HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1902-01-31, Page 7• 1
To vr9r...i..No§ep.:401911,g70- credft
c.;,t pitetostheraPy. 111.xperimertts: e'ti;
, ,
/tlf104 x.iu that; '-oertain..:.
• Colliti not 'live: In Onni 4171..4! 40. titittsil
pet,''.aboat 0,evisileg a' t.gat4, of great.-
pOwer' witieit eciuldbo direpted•epoe
the ,htfasalt flesh '.iyitlibUt itarin, 'Or
• pain,• The " Proeleth desSe to elintaiiit.e.::
'the • great 1et jjiaceompafilefi,.
„powerful; rays, 'of A,f ter .yeare
Oflabor 'lip: devised a 'tube, ,e oritth-
a anartg, ,prystal • .1 .enS, which, de4,
cOMPosets an electric. „light ef, great
litdver. • dlyeeting -Hie heat ' rays. to
a jacket ot eold. Water; and direetee
. .the, heatless actioicrayS bine,
altreevieletee an ' •• ,violet down
• • •
•. throng"' lite tebe fipene thee•pabjelst.:.
es •
; This iiiinttratith ehas. •heett Me911anie
'.'<1.11Yedlif•PrOVett:by Pee-- sad
-,thateeel4y;.nie1ithe,...Of e
. •braCket; .. the tray • niay' • be •'1ettAlilY
• directed upon any .part 9,f the beelY
the patient,. etret.elied One Siecot
• • -..• e • 7'-
. on the
the• netion; 0! thiS
dr eight: Sufilio•etiethe'PO, • '
, e4,
efte. eto „lie. , .sueferi tele • frtiele. InPus;
• that -cancer ' dostrOys. ;the
fitee; 'Obliterating as dreatifally
Iteiruey itselTf, ,every, • appearneee, ofJiunnHy ,
. Ho is 11.00 •, upon .a, cot.
underthe apparatus.. Tim. tube IS
• drawn , dolvat until it stops ,'Weithia,
art' inch of the ulcerated
• There • .. sizZI sig.,' sound as the• •
..Operator 'turns On the . current
• the' ' stin-bright • ,radianee .gl..ttere on'
• the Wall and pears ••dovv.n ihrotigh
the. quartz. lens uptea '
• lag calmer; and inyisiblY, the ,mire
acid is evorking„ For .an. 'hear the
• patient mast die • there., The light ,
, covers, a Asset aboat„ ,an Incli in'
• diameter. ' When, • • Alm liour , ls
um that Eliot • hale ....Paled • a
from • tile angry red arouede it.
, Next day another epit is treated ;on
the next; still :aft:ether,' The. treatment"
.daily;. could b tindergesne,• half a
. ,
•dOzon tirhes,. 'a .' clay Lf • there ,were '
;time, for' the Subject. feels', ho Sensit-
. •
tion whatever. There 16- noephySical
e• nervous • strain.. e.Preseitilk '
• Strange' thing is ;fleen. t.e. ha. haP,
• Minted.. About:. the :edge, ;Where .tbe.
' Sore ha e been moit inaligriant,i sound ,
fear„.tissiteebegins to farm. The cane.
• Cer Es being' reetrletedand, contract -
ed. Nov'. and .agiain„ It maketi
Pre:$11141g fOidArard its angry •sigitals,
011113!.' 1:4 bectteil back by the de-,
1itto0,1/V P-110. 124P• .e40,
of the bal.tte le etw.ikYP OP' 01411el Th
tupne.dieepppAre wed i.tseniaets 15
HQuix4ea .1.10Stie, , Not infreqinintly
ski•s1401-tftiSgt. resPrIed. 11ti to,
gtdre ••.•tilate Part of '• the face, brP,
vide" .n.a organs haYbeell
t.t? Oirig14 iippearanPe,
40' Ole 'Malignant ;slicer -eareoina
' of, the breast. add . here,, tile •rootie
Off• lie i'tit4,•e•nsras has
Oahe: Wes*, (Mite sees ,It
,vc*ilto slo;wer cases thatt .in
'Winne' Where the diseases:die, oit the
eSurfarce, for •14.telssetY1i little'Pell-
etrating .‘PeWer ; neveetlkeltdis • thor0
4,re, ,POutiitate•. cures ,ics ciredit.111
ettees heysted, t •liope ref els'isbc•atiell
. 1SY e, knife. .11er ler 0, •L ee any ,
.pareatphange in tile vatinditioo the
*016n:sive otairefroln the sore ceases,
:and • the disappearajlep soOn,
prose-as:see. One recent: caSe of Mal-
kgPaut isar6611.4 breast vas
dieelearg ea- iroin tbe-,.laboratory-.--ine
, ell stiveital,mouttis
ago, Where the dieease :Avase • ar-
rested after it hati, alinoet complete-
ly 0,11;041' away isreaStt 141.ere.
"ma adobe been. no sign ef Ate return.
,la aaother case sareemet cif• the
tangas..ete61nokees cetteee"-was
Mired: There are:07 ManSeinetauCes
"ArlierP "Lipase. the euefatie 'facial- cans
herr has ..Ocea totally wiped 'Out"' that
they are. hardly 'kegs/trued as being
worthy of 4 piece on the recerds.
• By, what, 'proeeste does •the ray
aeldeyee such results?, IStibedy knows.
if Plie-einianfeeketiw ,this they sirould
be , near to. ithe .greattest 'Medical:die=
eovery in history. All they •cati • tell
le that, ,the ,a.bnOrrri4• „pro,
eaSses 'Which .produce.cn.neer arei Lu
eonietuysterlouS matiner•eorreeted by
the action of the ; the •preeess le
Checked and the eore healed. .When
they :have routed Out What cancer
Es they indy.,betable •to determine wIty
. •
t }inset). ray atets" alma it as it
does'. At. •pre8ent, • they. inapt be.
Cente.nt• with, theloloWledge that .h
elmple ray of light has -giv.ea results
more woncierfal 'than, ales the' Meidie
cineie; Mort .radleal'Allan knife.77.•
Elias Lisle -if :Buff lb -Co ki
. . .
The Idea Bji" :Which' Sir.' Wm. Macdonald
. .. • .. . . .
. is [Apliiiite4.
Prof: J'a.s.. AV. ••Roberton, •La.,it, "et- :: vitiees• of , Quebec,' -New,.lirunsWie4,
, .
: tee, thas . et s 'forth eSir AVe Mae- .r,Nova; Scotia.' and PrixiCes•Edward Is
., 1 • ,
:41on`aW'..4. petit of aiding surid 'ifehools: Linde to • :erniblee• the ,peeple. to .pro.•
. .
• " . • .. ', • - --vide school garden's and to/ under-
,.,, .
., .. ,,, ,
- Having' r°^'11Y.°1; t°• '01° 'veer IgSaw, s i .1 :1. a•iiti carry on object leseoni•and"
eayings,', •'Seeing, is •belieseng" dtati„ ;• esperitfients .r,eitii ',improvements Lib
."Wo Ilearn , by- - tioitig," the plan wilieli j• education, all ' under .tlye cantrol of.
;Sir Wiilatui:c:',UietiontO-roifiik's. . -10 i, (he i:edillarlY.ICO:16iittlIV 0.:11eatiOliM
. . .
040 kloior.iti4 ' to Marry out is -pre, -', SSI•h°i:.itles: •• ' ' ' ' ' •
• seated tit lour plirt8--tisree Under the 'f, ' Part • ';.3 of 'tlip plitit. ha's for/ it's •Oli..
. . ,
i SPheotrt etoPar.s.c..Sa:stirtinall.rnuatioit91;1.ailingd
Divis10n ' 01. Nii,,iiki 8,tudy. :and, ' ' the'
. rinir.iiii uinfer the DiViSiall of ',fiontes '1 i.l.e[jeterik.
boretertchers ford -art! Scheele
,tie lassnottee 64- • tlini:,,eibold .. Snie.nee.,
•• Fart leo.; CMS Pstn 'Ts intended • to 1 who desire ::to citialify thein,selves in
. give object. lessons 'of improveinen,,s4 ,r, . i i,,,,,
L,,,,,. i t lieSO' ilOWer subjecte.. and met liOdi..of: 1.
; hi. euuktation: 'from the consolidation i'Lelle.4"-Tli' ' • ' ' ' '' • •
, of fiseeeiS ordeortemittill rural 8eneols • It is propos.ed •t0 Offer' to •the P.ro• ,
vineteecif Ontario atetheeOntario Ag.
'.• tato 'one Central gradoleScheol, AV.th'11 rleultural • College .14 citirlph, • a• 1;14
. It, SeliCioi ,gartien ;tan; 'initatial traiiiing ;
• • 'room 'ite part •of..its equipment.e. : : sleet..
,i,o.f.e. building including 'a Nal:tire Study•
ie,prefioseti to. °free . I inituoial as.- -L'‘.:.‘*'.gr°*Lng- . iliCiUSe' 'a WI SUCII
1 equ"Siment .a...S, .may • liaeltequiredie in
1°.13fus°°:•f° °11° hieahtse is :' C)stari°1additicirt to what is there at Present
,audeon° 1°Learul-Y'''In oi14-'111 of 01°..P.r°- for , the accommodation of ,teachers•
, Vince's Of ..(IiiePiie; NeW , Brans -Wick, .•
while taking sliort °Purses in 'Nature
• NO.Vit mad Print:0' Edward
• Study .for rural seelioOls. • ' •
• land, • to Unlace • the ..peoPle .• un-•• Part 4:: of the 'plan' is intended to
••derttlite and ttirrY .object ' .16A- 'assist in rproviding: Courscw' Of An50110 of-
'improvenients ..education,, rstractIori and traliang POM'estle
with, gardens ahd Manual 1, lileanothye. Or • I-Ion.S0[116111 S:ei°6°° for
tritiniug, ender the eontrei of the yoteik women recap' count re
'ireget.arlY4eiestitnted edueational eta order that, tltey may have 'Oppor-
atrthierities., • , ' •• • , turtilles. for acquiring': practleal 'and,
Part uf the, p an qs, for the pur •-• ativaneett .eancatie not 110-3..$ , suitable'
. •
ee• ,eiere,e veieet !oestrus of the etted !oink" tee them; than .the! Pres-,
Valdo Of. edisissl gaidente and nature. ,ent c'eurses of "the :Ontario AgrLulta-
, iftedteS, it sell901S, C011ege are beinefteial to ' ytfung:
sia a pare of •geffeeal • taladatida, -who take. ...thein• eartiest:
be begitil' by Inettub of traveilIng" ,:ness and ,ctiocerfulness.' ,
Instructor,. wild would visitant." Spend' It •Is Peapteeed.,to offer to the' Pro-.
, one:410.1f 'tiny per Week with .the vinee of 'Ontario •at. thoeaniasjo
siren. a 114 r -t-0,0 r ,a,t alle-die-Seliool. of a . r "cultural; Coltege ,[0tielm1)(11.)
••itrOtip, fier•A te,rm of fitNe y.eairse or • resitleacel bending to. areotilmodate
• Until a -considerable' number ,ofestate hot than 100 ..felrbal.!'., eStuilbeitte
• ably trained and, qualified teaehers and :leacher' erttidents,..daughters of
*00(1 .be :tellable tits. carry on such farmers and Others, sing, (2)., • claim
work theineives at 'rural .roorna,"littelten • laboratories and'
'ephOols. .Ona. locality in: Ontario,' frieside Econoitly- or 'HouSel101Y Set,
it t,Ittil.rowTof,x,o)iiii.otel gtii.1610ipEt oett, ifeirmrtr.oirrielm,a;.eFir. [oofthetneate(ritul Jititiounnit.aeneaestS4e414.1i;;I•ni:ckg.:..ralir.D660?
• and to one grenip, Ln each of he 1 ro- en ce.
, . .
41e:ilea' etittiitiainiee. for tea. Ceitte,
, . . .
a week • iti ,Whitt is 'Offered. to the'
poor of . :\Ow• lorlt • City; by' it
.ipany, , i-l'ileli. a hils tO, c,oniltine tueneyr,.
•'qinikinF,•'u'itli. pliihinthropy. ' if, the,
plaii is successful,. lt.,tieW Ora
&Weed tor the poor of, ..greitt' at':
• ' ' • - • ,.
Ilidef,ly, the' pia h. ;be this :. ' :leo a.
' :
,i,;Weekly:n:131110a t (if „telt. (Tiltg,111
eal a etopt,yinqn. ,r()1•;11.. ,ro niii 3.7 ofettea
'lee .tilrelsbett,.;-„r()t,i4 ri:viiilk. .or :front
--,,-, s
'three -tte,•five tete fee.eis.,tteeift.e.e.eilts
tte Week, :tail the letteleinen diltarge:
16 thirty (lent's: 1Yrescriptlens ,f0e
Strhittirlist14. telly are filled it t tit'
Uitts?eriik. rate of eiven is° evetS eaehe
tlis• eottcere AvIlich hes 1e-011 starts
iii4 ko '.(,:tra'y 611( t his `solii,nio, is eitiv-'
itt. • S'',2:10•:,0i):Y, end is linOh1*
• V.Y " Ms'.tIl• or ciKnorienne ,:inil ineans.
Di'. ZtiRi:l {i , 1:;tr011i!,` Or i 110 Len she
fete Social Steevloo., is the, ' Vice• -Pre-
.8Idetit, . and' lin hlt-rs, Ministers awl
illsilteifiee tiiiii leilefieee. tile heard or
• direiotbes., - . „ ,, • ”, '
• Illere ere 3 6. Ste firefee ;l'Istrititit ed.
• ty.,6r...1110...i:Ittl.y, a t which. there are
, constantly In Item tWo
10.latig; Matron and aurSe,. and. a,
' • la • connectioit With
• each' etatioli •there ti theroughly
iseeifSped rug. Store:
bag° been • selected With' ;art
, RICA .of eaVoldi lige everY,. pOSSili.1.-
• ity Of itie ;being eharged: that, ethe
nwdlcal 'attend:thee seetireed kr tea
eefilsts ' 4. wooz, inferior .10 'that
•.fanitlY. Watild •gtt • fife, life
initial Way, ' leatietitee. `rireL, .not, of
, course,' ce1apelled to attend a[116.
medical. statione. A ;illy:de:Ian tie
eon sin ift tiler tlity
• eind nigit.0•, lett lila coeWeielter teats
at, their. ItallieS. patletitfe Who are
not 'able Ito call at • the statiOti.'
TIM lee of . 'tea, Or favend)d:�r
thirty. (ten tS Is eolleetial AVeldtisrat
4110 • stl,b,.erilier'S.: home, or, pre4
ti,rred, .110 - m1y. liay it 'moil thly;," Or
yearly in •titiv'atied. A: sityPri8ingly
10 r tritnilieee of fend:104S make
tisir yeerly • %Pies:meats • stf, eay,
i();•111. of '
attendance .for ti-
'W110fr.,'. year for lesfi. than., a, brief,
illness Would orditntrily 'The
Inge Me al Ornanientgl ,erkce. w"°w"th"0
fofioo that is
ns!ilonfril, eerv i•news tele ittiefiredntzly, elionf).", le lir just Whitt
11 'W:11)1•01 ytkrts,°61V1,101.1'4.0108.1ortetth tot.% 04*o
wo.; it 1'4 20 pEA,RuNNING rtjor.,
tnInou ,Ana ,
.1-(1'1 think Of itv `11.1i• f• NI (1 7,011. endienlins. We Oleo
metal farm fon es, 11(1,e`, lee esti ins, Med etlieles.
• . Vet P[ts,) Wen Forth , 'nry I er Ont.• 0
I etatiatis tire distrilested. italtnig the
/0.00'1416S 11,7P/111,. NYbielf . Itlieeeeinpaey•
,• n'ould -1141.14re'ly der've. the greettee''
.of Its "lietIPIP." 1Pcalitistie Pets -
Tale, hy tiie.f)90r0r:Oltisses.
r p p s tts teas; Goderright., hand. • .
tiPes. inent1P, ‘1.0 .1.11Pre, :effort • ,the..1i ; Set, at naught ' of you e halidere
Journey ope1S'Idlyelelati'S, be your, reiticikreeeni crulfjxIcn or
,Plear 'that ;plan, 0 • Is-474Pd a:esti:5 Christ, yeu ;have fulfilled • ene
out . One the: ;, prOjeeted. and , of 'your 'esen, pro,pitepitte:. (Peahn,cieviii;
Ye.MaY r Pet, aesured thee ti•tber'
gPPO tP: MPP., Whoraye crucified
an imposter. ' Whom Grid raised
• -Thus patting tct naught man's
;jolter, Ignerieg "Aimee anq
exalting tite • de§idsed Sal/fent,. • fo...
SO' that a -t td one t e
,alpoR wbt.eit, wprit neW, being:410W%, .
tt WM. '430. 0, •Giodeeed• to titoSe. who
11417P, 'lleretoferise heel!, eetnfielled, to
itapnazard dosing with
-Pa tit 111e0tPiriqq, r sclf-adijnLstered,
or '.t4p ‘tsferytcps •tOO-Ccauptt.,4,
. teht 'Upon •winitu
formerly 'relled.,•,,N..; ./Ieraid:
. . .,„
:141NSSON td.V..-
.1skelaltif•AltY 2; 1902. •
, • •
Commentary -1..A& . ,Spakeee
Peter, addresSed "pne nOrkiPP.. 9(1. be.,
and as one part Is IlterallY
Maltitatieejyalle. •spuhe, :to
, Th.tL a great crbwa
tizAt gathered is certain, from the
'large number of ' c v er t a.. V. 4.
•slut11- e •
: •
12 •Salvatio•n---HIS Ite.thei only. /items
Ing 141090 OW 'fps
p44. N•Attne,
-for •;r0Stizt 0104 :44#.00.r, 0.0thierci is itt' Him .•
wisdom, .:poWeri,..)0.70i:.
divleereese t. just as, a, man,,o. pante to.
state- 'istarale ..fOr .40 man an.q.
property. •cheracter, ,
•letegrity.eeRelottliet.e Aitaing tneneeIt,
18, 4. Fatrn.tken liternanity,Ahleett„
"We --The,, 'apostles ',Were not 'sdefencle:
rof theniseiSee, Met. •Stardy, ttentlit-•
fulee.uneetapeeinleilde • ,witaesSes. to
jesini. lane': the
.• Poldnesee-Thise speech •• wate,
;greater. Miracle;• then. 'that.' of, the
brine 'Man, 'Cetapare• .theepeter.
-thieeepeeeieeettid. the Peter before. the
reset reeeshee,;* tel
pened, • And4' ,Toliii4We have.' 'tfoi, re•••:
,'.i,cfrd of' • wd•rd'' sleeken bY Jolin
pi1eata-Those belonging to some- •c, .boldeese of 'Sae:pelt,' no.,..less
the twentYsfour edu 1130S l'IMOIWA 1'4411 I. '''Plvrttl.,.,iva....a_o_brirApl ._by. -the
IS110,:eareese-Theye-were,• not
vided. I. Citron. sissy...1-1e.; It. Chroa,
XXilL,-SeTheee were the persons who
Jiitti_ellsown,suelt.hatrei'toward Christ_
feoru heginning. Captaine-Not
-Mil)tary offiGee, het one Who; , had .
elmrge of thb guard of priests, And.
Leyites; who Watched: the tennile .
night.-laurubly. Sadduceets --.Whoee
rd.holars i.n Hebrew: literature.,
ignerant7LLtueducated men.' in
..PrI.Y.ti,,te -Stations- of- life,•••,n9t, public;
'as the priefete and, Magietratese yet
ne Avant of natueal good
settee, pr any - igniirance of what was
Oren the subject :9f ' 'titibat
(.11a,,e. • it.h. Jesus- They. lineW,
WII010 flyeteni was in danger by the. itprin• further ;relit Ilection, „that • they.
pr Ca ell lig OT the reeurreetion . !tad been disci1416$, and trete-Him
fehrist,eki they believed not inethe had repeiVed knowledg-e and cfiiirugii.;
_in:nopitatity of the eget, nor io, any 14.; "Afa,n •Standingl-No •longer
future 'world, Caine. upon -them-So Rein:les:4 cripple. Cook.4Coiild'ay notb-
ng -Nothing against ethe • fact,
theugh they were ,to own
the, „doctrine which it •tentled 6,0
Sti011•gly to prove.' •-*- •• /
(ta aside -Peter And John Were.
required to leaye e.ouneil' cham-
bee Avhile the *Satithedria rdiseuesed
what :Mould be done. • .. •
• 16, Canneit.deny it -Every .one knew
that it Waft :a.. genuine Case "Of heals
17. Three:tea •thein-eThis' Is What
they .deelded , to, do in order to stop
wisely did Odd order, that the apes-
tles.should first bear 0.11111 testimony
to the truth 'in the.temple, and then
In the great council, to which they
could have Isid no access, had they
not been 'there il.f4
2 Being grieYed-s"Sore troubled."
It. V. The prieste believed •in the dbc-
trine the reeurrectibn, but to heave
It preached through Jeeus brought
Hie blood open them, slime they put
, Him to deaths • •
• ,31. Laid hands on them -,Tho • fan-
. ,
TIIE E.A.11,L,OF ROSSLYN, , • '?"- •
W119 Went Ottt .to Break, the Bank at t Car,lo and .Came,:Back BreIten.
gunge IrnPliee actual riblenee.-sAhs
bott.,In holds" -A, sort of Iletise of de-
tention," .for the .1 °Ws never .punished
by imprisonaient ra,4 • the.: Itonians did.
Eventicle-"Tjde" met etime.11-- The
'.3ews had two .evenirigs. One. hegati
'at:three o'dfock and the other at .eix.
o'eleek. Peter. and jolin entered the
temple courtsteat three ••O:elock, the
hoer of -prayer, anti :ProCeedtnge.
at this' 'them had yeetipiedi tlieee
hearse •• • • • • • . , • , , ,
41 "Shiny belicA:sd•-"Pereeetetlen dld
not prerent the truth from
big; ,but, it 'developed eourfts;e and
ette.rgy. and made known to the-we:aid;
(lie noale qualtfies Whielt Christian-
ity: :had Implanted, and Catieetlethe
story Of the Siteiber., reSure
rection, love, power and MesSialiship
to proclaimed:911 9Ver "the land."'
,Nuniber *'' * viras-dsCoam• to be."
V. The eoCiety-,:of eonVe'rts had
.been increased 'by mxtrly. 2,000 sinbc
tha,day,.of '•
• f.4, 'Eaters; ddilerte seribese-•This' Avas
regular it:meting of the Sanhedrin.
6. Anna's a' a
Ilitd deposed rfeOM the effice of
the high prioiet .by. the Routing ettlid
CALSphas... Scin-indatie . *as' made
nigh' roriet by theny tut • tha jew's
,rtasareled' AnnaR 'at; ccelesiaSt,leal;y
'their priest. ,John xVill. John
and; leXander-Whe.: theile were • is.
eat • knoWne bet. it Is •certrilif that,
they were :men of. infliteaca
• 7, 4 the ' eilelst=4,1teY e the
prLeonerei in the' .9entre 'of the" San
WhICIA sat in a Senti-eirele.--
Ilianey. Power,- tibirie ..l'ower 134
-foeee, ham& is aitt•hority., 'fly 'what
inegisal peWer did yett dothiSe and
svInt rlgltt .,11‘kd you • to 'stteli
poivor 7 , • '
8. Peter filled,-.S.ceordltig' to. tho
PeOiniee of his done glciritieti eNfaSter;
-Matt. 21JtMaj xiii, .11. Titl$ 0M- .
peWering penteroste..1 Spiritl ne•AV;
tiWelt itt the AiAostleS and the. citherti
as itet abiding.gift to nia.nifest him-
• kelt • rtI4 eCteil Villinten'IC,:V demanded:
Ye; ruters--Tie gave them
the' bettor' dn to thiqr ortivb, •, •
teenniltried7eralled neeotint
nei. triads:alit 'rite good Aleetles.A.,
{to 1,eihtriiter tio.( It IVAF.t.ilOt; ter it
"ertinii .that„ they . had beeit
eukeddy aled iSeee on trial,--Tfuribut,
itlade w1lt-de-4s eared's:Jr SitVe,l; " Seg.
geektingi1 Splrit'tial as, Well as • ph.:64.
enl reStoratiorl, •
10:• testi:a-wiry
' Peter would give be fOre t
Sanhedrin 'he' would
Reit to "nli isre de it lid 'thee 65:tit tdri'
Seine of Celfriet; eeidd preneli
Willi a nineh freedom 1110 a,' Air tsroone
,,10 0 iteleot here p1:1[0,e; WIlIor Atriod
.110' :145ITS C.4,,lit!t$14; of
StaMroth-:,-W(mder.,.4 are Wreettelit'En
the Milne af treees te•1131 reNsa,Ung
m•:. rit Nit by tv,lieving,iti
es a divine reVelation i f'griiee and,'
•• the, new religion, and this. is the; way
the negedly. iiiideayor to re-,
tard the progrnss 'of 'Cliriatlanity.
18. Called • tliera--,They ..Were et:tiled
boa- .into tha Council, chamber. -
1_9. :fudge Ye•-Gtid" required theta't
: 'sneak the • ,conneit forbad thtan.
. ought tO ObeY;7' Sce
Chap. 5-20.. ." ' •
20, Connote but SpeakesThey could
aot efliey •tliett. rulers and do rights, '
.ileither 'can • any, .person %then, rulers
Ceinniand What, God 4'7:Steeds. Which
, we, 6.:1;%4T and hoard (R. Y:.) --tCsseCerfs''
ing Jesus 'Christ,. • • e •
• • 21-'136Perilise-4'.-the"
thy , punish,' flia apostles,. they'. feared
'Atte pet!ple',woulti. rt.'s* againAt 'then].
and ,giXo them trOuble,, for the,. •
plo •God „fat:. 'that whiele
Was dotied[1 '• ' •
Teitchlitles.•-sWe slitialtlerejeice • wheti_
We /ire' perseeitted sake-.
.• ,is ,
or ant lOpte iti .perseetition. and
oppositlOitY'Sitiee it. shoWS tha1. the
truth ,has POWer, and. -is itliVe, anti
it.1 Making, iteelf 'bite" • 'A sleeplag
chard' awakensi
, •
. .PItAcTad'AL gutixtt
' Perstieution if§ rititn's pobay.. bY•
E. 4
frem, tlinelOf .'the earlieSt r
"cogded. religions service. widen' wa
Aceeptableeles. (iod,. • arid will. hello
• "Owed antil the end, pi, time. lehia
•Svad. madO. to feel the pPwe• ,
Abet): and ‘Tozebp1.; Jeronii44 rc
4,14oLi that qed'e, .words. •Ayere. tit
"cause oi fierce, opeosititine agaion
Mtusell . by whoth tbey., had bee
and 4.ews, told .the Pharisee
• of lfis time tna,t they •were th
children them. arhieh
prophets.' •
. cause p.f. PerseetitiOn• • Th
13041t. 9•re 1.,i0fT,eeal-1011 ibaSeitfi touts
"dittias,la 'the hatred pr truth 414
exiets in tlib. natural- human
'and artat-sed ovilon prejudice and
-.1.°41-OkosE• ItrO 1-41"1Cdd 'Witli it. • Th900.
,yTno, (ilitTgan tne. perseettelop .e.g,Aiast
'Peter and: John ;had . Mien interest-
ed le cm:mitering Christ and keeps
ixg if4.11 410 44:ob., 'Tilley, hated
Him beeattse lip uncovered. their Ily-
'Rberlilr.• *Wed overterned their ellers
ishedetraditionie atai,„'hlighted their
diopee ; for. a ,,oigeodie. tensmaral
. • •
ie-'0ccasiOn: of this' ' pe • rsecution
After the penteCoetal. 'buptistil
ride:Tr. the tare' appstlea went u
to theettladide for AvOriship, grid •a to:M"
7'tliernizile of Jesus 1C:inept-Of Naze
1304•1,•[1:AV41-1:001i,etill Ipedt;44101:.:t1.elyra•li:.1,:er
TIRT-higheet isedY in the. ehutoll bad
instigated the action against Peter
n,tal John: They, were 'brought befer,P
the-Stinh'editr rtrarrew-er, ges. of
.a iaost atiasual character. Same
•thing •filtiet be done at once or 'the
people mould . flock to the standard
The eriSe ,was, ser-
ou one
l'ersecntioa. anavailin. ',Peter and
'Jelin were not traioed in the literne
tura, of the. time were ,onlyl.pyi-
vate citizenS-•••aitlearriell. and ignor,
ant raen"-but• by their, bold n ess.. and ,
eareestnese: they impreesed ,the San-
hedria. .Avith the thought ethat .they
lied been with JefeiS. . , e • • ,
God por.seention• to the 'ads
vneeeitient 0f. II114, cause.. Christianity
0- tc1Piltd-thlqbrX• 11111Y Pre:. '
s Sqnt's0 for P.°V4lent, e'liut: Iva Ills:
Isondred, • , es- ^ •
4:Pis,'!'*-,Pr1r1v1,13•41 of pro-.
Wiii.§9173t fP:4D,
• meP.t.11-?044...., •
• :.ryterget. .t,bereon, by ,
• .contract lcith
Mareb, 1901, until •
4tit' , August,' 1:::0.4
• 4.4..te OPP date,Of tbe • •
014, Vote .•q: Per.
• PcPt?. liPv4•PPPPI '
Interest pn the • said
"'•11P1-' $5,P1P,:-It by •
;statute , Iron] .• .4.th
August., 1901., stot deo,
. date Of . Said ' note!,
per .cent. ,
Pel'AOP'en44, 71 93
, • . •
• - . .. '. i , .'„ $5,718 08.
1 :And .• Interest s, hy. 'statii-te on $.5.,•.. •
.q13,34,..the:aneoun-t of the Sall -peat.
••mieistsry.. Mite, from 'Stli ,I1Oyember. ,
.3.901, 'until. judgment. at t; per eenet.:
receipts were
1.0tiv-tiGO•••-t,:tl'Oetw,y'-• erara.o.".- •
- tie he/titer on die ,Street niuriesit
titesuel$ eifering. rices
were it tio u st eau v.
• Witeatse1Vasi a •shade firmere eoci
biusiivis Nvii ILO • at to
SO CieSe per; ea:diets and • 1,t00 lamb-
els'otgooso at 6/c per 'smite!.
• leyee-AVes .LOO biltillidIS sell-
ing at 56.4 Per bushel. • .
sellialsrigl^:63eh7t. SLIV4rtottOclae(ifirerr 81Tsite4111. sh'718 •
•• Ci,a4•8-were friectfati" easier, .,000,
bushels sebing, at '4.3: to 46e per ,
thrives under persecution. It has an
• inherent ,power that' will not .yield
to threator torture, but shines the
clearer amid She fires and pains of
martyrdom. "The, blood of the mar-
,ty-rs Is the seed of the church." God is
able to make the wrath of:man to
• praise 'bine 1 -le can bring to natight
the pla DR of Satan, and He an har-
ness 1118 wicked designs,against Go:I's,
-saints; to necemplish the. upbuilding of
I-liS glorious kingdom. •'
'd S Warner
hich Did,Not Turn Out- to
e a Bonanza.
. • , . .... _, . • ; .
. . .
. .- iVitneouver ProVince,1.-
... • . ,
...That Mining ' is ,• not alivays Eliding
gold' is apparent 'he a 'esti-Suit. juSt:.
started‘ • against , twO eof. theebest• '
known Oitizen0-9f• Vancativer, i • •
. ,
About tnree. years ago • when 'the
mining . becen at ittlill *•al3 at its
height, 'Robert Be.Slianier and. tiles.• ,
Patin, 'so the Story goes. resolved to,
invest •seithe ingliey in trie then supe.
:posed to . be EltiOratio.'"Teday they,
are defendants lit a, lawistitt for nearly.
. six teett8end eoilarse ' • - , ' •
Mr. ,Sk'uner , weld': to Ailin him-
• and ,for abotit, a'eye,ar nrorked
a . Claim in that country . on'' shares;
with, •••the original owner, a ,Mr. Wile
liain Nelson, Mr; .1Stinn Was also
,tereeted, ." A year 'ago last 4ugust
Messrs. Skihner• and Dunn 'thought so
•• wed of the claim taat they Peechased 1
NelSon's interest. Messrs. Skinner and:
'Desna gave, him .their' jcitute and -, sev-.
Ora' note kr S5,413.34, etiatot at : At :.
• lin, B. C., 'the 1st d•ay of. Aaguete
1900, and paYable tvirelVe,..inplitlia
after ..date with; interest at . sit per.
,eent. A bill Of 'Sale of the setaloris
interest in:the claim was 'made •aiit;;,
,iti0d „the Viinnouvor, linVeSter19 be-'.,.,,
ciliate sole P.Wtitirs of.. what:. 'Was intri..1
posed to tht One of the bast Mining
claims in- all Atlin., 'The inine was.
workad right 'tilting, .but thotnib fair.1,
prospects Were obtained, all in. all
it was not. the bopuziza., it nail been
•:Mr. Nelsen having. cleared 'olit hiEk,
interests 111 Atlin; left- there for
Nouns where Ite Milled, With' varying
supeeee ever.sinee. He returned to
Vaileottver, the other day, naving
.pritiestuely 'left titesnestir -With The'
_dank of •Brithele North AmixriCa in
Vietorizt for collection. Only to -7 -be
inform0(1 that the 'note bad net been
paltL. ' • ,• • .
HP immediatelk Placed the diehon-
eked bill tn,tlie 11and89f MeestSlione
sere Colfrey & AVallbridge for eteliele
Hest, wlth .1rit7truetioti& .to them to
en tee Suit, Action ewitsi etininIeneed
early in 't he Av (Rik f111:1 a Writ issuod
1441,1181. WO R. LI, Skinner and Tion.
The"following 1 1.1(6.. if.s0kI0i,§etherrt
90 .tlip 'writ
The clitilii is against :the
lCfl'IItLl 1115 :15 tIlilniukors Of a
tin* Al tie' of the preseat leilkort; the
51011011thken. itgitinate l'Peter and 3
iolittis :tleSignated'• the first Pers.. t
secutio,h, .M.71iile' this, le -true. tlfe
le -torte,' 12.• Os., Arita ;interest at' tilt;
tete of., 6 pee emit. per annual', -The
- • '
nnesory note for $5,513.31, dated ,
Stliti; the first day 'of At igeSt,
900, ynble t.'welve after),
Tato to the' order' of the plaintiff at/ Bank liritielieNortheAtheriea
sense intended, the pblier-Of -per- "'t
seetition has been Rillensed by' Satan' r
• Hay -Was gt,..littla easier,. 20 :owls
selling at $J,, t� $12.50 p-er load-.
Ior timetleyted ,$8 to $0.50 per load '
•for 'clover. . ' • •
.StrawlVa's steady, 2 roads, sellfrig.
at $0 to•$,10 Aer Wad. ';'' •' •
' beading . boat • nar1cets. ••
:Fe:lowing-. are the , closing quota-
tions. at imp() etant, Centres ,to -day;
•Cashi.: May.
*New, York...'. de. • . • 81t1-8
• Chlieftgoe ' s" •.;745-8 78 1,8
• •86,3s44 '86 1-4
• Doluth, 733-44 710 '
Daiutte No. , 1 hard.... ',--- •
• rOrooto livitOtebute' l)aliy Mtvkets..
Jan..27.-Butter-Receipts, are, mod -
era te, with good demand for chelee
qUalitles, quoteeselecteil dairy
.tubs.17-tot 171-2c; choice large rolls, ,
16 to. 17ce finest 1 -lb. roils, 1.8. to 19e; .,
inferior . qaalities, 11 'to ., 12 1-2C;
creamery • .printii, 21 to 229 ; solids,
Eggs -The market Is easier; strict- .
lv fresh; e 286 • held- fresh cold
storage, 20e; 'heed, 1E3 to 20c. • .
Cheese-llarket . is steady. We,
quote: Piilest, Septembers, 103-4 to
• lie; 'ocean:de, :0 34 to 10b. • • '
.bruiso Live :stitch ,Niarkets...
. ,
• reoncion, Jan. 27. -Cattle here ,are•
Unchanged at from 12 to 13 1-2c. per
Ib., drese weight; refrigerator beef le
JOAO 101:4C per 114
roreato uhra 3c3.3:c.11;tceig.
iport cattle, choice, par 'cwt. 0 SO , to 0.25
modhini - • • • 3 50 to 450
do .cows per cwt. 0 50 to • 3 50,
Butchba cattle. picked • 9 25 to 4 50 ,.
do choice ..... . . ..... .. • .3 85 t� t 15. •
,tio fair . . ..". .
• do common........ 300 ,to 340 ••
do coves-, . .... t •225 to • 275 '
• do built. •• 2 Melo 325
Feedeneshorekoep........;3 5 9 '10 4 40 ,
do medium . , 1.00 ,3 50
Stockers..... . •`. s 3011 to 350 •
Mach coved, ; -4000 to, '60 00
fieep, owns per .01 to. 3 25
Lambe.'Perewt.•350 ,o 480
Hoes, choice. not loss . than 169'
• 'and nese 2601bs . . .. . . 6 37t. in 0 00 •
14,4§, rat. per ewr• 6 12i to . 0 Os
Bogs, het t, under .160 Ilse,- 6 00 . to 0 .00.
, • ,.13ratistreet's on Trade. •
, ..111191eleale trade at 111Iontreal this'
week has 'been stimulated . by .the •
steady 'cold weather and good sleigh -
Ing. There Is a...Steady" iearket fer
demeetic goods and foreign.goods are
keeping, steady. Payments have been .
fair. There liaa been game interraps
tion in wlsolesiale business at' Toren- -
-to this 'week, mei 'g to '1110 heavy!
snowstorm. report.;
Shim?' that trade "at Hanalltest tido'
as eon actiA e, notwithstand-
ing the drawback's nattiraity. to /39
expected as a' result of the snow.
bleckade. Travellers have beensen-
Ing in geed -sized orders for spring
goods, ...tended he -velealesaie ins ...arse
.already qnaking • all' the shipinents,
possible in order to Make room, :f,Or•
,goodd swidah are cortSta.atly• arriv-
ing' RSV the, etisning Season: . ,At Wins e
nipeg, ,accor,ding. to reports., to
BratiStreet1s, trade, has been: ,shortre
Ing A. ....stead:Si 'development In thee ,
past' week. The grata blockade...11,
draWbaek •to the expeaslOit •
of' buiniica, but ,retailerS are11, delight-
cs 1 11 the Peeepeeta „fbr
tnisinees and are. leoking !Or 4 larger.
g:e(1.!.40,ernit4 ,rto.ver,(0):44,.,i116 6011144
. '
.11,14eary frit 1111req:
,P,;oribrt6' At' GD
, ane& CO.; alidifte,
liabilities of eenitherehil• ne .
three Weeks' of '..lnittior,v. $10,51311,e161,- -
againsteetelefleteed last year, ,
tires. this week nambereile :101 LA, the
United States neadeet 'aid_ last year,
611(1 Cast:di:1e against:, 46 laSt.'
year. • te.
Cure of People Right in Yotkr Viidat'Stairils as itrefutabie 'Zvidenoci of tile Superior
Medicinai ValUes Of '
or e11, th.ce t lithen t, Avideli affliet Iterna,0 kits! there:lee 110111 $0..ebstva-le ittnir
iSO diffietilt 'to ettret• ,
(u.seasqs6 of the nerveS. • . • _ r
there may be softie ,IrilsOrders.„of orgaiis _pro, mere r:1 inf.!!! and: exeite• there 'it:yelp:filet' tenni
friends, hut diteet$es -of tleeetterveits eystem effect the neat us 10011 as tiro 14 A.Ie'.• ienti diee tirhevianenti
desidendelleV•etiel „gloom, dlliey 11I1f1 in(n tor t)11A/It'S•:.,i isi,l t‘t, mee for 1.00501? .id cares devolving uptea,
„Seen pertt1y8is4 loctimotor atnxia, ep[1114ey and. eVetellf-iteley 115411ifee the (^telltale resifite..
otIrrt1110(tirs,v118 °N't[114'tly'41tevil*.e
' lcl11 5 11, JO Id 101144 nertousr dyspop.4:1, wariklyes's(....(lizziliess an(' 11 rOri1 1 r1 of the
jxsIilo ye110 Lion's are ein ends' 1110 'eh mei ' nee tenet Ate! tell 1, 11 ef; .t leteepPrtitteIt • of -thee, more sex:leas dfes,
• Time and Utile a ga'in Dr, .Cha se's Nerve. Food has erotene be :the 1110-1, effer.tiee eren ter Of -nerve forere
that rardieni :donee Ti is not elglmod "ont•O > (!14'41 5' reate, ,
gr64,t,,1 elro.-14;noCn'ellffii10(1 • t,(111f` 8. 2111041 i/1V te1e:0ie:11. lel: AVIleir She Seesters15 10131 deAve 01),j,
;the nerves , eSitemeted 11. 15 c'ertobr to proilUop trqi 11 rt 1Nnitts1 1') 1a 80tiociali so 1( is e'ottptio,ked
Of tho' III '1 poton,t. nerve restoratives that are to be ; • ' •
,so'‘';',11 •;40aroli •tite treelleinel Avott1,1 IttvOI 1 1sAt.:1 t11oo 1 f 15 11-1, roster:titers an," system 1111 i1
than Dr, N sere` Food. • Th • t -A 10ierice411 kd" 11.1rsz1,1 1* neft'l The:Tele-e'er 'et( eek lhk t;tdt, t1,1'11$3<tij
Nerre heel, •7-40, tele is a, boxl; 4t.! all thethiet,Ot 1 nt teem, Ile to.) &: Co., Tor 05110,
•t• 4est,
• for