HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1902-02-28, Page 8Orta
. in;the care of stock that,. they
nbogld; be kept: free'of'> lice, for au
anitasi. infected with lice 'wilt
"never thrive'nq matter how Well
it maybe, fed. Thele are several
prepitrations to'be used for lice
on 'f•attle and Hess's
Inetani, Louse. Siler, LittIM's
Sheep end Cattle Wool), " Eughsb
Cattle Wash,Empire Fluid Sheep
Dip".'nd Cattle Wash.. This last
'is' the one that; We would recon
end to you.. It •l;aff . been used
with i►erfect, SMisfaetioa. by some
of the best stock raisers in the
'province It is'easily applied
and SAS' to do what 'ia ' required
of it,&i ' ;;Large'cava 60c, . suilicient
to de from twenty to;twenty-five
entarls, Beside the above men
timed arrttbles w,: carry a ful,► ,
line-of-a1Fmed}einea, used -in; the
ptable..' Locke ,d's Condition'
Powder: is givipg the best,ot"Sethi-
faction and you would do well -ie
tree iyt'if you.need anything of the
kind for your. horses,
noir A' iii $,hell. Pastor:
i0 Lit Fellow.hipMeeting-
2..45 P.11:,—Sunday School and Bible Claes
6.20 P.Y.—Young Men'.Pnyer Meeting. '
7 P.Y Toithe Young People.
Monday'Epeniing,` League.
WsidnetulaY evening, Prayer Meeting..
We' are sorry to state that Mr Joe,
MoAdaw is •eerioutily ill with inflama-
tion of Osyes:
Mian Ley McLean was the gush
pf Miss'Annin McLennan on Sunday,:
Mrs., I),'' N. Mc(itegor is visiting
with, friends in Lueknow;
Mr., Chas, McLennan, who bad his
•leg broken two mont ha ago, is, we are
Yes, August ' .''lower still ha a the
largestsale of any nre,diciue in "-the
eivilized`wor'l,d. your pothers.? and
grandmothers' never ttrought. of Using
anything else for Indigestion pr 1311-.
iousness; . Doetors were; scarce; arid
they seldom "heard. of Appendicitis;
Nervous Prostration or Heart l'a"ilure,,
etc,, • . .'hey used August' Plower to
Clean.- out the, the system and ferman"
pieaaed to eay,'able to: be around again tation of undigested fopd„'regulate the
Ir, D McNeil, of Detroit, who actio4 of th,e liver, stimulate
had beep visiting his brother in-law nous and organic action of the.syetem,
aSr. 1)an fclenzie, h
returned our's
and' that is, all they took when felting
dull and ,had. with headaches• and other,
last week.:'aches:. You. Duly need 4 few doses of,
llon't miss `the Bo*, Social' 1,f1 Me- Green's August Flower, in, liduia form, 1
Don410: hall, 1404'c 01:' to i take you "satisfied there is nothing
evening, Feb., 28th, .under the,aue`picrs .serious the smatter with'. -you; .You
& the Royal`Tetnplars.of,Ternperance• can' get' Dr G G, Green's reliable':
of Kinta}l, Achoiceprogram is being redadies at John :Wood' Qo's, :Drag i.
prepared' . for he occasipn. Adms- Store:
pign, 25.cents. o Ladies brtnginq,hoses
will a admttted�free. p: 11 1 forty Service%
The unsersigned will keep"'for s ri.ice at
lot ]:i cnuCession 1',, West �V wanos r: his
KINLO99 COUNCIL �, ' thor, ughbre�3 Shorthuru Bull, ^'British Chief”
Kinloss'. councilniet on , Monday, ''Perms—$1.00 to bs'pntd .on the 1st of Janu
•. ary 1903. ..British,Chief" wag br"d by ,!ns•
February 17th 19.02; all ¢►embers .Cowuo, u:rFiph, Oat•, and was sired )3y that
present:. Minutes of last; meeting • .grails Vrirtedh ba1 9t rit17 11 eir1gfuli
were read and signed:. . Theo. auditors redigr�e and'otb�raaforniation apply tc
prosented their report;;which' Was ex 'PE;2ER; WaTSON, Luekuow, P 0
amined by the .'council 'and on`inotoq ''
of McKenzie and Kaake was adopted,
Cheques : were issued.' in payment of
"the following were.
: Thos Murray
salary as auditor,8 ; ' Wm Stuart,S
do";8.; ,John Purvis, 'Salary as collec-
••i•�e•i•••••'•eiaa••••a •'• ••aa ••aaai•••ea••aa
;Blacksmith..Shop 'for Sale"
For yule "a b1:acksmith:shop in St..Helens' •
v •
first: class incubi , doiug � rod' buil Weds. In
connection with the shop Mitre is six acres ,if •
land, gr od brick house and' stable. , Will beI• +
or $75' • Peter' Corrigan, postage and sold cheap; Good reasons • frr. selling. , A ; i
rs $ p quantity of tile for sale. For farther p.utic- •
,stationery to date, ;,$4,68 ; Municipal .0 tars apply at St 'Helene brickyards or to •,`
World, register for births, marriages TRoS.`;1?HIl.I,IPS,St. FIe!ens. •
and deaths, . and, express, $5.10' ; , W J.
'Mitch ll/ stationery as per ',account,;
,i 3:90 Jas., Br an Fined' 310:50 •
� y :p 8 ,
Holyrood Librar;^,.: `grant," $10. A Flour, per 100 lbs. 00lto
Fall Wheat_ •...:.• 71.
: trot. C. J. Mtckle„
communication ,
We recommend our own preparaon
s in
. to others we�� .
preference have for sale, be use
•:,. -
We manufacturethem
o .
ter selves . and . o�
• ,"abs ute
know oW t e
'contents of every preparation
..- ..
e rn �'
a� our g name.. -
..�` awe been..on trial for.
ears and ' ' have/ given entiresatisfaction, - •
.one -a. ref unded it purchase,r not
:Ouse,' --For Sale
The large: and commodolts house on Ross
street: Tuiproperty of the late Mrs, James
Somerville. Apply to. W. CONNELL.
+Barrister, Chesley, re-i'mprovetnent of
railwav accommodation was -read. and
ordered''to be, filed The council then
;ad}ournedto meet on Monday march
17th;; when pathmasters, fencevie*ers
and poundkeepers �wi1l be "appointed,
Lan side Februar,f902.
B y 24th;
Geo. G. •»[offatt.`Clerk:"
$2 50
hats 38 . 39'
Bar1e5 • 50
PeRs, 77 80.
Butter per lh . 17 :18
.Eg_s.per doz 17 18. ar. 1
,'. d i' b. .1_ lu
Potateoes per. bush .., ' •2 i' • 30
Apples, per barrel . 2 00 • 3 00
For full and...accurate Tor nto 11S'ar-
'ket'Report see seventh page
Wood''s. Tonic.Caugh-Syrup,Wood's' Fn ulsioa of ; Cod Liver
Oii, Woods Acidulated Liver� and . Stomach. Tonic, Wood's •
Little Liver -and Stomach Pills, %Woods Dandruff';Cure stops +'.
• g
ha'r.fr t � �,:.•
hair ow,faalin out, Voocs .� li " 011 for: sprains, bruises; `' '
rheumatic pains; .e c. s HNeuralgia
ga • -
p ,Wood Headache e><ralala; Capsules,
'Wood's `Cold in Head Capsules, tancl mann other pre arations. ,'
Food, Vondltlon Powders, Grush� Oy ster
ale decided to ' continue tiie
We have Cattle ° ••
Shells'. for Hens. •:
••••••••••••••;••••••••••i•••.••••••••.••••••• ••••••••• •a••••••••••••t♦•••••i•••a• •
*• ••••M.o•. • ••••.•••••••••4 •••
In 'the,meantime, don't miss the 'great . Bargains. we 'are Offering in. ;all ki n
of Boots, Shoes and. Rubbers;. W'e are positively selling Shoe at less than whole,
sale prices.. ' For instance '
tidies' Rubbers, 'regular price. 50 cents, for •25, cents a pair.
fir• -.
Men's. Rubbers, size 6, re lar: price 75, cents;for:25 cents a.airs
Ladies Buttoned Boots, regular price $1.50 for 95 cents a pair.
Ladies' Oxford ^ Shoes, King's make,reg ular price $1.50' for $i a pair,
Mens Laced. Boots, regular; price $175 for $1 a .pair,
11 en's Long Bouts, big'seleetinn of best makers,at less than wholesale' prices.
.''S1 400.
s' Buttoned. ' and ' Laced'.Boots, regular price, $1',50. to $2.60 a' pair. ' ONLY
Sete .
ut�t-five . cep is a' pair • • ,
.n the First 1of Fehruar
e 'month of SAN U`
wish to. clear out a� R11NA1� TS;
0,0t1„':4144.WINTER UNDERW'E,A,R
Qustomers evil i find it pay, s to trade
th:. us in Jan u ,ry.
fc-O TAT
..•.. •...•••••••••.a•..+.. •
immoral* imminuminuitariormim.
••e•e••esus•••d le•••••••••a••ui•••••,i•,aaa•efe••••ee•af•a••ei••
The ward tii`at iia 'the Choppy; an& hacking to.do and has,
to' stana tbo brunt of the ear'ving should t e stout Ware Soft •
Iron won't do Don't try to'malte. it'dO.'
• •
Ix� v'es
Cho in
• r
Good Steel Steel Cutlery,.
is riot exiiellsiVe saves tnucll•time .'worry . and labor. Lasts •
Vegetable• Kn, vel;
:Wives, Etc,
for years.;
T1iesf� i e al�rle;of'c�i l ilellis fol'"1>Itiitse �viyr UWa
••••• ••• ••••••ii • e,•ii *so • oil sone.* 0041•0". • e :.ee .40•44:0;.'.11.1617::