HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1902-02-28, Page 2NEI
Barcqforta Streets Raked
Artillery firo.
wh911#fili7lr!et.1 (,0 /1M94, the Bdt-
.•:.tertesitepOrted..T•hat rive lion.;
rdrei1 reopie.., Weis KIJled and
• Weentied On'. Doth
. ,
Cease of cite '1"rouble.
Louideti„ Feb.. 2s•A,,- Message :lathe
• Exchange Telegraph Company frail]
‘'fays a:•fierce,
between, the trOolis andthe. rie,t-ztrit,
thestiburb, Of 'Barcelona. known as
, .
Would destroy. ,t,he, main tatiaeor their ,
, desire for qppar4tIo4.-tINr- w:e4411,
The 'Spa, riks4, GOyernmeat, with fie-.
0,017. 04 '419 Pelee of Ellreri"'• .413Ifkt-.
artt, ,tooveptent, la.of ;Opinion that .-,the
Barcelona. troublere pertly 4rti.
altd: the "aelieeitttlen. of the
noisy. elenient • with, the, Anarclaista.
putpad to all chance, of a.c1lttilge
ir th,e,Goyernment's, attitade,
1'1)lallee IS eadeitY^,
.61.04*, to hring• th6„peseta inte line
'With tils:.irant. effcet the
"pro,verthief' eld taxes intuit be, en-
j:foreed, rigtireasiiri PegSibly new epee.
.11011 necessary, - the Pie,
Ylotle7 OittroV ditties; wW remain ne,
.ttba,te.0,*4110 prOteetion will
taineil in spite, of the growing se&•
.0.94 Of: the' PPIAMUnit.), thet"ivould.
..f4Yer'It'ett 'trade. , • -
itadridi bugineas ,tind
in flareeloua is still'. 4P
'by : the strikers...The 04.3r presents .a•
strange asect.' There:, are •114..ptiblic
vehicles' in t he;Streets, and t.heivtallopS;
'Pl4rket4 theatres ' are Closed.,
.4411. eirlY,entibled to MOye
4114,er: they proteetieir of .,:atroug pay', •
, Diets 'bettyepn the; trOpp.S." nod.- riet-;
.1thnt. ajarkeLitatnheriotthertoters,,
have.. been,' or wo4pcled. It
Stat.ed that thit,...strikers,,. are deter-
mi,ned .to; prevent r the..Sttle of; load;
with the, J4013. of...starving„the
Sane.: • Befor.e ,
the- .engagement the -
eavalry and iniantry'hed, been Posted
',in 'the most ge
danrous, points' and
field battery had' been "located
•sm., the Tiaza., from whieh. 4naltagn
tioint the .gu'as.-clauld Sweep the •sur-
, . .
• rounding streets. •, ,.When the.' final
"clash with the- t,rOopS iaccurr
• 'tinees., tile': despatch, '.•tlie • a.r. ,y
tte.t iontiaid--raked-
iiitreet -after street: 'The ,ripters,..en:
'gaged the, batteries .itt raage„,:
but were :finally . driven• off.:f;it is
reported. that 509persons were L.
ted and itiOundeo' 1.6a bos.
, til side.. • The'.
• entire, neighborhood' waS, wrecked by
,thoshella. The • rates caught lire, afid
'tide .C.Ontpleted the - a.lestruct ion.
.Ferther'fig•hting'is ,reported
terO '(15 iniles Irian Ilarc,elona), Where,
•a. tinantity 'of!' arms . had: been
• ed 'Fighting':is, also .rePorted
" 'Tortosa and .Taringtina,... rtspec-
' tivel•Y 100 and.59 miles southwest of-
, • ..
;oars into Supppr:ting them., They are
represented as, controlling.' 'secret
stores 'of food.-' ',rile -movement is
,,spreading.througl' the Province. The
working pOpuletion at • Badalona,, Sa-.
badell, Tarrasa, ,an,d other manufac-
turing tow -ns .laveth'e recrze-
meat, necessitating , further. , pea-
-centrations Of troops., The Governor
to,Inediate betwe,en, the
plOyers, and strikers, Late this 'even=
'celona Were running, ...but. e.very ear'
was :escorted by °rivalry.. A f ew fac-
• tories, are • working' with a •• reduced
number of hands: Between' the strict'
official ,censorship • in' Barcelona, and
thn union' formed reports ,current
• here it is' difficult 1,to.ltrriVe. at the
truth. Rumor. 'represents Barcelona
and the...'neighborhood 'as. ;being un -
'der a:reign of 'terror.. It is said that
several convents have. been, burned,
'and ' that there is constant blOody.
• fighting' an.d wrecking ,of property.
The" ,officiai statements' ,affect to
state that although the', strike con.
...!a•Trhecort:,,Lbou';.,. statement
cann9t :be, fully ,
•tinued, the 0,.....norities are success -
Imposing ' martial' law and
• ' • ,the
: and ' the Lefidee' "etetathraet;t.r•°°prP;ien'• preventing Tihe
• Warn • tlie -public.' against • accepting
•eensational reports witlient Corttieise "chitiestitvu°•ttie4ohto.gleua';•71,unstpee;s8 oi en..
ca• tion .
• :. the 'Province f Baree,lona, ew,
• requested yesterday by.the Minister
, of „the InteriOr. •
111 11 HAT
Are '.,Mairrlio.g0,..A.1.$,O;:'Dedreas
ng in the Province?•
• • . , • . • i • ... •
THE. REGISTRAR'S', ,13U0133..
• Toronto; Pen.1.2il.Tlie.ann4,41: .re-
port of the Retgisti)ar43eneral.of 'the
•previnea ',wag d upoiIle ahle:
the: Legislaturel..Yeaterday by the
P.rot-ineial Secretary:. It states ;that :
'the, total, ,population •of
1891' by, ,the pqnus ' was 2,114,321.;
and. 44 .1901, 4182242. 1,10whit4'LU
imirease or 68,621. ',,Taicing the fig
urea or the martiolpai Otitsus.: and
poinpletingthem. by using ,the census
• Dainties , ,for• Muskoka an Parry
Iiipissing mad ..Algonta,-,where
14. tO -InnutciPal returns', had. not :yet
,been 'conapleted it Was. tonna •'that
'the popalat low -.maw in:1891, 1918,,
-465, ang'Lii1900,. 2;2.0
difference,:lif 2E.3.0;2$6, The report
c7J., shciwillg
Ontinuea t, , , ;-
„ y contparing: these "- figures, Wh
tlie.'llgare.s, ;Iron! .Y.744.! -?- :to.
e II e eg Islir r?pren
it...based-11pda the.additioa of Lied
centilia:frgurcEr.O0.$01, ortlie natlirdi
increase' ,year by year ef birthover
derail's, it is !found that the cal-
culated Increase, in 1900 weala.make
2,625;712, or 3141;1,770 more -than IS
found by the cenans to be the, popti-
latlon OntariO..- -
The Urban p0pulitti0n".,6f the, pro,.
•vInce,- had increasesd from .0.7 le
1891 to. 42.8; in -1901. •The same.
• tendency • "-rae-,noticealbie. ..eprre-
sPontling 'States of
Goyerunieat e ' Barcelona, ldf E3:,,b) .3: :;2146.
-The'rep�rt of
tile ,6aptatn-general in regard to E
Madrid, Feb. 80. -The official tat'c trdav's disoxders,. whtch 'w4r ,caus-
Merit issued. this ,''evening, represents .ed by rioting strikers, who: were fired
the, 'aitttatton .13a,rceloda ea'. being
. , ,
1111,1giltl.t ,ipailro*ed.. Seine Or, the, tram
'ear.4 are running* .under military
The inarkets.and'ehops are pro.-.
tcOted by . soldiers., Tile strike,.. how-
• ever. ,contitinea.'. 'It' • is impossible ....to •
'laidor unioact ,vessels, at the 'nett'
__:"Tile•-tnilitary • autlioritieS
. ;report
• Torther dtat'urbahOeS in -the suburbs.,
azr at Tarrasa Silbadoll; Iteus, ,or.
mesa., where, hoWever, the pre-
atio* areqs striet.as.eVer, as the:
...strike- comma -as ,at these places.
the strikers. been•
•een t to Saragosa., Tarragona; (as-
• telien, and Vataat.i..t„ t advoca•te ,a
,:generad y ,the
OD by 'the troops, shows that two
• persons w,ere killed and 45 wounded.
,l(wents arrests .were made. All the
aboVe were,.working people.. At'inici:
night quiet had been restored in the
town, and the troetos returned to
• their barracks early 'in the morning.
W ars hi pti,-11 TrieSt 43. ,
• . 'Trieste, Anstria;diungary,..reb. 18.
'Austrian warships have ar-
rived here and have ittnided bluejack-„,
.ets -to 'protect the herbor'.and the'
Austrian Lloyd Steamship Company's
docks. • .
Four notorious Anarchists 'have
been ati:ested.. • -'
.work4=27i.an to. • •
. ",-the age:tn.-at ,.....i.get :heel ,-,... ,i.,•-_,, tal •, - .
• Alt.,ree.1a •Al....7.“`-•,--• '1-7 c.,,,. --;-i.•'.•=. '-/V.,;
bee*,,t4I,.47:.;...-111., ,'7:2, :r):,-,13.1-, -...',-..,,,..,,,•3'. '.-17.11' . L '...
:•••,64itinilto:-..a. 1.•,...',.evia:;,,,,a-e.1.,:: 1.11-c'ear,...,-e...",-,114 :h. • .
SiOngic....al,, azt,. 3;.:.'..tf '..,37;1!:ia,: :LI:t....,::,....•ni,-
---,za.:•:-,1-4--......-.• .--;ii......,--,...,t...,..-- .
- have rel-..1...g.t.:matil1liniii.;11.„1.1.,,c0,4,:r.....t.•
millt6c7, :*....n.. ...1:1. -rt, • ittnolta..n...ei i
,OtOte. ef Isie.ga. 1...a.I. atainen..ei +T.:Li:L.:4:4-
.. foal „po1-,....as ;-•,:t.. tal -,..ihit;.., ..1,--.3-4...1.
.; The Palite:.eor.,..-1,1,1,,, --..,,,. -,,,..7,a,,....4t
Chias• ip'Ciat.,•.„1.,.till, .1.,.,ited on.i.,
',. The.:1-teptibi,cat 6,-,.; t -1,t:.,.. ..n• .,,••,-,--a.e,
Ing Natencia.,' .S.iilm;g: .J:, ,21. 1. T1', - ,.;
• Plileee'declire that, tie y ".....: 7-1,r.,.. "ti•• : . •
'. part In the mi....,..ement. a -ii..e.r.-•i*. It.......
-mot.ed hY,Soel.ilesi.ff and -At /...ri...12-.1., ,
' ,II,OPefillaegs. is.: eprei 1,,,k-4
in offielei gircles .:-.5-...niai...li•fielt,
fielally..i.tdmittede tli.;..re is° 'a,, prrns: Li ,
..clispositien ' 1.o • gi.'"...e; cre..'e.nee ' -...,_., •
the , neW•spiper and' ••,etb,et. .z;•-
.' por,ts, ;Many, ef • Nvilleit a re of an , ti '-
• ariaing' nature. The • Herald?)•k•ci.',, s.
• that, the rio:t,ers Iii, Catalonia. 'Litre
getting out, or. hand, and •.that ;the
(rapt:tin-general. has. asked' for alert -4•.
': trotips. There wag faraher fightlag• In
the etreeta---th..day,. -littay,..perSt.Las ,..•
were killek and..there •,iS 'a long liSt;
. Or Wounded: SeVeral -of those inliire11'
•. hi the earlier cdnflieta, have died, '
..-. ,
• Other :reports 'state that - the An -
.11-11T IN WRECK.
m-)wotnuo.h arid Engine
J. Near Petc.rborosugh..•
City Birth 1ate Deertases.
The total births recorded in On-
tario in 1901 were 46,127; as com-
pa r edivith.--4-4-;70.5-in-18b97-showrzig-
an Increase of 1,422, and giving a
rate of 19.8 on the' eatimatKI popu-
lation of the trmsus, of March 31st,
3901. This rate, the report states,
compares favorably with that of
'1891, when wIth a population but
68,621 legs, ...the 'total births were
• $106iiie 44.4. Wheel:Factory Oestroye
. , , , , .
-Partial bit of Insurance.
Ca.tharines despaten-'-SliortlY, .ttf!.
ter 0 o'eloek this evening fire was,
(11§PQYered An the boller,Foom of Wel
4,-,,Ttielps 4, Co'. spoke and wheel.
WOrkS, Alerrittop,,and 'quiekly ,Spreatt
1414., tile!
eatirelydetatrOYecl, ,itegether zith 4..
large quantity pf stpelz, end achla-,
crY.; ,By good" work ot the 'firenaen,:
Who worked :uader, •great; diaativan-
tage owing to the hitterfy ,cold, night
11141 the hage plies, of the of -
fie() and etorchenSe were saved, ae
also was n largo quantity...of lumber.
Piled la tile. yard. About (iftY. men
were employed in. the, works. •
The :loss - Will .be froth $35,990 to,
11,3,000, partly, covered ,by insur
anee:,Among the ,conipnaleta interest.
ed arei,, West ere,' *0`,700 ; Northern,
$$4,10 , Royal, $440; "C/1.0.
140; .Hartford, $5,140; North ,Brit -
and Mercantile; $2,900. • .
. •
President -Roosevelt _on_Sarnp.7..
n - bro-y- curitywarsv-
1111011K EN
ebate Proposed Increates
of Rates.
B.RETHRN,. trposE
ITPTPut.0? 94t•-, ..tlesPatelts saY„-Ef:: The
'afterntroti: end evening :sessions
Yok,l,erd4y niatial meet-.
Ing or the Ancient .01 -.Wer of. United,
Workmen were devoted' largely to e.
AVelY"eiseneslell •et 'the, 14.91)esed nev
aitriff Of rate. ,TIlosetakleg an an--
tive."Mrt, were r..it,'„fawooti, Toronto;
J. M., Peregrine, liamiltop-;J.A. poy',
00, 'Ottawa; James SIcellP,
Ole Jtalge. MacWatt, Sarnia.;
J1 W1 Parli, Itag,arsvIlle.; Neville,
Newbergli ; Ryley,• Toronto;
Thomas 1:4ee, ,Toroaio ; UD111,3ft(133,
f3lyttl, T.40g411... Cardinal, 'and
Greorge Gralutin;, M. V. ,prnek.:
yihe.:-Althongh sp6r4k4i. committee
reported in favor ''tal;•,•.the propose'd
'Vv11.1611 would' Mean a.: decided
• delegetea,sperried.i.to,::opposti,,,it,"See.„;
tag.' no .necessity' for' it, eacb, Judging
'froity-tiroTimpresston.: given' -,'.-yea
4erday,s4.1.ta_proposal (1 el' oat ed:.
The Speelali,Goininittee Of ,fif.ty re'
presentative .Wtirkinea brought in a.
,report ;strongly in favor of. a ,consid.
erable increase in the rattie The re
port Wits "Sigited by 49 meinhere of
the eon:unit:tee While 'a minority pre -
was• 'anticipated b. inunb,r. of
,sented by the fiftieth man_ .urged
stlU greitterinereaSe-The recernmen.
`dation of the Committee. is supported,
by. well-known actuaries:. The now
tariff Would affect -the older meinbers
Of. the association inOre ' than:, .,the
younger men. The former claim ili.at
•11$'' the, society IS 'pow it .a: flo108111
,any and an .of Beer of the
Grand Lodge.fit4teci indiit evening- that
the•propositien4woalprobablk bl/de:
lected or given a• belga for another
' tiO4 thp .NOrtitern, Beet:Witt:Pei.. ,
:were .greatly .parprised, le4r4,
- 444 at Vel4Peti"ttr.
:Attorn.ey; ,gnaort4 ICnOx. :
preparing' 'P4r0, 11.znIr;i4 the, ,00•47:
1.4.43!..3 1-1-307 pp zed t1144; 4 tie.;
iaien -011: Ptignate, Page fNot. .
,Sepreine, ceurt,; of the United State0
•-Washington, Feb. 24. - Presklent
,Roosevelt's memorandum upon • the
appeal, of Admiral Schley ,was made
panic to -day.
It gays, impart
."TM. 'majority of the. actions which
the 6ellSillreS occurred five'
• we or there before the BOA itself ;
and It certainly 13cteni that if Ad-
-m I r li I e-ylis -a etions___Were_c_eitanrs._
able he should not have been left' as
steond Ili :command under AdMiral
Sa meson. '
-The point raised in the appeal Is
between Atinfiror Sampson and Ad-
miral Schley, as to which was '
'conimand, ,and as whIelt was en-
' • • •
- 'A • St1f-m".; •
' ,t ;
- -a • •I' mile,a
. • n1,,
and 1.1.2.tign.. A tv.e. A 4,7:%.
a haft e tika 4,•i•
'Was 1..rtnight!' to ti.e
tat icier° thia
te%S.' 'and •Wee.' Glenney: ".tf. •!;".,!...t•J
•ront.6; were the '40
:tinting the' Others.' 4 'a•reeikii,,a,
'ed. to, the iiriareT ',tit e• scene, ,
the wreck. • ' . • •
The train • service - -Was utterly
moralitied to -day, ag. ees.elt Of: tile
Storni, The C.• P. .11. lOcal from To.
ron to I lest 'evening was bane:lite:I,
:and •t fie • .Mon t , PX10333:4,
`S'11,(1111d 1110..,80,1 1f4,,l'.e. rabl-
eight ')t did 'not' :reach hre
isVo o`olotk this nftf,rnoOn,.ha.;;--,.
ing.bra,if tile;lit and'thie morning
•betwekoi here :0111 ';'Doreetci. The
T. It. trains tvere also sotnewitat,de...
-bY,•tit,6 sierra: •:'
areltist lenders • 'of the entbrealt
' threaten • terrible...reprisal:4," They
tnivo eircilla•ted handbillsdeClar0g,
that thewill•ineet the Meager rifle
• vvitit dynamite . bomb,' The • for.eiga
',Coristil.S.a 'ilarettiona, liqve 1:014.1.„,
conference on the ' The
troops '• are •Only. Of the, •
',....ground• they, tictually-
.irtrilterS are •colleeting everywhere' it
Is possil.tei td da anti suddenly at,
taking 'the soirliers. With stones anti.
.revolVers: from "their ;points of .va n-
• tage, afterwiden they statiteede, tt
' this i•Vey'r they inairitaiti • Csielated
,rtIghtgr thrronghpot .the. ettY a tal 71-.
burbS. • The attacks on• Ill'etorles.,
'shofai .ilad truin1 . aro trz),(i Mine -Irons
to retOrd.. • .
It ia• sta,tei :rillat the floVeriteiOnt
• 11,1a ordeioxl the, .tvarship, I el.a,vo ,. to
,Bareeiona. ' • ,
ti :
1V:4 17. art I' I a.,,4t4;
•",t1fix11-i71, Feb, • Qneeii Regent
yeateril:ty,gavet nalienee to Ga
ta ien era 1 "),Veylet.. tvh onferti.
to -d. v' 1iU.I thit ohird'a ;tit
:sabstapiently, 0artr144
WOO' "serr'vocl to' tiny trooti.4, fermi ng
of tlintrer` ' ' 0,)
I (.00.
barrio 'ender aril( to 0
a '1,
t. a 1;104,,,ill's'
• r
cat, j',, 7(74j' 4, ‘,7
TI120 Wpa re olona r 114014.1111:at. ily
cmc reeerity it1('N'1S
0, Oi•
1..11%11 411
on :tlir • n or lite •••• an Ow
• 77.01 T'ovrfisvir,,Irti•v. The.
trrnietir. 17I .7, 17 7'7/1 ,7. frre,
tired ,one, 77 PP wo
Caltatali brrekers. and' ni,nrishad
the- Depublierin press. In tenon 717di...* reit or gpliti, 1:1T4,l671;1,
43,aa.; Indeed, sab;
• mit to;44,eri0ns griet',Ifices; 1.771. it is
at:least doubtful tylo 7,17C7
any bett(.i. that)
Sopa..i.ate themselves . con the
..II,rothor` (77il 7111';' (NI 11 00
• 4,41 the outi.inte4 of a 111t.11 tl ;1`.,
Whe I Said:l'!ave 'Bought the Canada Atlantic Rallvvay..
, . .
Iietis• tlentioned for the Vermont Governorship '
, •
• Grand Master Workman .T. M, Cor-
nett, 'of Cartatioque, presided.
The Grand, Maser Workman ap-
pointed as Assistant' Grand Guides
R. W. Longmore, Camden East,'- I).
P.' McKinnon, South Pinch, and Jos.
Ross, Hamilton. -Rev. Jas. Skene,
Hillsdale, opened with ,prayer. J.
ip exP9Pted 4.OiltitIY
long legal -battle in promised,. but..
it , understenq • 0774 Metter,
wha,t,the deelsiOn may be the" domin,
ating Idea which brought tlteNorth-
ern • AspprItles ,Minpany 'into lifo,"
b•EI-RliPtantialLY. n1.011tOned:
TIIE BIRTHS Ati011EffillS.
lleyealoo in 'M.cntreal,
2,IAThatc: :con- '
sidered, to be a most ituportant
nual kepOrt.., is', that of, the Mout-real
`with the,'"eity's death 'rate,. birth
Utflj . . . • • ...
ratg.„ ••tharrkm, population, etc. The
report for 1900 (the last -ono Tom- •
pieted) Is now ready to 'be .brought
before' the atteatioa of the alder-
men. -It contains some, startling
figures', -Ind 'shows a peculiar state
of affalris rp.gard to the city's mar-
riage, birth and death rate.
Althotigh the population is eller*
rriously increased since 1891„ there
has been a treme,ndhus falling off in
the birth rate. In 1891 the birth rate
per. 17000 population was 48.87,w1ii1("...
the rate. per thousand for 1900 had
sunit to -31,26 In_189.1....1.1113 rate per
1,009 for' nuirriages was 9.65, While
In 1990 it ,was merely 7.76. With a..
population of 218,268 in, 1891, the
death 'rate was. 2596,. I71.1898, bow'
'ever, the rate was: but •.•20,26.'..
• Ree.ently • there was- ouite 'an e, ant -
mated discussion' in Ont,ario, especi- •,
ally in Toronto,over the deerea„se Of •
the birth and marriage rate., Alcint;
real was pointed to as. a model. ',for.
satisfactory percentage on these two
vital questions. ' the'figures just
'completed by the Health Department,,
.-Baxter,7 St.- Paul's,- 'was. appointiod ' here,. matters •are reversed. It • is
GArssainsctiitimita..8111:rldew.oWrkiatnealTaGlie.oiglepst.,, iirfgp0.0cftettih.e.thirityotitemnree..,6wontIllinbiteteae tatoeeint-; .
or'abam,, M. P. P., conferred, ,. the vemagate, this peen:liar ' etate ,of a,f-
.dGerlaengtalteLse. dagned • odergarnede •moanstetrhtwonrekw...' .fDaelpras,i..t.mTenhte. 06(faincialtsh,g)f Iv' thbeurenatIttitio,
, mail .Cornett welcomed theni.• F. N.• 'light as to the decrease' in the ;.mar-
,Nlidel, Toronto; A. 0.. F. .Lawrence, . riage:s and births. ••
.'forinite ; Lr. Old, Port polhornei; D. • ', ,,--- -------____,. .
P.AleKinlion, South Finch, andj..
J. Craig, Fergus,tv
aolated to . , S
, ' . - .• T
forma Committee on" Salaries. Mr: •
:A. .Jathes, M, AL. W.., BowinanVille,
was -appOinted,prees, reporter. Ahe.
report ,Of the ,Commit,tee on 1)1stri-
' WW
..II "was presented . by .•,'Ille• Clmir-
nian, George Patterson, , Seziforth,
.and that Or.. the Comunttee. on' Laws
by J. -,..B.. ,Nixon, TprOnto. 'rite . re-,
intrictiOns- on resicleats of the Yukon.
Distriert Weire-reinoved, and lodge or-
ganizers are -to. be .retaiited.• . .-
...Mayer Howland' during' the, .after-
noon 'session' WICD iiltrOdUCCLI 3.1y Past
Grand Master. Workman 1. C. irvilig
and„,extended to the delegates a.
.Civie Welcome' and the ',freedom- -of
the cit. .Mr. ' Get.... ,S..Orahant re-
,sponded. 'Mr. • Atex." Fraser,Grant'l
Chief of the ".(lrland Camp of , the
Sons .of Scotland; was introduced by
Mr. Irving, and ,conveyed -the cor-
dial greetings of the' Sans of Sot -
land. He was ably suppdited by.
•Major 11 M. Robertson', ,Grand. See-
• re.tarY. Fraternal -greetingS. were
.'telegraphed from the Head Camp of
the Woodmen or -the. World, in an-
• nue! session at:. Woodstock....• •
) • , , ,- '
..,74. ,Jr. 21 I 'lc,7.is, per .:'11;000, • It .i, tinted, ',, ,to 'the, .eredit,, it either, of :
.. .
reme inl4re1, 1101701 r, Iluit,1,.. them Witt; .really j entitled • to any 1111-
190(7 7.,:ef.e more cow: iloual an'! pre-eminent Credit ,by. n.ny
• •'•% I
-'i a ;, the airevioas .ytt,ii,r. 1 Sptehii,•ey.hibition of. geniiis, 'skill' end ,
.;..i: r•-.;;..' then ,prCceels itritoilr,t ,--Chara•ge..." , , ', ' , • ..a....,,, --.,-
•"-"4;',e4 1.14, n., 1.:.ssI..A:;,,,,'.....1iil- . .After a .' brief raunitning lip he. says' ;
4.. '. 7 ,o
f.,!•r,,,,ily; , f:nt v..or 1) ,.. ' and "'i • "Th s, !'question ita t>. willeh of .the
n. ot . of " tsYo;nierii Adrifiral't4,ampson -or •Ad- .
"trIP,rott i.'ti:''',.4.;4' >T'he '•'PrOvt hen,, ,. mira 1I -..!ch Icy, Was.at the tinie' in coni;
).' c... ?,..,,f- ,•:,.. : 7, r„it 1.711:,,, d07-rr,i.irsed .1 n : " lItil,11(1. 18 ,W inertly notiiiiitti • chttrat-
ei• • ',•4•••• -ir, n ,•., !Lc: tiA n1 ,n( reipie,;',Len ' Teichilicaliy,', 8iinipson countiaritl-';
1,61'.+,•'4.. ' ,.'t.':'1 .:h AI 17nen ':";7.,2.18 .1 wi the fleet, and. Schley, its usual, the
r.;':.Iiir I. lis i. vr (714,07 i ri divisiob.'Tbe itetual feet.; the.
t, .• •o,. '''." ."'“ a.. f, 4' c'e. to. We i. Lerit- [ lInpotlallt tadt. IS that ,aftOr tho hot-
, ..,,.........7 •;,•ii, 7;044 • all '). ,.,11,0,tial.'. 0:,7171 'i 1'10 t;,7 :16 J6,11)641: ',editi. n, helm Wes1 Shift -.
al ,1 ., ,0.3A •r?e,t 1 li .(1,,e,r ',Li,* popte, ( (3 4 not a gun waS tirea, 'rio't a potind
;;,,, iv,/ tr,.11
.1,- i' ;5 ? *team Wit.f.pat Off in thit engine.
rt..,.....s.e r." 1r, ....,f„., -,,,.., , ,'r, ,pr,n,q,",a, 4, irM: I P ,C.411 • li,,tio,ft rd any ship' actively en-
. ttk ds•-aladeifiihiI..atti .haYe•httel 11,1.1.0l'1f,f1.7t„P‘:-. in .(riltl4.1;0110fr; to the' order of'
-1,.1rt7o....: 6-4;1; a.;:i..1,-t 1,;..;:,1„, 4-1'1.,..... tifetif Plittitr. -Ka rtip8O-tr or ,,Sellity;.' Sarre oh'
rate 'of.' 2,...,-1 'e; e.,,. .,911 ,,,.,-:,., ti.,
,,,,.1 fly' ' 01. o• , oNi,o1 c/i.,y 'vEsssi;ls.. ,; It . IVI.L6' 11.
'E-.1.411,: 2') •,,fri,' k:. r....::::: ~ r;;': •%,'“r„.,,,,,i 6,,ptid WA fight." • • ..; - , , •
6,6... +,,i',), . ' . , .. ' '' . ' 4740'4 i;t1ii; , 10' thr; ad v anoomen t : of,
, • . 4., • lc.. ,r,, .1 . , , ,,''..r:;1,1) I •IS"altivvright. over Capt., Clark,
,Are -,4 1/I 4 (O..; . tips, 3(tr, . • ,. , ftri, .1y,i t .. 1 , , , ' . • . . ,
' • . , ,
, 1.* tr:V.4.4,1.1tft t.:A..,,r'nti,;r,,r .•,,f thr., rr,.:. ' "-It. 'cv:78,,jrittO 11:'Inilr;t1 SaTtipsr)n
tor.' ' -e t 8 tlf tr ; ','F' tht,t 4 hi' a 011•C.'1 ^ • ti"s'f.,.1.1''-(4„...41:,111'1*I'Vet!irt.. ti, greater ail-,,,
i • . , .
tr s(1,11'0`'c"‘„''',fr,„,," .:1j,,`'"r''''F". 111,4111"' ' Ik/' 180.1'' r-'4171r.'J.4.:^,.5.4-, 1-11•L'hi-tirlili-rntirlieIsr4ntaltli:Itrnti.;• ...t&I('Ohniiii..11' in.
1 et,1.718 (2 111 1 ,e, a ' er.f.iral,y, on I in the. no -Liao in-It...we' ranted aitv lin-
. 4-
it.i..1-4•,t,,Li,,,.,,11:•:14,..e.c4-:,,irA,,:,,,i,trfi,..iti),.rrl:),,ti.1,(1, -,..i.,.tr, ri:.4,6,ra., ,.,,:,:11,,Ini.i.,1,t.40,,b1:r1.:‘,o,,,i1r,1;tt...,:,.,,,,.t.ititts11,, ,
t.•;?..),Iv•„s,,:„ T fitid :bit .4)1•64.1.4161it.,AfriKitt- r
7, ql ri,:c. eon: rot.,r,..-,,r, to ace,
,c4:,,..1,-,,..14•1.1,1-hif'Ilt;,t;, i.ric.Inf.r, 11,.:41.11..!t-4 11,f; jea I ,rt : .r ,i; el! ,i ' o'r f 2;0 .
7 j", 1 r..1. (4 410 'r(it'' 71 17 V, titrt,l) ';i4, IV,i,t„tirllori',"
),f;',-1..1+1:t;',`Ti:ii.,- to,k (,(0,71eC,, SG:ill t(!VPP trt/fil.
. ,.
., l',.,A.,,I., "A R ', ..... .1 1,', '. etinatry.''
, .
IO1H.31-1) TRAVELEk'S TRUNK, 100Q 0111,t 9 7, 14 ,;‘,‘...1,4..a..o,; or 1.f
. , . ,i , , _.
1 . ' - ' , , 1 ei,,11t.-5n 186,2 tlir, i•i, -,4 i r7(7.2 (,7'p' :(7 '
,i, rri-•;t.ot a Negro ..t Montreal tor the I .1.1"):4,r,ril 0r7174 -70r7 177 (11, arid' 7i1' 11)(., '
' ' '1"tr.4.rt• ei' 10,0.(.0.".. • * " - 1 ,-1. eiiiiiirt•ii it 'cv !.,3 1„77.qtal•,*(q1 t from
•. iatNi4.i,-.i'i'-., 7.1, '•,'....1.,• i'".
..,, .•,,
.•: .' •t:' . .n ,t;.
he..1•''i' '.,-`4• ./0t -'e r,r'e .7„.1 -,711,:'., it,'I'1 t t;„..,, o,o.,re I-71
..1 baeg'etirea1.4.k.21.CIntrlos n oreres41 perentle tireiner
alias' 'iiirlesfSi'yoit, alias S'ill ; rin./.t ofpi r';otii e' the f7r100
:.w .,t, 11,, :1,.elatiaPti,- vell," trDllr (11err1,f741 2-"in.rie-int., In the
71.1117i-at7, ,,,,,Ctl11111(1Palirc4;4-,1fl5 7n11 t,
,AV 41tAlitl'i 14, e7',1.,; tr
777il1.4071 1171.-..1in vlitt 7'1.
fir • qztrqill'1r,, ;/ ise •
JO, "S ill, 471''1
Por 7.1)0/1 Hotel, Ore-
tlfo Arrest,' the
714•100" rrsostitil," it wenn, n tie m oil
1' d'If," '!'9n11'77'71177 N 01011 1.110 170-
41 71 1r1.7.t li itig. 1'110 ;If. (141INA Wor0
kr. r7 10
1414,1“.1.- ,171),
story of tine triple vintesliaelt
"" 17.51 • v:i go • .1,41:4'
f'113P1,0,7 7'1 74 -1,471.11.oy ;it the. Port-
. ta 1(001, ,(/7141 rol)1.4-.41 Lo..vnar-
• ill 11. 17 li-ivellor,v '14:11o4n71711,, of
"Yr Pi 77.116 at the'
• 170,1; 7, it18 h.11)11070, 0lls1:11.111 tsf
• t
ye, 19 5). 7'111f;
At fit, ;,
, , t , /-* .7,
tot:, I 417;41,f1; in 19150 hurral(
,.4.)1. a 11 her' 08,,,,\, Hi7 otIlt, 71)0
.provioas' Ir. 'rife rate in, 1891 t71i '
1(3,20 Wi 311 12.6 in 19r,0
't11.1:C tivrr,,,slroull lie a, reporicid',Irf-
er'6•161, 84,3410 7101/1171.7 '171 toil ye:1.r; '
S.'11(4 4100 partly to imni-oVeil re,g;e8to•t-
, •
Ge tit v of Tth1VI ffi1r
• • ; • • !,
Montreal, eb, ,nr-
N1'I10 .-1104,, fits wite ys
.n go, prend! d gad( y in tho CoUrt Of
:special oaal.q to it alintge
Of a ttotnoteri :cr71.4,"
mended To Ol".40160;,,
Money for Prospective
lers to. Canada. -
London,, suggestion:.
• -,, . •
offered, by' Mr. • Chandierlain :y-es,ter- •
day .tO, the daputat , *hie 11.-tvait -
. ,
40 on, .on. behalf • of the Welsh,.
.settlers 111 ,Patagonia;/•.: Viz., to opeu
. •
a Public:siitliser ipt lop. ie. order to'rni se
0, 1004sufficlCflt. to, ,Iiiro a tratiSport
to. convey ,the, settler's, to: Canada:,
Where , Donn:nide .Governineut
Would. 13:§bifit. ORM '• with lead • ,and
building 'materitii; was •• act itd 'upon,
ithe ..!joionial • Secretary .'!cittittibuting •
,After the britelieea given, by:
tlio. Chairman ior 'the :delegation, Sir •
JOhn. .•Liewel:43,11.; 'it: was antibuneed •
'that .£1,500' had, already been .sub-
rhii•glish Factory aVeimen Ask for; the
• .London, Feb- thou -
seed eight.: hnndred. Weinea,
factory workers of •Lanceshire, York..
Shire, and -Cliesbine,, haye, pre§ented
,a petition to parliament 'preying for,
laimeditate possession of the fran-
• chise, and declaring' that "the 'right.
to Vote "is of Vital iinportanee to
women engaged in . ;the Industrial
straggle for, e.!ciatence.'!, •
The .traties uttiOnists. are , ,sup7
porting the appeal.' They say that •
the demand ior woman Suffrage Will
be tirelessly pressed until Perna.'
4n -ant-. yields" wOnien tith r
the ,We.strninster- legislators '
When 'permitted to vote they Will ex-
ei•CiSe a,• triumphant. forte in' the di-
reeten: of social reforin
istre•tive effiele.ney.,
1'0•4:1.11,,7'e7 •
• Polmema 4t, 4.011141( ein
(are, if •aart g rii Dke ttitat I'll 1111,0
to art•Pkt-
1/1r..4t Nforry. Mari -N14"I0)7 we're not
, • ,
" No, 'NIL lq elltIllg:aS. nappy .11D
tf . Were, Monday:"
i*ret• 1 nvis,11
"DOes year liasiln nd stiff (tall yeti
.Iiispearl and Ids.gem rind all that"?'
askoil the yottng tnatrono
OXO (7115/4'' answered the. ebler
pert, denbtrully." "Ile letir taken, to
melds, gold 1.1 ick 1,10,, and
Pia not knit, sure What he. Mertnii, hy
•It." :•" , '
siump,-0c4A0 54 Points in Banie
No* • York ', Street.-;
The ihieiSiOn ot -the ,adtabilstration
at, Washington to•Jeilt the ,legality
tfic,:''Kovttiorn,sedilrititg Coillpany,
, , .
cdfint 110 ,onylite; 'steeit Ihttr.Yet With
a• 8101017...wetikenitig was al-,
ready .thanitested lathe Linidon.mar-
ket before the 'Opening here:,„ .., The
stitelt market opened in
moralized 'condition, 'anti very large
14104...17.8 6f 'etecks were tinlOatleilla all
Ara:lions, itt tient.° declines', Igatnr-
ally' "th& steeks'• of the treesdOntin-
ental intiltead/S as' being. inithedittiely.,
interested Were. ilibst allotted: lint:
iit,tgo losses Were: sink,Wit in other
sthekk-svIte're DoerAla,ticin,fotAlic
. ex tended, the conlerti.., the'
poettil industrials 8)1(1 1.110 local
trOotions nil rho -eine; Shari) .1Osses.,
N(111. )174; r re( r,()pposi
1711 >7771701 717,0, laegar,
-403 Atehistin
fi.o,fil tWa. te over...three "poInts.`1114,-tity."
stOeks the iniseellatieotia
Of 4 •tinitit Or more. '
aapport tor tlitt market W,4..s.primpt
7)r'1.1,10,]`, t "Pito" inrying. '06 this.
:toomoit 17011 7tO, .ti.sorb! heav,Y.
s7fT(r11g.7 for a time Lth11il any iti...
Mention.' of it theelt 1.6 thitir
Nm eVident' filet 'that: eetifidetit
kit oil hotVeveri:relleVeil
appreht.eilonattid the, selling 'bee:tine
less org(?iiiil..t: ts jil:6 poi-I:too,
There are'it ig over .fifteen
hundred Web;!' set.tiers' in Patagonia,
and continued reverseS on aceount •
'of ' bad ...weather :and loss ,Of crops ,
have iodated then] to appeal for as-
sistance. , "
It is tualCrs'tood. that Lord 'St rath-
Cana was unfavorable to asking the
Imperial Government for either a
lathiitport Or financial :assistance to '
eid- the Welsh settleres •• to reniove :
from Patagonia to • Canada..
i• The Daily Ch'ronicio, to' -day' 'Says:
7'Surely the .0analitia Government,
might advance the 'kieoney . rot -Mired."'
and take ;chance .of being repaid at' ,
• a future 'date." • •
Nei? York, Pelt 1.11-Brinkera of,
thin city ,blentiriod With the retina -4
Have -flanded' 1-1
Over in, Good Health:.
Pi el
Fe.b. Tempe' , pub,.
Ilsli074 71. tleSpittell ,CptiStentip-.
'Ople,, 'Which , IttitiOutthes timt
Stone ha S been .released by t.hebrig- •
arida whaheye held her capidVe•sintin
Septeinlier fIrd', lest, -and', hag been
handed over in good: health to the.:
dragolinin- the .A.tneriean Loga-,
• The' despatch adds that , the
erend• TSilka."; has.. becn, arrested on'
the, charge of ii:ornplicity in the ,
napping of Me 'Storh7.. :
Who, ttetording.,th the ConStentInotile"
CorresPtindent .0f the 04.1.,,ejg la,
ri. despatch antitninting rereads.
„the nitargii.,Of • comii4ity ths
ot Misn betitifitra(isted, on ;
napping' ot thrt tiMsionaty, the.11116-,":"
tipinpa Ilion. It wits. an tt titled re;
stispetted tin •.the ithe ROY. - Of
iich.ietiott oft
. h
oe,ntly that 1110 Terkish atithoritlege-
band •of gisfi,"gtoian'E.,7
.1.6 wtimoti tifitt..We
I., had onit / think I'd
.the deptaaalil