HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1902-01-31, Page 8,r Its„rathst s Bough ,arty- lead; to tb t. makes it .dawgerauLr” ,-Pe *Med, against dangerby al wayi heaping in , the house a botitle;of Y ,y. HEAO'S SYRUP OF ME Pisa AND, TAR tContsining'tha soothing syrup of Pine and; thestrengthening and \pntiaeptic tar. It i:a a . MAITIAND ralOinertlarr The Presbytery of Maitlandmet to -Wing-ham on 'Amide, .iast, with'a full, attandaeee of weinhere. At last, ni eting it was,: agreed to appoint;. moderator by .siu)plc eli;etioninstead speedy cure for. the Most' ob adnate cauda. It will not de. M30 00 weakest•stomsch'and zt±_atriand_arri_� �rreley for'Latl'ee _, fiaue of the :throat recamended std�Presect a 7, y. eadin g " P Yaicions everywhere. Large bottles 25c. policiesSO force, und'sixth. fargeat, .as: try riel:s Gnrrlcd. During. tlatt year the corns ny remind 33, claims for loses; pf which a.1 wi,re satisfautQ_rilyad4osttd, in aii-nincuntin , .tn ?,i4Q.5a. Atli cars' elected,, for the. ;ye,►r 1902 were as follows : •, Jella B+tltatttyne, presi- of by rotatioq, and on :motion; it was agreed on,Tueaday that the term appointment ,should be for'4 year it stead of eix'.nnontbs . e's previously,' • Rev, J. 'Roast of` Brusel, wais, tbti first Sto be elected . to, the position under the new order: ' ;Future, moder- atera will be elected at the November.. meeting to be re1Kly for tlio beginning of their term •at the net .meeting ill. January. It was ogreed,te ,liacuss the for Social Worship" and the emends- Lions macle•bythe comrriittee, at 'the next meeting in March, lit the request of the General As; sembly's"Cobamittee on Chdreh pro.. -Fermi, the-clerkwaa,inetructed-to-corm municate with congregations in the ,Presbytet'y"..t , t'.-r-tain the title uncles Rbiob their property is, held whether there is: any insurance an it ; . if so, what'amotint .and to suggest that insurance be carried in all cases Rev's. ilitistie and, Puna. were 'ap. painted; the Presbytery's. Repre-eut>i- ,tives• on the' Esecutire of the You ug People's Presbyterial'' Society. Rev's, Roes,; Perris' and; Anderson were appointed a eoinntittee to revise the Presbtery's order of business, and report at May meeting. At the afternoon,seesion an interest= ing discusaon,Was entered into on:tt•e Remits tient down by . the Assembly to the'Presbyteries for.consideration, The,' appointment of Sunday School •Missionaries; :whese 'Bele duties should be the'lookiag after. 'theinterests: of: the Sabbath. School work,' ' especially. ;in.tbe frontier Synods, was dissappror,-' ed of. ,It waa.agreed to approve .of, the proposals to 'form all the 'Yonag. People's Societies of the Church into' a W eetniinste"r Guitd: .A Remit `proposing .ta give, liberty' to congregations where they: desire it, to elect their elders fora term of`noti less, thin five years .the same to ,be . eligible at:tbe expiry., of the term.' for re-election was approved of .by a.large< majority, four members recording their: dissent. ,z It'wari;agcee.to,approve of the•:pro- po:ia1 to. reduce -the representation of MADE AND SOLD SY 4 CHEAD, CHEMIST AND DRUGUIST O �.QOHNOW:ONTARIO • dent,: Kinci,rdints. P Q., `County of Bruce; Finlay. Anclersor:,,• vice -prem dent, ,bel„ rave P.Q•,County of Huron; J. 1l, 'Roberts, ,;secretory treasurer, Don ar,non V. 0., County, 'of Huron , ,I The ,it;tating,• directors were Messrs.. Anderson, -Tease Ei:elrer, Jobs) 13u1 lantyne, and' W. Brothers,,' all being' re-eltuted. tlbbrgan Dalton. and John Wilson' were; re.,ealeeted ♦xtiditere, The present. Board consists cif William.• Stother"s, Tac Fisher, John —Griffin., .F�'.A,nd.eraon,,A. Stewart, 1us. Girt/}rr; E A A.elioson, J. H. Kaake and ,Ino;: 13allatatyne . M Wm' Baine acted,, as clt�itni.aix; of the general rneetitig,, �s+ (Or the ,one that will be' your's) and we will be milling to, accept; abrighit . woma•n's; Judgment on the FU$NITIJSE we, ee have tolsell..! ;Sour GROOM SUITES,.. PARLOR SUITES, ' PARLOR ,C$A1RS,. • ' COUCHES, HALL RACKS;` nd choice Odd Pieces of Furniture. [ti "nderti :Our' extensive experience warrants us in ea mg special atten.ion;, p 'this branch; of our business. You' Will find us prompt, reliable, .at ten iive and efficient.: Calls at - ten ,ed to day or night. t we.ecIlicit patronage on . the merits .,of the goods we sell and; .the services we gibe.? Furniture ,; Derl er ...: Undertaker "& Embalmer, >UcKNOW, ONTARIO: Whaling \) 3 t r'' you the Sets Comp11ntente • of the Season: How It 19Dono ,The first object• irr 1ifr v•itli-rktW eo ,le'is to et rich";. the Canadian..p l , . '',!get Second), • how to '.regain .'good . health.. P b The first can be': obtained. lay, ener;.y, honesty and riving ;.• the second (good. twa'ttti), ' iy using,Gre'en's August Flower. iihoulit,yOii be 'a despondent soffert r finin any; o'f .the *ffect,c f s' pepra, liver complaint, 'appendicitis, indi estion,et.i , such'as sick headache, palpitation of the heart, .so/iir stomach, habitual, costiveness," dizziness of the head, nervous prostration,`.}ow spirits, ,etc., you neet) not suffer' another day Two doses, of the, well known ;August Flower will.relieve yap at once. Re size,: 75c.;. ,You" can get Dr. G. G Green's .reliable . remedies at John Wood 5c' Co's. ,.. •,et�•tie•es•**e•ee•'o•a•a• se •a►a•••aai•*nni•••a•i•e'*•!" .••••••••4k00°•”•."...‘".... • • f A• • • • • •: • • s • ••.. • • ,a***s* ,fes->f•+rte' • • • • • • EI TILSI ER OIL :• •. • - • ' %e "-wishtaL ee Po Y rtunit ' • to thank ' all our rends :for ' • .` numerous f l liberal patronage in the, past, to respectfully solicit' a and y continuance of the same for; the furture. Give us a eali' beforepun. .chasing your'canfetionery. ., Largest and best assortment to choose from, New Figs, Dates, l aisitis, Oranges, Nuts,. etc. Cheaper than ever at ::- OZEIT the Assembly to one-sixth ; and also bat a .General :Travelling , Expense Fund be instiouted for the., pteyrn ant of, Assembly-Cornmiasioncrs The discussion on a.'Couirn stiit,i of ,Aseeinbly for the: purpose of meeting ernergeocies. which may ii -e: dilripr,r intervals Of, :A. serublies, was deferred.. till: the March meeting." was`'a: reed to`npprove of liberty' being given . to P,reebyter ieq to. keep 'their Permanent• Ree:ords iii' printed form;, if they should so desire The next' meeting' of the Prosbyter.y was appointed to be held inpini on'Tuesdaytii the 4th of: Marchi .at ,',101 to. It. S G1.' Atzncnsox, 'Presbytery Clerk. Card,. of Thanks' DIF. Alex. :loss, harnesssmaksr, wishes, through* the 'coeuwna, of The Sentinel, -to expt•ess• his thanks to hie, uta:ny a stornersand,the publicgenet. ally, for .the liberal patronage given to. liim in the past.' He also wishes . to inform them that he has left the •ol e shop; where for ,co many y' ars he had the ,pleasure of meetiing his nl+ny, friends, and removed hi. harness busi- ness to the shop, formerly occupied by re Robert`Proctor.where:' he ]sst . , he will be pleased to welome:bis:o}'d custom ars and all others wishing harness, etc,. • , • •• • • • • • ; LEAS )C TAKE - BOTTLE •'. • •: • • • • • •. • • • HL`MtSTS &'DRUGGISTS. BHN JV Sao : ccs • • i •••Ween•••••••••••••••s'to••••••••••••••••••••••ho••••*•• �4NNN� NNO+f�A '4,4,44,44014.••••••••••.-- l004 ' • THE WEST WAWANOSH Mutual Fire Insurance Company Makesa . Cibod" 'Showing • The annual meeting , of the `W. -eat rani -e. ' :Mutual Fire " insu �1?avnagotsh .. Company was held at Dungannon on 'Wednesday of ,th week:' The, atter dance was. large considering' the had abate of all :cross .roads, and the inter, .est manifested by. those present angors we11, for, future,•:progrc:s.;' 'iVtt are pleased to ; learn r.hat t he' con)pany. ,stands' ori{ at 'tiriri foundation, , The severalstatements,were; eminently satisfactory, the total ,'receipts during the year. i,oiiu F,8,!:71:48'; total expen- diture, 3,x'27 6:1'•, cash irk, bank SO, 515.80 ; each at hosed 'office, NEWSPAPERS FOR 19132 • The tune has arrived when readers .begin to think of 'their ' newspaper literature for the coming. year. Our clubbing rates are as' follows : Sentinel and 'Weekly Globe $1:60 Sentinel and Weely Mail 1.70 Sentinel. Family Herald and Weekly' Star 1-75: Sentinel and' W eekly_' Sun 1.75 Sentinel and Montreal Witness 1:60 Sentinel and ;Western','Advertiser 1.50. Sentinel And Weekly; Free Press ;1.75 For Sade or To Rent A `larrgge-and comrnodirire fraine hoose on ,Havelock street, one quarter! of a.mile north t,f the strwien. "The house contains five roono anti' woodshed.' On the' premise there ,iii good frarrie Rtahie' and a shall. orchard 'The .qu>srtery 'acres lnt ti,.taias nna' and three and 4,00d apriag well. O.6ner will either'reiit Or sell it.at re nshl'+.itgare,, " Mfth. JAL U. 1.'ALCOh'1;:Tt,. };o G 180,',Tattckao.v .p. nose For tile lP ',rhe targe and eotn'tnodbu,i houtie ort 'Ross street: Tt,e"pr4ti^sty of.thr late Mte,..Tarnea jyhmerville, Apply to W.0010E1)T,, Cash assets' in bank, $3,513.97 :afsets due, $765'3,5`;` premium..- note capital $148,8711,11, snaking, a total. of $'155,- 187.45. „ 155,-187.45., The tnaxiintim •number , of policies in! force tag. tlic year gree 41.,075, eancellNti durirtg+g iha year 201 expired during the year' 681, number :of . policies' in force 'TYac'. 311";t, 3,192, maximum, amount of "risk's ; in" force. enduring the year •6'5,193,098.00,. •total amount at risk. Dile .31„st, "4,111,315 , 130,'prehiturn note hatidleti during ,the year _$192,440 residue of 'preaieim'. hand 1)ec.lydl 1J01•,118 979:.: note on �r , '-aeseswible force of all premiu4rr;: noted, 1.6 ,473 92. Fr(An the reports of'° 1900 rind•.. 1901 , not being ,vet f distributed, we Pearn that out;: of 9:3 stric„;1y`"mrttuai companies he t"t"pat •Wawatrtisli 8" ranee fourth 1arg est as to •TilE'Li 3Kl%O %' MARKET Flour,, per 100 ibs $1 8i to $2. 50 Fall:W'Vheat:, 76' '77' Oats ;i8: 38. l3arley, 50 ft 50: Peas...'%.:;7:71f?'.,77 32 -Butter per lb : .15 '17 Eggs per doz : 1'5 17 Lard per lb.,`' .12, 10' 'Potatoes, per. bush 2530 lb lipiesi`per avrel ` - 2 3-00 • r full "and accurate Toronto' Mar-' tet Repoi:'see:seventhpage. • RELIGIOUS SERVICES. • � H ItC Il T�C U MET�QL103 Rev A ci Harr, 'Pastor, ' !SABBATH. 10'1.MC:--7 ot'e hua/t. 11,.Am--= `buil Sacks,” Saeratile tt e First of February. L t� e month of JANUAR' C �,. Niri,sb toclear out all REMN ALL . ODD LINES, ' ALL "` an ILTTER L]`'NDER\ d:• �AaL W t' a ' t a :ustomers' wv�.l 1, find � p y, s , , to ra .... , � ., with us in"Jan,u: ar. v. urin ••••••••••••••14••••! NOA•N••N•NNNN•' u••oar••••`s•••••••eeeiaiae••ea••••e••e/on ,_;1. ' •i**�••��••r*•iii+••oil_• • i▪ . • • • 1: 1 • dlaAo); •' •%dibltllvi . • • f ,.. ee IIE i.. 2.4r4 School erns, Etb1v rJlas9. ' 6,29 t Sten'sTrayer Steeling.' g r,irr=� o Yr,ttu Penple: W I-:K.NTG tT.SET'VZOES,' �Inndty-i:4entn, Tissue ` We,dnes4ny cYe,:ini , Pr:s0r +,1 lit). •. • ". •• .• • • • assets, fifth largest as', to number of 19, t1, z)Srow,tL S lit>t'';U c 1.7OTi.WA.R1). Winter. Te n, begins Jan: (�rtr 1`At".y iPtt , reasonable -air C+lu•rse,s cf sttady .thorough';and prat-, tical, t Senil fox one Jtitrnal to seen what we, teaeli. 'l' yte tfift ''entel at f1n u S .uelcy y t1wa Coarso 't,f Stiitly, (>otrilnerciatl' a nti• titin t li;tir1. fit .laic A1 -Ll Mcic! re, I"reSident Sceretu"r,y. • • • • a • • • • • •' • •• i • • ' ir. • • +r stri t ti TS .tory V ildtldCbt](it1 - the . Ci�t]S 1(. 10)i,perfect.•„ Is found in our new: line; ` It Is the stove. that the economical, htOusewife seeks;' It is, til' stove that radiates" the greatestlie .t �yith °ilia strilltys't;ousimp- Y tio,• wvellertat be`•n hc•oi t " woori'' Yt is_ foundin our lints of. • • • .1 •,'. E e • • •,4 • , • • •. • • • . • • • • b� • • •**'•iieilnee*****o 0 •'eta**•** a*****e•ee*•**1Fitii**id* a •• •• ers