HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1902-01-24, Page 1OLE N0,1461. Citplitlai paid MP Reser ye Total Assets 1,500,000 110,000,000 sostaT IIISURANCE FIRE AND MARINE GUELPH NAIR' CKtIOVI: BRANC A./GE,NERAI. BANKING BUSINESS Vances made to tarn:lora to' feed 'stock. Sawa NOTES bought and collected, All rates moderato,' , DRAFTS, issued payable at all the principal points in Canada and the United States. . • Savings Department. • Deposits of $1.00 and „upwards; received and interest allowed at. current rates from date of deposit to date of withdrawal.. "rile depositor' is not subject to any delay anY nos tion of the depoait, • • JOHN SPROAT AGENT. LIICKNO W. LEGAL miaow, QS,. CHAS. GARHOW L 1.11 1119 A. MALCO AfiON, BARRISTER. K. • Solicitor, Conveyancer, etc., (late of upstairs in Allin's non. . .• Sol icitt Cogmissioner, Notary, etc. NIoney to loan. MIA! over Moody's Herber .TE14NANT, PHYSICIAN IL/ , Surgeon , and Acconcher. Surgery neer J. Elliott's grocery store. Office hours geon. and Accoucher. Upstairs iu Attires now bloats. Residence Rocs street, SOCIETIES • • OLD LICHT LODGE 'A 21114-4:4 71,4 C - on or before the full ,moon, .in the ilationic Hall, Havelock street, ' ISAAC/ SiORHISON... HARRY DAYS Norshil,ful Master. Secretary .11:4 Lodge Xo 112 'meets ,eVery Friday evening at 8 o'clOek in ' W. 0, JOHNSTON' P. A.7111AtcOUSON, now. Meets every firstl arid third Mon- day of every Month in the -Orange Hall, Visiting brethren are cordially 'invited, Lucknew Lodge In dependent Order of For. esters -meets in the Odd - 2nd and 4the Tuesday of each month, as 7.30. "Visiting Brethren Invited. FAANK CAIN D: N. LAWRENCE Chief Ranger. Item See. _LI Lodge of the -Ancient Order of United Workmen, fellows'Hall, On the last and• second \ Monday evenings of / 111%1 o'clock; , Visiting Brethren cordially invited, - . LOYAL ORANGE LODGE 100: 428, 'HOLDS ITS REGIT-LAR, m mthly meetings in the Orange Hall, Campbell street, Ioicknevt. on,, the second Tnearlay evening' of each add everY month. Degree night on the second Tuesday evening following. All vi,dtliag brethren cordially in- vited to the meetings. , ARCHER, , W. NfeQuitAilt. ..Tiniviry.2lizt...1962 Berne :Mak, iniant,.1 itt 'the' residence of the /aft, William McLeod of Iluron to Eliza, beih, youngest daughter of the late" Mr. • We do „a general banking business; SSile drafte throughout ,Canada and the United States. We make colleationa dn'allpo1nts. , Is:Lauding :--Western States; Manitoba and . the North,West'Provinces; and all coiled - tions, whether note or aoconut, will have prompt attention. Notes- disconnted and- farmer's sale- notea We loan to farmers on double or single notes at from one to twelvemonths time and at reasonable rate of interest. • ' We loan small or large amounts on second mortgage on farms or other real estate sec- urity and on first chattel m tgages on live stock and implements and We have a large amount o unds to advance on first mortgages froni per cent. to 6 per cent, - The rate is grade ccording to the quality and size of the lb n reqn re . We represent the leading eEnglieh and Cana- dian Fire Insurance Companiee and can effect Insurance on all classes of property in Steelr or lgutital Companion as desired. office hours are from 10 a: m, to 4 p.m, LOCAL ITEMS ock Parliament to night. Have you paid for` The, Sentinel ? ----Mrs,--Adaiti:Thoinpson is Visiting in Goderich. It it-thne,to renew your subscriptio for The Sentinel. Mr. Neil McKenzie visited friend tn kinloss on 'Sunday. Remember -the carnival in -the rink ,on Tuesday evening' next. 1‘,Ir Archie McCorvie has been in ,Thoinaa-fiii a few days, Walkertea on 'Tuesday, next. : Mo. ,I.troje meMillan..of, North Da, keta is iieiting at his; hoine here. :the rgneii; of Reave,Alliri this, week. . guest of ' btrs. K.1,blacleed.. this Week. is the guest of Ming JeSsie Mr. Stan'. johnsten has been: ritati. of NiolosS Visited friends hi town oti Be sure And aitsiad''the' Meek Parl Ment in the towdliall this (ThursdaY) silver :plated skates,. •Apolr to R. Wailierton, are. ,, visiting ft iends in A gram!: ifarnival and Minstrel ovening next,. guest of Mrs.' D. 0. Taylor a cohnle double' and 'FOn .SALF:-Lai -geed set 'of ,single Chid ConStable Briggs of 'OiralkOr- ton Was in the village on Thursday, serving 'Jury summOns. • Miss, Hattie' of :TeeeWater was Of bite', Maitintion Saturday and Sunday. , , Will be ndispenSed in, the' PresbYterian chniCh•Orp Sunday next. ,Special religiou,"' services. are ,being held in the Presbyterian 'cliiirch each evening Phiring the week. Mr. yred, Grandy ',is onernk up gredery, storb in. the Meek; AimiveraarY Bait fa the tO.Wp en •htiss, Mable Grundy and blisg: it card had' -• • are w•-- visiting -- friends- in tOWn and vicinity. , House, , to Rent --,The honse lately this :Are. ifOt tater than l'etSeav hien° of Thd Sentinel. A.Reading' Circle -hes been 'formed roenectiett with the RpWt/rtil League, of the Meth, ot,ilet ohoreh: Another vote will be taken in Mani . toba on the prohibition' queStion by 9r4er a, the Roblin (leveret -Pent. - Mr; and Mrs.:Murray of 'Acton ape spending, their'',, honeymoon. at Mr. Robert, PhilliPs'.and.other friends; "; Mrs.. Lou Stewart; accsmanani,,e4Jay._ _her daughter Jessie, of Woodsteck; is Visiting her lift ,antal.hoinii tpivn: ratepeyerg of Sullivan' by n sta.ente !Sher, ail' 59 cents a' day: Executive at Bervie on Tpesday even- ing. D. Sullivan, A. VVieebter and J. McLeod ,.have neen appointed License 'Conamiesioners for Sauti; led by Miss 'Helen MaLaren,.',.Who: will sPend some tinie there, The firm" of Agar Jr. Johfieton haVing dissolved, .partneiship, it is neeessary 'that, all accounts due, the ,said tirni must be settled at onee. Mr. Brown 'Malloug,b, Of West' Su -r. parlor, spent. a week with. friends in riair of Loot Week was the, scene of pretty h9tof? •Wcc,1- ding at tha'r.' On Thursday, Jan, 1 GO, -their youngest danghter, Tena, • the wedding' ,cborlip /•Mias•./Edith the.- bride, leanitil On ilia arm of lieriathe entered the '"...Fe&eiTtreii7TOotti;-7Ieli was gaily' dee, orated with red, white: and blue and banked with palms and foliages. The, eereinehy took place under it:ea:nippy entwined with, Union'Jacks and Stars. and Stripea. The bride was.• attired in her travelling sult4'.of iron greY freer 'the bloSsOms,of-, bUsinese until jedfeious Use of Printere' ink. Our accounts are small 'but we haVe a'number of them , scattered all .over the .country, for subseriptions... The :A pony and'Outter ,be sold eheap for -cash, as the Owner is going ',The Hamilton 13iisitiens'„Edueator, .Under' the beading , of: "Forest City. :Business College notes," contiine the, following yeference to. Miss Marion. ' McLean has left.the college .to take , =position 'with the London. Litho- graPhiog 0o... During ,her ..course she 'repeatedly. took' dietatinn 130 words a aiitiiit.e and read•her notes like print." Ripley Express -7- Mitchell Bros., tO be worth Over half n The With pleasure that the Express reCords men, hpnest and generous, endericeed- 'MoinehOuse,'. Who 'resides at Lticknow, has thitty:then at Work, and. la hand.. ling a, large quantity, of, Joie. • Thomaa' la eharge, of the Berkley mills, John is 'tit Holland Centre, 'Edward, is :at Carleton and Dennis is in LiVoraao TiTla the, wish of , their, Huron friends' that "ticeeee May COntinue to be With dt hr ee S I Ils2e:i )t.li :ET!) ilwYciir°trti °Lti,r4gunekriis ° lovttahde. mg. The• occasion Was the Meeting triet, bet :Owing to the stern), sOme of the.del,egateS Wete unable, to, be Pre - Speaker and. haa Leen activoly engaged in Leagne ;veil since ite infancy:, no netWitbStantlitig his busy life, he giveS his- time and talests tO the Leagne and' Church Work- Ana additiOn tills offices in nn rebel: of societies and' WalltS front ranks with: pro- gresSiie citizOtni of the ,town. ,: *yen itaaiiis "Adt;rteee -John- A; 'Cameron; of Betineati,. 11,. sent a Jetter, tO the Durham and in adyanee 1908. "'There , ire. hundreds ,,of, kical newapaper offices would like • to see t4 'Caradren men er 'My other -kind vihite.9t, blaek,•inerch along With or send, their Money , years in caniel's hair cloth, with waist of white • silk stiped crepe de' °Ilene and black 'velvet bat, .and :carried banchea of port pendant,,,, the gift of: the green'''. and was ("owned in a beautiful costuroo' of 'reeecla °Teen broadcloth with black velvet hat,/ and' ,carried a sheai , of carnations. She 'Wore '.1„leur de Hs: pearl pin on geld bar; a sonstenir from the erecen. Mr.: Ed. LaWrence brother' of thesbride, Was; groononan. After the, cereinony and congratinla-' was. deciorated blue.and white, arid _the tables _with sniall potted ferria; English, violet.% and carnations. The: Owned in white organdie, and wear -E pig white Swiss Muslin. embroidered lace§ from' the, bride, ninde charming attendants.' The guests present Were Fraser, Mr; Bert and Miss Lindsay, Goderich ; r. and Mr. Geo. Evans, Bright.; •Dr. and Mrs. Elliott Mr. now ;, Miss. Jennie McKenzie. and.' Mr.- 1,Purgess,•lgargaret .Campbell and • West left'On din afternoon train and: after February .15th wilt at'dietne at 4201 Lake••avenue, Chicago.:• One of the most exciting and hotly Contested °Curling, matehea ever 'played, in the villaee took place in the rink here on Tueeday afternoon between the Wingham :and JmeknoW • Clubs in Grand carnlYal A • grand Carnival and minstrel 'Carnival of the season Lorne' rink, ,LI'lekttovi. liges.OaT eVening,, Jan Tin? f119wing prikes will be, offered Rest, dressed '3ilvtir inorracco case, by H. O.. Armstrong, $3 2ad prize, bOnnet diested-gentIartitlitizi.;-pair kid gloves • Will cuff buttong, in. :Beet dressed ,Police patrol at.9 o'clock. Skating from 9 t9 11- for spectators, Lucknow' band ,„.in attendance. „. Ad- chiklree 10e. Prises may be seen at G.. AriloStrong'i and W. MitchelPs, Hooke, Match The hodkey match in the rink here on Wednesday evening between the Walkerton and Lucknow teams was a erten boys were simply. "not in and the game 'from start to finish was a series of goal after goal for the home team, and when the, -referee called half time, the Score stood 18 to 1 in favor of Lucknew. Tile second half of the game was slightly better but the visi- tors failed to score and when tune was called the Count stood 22 to 1. The Walkerton boys aie a gentlemanly lot of fellows and the game throughout was devOid of any dispute or rough but_they were far outelassed by the Lucknow boys -both in skating and stick work. Mr. R. Richardson, -of Walkrrton, as referee, gave univer- sal satisfaction. Grand curling Contest One of .the greatest events in the history of.curting in this county will take place in Lucknow on Wednesday and Thursday next. The loCrd curlers are offering three beautiful` pairs of new curling stones ancr a set of hand- some curling brooms as prizes to be competed for by all the clubs in tbe , province, and invitations hairs been, ,sent out to the different clubs esking them te come here on this occasion. • As thecompetition is opun to =single rinks it is expected that a large crowd of curlers will be present, and' if the weather. -is favorable the primary matches will be Played on the mill ponds at the cardmg mills,' where the ign is first-elaSs. kinloss District Lnyal Orange '.the district Match for the. Western Ontario tankard. On.the comPletion ef the game ,of -22 heads the score their Opponents and Mr. Arlin' ,beilig ,3 down, so kliq it was necessary, to. play another head to break the tie, and the Lircknov./ ,men won out by tWo Shots te the good, ' The following is • the score • E. ItIcAlPin, A. j. Alderson, H. 11. ship A. McPherson, NV: Treleaven, . Minority ,for Luektiow • Missionary Sormon6 L3dge held its aanual -meeting with the - ropnabers 'of -Maple GrOye Lodge, was a arge representation tom we 1,1odgea and some interesting discus- / sions on various subjecni ,took PlaCe The following,' officers were , elected and installed,, by the retiring blaster, John Cox; Roe. Sec , Chas. E Mc- Lect appointed J. S. Tennant Medical ex; 1-'-.? aininer for .the district.' • Kinless \wns Ho* to. produce prize Batter, Thos. :Stock Taking al ways bring. tO• the rent many , lines ,of 'goods:, that "it is desirable to, sell at 'stich a: reduction din,ptice tn.. Clear the line, that makee , them a SPECIAL BARGAIN tO the per- • . This-, week we offer two sech Special Bargains. Bargain Lot No. 1, Contains 5 Men's Fine QUality, All' Wool, Grey TWeed Suits-- Freneh Faced -- "Fine Italian Linings. Regular Price $12, Clearing Price $9.50. Tweed—Linings dr Facings same, ,as above. Regular Price $11.00, Clearing Price .$8.90, ' Tweed, Regular Price t $8,75, ' Clearing ,Price $6.90. A number of other suite at $3.50 an $5.50. Bargain Lot,No. 2 Consists -Of were 60c, 65c and 75c. Clearing Price 5Cc. were 350 40c and 50c Cleanne Erica 25c. 4 Pieces Dress Goods Regular Prices" were 25e and 30c. Clearing Price 15c. NTION 41, good. witch needs careful attention .to keep it going as. „ should go, but it Inuit, have inielligent attention. We know,•how to lint -it in good condition an& , ii,anct teli you what it H. ARMSTR,C)NG -Jeweler and 'Optician. Farmers' inititute Meetings Brpee 'Partners' Institute, will be held in the township :ball Hely,/ cOnimeticing' at 1;36 and f;30 Afternoon, aessiOn—Problecns' of the ' preached 5/couple' of able ;sermons ni !Aar. in behalf of tin? mosionary Work-. of flit' e atut subscriptions were contrib;ite'1 to ,thnt caus'e the eon reef Mr. liarris toek Pulpit: in • Misa Oharlett,6 E, Wiggins Of tont°, the Clever ProivinciarOrganizer: ;;;Cak that- have been greatly 'apProdiated the, friends Of interenting and ,effective,,speaker,. and her' Visit, CannOt :tail to; ha,ve a good elteet in the .,eause, of- temperance in our village,/ The Wm:nail's' Mock Parlininent," in' the' Tesin lien this MilCk Cities; ',F. Sleighttiobii; Colin.' Canipbell. Evening", sesnion--, Colin„'Canapheil.,-r,„Th to we live ; 'a feet': and general ditscuision is dealred, on. all ittbjects: Mrs. 'eatripbell will address the ladies in the public library hall and a full housq:ls president an 1 ieCretary of; the 'Central Wonieriti:Tnititute. of the' expecte't to be 01'6(30. A program' noVel anti inh'resting entertainment, is•prepared for the evening meeting, •