keep the wax coated boxes in which i mucous surfaces of the By stem. Iu buy- ing Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get crackers are packed, as they make ex -1 the genuine. It is taken internally and cellent polishers for irons instead of made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney the little blocks of paraffin wax genet f thick a 'e Rod and Gun's Birthday Number. With the issue for June "Rod and Gun and Motor Sports in Canada, published by W. J. Taylor, at Wood - stook, Ont., enters upon its tenth year, and produces as a birthday number one that has not been surpassed by any of i 1 Dloetreal iricklayere have gone back to work, a3 there was no support fors. 1 them from union fund That it has power to order the build ing of a, viaduct in Toronto is the decis- ion of the Dominion Railway Commis- eton. The Clever Man Needs a Wife with Tact. The problem as to whether a clever men needs a clever wife rests upon broad lines, and is after all, very easy of ^ ' solation, says Ks herine Cacti Thurston, iu the July DELINEATOR. Without a doubt a clever man should have , a clever wife, if the goal desired to he a successful marriage; bar "clever" must not be as eynonymony with the words "work -producing" or "ambi- tions." The quality necessary to the wife of a clever man is the etisentially feminine cleverness of tact and tuition —the • subtle woman's gift that can stimulate without irritating, can com- prehend without questioning, and ander all circumstances can—or appears to— snbordivate her own interests, her own personality, to the more vivid, domin• STONE ating masculine qualities of her hus- band. The Ontario Legislature has passed an aot amending the act for the protection of sheep, and imposing a tax on doge, by giving power to increase sixth tax --to $2 for a dog and $J for a bitch. Municipal councils are given power to appoint an xnepeotor of eheep who will make an inquiry and ,report on the killing of sheep by doge. The owner of any sheep or lamb killed or injured by a dog may apply to the inspector and the latter whioh shall then be payable by the municipality in the event of the owuer of the guilty dog not being known. c i' D tro tar cot ally used. To atop any pain, anywhere in 20 minutes, simply take just one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. Pain meane congestion—blood pressure—that is all. Dr. Shoop's ea Tight eleeves and tight finger rings are a frc(vent source of red hands, and the only remedy for this fe to remove the irritating cause. Bread, cake or cookies will retain their moisture and keep much better It placed in a stone jar than in the ;regulation galvanized tia box. mat atPI 11111 tit Natures Remedy La grippe, pneumonia and influ- enza often leave a nasty eougb when they're gone. It is a dangerous thing to neglect. Cure it with OXYGENATORj "Natuees Perfect Wood Purifier Curs All Germ Diseases" OR SALE BY G f) U GISTS THE OXYGENATOR CO., 42 Harbors!! Street, Toronto, Ont. & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Dluggists. Price 75c. per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for con- stipation. WE WANT A RELIABLE LOCAL SALESMAN for Wingham and adjoining country to' represent "Canada's Greatest tdurseries'P Largest list of commercial and do- mestic fruits—large and small; erne - mantels, and shade trees; flowering shrubs, vines, roses, fine seed potatoes one of our specialties. Stock that is hardy comes from ns. A permaneut situation for the right man, for whom the territory will be re- served. Pay weekly. Free Equipments Write for -Particulars. the fine issues that have preceded t. Every one of the many articles appea'a to sportsmen and lovers of outdoor life and may be read with interest. The record breaking moose hunt of Dr. W. L. Munro in New Brunswick through which, for the first time in the history of the Province, the record is held b.y an outsider is rightly given a prominent position. Fishermen have their in- terests well looked after. In addition to a paper on Live Bait: How to procuee- and Preserve the same, a story of Her- ring_ Fishing in the Rideau, and one desc'ripti've of a One Hundred Mile Canoe Trip in a Search after Bass, by C. H. Hooper, meet secure attention from those who find their most enjoyable recreation in fishing. Judge Fraleck reminds ns of old times in a delightfully reminiscent artiole on the Wayside Tavern and the Shooting Match. The scarcity of partridges, a subject of so mach comment amongst sportsmen, is discussed, the conclusion arrived at be- ing that tri all probability the birds have been killed cff by a disease which has been general in its character and results. Variety is given in au exploration paper entitled Fresh Fields in the Rockies; In H dacha—or Pink Pain Bay's Camp in Temagami and others. Tablets—will quiokiy coax blood pros- St. Thomas Iast week, brought In a t pall up the more obnoxinne,Pvarietlae My Experience in Shotguns and a Re - that away from pain centres. After „No bill" in both charges against John' view of Guns' and Gunning, raise many surethat, pain is gone. Headache, Neural- that have been seeded with the grain. questIons connected with firearms whioh The wild mustard should be pulled, or cannot fail to interest all shooters. The Ria, painful pentode with women, etc. Lawson, Wabash candnctor, who was get instant help. 20 Tablets 25c. Sold charged with criminal neglect of duty ; if itis too thick Co permit of palling, departments are one and all up-to•date by all dealers. and not eatiformfng to the roles of they then spraying with binestone should be and the number testifies to the leading position attained by the magazine and the strength with which it commences its tenth year of vigorous life. Fight the Weeds. The fight to exterminate weeds should be carried on vigorously for the next two months. On all parts of our farms and more especially where a poor stand of a crop is to be had, there the weeds are to be found in abundance There is too much careless seeding of small grains with the result that many Belie are orer ran with bad pests that The grand jury at the June Assizes at will take hard work to clean up. It will pay to watch the grain fields and TORONTO, & 1V ELLE\ GITON, Foothill Nurseries (850 acres) CSAIvAIa�:. •••••N••i•eek •ei•••♦••••e •• • • • • • • • • • • 0 • •• • • • • • • A thorough draught ought to blow : 0or navy than causing the acclsienh on • -resorted to. Chances should not be through every room at least once a, J day- in order to dislodge the stale air from corners and from under the furniture. January 2nd last at Tilton erg rt w ish To remove broken panes, pour gasp- line along the patty with an oil can Set a match to the gasoline on the patty; softened in this way it can easily be scraped cff. t taken bp permitting the weeds to go to 3, J. Walker of St. Thomse and C- { seal for if they ripen and shed their Ray of Windsor met their death. i aeede, the next year the Work of eradica- II tion will be twice as hard. Y The corn fields should be kept free at 'MILBURy 9'..►' all hazards. Probably nowhere is there � ® i tt better eeed bed cifered for weeds than Heart and Nerve PiZ1s• xn the corn fie'' -d, so here we meet put in ,oar beat efforts to keep the weeds in check from planting time throughout the cultivating season. One shotrld never get in euch a harry that he can- not take time to atop to .pail up a bad 4 weed that the cultivator fails to cateti. I As weetni seed so very profusely, a By a vote of 156 to 32 the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada accept the view that organic ohne ch anion bet ween the Preebyterians, Methodists and Cocgregationalists was 1 practicable. The heavy windstorm on Monday i evening of la,t week eansedConsiderable ' damage near Blackhorse. The large bank barn, 40x00 ft. belongi:R to John' Kaake, lot. 33, con. 6, Greenock, teas I Completely levelled al.ec1 to the ground.' v One cow was killed and cue badly in. t jured. W. J. McDonald, let 37, eon. 1,1 Greenoc, had a fine bank barn 40xe0 I ft., also completely demolished, James Powell, lot 1, itinloss, MAO had his barn were Whose tams w, Others destroyed. O. injured were Robert Thompson, Wesley" Hedley and Barry Thompson. t3esides the hoary loss sustained by each in the (loss of their barns, a large quantity of maoltiner s eras destroyed, °Area specific for all diseases and dis' orders ori -.into from n run•dov?n ecnii- tion of the heart ernerve tyt;tetn, each av leapttation of the Heart, Nervous P'ris.trattun, h'ervoo.•,r,e%3, gI er.'eazs ' ritr,nd ns spells, I.ainMau , ctn. 'rimy era esyticilyy leneftcirt to women, troteelei with irregular men* *taratfon. Price Se cent per lboxr oar "d for $1,2t. Tax's', MTLIn ante, e„ IA IVar. single weed, allowed to go to seed in a . well•cultiveted piece such as the corn `field, will produce seed enough to soon stook the fern with its deseendan'e. ! ')Chen lock out for the roadways. If they are not pastured closely keep all weeds mowed down. The weeds unless ,prevented grow luxuriously upon n the i tli+lfc highway and if they produce seeds, ion may rept assured the adjoin- :beg fields will soon be Dover. Do not lwaft for the icspector or the pathmaster Ito force you to cut the weeds upon the fthighwayalong your property. It will pay you tnany•fold to be prompt in at. tending to these weeds which will soon 1 infest your cold/Mod rend if not at - 1 tended to, DOES YOUR HEAD • • • e • • 0 • 0 • • • • •i • • • • • • • Feel As Though It Was Being Hammered? As Though It Would (tack Open? As Though a Million Sparks Were Flying Out of Your Eyes? Horrible Sickness of Your Stomach? Then You Have Siek Headache Y BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS ch es n o matter sill afford relief from heads whether sick, nervous, spasanettle periodical or bilious, It cures by removing the cause. Mr. Samuel J. ilibbard, Belleville, Ont., writes: "Last opting 1 was very poorly. my appetite felled me.1 felt weak and nervotts,had slot; headaches, was tired all the thno and not able to 'work. 1 saw Burdeek Blood Bitters recommended for fust such t erste as mine and I trot two bottles of it, and found it to be as excellent blood medicine. You may use my name is 1 thiek that others should know ofthe " i1N •.••i Bitters. NON loud ♦• f Burdock B •Ni *writs a ••• •portderful ♦N ••••••••+040.41..••vk••••••`•4 • s;: If a man Dan write a better book, preach a better sermon or make a better mouse -trap than his neighbor, though he build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door.—Emer.on. Get on the path to the door of the Times Printing Office • •' • • • • P• • N• •; • • •ir• • IAT Where mouse traps are not made but• •; • • •• a' • Is turned out every day with neat- ness and despatch; where up-to-date • materials and machinery are used, —where -- Good Printing • • and were mechanics with up-to-date t ideas are employed; where quality • • characterizes every piece of work • • and service given every buyer; where Ycheap printing is never done, but • where good printingis done cheap; • • where the kind of printing is done • that will lead the world to make a • • beaten path to your door; where • particulars may be had by following • s up the path to the office of 1 • WINGHAM WINGHM TIMES 1NE T or by calling' up 'Phone 4. • • • 1 o« i'. e •'••••••••••••••••••••••••t