HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1902-02-14, Page 8Its what a cough may lead to ° that mikes it 'dangergns, armed against, danger by al ways keeping in ,the boucle' to bottle of IooHE*Q'S SYRUP OF WHITE PINE AND TAR Containing the soothing syrup . Hxmintpal ver7 pleasant ar►d_ happy.event took place at the borne .of '..Air,;;ant• Mrs, '.Chomps Ounninghatp, • )urhaia roads Greenock, on 'Weduesday, Jan.. 22nd, when` their ettdesx:.daughter;, Margaret Elizabeth,, was: juu►rd .iu wedlock'to $r 'illen. oLeau of Rat- phton, Men, Pcowptly 'at the beur of.Pine =and • the strengthening .,'and ,antiseptic, tar. ` = It '14 a apeady;euro for the quoat ob- attgate cadgh. ; It will not de range the weakest stomachand in a standard remedy. for .agec-' tions of the .threatrecomended add prescribed by leading physicians everywhere. Large botdtiti 25c.. mN: DADS. AND SOLD BY A. C. LOCHEAH, CMEMI$T AND DRUGGIST • LQC>iC1lIOW. ONTARICo. METHODIST' CHURCH., Raw A Q Hartle. , Pastor - SABBATH: 10 sat. -,elegy ala. 11 a,tt,.—•Kept fr►.m 3.45.14111. -Sunday chuo1and Bible 01699. 6,30 P.N.—Young Mens Prayer Meeting P31. --Two lists and their end." . WEEK NIGHT' SERVICES MondayBeenin „ League.:::, Wednesday evenings Prayer Meeting. BEATS FREE.', ALL WELCOME Ouse For, QK,en•. Sound, S'!'iartun, I'ai+ley, Port Ta�aa, u3dy,-Chpsley, AVroxe;rq•,, 73elmoreLuckuow and Wallrerton and, }hr vicinity. The young couple Intend;' Tending a' few x eeks'under the Par- ental roof and: visiting friends, iuefore 'returnin; to their .home in R4Iph+cn, appointed the 'wedding ;march ' was played by 31isa Bella Mct iupgnand The Rbyal 'Templars' are going to the little' ribbon girl's,Easie' McKin- have ' a. box social on . Feb. 28th in non' and Myrtle McCartney, appeared, McDonald's hall, IC 'I An . urc. dressed io white. organdie`' and fora ing eordisily' invited. A oral .. prog►a e. an Lisle. for the bridal party; ';The. bride entered leaning on the arm of will be rendered, , her father. She was attired in': pearl 1 Alr,- Dave tVicNiel; of 'Detroit, is silk:.tritncoed with applique and orna-visiting• ,at his; brother tq-lasv ,. Mr. moats and carried ;a beautiful bouquet D, �,�- meke•ie of White rosea Tier sister; Mamie, -1-1 .dressed in foulard ::silk trimmed, wr+`I, Misses Bitpnie McLt=nnan and Mri orearn'bilk and app°ique and carrying' nee McLean spPat )', few, days wail a boutluet of white rind pini' cards- R their attnt, firs. ben. AfeLennan tions., -acted very' gracefully is 'irides.: i.i. Miss Trott Carrick was the guest Of .maid.Little Florece, sister of the Bliss Jennie^ 11 e\lurcily last :keels• ; bride, attend d as ring. bearer and was Mrs�.J Mcitionald' of flip+e9 ! isited prettily gowned in:,eream'serge trim ,°at her ,sisters, Alrs John McKedzie, coed` with accordian pleating and lace:' i 'fast week ' The; grc,om was supported; by his con -1' h1 s .Madge $oyd left for L'ndon sin; Mr. ,Archie McKinnon. The] to attend theConservatory of Music. ceren:iony:was performed; by the 'Rev, ! ;Those' that '. attended the ' Huron L,- :MeKtnnon, cou3in ' of the . bride, l' District Council. H. T. of T., • which assisted by the Rev. .T- 'Sawyers, - met at Seaforth on Jan. 29th, -from pastor of the Methodist' church whil the ' bridal' party stood < under a; bell tram . which hung a light," casting ,a oink glowover all 'Atter congratu- ' rations were over all 'repaired to the; dining -room, which was artistically. droned with 'green and white, ;and a moat-su m p-. u..us-repast-was-served-by waiters dresse,q� 1n white . organ ie. Ample justice'being done to the,good° things provided,'toastswere propos, d.t, to the king, ' the:. bride, bridesmaid, host and hostess and v+trious,interests, wad the replies given, though britf,- ere interesting entN'rtaining and pro- fitable. ,The companyh then returned to the parlor where' the remainder of 'he ,evening was: spent in prink and its 'impromptu sz:program,' ' The bride 1 11 U R1 E ;' glutei! Council 'were Misses•' Hopi,. ' an Ag:;ie' Cain bell and • Lexy McL+' rind Alessre. •Alex. '; oydand' George McGregor. . *as • the recipient' of; a handsome: •"u 3?nt^ • NO! OMI ilii! C T.P.:SMrH' . i entiiic 'Optician 1 a .ortmert: of presents, showing the Graduate of New York Philadrlpbi i, hi •ti es�eein in' Which she was. held. and Toronto Colleires, will be"at The groom's gift to the'. 'bride . was a. , • sing. opals ;--;to the bridesmaid, an: opal` ZursdilY y Februar 27th '2 hind. watch chain,''set''with; tui9 noise. CAIN S HOTEL ON E D t ONLY =gale pin; to: the maid of honor, a bracelet: The -rally and ;comm. odonr ho .R°4 The guests_nombe.ed about n inerYa., id. .Ohlt early and avail 'of i is Anat. Tire propertyof the late Kra. Jsm4� gQaenill App' to W. .O�NE were from Oar LakeAav . Detroit, valuable services. • F GREACHE' Despite the stormy weather, the store JIM. been crowded' with eager buyers, pick- ing up the snaps. Are.you getting your shire of the great :bargains'? If not, don't ut it off any longer as we intend 'pulling up stakes" the first of March and Brave the ce of the stock to Seaforth. STRIKE WHILE. THE IRON IS HOT: 11 our bargain CouiI' • .. b r••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••w•.•ia•••••ea•••••••••a•a•aa•iaai•s•ea•••ee••••u.•. e a Ill IL' U IJ Y. 'i 1 1 1 1;1 0 1. '. g..,g' g;: • • ,i •. • . x in':. �e' recommend :our own preparations reference to others' .we have 'for sale.. because we manufacture: them.ourselves and .absolute- ly kothe 'contents�, of ever� p�e r t 1 U nW bear'n ournam Theyhave'been,,on tris: for years a d have van. entire. : sa lac on'. , . : • r h:.. s• r not satisfied .. 11Qone � refund;ed' : �f • :pu c a � , ,, . _ . Wood's Tonic C:3ugh Syrup., Wood's Emulsion of 'Loci 'L1ser 6. Oil, Wood Acidulated Liver 'rd 'Stomach low, Wood: O u , s t y • *Utile ,Liver and Stomach Pills, Wood's Dandruff Cure; step:, `, hair f!otil, falling pat, Wood's White Oil, , fpr sprains, bi utses, • • :., rhennnat c pains,'etc.,Wood'a Headache and Neural ia.Capsulrs, U nod's Vold in ;Head 'Capsules, and iianv ; other pt•elar�t►iorns• .• . : We have Cattle'. Food 'Uondition''Pimeters Crushed Oeste: • Shelis'for Hens. • Women'sor Girls) Oxford. Low Shoes—Grenache'g r rto p ec ! �2�t: tom, ' 4 �ijil: t 'tti+ c ti a pair. Women's Buttoned'and Laced Boots--C.;renachp's price $1.30 tri!'! 30 a parr: Our .prise' 75c.a pair. We bought the Stock Cheap- 'e can . afford'.' to se1F-' cheari . .:Dot 't Wait til.! Sp to buyYour new Shoes Take advantage `of . this . and make r:ij d SpTl111g y � great interest on your money l niers ou Long Boots, at Whole3ile' Prices and 'Veit Boots at,,Half ' Price. e can sell � � �, 'One bis e' 'Ifubbers--=-Grenache'•s Orice '$1. kr 'Our price 75d a pair. :arch Grenathd s Old Staid t 1.11+it '` • CHEMISTS tX` DR IGGISTS. H OD • •; • • ,40 • • . • • _ • 1 • -•, ,. •�••••••••••••seees* ,••err•*••*•••*•••***•••*•r••••••••*••••w•q:•**•*•f**• e••D6••••i••., .4•; a+s••'. :cow e•ooa.o:•so*oaao®s••• ••NNS. : •' • • . • •: • • •, • •• • 46. • Z • • •' •• • • • • • • •• the First of- February Durirl. the month . of JANUARY we' wish to clear out all REIVINA�1:Ts. ODO LINES, ALIJ FURS and, ALL WINTER UNDE WEAR. Customers wilt find it pays to trade with us in • January. ;.• • • • • • `' 1,11;1). i)I.J r J4 I.• • y riHt rL 1) V►i�YT 11 :_• ;.:. egg/at i r • 41 ` w ,• O. El)110141 ,._ •. • Is . is' tine St+llt a that' the found in"tjtl#� ,1re�iry ,line It economical'itonsewlfe sees ': : 1,' the .Stove tfr ,t radlales, the, greatest h'at'.wwith the smallest coustimp- ticxfl': of fuel, .whether er that becoral or wood, It is found in ,oi r line of •r. • ••: • •• • • 07 • HEATERS and its n3n a is "REGAL r ENIS$'1 1.74 .rr Site, design ;as ;vary hanclsomie,- the cons ruction perfectw • • • • • • •• • • • K OW . 1. 4000.00000•0•0000•000••••••••••` ,********00100.4,00•00•:' '••••s •trN••••