The Wingham Times, 1908-06-11, Page 5TUE
Kernels from the Saoctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
It a man ie henpecked it is beoanse
the deserves to be.
When extremes meet they don't al•
Nvi ya r000gnize each other.
CJil. Et '1' 47 fit. X -Eta
hears tee The Kind You Have Always Bought
Jilignof ""
Ever notice how many friends yen
leave wheu you don't need them?
An easy going man is apt to make it
lard going for his wife.
.Piles are easily and quickly checked
with Dr Shoop's Magic Ointment, To
prove it I wilt mail a small trial box as
sa tronvrootng teat. Stalely address Dr.
Shoop, Racice, Wis I surely would
slot send it free unless I was certain that
Dr Shoop's Magio Ointment would
Amid the test. Remember it is made
expressly and alone for swollen, painful,
lbleediug or Whine piles, either external
-or internal. Large jar 50e. Sold by all
It's the brand of trouble a man make
for himself that keeps him awak
Perhaps there is at least as mus
isrljoyment to be had in air -castles a
fin any other kind.
Dr. Chase's Clint
mentis a certain
an d guaranteed
curoforeach and
every form of
itching, bleeding
and protruding
;silos. Seo testimonials in tho press and ask
your neighbors about it. You can use it and
gist your money back if not satisti ed. 60c, at all
ltoalers or EDMANSON, .BATL;s & Co., Toronto.
A man is ever so much more likely
to agree with his wife if her cooking
sgrees with him.
Colored people of Chicago have or-
ganized to fight tuberculosis among
the members of their race. -
Imre the Tho Kind You Have Always Bohai
" Iiiigsatare
of I - &
'The majority for prohibition in North
Carolina is upward of 40,000, and it is
Isoesible it may reach 50,000.
Shortly after marriage the average
moan acts as if he had conferred a great
favor on his wife by leading her to the
The essential long -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
° trough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaotion. Price 25
It J. East of Shelburne received pos
-aiibly fatal injuries by the explosion of
the gas tank of a soda water fountain
"gad his assistant had an arm broken.
"This is carrying things too far,"
said the man, as he followed Ms wife
into the fifteenth department store.—
Columbia Jester.
Nervous Prostration.
Mrs. Edward Schwartz, Ladysmith,
Que., writes: "I had nervous prostra-
tion; could not sleep, had frequent
headaches and dizzy spells, palpitation
of the heart, was tired, exhausted and
-Seery irritable and nervous. Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food cured it all and I cannot
find words to express my thankfulness."
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food cures in
nature's way by forming rioh, red blood
Bind building up the system.
Tho death took plane on Thursday,
Ilay 28th, at the residenoe of her daugh-
ter, Mre. A. L, Weir, Goderioh, of Mrs.
Sane Routledge Welsh, reliot of the late
Thomas Welsh, at the age of 82 years.
Mrs. Welsh was one of the pioneers of
goderioh tp., but has for some years
made her home in Goderich. She and
her husband were members of Cole's
oknroh in the olden days and were held
in very high esteem.
(Generated Oxygen)
RHEUMATISM, as k allows the Kidneys
to freely discharge the Uric Acid
from the B1cod,
Cures Old Sores.
Good Family Medicine re use for Cuts,
and Bruises,
For Sale by all .Druggists.
42 iltsitbotd Street, Toronto, Canada
A smooth stranger passed forged
checks on the United Empire and Brit-
ish North America Banks at Hamilton,
getting $1 000, 110 has vanished;.
Legal action will be taken against the
Grand Trunk Railway by the city of
Guelph shortly to compel the company
to build a depot according to the pro-
misee trade to the city.
1 -
Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Biiliousneea, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or slokening,
James Barber, of Palmerston, while
assisting in shunting cars, was thrown
off the pilot of the engine. His foot
was badly wrenched, and be narrowly
missed falling under the wheels.
There is no particular barm in a
man tooting his own born. Ttyer,,trau
ble begins, when he does it so loudly,
that he foolishly imagines that he is
the whole band.
To step any pain, anytr here in 20
minutes, simply take just one of Dr
Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. Pain means
congestion—blood pressure—that is all.
Dr. Shoop's Headache—or Pink Pain
Tablets—will quiekey coax blood pres-
sure away from pain centres After
that, pain is gone Headache, Neural-
gia, painful periods with women, etc.
get instant help. 20 Tablets 25o. Sold
by all dealers.
A Chicago slaughter -house makes
thousands of dollars monthly by sav-
ing the gallstones found in the gall
bladder of animals and exporting them
to Japan, where they command a high
A German biologist has calculated
that the human brain contains 300,-
000,000 nerve cells, 5,000,000 of which
die and are succeeded by new ones
every day. At this rate we get an
entirely new brain every 60 days,
I �
if one feels dull and spiritless, in the
spring or early summer, they call it
-Spring Fever." But there is no fever
—usually. 16 is the after effects of our
winter habits. The nerves are mostly
at fault. Tired, worn-ont nerves leave
ae languid, lifeless and without spirit or
ambition. A few doses if Dr. Shoop's
Restorative will absolutely and. quickly
change all of these d. pressing symptoms
The Restorative of course won't bring
you back to health in a day or two, but
it will do enough in 48 hears to satisfy
yon that the remedy is reaching that
"tired spot," Druggists everywhere
are advising its use as a splendid and
prompt tonin, It gives more vim and
more spirit to a Spoonful than any other
known nerve or constitutional tonin. It
sharpens a failing appetite, aide diges
tion, frees sluggish livers and kidneys,
and brings new life, strength and am-
bition. Teat it a few days and be con-
The valves of the permits for building
during the first five months of the year
in Toronto are less, by over three million
dollars, than the record for the same
period of 1907.
A pretty wedding was celebrated in
St. George's church, Goderioh, Wednes-
day, June 3rd, at high noon when Mies
Helen Beatrice, youngest daughter of
Mrs. Horace Horton, became the bride
of Mr, 0. S. Pote, of the Standard Loan
Co., Toronto, formerly in connection
with the Goderich branch of the com-
Dorm's Kidney Pills act on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder
An old Scotohman, not feeling very
well, called upon a well-known doctor,
who gave him instructions as to diet,
exercise and rest. Among other things
he advised the patient to abstain from
all forme of spirits. "Do as I say,"
he added cheerfully, "and you'll soon
feel better." The Sootohman rose
silently and was about to withdraw
when the doctor detained Nim to men-
tion the all important topio of the fee.
"My advice will cost yon $2," he said,
"Aw, mebbe," said the old Sootchman
"but I'm nae gann to tek yer advioe "
The whole countryside is gladdened
by the appearance of the crops. Never
in the history of Western Ontario was
the pasture so lush and plentiful, never
the Holy of MR there rich and AIM'
dant, or the dairy outlook Snore hope-
ful. It is the same story all over On-
tario from Essex to Glengarry. From
Eastern Canada oomes no jarring note,
Ili the Great West the staple prop is
reported to have passed the dangerous
stage of spring time, and the prospects
of an abundant yield were never
brighter at this season. On all hands
there is ground for congratulation and
encouragement, The purchasing power
of the people neat Autumn bide fair to
be increased by tens of millions.
Spring Tiredness Cured
.By Harmless Remedy
Many are using It
arid receiving Benefit from lis
strength -giving power.
All winter long you worked hard,
This took lots of nerve force. I6 lasted
so far, Now it's all goue and you feel
half de'td.
Somehow you mast get new vitality
and more nerve force. The water in
your blond must be turned into strength
and building material. Your teettul ap
petite must be braced up. Some new
power must be imparted to your weak
This to just what happens in ming
Ferrezone which is an instant blood
maker, blood -enricher and nerve build-
Ferrezone not only mantes keen appe
tit:+, it goes further, improves di,estiou
and assimilation, eo that every particle
of food is converted into nerve and
muscle fibres.
By buildiug up new verve force and
making each organ do the work that
nature expects of it Ferrczone quickly
inoreases your weight and this instils a
reserve of vigor into the system that de-
fies wearies -ea exhaus ion, spring debit
ity or eiokuess of any hind.
To prove the enormone strengthening
power of Ferrozone we quote the follow-
ing letter from Mrs Gant P Gourmally,
well known in Middleville: "Last
March I was very run down, and thin,
I had no a petite and eo rcely telt like
eating at all. My face was pallid and
haggard and I bad dark circles under
my eyes My weight was seven pounds
under normal and day by day that awful
spring we.riness dragged me down
The charge Ferres;one wrought was
surprising It mnst certainly contain
wonderful strengthening properties be-
cause I gained strength, flesh and ap
petite from the day I started it. I
speedily came back to vigorous buoyant
health with Ferrozone and recommend
it as the beet medicine any person in
week health can take "
Ferrozone strengthens the weak. re-
stores the anaemic, soothes the nervous
assists men, women and children to bet
ter health. Try it. 50c. per b.x or six
boxes for $2 50.
Bread is baked in Persia from dough
rolled out as thin as a pancake and as
long as a towel.
The marriage took plane at Seattle.
Washington, May 27th, of Miss Anna
Mackay, formerly of the town treasnrer'e
office, Goderich, to Alvin Kinnear
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Some of the lake men say that Lake
Huron is very much lower this spring
than any year they can remember
This is peoular when we note the fact
that lake Ontario is some two feet high-
er than usual at this time of the year.
Men students in the psychology class
of Professor William Waugh of the
University of Chicago have petitioned
their professor to forbid the (wearing
of picture hats by the girls in the class
room. They say that the forests of veils
and plumes interrupt their gaze upon
the professor and cause them to flnnk,
As a spring medicince Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
Minnesota became fifty years old on
M onday. During the half century the
population of the State has grown from
150,000 to 2,000,000. The wealth of its
people was approximately $30,000,000
fifty years ago, and the assessed valua-
tion of their property now is $1,000,000,-
000, or $500 per capita instead of $200.
There are now more cultivated farms
supporting prosperous families than were
men, women and children in the State
fifty years ago. The capital pity of Sr.
Paul has 50 per cent. more population
than was credited to the entire State
fifty years ago.
The liver is the largest gland in the body; its
office is to take from the blood the properties
which form bile. When th, liver is torpid and
inflamed it cannot furnish bile to the bowels,
causing them to become bound and costive. The
aymptona are a feeling of fulness or weight in
the right side, and shooting pains in the same
region, pains between the shoulders, yellowness
of the skin and eyes, bowels irregular, coated
tongue, bad taste in the morning, etc.
kir Ira
are pleasant and easy to take, do not tripe,
weaken or Aitken, never fail in their effects, and
are by fat the safest and quickest remedy foe
ail diseases or disorders of the liver.
Price 25 cents, or 3 bottles for $1.00,
all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of
price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, ant.
Black Ftookipgs are Apt to assume a
greeuish shade atter repeat -d warbinge.
It is Said that a simple way of preserv-
ing the color is to wash them in soap
that is tree from soda, and to add in
the last reusing water a teaspoonful of
good viueger. Wring them out and
clap them into shape. A hot irou ttnda
to destroy the color, partioular]y if they
are wet.
When a glass bottle becomes so
discolored inside that shot or flue coal
will not oleanee it, fill the bottle with
finely chopped potato peeling, cork
tightly and let them remain for three
days, then the pot•llug will ferment.
At the end of that time rinse the glass
bottle out with warm water and the
stains will be found to have disap-
A number of fakirs have been going
t•hruuph the country taking ecbsorip•
none for newbpapere and imagers nes.
Tbey quote any price that may be nec-
essary to get the order, pocket the
mousy and are never heard of again
There is no remade for being caught by
any game of that kind, as your local
paper accepts eubseriptrons for all lead-
ing publications, and gives as low rates
as are possible trona any bona fide agent.
Mrs. Blank, wife of a prominent
minister near Boston, had in her em-
ploy a recently engaged colored cool as
black as the proverbial aoe of spades
One day Mrs. Blank said to haft "Ma
tilde, I wish that you would have oat-
meal quite often for breakfast. My
husband is very fond of it. He is
Sootob, and you know that the Scotch
eat a great deal of oatmeal." 'Oh, he's
Scotch, is he? "said Ma ilda, "Well,
now, do you know, I was tbinkio' a'l
all dat he wasn't dee like ne."—Woman's
Home Companion.
C A i5a3*CsXt. XA.
Sean the The Kind You Have Always Sought
Mr. Beatty Webster, a respeoted re-
sident of Ashfield, died at hie home, at
lot 6, con. 13, at 11 p. m., on Saturday
evening, May 90, after an illness from
sarcoma with whioh he had suffered for
about three years. About six weeks
ago he became bedfast, and though he
has, daring the past year, undergone
four sargical operations, he bore his
affliction patiently and without coin.
plaint. Deceased, whose age was 48
years, 7 months and 29 days, was in
religion a Methodist and a Conservative
in politics.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange the
whole system when entering it through
the mucous surfaoes. Such articles
should never be used except on preserip.
tions from reputable physicians, as the
damage they will do is ten fold to the
good you can possibly derive from them
Hail's Oatarrh 'Clare, manufactured by
F. J Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0., con-
tains no mercury, and is taken internal-
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system, In buy-
ing Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you got
the genuine. It is taken internally and
made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Oheney
& Co. Testimonials free.
Sold by Druggists. Price 750. per
Take Hall's Family Pills for con-
Mr. William Campbell of Goderich
has a silver watch that he wouldn't
exchange for the most expensive gold
time piece in Huron. It belonged to
his brother away back in the middle
sorties and was by him carried to
Australia in 1851. Next year he sent
it back and ever since it has been Mr.
Campbell's daily companion until now,
because of its reliability and association,
It has become almost priceless, Fifty-
iftysix years is a long while for a man to
carry the same watch.
Without reading it a man frequently
signs an ordinary document, and some-
times has cause to regret his signature.
While it might be only once in a hun-
dred times that such cause for regret
will occnr, it is bound to come, and for
all the time that it takes to read and
thoroughly understand every part of an
agreement, it pays to do so always.
The tnan you are negotiating with may
give the substance of an agreement in
bis own way and it may be substantially
correct. But the actual document may
embody some clause relating to the time
or even the amount of payment which
pats yon at a great disadvantage, or it
may contain a clause specifying an
article quite different from what yon
bargained for. Or, with dishonest in-
tent, he may entirely mislead yon, and
if he can get yeti to elan without read -
1 frig you are et his mercy,
Even in dealing with alien you know
and absolutely trust, it is no indication
of lack of confidence to him for yon to
read carefully and understand fully
every part of the agreement you are
making. he one best way to maintain
friendly business relations with every-
verybody is to have everything so clear that
it cannot possibly be misunderstood.
Failure to do this is responsible net only
ter losses but for lasting enmities; it is
the wise man who reads carefully and
understands clearly every document
before he signs his name.
Not a Miracle
But Medical Science
Dr. T. A. Slacurn, Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
"Smuo time ago I began to lose flesb
and failed every day until I had to
quit work. My physicians • and all my
friends said I had contracted consump-
tion. I failed front 105 pounds down
to 119. I was advised to go to the
Rockies or to the coast. I went to both
places under heavy expense. I con-
tinued to fail, and was advised by the
doctors to conic horns as nothing more
could be done for pre. hope seemed
to have left me.
"I tried Psychine and since starting
its use I have gained from 119 to 141
pounds. I have used $10.00 worth of
the medicine. I am a well man and I
cannot say too nruclr in praise of Psy-
chino. Tho strongest recommendation
would be weals in view of the fact that
I believe it has saved my life. It is
without doubt the best remedy for
run-down conditions and weak lungs.
"I sincerely hope and trust that you
will continue your good work of saving
run down people and consumptive from
the grave. Wishing you and Psychine
continued success, I remain, one of
Psychine's best friends."
,. est ALEX. McRAE,
Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.
Almost every' mail brings us letters
like the above,, Psychine will repeat
this record in every case. It, is the
greatest medicine known. At all drug-
gists, 50c and $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slo-
cum, Limited, Toronto.
The Bank of St. John baa suspended
payment. The liabilities are said to in-
o'ude all the assets except the actual
deposits, which the law required to be
made with the Province. Those who
bad placed their money in the bank
met at Montreal on Wednesday last,
and the number included orphans, nuns,
prime, guardians, and others, with
deposits of from ten to thousands of
dollars, and in the case of the smaller
deposits the amounts will simply be
wiped out. One farmer had deposited
$14 500 the day previous to the closing
of the bank's doors.
Constipation and Headache.
Mrs R Morrow, Bracebridge, Ont.,
writes: ' For many years I was troubled
constantly with constipation of the
bowels and never got anything to do me
the lasting good that has been obtained
from Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills.
They also cured me of headaches and
improved my general health very
much." There is a plane for Dr
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills in every
home as a cure for constipation, head-
ache and indigestion.
[ W. D. Nesbit, in Chicago Tribune.]
Some people long for lemonade
And some for fanny drinks,
And some for soda—with the aid
Of sundry wioked winks—
But when the sun is fierce and high,
'Tis then my fancies turn
To Buttermilk; 'tis then I sigh
For neotar from the churn.
Somewhere on earth there still must be
A "spring house," deep and low.
Half hid beneath a willow tree,
Whose houghs sweep to and fro,
And whisper to the rills that gush
Between the roots, and turn
To loiter in the shadowed hush
Where stands the sweating churn.
A dipper bangs upon the wall
To rob that soothing hoard—
But better, better yet than all,
Perhaps there is a gourd!
No votary has ever poured
Libations from an urn
Like buttermilk held in a gourd,
Raised from the roomy churn 1
Ah, can there be a finer thing!
It's sweet as honey dew!
The water rippling from the spring
Is laughing bank at you,
While merrily it drips and drips,
Through watercress and fern—
You taste the tang upott your lips
Of nectar from the churn.
Forgotten•then are drafts of wine
That all the senses cloy,
And yon your happy soul resign
To deep -drawn breaths of joy
And he who does not know of this
Has one glad truth to learn:
That buttermilk is liquid bliss
When ladled from the churn.
Yr. P. A. Labelle, Maniwaki, Que., writer we
aai follow': "I desire to thank you for your wea-
sterful cure, Burdock Blood Bitters,
Three years ago I had a very severe attack of
Dyspepsia. I tried Ave of the best doctors I
could find but they could de me ne good.
I was advised by a friend to try Burdock
Blood Ilittere and to my great surprise, atter
taking two bottles, Iwai so perfectly cured
that I have not hada sign of Dyspepata sins*.
I cannot praise it too highly to all sufferers. la
any experience it is the beat I ever used. Noth-
ing for me like B.B.B.
DonTacoept-a substitute for Burdoek Blood
Bittern, 'Tier it nothing " hat as good."
W. J. Lampton in New York World,
Thank goodness th re ie left to us
Some things for daily use,
Although the stook yards exposes
Are flying fast and loose.
The fence stake still is just as good
As e'er it was before,
And pigs of lead or iron remain
As they have beau of yore.
The toilor's goose is not prescribed
As daogerons to oat,
And we are glad the oar bog is
As yet not potted meat.
The jaolraes and the muttonhead,
The lobster and the olam.
Are just as easy at they were
Before the Sinclair damn.
The mule that spinners nee is safe;
Th9 donkey on the ship,
And eke the clothes horse have escaped
The sausage outter's nip.
The chops of ax and hatchet stand;
The bulls the Irish make,
The steer which guides the boat aright
Are spared the muoker's rake,
We're pleased to note we still have got
The same old Wail street lamb,
And thus far we have seen no sale
Of canned hydraulic ram.
Thank goodness there are left to ns
Some memories still sweet;
And in a sense of justice done
We murmur, "It is meet."
Weak women should try Dr. Shoop's
Night Cure. These soothing, healing,
antiseptic sulpostories ho direct to the
seat of these weaknesses. lily "Book
No 4 For Women" contains many val-
urble hints to women, and it is free.
Ask Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wie., to mail it.
Ask the Dootor in strictest confidence,
any gnesnon you wish answered. Dr.
Shoop's Night Cure is sold by all deal-
Shopping Otit of Town.
Rev. Wm. Phillip, pastor of tie Arn-
prior Methodist Church, in a sermon
r roently delivered from his pulpit, thus
spoke on the question of shopping out
of your own town: "The question has
often Dome to us, 'is a man an honest
man who lives in one plane and deals
almost exclusively in another?' It may
be at times that a man cannot obtain
wbat he really needs without going out-
side. We deal with principles and lay
down no rules to which there may be
some ex:eption, but it occurs to us that
there is something too selfish to be
honest in the man shy who lives in
Arnprior, breathes its salubrious air,
walks its granolithics, mingles in its
genial society, earns his living here, yet
deals in Ottawa or Toronto. He not
only lacks in publio spirit, in love for
his neighbor, exoept that he be far away,
but owes to the town a debt he is un.
willing to pay. A man of honor is just
as much bound to deal where be lives
as he is to pay hie taxes. If he doesn't
deal where he lives he would not pay
his taxes if he could help it. When it
comes to a man boasting of how he
lives in Arnprior and then goes and
sends elsewhere for what he buys, he
has lost his sense of shame, and his
emigration from the plaoe would be in
the public) interest."
A New Back for an Old One. Bow
it Is Done in Wingham.
The back aches at times with a dull'
feeling making you worry and restless,
Sharp pains shoot across the region of the
kidneys, it is agony to bend, stoop or.
lift. The rubbing of liniments or ap-
plication of plasters does no good in
these oases, they do not reach the cYluse.
To get rid of these symptoms and ex-
change the bad back for a new and
stronger one follow the example of this
Wingham citizen,
H. S Murray, of Victoria St. Wing -
ham, Ont. says: "My bank- had been
sore and tender for years and stooping'
or lifting anything would cause me
much suffering and it would take me
many seconds to straighten myself up
again. My rest would be broken sever-
al times each night with the frequent
and irregular secretions of the kidneys
and the urine was of a high Dolor and
filled with briok dust sediment. Taking
cold would usually cause this and I
would often awake as tired as on going
to bed. I had tried numerous remedies
without any apparent results. Booth's -
Kidney Pills were advertised and pro -
outing a box at Mr. McKibbon's Phar•
many I commenced treatment, My
bank soon strengthened and the pain
has not returned. The secretions were
brought to normal and the urine cleared.
I believe Booth's Kidney Piles the best
and most reliable of all remedies and
will greatly recommend them,"
Sold by Dealers. Price 50 oente. `-'
The R. T, Booth Co. Ltd., Fort Erie,
Ont., Sole Canadian Agents.
Hard luck and hard work seldom
travel together.
for Wingham and adjoining country ties"
"Canada's. Greatest Nurseries""
Largest list of commercial and do--
mestio fruits—large and small; orna-
mentals, and shade trees; flowering
shrubs, vines, roses, fine seed potatoes•
one of our specialties. Stook that ie. -
hardy comes from ns.
A permanent situation for the right
man, for whom the territory will be re-
served. Pay weekly. Free Equipment.
Write for particulars.
Fonthill Nurseries
(850 acres)
•••*•••••i+•• :.+9••••••••. ••••••••t•.•.••••O!••4.0••••t
•••••••440•114.114•44••••••••• •►•*••••••••••••••••••••0••
If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon
or make a better mouse -trap than bis neighbor, though he
build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten
path to his door.—Emer.on.
Get on the path to the door of the
Times Printing Office
Where mouse traps are not made but
Good Printing
Is turned out every day with neat-
ness and despatch; where up-to-date
materials and machinery are used,
and were mechanics with 'up-to-date
. ideas are employed; where quality
characterizes every piece of' work
and service given every buyer; where
cheap printing is never done, but
where good printingis done cheap;
where the kind of printing is done
that will lead the world to make a
beaten path to your door; where
particulars may be had by following
up the path to the office of
or by calling up 'Phone 4.