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Lucknow Sentinel, 1902-03-21, Page 7
•?1*■•••••••••!...,..._ '•'.1 .,! 1 , • '.41-01:.$Pealflngt. •fit,e-Mett 'filled Wit11 !. te40,:,4t.4.0.1....0,V,..4.11;;V-44.0„-'-4,-;.'`* Wine ,eing vi16.song,s., litit tiod's peo- ;. _. • , I , Pre' sI 'tie, 'the. tiPtig..Pf. .Zien. trlirist•4 ! ranIty. titt ...0 religion or pqn,g; infidel- I ity- doe s not stag. Witli iyour heart • q 124., INTitotNATLIoN.444..1:.Es.sON NO N:11. ;111,1"tilvil)e7Tg;le'et's-Ifbre(4 iLl'e6;i'ru?'.0its.'tsitcitEn..' 1.4; ' , .. • L,;. !' 2.r$:• W94.. •„, . , , .. . - • \ _.... ....,...'. tl , . ity is* falleart 'religion. -2 ' ......„4,....;,.i.„' ' ....... Lotest ' Fashion ,bossip - cot- Paris. oi;c1 L 'eon-, , l‘Iii • . .4)0 Always In times of adve . • 'C4ANTE.*IcLAI4 'I Styles. of the ',Hour Outlined. . . . .., , . . . .... . • . . • Teloppr,,,qt,f, 1,4isiii)11.--11:eli. 5:11-th, . .., . . . .1),111.4itidiEi7p,triri.,,:/..11.l,,,, apia,..„..aIleiltiittipS-osi4v,t0111.111.esvi(liitif„ "Kill' 4 'e. ri-4 r le tir*I'' Ma rl‘rt. . • litrelt 17.-Tlie- grata receipts; 'ty,ere ' , ' Hilyniltcsns'1112aTt;(417\oikildilni:tI°e1I11131e)115141-; - ,, L., ri4ness.•y, 1.8. pn,:to 0, ,, . Jamcs .,11,111.1f,111.,;tailoicii: 6. 1.1:U. 11,s.,019reueli.il'iletii.4611',4901•t4.01.111g.17........ ,...,3„,•;3,........z......),-- . ..."-`"-"------*----- .I. - % ' . ' ' . **- . .:5'....r. :-.. 3 '4.- . . - - t',..' • • • - ."*.--/•..'''...I'' - . ' ..-';‘. ... - . . I I -I -54., --*'.4" . . • _ ,)1. ies we 6,4 S1 eaA,1.1*. ,, Ali -11,1•S 5,'Oee a, . Parifli. WIT, 1.-15:4.17he.rP IP ..ilo.•dPitbt 19' Ji ' to accept their aid to 11, certain!' lie101011; Shlinmer). • ati ite ,Ilaate. betok• $111:Yr1111, 4110 :1ilile'llis. it was the Poi- . . ,. . .. , , , • 4" 11.114.'°! .14° 41314.6.4P' 1)et.‘Yeen' .01'1.12.1n*ii,1:1pbulltlitiltisinefo'n,eCtriatl,:lolehrreis-Le 04-s, jillittl.).4.1.thi:lititairt,,, i.)(5-.6rt,r7,0111111t,0141.4.1.‘011;,ttt;:r6 StZilllt•-i , ' ,otpliiiiiiiti.".aiddilisc...tw;i0o04:31LIIIaoilfaoatiri.ison:11-sziiausnit:, pr , xeo2Cp,Otlit;;;ISOL;y0011:,irilin4ytt tgillc4:,,ww)11.41010fiotr,.g.t.,hrzteciit'; dler,!esk.eist, :•faid,aricto, p.., I ,9,1t1 1 ripPricUtgt 3,:. 71,iii.iiitIlit.: :i.,,t1i.coa,,li11e.tiekclofc'Tsn,illii).e,wrolilf.1:4111.0scat,iortilitgli,.,1c).9.0f4loier, , to(v)VebeCiftn;11. otno_. l'1411pOcittlitieeret,f1,d64,411droe;,enespiiitiolgt iitiiiiim fientbg ili ty,,,. to lv.A..ic 1,04,. Ib .es , -,a-fly.,/yr,p'.:(seti she ilau uu.'• ty, iiiingl., tll r rule,r," 1.,,,tr,P C001, illg. ItlIk. 00...110h..°11. mothers. 'approved, bait and kiiity,ish, y•iii.i,g-'e.,!, . , ' • : , .,. . ' • . 1.41161„1.41 neN.,er. , be' idin...ttme..':is t*e. seillag at .till'ik. to '14 per'..!tt-ri"i' -Whorl' YOU corn to .109k at her critle- he '00:014-1P-the-itialiger; ^ esPecla 11 V...as , go.' od ty 6/1,s ,Q•cri;v'ec_,,,su•_611., 46.. oiir_g„....a20., , ,NIV.0.1,,tiO-ille.tiii)e1a(.3fi..)tlit.‘5,•0•Iftta,te, 1.;Iiiyirtiicoslo,t11.11,1,,kte...; 'fiSlii•eilli'ionIt..,e1 ionig.'..ctobrrt:Iaino.'ti:yly. ttspf)iel.14,,the..Nivaie-.. s,PililiaInig.:,\„\t:iit7ati, tioi;ttl-11.5(;ii.ci./10.-81i.i,11),:i1.$2Lielii,„ia:iti3.,2 , YOu.. sAY,a......701.i:kanzili.' pretty,. ,. 4ncl, tion kudOs--t-apd, Moneys. 'Let LIS' not .- • ,• 'f),,,y en ;II' jr,r.enlag w,..nr,,, . . • 1 n p ; t..iit city of.. A,ni,t ir pr. The • lt.1/- frOlut :the' most 'degrading sins Malty that, „corner "of,. nernp. 4seir wi 1:11 ;the ;adornment of. ;110 isobrietY... So, here they are Ja 5 r.oaO." Of' ligat,. delleate lace Or to114. '14'''''",• (1).•al't°8, li' .40 iii•-.1.-LIPIIQ,sr;8:' ' oe the ,fiereluIne) tibulnan form di' .I' a .91ur '1111144 a 114 we are. Powerless to 9.`,11cre Li' a great fartey for: velvet • was idle great. e•nporittiu of trade for i iSt. intoxicating and -shOnhi never. lie . Gre,TfIteatileTr6cir-itiliseirit lb,als.4,11.11(.:11.. 100 ..b.. utliels pi . . . . . • , 4 Pe- atul daring novelty 1..-tud ebieness BO. . cold. light, of day as by bight ...and lib . Pl0s11140 * Wel e the . beYL 1 ' •• :17::041:0•1111:414.t:-.....v1neI1....111 .4bw 'coun.11t1 :less'. (:1,\,11311e(')0,44.71-1ANIC:11:o'8:618:(oefaI-111g.::',,Isi(0.:0)Illi.:0;171:::::,::: . tt. which ecIlli=" 14coPosarY-r01 lighten 13rItisli. solidity shines, out ellarmiliglY under. a 4/911.,•.' • • den 3 them.their share.in the corona-. gowns . both, •for • , , • - . , the •Aisiatie • regions 1 •Lnd the niost : lised as a* beverage 'The only secur-• oi, ours, and cspcquilly as we want .. . ' •... - - - • • . ' - ' ' in.. to,:'.htit, . in loiVe. Servi.11g,' otte . another.. -. !, : • . . , : . a •, white Heade,- ati, 774.; to 79c 1161' `./14"8•11- ' ;.;,•,t3.t.41e1"''s well 'Oressed., . Yes! • but .If and. beet,,,- ,., - ., ,,-, - . • . , , . , , .!0;5 ial,a eAdal- sultbl 'tife preSent ,ge, -", , goO4 41' pei.fect feature. Voll Say, an- everything tot be ' f th :b 1 lit 14killg' (:)1:1 'cle141°11 3 lIglIre'aed kdialIlee; ' ,i1.I.e'll 1,,tloIt-i'dt,11.1;(riI'P..1.;"71111Iii,l;)triteo.rtt;'..'1.'ciliSr:,.6.1‘1,11erkf4;s4".iLini.'s8': ii)•••e'.(1.t.061Q1111'irili,,?e: it too -gbo,:,,' 6d1169.iirpt' .:41;itudrtthlieerieL,' tis,lirit.ti10-t°re:r1"1,vc..3*_.....\\1.1.calItf,:t.et..-:(11,!172,!°1I;):41;b:(s):141.,„ift(.1),.t. •• r , . v.ipa exantna tho.,..matorlat. of her gat..., ' Those who are "au'. raltt'l PrOrnis. 02 .111" ''k.11'.•t"1:13' 4'1.1°.4•11:1111:e' '14, tti'P• 1;();P' °.1-1f; • tFitiloth eel' \...,...4.1141114-Itta iptit:',;:i_cilltriiieltdp.svi8c-,:, „iit.tf.te_r. ,b11)10r.et14,1.1.41, ii:tilli.r)(1, S: ours , inore 'suse, .7.0.- ';,--11, heal ,,,wiitici, 70 . to 1,, ,1„.1 c. ,. 1 fifil'Ill''.ing from the knees citewnwaids, . : .4,,ipets, y.00,:notioe. that there, tp ,no91,.... , tops liegla.-to...pkite ..,up. 'tantalizing ';quaintr..thiN,ei • Ol. • Old-'Ila.cei the • tltlY „Inipurii'y,i ..'pnyeitin,i`itiiiiss;' tfiltt-„Loolisli , ipg1,--ieffil y -.gond Ior',..eolY„Ip. 'ilieth.; •glinipse13.-tand,..,'ltiptis o l'..;- the" faslilitiltits..., ti -1 -;,- ..,...,-t. 0,,,,, ,-;reititt,..;,b-i-rt---tt.,4--i '. el.:tr. • cif to-morrow:'-',1.1).ere;i14 au. especla. v :i:11'nv.'t1S . n°n-l-P•iladd -9II2IPain,I.1,a':°f 'SI' r-.4•015rs•',.'"jes thig )..'it, MI idgittLir:;;, , bedzinse` ' t hese I. ''ll'ettr.".'1,lie,lr-ttr'e not . a.' tau] t -f I lidlug, . ,...,:a4 . ,,,, 47 to' e 71 .1 1Y:901./ ti. 95I 8171. J.)6.1t::1-,'....1.1EL::::';-)'''.1:p''Q' .. Us- WU ar.k::". Peals011t.Vhd.'IatreadY tit°. 't he FlOillee :.sligittlY' •(--irti-Ped ....Wltil.: a , "They' :sbutthl, avoi41,•:11 1, uneldtAltielis; 1: cli.r.1261,11.Ps. • ,,,I,Vi've ' .0- ,•tna n 17g1,N ilg• : 74 tO, 78'0- 1;0°140,-67 tc.4,67y,lif::. sPring,'," .0•• ' i3:1;:i•r,t.4:01(t,,p.:1,)tstiet:,•noci.,Nytili.titit:t,tiotlii.eiors,9,:,. . . often only that:Am is.hrigilt, piqu.aut. •16tei,s, ,for partstans , a t. t00.,f1rwt. day Wear tlie,•roy.et g,w.41 looics best ,c4011.fi .•'exeill,10 'fi11-thl tne 14 11•1°'1(1111 '1.:34.'*c.)IliiiriiroeGw...:11111:11101z?tw;:i'eleb.el:IlL1171,1;i8i.tr)...teo°).0•10.' dbi-iii.1-6,.t..Y07 r,..5?6"--;1:69(if:..e:":41'.1)17,t69-'t.111-t8;'.F•.$1.-;:::11'.;;034*,e'11(1.'; .. •• 97411 a 14.Pllts •VX• coal, -°I. n'•• '61Inall'; '.4 4'. II:IA& 1'10- .r011OWSh11/17." 113i.O'• PO . ' °'''. ''''''•?'', "'!*-:: '' ''' ! , : busy hum and 'nub:ter ,at tlie „mod-... ;diamonds- mounted ,on 4, I.I 1, et, F . ..th'ilig . Wittr Iti manner , aml von-versation ; brea-th. or spkiug like to. den. theL: 11 fi 'Ian blo • In ; sof f :L a' vberry . book they '.would not he woctil.: re-,. , „.. • , . , .. . .. 1. . 11 iniace .4 a, fttscintiting to 1¼ 'fOr ''.. • , - . • • a .1I,enitierance, 1U• 41;8... ' 1;rUe Ellignill" ,3 2' plIrd)Un.41,'"ItolPila.s1:113.1,6'.,•t:111.-i)et:.),cfe1041;c:',.. • tlieu,,I),:forcr.d by the cruel cad3Nw1,11 I. 11,.0 remark Ni• ek e ,7; itt. un• ?,n.... a fabcfp,ating; • lig.ht ,lieridgeari. ev..°11": pink Wit 11 '.a„ .w hit° sinty he„acter :lila connection it. it. II -or ayminithy for . Ili 1.0,1,IC 1..L sugv EY • spool.. ItyOgrs,ot•iti.ikktriiitelieePti. :tdiatevliri.,;11.i,kilQ17.41;01-lross. :•1:111(1):.i.:etlii,if.g..11:::114113"01Ys11, liblQat1.1641.1"fe(t171•`,;31c1r.Yto..]:11.1ealterall.('I..e.t .• l'.8' 'a 'Y e'.1:1' .'1";,114)11(11 .te•I:inr .;• 141 7 NI.enr'..;14.786 :7e'14;g1:-;1,1:1:;a1"Lci'd 81.:211).‘ $.1.°Q;• '''. UP 1.041/4.",' • ;Al.r.of iviiiCh goes tb. prove' . , union where sinirt, ,foilt.. congregate. '.. , , • , ,. .. .;- .. , ;,, • 4 . . Pl•,11.6 puportande ral*s third .1,n the. Oat 119,.W ,it ever • : • .. •,• .' , I Novelty and• freshness are ilie,,hey- At. this; s..aason, ,wili,ii (>1 OnOP11.r.l&O I II( Ill, 15 L ere ,paritau- ,• • • winter amuse-' .., ,• • • • „ ...•. ... t ; ; .. tomtellitlioP of ' gIiaces,' Which,' . Loading Wheat 31arnets. . • :. . . . the new' liats age examples of this. • , , • . - . • • esti , place is ti: which .1S. farthest. ' jag., or trao ,c,:iiristiaii. eii4raet,fir.. . 3.1'oilowing pre the .closing, No ,w•oei.au Ncie4. t)espiiii. , '. n. otes to the PitrIsientie'R at tie°, hrid 1 tin.i.se,0at' sl'icib!,.ygeltn ws0e.ninelfur?*itiatti.Ittle.,Ifp'..4(11pliesn'Oe ., er 1..0114 Ns 1.vt,iill.1:1117.,ti 4 11,:,,41..CS,4QrS• ,1.111/4 Saf- cording- to. .[... -pet:, Li are •th.o ador0,, • , ., '..ekildt tealtii,gaistla:Stt'iarstio'PtrierttYitnafeitlev.te...,11aiiit3rhtle-•Titignit0t-clf, .the I' tp110..1toques': haye .0, ,o..trgaiiiize entertainmenvs . to begitue 1 u e is a perilous:experiment, r: Foi.,414144.,e feneiNi.s041.1s. .6,,Lit liettie lo see bow. pear. 'WO Call approach, trolls aItimporlant wheat centres•tot•I . Application of -14'ii.r' - • . tile iong .ove.n.tog tfours1' you pia-Y:.like ,'' tivielvt seeks the, .slielter :',of .' dark-, . to copy an idea. which was. carried I to., sin ,without 'becoming contamin- - • quota- Cares"to be. For once ,Beauty, that :is ,the real beauty Of painters and 'Meta:late :taken a back seat, unless,) Indeed, there are stich additional .as a concession to truf Season. I saw Out. with a “succes fon" in: the studio ated o',1111041*.es, ' ' ' at 1.110"1 111.vgilit'tl.e 'ILIT14,1hit's t lutahloraolotYrIlen4tinTlet,s- . a nolsette brown one, with .a,n inch of a fashionable, American pertratf , Darklless---St41 Is darknes's and its , tion, . Xll'at ' light ,is C01110 IlltQ ' the wkle 'border of dark rux run in and ' Planter.; The "tableaux , vrvants"' Parellt l''s the . Priliee or dark 11P6S. of bygone days, as well as of moilern SPelnacriePocf4.1 Illing°11.tt.'b' rfr,41,r`lierilgillitta' ci•Iclistiol?' talbieT I 11%°•.°I.Illiellr' . '1'1111? -111 11:114ennt,- 1°I)Nec'edau, sedaqiihears • '..' deeds were et il " "Ile that doeth 4- • were all scenes from Punch, Punch . . . .' , forceaschieness, smartness and out of thew sathing 'folds; a ,bigi hrillia My to reckon with. The wo- blush: rose placed. jest in front. • -Cash. July. , New` York .., 80 7-8 $0 SI 5-8 Ch'cagoi . 073 5-8 0 75 3-4 Toledo '0 81 3144 078 1-8, Dultith, No 1 nor.0 73/ 0 75 Duluth NO 1 hard 0,76/ *h° haS all -these al*roWs'ill 'ller MoSt of the toques are exceedin,gly ,ijimes All the costumes, s well a,s igrt out t 111 1. IL, 1611 1.. III 11 , (Paver is Well-nigh invulnerable, and broad, with broad- 141 the 'It d b k d (1. 1vork9 came from the Llarknesk , of ti*1-4,11 coreetli to' the light." while ' 1"°1"1) 1)alrir '.3A"3.1""`" way.40deed_be the„esyy of tier woman, are becomingly s apec to Stilt dlr.- an ...properties; were- earned- ..out-• bee' , 0 • eon....1 e,verY one that • doeth evil liateth Butter -Re el moderate 119 :W.1 1 d e " grtin R' • seenerY Agit° Luse' • 1- tl (1'1 .1- 15) are friends -or enemies. for she is likely to have ma;ny otone as the otluir, But 'there is no necessity nowaclas for a woman to be really pretty in, .order to be admired,so ail she As well turned .out, luta Li • smartly- ferent faces: It ,is hard to say,really where the toque. ends and the hat begins, for each has borrowed some features from the other. .As far as. .triniming goes, the law. is heaps of flowers, clouds of tulle. -• .The . new eolffed head and a good figure -or clu•ysantheinum straw is less often it l'ookts as If she had one. -.she' reck- seen than that which ,resembles 'oiled, among the fair women." The ;stiffened guiPur,e lace;' as the de-- `JollY 'aide," as the French pret- " . tily and pithily style her, is having her day. Features go for little; it Is chicness, smartness, which reign ttpr-eme So_dtas_really, .$11art,sIghted•aad. lrootish for a plain. woman not to try: her level best to. make the' most Of this, her golden .opportunity. With taste, pereeptien, ;tad -a meLlera,tS: budget, she Puty tnilie her Place iti thfirst rinks. • has a. wide.:, field to .eihoOse frOni, when she Set's to ),verki. .*.o make, the 'mist ofherself. ' ... In , the matter :of • colf•fure..,Itilotte, ineVer 'waa..there suich -Var'etY• There,' . are ,tuany stylea., all 'different, lt11,. lathionable. TIPS is "partly; of • course; the result . of the struggle, between,,the higli-iffiCelow--arra-ligett • :meats Of hair. Weare -stilt exerdis-' ing Our -Minds' Over it.: ., 'The' tituld to. keep. In. wait ' style, hoping that whielteVer wins they nOt ;be ' so very ..'far Out,' A 'ventures:Pule , Ispirit adopts • the ' grac'Cluitt shoulder..'curl, worn modela,,,. • ',Olds 'was snecessfullY, worn lately by 'bevy, of • fair. bridesantlda • • 1/.."- • At a Smart Avcddlng, • . „ the gowns. of 'eourse keep-, lag :with the •old werld style. An- other wbars the little saucy -bunch of 'curls 'a .1a Josephine on the: crown of .her head, another' With alt Innocent, youthful Aype. of face, makes her hair, into a efttogran and ties it, at the nape. An ot,n6r; and this • is the true Parisi-.. enne's favorite ectifforn, wears the •ichignon"moderately high, . and the Sides very1 ,b6uffant, Very, fluffy. es7. peCifillY:'at, the- temples, - finishing , 1the. •piquarit effect ;vitli the two - large single Ilewers, or itufts, of blossauts, placed oVer• 'each :eye-, . brow,. aniong the Cnrly locks. Well 1' , Y.,oh 'only to consult' Your gla Oro jr, titit of fiPpeal tO n .artistle friend (a true, 'friend, Mimi you ; not 11,1`ptirrY-piirry; pisst 'lisle') to .cliScover What best • suits our Own- pcdtiliar; by Widen I 'Mean Indivtdital Style; ettd and Avell-I-ddrsetedfignre, You ill _nett 'find Many rocksYou eed;" noit have a multitude of frockS,„ Tather have a few: very weft, Cut, material matters little, Or''ita•-• /tiler alining the_tashiostiable Stuiffs Many. are'.LP be had ofmodest pride svhich, will last as long as 'the tut Militias' in .fashiOn... :There is a rat ".,otitcrY,,, Presen ft ga nst . , .. ' • . , ,„ , , 't .. ' ...11.1c1cetis tilx,traVagatteds, • . *. Itl; IlIcitli the , IPtent dity,,i)ecipic.trein.1)1.e to . a 11' . . , . ••• .if. hink cif ,. toe. •enormous .811010 ("Pent, ; . the ttif Neer at04141 'out slilis 0) iri.)07.11 1141 1 :'".1'11Lis'llint/iiti,g; dur a...), 1 v4it; ,- uni - ...,. , ,Ously mingled, and 11; never fails -Ito . got up "coon La tutors ". and.,:te int- 441iiii)eritrnie ..is; n.: folly, a Waste .„,',. an V • 44:1Y i'itilital, .0,11`:(1reSs,... ente,i•-. procee.lings. If . fi bout n 11110.00‘;.1110 tn9riell it..tVay:1110. J> '.01> J.,. "(4 '4>1(1 . tn., kyle .- whoa, prcivuset.1 Cake '.(lance. l'ri •tl)eir1 0),)Vn•;,' degradation, 't.1 sili..• 11> P144 r,, nx,- ainisIg laid sc.) ,fortli, 1%V-1)0000ln su- look '011 ic 'a114.1 good iety.. It Ii.s.ti 'matter' /Or grave cot'. 'IllaldP1i..11tted •hY :Fri:31191i fingers.. . holise, and ..1.10.0Y 'Ivor° I,i'l grand. Sue-. • eess-2'`Whorela is riot,",-,AL,A-, 441,11e. .1vIlltik.1-: 1v/tint:- le ..,ttlitiplL,.. 1.' of a., •clith inniga; front his gliolk le aTIO,iinsi• anti. . sti Ii.111'' .01111 1)01 15. 1 11 1111 back t1 .1 4 '.'1 1,1(,ttee•itvorld The tin ie..: eta • I hist ees's In. a., talifi where real poona are, .,:word -here. ti..1 >Isla frit 4,..11 0 ' ' Merl i.t : • ..1'" • ' • '•. : ' 4 ' '' ' i .. . • < II' - I c ' ' • idelqititmi. arid .is ,at le tot ail ,Op.P.Or- '4) 6414113 )SiIii'llig '4'444M ' ' viiity for ito.y wOnino,..‘vo w.v.theri to aro bilicf.4410.1,..b.t.to or virhita..and, to ...say, the letts't. Of 'tt,, unesmillibp.`, !.„prottign'ef•, :tint ilt,ltatiolierV. .(if'everv nettt,e'o,fIteOro,oslteittS0.-•,.1'1I,04s'1 M'aa'-lttrt1 e.1e111 WViIoOuI*n't.1: ,1141i ?tIad. 'h11l1)a.4ekWIVe414 eitnistt'ohItede11l0icWa1 te:i:gh'r(1e0ernilinne'1t1h1e '5..,Py,c1ifs. .qsiti)1iap•.,..ttt,1• l;ti. a";r(l1iigit,,.i:reoillse./1e„1f.1;,1tj1i1iTII4o:4, k.1tilil'g11-tI11te1l1111;.%v0'1l•,'*..P1111r1rl.it1?I0'',..*.1..t.ici1,f1n.tt,1`,111;1e::11.1:114,...".t." . :1141-1,'tI.111.4t61-141,'„4t1',,.Il4i(;Y0:i0,.:,.•)v4;t;-'1„1 .i11.1I'liia(PI.411'; N‘Nv•.!1'ilit.e;1Ivisf(.:4irl'ili'cis.‘rif1(17!'(ll"•iii'1)1'1:i1-ic38. '11()-ril I-III4'vr1't1'-e-- oo1 citizen, pittrict;ftlid fStfulInfilu- is Ing 0 in iiot-itnelt,tt,111ek,i044,Polii°lei'ela1e,1110 ii11 ,11,i.1c1ioiL(1ni1.e4),,(41)1;„111e1 l4 fl4ivoi10i41p41t14<t0)3411i111Pf01.114'1•011,;t114.1)1.4:111)41 V.' ..ai-kod' '41)*Ifel'ier:u:TTI'''.illetlif.?•111 'nrtatif.'''cirtrl. illitt101.'11.46.)11fletlei''' '.' spend. her Pllosva nee; 11'llateVer it 'Stetilcs .or 'grass w11.14cli tie -It -nem III), moo mumant.„,a0oubbtat,s; 'the Inakin: .7(.11 rice. 1 01.11-1 •ViriiiillittrOtl; 1•P ,11OS1- flit, titfleer';04. the ttIf.in ;..Tr' ittifteititeit tb,,tnorrolvt .111A .41.1.Seensolf 04, ‘i.itiolv, . . , . , • • ... . ay oe., senisild;;•, 0ml:di:tough Ltully„ to or a . ciuster of : black ,velvet 0r aIlll 0r 1C C;,1.11,.1..(>11IvI•. tli, a mall,Lnittgtm.rite's ,h'a".ving Pc 1114 r'Silv.am* drr-. bn.i'tti ,".441 144 Iil..3 , 'ot .B, .:. 411111> '411 .'.1434 4t1% 1 11r,11. ,I ):'c1, , ..W„11,11..,•.thd. .1.,, :1 h,1."1F, S.,N„Y1.4,1.P1.4P; le,r .:1.111-1-) . i ;,.. , :,'.. . ,u.+,•', , , V;et.,-,,..oitiei1o..,' ,Ill:iin,nga, P"‘..4'..-'-'.17lag•.-1(1- in-11°IY‘i(ll611(4644-iting'YgbiIli'Ilenddweisattillr0141eIn%e3:81lgfll?‘if1111"svar(311‘::I1d11LLr1)11.s11141:1111' It‘v1s[111‘'iit1'!( 1¼' 1f' 444'101: ll'11hCY1Tterrt:p h4er ran- , : 11(4 Id 00111 '44 tvitlont bein..g badly‘efu,llin, 1111tschiliriva•I k180 11)ptir;ilit1;)s?liiee1I;)t1111O:1)1:!''-11' 31.;:;:;114411,"‘g111(11:)4:‘v;:aiiu.7))) 11)11 r11siN.1ist(1l4I/0:mvuta1114.11.11 114 "1 11,:10, re,10forthe:halert considethepearlOr bra/ lie11 6>111> parisio".wrir,mo„h if,01,,st,d,tployOlivbetIveetheworship of the trpc11111 4111 pity hm tliret"Whfel18 414)1:1 1)1)14 Mitaof Iiisnss ritiptiolV;tilitYS1 thili11116i61i11A11;1Alotied•lily lat letterItnais Of Men.- tttsk, of separating them: was spleati-. t..4'141 :1'11,1. of .1117.11ci1it ben (1011.10s,i" >1'1 :1 ;fielilOtt:Iii his,..1):1 01: ;1 41.1 '11. Cuff,C14',1...',1,11.!' ..:1111„1" bii, reinov.,..) „.,f.rt.,.int,..11 ,I.4.+.1,..,,,,iti, de.: fa. 1134, .1)eitt.o.ran; i....by ,..00C tor .1)0son,' ..(Arreriiiix., ,,,ii(ci'll'ICi-,.4 ..tki 1141e044.13;.4,,,. the .01',11. ;k1) I be 11• 4,,i b. ,,a4 .1 tit ha 1.4 1.1.11- •Leulturiarh to 1 r :101 %, 4,1,••••;. 1 Ii-sto'iia IT'D, ' 'Wild Olartn" ita,ptirtlY boon caused -Cherries with '• silvery . stalks% 110(1 • lati.. pti-or little ,law),.litia.; Ithose, lung's.. gild • or', NV1'11O. ), '1‘":•.`4 I 111'5' eestOril gt , IL0.1 10 hod.lig -11,..fore• l'ul.' half Ave, v • as• ()to- gi•nsping tau. lord has. r;ttsety' V tile' Wojuler.flil 11ceoll 11 l's we. hellr .1.41'in:41y:over the. bi•oftil trim aind tlie - a.gL1iit.,lnt.t,l.10,T4i.f 1a,tt it0y i1m,t:r .,8fs,i1no.G..:isro:Lt8,ee1' crio(g1co114.1i1tx•t1, iY1.linlI,fiee'.tlciir,let,1 1 fi'•i1 'rg;t0VI'(oe1r;„rlelttitliieoaas,rk.4. '.....ai'io0 '.n.nt1eg;,d::_4 ... . : '.,1L1IcT.iiii',ltie:mifnaa'().i.gotgt1.tf:h)l:edeaetn:1i,'ie1fdC.1l'1ltid tIci,4lI01 i'ltt'r?ei%li.':'rnl('setiliS%tt..ititj.l..r).:it-11:e:it1;ri(t'°1mf.s1afo6 11,?•a.nl:1 yl1:y';:"t:li•i.'10l 1:1lt11n:1.•i''cI1l):t-s:7de:b' , 'g°alT4*vi'''llrnt(er,(.s1*a,i•.".1°,(.tt•4, 41i'Ii1' ren(r.3'iPm:r.astcn,ah10lel,v;1d..ei l.a.tdf3'lnt1:1aft11•e1VI,ps1"I.1"V1g.11t'°:CvtIliun1a6.ill'1ndir,ts.id'4, (•c.Imt.1-ii•11pnotito.i1fv!Ittl.•e1°tt,16v.1if4 liio'l1'e2'r7lr7t;,i,: . ..1t>1'1I 1-11l- 19Ji..,..1.'y° . 10 A3 rt'i14d:d: tt,ainfkllliatP1'> 1/ 1r'¼5,(.b"I..'oem(ract••m4eEr', t,oWlonemescarx*a:m,,moorFtnem•1o—oi3 11,lalrioptur.•m. Weimemedmoilmbity.ii r.l D•theec• i, ed4ieiS4'1101i 80 :10 1' it ort DOW1-1)311 097) ftrrttngettinder tilebrint eitip 2a 9 from. to' shocktint hetipetriP t'iyi" '-' ,i -V' ,• • Pe I'Ve1.c1.01.t11••'••-••C•••••••u40. 01wir 111 matiner.Of cotitraLlic10r:ri big Jap-ltcoimmt 41)''0v('tY':17i'bti11e11".4(0 '' 41,6:)1:pri1:0;:t;:st,;;:tifILf!101-;,1T:::3101i.,f!il11g:a,1,,t;it11c111'ltillk10t4tl)(!tiirtU1;(0.'1'.i ikiAi,,1,i31or1:11:Lliyroii114W0l'1 tIeY loolittle buLt1/4jN17iik(i:V111c.41io:lii.if1PEili- uKr11111•e11111 • ign i ....,. otl.o: l.lor;'tet.a1r,e' r -o-..,0 1(1 t.r'itt5l'irs•mei"tA.ttI5Tvei,tJl,il, ieet;h1.q,..eorilt-•.111nP i• . r'glOrt:-ruti't ci,1it•l,lh'',i.. ,. or , • 111d':' '". trl'. ol'.ont.‘i I'lle: :k.o•sSte..lm.. ,18 •'. . 1. '- .*. .• t' ;to' ,• • 1 '' ......'„;• ,'' • L, t,3 , tar: • 0 h, a' . ....,...e, t1, K.:4.,dh,.I..'.”e..„.y.i.:...4. 1..',.''.i.,,.iV,,..e....•1.,r 4 ,0, 1 P!... t '1'. :4>4, .i,v01,,11 (yato Li1141,1 1,5,:`o'to'4tHP”4,,tioisot' litihnikeotvithInterestI 1' 14114 Iiu,,,dtty1/4y10.41,1f; tii4tt goOtt cii_nging ntatertakthcrsttinKaye it therr own Itl vhut 1 / i„,,,,.:4..... ,......;. owivitionlro 54in !)p10sv11 tlit 41 these4.1.e1ne:tlorei1 sports areri,0i4,.ra-,4el)0;01 thwelt-aiown 1>311(4)1014o, ') l' • ii 6 \deli 1 le street I on on tiro 44 11'; 11„, They ivill'. ite.reatly- to. 1(01 '.4 ., Nut lin, s Atr r 0 sit ,. • c),.4,11tig,.. A 1)01 00i...fine licieke,v 101 31> othei prpot 141..1. 1,,,1 , ( lt,ifte s 34441114 ,t-1,it if 1. ii.t/ ,41 14 iffi.ct1; 4. In 4311 tilo.tt se.t ) 1 0 ,i nt,.. (Atm., ,eated (trivet ' et , . . heih: 1 itlil .1o11:1,.tho,1. 11.4. oaf... Quoolt ' 1..t'llt e:J tvottCr;e"tLid.chig W11.1 ,' 1' 70 Y)116 0, ,1, 1 1138,tit ltitster7>1 s1,iui,,-d.t.-io,-1:111,011,1,,.0. p; - ,"„..,,.:-,,,,.;.,• . ,• - .. r, 5 '‘ , '. . ' 11,1trine1;Roqil/6 ktotialyy.doti 011 11 1i111;d14:4 T(ipg1rot1111 / 4)4 w,„01h10s131,0r111ifi 11 on bothil1101.,0 1I1A3 41•::': i4.-4at?i4)1 '1 tit A161ioettlii;tivii1(agaluSt inOre than Overn idence1'."1101i1INI 13loving l101.1,11a1ro10,wYtA01ofor it0;6,3,i1,I4,/;e04,,11 131„1,r1/4,lockfolis11„01,,,L,„trrl,1,, irf., • ,,,I,..1,,5i41,t40l, il 1,131.„1. 0;nctolitipar'or rorti2;.o.`utdi.' o LoIwo a+.:1 41(11 41 ” fine 'ivliitteords, Loidsine" „and • aw,i.. n41>e, wail le 1:o 44 eM-Ii/i, in.:ft, , tio:11,..1r0;,.fic :1 ft): lige:K. 1 i i .t0,11•.a. ti',i.••1 ..1 1 '11011 tir $1 4)01461 dV1.:014,,, l'ill;',,,L04,:'.4'1'"Oil. 101¼''‘•%Ci'.;:x`n(1, ,tipba' 11 5 that . . P w63:k.44,3 To r,'P'11 .0,6111 44 1' i'r,'0,101411- other Sp.it:silken'. fahrief•.1101roa will gift hot' hast, DI tin iti..li'ttis 'ith-,..111.1 h'lfir,t.In'rel 1. AI14er '44.i4,;3'Ntr1 :°8n'11''.,)v(,°r•;1) .,n,',at)'"be' 1ted toflip t‘aforfroilihat iavaliortotve41.front yonti!•,ifhn punIt tet a int; 1))fI•o'c. !1,,.;t.it. io.r. l ips 10. .0, 000,1' .'0 4,. Ii' ..4.,.,.,.. „ Ivo' •r?, :11A'>1) ' g,, ive: rtii. ,c, a,n1 (4(2'- 1' 114)11)0 31>0411100, ,,(440 111011uto In lo „ . ,IiIIP 14' tOIINInhoinet,".a.a it Were, and ,gouttlff by' tirriutg0in en (sr Of . old '. hien.' .:,\Psw A,1,YR "Aft1(011,:,,kiObilies" illiFJ N1.-C.'PV:. '' • Nrr., '54:.,z11,0- 'II' II',""1 01111i 11 ,t. 41 test ':, •:-'1,1'11.'4'1 •it'0:1 rs ii"gf . t 1vi'• s, 1.1 id 110 Wil e 10•100y. dIseft.$4:1 a 1,141 :urinary r troll- • iiinl.k11'.'5, • al • fi 1,r:1:IVO 4001113)401)1(4 are icetti.ri•4 to.T..0.1.40,111....eatiet.\•,to pi ka, 0.1„, beliiiiilti4rolaq!'-or',Vtniltildi.tegttlit;b1,11.n:111.;n04;(1;riolrl.)•081,!.4:t:11 t. : , , itechsteill 1 titll silt .,f.,,ndon,, i,46 cv.) ,, . ' iiiriii••: 4,,,,$),L0,4 t 11•;'i III ill, i nrd, ftW.011vc,,f; 04,4..0. 0.,.0.1„.0,4 by t l'ivg‘0. tp..61(41,, Os,,,. 1 ..,t)00111>',dr,04,41c11 3 1 , ,z.,41,4, ioL.2.:,,,, 44 1(4 , 1 •nlin;f:: -wish ,her ..413e004s. , , ' ,q,) 1 ir,,,,I 1 'p44.1>11 Ito, i,,o tl'I'Lf.• 1 i.,oitiil ..,,i44i•1••4-,"g4' ,ntoitrul .;tt ;t11, fli'inting'',,, of .14;,. 3 1>1-1-0.',-; '',' 4,414;1ry.,L,Ivo0• Pills . 1' 'Ifiro- or.n,atid `set ito on' their'. Olvn 000 on lit, .61', .•soft tohon's. iii-Ilisb :•'f air in long., ,01.ft r s„, hotveve1. appe•i;vr 1)4t0 >44 pin i,,!.. r 1 ' - ., '.,t...i,.. 't''I.ei(1''' 0,,f1r1W1,.I '' .I.lY44.1 ,.' . J4 `*'A:'.,1-;1. 4, ,11, 1 ) 11,0,1 ,4.. ,4 0, 1•••,.,t,' N' o, f,,-tth'iiff,V' itl' .,tit'li.lei,..11 I,1' 1, lin't,,'...i,1.litit 1>441 •.. ,I•.n-u', ,4-14., , C. , t 'te"er. L l)int.y,bt n1o.,11 ,aOI,bl,i nt t1SUP0r111t(:88403. lli'II"Onits'a11:, the eilS frInge1 eni,filiiau11tf'V°4y tveek; inEng- I 1i110hi1l'i,01410.11 10 401:i4'111111'l11 11111 i11 1 TY''On4 9t4)1I11113V 111 16661111i110d' Uri0the $1iitin 1011503Truth to tfia 1iy111 C0,1,,iver or 0,001.b011,10n,,and00 toe 00111111'ntittviniiafol .ir,it.1iJo,,i1 r" 1111 10„3 64,1„. ,,I1 not hetvtotolg.1o.ria: ellil61iIvi.11 are newfathatrilt-trir stenbnef ppe11and 13>>,) P)4 197 that 14 A 1 .:i1 t 101‘44 1 i I 1 010•kiirficif)voi.i1344 14>5> 4. l41110Y-1Idy elr'ilk halm never it le 1""i 1/M"t11°1''Itlrtd414)31114' 11144311>8 131 evtitng-rownis 41 11444>"0111) 111446 1>'.s pror1,)ii103A ,11tn klos p 1 1>41 r 11 11 I (, n ( 1;1,:tho ii)r,,t A -Y htleh t11e(iftt'eVbiont_iat,a.ffivorItematerial i44 thrWhitediet;sodS;itn)lint a rei11)1iv ti414'o1 iA),,0111111tp,..4,,, .,1 1 110.. t t11 l„111 14111 011iiaildiayhity.6ftfinbttIniko tiS ‘nulelf$11verSlik.witert bne itieplaneti (11Olt,4 eilLt ntetOlais 0 1f11,)11 1 , ' • ., , i . . . . . . • ie. i .,:t. , . . . „the 'light; - twit:119r coniet-11—€07-ther----Witli, tite-demainid.leinlY-fair. • - trlicirce were, in .fact, etact copies of the or.- Inf ,11.ell' - • ntlr'S' `nlIan..11 e. It It'n3- proNed. .. ....., . ..... ... ' , . , ' follOws,:: cite:col-lb. printri,-10 to 20c; Speak agilinat them:. • .. . . , .. . • - , • . . „ . . ..., . iginals, and Were nuost telling. Some ,-, . .. . . . . •,, ,„,.. . .. 11ralking wisolv. Life .in ..f,t11 ages choice large rolls,..17 to 171 7.,c : sec , crin'oline days brought 'doWn. :the ' „house, and the coulsenttle. and pork I.I. tir, ..91, Leecil,s inimitolo ritors or ,the., .. 4..,..:g.:,,tt..01.,sts but .ts:illvailtalei, ta.i.oa.;t:!0.,t1-.1.,(iii.)1;:ey., , ..rvi,i,:i;„... .4.ann,::: .111•11t`tepri:3,1t; 7.'0'els:pnieatsio. xhIeeonf too '1 11°1, to be 111OU . 0,111, , . 1 eTi. . , tO ,a, journ0y, the SOccesSfut 'pursuit low". grade* .:12 to '13c ; , .crearuery ,00inearad ondarY. grades • 'in .r,olls, .1,5' to 1 6c /Wilfeli* is -prints:13'2 1...9 26e ; creamerY Solids, 21, P10 headgear' Proved' not unbecomI- '1 n„,.,"„'Y 1,I'll ' Qt. the'ir • 8111111€) •'Wa.. 11: it : .thoprofound' problem ,confi•ontitigi. 'tei 212‘1720- .. .. . *• ' .. ." . t • ' , tti . bag' Scenes:front Charles Patio, Gib- they • .6°Ughlt ri IIP' • corer a '..t4"'el."3.'' ' 'iiverY travellei.. ••"Wiscionii' is ..the.prin-, •. ' P.gg:S---:•Trie intrket is 'fin% ' withi- 'son Might be worked out the same „Bow lew.ititek must. lia.ve sunk \vile° stnipie for the a•Pestle te it wasit eitial thitig,,',! .0f .which ..‘Ittle. fear 'of..s.n.leS' at .3 at Per. diPein 111.. ., . , ; •• , " ,• :.., oxen, "speak!) about •whnt.thoy -dill... .th(131-:Lorcl...•is the iteenning,1,' This. case lots:: t.lte ;latter priee the excep- •ealment and ,n1 o lit dalkn...ss . , ; • .- 'entirelk in black' Lind- white; . They • ,, , light lebt his deeds should be re-, lillaitties are n anted. We quott, kt6 .SEEN' IN ' •• ' l'i tait t a d- eartleSt"..--tiob,..... 4, --...• . • • • ''. . . • • •• . • i . Lord ‘.:S.1. .t'Inot conditions of . disclo- to. JI. 3 71 -le Per :lb.; 'tlierlaitA1.., fOr.' .' 1 Wli'lelt it '.-la our duty .to rehiniti Silent. Inquiry .as'i to; `..-,v1I'aiti t he will . brtlie . itest , ie. ma kitt_,-rnies). LrIti_ a , • it. S:' a. shal.n.&.; a art disgrace' roi. • ilia ''fre.-t•111-1111-;"3" c's3w di t!Ill)1.1tli . hcl..illigr.lei,),.7t-1111.ky---leariv-r.tf6°Ile' .('1.11.°icli'C:::t'Iitt14. bets*" • Public prints ' 'lb 'be fil 1 Itl • il ' . • . .t . ..-. .. et Iv L. le, , . I .. 10'w and ..mtliseriting c.letitils of crime., IliodYi shal1 bo, full of ..light.1' Tim' i,,'{.• ,./..,,,1 , :ittoi•e'utchaor:ote.flwicionsel.:. .:0.0,:i40‘t.r•14.' '....r.noti.s,.etlii,dir, p.Plilnt,1,111;,ti°1::,1,0401.(1fil.tiNev...11:1:1111.'„.18,:ilttlill'.11.1.....1 ., tonin,-:inii;.1°.1:41.1..t,11.1.n0..',... '17:1:::ItttI:tcli:ii::Itirris,„„*.c'ot":1Nif.e.it:itititi:i..e.i.',.e..,..1::.ei.'...i:1)..,ot.ar,.......c.'.....7.....,,.!...'.., $11,,37.4-,0^.0 11. ,°,0,..),.!. , 5,i I (Iiig' ' .: .., tia.fl.. should''.j3ili himself in ati..5.:w.,-.1..v ' -ttio ix,x1., •Is ' the••••avell let ' . 1.,u,r, p.oste.: '.1n secret-IQn, the atietninitttOna' that I gh..(t.;,('Ine '8. I .t.t..;)).i,s1 1.10(0,1.,coi1111/41,gi:: .,,6,.r,;•:rtil,00 . 4-1/,,,oi'isiiiilei,,,i, ilozss...11 11' 'in k..ainh.),!,‘-v 1. ii07:init"ii-;,1-0;51.11..d.. (1;lai.,15,i1s911,..,v191,111-: B. utohe.- •-°-•;i1<;-!ititil:011?t):;''Ll?r01:(.1,.I.I.I'.....'..,I.I.,...:. 4:• (altei i-400...55gg,.. ; kept covered. Jesus said, "041 secret..... octr 10 ' ido.rl.a. t,ettit..,t..f.i.m.i. :of , t If.dir horfticil., . MY is' -: . Con L.,ra'stief' .1 I.,...0 01 nuillittS". GPLI''s. .' It; om_ ' I,.'4.(cidoo1cptiI it.:11dIst:u....:.I.I.'.,I,',:..,....:.,...I.:......I.. '' . .I3,e°4-5:1).,.,.tiI°0. ti : Indulg•e on, /).;ttn 'of death.c_.;.ffoet...5„.. ....tkve : ,"Tlum.. 'shalt" and - '''' t' ' .. t ekett. 1 flan i , .!;11_1e_S 71 1(.11 D.0. flt. .1vere 'torn -acted to • niiikid$ tvre ,i)otli tiega.tive and jib -4- ,.'f:le.,(:.1::::g6iiltio....r.t.:k.....e.k3.0.:::;,..''T. .3''60 10. 4 60, ' I 6.',,,,,,,,• •1,011 tO• 3,80 t.115 -e33-. InirheeY:rej-Jarro6vedr.":-1"::1(1).."V.(1.":4-''''.1-Viii' ' ....11'llt.'..ni)tf'.'..T.Ile -1.11' f . ' ..nd "It 8 '') -- ' . -' --- -° l'"i6.:1;.::'."..•........i.1 . S'S•45.J00:1:0 5:3.7°0: .. . ,Iniegshat..-tItIte-If•So.r,(t)ii.feo..1)71:119tuigvililtic,:thodi.,cov,r,. violat io.niiivreclIed:'6thbelltirl:11;e:0::tI•to :tile. ,wlia.t • Wri S • cpnc.0-a led . before In .)10 ilL•••• bo :siiii,_-, tito 0Lstimatid tite . t '1 •- I. 1103, ,0, l',/lOge,c.1,..1011:;-•aeittwi..iti....,.......,..........''' ..'76.i.,I.1 tt::, ifil 00 10) niailv,pi' sVreck I•U'floivs'cliS'e 1}4.•.1 11. 1.1'tis ..... . ''' 1 15 A° 46 060 .' fol,,, tlip"... ra.Lie, . Wnit.„ "Chou- , t_•s in Alii,l,c1,:c,`:,',*:..Pit!!-;,..,::.' ,..-' iri iiwits, f.,1 lite 1.,e .1 1. ..,.,..1 b .. . ivii.,...„ ,... , .. .., . , no. . t.ninli :with, Hog's. lit -iii per • 'L. ' ‘• .1 - P ill , sooner or •Iligoi 111-•,tier'cwt.....).....'.1 ' : 5 75 t ' 0 00 ' 1.. ,1 ,c. an, . y a , , -t-•, 1 te.tribution .1S,4 Put tItere' are sorne • subjec,ts about. at 0 .1. , -Tr r t n holy.. •cx-apipio. a 0:1 4, g_.001.3.• life .iiiake•, 'later 0¼ (1 '.1.1te Allan. 'who . ti,„0-• • ., ilii•it.i.sta.- Il 4itt. Stpek 1ita'rkets,. . . • . ., . „ • . • . the - - nation ...whileli . en:- I. . 1...ohdon,' ltai;Ch ,17..--.Cattl.h are Un4 • • • • •. . • :rimitids on. the ltillgdr'al'''°17 d'arlit16"' ',(4110.1131•gs:17,',1;')Ier gigant ic : .wrOsig, ...• : It1 . it • , .clifingeir at 1 2 11.-•' to) 1:1 1-4-d per ' rh.. Tlirr11 011' •ItI°:. 14111CI: 1" " LrIt'... ns" .kin3:117. Ia.." txcets" of ever.s. kind'', inebriet.v. I' t•ii .s. • d we" "-lit • 'retri er•ttor'.beef; 10C. . the truth .abent :the devasttitions of ..-0.. (),- ':-.•.. . -...... . • . .. :' •, 1 ,f .. .4- 1 -'''.:'• e •,, •.•6: , , g , . .... • . . . . • , . : . . .ertitiptaiity, .itistillity, .antl flip . oi)„,- iier lb:. . .., . .•,.., - • , Idle- liqucir ---------------------etire.. ' • 'It 14,,: AIW-iiII'ke'I'est, 'e -: _if-". ..P.t,".a.ti0n 6,1'. ...,...e.',,,p ,1(,:1-,,,,,,i_..,0, c Imii;-•.,.. ...,....,/i/A.,',is''t,',..eti:s:' ,o':F;'' .7").!.4ixe, .., t „,,' ,,,, „-:.••••,„, vi.1 1 mil . (-)1.• nation..1) nob. 1 t5., .. . ., . „ , // , e• , , •. . :., . . ., -$.1 Perk 17:1'.4 ant' (.'41b1f-iil) • 0• '''' 1' -••• :-:•":",-.. ----Tiny nkri'd :lc St,. :1.0-1 .'•pra Lite.. Tile 'fi r st, ; 1!,11s1nes§ at. Aloat vett 1 Int s been. inoti..• :bet 1! sl 00.0, and de:I:01 are ii sed", to, rep," : tlio11•11spOsiti.ciii. ; the .scePritl, ti i) ex- t crattlY it cttle :'Llifs' week: ..,1.1u,•hiess., .resdIrt .t11.0. said -in a • Pinfal Stat,e". pro..... 00.„.• . . • , 101• ti.in fot mcr t in•ri *•-" ih • I•uk,. n'weSt: is 40 11 f‘xpii,',,iiht,' '.gr6i'l>1¼ ;.'•1', •.'0".1,10 of (1) • 410c°1-1'se1°11 9. ' al wil .,'S ofteasion.. 4041. 3)! 11¼( 'is .1 n1-„. owing-- te t lie 9 rtling'ull'..of .11..1rge new.• .., ,ness., .f2i..s.detateg -s.e.curity..,(f.'d ,dark--. Wft,t-SI'lii•OPer.. `114 lio.So ofreiet li praise '',, ,-, ritet.s• •6 f la rei• 'for setfirintent ;Ind ' . neas, (1)• i11aetivitY,...(5)....litieoneerti.t. gioriripi h. alp., ....,:ithoro aro ,.00 (i1.,.._,1 tho Inerelis.e.ii..... 1, tint.ber , .0T • , ,set tle'rs • 1 ''llite•dect111 hicliideS 'L101.111041 Of 00r- cumstanties. rto severe': n.;;' to pri'cliide : gorng, rule 11)1 001)011) .1110" 104-11.113.-, . rii ptl ()It. ' Shalt sIllhe 11P1.1) a I ill f''''. (13 •Vd 0..,:e) is ion , for. .1, lin nk.sgiy iiitt,.• If. - in' rf,d, :trial •. ar 1.14 it', • it. • the. 11110 t Imo Pro- ' .• ..7.-$11 eddihfr, • for 1> his:. 1010• .101v...11 1111thCy: Plight I be'. IN'orse ....tit- Sail,: tlieY.'. 411110¼ 4,1 ',the eliti't is iirto 'Ie.:lasing a • • •:.peri.ed in t.0 our hen rt si-a nt1 t lips gring- eirght ire 'itiore• so r ro‘Vf,40:, ,,''OcAt' fil is •Itig.•.`denlianil. for ,st ;I. pl ft 1,0>) 1, The:, .....ing •iiii; Into' a atate.'of rcSt. ednifort. no. Pup' r•Noilf U» 4111 >1 t> U•00:' ,.. 4 gehertd-conflititins or. tra4,10,-nre .gociii. : , . • a 1141..1fo11 mess. . .• , •.... , •,. - . . ''. • • • . .. •Tlie on leek fo -bust-less -till 1 he hei- - .,.., •17,,,,,,. Citetimspeett 1.v .„, -gee, n.1'. 11:1ti55.h- .. • • of • saintlier ...I.5 4 l'oayileill:trly, THEgi.1;.*AS NO DISTURBANCE '.g1n11111'f- -.. I. tii , ,,,11(.1..en.ilt.kity; in. •aitd-or .to •Ifv.61,1 , .. , ..,„.„ • . . • . ' . '•1111 0111..s•lig. 'Tit>. .dein,and. ,fo.r• Inoney ia .... • .. .•. . • • • • . danger: : 'Tile eliris'tian..,11.cods, • to he . . ,., , ' '-f-,--- , . . • , • • ., .' 41,...,1. I.A'e, :lilt!, th,Q•'...a Lex,•c0; t1nit;' i-teatlyi' • • , • -.,,...pr udent.-, • . - ' ; • .. • ,:•.. . •• • : ' prho ILI i it...w.tintitii • 1% ith.•.•a' CI ub I% new: I, 117;4.1 411e.110.,11.Q,85 •itt,.li, .11•3i•It 0 '1 taw , , , • • bpen: tilii,•1.y. no lv'e >i i .4 week, • The " oporo .tiiuo is to regain. what is", lost". itild to sfi Ve ttilutt isleft.--Ilota: 00111. ' .. . •.• • • . • • , ' • ' . . 1...• 'R.PCI:01-.!:/11,ing',•: .til,O., 1:4111PL-TO. ' re- • ...A., ..p.'61,,:,1 -,1:114141:119•17.11k1.10. 71‘1.'cli7111.1.,,:lot.:.tt,,',.11,..i st,i till, ..,frt,t,,,..,0,11.).11,..;(.;0, noa.,1.101.1,,:•],,ii,.;(., •;.tisrbenb.a,.s1.13;.i.o.iii:tobre,frieriss .....‘ . . • . • .ter:n.g..g11)lig,...!.1.yrtl., fi•vtaille tlip 0 111•:.'r tvelt.'sanill wed . 1 t good wag4i,s.' " ." The ' 3) 1,.,)>), ilk: PI, 4.):).,Itiek:' ,:-.a)45, 4.1 woulaso 541. Ivilfit flr,,. rap, ..ju.:1•1a.l ,c; bas:,,- • u5n,o,- shii3S, . • . .. ••v.ho .1,14.H1 • a . ('Eri) in ,11 i'r li-m-vtl ;flight, me(ft,s. to 'retailers, win) -1111.4e... been to' ent,(51- a s'alopt,o Pad: 1.1.01,,1,11 piai11.. liti.zing litierad,i, for the. sort Ii4, and', for 4 1 1.1.1 - :111d ' 8:1 it/ ''• .',•'. ,.• , , • 10 1/.1.1`,,(11111. iI-Plill. 4 .1.f ,.1-;'3)1e goo is ;lie .'.' ...1.1a(1z1 141, 3.1)11:, ;1•1•,ii; filii::,1.•it.kon ' iu tiu, . •16rnii•ig forwar, titroUgli'..tito custom* ,tipor:, That is -a , sr) 1(.1(.1:1•••• : ..'- ' • , 'V, ,.... :•1 II:1, from doirioL t1i" mit lifiicturt•?i; in - "..1 ',I.Lai()Iv if ,-ti rid ritii te.lierile1. Po • 1>0 4' ' : Cite 0051.. '1'110;01d 1•Cialc 'rfcit' Iwo in ,,ss.' Is • 1.11 ke slif" 14111i1. , . :*, • , . elicourngli:g.. , .111,111.es of st •I !de . ftnd ' •!,'8'D. 1(41! .,-44-41. t 1 t 4(4 . p;ti i. ip: 1 i to r'e, l'il,?" 1111 01 it'd • goOd" cent i in-, 1'> 110 '. PLLY- - •" 1:4,14);". , ', .. • ..:.•., ", ,.',. ,, . ., . ' • . .the.nt,,..; .r, e‘c ell', ly dni,t,i(i.-been well Met:, . orgic•.1,;.0401110.,.ini ... . Whii•lhi onin -i..vt t'-' , ".0..i.nt.', i...,. ;A.. ,,, .':',1.4.,...i.i,•:.,to ',14.e.t. Spring >4 itle to•itinites " o And ;Vila i'.4, t cr. t.1:116rot• ?7,`'• • ' q+,liet•e Vs a 'tt•Oi; 1 Id:. 111t1 11(.1 for ,,m.frovieni'ov s of 1 p.. , .. • 'Ites 1(t:t 1 ,11.ki." mailmen. 1111111i fig :141011t., , 8.01 r.t.f.0 fol.; !row; ; 1,..a1wa y.t; . int vf4..t o w 1>1> I. li d: .0 en 0 r.. a pproit elf Of ; 53)1 Ing t heir' ill f•.;01s 'from R1111,1.1110,r. to conto ' fin. .i.i in w i1.11 , ;1 • club,' ; Lt ••theii 1 ' in.. Wiii.nippg, • ttn,1 : ttai do . .dent.res in „ .estion 1 der . ' :apnea ring. to,, 1)e •In• every 11 1. ,hou'r." ' .,.. . I'. - , ' . I'... ,..•." t 31)1;110.)1)n'. ge 0 Pic! Ily, 10.L1 ' .1 lie .nier-'' , 8,1)i1s( 00,n)iilete1T 1': 1111¼ ., - •• . . -' ..i„.nil,., ,.01(,,ri,lutist he 110 14)111.' in ,"4-i1(131tH•t1'1'.14 ttfk. Ii.r 101 IF',,,Ntl'ern, ly/htlie... ' . . 8I3raa are sintitti. .(soder; witeeis. and. 1 wa:,...!tilnimitat mr.as. the rrihrflire, of , .11.s.:, 1'„0, ,,nr),,t 41rliii,k..:_.1)0'.i104•010,,,0ilip ,thore;1 eamtiolo),1••1 he ,offii;or, • „,„ .._ fa...1104f _w., 4.11e re4424.0. for bi,444:4,-,..s.. all 1).• and. .the...ati•itivi• IS Often of old' the .stiblintie :and the :ridiculous" :front drullk011 . with . 'wine and 'not hit^ fools ." Nor: it ' bit. of '4. i'ir .1:011 1; >11 . "I" ..-.. ';' '. ' ' ' • . ' " - . ' . " ' • lace- or ficelle: color t. It ,ia. diffiehlt Punch which. Made. the deSerilied, en- ' or nettireen. ,T1lere.. Wor0 doirlIt10‘is .r1 g•Il` 11(3> >1>11 see'. 11140'''. she' g96s'',.)fr•••• ,;„• 1 •••,, .... ,* ' - • 'r•-...,.. --,- --.-"'-'''-' to. t'ell :the 'One frciiit Idle other. The' ,tertaintimnt.S0 effeefive. • , ... • ,00nverted >1> 011k iini0,0;,;..,111. 3:41.( 314,a,^,11411('r"..L'u'Isto WI' ,l1T111 '.1 .11.11de'r-' .- '''''''a.In".."41" li" 14•11".1.4".181". ' ray631all's- 11 I'll ' ever' fa,itlittil to 'their " Some people 1.. jitio.v lv1•10 ,‘+et;p iih 'Chris:P.111mi to*,)vhoro 1.?6,01'.,"%y'rol:6•'at141 :4."1! 11"8• "'Mi. • • ' • • . :.• . '• ' ' • 'the' f°1 19Y1'1!. 4.`3111.0414 Ililv°t't:isP".- lOs 0 .. of . black ' and , White, ,Itarsion- i'int sear path fo'r novel tilitasemehts wine was ,thtlr .11$tiecblit tictilw.cf-,•" rii-' • • Th'''''''harm ''''''''''1, "T`'• .1'1"•;° mid ",TY"•"11'. 18 1111“11' ir°111 li Siti 111 411 JP"-' • , , . • ',T.tti3„-ino., .oppo.r. Margin', 3 -Ity en gerlyseir,ing 1.1111 yno-• bY•triligence.• bY 101041 aly.;', Plica.thm ;this enti•be done. .,DaYs'.a.re. t)reseilt al' :(10 tiger - ons, :arc' . of troithics: 01111. , , tompta:tigna. find.; Only.;.'the walell NI 1 '.,11.r111 .41111 g t, i e • a. reas011 pectt ,tfl.,keep rinent$ 010;1 '• 17. 1 ,iPit noti.'fool ish 3114 T.3-.Itern " 1.5 ' a nioSt. .evident: allustott to. 1110 they 'Will be :NIMultted 00 those -Linn 1 i(•,1 I:hilt...II cailtviut ...9•009741,r,64, CA .10o4tins r. is 114,0n„ 4.4.412.44 cr. , ',ns ind ()yr. • •4".••