HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1902-01-17, Page 4'w 7;4"p 11 '71 !% Ort Jit cp�erso P h gnt re likg to give 1 n P11311141FT 10 IV P as 0 with -Coa a. The Win 9 If FA RODUCE 7� pmpn ARMUR904 A Ajt�qq on:., gr tea. n0o p 1� beini I sed J P" the ARS A Mr rding W 11 I:V,;Dg -1, odgine.ii h to 'ififorjn�. fa�m, Api 't L e' P oice Culture.,, T Piano Or 'jolin, Ill t L.",, , V &Ss'H&rlUqny� and r PO Ud es, 4 witli-� giV d' UCeL St 9 6doi, mys that -od fq 't� �04" our list of, buyep'tt, ll� l",ra" oQonsetvator It ad PtjoqL Of 100'po f As,' 200.1 up; p prop f L j, asth 6 , t,� r P 'Y� by ki. *411natiolls.. �eX will. 1 �T ak� -mijUt IPOYA th;s purr we, h ('s c0A .0 ]at I opt a W 0.& Cani� 0 a 4: in' �cwld dLjot -this t ild'a �rea T" 4 aL k NICE, STOCK on OF FR duce.� The Domaittipa; a OL comma dy s le rw hnt4ill moot, fijum,ij Qh MUSIC. TA W aT " d'it 0 A P X. -L grQwing� no twiff ih ears to :�bq pi e rji b e r N� AAND V, inyr on t MAW,, c, nta leo ti. h, �ii 00 d, I prlrj�e. trume wit b e 66unty at" leaib� -to fel ini. lin iv -us: �t_call a' fi d- u 0 d 'ag.' intiniCipal h t`6 idba�, of 14 tjeetjt�n only 0 vin nee io'ever7A,w6 years.' b 61VIE" to 4' US' ALTIR I At. Thei-6 ia'! U' Since the new.- County -Act, d wiktititd wM evw , 6906r.wori,tha A UrAe into orce e number of iuota "A EN _D, of b �Whi -sge� NET ;A N, 'CA KNOW:: -fro salis 14PRE L 11 OCK L L the Callao. 0"Pi a Ave a C on :C h, een - tourhe b -A 10 EWTON 6 onUa, YL Ifio'fe L 4s 1 7 Dote r, of NN tb lectionar haa, ee b a or"A n b' h, "f Tend'ers %nted -Rery All lee Fjo,61i y, h lee. Citmerov, o, has ear, neav a t a ol�qooratlon and carefp1rieso in 1�916kmallahip be, I'lud eiv I P qe% edtLend Ojficeip Allinlg-blQok�jipe j1p, to n,on re On- will v ver�.Thurgda Ossitmtd as�qneotthe nurses Municipal ersigu�dt Will ie. P r, L ­ . ­ I . bFilary Ist j 1902, for�, tb s o Wt Ripley. e d t-the'third-con in ffiAdation. d& o it bri6k, churchL for . tho,',Trus e y ---------- - t '00 no y COng g --Pro d' Adblield- Plau:afid speciii catigns may, Undon e eeen 10ith, R�gy. F, J.'Dflten., Astitieldrarr n h ob 0 -e iti) tho� ime t no seeL ft to e suro 0 ike,'it stik6t6l� ' 6 y so nth oil eAucknow. .-Work. to be,�c�mp!etdd Iverther. Isti 1902. lug, 9 1 age,byzirej in t . .1 L ty be LT0Nj-Sgc, of" oro old reliable National"and e: 'ititurti, �the Dr dam every spoon efcauti e ompankse, 1o!rj'rated,!'and'punoI te lie the pro�oSed 6h&qk' il 0 061�14&yment. eii �bseivod �.' ;,� , 1,; d n ,come a neral un� en 0 x(arm, marrm., Act 48 we tten I&,-. 36da, Wills,� M(irtgigoo,, Leases ',Agree., 'Pr I t6, oto.* t ilga�ly eX e e 'Utej. dam ma tho allidi*it) 004 10]11'� Office To ASHF19LD fernoolls "Wing forth a egr!6e4,,of y od SAOI-y -f Th�rinuni_ f �ip' t meeti n I e neCol�litkof!, Bid 6�-.-hergby ual 0, in statute, be conipulsdry on All persons: je§j thou�h, fe* Gc.ove',, d diag offi -iiindicipMity. Any cers, wqrp rcomp, rsoli not iththe abqve be M E - too atstw'� Win, vf e do not ecember, the following l V1 the� pe nying w: PNA at., viz, think t a ack: of th m elected for th accor lug tf e curiell d TA y Mich; hardship. W.: M Chariei hie t e.year YOU 0 ON S�IlRVEV,0111' '�obibl Lre See At H ek ot1t.:rl 69AFORTH P 0, B inking of ��P*ui bo oe -'Xogineer for-Mibillain So f for. All thi,b­"s Jog; A., U Y. Robt. itij 6w� WOes r a orth, bacu-'. it- F Pe -;-0. "of Side Ro*ic i Culross;' to, Cement We Tr McDonAgh E. fti� 'tUreL ul'bo'wp, liave'iti stoo c all -S derq Will lie received by the uudiiisl4h�d Towns to Febrilary-Ist, 1902,� for4heL pUrelli4e� apet e _'f! the Lest 0 Ter od in the 61d� English church 'mittee, Culbert W. III f it d battlo� is than q eas, f it St. He ens, Rngineerjor'tboVjllag'e!O' L" W t e6 be lve se tg. �:Fqr furtheip-4rd u ai � �pply ta, wg�ht foirContlientil: Life Instiralic 06, ic sa at totil, to em e stck -.of Fur' for i he County of Xnron o' Incumbent. sav d 7C000 Offic Wardepa Geo. McRoberts,, kind&� or eW M tua Life U. Of of p, /A a e.. Tsu t WISS �.MAN pa 0 ods �ro; ur to o dsew ieye isesse. The ofimate, is m 'e: ter-, t 0 'everi comi n gr! n emen; - , : : o,.sPe,.,w. 1,1. we. A-NEV­T( RONTO . toi nuaj,L�_�Meet An t 281, �SENTINEL. k. yoll Wi -lob 'The f t:,I W. 19 G 190L j ann'1al meeting, o, t e aramount EKIY� LOBE -,:,-UNTIL 'have bt t ou n ic ral Y, 1,:, 190 %6 liat-tif Aeciri Ch�ese &-Butter Co.. Limibed will -be-held at g weY: o010- F6r fi4 years, I �itIl,,dyj. the Grange. H.11 on Thursday ihe 16th,day. of g that.ti JanuiL-y at'12.3q.qIc1o& p.m. � for tbejr=4� lid p-,iceg 011SU led Any., Pftqe$,,&pPyWg,L or, incorpora a' in eneral businiss.of Oq.�6mp Dur'n C Jhr 0gl) .9tir qtock� a �ctioli of thei, 9k, Nis SL60- e re- inellid Eaveral. doctore''and TenderA will'b- received kpr,the' h y will come', bitick ttook. all' kirldS you yopepais uraid date." Also I Aiulilfon'w atirloo, medicirie,, but alfto rio pu for,hauliiig d 0 S,r YOU�R'NERV J4LMC ired,-zestless'-and be Milk,Will ')e�let'byaU�dtl e a �a wbitioii Wga'gonf. DatedLih; �Qu to� C. nervous, is 24th- of 'De e., 11101; I felt more like'6eiiq iii- in b' ING 49 working., Goder, y: ed,,th n". inilea," 114,miltoo: i6 :�ort -bover, While (in'& visit to ts a, cono ur !�"eo Ml as roll ucWfi n, 'T t6.rjjajn_jjt� 40 wi:les. leh Asp L 'heard L 0 W ab t Antg Far M' 9' t er Voider" 13 heading,""GodericVradical -on -ME your remedies that I 'called, and Ljfbr� t i DrE a-purchaled one ottle,of'your Sy4ern I have over 4006 acres of,ch e fairm lands :Round of ;PIieas0­r'e or.' b Ole 160 and 266 ricroo,'lets 'ear no es:are P�9- Ron 5,100, Bar en. 1W, L . - ovator Improved. for vale. in 56,7 d J and,,6tor'er I in , Kibloss. - G �Is Un 06, Bruce., Ki!ieardine. unervi drerr- eX.0ert s ion- and ''th" If 6f it 1'. WIja jeeneck; taken a deal Huron and A field. townships. Good lands nearly w1t 90 be. 6 W aft t e i� of the W bettr. I 'h Od,b`uildingg to.' aveth the, taken old 411eaprnn�ga9y' terms, A, -good e gu n y I very'�herstr �prescn so saw almnitfor 11 �T-Q, in a n wmen, i e, as e three::bottleo and algoagoj)d 6hoo,(d' -11� feel' t one round en. yea I r 9, Is gone, well- 6f si,; ness weakness and i I It health..' pri as inE k CeS,AtO reakiablez.-_ gm �p6, ialt U I t, Pi y you n ger and �fks Steping4nd as vrell in doi m wilt -ask torr' oil buginoq�j fo, C DaMtr, t 0 -er- nded7 ev e-chL. live vill qy)ey. 1"; neolporati p--:-A-gen6ral-stort�-with�loirgfrtrsde;- on,. uhdeeL'th6 f s atten [agA. , Alidal�rgeamountofm duiiei fatigue thom., o nig4t. jpurr 6dicine tic' W&V.:r - '. r 1, � : , POP 8 J1Q_ tii-loan.ati�p�rceiut. Fi t -and-Bia sylhptolns� adebrap4pying this "state', of i r fur bei partkul _odr� 1no d f )Ose t6 668 Uct a r,�& is UV 114vtp 1LUU., mre 'Th g/prol rom J. �KL n di sinking. t. Holyro6d., e Agen Y, -w iW-Jrton, OUL Georgian to -It th 0 'Very 'heit reiulto, Xour8 failit W1 r aeling,: palpitat n'df.the heaiq �h­ y Iort- ron, Goderic on ;zko Passing W less of �,breith�. loss of appititel. co ood -ATTEND'THE BET. I I dark ci -�X O,W hr6ugh Or 'neAr Kificardine, , %&no ud and feet, heidaelle.' re es d riaggists', uc now. IT -PAYS. k.. ii'd6irthe eyes h UCIKN utfiikmptoz�,�, The ivwid� it is said, pain in. t e Vick a ' n& JL�60mjaljLi other. me Cleekiie money. b, . . ..... ide ank Bill" t of a rundr own and *bakened coksitu., ir r a to donatract. mind House To opet- r Sale [on All, these, symptoms and conditions -a 'house onr Ross STFIATIrCiR ONT The large iind imply the, reg'l f NW atreet.�., Ttie.pr6perty of the pite-MrA. r jame0w u t c 'a poor quality 1% and defective circulation.of the' V % _%#&S In S alqo To t, f the erVe W -Some Me.' A C wel m 06 m blood,. rk suib� for spparatir:o A, 8 hol f lr�oww fro n the it ad 'fier fori s superior og WA 0 0 0. C n aLto, the ot t 7 1 plejda thatL rdes th udents. admitt0 At any ed nj;',t46 aysteln,with, his , iwbaq tWo poars, ar Y w dl' work, 8y ti me Graduhies reitdflt serule' etw JrM, -94-6 n or - d line, cominj 0 0 W.,Jr ELLl01r*v,PAne'pji.1M �fiis bffi'dr for, feitr of om n sking, nWARDS -to- -i , 10:C MIM - h E66 from d I In. the street 1niportitnt to. Breeders! AND -NERVE' PIUS R h ad'h ct� e, trying witli'lilm'. He did Uot N 10 a e. would, icusellwomen pss in-, '0 V1 P! f. teka PAUSTIC tALW# P reli her uaidiinshj 'A, reliab t toot ot, the di ntflply a solid foundation . on w ich' Some, me n _in. ir.,satil u remedy -for don t e weig b ht' inerei666, Cui6a8plints t Fi sulkoncheeks, and flatte'n whed, :tsts- I V* - ont appreciate &,..g ing 13 tit ed �bu ts .1th4ji e and the A. Itlon tbfy ha 40�cfftk Ed' es gotr brig n 's rroun 7, 'By and.1, ii in P thrdUgh, the stem. Price eJawin cattle, ieA heah4 gitd sietigth i n da� gold �l 13 660,160 "Wokli U. - t t let the btil'I'l 9 pposite lli�� products tibeondr dutitig �a as T 9 S PER VIA ueol) '877 R V ,ug ilisei lox ill a" aTl 65 in , a B 66rroapdodi g, six month' iDf r 6 Veti3jl WY, 8 I lle, ti % on, published 0 It." -of P $95,664J85, especiany fet- toV, Vill I O�OCI ages Ind rural 'distrIcts in Weffeltif j.q 411.1rantO&I ONT, Price coid and bollionr Sold bV all anNEV GROCERIE8 0. CA'NbIES, in All eases excldd from the ebu'nt" It g ves an he news tip ON.9 O'CLO= tath day, ED �GOODS % ri 7, F1.01 V , I% r, '01, (;P, CKER RT; IC 11. - n t I C #­ 0 t E st r r " '�ANN: , I c6iintr orek ed Arnerfeanj Canadian; in !the to Uta'o Our sliedie6j forest eCONFEC'TIO NtRy. so including b .006d d 6ttln& litill A. or ; ap'culcuriq �at'idr Ani and UR-* �'Et to tIVeIV6, A� appe, r �o p. ii� g inlandIr lght, t -we �arket steadiesl sixteen odgei ort Saturday. m- k �ftnd good export, in iiid ii p�io �j m tions ot linporyiht d6frig.q and S lb e to,-sho' proml ei� peiar, e NOVATO' d LEOD ff, Rt Thejibdi-lefitl� death of Hon."Itielf- it SY T1 'd D a tneinbef of'thd Do - 0 F % ab'd al 1,,h, P U % 6 .0 MPU III od vill cause cap regret, aniong. Gin4, e or ai 't k 'rh L' ido�� 6je'Pedts Vvoak, ia 0 r �6 d a :to., tfi� dec6ssed I.bNdON- 'ONT�'� aSent ofiten was popti Livo an 'socis ly POP01 U) �r e . ...... it L4G,0 W t 61le to "H h kik Drii fig is t I mail by,Alrthi but di CH 11t. V0.k d 00 no* G 1% ort in anit is or or Y"fivd hoid % 4 rrj, �,­ jr;­ ... ... . .... . . ........ .... .... . .......