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The Wingham Times, 1908-06-18, Page 2
TO ADVERTISERS $otioa A# changes must be left at this offsloe not later than aaturday noon. The copy for changes mast be left not later than Monday evening• Casual ted up to noon Wednesday of eap h week. ESTABLIBSED 1872 7,114 WIN.'HAII[ TIMES, JUNE 18, 11013 OUTLOOK FOR LIBERALISM IN An Independent Opinion, 'It�Ai TIES. H. E. ELLIOTT, Pn8L188IDn AFD Paoraitnott THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1908. NOTES AND COMMENTS ONTARIO. Montreal Witness. We doubt if any more brutal and altogether indefensible piece of parlia- mentary warfare has occurred in all parliamentary history than the hold-up of the estimates and of all the bnsinese of the country undertaken by the Con- servative party for no more worthy pur- pose than to secure to itself, in defiance of the priuoiplee of the constitution, the control of the electoral lists in Manitob a and other parte. It certainly is ancon• etitutional to demand for the Provinces the control of the parliamentary elec- toral lists, and if Parliament chooses to take these lists out of Provincial hande no one oan make any reasonable objec- tion, even if it took them into its own. But when the control of the lists is to be transferred entirely into the hands of the judges and thus placed out of the reach of political manipulation alto- gether, the demand of the Opposition becomes as egregious as their method of enforoing it is subversive of parliament- ary liberity. The most painful part of this outrage is that the leader of the Opposition, who has so far shown him- self an honorable statesman, should have been forced into it by a Provincial Government, with the aid of such sour- ed men as Mr, Foster and suoh a man as Mr. Taylor, whose prominence in the, Conservative party has never contri- buted to pnblio amenity. It cannot be supposed that the whole Ooneervative party is in sympathy with this ie mon f brigandage. There are many gentle in it, Whether these will make them- selves felt romaine to to be seen. (Toronto Globe,) It is worth while facing the political situation in Ontario squarely and with open eyes. The defeat in the Provincial election last week was a call for self- criticism to the Liberals. It was not an accident. It had its efficient causes. Same of these causes were within and some without the range and o decontrol o was the Liberal party. Bat the defeat that Liberals, while they may smile at the foolish arrogance of their opponents, would do well openly and fearlessly to take stook of themeel- ves and of their party, and so to turn seeming defeat into a new beginning and an assurance of ultimate triumph. There are observant andwiseaisefriends qns othe Liberal party who frankly that Liberalism in Ontario is still suffering from a too long lease of power which oloeed in a lowering f the politic it ideals and a weakening of the moral fibre. If that be true no defeat oan be a disaster it it sends the party back, and its leaders with it, to renew their vision and to pledge again their honest and uncomprised allegiance to the simple and eternil principles and ideals which in the days of its greatness made Liberalism a power in the land. The few who stand to profit will fight for mere power and place, but the rank and file of the people, in whom is the life of Liberaliem, will not fight long n against great odds except for a prin- ciple they cherish and for a cause they believe to be right. There are those, too, who attribute a large measure of last week's defeat to the active and organized antagonism of the liquor interests. The Whitney Government would have been sustained in any case, but its majority would in all probability have been reduced, per- haps very considerably reduced, had it not been for the well -directed and most effective work of its ally, the liquor traffic's organization. Beyond all ones• tion the ligaor interests almost, to a man and to the limit of their influence sup- ported the Government candidates. They had more to hope for from Con- servatives who stood for the three•fiftha handicap on local option than nrom Liberals, many of whom by pronounced conviction are known to be in favor the abolition of the barroom throughout Ontario. Aa never before, the liquor men, with their own campaign fund, their own organized machinery in near - 1y, every constituency, and their own ways of reaching voters, played a lead- ing part in the election. They made no noise or boasting, but in many cases they were more earnest and effective in getting out the vote than were the regular workers of either of the poli- tical parties. Is the end that alliance may prove inconvenient and hurtful to the Conservative party, bat lest week it helped to pile up the huge majority. And Liberals would do well to recognize the significant faot which last week's experience made unmistakably plain. The offioial figures in S of5G Perth give Mr. Stock a mejerity ver Hon. Nelson Monteith. Mr. Kellerman, the Liberal candidate made an excellent showing in South Huron, reducing the Conservative majority. In our last issue we reported North Bruce under the Conservative head. Full returns elect the old member, C. Bowman, Liberal, with a largely increased majority. In the light of Monday's elections, the gerrymander made during the heat ses- sion of the Legielative Assembly ap- pears to be all the more cowardly. For a Government with a majority of more than 40 to first load the dice and then challenge its opponents to a game of balloting is not a square deal. -Brant- ford Expositor. The Government will mske a strong endeavour this week to materially ad- vance the remaining badness of Parlia- ment for this session, and it is hoped that the obstructive tactics of the Op- position, which have been undergoing a gradual modification during the past few days, will be somewhat less in evi- dence during the balance of the session. The Seaforth Expositor in speaking of the contest in North Huron says: -"In North Huron, the second Conservative stronghold, it was thought that Mr. Carrie, the Liberal, might have a fight- ing chance, owing to disaffection in the Conservative ranks, over the treatment of 8fr. James Bowman, of Morris. This breech, however, was patched up. But Mr. Corrie had the satisfaction of reduc- ing the majority, which is not a little task, when the trend of the vote throughout the Province is taken into consideration." Is is estimated that the number of working people out of employment in New York is eqaal to two-thirds the population of Toronto. The situation in other American cities is compar- able with that of the greatest centre in the Union. In Germany the families of working men have meat on the table but once a week and in Berlin, with 1,125.000 persons in receipt of incomes from earnings or accumulations, only 25,000 receive $700 a year or more. The policy of protection has been parried farther in these two countries than the same policy has been carried anywhere else in the world. The fact that in the Uuited States and Germany distress is at present more acute than it is else- where makes it impossible to maintain the position that protection is an abso- lute guarantee of national prosperity. -Toronto Weekly Sun. FROM GIRLHOOD TO MIDDLE LIFE All Women Need the Rich, Red Blood Dr, Williams' Pink Pills Actually Make, From girlhoodto mi every dle ifswthe health and happiness n depends on her blood. If her blood is poor and watery annervoone. It her blood suppllanguy irregular she suffers from o headaches and backaches and other un- speakable dietress svhiola wpmen e know. At every $o of a life Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are her best friend, because they actually make health the rich, red blood which gives and strength and tone to every organ of the body. They help a woman just when nature makes the greatest demandiGag• upon her blood supply. ea rs. non, who for twenty years has been one of the best known residents ot St. Roches, Que., says: -"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have been a bleosing to me. le red from y appetite nsework left slept badly at, got did not re - I was weak, worn out and soar to drag myself about. I an headaches and dizziness, was poor and to attempt me utterly worn out. ht and what el -- $ 2 .0 0 ROUND GODERICIR TO nig fresh me. For nethroe years I was in this condition and was constantly taking medicine, but found no benefit from it, One of my neighbors who had used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills with much benefit, advised me to try them. I did so, and the whole story is told in timeords am well ain.' There are g yet when I t ke the pills for they seem to me a guarantee against the troubles which so many women suffer." Dr. Wiliiams' Pink Pills do not sot on the bowels. They contain just the elements that actually make new blood and strengthen the nerves. That's why they cure anaemia, indigestion,, rheume- tiem, lumbago, headaches, heart palpitation and skin diseases thky pimples and eczema. That is why are the greatest help in the world for growing girls who need new blood and for women who are troubled with ir- regular health. Sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for Medicine Co., Brockvil0 from le, Williams'e Dr. i e, Ont. The New Bridge. Mr. Weatherepoon, of Ailsa Craig, who has the contract for building the concrete abutments for the new bridge at the north end of the town was her e last week making arrangements to commence the work. It will be neces- sary to build a coffer dam before the work is oommeneed and this will be started in the course of a few days. DETROIT W HITECHURCH. Frost on Monday night touched beans and potatoes. Apple buyers are already looking foru fruit. They report winter apples little scarce. Summer and fall fruit fairly plentiful. A strawberry festival and garden party, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society of Whitechurch circuit will be held on the parsonage grounds on Thursday evening, June 25th. SATURDAY, JUNE 20th RETURNING MONDAY. JUNE 22 STEAMER GREYHOUND E. H. AYER, Excursion Agent Children Meals Baggage Halt Fare 50 cents Free For Goderieh LeaveDetrich roit8.00 a. m, (Leave Port Huron 12 noon ) Friday. June 19th GODERICH BAND I° IO ONLIGRT 8 P. M. FRIDAY, JUNE 19th For Detroit June 20th leave Viingham 6 40 a. m. Return to Goderieh Leave Detroit for Goderioh 1.00 p.m , POPULAR THE PEOPLE'SLAR STORE Wingham, • - Ontario. �a• The Toronto Methodist Conference condemned gambling at the Woodbine, and regretted the viceregal patrouage given the track. Another day will come to Ontario Liberalism. When the spasms of radi- calism that disturb Premier Whitney and the public -ownership tendencies of Mr. Beck are submerged by the innate Toryism that dominates the Govern- ment, and when the characteristic quali- ties revealed in "that last awful week" -the cowardice of the gerrymander, the ohioaner), of the Larose grant, the cor- poration -affinity of the Canadian North- h - ern guarantee, the doable dealing. power polioy-when qualities such as these have developed the day of oppor- tunity will come to the Liberals. If in the meantime the Liberal party has re - conceived its principles and renewed its strength, with strong men and a people's policy, the day of its triumph will far overmatch any defeat its records may show. If defeat was earned and had its relation to moral causes, victory when it comes will not be an accident, and the secret of it will be found in moral char- acter, moral enthusiasm, and the com- pelling power of a moral inane. Twitch grass and oxeyed daisies are a full crop, I would suggest that school trustees give children a prize for the largest and bast boquet of the flowers and stalks pinked on the roadside. A beginning with electrifying of some of the railroads in Prussia will soon be undertaken. The railroad ministry will permit the first great attempts to be made with electrical power in connec- tion with the centrale now existing in the administrative district of Magdeburg. In the first place the short sections Gusten•Staesfnrt and Gasteu-Bernbnrg- Kothen will be arranged for electrical operations. Later, in farther execution of plane, there will be a change of power on tha line Magdeburg Bitterfeld•Lbip- z'g. and afterwards on the lino Halle. Leirzig. Upon these, in themselves ocmplete lines of road, electrical power will wholly supplant steam. Simone Liberals met at Stayner and nominated Mr. Daniel Wilson, ex -Mayor of Collingwood, for the Commons. Mr. Leighton McCarthy declined re -nomina- tion. Vagrant Thoughts. No one is too poor to be respected. Desire and duty seldom walk to- gether. Saroaem is excellent medicine for the man that "knows it all." The man that thinks for himself is wiser than the bookworm. A turncoat is far more honorable than a hypocrite. If men had not ears, books would written. e Monday, Jane 22nd, Central Time. Special train leave Goderioh for Wingham on arrival of steamer. John Bradt, a married man with sev- ere]. children, is under arrest at St. Catharines charged with mattempting r home tO entice a young g irl on election night. Bzq Hair at Auction? ati At any rate, you seem to be LY getting rid of it on auction -sale rrtprinciples "going, going, Pi" g -o -n -e j" Stop the auction Dr with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It certainly checks falling hair; JC•no mistake about this. It acts vOC�is a regular medicine; makes tithe scalp healthy. 'then you °°must have healthy hair, for c is nature's Way. are The beet kind of a testimonial-- f'dm "Sold ter over sixty years." 1N;ei, O°tta..1 aci used their eyes and never have been Agent for Ladies' Home Journal Patterns, The rate to Detroit. excursion day, one way with trunk is $1.50. WHITE STAR LINE The double.tracking of the C. P. R. from Winnipeg to the Great Lakes is now almost complete, there being only some seventy miles still remaining to do, and this will all be completed by September next. We have grown old when we realize that Youth is the diamond decade in the rosary of our years. "Manners maketh the man" ; but it is well to know whether the manners are only borrowed for occasions. If you have a skeleton in your closet, it is wise to lock the door and throw the key in the river. Memory sighs when we promise to forgive and forget; for memory knows that the mind does not always obey the heart. They say that every cloud has a silver lining; but we take notice that linings are generally where we can't see them; on the wrong side. Parlor Suites and Conches axe our specialties for this month. WAI+$Er.'S Farniture Store. Niarle 3.110 fsL9U *Otarres K SARSAPARILLA. , M PILLS. wy/ r LORRY PEGTUtAL,. WHAT HURON HAS DONE. easier on inferior qualities. Conditions at the City Cattle Market to -day prac- tically unchanged fromlastweek.dr good There is a steady firmer. export cattle at prices slightly The butcher trade is faitly active, but prices no higher. A few loads of c the are coming in off the g ram as usual they are low grade, and a little cheaper than the stall fed. There is fair engaiS for go r stocker t kind cattle, and the supply is not heavy. With abundance of fead in prospect a lively trade is expec ted in the stocker line. The total run was 83loods, with -,120 head of cattle, 1,075 sheep and lambs, 1,000 hogs and S45 calves. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle- Per 100 lbs. Choice $6 00 $6 40 Medium........ 5 60 Bulls 4 50 Cows . ....... ......•4 050 Feeders - best 1000 pounds and up- wards 4 25 •Stookers choice 2 75 ., bulls1 50 Butchers'- 4 50 Picked 50 Medium ............... 4 450 Cows ........ ........ 22 50 Bulla .Hogs- 5 90 Best•......... . 5 10 Lights..: Sheep - Export ewes .....•• •00 3 4 50 Bucks.... ............ 2 50 Calls........ Spring L" ambo each.. 3 00 Calves, each............ 575 JNO. KERR Agent for Ladies' Home Journal PURE, FRESH TAUT WETHERI GROCERIES DRESS 000US We carry a large stook of the best quality of groceries. We keep our stock olean and fresh. Prices are low. Pudding Powder, table dessert, quickly made, regular 10o20 pkg, now 3 for 6 for .25 Bee Jelly Powder 5o pkg Oriental Jelly Powder 100 pkg. 3 for ...................... 25. Orange Marmalade, pure, home made, in glass jars.. .20 to .25. Fig and Lemon Marmalade, 15 English. ............. .... Pare,Home•Made Maple Syrup 10 perlb ..................... We guarantee the quality, FIGS -Layer Figs in pkgs„ regular 10o, special price to 26 clear, 7c or 4 for Choice Cream Cheese, 1 ib.25 packages •••• Canned Pie Peaches, per tie. .15 Canned Lombard Plums,2 for .25 „ Pumpkin (Quaker)... +' Pumpkin (Peacock) 3 for .25 Finnen Haddie, per tin. JO „ Kippered Herring " " Fresh Herring, per tin. .10 +° Salmon, per tin.. .13 to .18 <, Pork and Beans, per tin .05 Bottled Pickles, mixed .10 to .25 ++ mustard .15 to .20 " walnuts .15 to .35 Pickled Olives........ .10 to .75 Canned Tomatoes, choice... 10 Horse Radish, dry grated, per 16 bottle' Good Prones, 4 lbs for ...... 25 Pure Honey -Jam and Jelly 1 During the period from September 1, 1907, to March 1, 1908, being the first six months of the 1907.8 sugar cam- paign, the production of beet sugar in Germany was 1,817,183 metric tons, as compared with 1,909,140 metric tons during the corresponding months of 1906-7. The total output of sugar, raw and refined, during the period mention- ed, expreseed in terms of raw sugar, was 2,027,707 metrio tons, as camp with 2,126,736 metric tons for the cor- responding period of the previous year. Sir Charles Fitzpatrick. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, haa al revived a notification from the Imperial pa t to Government of his app. succeed the late Major-General Sir A. J. Ardagh, as one of the four represen- tatives from Groat Britain to the Per- manent Board of Arbitration of the Hague Tribunal, for the settlement of international disputes. The appoint. meat is one which should be gratifying to Canada, se giving them a marked recognition of their partnership in the affairs of the Empire as a whole. Live Stock Markets. Toronto, June 16th, -Trade fair and prices generally sterdy to firm, on good export and butcher cattle, but slightly At the re -union of County Council- lora, held in the Bedford Hotel, Goder- lob, stress was laid oa the great progress that had taken place in material pros - verity in this county, but a point that was overlooked was the number of men Huron has furnished for prominence in public life, and it is doubtful if any Mother county in the Province can ear- ! para this record: - 1 The late Premier Robison, of British of the fire, CoiamH bie, was a uronian. W. G. Smith, brakeman, was killed by his head striking a girder of the Rainy River bridge on the C. N. R. .. William Duesden, a tramp, was giv- en shelter in the barn of Mr. John J. Lyons, on the Dundas road, near Ham- ilton. During the night the barn was burned. and Daeedon aroused the family and declared his ignorance of the origin Hon. Thomas Greenway, formerly Premier of ;Manitoba, a Haronian. ! Dr. C. 3. C. Hastings, of Toronto, at 91.1. 0. Cameron, Lieut Governor of the meeting of the Canadian Medical the Territories, a Haronian. Association at Ottawa last week, read Hon. A. M. Roes and Hon. 3, T. i a parr on the question of pure milk Gtrrow, members of the Ontario Cabi•supply. In his paper he declared that net, H ruroniare. l impure milk was responsible for easily 15,000 of the 30,000 deaths of infante1 lJon d. T. Gamow, of the high Court Lyeariy in Canada. He recommenned Of n3tice, Haronian- more stringent regulations regarding Dr. P. Macdonald, Deputy Spoiker of the milk supply, and particularly the 'the House of Commons, Haronian. pasteurization of milk at dairies. At Ool. Otter, Inspector General of the • Wilda Forces of Canada, Haronian. appointed to wait upon the (Govern This is'a record to be plt0nd of. din regard to the matter. the close of the paper a delegation was FRESH FRUIT Buy your Pineapples Now don't wait. We are giving big tisane in prices, also Bananas, •Sweet Oranges and Lemons. We are showing a splendid range of very pretty Summer Dross Goods, Pare Irish Linen, white beauti- ful y.60 soft, sheer effeot, perplain Pure Irish Linen, white, or with spot worked in white 36 peryard ............ ..... White Dress Muslin, embr©ith eyed in white, very pr ttto .40 goods prices ,....... satin White Dress Muslin, 35 stripe.......• ............ White Dress Mnslin, satin 40 oheok..... •.. Fine India Linen and Persian 30 Lawn.............. .20 to White Madill with spot .10 to .25 Fancy Vesting: all prices. White Bedford Cord........ .20 Fancy Colored Dress Muslin, 51i ,35 newest, very pretty.. Dress Muslin, white with black spot or flower, worked .10 to .20 Fanny Black Muslim., .15 to .25 Blaok Mercerised Mnslins• • • .200 Pleated Cream Lustre WHITE SHIRT WAISTS Very pretty and serviceable shirt waists with embroidery fronts or trimmed with fio ne $a 00 me and Insertion, 750 up Blank and Navy Lustre Waists..... ... $2 00 Green Lustre Waiste...... $2.00 Fanny Lustre Waists SS2 50 Black Sateen Waists all prices. A BARGAIN IN SHOES A quantity of Women's Slip- pers and Oxfords, choicer foree $11.1 .00 25 tThey areour on the bargain counter. 1 5 90 5 00 3 50 .5 00 trervvrvvvvv7vvvvc i.11VVWYTIVTUFWY ITYMIVLVSA 11 > RECORD BREAKING I NSI 1. > 4 D. 4 >re g New Spring Dress Goods, special value from 15e to $1.00 per 1 yard; all colors. 4 4 A large assortment of beautiful Dress Mnslins from 10e to 30e. 3 .t 4 4 4 50 3 00 2 00 4 75 5 00 3 50 3 00 4 50 4 00 3 25 6 50 6 00 New English Prints, extra width. s American and Canadian Prints from 7e to 10c per yarn. • sNew Ginghams, Persian Lawns, India Lawn,' Organdies. r a. A large assortment of New Lawn and Maile Shirt Waists; 4 j these are of very special value, %rivalI MARKET REPORTS Wingham, Jane 17th, 1908. Flr.or per 1001111..........2...... 65 to 3 25 Fall Wheat ........0 90 to 0 92 Oats ................ 0 45 to 0 50 +• ••' . 0 60 to 0 65 Barley .... •••••••. 0 80 to 0 82 Peas 0 18 to 0 18 Butter...... •••• •••••". 0 1G to 0 1G Eggs per dos; ............ Wood per cord .......... . 02 0 tto13 00 Hay , per ton. Potatoes, per bushel ......0 75 to 0 80 Lard .. ...... • ....• ; 0 15 to 0 15 • G 10 to ti 10 Live Hogs, Per cwt.. • 05 to 0 0 05 Dried Apples Plumbing and Tinsmithing ammoniallosiommomilmall Having purchased the Plumbing and Will m thi continue business of Messrs. Jno. Bugg & Son, business in the old stand, and am prepared to do all kinds of work in above lines on short notice. Pricers Reasonable. Work Furst -Class. Terms Strictly Cash. To reduce our stock of Tinware and Graniteware, we are offering special inducements fot the next 15 days. We thr Boyoe• ane. i d, very cheap P Ch .a Ladier t>,s' Hosiery: -rine pare Cash- 1 Ladies' Whitewear, beautifully trimme Something very special in j mere, regular 35e to 50e, for 25c per pair. it See our line of the "Wearwell" Boys' Bose, double leg, gear- anteed stainless; very heavy. is Is s 100 pairs of Ladies' and Children's Hose to be cleared i 50e on the dollar. s FLOOR COVERINGS. Linoleum, 2 and 4 yards wide ; also Oilcloths 1 and We are making speeial reductions on all these lines. THE WOOL SEASON Oat at s s i 2 yards I The Wool season is now at hand, and we are prepared for it with the finest range ot Heavy Blankets and all kinds of Yarn. > 4 IF 1 Bring your Produce along and secure some of the bargains. Boat Flour always on hand tit vet