HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1902-01-31, Page 6krtl +41pliiptri.+40t+++ „ * UIS IRT,EATEKS * s+++,9,4..ile4e.****0.t,.. 04.9++ ++It• Wgilat'W :Windaor tho head', and , . 1*Stla 'or a nett a. ad atest peculiar ‘115elnallinity 01Sevelotv-fiye men and U in St. L'onis,'who belieVy. that 101ioliict eat U. amohnt 'Of PltprYt 4-ax4. ' 1,dirt, eaters take euerY• claYa ,u).- or .dirt. :Their: leader . be - Yea that grit. is mieessary to every aPO. that tie u: mankind Will Veu ids food he, subjc.ct. inieerstand, whether, `Mr. FaXon Said; , • • , . , ;pa y ,s, r .314.61,ur miss 41 intreduc,ing one pretty other animal. tii. kud .finely dressed young, woman, Mr, • Se tke dirt caters go;•e-Very,'. day to We. ,hegao quentierlingilter. 'and ,to hi •httto '0941: go 'plunges'a. great. uMilderneht ',site turoed„ 'upon-- Itedspoort in. and br&gd t-..ferth him. , • , ' ioapcd With,`'r'gOoki old' '.earth.':' or 'Mrs.'?" he. inquired!: : ..dowu wich 7 a ,giasa Mris," ' • . • ,Nroter, ,011111eking his lips, and blink- ' long have' you been, Mar - lag biu'.1,Vg0,94 though u morsek, e'er Fled ?” •• kllizitied the • 'Palate .t4 Man ac! :Years," ' ' ; A.nY .etiildrea'?!' Dirteatluels' easY"whStr- one IS, les, two.: ,/low many 'IMve.yoo ?"' •Vbrild, o.r an .exPerieneed' dirt eat;' „ 0ue, a ,hoy.,"..2 • •tiMeto, itn'is..hard and • '""•Aren't 'You.-afrallt,he!,11 bespoilea.?" •'Inlist4bo learned. It; la , not easY1 to "'No: ,You.t• •eliddren ,rget that At..16.tJirL lt ii .not rees,,, only -child is .likely! to rMIg' to think thatth,o articieS' of • he, Spoiled. I• was, one ,'and 1 know." „, in, the.O.Coln4alt taig. - ? •'' (Monad 'diseasea now now.n 'be- . No k, but mita) dirt haw:been kept out of. the. ," An. -11-,111" Mr, NIu replied, laugh• Fteinaoli,',for. hundreds and hundreds Mg, and .the colloquy .• oX .yeai't. Dat after 'outline the dirt, „Secretary Clendening introduced ids tte,r develoPs..his dirt appetite. 'He. .wile, . Mr. rWu Scrutinized, her keenly, , .tcik .relishhis dirt 'r'as , girl' thenturned to. the Secretnry of. the: Volik .her 'fadge.."He carries, a .040 'commercial dab and inqUired and whenester he i "Yon 'entitled to, such.. 0. tine wo. -bya feeling th.at he, •getting • . • , • „ • • • from/ the' . Vow He all right.!' Mrs. ClendettIng re - *Whet wisn• created, be .a.teps.„Into. ,phed, coming., like n. true wife, to the t.:601iley and regales Ida:Melt withr ,dcfence of her husband. •'. ' .4'1cem luuvlj,.• , . he come •• 'home last night ?" •The. dirt 'eater '' tparticular, Mr. Wu p.ersisted ..amid • rears;• ot h.' what Sort' or,;dirt.,.be eatt. imighter-for., the' Coiumercial \ Club „iwouldbe to true epicurean U he 'banquet- did net .'end until 'about 5 Thie,artiele 01 bh bIogular o'clock: yesterday let la,t*hnican.-ir gv,Emnd. It comes "N O..• • • • " • . from 'the .etv.sr: bOttOnis, and • Is .niade sfor out that late' 'every • , quarter • of a mile without .apaist- ap,iyupicimut rittio paxticlea 01 gran- night?"- • t •auice, but recently he lwalked, eight' t"*. 411-tfrhie.!:: 'quartz • and flint well • 'VII, no.'! • , , . • . milee without resting,' ,H ays :, • rowaled age. The chief dirt eltt":. • HOW' late. does he usually steY , • owe it an to Dodd'a Kidner 'how .thp sand 'collected and 'stern- out ,?1*--a.rdix1st.,' another' hurt• ' of „Pills;- which • hitye done wonderful: ed. "*.a•nd• he dIstrlhutes it',amosig. his 'laughter. .'• ' •• • • ; •'•things- for inc.!! Ltt ifellonvers. at 25, cents a. intek.;. ' :The . Here' Mr: C,leridening beg. • -lads cure of • Such, a:jell:se' of over 'doelc Is small, but It *Ads a good deal ged the niinistez4s pardon • for taking tWeoty years', standing Is regarded dif• and. So that daily -dirt 'eating up' hie 'time -and ,insistedthat his by Our people here who know., ,ths, ter the:St.' ' Ito:hied cote Wife MVO On: ' ' • facts 'eq.:little. short of a niiraele. lithenV10'.cente a week. There' seems to. be no limit to:the' • • •• • Dirt.;tratIng in St.' LOMB, Is six, •iiitniber,or Variety :of .the questions "TO:AVOID, THINKIN6. ut.he old and flotiriShes liken; green, that 'Mr. Wu ' has constantly at hte, • . , , . . •• bat tree." Tile' chief dirt•-qater looks tongue's en.fg: Ile, asked People- where • • • ' tiappYatat,proaperOus.,'Th&-resser dirt they 'lived, be* long. they had 'lived, NOst PeOP19. Doli't•Paye•to 1)0 4,18 iters: day,,a keen .hunger there, he* they happened to move ". .,: • .61adstone Hod. r • dirt, bring 18 their there.';,. ge, Caused...young women....and, rele5f6; ' - • - • • •• '. , to.. , ;. dirt ,eatere',.have pretentiOothersnot so young color•by ••us how ,tsior 107, aoSt:iviitteytiies, Mr.; BryCeLtellins in latest'. book; • Mr. Glaclatone felt th 4ae of •Ills' mind. prcss too hardly., larters.-They.'are up at Eighteenth.. they' weren't, •Married. Th.ere was no • onh., , , • • streets; what was until'Sign before the reception,' 'elosed that •„•" i7'emem'kei, Grip ini'6tiL.:evenirng, t,;.71, the . keine of the ,merehante. haki Nfld. of „, laterroga.tions :•had been ,ipet,vi.ece .10, end. 31. o'eleelt, ,.to have. et";,Clah..;Here the chief 'aPSnitle more than itollehed • uP011:- " Kansas " seen his.'rernp,rkable :figure' a• few' t.iiitting 'Mr: Windsor, has, of- 'CttY Journal. ..• ••- . , •• . • yards •before me in St. Jame a. Park.,. and. a .lecture hall. ge.••recieives a Thinking it hardly safe for t rt4..."41nringr the •da,57 and, ,eierY1, .Y,-4(Wisiohead) has an ,advantage over him famous. as he wits;'to.be alone in t'he,lectUregi to Claes. He:has 'other soap ponders Masmuch as it also acts so • olltary ,a ratio ei • I rovertook him \ ow seventy-ftve men_ and,Womeo •,and 'asked If I might lwalic .hy him, "iiiii'..,attend his • lectiirea,•aud eat lila: '-'•na:e.disMfeetaut- • , • • k „• •-•..apolegizing • if Should Ibe disturbing ' • -." k. , t•. . his thoughts. 'My wishrhe answered; • . • la '.15•• an., amusing -sect, and . it • 4.4..a+++,47.1.4•444.444.4.4.4.*4-14.144+ • with a. teach of sadnese,•and dif• Mintessicr one rinore,than its founder. r...ficulty,,16 to avoid .thinking,•no L am' r184r,Iligle himself Is net a marc[ to be disturbed.' sinCtior,'SitOre' rollicking:character t.:RUSSIA .ANDHTHE- + .,Andi a.: year or two later lie told • Windsor. . Ile is.'50„ .•• • , , • + MY. 'BtIet that to rest and •distract He He lini,tlie-Senotor,on LIQUOR QUESTION his mind he had • formed the habit of IftisOn'"huild..1.16 • can, sit' in. Chair. .'.andL,TtWe'edie4418,--iiiPm_bs on his,. stein - &obi' Which they 'say ,liTth-e-p- yeee",--de- `••resistance in 'character: • ' • .1!Aro.yon,the chief dirt. eater ?", ”Yefi,t; 13hr, I'M the, chap. I'veLeaten: niy...peCh ',hundred .tiraeru-Over. Dirt •• Then he laughs as:,fat . men :- earl ialIgh and brings' out a-• Book of the *too!, "Any Children?" ",Vour bo -ii and Vivo girls."' • 'like the nest ?"• ' "..Ne(ther. Wnick do, you like the better, /39)',0 .or girla'?" , • ”411,, ,114,Vo. hal; 0,11C. ,O. hOY0" 411,7 ,n1Vered Mr. Wo, • Tenni; ,mnu. who' wan, letrOdueed thml.gnt, Won1+1, make ihiliosPlrr solid and remarked,: "1 aill much ito terented into- omen ta att. which ..taie 'in per tioular in-' quired minister; scratching hiS einal With a •quizzicta itiok Li 144 noi., rOON, keen: 'eYaik, • Young: 'man couldn't Mention one. and.retired ois- cOMfite<ir ' • -k ' oung Ol'arriett WOM611 are great' mark: (or the n4inister. He 'did; not EI)IC AS IJAIID TIME Strlcken and IiJpIess with Work to be Done—Deprvcd of the • • ." PpWel7tto,‘Nyork,..„; , Lae Weeder), was ludOed. In an llurCrtusets: 141/gilt" • He' Hatpressea- tits a heats io'r a. cont-Olete 'Restoration to ' 'Health. ando rengtn' " oLloatl),.'iler.r2On4u',9Q4ateer,s, tT:n..444,0,c;iirr(sPoslev, who like-' every other.‘hushailduialc has much .work which. Must bto done 113. ite season. Many of 'a farmer's duties •will not admit or, a postpone- ment; -Men't ; theY have to no. attendpd, to promptly and poor Mons fins- Ider had not the' strength ' to de, these tellamne tasks:: had..••no 0411(401' help t hiin on the . and' as vigeroue, and tralnecl „arias are •,necessary, he was l feeling very doWlleaSt aeePalit of -• Inabil- ity and Wealines477 ' die one of the. Avc.n.st forms 0! KidneY, Disease, orid this .rediieed ills strength to ' that of mere <Ship. lho pain, he. had,. bear ,was iery -great, and- always- Seemed: Caine on hint ...worse just at the time that he had some impertant work to do. Ho had soffered in 7, this way for' over tWenty, years, semetiMes bet- ter, sometinies worae,l, but always sick ,.nkhel- suffering, and constantly treNting Worse, till fer, the last two years l he' was Unable to do any- , 4,) , ' Ile decided to tri a treatment of, Dodd's' Kidney ,Pills,. and front the very first dose hp began ,,to im- prove.' After he had used eight, boxes he was • well oncialgh to 'work, . but • he kept on tieing the Pills till .newi. he is well and strong., , For years lio.. could not . walk . a artiSt.P:' are 'heteilen§li differ. ent.,...to. atitl" 417.: On4P', Patlarli'1110. baritone, Is' SCarCCI,Y. //4 -Pxcie.Ptle011- eXPOrienae,) ,or. /4.04: to ShCV,r 140:w4.p/ ,oga'gc4 ..Madisep.,, "put. ,Yell are 4,44 to:. stop, at tha„ lioteb but at a prlyato. house," tie,,waa told., . . Two ether Musiciaos, were'. engaged for,the 'pane": e'reolog,• t " " 'ed 0: priVate,. heti e . tiek Campaottri:' . "Mr,- PaMilten,',''MachaY- lerS," wan tho ansWer.. But no ex-. -'• • ' • ; • ,plzinntIon • was added that Mr. T,wenthley was ,a Vanderbilt. , • ••.. • • "Will'they- yearringe • ter. inc frOtu the haude wher'll. .n,m to _sing? • innuirPd.. the harttooe; an he looked thrputf,”11 the were of'"Da' ,oecupied,with'" thoughts , Of 'rehearsal to ' "Of 'course," sad. the manager." %Campo:liar', thinkirig •that he was to ' 'stop 'at one house and sing at; another: and that din - not for his 4.1.4 himeIr WLS it not aniiiiPortaat affair, . get his notebook from, his' pocket ' and te,,,pireigiv;tetpliehdoilts.:ttle,.'atidreas. of the Mr. H. MACK". Hove two 'chickens and tyro bot- tle's.- of wine 'ready" for Inc to -mor- row at."5 .Camponari..: The. duty. done, ,he, felt better, and on, tlio arrival • the train, he alighted' find a 'carriage. and imaphinan; and footman thy waiting, His ColleagueS 'departed in. another,' direction. ho ,alone. was to stop '-at•• the- 'private 'house," As he bowledl along :.the•• conntry Ii.cad a 'dint pre- Sentiment••grew in- gr, Campaparl's •saind,', a presentiment that •.grew to. "a •horror 'during •• a' din- ner. Of Many coarses. All the 'time he hoped that, the t,elograin had Mfg - Carried. • After the coffee. a -walteir 'can*. la, tarrying. a': tray, on , were; two roast ehiekens• and tWO hottlea. or, wine... -1;'6 the rest of the evening' Mr: :TW-oinbley,: delighted at the mistake introduced Mr • Carii-• •panari to all the. ',pretty girls pre - 'Dent • at •, the; .Musicale, expialuing,. ."`This is the ,man Who was afraid 'he W.ould- not get •eriough to * eat." 'Zito, singer's •:telegram.,t.. for • • two roalit,,,chickerin and . two bottles ' of wine. :he ,franted„.aS , a sea- • . • 'Verlir.Leslie's Weekly. • • • • • • , • Minard's Liiiiment,•Ouree•Distemper... .4, • , • ' . • • ' • • • .. ' ,,T,' . counting theoranibusee'he met Inthe ++40,44,4,:saaaaa,a444„skaa_a+4.4,,,_ ..,sPace ' of_;300, .er,,, 400' yards, between_ , It, Is. discovered• in Bansla 'that ;Spir• . '' w;tilbillf;:titiletein::inCe-erleo,"'inValinqiin, geostas to 'see. , . street and its•-solit,by.an. agent bt ,the Govern. h i ' could. niake, an n.Verage ment •are as • readily bought k as apir. of 'theta' bezteed' Lts sold by a private. thaloOti-keeper, thenamber that,paa4secci°•m'Paris°'n of each day, and their intoxicating effects are not-,, L ._' '' • .*, ^ 1 ...: j: , dimiriished by the.fact that the bug. ' ri.o.rrestionablo '1‘tall expect to. Mire a neglected ,eold in .O.,day. But time ''41.1.1SrO(1 8011. }laoe ii. dirt. •s'andvaoh . with me ?IY! n'es.8•.. ; . a , .Government monopoly,. .and Alien's Lung Balsam will over- -..No. • tka• k o, • ' . • . -. 'With: destitution and the . Most 'acute conic) the cold and stare off. .con-" . . "What ' are ,yeil 'afraid .of --sandbar ' gartering- In ,'extensive districts.. due . rminf)t on,Cough will.cease,and lungs , bo ea • : ,d ' In' the .steniabh ,?'' ' ..., , . ' . . • --- to the . crop failure' there s ' "t • tiad as a new ollor. ';:,. Then he takes a. heaping. spoonful', 'bri,,, plenty Of money tospend for 11: ' . , il0 RW.111.16WO . it *.itil that sly Winid:. -quori and t the complaints that ' are ic.r.°gen Snap H11"1411e6.. • " ir1t.,11, Which: a Kentucky eoloneytakes, coming' up from massy village boun- ' Man, • interesting .experiments oan , MO lihiskk.'.,}le sends a glass of water oils indicate' that drunkenness is . be Dade' with 'soap 'babbles blown ' to ethane it and heaves a huge nigh of greaterthan usual. This is partica., from .mixture tor warm !water, eastile Clonternt.-New: 'York Herald. ' ' ; qarly , notable 'becausethe adoption soap and • glue. • it • is Inott . generally ' ..,--.. . of the IlqqUor trade by the „Govern. ..hnown,.:howeiver _thatbubbles can be .'..-..:• '..''.. • Ment purporta.'to-have • been net only . . , .. , ,- • ,a financial butlargely'.a reformatory Dear Sirt34-I was for seven Ya!'61 • measure;• it was believed that -if the , & sufferer from Bronchiaitreub e, an , . government regulated .the liquor • 'out Of. 'an, open •window on .a winter - • ...OrcUllid . be so hearse at • timea. that I traffic it could exerciseeach restraint .daY• The' ''bubble will .freeze instant:. 'could scarcely :speak 'above a whis- :,as to modinize its evils, Meet -of the • IY, retaining Ha shape, but terming per.' I ' got no relief., from anything local-cotincilsin the famine 'region are • moat beautiful .cryetais. ,If you try 'ftill I tried your MINARD'S IIONEr begging' the Governm.eirt to ,suspend this • experiment on a blear . day ' BALSAM .' Two'bottleS.!gaie relief the sale of liquor, the householders when there.. la . little •win, you will Evad fdx bottles ',ioide .a. •ooMplete in one district of St. Peterslierg. In be delighted.,With the Iresult.-Young eirre.",.' IwOiild heartily it which io,o09 'ivoiltingmen live, have America., , . , . . • • •.to any one suffering from throat or, petitioned. to have 'the sale of 'liquor ...' , 'lung 'trouble. J.' F.' TVANBUSICIBIC,'..-"st-OPPed7in tiurtsee-tion, -and imura-4-.All. n ........ .LlUirlient • Pties , Diphtheria. .. . 1" Fredericton." ;., ' . , : ' . councils, have, asked that the •prioes• ' ' 7 , • . ' '. , .. . • ., „ , . ' • ' of 'limier be raised and the addl. " . •• The Perils Of ,Ilii; It: oda k. •• Atonal '`proftts he , devoted to etinett- :. A •giri inour tOwn owns, a ,kodak • " Von,' but these Peti,tiotts lia;v6 !lot. and delights .in toking pictures. tier . . , . been', granted.' 'Some .'of , the disricta .. tfather was sitting:Ctithe front porch INQUISITIVE, R. complain, .that the pollee cannotnitterle I. t te other day, awl, lut. ng the kodak order, 'the dtinilten' filen sleeP • I prhised, . she took a snap shot.- Pre- , ' streets and 'fall • ir.to' the, canal. -N.1 . ' " • Thi 'tilvlivr ittiOrrin,;ation Point's " ',.1,T., journal of commerce. ' -•• : • sentlk h ' ler father. 'went into . the, ..rtecent,Virlt to,Kansos',City,... ,. • ' frozen, though this: IS, very malty dodie. Blow a bubble of moderato Sze and carry It to the door, or put it Ithe Chinese Minister ' bears- the THE WORLD'S' BABIES. reputation of being since the death , ,,,, . , of his illuatrioue countryman, Li - , Iltrig ellitlig, the greateot or living ,Illeoltimatal3irths in •Certain of the , Interrogation points.' Ile sustained "i" -'' , !;yent cities, • to his tap. The ,01.1 1e14kist tuid lioiisi;atido the. hired girl" Caine. tont, sat' dewy, in the same Chair, and' the "-daughter took tier alsci? 'When tlie. picture Vra,s eleveloped showed the aged father' sitting Iii the chair 'with theehired girl sitting , .,voon.. sureik .none -.0ersiti;i;thinE-,4 ityli,!.styell:(; 1. The following, lines' are • extracted forgotten toremove tile' „flint; , and .. that reinaliation ,' ' v f., v have boon guests of this'. et:miner- :, from; a table; giVing the -nernher ''oi'l both Oie.tares were therefore taken on the same' plate.. 'When ' the' old . 'eta': club' ever4.4Sked „se magi'. .14110S- ' illegititaiite births in Certain great , •ladY, after' Seeing the picture, grain- . Albria, of HO ''ill'in.Y Peohie lh 'the ennle'.',eitietti,-iii,th.e world; ', ' ",, , , i' • . ., -', : pied ,ivito her aged, bompc.olco. it. ..1 , ",leilgth• of time. Nothing SO ' innnY, , , - i, : .• . Ilh, Births , looked' for a. while 'as if things' ivt4o • hos soc.'foirred here since •L' -‘1.' t; lioh- ',.' ctity. , • t „ poihilatiori: Per Ct; •pn going her -way, bat he finally shook. , ,O00, 'two years ago, klaSed ' itli• coin- ,paris, .,. , ., !III Ron • • ".-r---,--- . . -- . ort lier gri and •escaped, by •• way - •ere. , . '• . ' • . Berlin • .,..,,,.. • • 4 • I • • 1' • ...1,86.t,,20:: . of the' path, leading to the alley , - Ono . of the. first ot.,hia 'victims, ' .V,lenna. ' " . - '..1.,6;56,662 32 ox,, • • . ' • ' , .- ,'-, . ' • , Was, a handsome; young woman ill , ' St, Pete'r.Stillrg . : 1,132077' . .-.2.1i . :Sealskin and diamonds,' • ' r* ', tornos Ayres- .. .. .,.,..., !8•08,308 15 . , , .„ .."Are' you*, .rich.ri. asicodmr, .Wit• (. Hamburg ...... .. .. .„.... '699,489 ' .• „13, .-' •sozostilit to th . 'EETII 2rso ,..rlale young . girl. blushed' and stani- .' Nitrites, . . . . ..... '...,.,..;4:....-. ' 5,62,828 ., 11• r..• r II. . ' • iniered ., something. -..... ' ' .., ,.,- Madrid- • • . .,.,....: ...1.15516,428 • 22 , ' • t. ' ' ' • ' ' ' • , • • .. . . ' "Yen Wear diallionds and; you have „krusterdarii . . . • 15,727 , ' 7 litirititig int.'. the ' Layout.", • ' • .. told -An your teeth,'" Mr. Wu •r)tit•-• , :Nina n . ' ... - •.• 490;691-, , k . 8 _ . „ , - . • . . . ' ued, re-gardless of her embarrass- t 111enich- ,,,...,.. ,..........-, 400,000 ' 26 Davin' In the lartnestent „of thp 'Cap- • &rent "Von ratiot be /deli. , SVItere,; itorrie • „•• '., ... - ,(107;230 18 ital. at ,Washington 'filets" is. a, fort „ • ..,, •••• •••••,01) . ., did lieu get It rs .; . ".. •, . . 4 ,Dresden ... . , • f...).,, ,:?! Of otaninItteeroorris, 'over the' dokera • Bina:ling' and . stammering, ' ' hat pro one -------------------------89,.21 .,. ' ,2' of Ivliteli 'are 'painted the names' .of ;Iatighing ... in ' spite' of, ' herself., - t h" Copentui gen . ' .. 6 >,500 ..,,„' the; Various. chairmen. ,Senator,Gain- 70ung woman' hroka away,- Maell to S'i'mktiolni', .. ". , ; , 97,1413 ..)t.' hie, or Ntirtli'',,Dakota, tviiile:Wai Ling pre, great (tii rot int,k,".t a in iirit rrool t . .P.ordette%'- .......:. , . .. . ,.:, ' • 2:16, 006' •-. - -. 27 --i.. • for. the Senate painter. to 'Prepare 'aAre , Yeti , inar,ried 7"; he 'asked or ': ,l'hs' nague .:i...:.,,, ..., 2o9,117 , , ilhn ti; sign*, printed t tiici word "Gam- e 'nildtlif,..--aged !rote. ' , flaarieni .,.......... ........... 6 ,6.0 ,ble" on a large slit of paper dad; pu.stN.I It. on 'the door. of his room. 'According, to the Neir 'York World. this littratted iiIrl• titintlon, Of three' New ."Nlexic3nk Who vlsittA the Cap, ' 'Rol the other d-,iy, an I they 'prothift, ly .m'irelo-'d In. "iVliererls it ?"...Lhey asked a stenographer --"Whorii .,theY, &viol' 'nt Work ‘s-it.hiri.- . "Where's.' ivlin't 1-0 • Inquired' ilia astonisliel. ', ;Voting. Mem- '`Wil,y, 1116 layout or the wroad /.. Wh it's ,tifo game, n nd hoW Much Is n githett ??" It was Pomo time I. before. the' stetirigroPi et ceald "coti-., Amiable Advice. was hard work to keep from kissing yen last night. She: -.Well, you Must be, careful not, to o'er -exert yourself. Jack.--Noi vember Smart Set. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget In , Cows. 1311,7§1I,4 S - CAS' ItEAD '1'1'.A.TE 011 11t/431 ne?. no ma siler where it is. Staid do 11p • don 41. --ad elk kai price Joni get ear plan for tuna, ino`ek.olt buyers. Patebt,it.xcbscge und I11,*04P,' (11 I)lttY o. C41211.44, • P..VI'ENTS, t'AV p...A'is,- I RADII; isfAlili.6, tc. Iiorno or ftnelgn Procured niad es. plo• iu t d. 13oc, khlt on patents t Ivo. 1:heripitite,nt v.,,t' ..4kiiidkritaw,1 g0k.or.1(0111.1t.ov,0e,11;it.elit ,C.,oinions, s„ ),,,akatt . ..), Does your horse feel his` - — - VIIGINIA oats"? What a difference he- Von learn all itbout Virginia latuN, 00114, ' tiOfft3S tweeri the gmin.fed arid the walo, oliwo, i,,,ollyeos, ine(lucto frili,to. belt. o.,„ niptlo of cultivation, uriet,'s tap. OY „ reading too ViltGIN IA. leAlti1IER. '&104' 10o ' , , for throe mentlth' hubserlption to box 201, Far grass-fed . ho•rse I The , first mor co.. Eokoolu, v. • - strong and ,full of ginger ' 'the .. .. ' . , IltUlT FAttlii .E'Olt sALE--ONE OF Tar . seCond flabby; weak. and.. tired , . 7, '2.•' • Winona, El.:idles front Hamilton on two 'rail. } . finest in tite. 'Niagara Peninsula at Otit 'before ' he ;beoins.. The . dolovskiii,ydpielfil tOok!itts.13` 7 ii,54'1, It; 0 .2800 lade irlei cio ntue . Ps 411topl liter- .-.• ways,•13o acres in all, 15",of wioh is in • Ago% feeding makes the difference . b . . . , , , chasers. This IS a decided 'bargain address Jonatnaa Carpenter', P. U. box 402, Winona. " ,Children.are.nOt *alike either. . Ontario . . , . Oneis rosy, ' bright-eyed; . frill • ',„,, ' Assessment System. . Pi 51:'1. ei I, 71: ,v7. . 1andk, . . andlaughter, i...c11 ili ., ''Tanotherhefedi!, ,,,. SOME ... ,,,,,,,,:: . i ,),1 7,7. ,,,zip,R,F.5,,..1-,,,,(Niroi,,,,, . .1„1„F,sci:R-, ing,,g,in is resP_Onsible. •, l'.. : • • • - . -- ...:. They-don't.”feeltheir ; :--an-a: -tittiT r 011r-0- feeding. Sickly Ciiiicireri-ii--6a74-76-1--a--r-- just.the right . richness' to their 1 ' . . ' • - °sell Fiends oats". . Scott's EmulSidn . adds 1. :: diet. It is like ''grain to:, the • 1,,T)1:11elsoivrionagpnefoortrpIrratitearntoil,einottrance Orden! horse.. The child gets new lady owing to the foot that it purely Cana - 711 r % 00.Y. Partle appetite and strong digestion. d.ian and.:irtinnnAagTe,ItTbye.ousrToswIri:opejoglIe.N. Scott's Ernulsion is more cart a e. c,itistion n an existing , Council and taking 91,000 of inhoranee would than food. It is a strong .1,:er.p:upirpd to pay not more than the following iriedicir,ie. It rouses up dull i 1. lttliia=fentr, uhruri;71fvees, 6,2 • 3. Lire rusurance certificate fee.... .. . .. 1,00 children, puts new flesh on thin. , ones and red „blood into pale' ones., Itmalces-Children grow: Scott's Emulsion ismakes ordiA riar3'r food do its drity. This,picture represents the Trade Mark of Scott's Emulsion ' and is on ....the wrapper of every bottle. •. Send for free sample, ,TotalCost . . . ... so t.., .„ 741.E.COS' AFTEIt YOU ARM A 'MEMBER • . At ago of 19, tor one year, 011$1,096 of linsur- once : . , • 12'montidr;agaessinents at $1,16.: 92 ..6 quai•ters' du !s at 75c per gnarl or .. . 300 „. . Total cost for one year . 92 A few samples of rates: At \ Amount of Monthly -Monthly Age , • lnsur. • Dues Assra't 181O00 t0•23 $0.58 20... . . ........... 1.006.80 ' 22 " 1.rOff .25 .62 24 . . .. .. .,...... 1.000 .25 .61 28 •• 1,(810 .25 28. ... . . 1.120 .25 63 30 1,e00 ,25 SCOTT 8BOW/0, .70 TORONTO CANADA. ,rho.'soelet,y lisTa8 pPuRrel°GiritCEaSuag.clian organizit• 1 , soc, and $f. all , „ urn8s s • • • • i• 'American see ety of a similar. • melte. Ha .pio- ruggists. tion, and hits nf contmetion whatever wit, h any. ... , a thee its orgaultation in the year 1887 •ftas • Look at the folloWing Almost. , . ecti, marvelous,. . , No or GRAND RECORD: '.... Miss James -Hew 'do you like Misayear. . . ,• ' , ,- Members. . •-Foli,v, Mr. Seymoar ? Don't you"think Igo- •. '175 oho' is awfullY plain.? .. • , .. . 188/1 ........ ..... - ... . .. . .. ........ . ; ..... 1„ii Mr. Seyniou.r--:•Yas, ye1.1; T do. She Is Iwo Lsog ' awfully niee, but without exception 1891 3,14a the plainest girl rye -ever met, pres ;Lai 5,932 7,805 ecimplin.$, coillwrl, menal-site's 744) very plain. -The -London 14)5 .. . .. ,11,384 King. 1898 .........• • .. 12,693 1898 . . .... ... . . 161,450 • • 10t0 . . . . ......... TALES, OF THE /any ease of Catarrh rhat.cannot be cured by • ' APPROVED APPLIVATIO,88.:. • . . , We offer One Hundred bollarte,Reward for ' '1,1" c.‘"ai',111PViiihriEy &co., -Tollicio‘; O. Pg'; riroi-... ... '" ' ' ' ' " ":',- '' ' - ' .. ... '*"*•t:tri2 "'; - ---:- ' WEE. -ONES ' ' . . We.. the urideriigned, heve known F. J. An increase over the:Pearling year of At% and i One punce• of Sunlight Soap is worth more than ,F; 'REDUCtS wa Ounces'o`f impure leXPENSg„ Aitt for: die octagon t ar, If yonr sk0Cor cannot anlinly, writ° to ttVER 11110'1ILERS,‘ timrrED; Torotith;%ouciing, hip ual116" and- Rib:IVA!, and it trial fiOat Wilk, be, 801it sial. free of cost. , : • Cheney or the het 15 Tears and believe !dm. • . That capital aterY•_,teller, David Macrae 18 one. of .hi"g7hooks about children and their *Oa,- telia of altttle ' _ Eriglhis' bey ,Whel ,t1i'018t. to dine 'at...,his grandmother's on'his birthday,: and partook so freely of:. the good things on . the table that When' the padding comp lie had a difficulty in :getting': down the big' slice • that was put, upon his 'plate. gis grand. Mother, ' however. 'seeing. his •.•eye, turned again upon . '• the' .temptin.g Pudding, CliShY, Bald "Do you think,. JohaistY You _could take a little more *of it ?;'; -Johnny- looked doubtful for naiment,.bui; "faSt his face, 'light ed up , with 'a: bright •th ought, "I' he sa.id, "If I•Might stand'Isp, I could hold.. one other' slice.;"'„. • . , A.• ,boy once ran...away from tile' ,forater' Who. hgui klaidly taken, him from" the. vvorirliCuse; Magia: trate/said to the boy, "VV1iy did you ruin • away ?'- 'Wed." saki the 'boy, -there- • 'card Worked.,• When the 'al- .to%4/ died we eut her up and ate her..Then, a sheep, died,- and. the sheep was...salted, and v.ro ate' the sheep: At last' the ferni- er's grandmother 'died ancl;--I ',hooked, ' A ,pretty being risked by her goVerness , • , eotton' grow: replied -"In. grauldpapais ears.'' , , , . 'Vinek,the,„ditop:)'(.1infeil that no grinot.;olylt °'0 wtiR In °I'n. 10Z0001414 lOoth— the, room markt.id "GaMbie." , In &Brooklyn Sunday school' a Sinalt bolo,. was. asked the questibio "Who, Wae• the . first Mati ?"' to Which the child • promptly replied. "General Washington.' ..The',tpeclicr , and Sakti: "Did you ever hear • of: Aden's ?'-• ysSi I've' heard of, Adam; but I Wallet know you were counting, foreigners.O , • •. To the' quention, • "What are . the hod. teeth that wine te•miiii,?''' the. Unexpected ti.nower woe: •given l'n . a 'School one day, ,"Valser teeth.'' .„ "A: teacher Wishing to OXPlain to little•girf ,the Mat tier Isisstee° caste his'. .when he has Outgrown ',What" de „you -do Noteo you', thave toutgrO*n .Your ulotae;. yOtt.tiireW them si.skle don't Y'on' 'Olt, tie:" • replied the. little .one, 'We' let 'Oat the taelie.4''' • A *rOneherenfc. wind hits Von the back and the:' nett .morning you have lintibago: 'Huh Well and 'Often With 'Perry ,-Dattle" and Yeti tyfii netenislitid• to •-•,,fisid -Oa • hetvi." . quieltlY .Seretieen .banished. CoOrteous't . '• Irate ,Passearet lute tt Hammersmith mutt h,ts .that did not Stopi-8appoSe I'd slipped .ato lost it leg'. What then 7- • Conductor --'-You have had te do any tn.ore'.• JurapIng then, We aiwaYS„ sten' for oiii,totiog.=.1,Znite • • , • this year the fiociety expects . to make the perfectly honorable in all tmainess transact s tamber ow at least., ion The society is in first-class 'financial con- dition. having been managed in a very ' economical arianner, as evidenced by the fact that the cost of management haa be. exceedingly low form/my ears.- tbe right align. For further Margination ' Therelia stilt room fa few more good organizers. Liberal rem notation. alien ts apply to 'Witham F. 'Montagne. Grand ito. order,. or W. F. Campbell, Grand Urgankzer, Ilatuilton, Ont., where, the head. °Mee is locate& _ , and financially able to carry out any obliga- tions made by their firm. _ Waal' 84 TlittAX„ Wholesale Di -tweets, To. WALDING, .8t 311ARVIN, Wholecialle Druggists Toledo O. Ball's Catarrh' Cure is taken internally, net. Ing directly, upon the blood and mucous sur- face of the 'system. Testimonials bent free' . Price -75e per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall's Family Pillii.are the best. • s , 150 Kinds. for 20c. siti.aftiet that Salzei's vegetable and flower seeds are found In ni ore gartlens •' and onntore forms than any other In America.. There's reason for this. • .Weown and operate over SCOO acres for • the production Of our choice eteda. order to induce you to try thern • we make the following unpretl, • *tented ones': -For20 gents Postpakl II6 tinal Tared !asthma radishes. Alf nagnineeut earliest maw, . 16aorta Ituripue tematnes. 93'peerless.fellue• varieties, , Itablendla beet aorta, • 63 gorgeously Metall( ul Sower lie*: !nail ito kinds positively farnisidn a bushels of Charming , flowers an /1_, lots andlote of choice vesetableti 1" together With onr firma eatalogne 4/4 telling all about Teoeinte andi'ea • Oat and Brumes and 8pe1t2, °hien • t seed at 6Oc.-a pound. etc., all for -stamp. • JONN 11, SALZER SEED CO... Le Crosse, Wit • • AM. NEW LAID EGGS, DRIED /APPLES, POULTRY, DAIRY AND CREAMERY BUTTER,„ HONEY, ETC., WANTED, will buy outright tinsel' on commission. Correspondence invited. JOHN J. io Is; Ill, 62 Front !Street 11:418t,. Toronto, Out. • ' 31an 'Mile Trade., Trio. Green Bay tells of a lawyer Who was about. to. 'furnish , or • .41, hOpe,'" - said his client,' whO_Was hnlidi*, "trio t you t1011 mairoltjaff perhaps: say•tlia.t to the, foremain or pfnir establishrraent, but that is not . thO- ' Millard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. , , THE CA!iADIAN RUBBER Co. NifIDE OF NO Hoops, NO J6INTS, NO. Am*,. NO AKS: Ore • vastly superior to the ordln aryl Woodenware articlestor domestic ueak , THY *THEM.' d -'or 8E140 b 1,11 ttrt �1aI. dealers. ifosseganmesessediownevossinesemeK V