HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1902-03-21, Page 447.4s. 4.4,770„..4,41144,40eS4 ".4. • 44.'"e444,44'4444v*,*4.4.."4.4,4*44°A44441''ri44 I , • ,t:71 -4% ' . - 4.1,•;47,044 '4:414,0 '4-'0,444099$0‘&14: • • • 4•, ' 4 2 ilCknOW *atilt . T° VI.4_368-1.;:411-11:;11::*.4411:41: llta40001D Bova tif. Mt 0101101 iaT111111 L Mery alsit 1,00a. __ILO 310W* '', aiX Pil-aliaENTAVNION, tEnal Ilif . ' -nliatliticUltil . . , „ • rOti, tt,c e litisitigss• in the store ,-.,'• The Ontario. AgliCaltural lied E*....” 1)°-'41'"i"-•"11:... , ' `' : , :. .. - - , '',' i) ..'48.;-Pniing '. ci't .Pclat.°° ' ''hich, lately oceupiod by .1Ar.',VPed. tiibntii foi- "experimental porPellee , verinsental Ulliea ie preParel t -ed!'", hovae.vre„ wanitdilwlehaidelip.. ihalsvt:ro, 0,t eon .,,C.°14.te.:dr.: ..0,12:,in.44:y4 ! ,N..y.iil..e..,,s1r.e..,I mr..4.0.1,„ plla ix . • t 11cie, to... 'to. sqlge of li,IxtY-Ave. a,ii SOSICI:Otleading.,VArOtieel 01 larPIA 003rno_wivaisbnet,i:iii.:047 ici' •rn,,,,,,w:t7c, i. to. , ' .t.t.i1:6:14,1,,lriefriiit.C..71S).11rbo'Fldr.0,1Q..e.ei:;17 a....,.....t4 s ' ttriners in.eaoh County and i. Ilietriet 'a. quuie's(a4 eX cellent varierti.OsiOf, early 0 , , , , • atOotiii*: Each petsrin•who Wishes • - , • . , ' • • o'.. - . Remem er. -we. pay • the . ` taterial- for either2, umberO•.,s or , . .,, . ,, ,,,, . . . ,, ,, -, , „. . 'tinatbet'''26 ,.e4Ferinceet ', will • be 1".or .' ' 'h1"44t, efi.-s11.' 'Pyle, f'•••• ., ..,,, •' , •', ..; . . '' ' ''' ' 1-0eee00"4 ' ' .' . .• "t o, condtint. an nsperiment and Ls will:. $"ng to 1,110 great.eare and aceerael.lo". . ' d d b ' itres, and •'•'fer' Sack 'Cf. .,"''''' , ,:'..1 • a i.: : • War e '' Y e` ' •,.. ,' -., • "' ' i- ' Give ''D$ fk- call„.alliti ue•canr. ..'• • VOCAL :, iI,I1C1':' - 1BS1'-11MfIttta,1. :the`sferk and tsport:the:results'of t0, "theT"OilIefflit, will be sent bY thaii•;,.....' ' .,„'' i „''''' • ,..1'..e, •', ',,, s' c- ';':, n .',,' , , ,, ' f". - test 'directly. after. harvest ...shonld - `-'„,114.1181.0. and- Hatmogy: .*:,.. . . ,. '€'16" th!"2'43aet ' exPerlinelit'-desir° . ' '' ' .' ' • r'dA. Aic.trZltAuvravilzeollrege v.L.11°e".' ''' . . ' '' ' ' ..,are tad,Ighr. hy "4. and Jipply .for „the Satn" '0'4 A0011 , lasENNETT . .,... . P. KE'r, . •br. ' li .e. T , imeteriel wilt be for_ G ,I11, March 1.5th 102. . • warded fin,..ti, crder 'in ,..which the' . , • ;._,...' • ' ' . ' _ . CAMPBELL BLOCK LUC ' 'JD' II- t'...1 S 111'.....• litnited:" supply.,',is . aShaustelid., , I Al- Bolow is '14'1".;e1i. :a. "el'. cl'i•' t '(;:-' t''hel' - '.''' 11N°114' , „ , , , • ., . pPlications • are received , ' ilia ' the ' 's -Po' No 0. .'iilitalliis. ." :• , G A NEWTON, .:-. 1lioigh, material or, not,. . „ ,.. „ t; !,ivir,i3,la more tehaauti. . nt..irlY ...,ex.,ani,..ilia,,tions, Iteld..ititTiin:: --, ‘ .. :7,,,v.,;..,ctiiii,:o' illicon. tt,.8',.: , 1104or g.r4i.lii,rt.ite , in, Aen,tiBtry , T 0 r Lk ,. S. ,, No: 9, iiiniese, the names of the wishing , ,.,, .:11,,,, of elle . Dental College, and Dooior of Dental. One :eiperitiu0n. , , , . .., , pupils in the veriuus,, ulasses being , ... ,. , you the .„,,f, , .seimon. , goery,Tor6nto 13 niversitY; All ofodero,Plan tit be well for 'each Sp- . ••• , • , , .' . • ' . ' . , , . • •,. ., , °Operation and carefulness iu workmanship Ter -rile, At might ;;'order of- inerst :---. • - • - • ,,,___...,, , ,..... 11:.i3.Allin'sbloel{,upstairs. „ • . ,. aternooi lea t,l10 Scat Could not e granted.. Giros ., milea mcmiiiwo. 4 ,., ,, s NA/ ' 1 ,:to t.iiie. this op - • -2--• . — will Vhd t fi,,ipley ev•er .T-hursday • l t to make a second choice for . 1 -;--Three varieties of oats!, ,' ,, . ' !J.!' ity, .(Lt.z•zingenth'oriogton :and ' pt-i..tunity • , to 01.4114 ,a, e.)ur . . ' .. ire u.suran,sle.,...... • ii ' . F 1 ' , -. r . , 3 -Two !ftriet,jors of 4olleF13 1)4103r4:71 Oue14,,AleX4'Aleacitilnql;:'itinv!na Sleit , _n• u'll.e• f°u.s '' • 'friend!' "roF- tbeir .., - ' • • . 'Inre your property:.agarnst lOss ordam tIlt old reliable National and isic!.Kennedy; equa,l); RObert-,311-..- -, 2 • HThree, varietieisix rowed bailey ,Dn , -4Erniner'(Spelt) an two vane res, . ,, • liberal patronage ,in the past,. Ilt.,,? rtg ,11, 1?' ,,..,ric.'..e„.ie'nip,..tiieci, low rated, and 'punc. an4 22÷-Y�.varieti(la of gi:atiaeS, Yarietieq'of field breaut. '24.,Three varieties of Sweet corn, • 10-‘4,Pnitilizcre with‘carly. :Corn • • • Sdsh " • 27,;.,:a ppt4t:Ppgi on ..the:: level I *iSati't.?•,'ilifC,itiii..94;3'.ftifT.1,, MRS M ARMSTRONG ' ClIER OJ - • . , vicirnty and. in 1,, fig Oultur.I.ity hl§ „of 14"orrY \earlY that 1 11:1,VP opened up a farm1:!••iali°7'0Qietet 014ov' 03 1 , •;.; • • • • • Be 4fricilcP'Y'itlia .O0'114,tOrs.: el . , . Kiss Sdit,ta 144$th Is prepared to give leSsOnitengli • PIANO AND ORGAN' FARM PRODUCE .0„,,,ce,,,,Ath7h7e9n,u0EN' , • prepared,for Conservatory. examinations'. • at-18/DA..A'Ore-Canspbeli street. /1/4(ii/413141421/1,1gFa81,311CFC4,141WPWAI,4 • : -.4:1•141.0. • • iWarli 11'8'00%1'0Kr M., 4 GOOP OUT Ok' , et ring wtiettt. sr 'Watson Smith, 0 °03' an r_es f for m, T'eases, Agree t pectfuliy solicit a •Twa variet-ies AlcDonalu -Harry Nixon. •coritinnance o t e sable men 3, M M 111 11 L ttortitern Ontario. atb• erg c an, awsOn , 7 -Two varieties of bug-propf field Form II -Tommy McInnes, John as, 1111cMillan, Robert Adair., Harry -0- peas and two varieti‘s of .i.j.Trentherington., 6 -Three varieties, o e yeas for . :Jr III-40obielleponnick • Wil9Ort t1e ftittyre • • and•Saturday afternoons. Tow 'Hall; Tuesday”; Thursday, Annie Phillips, Sam Adair, Joe Smith. , Give us a call ,before, pur- er JaPaue3e. beano. .Thee Varieties of busking corn., 10 -Three Varieties of Mafigolde. 11 --Two varieties of engirr beets fOrleeding purposes. • • 12 -Three varieties •• of Swedish . , turnip.. • Rabi and two, varieties orfo turnips. • 14-Ps,rsuips and • two varietiesof , • • 15 -Three varietieS. of: 'fodder, or sear corn. •• IG -Three varieties a millet., , 17 -Three varieties Of .sergbuin • 18 -Grass peas and two varieties of Ti' • 19—Doarf Flex Rape and thou-, • nand heeded tide. • .• • 20 -Three varieties ,Ofelover. Part 11—Annts MTIones, bleggie, McMillan, 'Janette, Hoopea, teacher, • FarniProperty for Sale "chasing "your LargeStiand bestlassertment to choose from, • New Figs,..Dates;,110,ins, OraUdeS Nuts etc. • Being lot 7, concession 14,•Western.Divis- 'ion of Ashfield containing75 acres. • Sixty acres cleared. • Conveniently locanid.to school poet office., Has been under Fu= ture for five years. „Apply to '• •2 • • HUGH•CAM1RON,1 . • ' 26j4 LibertysL, Califtnet, Mich. Tenders Wanted. • Sealed tenders will be received up to March 29, 1902, addressed to Trustees of 'Union • School section N. 17,, Asbfield and West Wawanosh, for the erection of a brick school, house Oirpart-oficA 1.4,-and-nart-of lot _ the 3d.concession of West WawanIsh. • Plans and specifications can be seen' and other information'obtained on application to , WM. BAILEY, • Secretary of School Board Duagaunou, P10. Beeeiptsand Expenthtur9s for the Township of West Wavianosh for the year 1931 i: ,; - . - RECEIPTS ' •, • , a Jen. 1 Clash :balance as iper liet- audit . . : ..-. . . . . . . .. . , . . : . .,. . $1635 51 • ' Received balance of taxes uncollected (1900) amt $1222.20 . L. ' lips *1.86- returned to Co.Treas. ...'" - • ' ' . 1220 34' • ,.• • , 'Aintatutt ma C011ector's roll vfl 91.88, less amount collected rip to December 31st. 1901 ...... .....:,..,.N. : .... ; . 6921 50 Nou-reultleut.t4es'frora co Treu........ ..... . .....-.• 4 36 Borrowed, money ... ,. .... . . . . . .., . .,. . . ..... . ,: . . . . , . 600 ' 00 , *fund from ,Treas P V ..,;......: ."..... ..•....%:.•.... - , 33 00 ' '..Total reeripts f:oni all sour*, :, ...-....: ... ,..:: $10414, 13- , 1 / EXPIE3DITCEE :' . ' • ' '. 1' . an. 1 ,.By county rates' due lor' 1900. : ...., ... ..... . , .. , . ....$1606 60 Roads and bridges..... - .... :.. . 1; . .. ; . ... : . . .. .;...._ 1592, 28' School TreanoTer14. dor %school purposes . . , .' . . . .• :: .. . . ; ... 3841 5-i Borrovied.inonev ($600), and intereet•for 4 mos• 'at 5% . 610 00 .,.. • Bill payable, for road grader. ,...,.. ; .. : .... ... ' - 256 '00 ' Salaries and allowances •' ......., ,.. .2. , , , ....: .. '. ; •.. ,, 604 oo Printing s.nUititionery 80 05 -,-Spe-ciat grantei:charity). ......- . ..; 7 i .•'. i .,f ......'.. i ... ij, 413 0 -0. - Police Village; deli .No 5 ....... , ..... ..,.' . , . , ' . ; ... . , 46'8 • ' • Police Village refund ($2,34), Treaaurer (s24A 8) . .. , .• . '26 52 Manchester &sin, deb No !2.,... . '... „....' . . ,•. . 4 :. - 28.,12. Young's drabs, expenses ..., . ., .,......• 4 • . 4, • • ., , i • ; • , .. 5 00 'Du Innen drain eipentiea ' " ' . ' 60- 00 SS: No 3, deberitnte and conpf.d. ....., ;.........'. i..... 610, 92 . , ., . Lawyer's advide...............;.... ,/,, ,,, '..... ; , , .. , :; .. 13 50 Aliscellaneous. itenis...- .... ./..,.. .,. -,..,.. . • , , ; 141 52 , 9669 89 744 84 ' Chearier than ever at • eltElsTZIEVEt Who 'Wants a Fa -m9 I have over 4000 acres of ehdice farm' lande for sale, in 50, 75, 100, 150'and 200 acres, lots in Kinitiss. Greenock, Bruce, ;Kincardine:, Huron and Ashfield townships., Good land -with good -buildings te be sold cheap on ea1tY terms A good saw mill for sale, almost for 'a song ; also,a good blacksmith shop kdweii- ing in-counec.ion), doing a good business, for sale cheap. A general store with large _trade, live' village. Also a large amount of money to loan at 5 per cent. For further particulars , apply , j. A . Molth.NZIE, •44 'Insurance Agent. Holyrood. ATTEND THE BEST., IT PAYS.: )7 . • It-- Gra a .• IVICNAI3,0:E.. ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR .• SEAFOIRTH P. O. ' r f h S f th . gineer o • tug OM, ea or Howiclr; Culross, Etc. C'ement Side- walks, Sewer a and Township Drains Will be glyenr. special attention; Engineer for the Village of 1.ucknow. Agsnt for.Continental Life Ittsuranoo Co.> for til County,of Huron. •- District Agent for New York Mutual I.ife, Insurance Cignpa.ny, Those qooi *or:limp—Our lines,,ato co:nplotO. If 7ou aro not,,pn 01.1T list of buirors • It Tim pa 7o.11.to.let-thezo. 4 NIC STOCK QF 'E1S1I.:GItQC1ilFS A: I W A YS' 0* ...11A.N.D...• GivE u.s1 'FRIA. • • GROCER LTJCKIN0w.; I'L ' ' • • • • • , 1 1 • . . , 1 . , ' n , , • ... , ' ... For Sale .or To. Rent o#4.:00,0,A,...•41t'fr • • • A large,' and commodious frame, house on Havelock.Street,'one quarter:ofa' mile north ottoc station'. '1'helonse.contains five rectos and w,onaish‘il. 2,On the',prernises there is a good franie, stbe and small • Orchard,. The. lut cis •tains' one ator three•quarters acres -Siidtairrirg11:-`-'0wner-will-either-rent:- or. sign at areasimable AIRS„' ;FAS: R. FA l'40(..`N..• ••'; , , • B.,x 180 14ckctow 1.0,' • • - • • • • • STRATFORP, 04T. A school well krtown ,from ,one end .o,f.Canada Co the other foritsauperiot work. 7 Students at, any ,time.. G.raduatesreadilyseettre, etn, ployment. , Write, for Cal alogne, - W. J. EL,LlOrf; Principal. 1901 BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31 Amount on donectors"roll • • • .. 4...889.01 88 'Total taxes dollected vo date. , 621. 50 1' S YOUR Its a Condition of Your Nerve's That Either Makes Your Lire , • A Round of Pleasure or , A Useless Burden. • Is the place togo when you require any of the following articles • • • Bedroom Suits, Springs and IVIattr,esses,j1 .Chairs and-, Parlor Suits, • * 1Sideboards, Extension or.,,Oentre Tables,. . • Window Shades and curtain . • , Pictu-res—antljP-teture—Franiing.. •..Our goods and losi•i.ezi suit evt,Q1Judy. Call and be convinced. . . . . . ov‘oto4A04144vAnreew . OUR Ul\TDERI'AKING. DEI"4TIITNIINT Is .complete in -every • i'espeee, : Calls atterided , . To, many women life is, one round to dayor niht: ,. • . , -Of sidkness, weakness and ill health . . , 4, To attempt the lightest household duties fatigues them. Many Of ;the, sympoms,accoMPnyieg this state of • (leline are:' a feeling of eireflec,s4 on -waking,' faitimag, dizzness, sinking feeling, palpitation of the heart, short - nese of breath, loss of , appitite, cold : . . hands and, feet headache, "dark circles •••••••••"":-...7-„Lij................_-_,..._ _ __......,......._,__'n„!.o.!F.L•r.. 1 ' ...4emivtiPeeeeeeef.: weeeweideeoNeeeeeee,,,,C,, halvreinee Jolit_nsta_,„ STORE NEXT bOOR TO 'POSTOFFICE, LUCKNOW I.1 under the eye8,, pain In the back , and Important to Breeders and Horsemen. side ank all the other accOmpaniMents of a rundown arid weakened constitu- ,, .All these 'Symptoms and conditions arc Sim ply th (4 cf8 poor quality' detective circulation of the blood. With ,aw.a-oLA .4 nerve forces. By feeding the systena with • A rel lab • an , mou( y remedy '• f.or Curbs pints ii 8eiatfli:ewd!Ltmp , pAmpn itA)E mAIot which ac cothpalifts ,,ei4ry; bttle, givirg scientific treat merit in the varinus dieasek,' It can be Wed n,..every edj:C. (If veterinary, ;Pratice where ..!tiraulating applications and blisters kat pre- ;cribed. it has 114,St1101q1t,. 'Every brittl. •edd 1.5 guaranteed te giver satfattior,. Price 75o per bottle., Sold hy -draggs„s and country- strof,-k' ,Proparo41 TILE A. V I.; it .;;I. , a I NE 12M ont, To Rex', .1..,-4(Mtietrektp, lit t ,4 '141 10 ., of .8, ..e.i.,titkity Balance of uncollecsd taxes , , '. 4 • ,:,..4 ';,, — , — `.. , -, . ''. $1370 .38' Ws 4 • ni'it chig,•'• ".11.-eimraria . , , , , 4, Iiild,40i'ilne/r1I th(r.KiiII‘iti4 IsioadarY milCs •!.Xrit, . ' ' ' ' .. '; ' ' AtAitii; , ' • ' • . - • of ° tire village of 1,iicktioNV Tilt, orchard' ', 'FOIl, SA '1..*,.(i . .... nontainA the iir..'est kTrAii of M...i•,.-r iiilis.: NEV ..GROCERIES • CANDIES . -....' t -..s ' , . •. ', - .,..bed.: 31 Cailien hand thiadater._,' .,•.,... .', . , . . ,.. „ ,,-; , $ '.'" • Uncalected .taree 1901 ,. .. ', ...-.. , , ;:......,..,': , '1370 '88 '• i ` tented ell,tiqi t:1) ',11. :4141t"i'Me Irmi6.nt.- Yet • St;oek in Agrroultera & 4.Ssociaion . .,•, :. 10 00 . , • • turtiti- partioilars sillily to• • CONFECTIONER( . '. . FLOUR iSt FEED "".. . ,,, .... • ,. .. . Tottiothip propety, . , .., ..........'.',.,, -800 .00,, ' ' • • \ , Alff)s,.A.(1,:sk:vv, .w , 11,161.OW . ,',. , , - .. ::• ONT.. er MEATS, Etc, ,Etc.. , • • ' . • ,, . : :',, '. '' •:,,, .._. Nria•resident,. taXes•"..,:: .• 7 4 4... . 4,...: , .., .... . ..,. , . ' , ' S -89 . ' , , . , .. , . ,. . • , .. ., ,,I ITtmit Totclotep,' The 4lid,t: '::: ..:, '..,....,,,,. . -• .',. r:. ...„ Evorytiiitig il ow “Ii4..up-t0- date, Call ii anti" See. • r . ' ,' ' ' • LiAilairTIOS ' , , : '' , , Dueon clot Of COnnty'.rates.....; .. , , , ... `, ; , ; 8,10./0 pa. , - . '•..• .,- '• ' : •ine. -,• NO tiotible 'AO slioW gtied::,.',. ,.. - • . . , „,' - "'.. .4 : ',Liable tn alsemt, its DangarinOrt Agri & ii 13. ,,A.sifo .., i-0' OP • ' , : .... • - ii . CirdkotOeS'Ailall,,„ .i.. , ,,,.."....; :', , •. . '.; , .2, :,..:'; .. .; , ;.,' : ' I 5 00 ' '' •:;',; Akcj10D' SI: . SYSTEM..7'RENOV•A:11()ii '. , ' ..' ...'• • , P , • • . . *-.• , ' gS" No 3;- 2, tiebentirree.. '''• '',."...,....,......t "... . , ., • •48 '06 ' ., • , , . • . . .. • , ' - • ManChester 'deism !I deb. ' .. . , ' ', ', , ,, ; :, , 28, 62 „ . ...- :. l'Aitter V.,6.(i.s, atid 411 lcitilq of V' trill l'to(lat0 /a . " Police. Villae, 2 'clebentures,;• each •$46,84 . - Oa 6S ,'" 1 ' :0aIt and tilliiilciie.1166 .., '1,1 it, oxei;,,la forgw)cig.. '.: '. Ive,:ttie'iiiidetpigned anditors, 'this ilth Ilfiy of...Vet4intty, Ia.of2;, • :,` . . ...* • ,, -•,,' 'I Voiiiiiii-ine...A. '..the,,..Ttetnitirer'S,' hooks., end., .,,p,tie.d.,•,,onuc:ll;e_rs ittp'•:.,‘00,1)•,..,',. payment 'At ti 4'irriii piewisre:in "stating tiat,.,tilefonic,„ itii .,, .,....'':...-,•.,:,,,',.,2.,,,t;-,..,"„*4*,1 like.e3144.4,;,-, 4 'I. in (11i1;tlitt (1 t‘' Of Ailitittoiy, 196q, flt 11'661Uref' 0 6 9 , .:,: • iti 400d ellaPO; *tk „,-,- 74 -i..„,;•7.4!:',."'..72, -a-..-•.-_-.217..,:-••------ -----'•---,,----•r•,•':'",'"•-,••;,i;;,*X'"-i'-7,•;--r-'4-'''•''-',,t""'''''''Y•-- • - : ',,..,--'-----,--”,-44g--4-"ttt-•--;-,---7,'r$'-•:•^',,-,..4:,,,,,,,,,` ;44- ',, ---,.,--,,.444...=,,,&...tz.:-;'2:=';!".,;,--2:;...'.,,T4V.q.4:,.444:7,;!.„.,,,..,,.- , ,,, :,,,,,,-.4.,..., ,,,,,r ,,,,,. ,,,,v,„,I,,,, . ,,,...,,,, , , SOltil Bfiwiffn. , d abet'. ,/ kblt lirtl ggit:00 *iite (r47d1, L0, Z i IL 'Vtet10341. 66tAiii;31t Oiit, :; . : . . !de „OlingPOOY EQ ' 4: . ,.,. .,' * • oi..d. big.: iff,. terty &, oil.i:'106knoyit.,, iim,viimmoida,,iwvodie,e.toiiiiwaiii,.4.4.iAioi,,•;,40eimi.aA0..40 • 1,:. .., ' ''' 'Bloiia:e comviaints e c.; .,0 , , ' •.'• ' , r -., • -,,,., ,. ,, -,.. , .„ ... . , • , . • •• ..... , 1 , 11 , • I 4 , . ' 4 -cktioltt't,, . . , .., • . , . . ......_____.__ . :-,,..):14.:,::.„..., ,.„..„,,,,.,,,...,;,,„,,.,,47,,,„4,,,,,„,,......_..__„...„„...„,.•„_,4......„,„.„,,,..„7„7„:„,,„,1,,,,,,,..„,„„,„...4..:„........,„.„...„.7__,,...,...___,,...,....„.7.,„..,.„.mv,44,..,..,,,---,'-'r.'ki t'''''.;!' '' !-'14""4"4.'i0.6"'''''':"44''''''' '''''''''.4'"0.'"*4•WW.."..**'' '41'''''','"444;*'.'Y.'''''''' ''''''' . '' ' '' ' : ' ''' •X{', •• --,4. ,..;1'. t.:4ts;' , m } . ',5 s , , . — — , .• t .., • i . I .• 4 ' s .:, , 1 In r 11-1 rt. You strike at. the root of the- *disease and fotiridation on which co build.' Soon the weight inceases, the. aullten cheeks' and' Wattened bust!.; fUl•out,,tie eyes get bright and the thril) of renewed, health aria stength vibrates througic•thesystern,.. Price 56 cents per box • I beo• to inform the citizens .()1' Ltilitn.wi and suit otinding country that 1 PtichaFe91 'tbe business lately, co:.ried 01.1 by MI. Tli()s Rid, ot !d (.)i)poite Lm know where I i)(vw 1) t -t tit lete Titles , e (.011p ,„ I , -41