The Wingham Times, 1908-06-11, Page 78 TIIE WINGHAM TIMES, JUNE 11, 1pO8 MINOR LOCALS. —Cooler weather. ----Thtusday, June llth, —Ssfortii raoea will be held on June 36. 17 and 18. —The Tiuf, will be sent to any ad- dress in Canada to January let, 1909, for SG cents. —Get your wedding invitations, an- nouncements and vioiting cards at the Trams office. ---The regular meeting of Oourt Maitland, Canadian Foresters will be held on Fciday evening. —Tnrnberry Dieirict L. O. L. will meat in the Wingham Orange Hall on Monday evening, 15th inst, at 8 0 clock. —A garden party under the auspices sot St Paul's Ohnroh A Y. P. A. will be Held on the pars: next Tuesday even- ing. —Have you paid your subscription to 'the Toms? Tbo address label will show the date to which your enbserip- tion is paid. —Mr. W. S. Brewster, E O., the PERSONAL. Mre, helm was ';siting with her son, Mr. A. J. Helm at -4 ranbrook. Mae. P. Brown of Clifford was visiting for a few days this week with Mrs. J. J. Elliott. —The next sitting of the Division Oourt will be held in Wingham on July 9th. Mr. Thos Hicks has returned Immo after spending a few weeks in British Columbia. Messrs. J. S Ieard and Levi Lott, of town, ars in Goderioh this week serving on the jury. Mise Agnes G. Wilson is spending the summer with Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Scott, Sandusky, Mich. Mr. Wm. Deyell left on Tuesday for Winnipeg, where he expects to spend the summer months. Dr. A. F. McKenzie, of Monkton, was visiting for a few days with his father, Mr, Geo. MoKonzie. Rev. Thom Jackson, of Stratbroy, visited at Mr. W. J Pattison's for a mewly elected M P. P. for South Brant, few dam of the past week, Ile a cousin of Mr. J. B. F etgrigp>;t, Cif' 'ingbaffle —John Aiidtlydori, the bigamist, ar- rested at Renfrew last week was on `assar'day sentenced to seven years in 3.ingeton penitentiary, --Excursion from Kincardine to De- 1roit, via the steamer, King Edward, on Wednesday, June 17th. See advt. in another column for particulars. —The semi-annual meeting of the County Lasted Orange Lodge of North Maxon will be held in the Orange Hall, Wingbam, on Monday, June 22nd, —At a meeting of the Laymen's Association in connection with the ,London Conference, Mr. W. H. Kerr, iof Brussels, wee elected as President. —The Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's Presbvteri'u1 Church are arranging for a garden party to be held on the town ;park on the evening of Tuesday, Jane Oth. —The Deputy Returning officers in Wingham on Monday were:—Ward 1, john F. Groves; Ward 2, F. Buchanan; Ward 3, J. B Ferguson; Ward 4, O. N. Griffin. —The congregation of Eadies' Church,. Turnberry, will hold their annual garden party on Thursday evening, June 18th. Particulars will be given on 'posters. —Anneal excursion to Model Farm at Guelph on Friday, June the 19th. Spec- ial train leaves Wingham at 7.28 a m., fare $f 25. Tickets good to return the following day. Take a pleasant holi- day. —The Wingham horse races are being held on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. There are a large number of horses in town, and to -day's races promise to surpass those of previous years. Mr. and Mrs. John Amsbury have returned from Toronto and taken up their residence in Turnberry. Mr. Thos. Bell, of SouthriMpton was visiting for a few days last week with his numerous old friends in Wingham. Mr. R U. Sperling, of Dauphin, Man., a former well known resident of Wing - ha m, is spending a few days tis week with his old friends in town. Mr. Adam Anderson, of Orillia, was visiting for over Sunday with his father, Mr. Wm, S. Andersen, of Turnberry, who continues in very poor health. Nichol Bros ' sawmill and 200,000 feet of lumber were burned at Owen Sound. Percy Graham and Norman MoNight of Barry went out in a canoe and are supposed to be drowned. Coughs, colds, hoarseness. and other threat ailments aro quickly relieved by Cresolene tablets, ten cents per box. ,A11 druggists, The total number of trade disputes reported to have been in existence in Canada during April was eleven com- pared with eight In March and thirty- six in April, 1907. There were 33 firms and about 695 employes affected by trade disputes daring the month, 29 firms and about 438 employee having been involved in the new disputes of the month. —The annual meeting of the High Court of the Canadian Order of Fores- ters is being held in Niagara Falls this week. Messrs. M. R. Beckwith and H. B. Elliott are the deleg' from Court Maitland. —The person who has .. ce experien- ed the pleasure of oup of delicious "Salads" Tea ' th feeling of satis- faction that its p i rity and flavor guar- antee, is not easily persuaded to ao- oept a substitute. —Annual excursion to Model Farm, Guelph, on the Kincardine line will be run on Friday June 19th. Special train will be run and an enjoyable opting promised. There was never more to see at Guelph than this year. —Any members of the Ladies' Auxili- ary of Wingham General Hospital who wish to help the sewing committee in marking the linen, are requested to meet M the hospital on Friday afternoon of this week, between 4 and 0 o'clock. —Dates for examinations have been fixed as follows: for entrance to model schools, June 23rd; high school en- trance, June 24th, 26th and 26th. Nor- mal school entrance and junior matricu- lation, June 29th; entrance to faculty of education and scholarship matricula- tion, July 2nd. —Now that the banana season is on it is well to remind users of this fruit who eat it on the streets not to throw the peelings on the pavement. Many a pedestrian has received a bad fall and some have even got broken or sprained ankles by slipping on one of these treacherone peelings. TAKE NOTICE. That J. S, Jerome. Dentist is making beautiful sets of teeth for eight dollars, and inserting the Patent Airohamber. All work guaranteed. Office in Chisholm Block, Wingham, SHORTHORN SALE An auction sale of Shorthorns will take plane at ' Riverside Farm", lot 28, con. 8, Culross, on Thursday June 25th, at 2 30 p. m. An imported bull, cows with calf at foot, heifers and calves will be offered for sale, Terms 60 days. J. GILLIES ESTATE. AUCTION SALE In Belgrave on Saturday, June 13th at 3 p.m., that valuable residence and grounds k own as the Tufts property, containing ten rooms; also at the same time and place the following personal property, 1 kitchen range ingood uepair, 1 centre table, kitchen chairs, kitchen rteusils, carpenter's tools. fire arms &c. V. S. Scorn, iiircnrs & COSENS, Auctioneer, Agents. Stand up for your Town. If yon have made up your mind to live in a town, then stand up for it, and if yon know of positively no good, then silence is golden. Do all yon can to help along every man who is engaged in legitimate business. Do not send away for everything nine you want and still expect the home men to keep a stock to suit the whim of one or two custom- ers. The success of your fellow towns- men will be your success. No man liv- et•h to himself and no man can do busi- ness independently of his fellowmen. Take the home paper! Do not imagine the big dailies fill up all the space. T here are many little crevices of good cheer, social sunshine and personal mention, in the home paper, that the big dailies do not print. Do not abuse your neighbor. The main difference in the number of his faults and your own is that yon see through a magnifying glass as a critic. The ill omened, the croaker, can do a town more harm in a minute than two good citizens can re- pair in a month. BRIGHT LITTLE ONES MAKE HOMES BRIGHT, are well ale we chi) t t Babied that ll, eat well and play well. A that is not xdsycheeked and playful needs im- mediate attention, end 4n all the world there is no medicine roan equal Baby's Own Tablets or tiring indigestion, oixastipation, • rrhoea, teething livable* and th other disorderp from which young children suffer. The moUirai` who teem this medicine hat! the guar, ,'!tee; of a government analyst that kt it abdolntely sate. lira. 3. Ir. Janelle, BC $ylvere, Que., dayx:—"I find Baby's °WU ` itia/sts the moist satisfactory aticedietnet I have ever used for oonsti.. eft. Seething troubles and breaking colds. Erse mother r should keep xuefdiaitio in the home." Sold by toodtchat dealers or by !mail at 25 cents la btu from The Dr. V7i111tiats` Mediolae CSI., I tookviile, Ont. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLED A simple and effective remedy for SORB THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lico- rice. Your druggist or from us, 100 in stamps. Laaxmo, Micas Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. 4ox Pointed Paragraphs. Many a man who knows his place is unable to keep it. Often a man's wife is his only visible means of support, Many a man attempts to stand up for his friends by lying. Little drops of water makes big dol. lars for the umbrella man. Do people who kill time expeot the dead past to bury the dead? There would be less. trouble if no- body ever gave anybody advice. When a girl wants a man to kiss her she doesn't want him to think she does. Dare to right and you will soon have a reputation for being poor but hon- est. After a woman has been married a few days she begins to think how much better she could have done. Sometimes a man can tell what a woman means by what she doesn't say —that is if she leaves anything un- said. IU)RlY. Hogue rn—In Turnberry, on June 3rd, to Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Homuth; a son, Gxnsocg—In Win ghoul, on June 4th, to Mr, and Mrs. James Gibson; a son. Mellnsuo7.—In Wiugham, on June ith, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Walton McGibbon ; a son. Crutch -1n Howlett, on May, 28th, to Mr, and Mrs. m. Craig; a daughter, DIED cUnnxE In Turnberry, on Juno Sth, Jameses Cur agedyears andmonths. rio. B 77 3 a tlAL0Axtlo.—In Belgrave,on Tune 3rd, Grace Cameron, wife of Mr. George Dalgarno, aged 75 years and `l months, COUISON.--In Turnberry, 00 June nth, Jane Nicholson, relict of the late Thos. Coulson, aged 81 years and 10 months. EowAnn.—In Brussels, on ,luno 2nd, John Howard, aged 70 years. CTIA/o--In East 'wawanosh on May :;0th, Isabella Ada Nethery, beloved wife of Mat- thew Henry Craig, aged 28 years. Et8ON.--In East Wawanosh, no lune 3rd, Isabella J. Quinn, beloved wife of Wm, W. Elston, aged t3 years and 0 months. Ttintrrr.—In East Wawanosh, on June 1st, Charlotte Clerk, beloved Wife of Robert Tanney, aged 51 year', 3 months and 11 days. BAxnonv.---In feiv'ck, on ,Tune 2nd Cather- ine L ther- ine Sparrow, relict of the late Wm. Earngey, aged 81 years and 17 days. •Hvmricu..In'.Curnberry on June 4th. Ane Ginn, wife Of Mr. Alex. hunter, of Morris, aged 74 r.srd, x months and 14 days. CANADIAN HOME. CIRCLES Rringhant Circle, No. 91344 Meets First Thursday in each month, at 8 P. m. in hall in Chisholm Block. Candidates for cheap, reliable insurance solicited. Ask to see our rates of any member or officers. Ladies accepted at same rate as men. REV. T. S. BOYLE, T. E. ROBINSON, Leader. Recording Secretary W. J. WYLES, Financial Secretary. vvvrivv vrirty,yryvvvvvvvyy •H4�444N'H.i**4+41t' ••••.. , t yy7nyyTYVVIIVYYYYYYYYVYYV.V4 r V 41 r e Little Fator_i's 4 I 41 +++++++++++ .?+++++++++++++4 4. ROYALOROCERY H 4 +• + + 3 i• a. Leave your order at Malcolm's +1' •1+ for + Pineapples, Zillions, + Orang-s, 4. Rhubarb, Lettuce, etc. 4. .14 4.ALSO ' •. Tomato and Cabbage '1c 4. 4. 'p d• 4. Simmr School - 4 June, July and August leads into I our Fall term without any break. Enter any time. New t_atalogue free, Write for it today. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Toronto. The largest, most reliable of its kind. W. H. SHAW - Principal Yonge and Gerrard streets ,.). /�jG�ETRAt�‘ STRATFORD. ONT. Is the leading 'business trainiug school in Western Ontario. We give a thorough, praotical training on Commercial Subjects, Isaac Pitman's Shorthand, Touch Typewriting, and in Commercial and Railroad Opera- ting. Bach department is in the hand of experienced instructors. We assist students to positions. Our graduates always succeed, for our coarses are the best. Get our free catalogue and learn more about ns. You may enter now. ELLDITT & ItilcIACHLAN PRINCIPALS. HOMESEEKERS' 2ND CLASS ii_ Round -Trip Excursions t CANADIAN,, To PACIFIC•mANITOBA eAILWAY,, SASKATCHEWAN N. ALBERTA GOING DATES aAprii 14, 28 June 9, 23 Aug. 4, 18 J,lay 12, 28 July 7, 21 Sept.1,18, 29 Tick.t■ good to return within 60 days points VERY LOW RATES in ntli Ranging j Winnipeg and return 832.00 between tEdinonton and return $42.510 Tickets issued to all North-West points. TOURIST SLEEPERS A limitber ed Tourist Sleeping Cars will be run on each excursion, fully equipped with bedding, etc. Berths should be secured andaid for through local agent at least sixpdays before excursion leaves. Rates and full information contained in free Homeseekera' pamphlet. Ask near- est C.P.R. agent for a copy, or writs to C. B. FOSTER, District Pass.Att., C.F.N., Toronto GRAND TRUNK SY$ EM Reduced Round Trip Tourist Tickets to Portland, Ore., Seattle, ash San Francisco, Cal., 'Vancouver, B. 0. Mexico City and many other Peelle Ooaat. Points, now on sale. Good going until Sept. 15th, return limit Oct 31st, 1908, Homesoekers Excursions At very low rates to the North- West, via Werth Bay—June 9th and 22rd. Via Sarnia and Northern Navigation Company. Steamer ' leaves Sarnia 3 30 p. in., June 10th and 24th. rail information at any Grand Trunk Ticket Office, 1' +i• 'l' •I• d+ 'p 4. Plants. +3++1••144'•1•x•'1'•1•++ Fresh Groceries always on hand. Try our Tea and Coffee. Fresh Bread daily—try a loaf. Highest prices paid for produce. as 1A..J.i Malcolm +i' PHONE 54. 4. +i +++++++++++++++++++++++++4 ► • • • ► ► ► ► ► i P t • • t f •P • • • • • fresh Fish Fridays. I have made arrangements for weekly shipments of Fresh Fish, and will be able to supply them Every Friday. All orders will receive prompt attention, THOS. FELLS BUTCHER BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service on his preinises, Lot 18, Con. 1, Morris, (Bluevale Road) a thoroughbred Yorkshire Boar. Terms—i1, to be paid at time of service. T. M. HENDERSON, Wingham, 1'. O. 1t••,6!u, G'dy� fli'GLiNknl4/ll.i�� POPULAR STALLIONS The Imported Clydesdale Stallion "Badge of Honor" will make the season of 1008 as follows : Monday, May 18—Leave his owner's stable, Bluevale for Frank Wright's, WI miles north of Jamestown, con. 1, I.urnberry, for n0011; and to the Ring Edward. Hotel stable, Wrox- eter, for night. Tuesday—To Jaynes Wylie's, con, 0, Turnberry, by way of the Behnore gravel road, for noon; and to his owner's stable, Bluevale, by way of the 4th eon. of Turnberry, for night, where he will stay the remainder of the week until Monday morning. WM. HEWITT, J. W. RING, Groom. Proprietor. The imported Clydesdale Stallion "Druru- burle Chief" will make the season of 1008 as follows:— Tuesday—Will leave his owner's stable, Bluovale, for Geo, Tur'ey's eon. 2, Morris, for noon; then to Thos. Warwick's con. 3, Morris for night.ht.Wednesday—To Jas. Shed - don's, con. 4, Morris, for noon; then to Jos. Miller's, con. 3, Morris for night. Thursday— To John Mem .es, con. 10, Eget Wawanesb, for noon; then to Jet. McGee's, eon, 10, East Wawanosh, for night. Friday --To John Leg- gett's, near Whitechurch, for noon' then to Or. A, T. Ford's sale stable, Wingliam, for night. Saturday—To his owner's stable, Blue - vale, and remain until following Tuesday morning. J. W. RING, Proprietor and Manager. The imported Clydesdale Stallion, "Mascot" will make the season of 1008 as follows:— Monday Leave his owner's stable, Bluevale for Frank Wright, jr. i' miles north of Janlet- town, for noon; then to Esty'Shotel stables, Wroxeter, for night. Tuesday—To Jas. Rif. - ton's, con. 5, Turnberry, for noon ; then to his owner's stable, Bluevale, for night. Wednes- day --To Alex, McPherson's,eon. 7, Turnberry, for noon ; then to his owner's stable for night. Thursday—To Andrew Mitchell's, eon. 10. Turns rr e yi for noon; then to BcnnsWick hotel stables, Wingha i until it m. Friday—At Brunewlck hotel stables, Winghem ell (My. Saturday --to his oWner'a stable), Bluevale, end remain until following Monday morninR J. W. KING, 1), ¥ c'PBRE8(?)Y, Proprietor. Manager, FREE TRIPS TO TORONTO 1908 FAIR Now To Be One of The Lucky 7. 1. Buy your goods for cash at this store and save your register check. 2. When you pay money on account save the check. 3, Get all the checks you can from your friends. They are transferable. 4. On 26th August, 1908, return all the re- gister checks you have, neatly tied in a parcel with your name and the total amount plainly writ- ten on the outside. An error in adding to extent of one dollar at once dis- qualifies you. Hand them in at our office where they will be added and the winning ones will be de- cided on by J. B. Fergu- son, town clerk. 5. Only checks dated from May 2I. to Aug. 25 are of any use. 6. Only check for cash purchases, money paid on account, or produce are of any use. IMMINIMM The Little Eaton The Big Departmental Store of Wingham All your requirements in General Lines kept iii Stock. Goods, fresh, new, up-to-date and of best quality. Millinery, ' our Parlors are in charge of Miss Little. Dress Goods, Clothing, Carpets and Curtains, Groceries, etc., etc. 7 PEOPLE are to get an ABSOLUTELY FREE TRIP to Toronto Fair, which includes for two days, - RAILWAY FARE, HOTEL BILL—one of the best Hotels of Toron- t o — 2 ADMISSION TICKETS TO THE EXHIBITION GROUNDS and $2 for - other incidentals. AH Absolutely Pree Why We Do It These Free Trips are given not as a Fad or or Fake Scheme but the plan is based on hard common sense and sound business principles. We believe thoroughly in the Cash System. It saves us many dollars in useless accounts. We had far rather give away a large amount outright than to lose more on useless ac- counts, for in this way we get the benefit of the advertising. Cash means great saving to ourselves in buying, so we are giving 7 Free Trips to Toronto Fair. Who The Lucky Ones Will Be They will be the 7 peo- ple who have the greatest amount shown on our Register Checks either (1) For Cash Purchases (2) Money paid on Account (3) Produce POINTERS, i. Get in the contest from the very start. 2, If you do not wish to compete, help some friend. A little kindness costs nothing. 3. Our goods are the very best and prices are right. You are a winner from merely buying. 4. When we are acting so generously, why can't you get some checks for a friend ? 5 Depend upoa it that absolute fairness is guar- anteed to everybod; . No favoriteism whatever. We want the store to be more favorably known than ever. 6. This trip will be a delightful one and every- thing on a generous scale. 7. Before August 26th our register checks will be prized as if they were pure gold. Get all of them you can. 8. Get going. g. Produce counts as cash. . s• 4. •a a e. ,± Remember the . Date! e 44 This Free Trip • Plan Starts on May 21st . and Closes August 25. .t Potatoes 60c per bushel. Egg per 17c dozen. IIANNA BROS. WINGH.AM. t 4:14411k43444144444114144441411, ri AAki i aikAAAAAAL► i►ux;u v .4 `0