HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1902-01-24, Page 6a mains a Vdluabkp in Many Districl 14e(liu IILIfl' JO R.A !SING. rLoyeeel4 ,homa paper, theenty t hinge equelly , deliberatela. LLc, is wS, et probably published. in theasot ,ieitek to try ..exPerielellta ' and virn or village far yetutived-frem, (w must haVe, relx$iyo. fee doing 09. the....thest eloselY real: ; 'lilut. this, bolds good, also' la 'tile. Case 'mesa 'emaraughly ..raspeated plib1ice-'1 0! n.?ew claimant, for- his fever. gn ,P;t11,A0•1* f044P .411rwerP.`itr carriee • the other 110.41d,', the PUY Iflfl.fl Is 41- irgator weight,: haa 'larger iatlue ways on tnolookout for, tin, troprove- a„ele,,,,?,',V111itho.ettaseraative old fogies meat .apcia. what he is' using te-day, ."',„_aumeal.aVO beenehrotight .UP to await • 'lend to -morrow wail alreedy,-find him, Atel''..4V,PeitlYabtinang ever since *they , relLnquisaina:' the, latter. Theee nee pita •i7Pwieather.', 1L coining is iritieeta ettreme, cases, .,of course. .: - 0;40-04', 'the 'weekly eveats, and it goes . For. the, Permalbeet -adeatiOn ot a Ihrea0elthe hands' :at thea hauSe- new 'article .Wldeia•llaa intrinsic' merit. hotel • 174 that eegaiheorder of area whate*Coursee. would it -be wIS er to, ulopuPe.,- The ;ending of its et:amens Pursue 7. 4k PP -0044,R in the' country ,Wouki,Lavolve _and, ilever bePotatm,• 'pert twat° ry, !The loead.titetheelioeSeaeltageteatefirsteefeet,heYelaaYe.-'L4,8-:morneYet4'al-a-at" coarse.' ani .rrel#ing iato-the,." .Oh 'the., other hail&eetar tie .,40...ie= npy. corook or a winter' everting; wOuliaprobablte he Very.. etenetteeitiestanding_etheeareerit of mete , he .eemmenees„. ae 'the article • Wolild they be ,PerntRaeRt ,tbe first ealanin," hie fore- eacnigh to Wild a rAttlie taloa?. flnger PerllaPs hiarklag ettelf."P,"11 are- 11 'have atilee' :1334de11 ' ''fli.undit' ttPlit and reading, through it; t,akati. it"' !eating °Pen the lairOr or the the •next ,and the next; -until • he 1.thidgie' .elaeses In the aolltitry,• Yon .110 digeated all' the news and the edia ema safelY 'rearan edlice Of "shY- tOriale 0piniont4 BILt ibe le not yet :ecrapitng" proportions ' WOuld. .You '.'throttgla, for the: adiertieenientetn. have that sPme agase•01 seearitrrit' 'tisele*Ittra'alece'coITInhLLnI fltt. For patronage were of the city pope -Mon. A geaeration age the' -country And anOther fact which tipe, • -the ttreekii •Wkid• . regarded N.vittil' eletaa', scalee. aioie for the forinerais Irausiel7r.fteitici;Lon' :pliAta.aoloalnoctli, this': in -the.' cite :people live ,•mtieh everywhere .0.toido of owes, ,Notve more . for themseirea-athelr inter- „ course, •with:friends, and. neighbors 'is' Weyer !tit sPhere, has become =too :very' constrained; and restricted.' In, 'etrenlecribed; but there are atIll .t,he -country :people' are throWn verY ,ateltiette '• Where its influence la much more open .their owe ,resOurcee, lottPrente•-• in these the Weight' of 11.11' neighborliness in unconstrained sad ltdrertieement in its columns' is •etill natural. Peapie .go very totteh More greater than may, Presented to salty out or mete why for each ether. trite:000'. through*. the paper that llnce, If they know 01 a .gotid•,thirig tlyPilatia at the moment to be their ' Which Wili.'eerve a • neighbee, they favorite.- • .••• • • , • • .will do 'very machete, .have liim ad.' great , -essential ,:difference be. Opt it.' •tween t',"e, ' • '• tut:trail :,of the ' Country, The ' country . people ,s,re on :elle • .Weeltly and , the, Inhabitant of thewhole In a eery., pr,oOperous *atty.a*, far :as: VIA', 'respective at-' then; if you • have an article' that:ap- titudes' ,toward 'ne,ivspapere. %la •.00.11- :'/Wialq., to., them- ',and, le aelept.ed. .to. awned., Its that the forMetaisintenime "their- needs, and use, :they are In the IY emmervative- and the latter, 'is large majority tan, pogitien to be, jnit' the",aaVerse., „Let . the: middle,' able to:.b,uy' it 'In this' reepect elasseitattie mord „..eatlefe.Ctory from 'aremueh* better ,off, -men! for 'man, eff:erY point:at' .vIewfor.: the acI7 than theirb,ity,:, proteitylies. Tlie '10ertiser-efttridsbatlie, rePreseatatiVes- .'strentious life . 1,ot. ,, metropolis,' oetilitryintea's conseriatiern leads leaxesethe middle , classes seareely bimto aelept anear thing' very, very ableto indulge in muph more than AdoWlye *and to 'reltaCIU1Sh • -.an old * their nedeeSities.-Printeasa ink," . . •• • i.ORIGIN OF TIM POLKA. Dance That Was invented by Peasant Girl. In "Bygone Dancee,” in Cassell's, Tolui•Collett thus recounts the origin a the polka:- -- The polka is the natural dance for the•feet of the people. Take in' evie dein:mite origin-a'Bohemian peasant girl. was deen dancing' out of her own head," extemporizing from the Sheer Joy of her heart song, tune and ThAs she did on a Sunda after- noon inElbejeinitz, and an artist, one Josef Neruda, who ,epied. her, made a. note of ail he saw. The peoplq of the town adopted the dance and called it the Pulka, half step. 10'1885 It reached ' Prague; and -Vienna in 1810, thence it spread rapidly throtigh Europe. When M..Cellarius introduced it to the Parisians we hear that all else gave way before the aall-abs_sirla, lug. pursuit, the polka, which em- braces in its ,qualities the IntimacY of the waltz with the vivacity of the Irish jig." With beceming gravity. the Illustrated London News re- ported, the firet drawing -room polka ' danced at Almack's, and followed this upon laty llth, 1814, with' a descrip- tion; a the five figures, adding that .• those who wished to shine 'should dance the whole. • No; You cannot S.1I "Any old thing" merely by advertising. Many -.liniments are advertised. Only one, Perry Davis' Painkiller, hes stood the teat of eixty years; Te -day it is moretopular than ever: 25. and 50e, How Ile Pell. . • , . A certain Chief Justice of the 'Su-, prertie 'Court in one of the 'Western States was -noted for the ',disincline, tioa to admit' that he was 111, as •wejl. .,.s for his ,roirndibout method of ex- - ,pression.• . , • • • • - • . One day he was approttelied by the asked after his , health. said the ,Judge,' eau- • 'tiously', ",f pea well,.bu,t I 'ani bet- . ter the/eller-as When I wae ,worse than 1 ,now am." BIBULOUS POET'S • - * RIIYMED BREAM. It.4.14-14-14.40-leleiee+4.4.4 +4444+41 A ' policeman palming the Queen's 'Borough aaftll 14, Long Island City, found, a man -asleep. in the gutter . there. He took tante the station and later the men, was arraigned charged with 'beieg drank. Hesaid his name was John Smith, and thathis hem° was ""ane where." His occupation was "jack of alt trades." He insisted thathe did not. belong to theeunien, and for that reason could not get work at his trade. , iie;repeated this and Much more on the same line to the magistrate. He 'also inairmal the pouit that as aside _line he wrote- poetry, but only did that wheia moved:13y the sPielt. ,The inagistrnee asked him if he had any- thing ; original 'about him, and the arisonex said he, had. He explained . that while he, was sitting asleep be- fore the borough hal: ,he had a dream, and, before, being. arraigned had Made litotes of it. He handed it to the court, -and this is what the court read :- Last 'night, I dreamed of a land BO elair, • • • •' ' ' • , Where the rivers were illsner beer, Where fountains of rickeys shot tip In the. air,. # 4 • , And everything else Was , queer. Wide ;brooks' of gin fizzes on every Great:- lakes of coal ithitie wine, And pumps spotaing cocktails to, beat a itilinee.trend For the thirsty eines standing ir Greene de nienthe swamps • or a beautiful green, islitnds of f,tie cracked ice, ;Such a sight w.as ne'er before seen, —A1.11 bziathatedreatnewas-trIcea ' • / _ mint, julep in puddles fated the, etreeta , The glettere , were flowing with booze, • In which tired 'hoboes tioak,..fil th,f:r • feet When enleying a heavehly Snooze. Liniment, Cdres Garget Pairs - `Merely II er , Policy, ,. Be -I Certainly' had reason to 'think youeared for me -you Were ' 00 nice to me: Slte-4Bot I Make it a point. to be nice ,to every man, no platter how Th'rc Is no seiCii aQ a harfelePS acoagle The troal)1'.' goes ,from bad to wo.Se: ttahiss Allen e Lung Balsanl.ettfeS the Ni*Ortit 01 colds. It alIay.`intbrthitaaon .and clears :the :ttir paSsagee. .innipieg st rofielusionk, t got' 6-663 drink - :"tog olio! .y0t1 O. -line', in last night ?" , Thate like, 'a woman, .71:1St be - cans t ifs:a 4..ibino JtitIu dIfticulty in getting; ftf, bee -tinge 1. obultla t pt•o, ' aionhce a' tesN' ,Ntords,' bfettlse' I tof,li • Off, tely' le the' draWiffg-reofrf .11.6d wOre fink' liat-to rtietaaft to the: conclusad that had been' drinking." • Chantpngne, , flowed from , fire plugs In babble-, streams with a hies, , And -streetachainers drank it front ; (Jeep ',stone jugs- , - • Ah: such a dreauf of. blies .• • IligIl bails galore rolled about the ground, And were chased by a thirst - • .,CrOwd, , idle the paralyzed. grafters bang- ing arounde, ;, • in .,drUnkeri gte1(5 . ut d' aloud. ' 'bibulous „dreala was a *happy dream, . • !Me' result of an a11-rlight bat • b • er Ert. - where the wet thinas flowed a When they carrial . me home on a • , ,slat. • • • When be, had f1niahtd read` ng, the Magistrate looked at the prisouqr, sympathetically for a moment and 'weather ?" "Ys," your •honor," was the rtP- 6./$0nee,• , • , • -`‘,DiScharged," eaid the cOurt, One ounceof Sun1i,,..;11t Soap is worth,,,mote than Iii.E.DUCE Two otin6eg ofimpure EXPtri*E, A.k for the ,,Ottageri ar. if year r grater meat supr y; write t�* LEV.EaIRO/MRS; LigiTrD, Toronto, sending his name and addresS, Arid, trial 'Sample 'at iggat tap 'wilt be seat "free of aet. aseeee'emaseaeeeseepaeseeaaa Iiirkttil.ttliff****4,441;: THE.'AN Wilil • BLACK: WHISKERS, "irt 04't**+4144elaa.+4+++++aell44-te ciePriclL4 440 ta.• s4i,Pg0P•4 14* Tare biddiiig its citiame to Parry pistols PR -"Petit Of fetfeitiag the.. Weapoaa. and:PaYigg: 'a. 49e, of $ZO, or beiegi impriiied for tlurty 047s. or 7 lY , after titer ,PaSaage: of np,6f., •.rne.nt„ Judg Venter Waq itniding• OuTt, in a litele toataa dpoy ho..4§711tv444 tlie triat 'rYT, pase,.hy ordering, tae sheriff to leek. the.t1POrti Pfl. the aoartheitSP, , •aj, "Geneleneen,", eeldthe judge,. whoa Abe doPra ":4 have .tuitst seen a piistai on man hi tide - Cannot reconeitelt with, my sense or duty,to: let .sueli a Vitilae • tien.s.ba,tite law Paste, unnoticed. . • ' J: ,.oughtiapeehepa: tie, go before ; the' grand •jury and, iodic t: idea IJUt if that 'niait wilt:walk up' to ads- &tendaaid ley haapliatel. a,iedaa true Of $ down heap, -,I 'will let Lilni off tins. :thee." „ The 'judge pageed Yawd. a you er ,sitting juSt, tefeat3 ,him gee :uP, eltp- ped, his hand late' bite hip Poelieteeleeea' ,enea..aeeeatalaeryelatatilect-aix slieeta ,a.ntle, laid it With I down, ;upon • taTithalsaallaright,A-saidathe.-judgee "but you are -,tiot the m'a,n 1 eaw,* with- tact :pfntoi,'!.• • • ' Upon 'thie 'anather. • lawyer ,grime :CLO !add Owe e, Colt's. revOlVer and a dollarbill beiciao. the judge, who repeated .his, former"abservaticia. 'The process Went cat..until nineteen' pistole of all kindsand sites and shake' lay, ;upon the 'Stand; together with19 ":their ,eitle. The :judge ' laughed at ho. eeMplimented"'"the, aitioteen• de- lLnquent.s uPen being:men- Qt. liSSIneek but .added that the man be had semn.. with the -01.461 had not :yet Caine, Up, and, glancing at the. tarp 'side of the catirte he continued:'I'll give ' loin -041o., Minute' to, ac- cept my proposition, ,and if he -Tails; l'll.hand btu; over' te the sheriff." • Imieediately two menfromthe back of the court aroie, and tipga.r4 to .aiove 'toward 'the', judge's °nee, thy atoPPed to latok at each „other, and then,- 'Coming &loftily': for- ward, laid doWn, their : piettels , and their dollar. As they, turned their • hatirs the Judge .eteid: • "This .Man with ;the 'black' whhLc- or ie thatine,taat,I "originally same" England -Magazine,. When washing grea4 dishes or Pots and. Pangs Lever's Dry Soap (a Powder), will remota the grease with the greatest ease. When A main is in the, soup, of. course he gets hot. It's enough to, make his blood boil. His Owe Free Will. Dear Sirs, -1 cannot speak too strongly of the exceltence ef MIN - ARD 8 LINIMENT. It is THE aem- edy in my hou.sehuld for hums, gamins, etc:, and we would, nut be 'without it. ' It is truly a wonderful' medicine. ,JOHN A. MACDONALD, Publisher Arnprior Chronicle. . • . VALUE_DF• VEGETABLES Pradnete. of 'the; -That Are „. „ . . Better Than' Medicine.. . . (What OL) . . E, , Tomatoes. rouse: torpid, liver-. and do Abe work, Ordinarily. ;of', a: uc- torae,,presceipticite . '• Lettuce ,has 'a : soothing. quieting ,effect ;upon 'the • nerves e and is , an insemnia, -remedy. . • ' ••• Celery: is an acknowledged 'nerve and .1 is mike and , more' used in medical peeecrIption. 001008 are ,also it tonic. for the tiers es; but people Will be forever prejudiced, because of tliehr. edier. Bandelions purify the 'bleed and generally ..are declared to tone up the' eyStena • , • • • • Potatoes' ''-shottld , be eschewed by these alio "have 'a Mirror p1 ,get-, „tine ,as tIlaL 15,one ,iff 'eating • them. ,Watercress Is e. ,"good, all-around" . brace -up for the syeteM. Spinach his .fl1c4hji1I0.j proPeitte.s., :and' Oualitiee' epial to the must in - dig. of all •biti.f.. ,Parsnins, it is now con tended by • scientists, .'peasess „alinoet. -the 'game' Lehattese tiust-rare-7'claiin-A -fray 'ear-. sap:3.011Se • • Beets are 'fattening even a mod,' erately .leatned" man .will .beettitee , of' the- sugar they contain., • Orcifititry ' beans, some' one 'has saideare goo,d- tOittlaY thirst. but the. ' same, can 'be said, With 'ential truth, of a pitcher of Water: ' „asparagaa 14 efficacions •in kidney ailments ttf ektent that is, not • ' ** I ' ,311:61-.1..pereapia, loroug y .,Apprec CtietanberS, ,,a.side from'Suritiettin emitting preperties known' to read, -era of .facetiOna paragraphs; bona ' tain an acid 'that ,b3 helpful in' cases of dvseepsia 'Cabbage; in Holland, 'is regarded as, something' -of a bloOd purifier, but the, authority is vague.. In Oer- Many .its, efficacy . is purely , Sauer -- aut. , • • , Parsley wihl assitit gool digest:eta, like cheese and net's; but a aineritity, 'in exese of Ordinary • capacity , has to be.. coesumed.Therein lies the joke • Pumpithis are an ingrellent in a patent ,nielleinaetliet 14 auaran teed to ,ctire a'.iariety ailtronte floret; in heir, to, hat 'the: ,worl I' is `Increan- ..lag .10 , lehith•tants,..whci de sot be- lieve all they hear. 'SOZODOttt Tcoth 134witir 25t Worth tsiking A binit. A LttJ Wri from II Crt,Ww.hifl trJp•• ment wa- tellinf, f ; 1.;o eie,ttleeee,tit a)xm t t, er, '"Seees 'lea 4 1.•01, lady, that's. eeeeet eta the Chile. rir „inu 1,fLow fihe'e, f!". iwiy e I her wn ohly ' two days." "1 a.y otvinz,h 1 rk-1 was the lealtrieei j n we 7 new 411 4 T'rt lat» t•A u rtin Me • I,. i polite ulf if tIff,:pi' • ERYWHERB. rs.1Vlaxwell 'Tells How Much Pain and Snftering may be Remedied. A Very Ittterreting, eittetement by tee .jcior.1 botly-Sha Hee retied at Pelt - aceater 1111 tfesnate 'Wes4ne1,s. mot., Catiade, te .:1CuelV, it, • Elora, Phi., • ure. Maxwell, et thipplace, Mies Wilt, tee far. pablicatioa a. very etrOug, .letter In Which ehecirtinie that laedd!ti :Kidney ,Fills. bate pered her , of Fe- male Weaktese attar She, had , tried: ainloqt OVerYthillg• reiset . :This geoid. ,lady, .according to lea, 'fftateitiollet, Puttered' for. a /tang time' !' With kidney trouble", .enduritig -ehe greatest •pala, with a -dizziness- _and: •headaehas. that Made her very ill. She eassing theatigh • ialiat is alway's' 4 ;eriOett,t • perhot.id "eyeer .Woinianle life ILUII tier troubles were , eonsit14. erahlY iecreesed by tliis. Indeed her lite:vette ror.a tjaae 111 graL danget. She-4'eaa'ae-alieetiaaale,„iatidtFaa-NielneYe Pilla, With 'the. noetet : remarkahlie:r0.72. su4s,. ;being .elmpe t. . ins ta atlY *re- -Paved- cOm- PlOt.1'IY y , cared—and resterecl-ater-getict health., _ :she is • very grateful, ..gred In ' her, letter' eh,e says.: "I Caenat.fied Words ta, 'exprese, my' gratitude to G'od for ma niartellone. cure. Doild'e. Kidney,. pills are the greatest medieine 14 the world, 'esPeoielly forthese of inee, age. "IrCieuld r po a r o e1$ Move bland or. foot, Was, so dlzzy, and ybelent Pains Weald s1vot through mY Whole 'eye - ten*, 'bat nerve tttak to l)cidd'e Kid - feel weil and ,Smart." ,Thate oasei anti its eine has _created* quite.:a .seliaition anal• Mee.' twell' 'full, and frank .stateme,et of the mat- ter, . !last been/elle saajeet,,of. 4 great, deal of continent.. • • . • Dorld'iseKidne,y Pine seem to, be an , Infalliblecare for Diseasew , Woe' men is Welles fee ithimanatistn, Diae bates, Bright's' Dis.eaee -:aied all Kid.; , nay ;.chisal,•eees. - Still in .Staitu Quo. , „ , They have naked the Visiting Eng- lisireleman what Slit, thotight of New "I think it will be charming - when It is finished," said the Eng- lishwoman. -Exchange. ' Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. , The,' Peoulation of China. . It will surprise 'most people to die-, Cover -that tile population sof China Is greater than that of Russia, ,Great l3ritain,' Germany,' France, Japan and the- United -States combined, , and that China has ,a population capa151.) olfgsbearing arms .of almost 100,000.- 000.- In those other elements ' which go to make up ,a 'nation's , potential tetien,gth, such as vitality,, endur- ance, indifference .to disicepefart,' tiler atty. to subslet on tILO *smallest rale tapers and to thrive amid unsanitary. surroundings, • the- Chinese arelin-• maached.-Feoni No. '28- of . the New York •Cetitrat's, "Peer Track Series."' No. 28 of the "Four Track Serie" will he sent feea, peetpaid, to any 'addr,aese on receipt od five cents In postage, ,by Geoege, H. Daniels, Gen- aeraljeFassenger, _Agent, New_lork, :Central, Grand Central Station, New York. ' Minaril'e;tinimeet cures Diphtheria. Spectacle The observant man who is always aware of what is going on about him, and always alert to gather uise: ful information, recently had an in- teresting experience in a Chicago hotel, says the Youth's Companion. His attention was eirawn, to an old man, a stranger, who sat next to him at the table., "Excuse me," said the observant man, "bat do, you know what you are doing ?" . "Yee, sir. I am °wiping, my eye - “Do•Youi know what ,you . are using?" "Yea I. am two -dol- lar hill. 1 MSS ally -thing but. a, new. bill for -that parpo,se."! •• •• • '‘,But Isn't it rather expensive-.?" • "It would be, perhaes; if I .took a 'newbill everytiradeei wiped my glasses, and threw it away after- wards*: &A it i' jut as pdotttO spend i am:done-With it.: I don't .it.'for a.hcw.- or to make a displey, of eccentricity; but 1. have. found that %the:re is, nothing quite ,so, good as a • perfectly.' new 'ba,nit.' note for • Oleeniag glasses It cleans them per:- feetly; and never scratches' the. Our - fade of the glestia Make a, note of It:" • • „ ' The other -Meal did so, and" tta tune haa , papsed . the recipe en , to •„ ,httt , friends. - it. :may' 1,5IC a new. ideato . Many epereons "who wear spectacle. , . • - Minard'ir LiniMent 'Cured Colds, et. A Coen terie it. There are a num ea of ceunterfeit. Do:aln1co/1' a Canadit two, dollar bills In circulation here, and the 'public te waraed to look out for.: them. The' hill ccunterfeited b3 a n,ew issue a the one., that htte- a fiehlag scene on the nice. It looke , like a wood cut, and ,Me back 43 very poor., The worde "Dataltrion of Ontiada" on the • face, lat:.k tut though the ink had run. , .sozonortfolhaIffm. 25g: aeasae-aseeea.aeasaa, , . • .ONTARIO' SCII()OL FOR...B011$..17 . • 41amlitun .itvonv and ir IttntlItY ilia. ea tees eff. Gann., , 7Moigoitityit. 'bt.Viding irbe hole* 44 .tke ',ate Schator iiew!Pg acrea eif bean Ufa) greying& crieisaseet to top of the moue she.' prespectus' to the Rath "' karma, • . ;Wen, 1d* itoreei,fr.,ft.oshiere. • • , • Ay for 11:t4)1,11°NS4)140 91..A;, 'Leta ripen ,MitiltrYnne,Yleal nritotar. * of awakes: Ctelegot;'‘'a 1,11f p ++4•114.•••44, Hp*, THE UNCROWNED • • QUEENS OF ENGLAND. ISSUE N 1(b0') epairin •••• •••4441P+•.•••••••+••ty Englan0 has had many royal women, ,••••• qaeensle their Own rightsend elleena. by virtue of marriage with. th9 reign- ing sovereign; but If Is hot gelleiallY kliowfl tiiat seveltePf: tho w.lpalett, W4?' are known in history; as queens; vvere 1.10t ni 14 rant, •Tiley never received offlefallY the' ilislgultk oF a mOnarela, ahe erewne #.irst Wit& 412,r,l;r 'of :Freebie the 1,yeatig, 'Plalni, itill41,41P, 4',PC91,10 Nviit-.) Of 141aatad X- ki.9 •lujd ;PUL so ' tlitlett -.1nan4W• 44 .4 PC444i4404.:irilg. 4'4..ISS OW IU ti)-•,ihi; tq'uPtiquer , land that. lie coillii, nOt afford -the e,- •p.t.f. nqc Of a C41,4411.0 t LQ.11 '.' iiir 1141 ,111q14,4 404: riitt, Iliad to tit) Wi1,11011t 1.LaQ. Adendors of -' tlie, paguant-:• . - • . '4ing -Ileni.y. N.111. tk.)..4r4 para , that:, mine Be1e:5n .,Shouid 141 ekeiyhed With .i,.s..i.retile magnif1eeffq0. 44(4'01-:4retl.1-(-1. fioily',I.he, World loW 'ninelf 40 10-Yed, . AO and, how Very tuncik.'ne defied' tliU ' Usi.S.tiop.,.of ' ,Rome: • '1"lie. four ,iv cv et/ who 4tetiel..led 'her Were, nevlir .crlo,,i.vf,)0•• at alt. • For ,,one t:'niiiii,;,.. maney rail -,..-•..itor1it-jand-r-Inv-•-•-440f,h0:::,);1,1"61`:••q• Jrni1r7 :iiave larked.,', 'cVen- in 'his' Masterful' nand,. 4 e.en§o• .Yof •'the "fitness. Of- , -41.41:ga"',Whica• 'may Eave: caused him, • to ..sarinkiruni publicly oro wrung. ou many ladlea ' in., such • Very .rapiii silo, i*osioni. .At any • rate; tite 'belOved .ip.i0 Seymour, alie despised Anne ei -ieleves; tete, gielislaCetheeine Hearard and t,hee wary teitheeme Pare., were never censeeratedin piiblie as qaeen consorts Of England.' . ., . , •...... . , ' lileorietta' atteria,-..whe of Chnrieli 'le rettisect to be me wneu, :She was yottage , She' was pretty, , Sae was a, r. mit, priiieese.aati a '131gote,4 tooi.ao 4. .40-, 40 .and she ea.:fated to ,Lake el -t in , a ' etate- Janet:len :which Would • coin- ' . . . • • . ' pel her to parte-Meta:. the .etterenciente aecordlgg to Charon ',"of." England rte. • Sevilla Dorothea, ,, Of Zell; ca n net . be 'ree_kplifx1 anio tig • •tlie... 8eea, : beeatise 'she- Was never i:alled Queen, of Eng- land.- at all. While tlearge.-.1.. WaS be- ing • croWataland entilated. Mul,---.• bogoti,' the;I:Atie .of Ahiden Was. 'pie-. lag ,.in her acing; '. menotcnioue 'cep-tit- Done Netier- thOught of stich a\, sign for a medicine did you Well, it's a good , sign for Stott's Emulsion.. The bOdy. . has to he repaired. like ,othet things and Scott's I.L'intilsion is- the medicine that dOes it, • ettri?°9.!'b°rndie.'s wear out' r9P1. , froover-work, frorti;diS'ease. They get thin and weak. ' ..:SOrne. of the new ones '17'7r7:*: •, onOs are. not maue;77ana, , all of -the -Old -one- are rack Caroline. of Brunswick is the last, Laid Most remarkable,' inStanee of the uncrowned English queens., 'Though' tieorge fa. had 'been , forced from bop - alar iadignatiou" to give up the bill of imam tied penalties, against hee,- nothing woula iuduce him to let her share his coronation. 8ho was not permitted' to be Present in., west- illin,ster Abbey a,t a1. Itelnil8ed froni' till the entraziceaeshe .returned to tier' houee, to cite, within three weeks ef a violent .fever, brought' on by monthe of fearful excitement. , The strained cord •enapped.- The brave heart was: broken at last. HOW'S THIS? We offer On.e Hundred I;olla.rs' Reward for, any case of Catarrh that Cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. _ F. J. CHRNEY & ca. Toledo. 0.. We, the, undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 rears and believe him perfectly honorable in aU hominess transactions and financially able to carry out any . obliga- tions made by their firm. 'Wes.r-/Z 'FauTAX, Wholesale Druggists. To- , WALDING. KI/JSAN & italivis, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. , • Hall's Catarrh Cure istaten internally, act, --ingdirectly-upon the blood and mucous -sur- face of the syrten. Testimonials sent free. Price -75c per bottle., Sold by all iiruggista. Hall's Family jails are the best PA.LENTS. ATENTS, cAvEars, TRADE MARKS, 1. etc. 'Home or foreign procured and. ex- ploitad. %Booklet on patents free. The Patent Exehange and 'Investment •Company, Pythian Building, Toronto, Out, Sidier's Rape ••• gives Bleb... green Me.'FARM e tun. SEEDS • 1,000‘0,00,0,_ Hustoinett Proudest reoord of any oe esrtb , and rat.we are resebIng,,out for were. Wer dealre, by Julrlat X9,0119 nom patrons sac 'benne ten. Imp ented offer., , $10 MONTI' ''FO11:'156. We will mali upon- receipt of ISa Jasmines ' ourgreat catalogue, worth 111044.4144 to &MY'wIde '-o'gaxe fa.n00ner or garderfer, Seed nt)nplea lvel;tiio5Of with, upon receipt of but 1tt eta.' ila•Canai4Usn .tanaps." large eirliert' weireti!. • -111ooteds,111.01), . . ,• 8aELTZ- wiatisItt Catalog tall& Please_ gond thlft who. with; 15e for alKne, ' • , t-a....el• Catatog • alone, 0. Send at on'ee. • frorn ofig usacre. 'Scott's Emulsion ,fixeS all kinds. Itsloes the work both inside and out It makes soft 1. bones. hard, .thirr .blood' red, ' weak Iungs .strong, hoflow plaees. full.... Only the -best Mai tetials re used in the patching theaid ..:patches don'tshow through the new glow of health., NO One has to wait his turn You can, do it .yourself—you and the hOttle. Th13 picture reiresente the Tracle Mark of ScotL'I wapace every bottle. . TORONTO. CANADA , Emulsion and is on the SCOTT & BOWNE, Send for freasimplaoc and $i all clruggista. BUSINESS •CHANC,'N.•,s. 'a • , . 'CASH FOR REAL ESTATE OR . neso; no matter ,where it is. Send descrip. tion'and cash price rind get Our plan for find ' ing•oash buyers., Patent'Exchange tuid,Invest-' went Company, Toforto, °apathy. • • ' VIRGINIA'. tfiNViE$. ti You learn Olt about',*.ir Ma hinds, sells, m 'water, 'cliate, . resources; . prod uct,S,, fruit". ' ,berrzat, mode.: af. cultivati it,. prices, otc...• by .reading tbeYIRGINIA FARMER: send .10o for three months' subscription to bex20r, Fax, mer Co...Emporia, Va. • r ' ' ' ' A FEW.310flp (ow) MEN WANTED .,',lante ,yeu a paying occupation for Hie. • winter.? 'VC will put you in a. way to .,, make • good wales;• we , em ploy bot h' on,* salait and . cernmisbion-;-- haadsonte'oettit furni&lied,free;:. , our Side -line helps our salemen splogdidlY; . write and get. terms ;and particulam.. Obese Brothers , Company, Nurserymen,' Colborn, Ont.; establisbed'45 years. .1.-PituKr FARM FOR SALE-oerIE '1111 finest in the Nimbi.* • Peninsula, as Winina, 10 sallee from Hamilton on two rall- waym, lib acres in alt. 35 of which is in troll :neatly peasbee. W01 be sold in sat parcel or divided into lot* of 1 10,20 arm to suit par- • chaeon. This le a decided bargain Addreee Jonat.nan 'Carpenter, P. O. box 409. Virleona WANTE We wIll ,pSse you 9 cents, per Pound tor Necked 'Toirkrye, lar,gn • or small -iota. We buy all ',kinds, of Poultry. We , pay freight and 'send .eheplc or itiOne)' a:Aar as soon as e6 receive the Poultry: ''- • . , • S&MUEI L. )41f..;W IS & !Cainitaitaloo Merchants... .Loudon, ' Out. .ea fi P10.41,0Ops.. Joisrts, NO Si=:A491S, fi,j5 CtA1C$.' 114DUitfITI) 11BREIVIllt,e „are vaetIY euporior to the ordtri arY • Woudeurrare articles for denie*stic tine. ' Far sale hy afl tirst °lags dealers.