HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1902-01-24, Page 5• L. • • r pile of $5 snits `as makq gin —; Ti a r .hitt _. �: and wh ,.should'nt it ? Eevery. , Suit is 'a Bar- gain, were.; _ 1 O: ane, 11 each A gain, Some:Suits $ �. , n to. choose from yet. Don' t good assortme ,�, • miss the opportunity. ,adies' and Misses'. ` Jackets cleared out at once. ,The $3 and sure to interest you must a11: , be :$5 °piles are ,. f, you want an extra -good quality, of Flan- nelletts at lOc per yard.: Weve got it ,in a nice: yard. variety of ,.colors, and patterns. Other good values, at 5c` and 8c per yard 30 Pairs Men's Fine Shoes, ,ranging in price 25 ' er ..�. air. _ 1 to 2,50 for $1. p __.. romp .75__� 1 • ,Woman's Fine Shoes, $2 to; 35 Pairs. ..er pain. ualities for. $1.50: and $2 per 1;'., , ut all . , re slightly. opt �c�fst �lA b These, goods a • Y , rices: , their oedvalues at -from ' the Lace Curtains direct • r The:, new = .: �. :.� - . . ved' nd Barri � � � n u�im' Vin: Ia an ufacturers m 1�Totti g , g > . ei : show w . them �ZS.week , : We will ��be pleased. to s o O you. ywsici.drirama!rsr • yet our PrYntin • When'you n'eerl I31i/v 111:Ans, STytt.iigNerS, Lxvi torhy, 1 hate•1-1E ADS, NoTr,; .HI ADil, LETTEn, 111;Ahg, •SttlrriN(. `" TAGS, Citiotit,Aits,CAHos; Dot;hris. • ,..OLanything in the printing line loaVe your order at'•home. r•We • scan : atisf jou with our •pyinting ris;(egarls.i'}uality'and pr`ice.. -. S N INE Lir 1KNOW: • The 'Best of Weeklies ! WESTERN . ADVERTISER ASI1 InvuoVLli 'he Leading -Weekly Western Ontario. • FARM' AND', HOME A setiti•monthly pfiblication--otie of the best', rolrica^-ta seeG=:td anyares£i„�. In ,Canada, or the , t ited State;' for 75C. A .:YEAR.' `Send f ,t ,ttttr:;Ctreulai+; centain na terms fen (lobs 'aia;i o,,r list of Apoith8n : WESTERN ,ADVE'RTISER.. London, . Cntai+to. ;I 1901 LISTOWEL 4se .. . I MOVING FORWARD: •Winter •Term begins Jail 6. 1900 Our rates are ' . reassemble,, -Our courses of stuuiq .thoroul#h ands;; prat tical .' Sends for our 'Journal to see: wha(•. we tudehts may enter at',any•titne Two Coursesoi' Stud 'ommercial:' y+ � stud Siibrtband,`' A �lemi� A I;Mcl�t President. s.ecretat y .410V10.!-)4. COU1 CIL Pt»hf'eld council aret on :,Ilt,nuary according to atetutes.;.",tell tb'e:' members present•• and subscribed, fu the neceeeary' ,declarations• oi~• of lic - t,' minutes of 'December rneetipg read, Ind approved,'' • Bylaw No,•1`waspaead,� fi'x,ino the ealaries of township officers ie;s,fullowe Clerk ,$130, treasurer $9Q,; a sewer $70, collector' X90, auditors; each, $10,' selectors of jurors,; $4t Moved. 4, John McIntyre, seconded by John'-13urkley, that M.„'J, •AlcI sy be appointed'•assessor,; R, A., Carrick;; collector ; .John Long and 4; Fier, ,lay son,'- auditors.• Ohequeswere issued` for the follow iug amounts Municipal World, for - !,T9 . assessment roils, . one ,colleetorp'' roll, • and" six, .copies ° uof said paipciw, 15 85 Hospital for Silk Children ,• $10 ; Anson Finlay • ditch, $.1.50 ;•' •Goclfr ,Hall, re -pa ring ;culvert S R: '9 ands ; 5oct;•;:" P. Morani.: repairing culvert con. 9, $1'; • A,. Ureaney, • re•y pairing ditch Sit,. 6 a:nd 7, $,1,•;.Win ` Hackett, cleaning ditch, S:R. ' ; •and 4, $2,.50., +' / . • On wotion of Hunter'end Mcl:nty;re. council 'adjourned'.to Meet' again on ,the 6th day of .February. Wm., STOrrIHEnS, clerk. HIIQLOSS Township Hall, Holyrood,,Jan. 13.. The ,Councillors elect' for' the town n• thip of Kinloss, having ,subscribed to their .declaration of. qualification and of •office,:'took; their seats at the board as fullows s .J. ;F1. Kaalce, A1ex.D, •:M Kenzie; Donald McDonald, and John. Mc Donald.. ' : Reeve ' Henry ' being,. absent,, J. 11 Kaake, "was'.'appointed chairrnae, The minutes of' last meet, ing having been, read and signed,;'a by-law "was passed fixing .the salarica and appointing the: `otiicers' • cf the Municipality for the: current •year.:: Llerk, Goo.' G. ; IMIoflat salary' $110 00 Treasurer, Peter. Corrigan, •salary and` attendance, $1,'10 ; • kudttors, Thoma Mttrjay. and W to Stuart, e:sch $8; As essor,Joha .MIDI armid,salaat y S50 Medical Health Officer, Dr;;. D.• "M, Gordon, salary, ,$'20 • The f Ilowi i checks wets issued :'Munici.pal World' blank; forms' and seven subsciiptioris,• $9 47 ;' J.•Ros',x Roberton, Sick .Child - rev's Respite', •.l'oronto, $10.; Peter 'Clark,, treasurer Culross, use; of_ grader $4; J Purvis, township share of drain- age txx, by-law No. 6, $11 ; .J Purvis, township share of drainage tax, by law, No. 7,:'$10 ; J Purvis indigent taxes, C. McGregor;'55e, A. McKenzie .83c, $1.38";; -Geo; G. ' MofFat,''postage, etc., to -date;, .$6,45 Dr. ` D. M'. Gordon, disinfectants,; $S. Counciladjourned to meet on February 10, at 10 a. in,.. GEO. G. lioFrAT; Clerk: A'•; WISE; MAN '\Vardsville, Not•:'2 , 1901. J. ?.Z:' 111cLEozi, Goderich .' For "five years •I• suffered with il,ys- popsia. During that time I consulted several doctors and ' icok,'allkinds t of m dyspepsia edicine, .,but all'•to• no' p Yr• - •ose.• i was aiwa • s:tired;, restless and P y , , 'nervous ..and; all 'ambition `was.. gone, I felt' more likb‘being. iu my'bed than working 'While on a' visits .'to Goder ich • last sum',mer. .I heard so much about ;your reiiedies ';that' 1 galled and. purchased one bottle' of .your System,' R,euovator Improved;and betnre taken half, of,,it. I ;was a great deal better "I• have •no* taken nearly 'three bntitles 'and{ ' I •. feel "ten years; Younger" and itsstrorlg,and' as well,' as 1 ever was in'my life:. I reroinmeiided Year `medicine to•several dyspeptics; in our t'illa'ge;,who have; and ,are taking •• it with.the Ve•y, kiest : resulfs. " fours truly;' 1): 111a1La1,;•,. S41d •hy Messrs,, R ooci d Co,t druggists, Lticknow, 1 In 'Order to 'clear out our tock of Vela' Goods b5t,ve`decided ton offer them :a . • RY:: •1'CO rrices following : are .a'' few' .`pt our snaps . •Ten's Grain 1vt3 $2.40' Kloridi . a117 -Boot:. vol th -§3 foe 2: � • Rent; '1'...entlebeap.fifty 'acres' of land,contan,-.� jug, a tirst;cia8a orehatd, • good Kenzie h irtl and sheds;nn the Itinloselrounderv'4 miles ea+.t: • of the village of i,ncknow.' The orchard ooittattiri the, choicest' kinds of winter applt .' ,This is a very convenient place and: will ht ', tested Cheap to ,a entteiblel tennttnt, Fen ', rnether I'artiunlare apply to ' xfl[Uq,;�tidNEW.I.ttcknow ,•, A FREE srATTEilN• : ryour•Qarn•ectectibs) to every Milt. scriber. Oniy 50 cents a year. MIAGAZINE A, LADIES'',.MAGAZ!Nei .m,•brsntiful t(erect plat.a7iiat.si' (11,111014.: tlrru,Wafung' economies'Iiancyr work hnus5e•hr d hints eto Sub• scribe to.dity, or, send to for totest copy, Lad, agents wanted. Send for titans StSli.tr,'Reliable, Simple,Lip•t,. date, :cnnotnidal an�Abeolutely Perfect•nit'Raper-Pat terns:- • CALL. TrEAZAIR+,. . • Aft Seains Allowed and Plrtdi'ailelits' atM • the Bastin, and 'Sejilda pot, •'trety,id and! is set, i eath�.ndna leitier,. Mk for them. Sell ir, nearly er t)., city and town, or by mail from THE McCALL CO.0:_' 113.Ii5.1f7'r.sr 31st St, ' NEW' VORlt , 4 l3trckle--Grain welt-16„orlvti , h1? -'for. • 1.7v $1.0 $1.35 •<< 3 « Cc' Women's Felt Foxed Bal,and .Cong t'or 1: 7;5` for Hen's and Women's sp tts at' greatly reduced 1 all early, and secure -the best values: : Repairing' neatly and iiromptly Jo ie THES +. ++i+1►t+++♦+t+:4++++ ++t ittt`♦++4+++ +.++ + 4tNi♦tt.` .raas are , ra aware � We'have. the things for 'Christmas Py and lent " of them. ,. They have real cinalityr too,° and will last long after ordin- ary trinkets are' worn :out Bee Our �tocl� ongtTear Tools We. have the sort of tools you'll, be able to pass, on to the .neat generation." • Many of, them would .: make. nice. and useful presents • for the boys at of Lamps.- Cutlery, Silver ware,Cir et p Swee 'ersSkates No trouble for us `. to' P ti Graxiiteware; , Coppers are;: show you the goods because ''"su We can satisfy Carv;<n�rr. >,ets -lilcl• many' lines we ire re , y 'of kitchen, utetksils. RE LUCKNOW. . •41'oe*i•.•• «•'e Try our (4o'1tlen Tlend Ceyro.n ea Try oui T�.11llsh.'Jiop rfea Tr :our'5(. , el,a.:1ali :lea: > Tr} oui :Pict les 'ill quart jars 8: r.rt ,otiY Co,tfee, .Sea'l Br'an'd • Trv•,ourCoffee Try dor Paradise Cul mists, recleaned Try oticr 1�. t'ra Seleete'd Raisins ;Tr r`ouCuliforn r .�atiorafecl '. Tl,y osis 1Gtpe Syrup' m bottles ' Try 'batt' Choice:l.*rune's •r. 11141/••1►ie41.11N4N,41 r M , t• 'WM Ste''2J, i-ROdm